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Immunohistochemical study with antisera to chromogranin A and neuron-specific enolase, a general marker for nerves and endocrine cells, was used to quantify changes in bronchial neuroendocrine cells in guineapigs sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin. Actively sensitized animals were killed 2, 6, 24, 48, 72, and more than 144 hours after being challenged by an aerosolized solution of ovalbumin. The number of chromogranin A-immunoreactive cells was significantly greater in sensitized but unchallenged animals and in sensitized animals killed 2 and 6 h after challenge when compared to controls; it decreased significantly in animals killed more than 24 h after challenge when compared to sensitized, unchallenged animals. The number of neuron-specific-enolase-immunoreactive cells did not change. We conclude that the peptide content of bronchial neuroendocrine cells increases during sensitization and in the early phase of a hypersensitivity reaction, and that the cells release their granule contents in the late phase of such a reaction. They may therefore play a role in immunoallergic events in the lung.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopic, histoand biochemical study was carried out on the adrenal medulla of newborn and adult guinea-pigs giving special emphasis to small granule-containing (SGC) cells. Adrenaline (A) was the predominating catecholamine (CA) both in newborn (70–90 % of total CA) and adult (85–90%) guinea-pig adrenals. In analogy to the biochemical findings electron microscopy revealed a high predominance of A cells, which contained large granular vesicles with an average diameter of 180 nm. Most noradrenaline (NA) storing cells showed granular vesicles of a considerably smaller average diameter (80 nm) and had a higher nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. These cells were termed SGC-NA cells. NA cells with large granular vesicles (average diameter 170 nm) were extremely rare. Another type of SGC cells contained granular vesicles with cores of low to medium electron-density (SGC-NA-negative cells). Biochemical determinations made it unlikely that these cells contained predominantly dopamine (DA). SGC cells were scarcely innervated by cholinergic nerves. They formed processes, which were found both in the adrenal cortex and medulla contacting blood vessels including sinusoid capillaries, steroid producing cells of the reticularis and fasciculata zone and processes, which were interpreted to belong to medullary nerve cells.Two types of neurons were present in the guinea-pig adrenal medulla, one resembling the principal neurons in sympathetic ganglia, the other, which, according to its morphology, occupied an intermediate position between principal neurons and SGC cells.In adrenomedullary grafts under the kidney capsule, which were studied three weeks after transplantation, ordinary A cells resembled SGC-NA negative cells with respect to their ultramorphology. Processes of transplanted principal neurons showed uptake of 5-hydroxydopamine and, hence, were considered to be adrenergic. Despite the lack of extrinsic nerves to the transplants, few principal neurons received cholinergic synapses, the origin of which is uncertain to date.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/4)Dedicated to Professor H. Leonhardt in honor of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

It is thought that small intestinal epithelial stem cell progeny, via Notch signaling, yield a Hes1-expressing columnar lineage progenitor and an Atoh1 (also known as Math1)-expressing common progenitor for all granulocytic lineages including enteroendocrine cells, one of the body's largest populations of endocrine cells. Because Neurogenin 3 (Neurog3) null mice lack enteroendocrine cells, Neurog3-expressing progenitors derived from the common granulocytic progenitor are thought to produce the enteroendocrine lineage, although more recent work indicates that Neurog3+ progenitors also contribute to non-enteroendocrine lineages. We aimed to test this model and better characterize the progenitors leading from the stem cells to the enteroendocrine lineage. We investigated clones derived from enteroendocrine precursors and found no evidence of a common granulocytic progenitor that routinely yields all granulocytic lineages. Rather, enteroendocrine cells are derived from a short-lived bipotential progenitor whose offspring, probably via Notch signaling, yield a Neurog3+ cell committed to the enteroendocrine lineage and a progenitor committed to the columnar lineage. The Neurog3+ cell population is heterogeneous; only about 1/3 are slowly cycling progenitors, the rest are postmitotic cells in early stages of enteroendocrine differentiation. No evidence was found that Neurog3+ cells contribute to non-enteroendocrine lineages. Revised lineage models for the small intestinal epithelium are introduced.  相似文献   

