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艾炎军  曾庆韬 《昆虫学报》2010,53(12):1345-1351
黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster黑条体果蝇(ebsr)与黑檀体果蝇(e)为同一个基因(ebony)的不同突变体, 两者具有相似的形态表型, 但行为特征表现出明显的差异。本研究以黑条体、 黑檀体和野生型果蝇为研究对象, 首先检测果蝇的视力和活跃度, 再采用不同交配组合进行求偶成功率、交配时间和求偶模式的分析。结果表明: 黑条体果蝇视力与活跃度与野生型果蝇比较无显著差异; 黑条体果蝇的交配成功率和交配潜伏期与野生型果蝇不存在显著的差异; 黑檀体果蝇的交配成功率和交配潜伏期与野生型果蝇存在极显著的差异(P<0.000)。黑条体果蝇表现出异于黑檀体果蝇的活跃度和交配活力, 可能是由于黑条体果蝇ebony基因的新突变导致了果蝇体内多巴胺水平异常, 从而形成了黑条体果蝇独特的求偶模式。  相似文献   

分为3部分第1部分为光因子对棉铃虫雌蛾求偶行为的影响;第2部分为光因子对棉铃虫雌蛾性信息素(Z-11-16Ald)含量的影响;第3部分为光因子对棉铃虫雌蛾脑因子活性的影响。研究结果表明用非正常光周期、间隔光照、不同光质处理棉铃虫雌蛾后,求偶峰值下降,求偶节律混乱,性信息素含量下降,脑因子活性受到抑制。主要研究目的是探讨一种不使用或少使用农药的新型生态防治方法。  相似文献   

分为3部分:第1部分为光因子对棉铃虫雌蛾求偶行为的影响;第2部分为光因子对棉铃虫雌蛾信息素(Z-11-16:Ald)含量的影响;第3部分为光因子以棉铃虫雌蛾脑因子活性的影响。研究结果表明:用正常光周期、间隔光照、不间光质处理棉铃虫雌蛾后,求偶蜂值下降,求偶节律混乱,性住处素含量下降,脑因子活性受到抑制,主要研究目的的是探讨一种不使用或少使用农药的新药生态防治方法。  相似文献   

昆虫交配因子及其分子基础   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了目前昆虫交配因子的研究概况,包括昆虫交配因子的来源、类别、对雌虫行为和性信息素滴度的影响;在雌虫体内的传递路径及作用机理,以及交配因子的分子生物学研究。  相似文献   

果蝇(Drosophila)的求偶行为受多个基因调控,例如fruitless(fru)、dissatisfaction(dsf)和retained(retn)等。它们通过不同的剪切方式产生特异性产物,利用这些产物来控制雌雄果蝇的求偶行为,它们的剪切方式是雌雄果蝇求偶行为和性别决定所必需的。主要阐述了这些基因在果蝇求偶行为方面的分子调控机制,为进一步研究果蝇的求偶行为和性别决定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】明确斑翅果蝇Drosophilasuzuki求偶行为的特征及过程、视觉因素与信息素粗提物在求偶行为中的作用。【方法】在室内条件下[温度(24±1)℃、相对湿度65%±5%,光周期14L∶10D],通过一系列的行为实验观察斑翅果蝇的求偶行为特征及过程。【结果】雄虫的求偶特征为当雌雄虫相遇前或相遇时,雌虫腹部末端翘起,雄虫转向追逐雌虫且翅膀展开;当雌虫静止时,雄虫在雌虫前方展开翅膀并伴随翅膀振动,之后雄虫绕到雌虫侧面,使用前足触碰雌虫并很快返回雌虫前方展开翅膀,随后绕到雌虫尾部弯曲腹部试图进行交配。3日龄雌虫的求偶行为次数最多,为(127.4±10.0)次,且求偶高峰期出现在进入光照期后的3-4 h时段内,为(59.2±5.4)次。与单一因素相比,未交配雌虫卵巢粗提物与死亡虫体共同作用时能够显著激发雄虫的求偶行为。进一步观察结果显示,卵巢粗提物对斑翅果蝇未交配雄虫具有显著的引诱效果,但仅有卵巢粗提物出现时并不能显著增强雄虫求偶行为。【结论】能引起斑翅果蝇雄虫求偶的化学物质(性信息素)存在斑翅果蝇雌虫卵巢中,视觉因素和性信息素联合作用才能显著增强雄虫的求偶行为。  相似文献   