Summary Different immunohistochemical techniques were used to identify the prolactin and growth hormone producing cells (STH cells) in the pituitary of normal guinea pigs at the ultrastructural level.Prolactin cells revealed two main aspects: 1. Cells with granules from 2500 to 3500 Å in diameter some of which are irregularly shaped. These granulations are scattered throughout the whole cytoplasm. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is well developed and organized in parallel lamellae. 2. In cells of the second type the granules are less numerous and smaller in diameter (1800 to 2500 Å) and the rough endoplasmic reticulum is less well developed.The cytoplasm of the STH cells contains many more round granules (generally grouped) which also range from 2500 to 3500 Å in diameter.The prolactin molecules and the STH molecules are essentially confined to the granules but with the immunocytochemical technique before embedding a slightly diffuse reaction appeared in the entire cytoplasm. These results are discussed.This work was supported by a grant from U.E.R. III LilleChercheur I.N.S.E.R.M.  相似文献   

Summary A dividing granule-containing cell is described in the pelvic ganglion of the guinea-pig two days after pelvic nerve section. This appears to be the first report of a dividing granule-containing cell in adult tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The peptides cholecystokinin (CCK), neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin (SOM), substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and the synthesizing enzyme for acetylcholine, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) were localized immunohistochemically in nerve cell bodies of the submucous ganglia in the small intestine of the guinea-pig. VIP-like immunoreactivity was found in 45% of submucous neurons. ChAT immunoreactivity was observed in a separate group of nerve cells, which made up 54% of the total population. There were three subsets of neurons immunoreactive for ChAT: (1) ChAT neurons that also contained immunoreactivity for each of the peptides CCK, SOM and NPY, representing 29% of all submucous neurons; (2) ChAT neurons that also contained SP-like immunoreactivity, representing 11% of all submucous neurons, and (3) ChAT cells that did not contain any detectable amount of the peptides that were localized in this study.  相似文献   

Summary Four immunoreactive endocrine cell types can be distinguished in the pancreatic islets of B. conchonius: insulin-producing B cells, somatostatin-producing A1 (= D) cells, glucagon-producing A2 cells and pancreatic poly-peptide-producing PP cells. The principal islet of this species contains only a few PP cells, while many PP cells are present in the smaller islets. Except for the B cell all pancreatic endocrine cell types are also present in the pancreatic duct.At least six enteroendocrine cell types are present in the gut of B. conchonius: 1. a cell type (I) with small secretory granules, present throughout the intestine, and possibly involved in the regulation of gut motility; 2. a C-terminal gastrin immunoreactive cell, probably producing a caerulein-like peptide; these cells are located at the upper parts of the folds, especially in the proximal part of the intestinal bulb; 3. a met-enkephalin-immunoreactive cell, present throughout the first segment; 4. a glucagon-immunoreactive cell, which is rare in the first segment; 5. a PP-immunoreactive cell, mainly present in the first half of the first segment; 6. an immunoreactive cell, which cannot at present be specified, located in the intestinal bulb. The latter four cell types are mostly located in the basal parts of the folds, although some PP-immunoreactive cells can also be found in the upper parts.Most if not all enteroendocrine cells are of the open type. The possible functions of all enteroendocrine cell types are discussed.Abbreviations BPP bovine pancreatic polypeptide - CCK cholecystokinin - GEP gastro-entero-pancreatic - GIP gastric inhibitory peptide or glucose-dependent insulin releasing peptide - PPP pig pancreatic polypeptide - VIP vasoactive intestinal polypeptide  相似文献   

Summary The distribution patterns of peptide-containing neurons and endocrine cells were mapped in sections of oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine of the rabbit, by use of standard immunohistochemical techniques. Whole mounts of separated layers of ileum were similarly examined. Antibodies raised against vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), substance P (SP), somatostatin (SOM), neuropeptide Y (NPY), enkephalins (ENK) and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) were used, and for each of these antisera distinct populations of immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibres were observed. Endocrine cells were labelled by the SP, SOM or NPY antisera in some regions.VIP-IR nerve fibres were common in each layer throughout the gastrointestinal tract. With the exception of the oesophagus, GRP-IR nerve fibres also occurred in each layer of the gastrointestinal tract; they formed a particularly rich network in the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Fewer nerve fibres containing NPY-IR or SOM-IR were seen in all areas. SOM-IR nerve fibres were very scarce in the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of each area and were absent from the gastric mucosa. The SP-IR innervation of the external musculature and ganglionated plexuses in most regions was rather extensive, whereas the mucosa was only very sparsely innervated. ENK-IR nerve fibres were extremely rare or absent from the mucosa of all areas, although immunoreactive nerve fibres were found in other layers.These studies illustrate the differences in distribution patterns of peptide-containing nerve fibres and endocrine cells along the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit and also show that there are some marked differences in these patterns, in comparison with other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopical study of olfactory epithelium of a mud-dwelling catfish,Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) shows receptor, supporting, goblet and basal cells. The receptor cells are of ciliated and microvillous type. Both ciliated and microvillous receptor cells are provided with olfactory knob. The dendrite of all the receptor cells bears many longitudinally arranged microtubules. Occurrence of the rod cell and its function is quite debatable. Specialized juctional complexes between the receptor and adjacent cells are clearly noted. The supporting cells are both ciliated and nonciliated. The ciliated supporting cells are responsible for water ventilation in the olfactory chamber as well as in the inter-lamellar spaces. This facilitates better perception of odours by the receptor cells. In addition to providing mechanical support to other cells, the nonciliated supporting cells also have a secretory function which is evident from the present study. The different stages of maturity of goblet cells are well documented. The presence of white cells in the olfactory epithelium is a very rare finding.  相似文献   

Summary Hair cells of the guinea-pig cochlea and vestibular system were prepared for electron-microscopic examination by fixing in glutaraldehyde without the use of osmium. An extensive array of cross-links was seen between the apical ends of the stereocilia, by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Some cross-links ran laterally between stereocilia of the same row. Others ran laterally between the stereocilia of the different rows, holding the tips of the shorter stereocilia in towards the longer stereocilia of the next row. In addition, each tip on the shorter stereocilia gave rise to a single, upwards pointing link, which ran upwards to join the adjacent taller stereocilium of the next row. We suggest that distortion of this link might be involved in the mechanics or even the membrane biophysics of sensory transduction.With this method of preservation, all the apical surface membranes of the hair cells appeared rough, and contained dense granules. The roughness was greatest in the parts of the stereocilia to which the cross-links were attached. The mitochondrial and synaptic membranes of the hair cells appeared normal.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that neurofilament proteins are expressed by type II neurons in the enteric plexuses of a range of species from mouse to human. However, two previous studies have failed to reveal this association in the guinea-pig. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry for neurofilaments has revealed neurons with a single axon and spiny dendrites in human and pig but this morphology has not been described in the guinea-pig or other species. We have used antibodies against high- and medium-weight neurofilament proteins (NF-H and NF-M) to re-examine enteric neurons in the guinea-pig. NF-H immunoreactivity occurred in all type II neurons (identified by their IB4 binding) but these neurons were never NF-M-immunoreactive. On the other hand, 17% of myenteric neurons expressed NF-M. Many of these were uni-axonal neurons with spiny dendrites and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity. NOS immunoreactivity occurred in surface expansions of the cytoplasm that did not contain neurofilament immunoreactivity. Thus, because of their NOS immunoreactivity, spiny neurons had the appearance of type I neurons. This indicates that the apparent morphologies and the morphological classifications of these neurons are dependent on the methods used to reveal them. We conclude that spiny type I NOS-immunoreactive neurons have similar morphologies in human and guinea-pig and that many of these are inhibitory motor neurons. Both type II and neuropeptide-Y-immunoreactive neurons in the submucosal ganglia exhibit NF-H immunoreactivity. NF-M has been observed in nerve fibres, but not in nerve cell bodies, in the submucosa. This work was supported by a grant from the National Health and Medical Council of Australia (grant number 400020).  相似文献   