赵新成 《昆虫知识》2005,42(4):469-469
全球农业经济的损失主要来自昆虫幼虫的取食,而昆虫幼虫的取食主要是依靠气味介导的嗅觉作用。耶鲁大学的昆虫嗅觉神经生物学家对黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster幼虫嗅觉分子基础进行了研究。RT—PCR扩增出23个气味受体基因,其中13个基因,同成虫触角和下颚须内的气味受体基因相同,  相似文献   

果实蝇Bactrocera是危害经济作物的一类重要农业害虫,研发有效的果实蝇防控技术是现代农业产业发展的迫切需求。雄性不育技术是防控果实蝇高效绿色的防控方法。深入研究果实蝇求偶行为是雄性不育技术顺利开展的前提,也能为开发新防控技术提供有效的生物学靶标。本文将以果蝇研究作为对照,对果实蝇求偶行为与求偶歌的研究相关进展进行总结。果实蝇求偶行为基本属于预交配求偶行为,但其求偶歌中是否具有物种特异性的特征参数还有待验证。这为下一步开展果实蝇求偶行为与求偶歌的研究工作提供了基本依据与方向性引导。  相似文献   

通过不同温度对果蝇羽化至交配时间的影响试验,发现在5℃、10℃条件下果蝇雌雄混存, 处女蝇的安全期可由8 h分别延长到72 h、48 h以内。  相似文献   

麦蛾的求偶行为与区分等级的方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
周祖琳 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):270-273
求偶行为是麦蛾的本能,主要由自身生理状态决定,雌蛾全是自发行为,雄蛾多是对异性信息刺激的反应。两性求偶行为都有固定发生程序,有明显的阶段性。本文按其阶段程序特点把两性求偶行为各分为3等9级。非求偶行为概作0等0级。等级数值大小反映了性兴奋强度,统计分析级别数值,就能确定个体或蛾群求偶行为的动态。  相似文献   

Females of many animal species mate several times with different males (polyandry), whereas females of some species mate with a single male (monandry) only once. Little is known about the mechanisms by which these different mating systems evolve. Females of Drosophila prolongata mate serially, unlike Drosophila melanogaster females that refuse to remate for several days after their first mating (remating suppression [RS]). Nevertheless, interestingly, nonvirgin D. prolongata females refuse to remate with males that are prohibited from performing their species-specific courtship behavior, leg vibration (LV), suggesting that LV overrides RS making it cryptic in D. prolongata. In this study, we examined how long this cryptic RS persists. Surprisingly, it was sustained for at least 2 weeks, showing that RS is substantially augmented in D. prolongata compared to that of D. melanogaster. The two most closely related species to D. prolongata, Drosophila rhopaloa and Drosophila carrolli, do not perform LV and showed augmented RS, supporting the idea that augmented RS could have evolved before LV was acquired. These results suggested that D. prolongata females are intrinsically monandrous, whereas the newly evolved courtship behavior makes them polyandrous. This is a rare case in which a proximate mechanism of polyandry evolution from monandry is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviours may provide a more reliable means of identifying reproductively isolated taxa than traits such as morphology or many genetic markers. Here we describe the courtship songs of the Drosophila willistoni sibling species group, which consists of several species and subspecies. We find that song pattern is species-specific, despite significant differences among strains within species. D. paulistorum has the most variable song pattern, which reflects this species' traditional subdivision into semispecies. All the other species could be unambiguously identified by song. The major differences among these species was in the interpulse interval, as has been found in other studies of fly song. However, the interpulse intervals of the species studied here were often multimodal. This was partly due to the presence of multiple song types within the courtship repertoire, but it also reflected changes in interpulse interval within a song type by some males. Unusually, some species had distinctively patterned variation in interpulse interval. Song must have evolved rapidly within the species complex, probably due to sexual selection.  相似文献   