Using an affinity purified antibody raised against the RI-H fragment of rat intestinal lectin L-36, the latter protein has been identified within the esophageal epithelium by means of ultracryotomy followed by immunogold labeling. The epithelium consists of 4 morphologically distinct cell-types, namely, the basal, spiny, granular and squamous cells, and each of these exhibits a different immunolabeling pattern. The basal cells form a layer on the basal lamina, and in these a diffuse cytoplasmic staining is observed. This basal cell layer is overlaid by spiny cells that extend many cell processes into wide intercellular spaces. In these cells, immunogold particles are found only on small granular inclusions consisting of an electron-lucent homogeneous substance. The granular cells from a third layer over the spiny cells, and are characterized by a number of large granular inclusions with an electron-dense core rimmed by a less electron-dense substance. Immunogold labeling is found on these granules, both on the core and peripheral region. Squamous cell-types constitute the most superficial layer of the epithelium. They are without granular inclusions, and immunogold labeling is confined to the cytoplasmic surface of the thickened plasma membrane. These findings suggest that L-36 is produced in the basal cells as free cytosolic protein, then becomes progressively aggregated into the granular inclusions of the spiny and granular cells, and is eventually transferred onto the cytoplasmic surface of the squamous cell plasma membrane where it may interact with complementary glycoconjugate(s) located at this site. The membrane lining substance thus formed may play a role in stabilizing the squamous cell membranes, thereby maintaining the structural integrity of the epithelium against mechanical stress coming from the esophageal lumen.  相似文献   

Summary The present work was undertaken to determine by immunocytochemical methods which of the putative enteric neurotransmitters are contained in axons supplying the guinea-pig taenia coli and what proportion of axons is accounted for by the presence of these substances. Numerous fibres displayed immunoreactivity for dynorphin (DYN), enkephalin (ENK), -aminobutyric acid (GABA), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), but, in contrast to other gut regions, fibres showing immunoreactivity for gastrin-releasing peptide, galanin and neuropeptide Y were rare in the taenia. Fibres reactive for calbindin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, cholecystokinin, 5-hydroxytryptamine and somatostatin were also rare. Tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity (TH-LI) was present in numerous fibres that disappeared after extrinsic denervation, a procedure that did not detectably affect any of the other major groups of fibres. Simultaneous staining of extrinsically denervated preparations revealed that SP-LI and VIP-LI were located in separate fibres, and ultrastructural studies showed these to be 58% and 33% of intrinsic fibres supplying the muscle. Immunoreactivity for the general marker, neuron-specific enolase, was located in 95–98% of axons. ENK-LI and DYN-LI were in the same axons, and similar proportions of the fibres with either SP-LI or VIP-LI, about 85%, contained immunoreactivity for ENK and DYN. All VIP-LI fibres, but no SP-LI fibres, were reactive for NOS. The results imply that the taenia of the guinea-pig caecum is innervated by two major groups of enteric neurons: (i) excitatory neurons that contain ACh, SP, other tachykinins, and, in most cases, DYN-LI and ENK-LI; and (ii) inhibitory neurons that contain NOS-LI, VIP-LI, in most cases, the two opioids and, quite probably, ATP as a transmitter. GABA-LI is contained in a smaller population of intrinsic axons. Even though the taenia represents one of the simplest tissues for examining transmission from enteric neurons to intestinal muscle, it shares some of the complexity of other regions, in that four major axon types supply the muscle and both the enteric excitatory and enteric inhibitory neurons contain multiple transmitters.  相似文献   