For many years it was thought that Drosophila melanogaster was relatively panmictic, without differentiation in the Mate Recognition System. Recent studies have demonstrated that flies from Africa vary in pheromones and assortative mating. Strains from Zimbabwe show strong sexual isolation from others. We show that the interpulse interval (IPI) of courtship song, an important mating signal, is unusually short among African flies. Zimbabwean flies have the shortest IPI, but there is no correlation with assortative mating, suggesting little direct role in sexual isolation. Chromosome replacements show that the IPI difference is largely due to genes on chromosome III, with significant interactions involving other chromosomes. Several traits potentially influencing sexual isolation among the melanogaster group of Drosophila seem to be localized to this chromosome. A concentration of important genetic differences might mean that the interaction effects reflect secondary coadaptation of the genetic background to changes associated with chromosome III.  相似文献   

Induction of alternative mating tactics by surrounding conditions, such as the presence of conspecific males, is observed in many animal species. Satellite behaviour is a remarkable example in which parasitic males exploit the reproductive investment by other males. Despite the abundance of parasitic mating tactics, however, few examples are known in which males alter courtship behaviour as a counter tactic against parasitic rivals. The fruit fly Drosophila prolongata shows prominent sexual dimorphism in the forelegs. When courting females, males of D. prolongata perform ‘leg vibration’, in which a male vibrates the female''s body with his enlarged forelegs. In this study, we found that leg vibration increased female receptivity, but it also raised a risk of interception of the female by rival males. Consequently, in the presence of rivals, males of D. prolongata shifted their courtship behaviour from leg vibration to ‘rubbing’, which was less vulnerable to interference by rival males. These results demonstrated that the males of D. prolongata adjust their courtship behaviour to circumvent the social context-dependent risk of leg vibration.  相似文献   

小地老虎的交配行为和能力   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在温度为(25±1)℃、相对湿度为70%±7%、光周期(L∶D)为14∶10h的条件下对小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)的交配行为和能力进行研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化后1d才进行交配。雄蛾和雌蛾都可以多次交配。交配能力受性比的影响很大,当1头雄蛾仅与1头雌蛾相处时,其交配能力低;当1头雄蛾与多于2头的雌蛾在一起时或1头雌蛾与多于2头的雄蛾在一起时,交配能力则显著增加。还讨论了该研究结果应用的可能性。  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾交配行为和能力   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
罗礼智  曹卫菊  钱坤  胡毅 《昆虫学报》2003,46(4):494-499
在(27±1)℃,光周期L14∶D10的条件下对甜菜夜蛾I>Spodoptera exigua的交配行为及能力进行了研究。结果表明:成虫在羽化当晚即可进行交配,交配率以羽化后头三个晚上的较高(>82%),但从第4天起则显著下降。成虫一天中的交配时间出现于23:30~05:30之间,交配高峰出现在01:30~02:30和03:00~04:00 之间, 其中以第1高峰的发生频率较高。成虫交配持续时间从22~191 min不等,但以30~60 min的为多(40.8%, n=97), 60~90 min的次之(19.4%),超过180 min的较少(10.2 %)。另外,交配持续时间与蛾龄紧密相关。蛾龄越大,交配持续的时间越长,且差异显著。雄蛾一生的交配能力由1~11次不等,但受性比的影响显著:在性比为1∶1的条件下,雄蛾平均交配次数仅为3.0 次,而在2♀∶1至5♀∶1时,则增加到5.1~6.0 次。雌蛾交配比例及次数受性比的影响也很大:没有交配的雌蛾比例从1∶1时的8.3%增加到5♀∶1时的32%,仅交配一次的比例从16.7%增加到38.7%,而交配≥5 次的比例则从 25%下降到0。最后,对这些结果在甜菜夜蛾防治中应用的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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