Cell lineage analysis is critical in understanding the relationship between progenitors and differentiated cells as well as the mechanism underlying the process of differentiation. In order to study the zebrafish endocrine pancreas cell lineage, transgenic expression of diphtheria toxin gene A chain (DTA) under two cell type-specific promoters derived from the insulin (ins) and somatostatin2 (sst2) genes was used to ablate the two types of endocrine cells: insulin-producing β-cells and somatostatin-producing δ-cells, respectively. We found that ablation of β-cells resulted in a reduction of not only β-cells but also glucagon-producing α-cells; in contrast, δ-cells were largely unaffected. Ablation of δ-cells led to reduction of all three types of endocrine cells: α-, β-, and δ. Interestingly, α-cells were more profoundly affected in both β- and δ-cell ablations and were frequently reduced together with β- and δ-cells. By taking advantage of Tg(ins:gfp) and Tg(sst2:gfp) lines, we also monitored the changes of different types of endocrine cells in vivo after ablation and found that both β- and δ-cell populations significantly recovered by 3 dpf after their ablation and it seemed that δ-cells had a better capability of recovery than β-cells. Thus, our current observations indicated differential interdependence of these three cell lineages. The development of zebrafish α-cells, but not δ-cells, is dependent on β-cells, while the development of both α- and β-cells is dependent on δ-cells. In contrast, the development of δ-cells was independent of β-cells.  相似文献   



The collective cell migration of stratified epithelial cells is considered to be an important phenomenon in wound healing, development, and cancer invasion; however, little is known about the mechanisms involved. Furthermore, whereas Rho family proteins, including RhoA, play important roles in cell migration, the exact role of Rho-associated coiled coil-containing protein kinases (ROCKs) in cell migration is controversial and might be cell-type dependent. Here, we report the development of a novel modified scratch assay that was used to observe the collective cell migration of stratified TE-10 cells derived from a human esophageal cancer specimen.


Desmosomes were found between the TE-10 cells and microvilli of the surface of the cell sheet. The leading edge of cells in the cell sheet formed a simple layer and moved forward regularly; these rows were followed by the stratified epithelium. ROCK inhibitors and ROCK small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) disturbed not only the collective migration of the leading edge of this cell sheet, but also the stratified layer in the rear. In contrast, RhoA siRNA treatment resulted in more rapid migration of the leading rows and disturbed movement of the stratified portion.


The data presented in this study suggest that ROCKs play an important role in mediating the collective migration of TE-10 cell sheets. In addition, differences between the effects of siRNAs targeting either RhoA or ROCKs suggested that distinct mechanisms regulate the collective cell migration in the simple epithelium of the wound edge versus the stratified layer of the epithelium.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40659-015-0039-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal in the subserosa (ICC-SS) of the guinea-pig proximal colon were studied by immunohistochemistry for c-Kit receptors and by transmission electron microscopy. These cells were distributed within a thin layer of connective tissue space immediately beneath the mesothelium and were multipolar with about five primary cytoplasmic processes that divided further into secondary and tertiary processes to form a two-dimensional network. Ultrastructural observations revealed that ICC-SS were connected to each other via gap junctions. They also formed close contacts and peg-and-socket junctions with smooth muscle cells. Three-dimensional analysis of confocal micrographs revealed that the cytoplasmic processes of ICC-SS had contacts with interstitial cells in the longitudinal muscle layer. Taking account of the location and peculiar arrangement of the ICC-SS and the main functions of the proximal colon, i.e. the absorption and transport of fluids, we suggest that the superficial network of ICC-SS acts as a stretch receptor to detect circumferential expansion and swelling of the colon wall and triggers the contraction of the longitudinal muscle to accelerate the drainage of fluids from the colon.  相似文献   

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