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The MinC protein is an important determinant of septal ring positioning in Escherichia coli. The N-terminal domain ((Z)MinC) suppresses septal ring formation by interfering with FtsZ polymerization, whereas the C-terminal domain ((D)MinC) is required for dimerization as well as for interaction with the MinD protein. MinD oscillates between the membrane of both cell halves in a MinE-dependent fashion. MinC oscillates along with MinD such that the time-integrated concentration of (Z)MinC at the membrane is minimal, and hence the stability of FtsZ polymers is maximal, at the cell center. MinC is cytoplasmic and fails to block FtsZ assembly in the absence of MinD, indicating that recruitment of MinC by MinD to the membrane enhances (Z)MinC function. Here, we present evidence that the binding of (D)MinC to MinD endows the MinC/MinD complex with a more specific affinity for a septal ring-associated target in vivo. Thus, MinD does not merely attract MinC to the membrane but also aids MinC in specifically binding to, or in close proximity to, the substrate of its (Z)MinC domain. MinC-mediated division inhibition can also be activated in a MinD-independent fashion by the DicB protein of cryptic prophage Kim. DicB shows little homology to MinD, and how it stimulates MinC function has been unclear. Similar to the results obtained with MinD, we find that DicB interacts directly with (D)MinC, that the (D)MinC/DicB complex has a high affinity for some septal ring target(s), and that MinC/DicB interferes with the assembly and/or integrity of FtsZ rings in vivo. The results suggest a multistep mechanism for the activation of MinC-mediated division inhibition by either MinD or DicB and further expand the number of properties that can be ascribed to the Min proteins.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli FtsZ assembles into a Z ring at midcell while assembly at polar sites is prevented by the min system. MinC, a component of this system, is an inhibitor of FtsZ assembly that is positioned within the cell by interaction with MinDE. In this study we found that MinC consists of two functional domains connected by a short linker. When fused to MalE the N-terminal domain is able to inhibit cell division and prevent FtsZ assembly in vitro. The C-terminal domain interacts with MinD, and expression in wild-type cells as a MalE fusion disrupts min function, resulting in a minicell phenotype. We also find that MinC is an oligomer, probably a dimer. Although the C-terminal domain is clearly sufficient for oligomerization, the N-terminal domain also promotes oligomerization. These results demonstrate that MinC consists of two independently functioning domains: an N-terminal domain capable of inhibiting FtsZ assembly and a C-terminal domain responsible for localization of MinC through interaction with MinD. The fusion of these two independent domains is required to achieve topological regulation of Z ring assembly.  相似文献   

Placement of the Z ring at midcell in Escherichia coli is assured by the action of the min system, which blocks usage of potential division sites that exist at the cell poles. This activity of min is achieved through the action of an inhibitor of division, MinC, that is activated by MinD and topologically regulated by MinE. In this study, we have used a functional GFP-MinC fusion to monitor the location of MinC. We find that GFP-MinC is a cytoplasmic protein in the absence of the other Min proteins. The addition of MinD, a peripheral membrane protein that interacts with MinC, results in GFP-MinC appearing on the membrane. In the presence of both MinD and MinE, GFP-MinC oscillates rapidly between the halves of the cell. Thus, MinC is positioned by the other Min products, but in a dynamic manner so that it is in position to inhibit Z ring assembly away from midcell.  相似文献   

The MinC division inhibitor is required for accurate placement of the septal ring at the middle of the Escherichia coli cell. The N-terminal domain of MinC ((Z)MinC) interferes with FtsZ assembly, while the C-terminal domain ((D)MinC) mediates both dimerization and complex formation with either MinD or DicB. Binding to either of these activators greatly enhances the division-inhibitory activity of MinC in the cell. The MinD ATPase plays a crucial role in the rapid pole-to-pole oscillation of MinC that is proposed to force FtsZ ring formation to midcell. DicB is encoded by one of the cryptic prophages on the E. coli chromosome (Qin) and is normally not synthesized. Binding of MinD or DicB to (D)MinC produces complexes that have high affinities for one or more septal ring-associated targets. Here we show that the FtsZ-binding protein ZipA is required for both recruitment of the (D)MinC/DicB complex to FtsZ rings and the DicB-inducible division block normally seen in MinC(+) cells. In contrast, none of the known FtsZ-associated factors, including ZipA, FtsA, and ZapA, appear to be specifically required for targeting of the (D)MinC/MinD complex to rings, implying that the two MinC/activator complexes must recognize distinct features of FtsZ assemblies. MinD-dependent targeting of MinC may occur in two steps of increasing topological specificity: (i) recruitment of MinC from the cytoplasm to the membrane, and (ii) specific targeting of the MinC/MinD complex to nascent septal ring assemblies on the membrane. Using membrane-tethered derivatives of MinC, we obtained evidence that both of these steps contribute to the efficiency of MinC/MinD-mediated division inhibition.  相似文献   

SulA and MinCD are specific inhibitors of cell division in Escherichia coli. In this paper, size exclusion chromatography was used to study the effect of the SulA and MinCD division inhibitors on the oligomerization state of endogenous FtsZ in cytoplasmic extracts, and immunofluorescence microscopy was used to determine the effect of SulA and MinCD on the formation of FtsZ, FtsA and ZipA rings at potential division sites. SulA prevented the formation of high-molecular-weight FtsZ polymers by interfering with FtsZ dimerization and subsequent oligomerization. In contrast, the MinCD division inhibitor did not prevent the oligomerization of FtsZ in the cell extracts or the formation of FtsZ and ZipA ring structures in vivo. However, MinCD did prevent the formation of FtsA rings. Increased expression of ftsA suppressed MinCD-induced division inhibition, but had no effect on SulA-induced division inhibition. These results indicate that MinCD blocks the assembly of the septation machinery at a later step than SulA, at the stage at which FtsA is added to the FtsZ ring.  相似文献   

A number of temperature-sensitive cdc- mutants ofSchizosaccharomyces pombe that are affected in septum formation were analyzed with respect to their ultrastructure and the composition of their cell wall polymers. One mutant strain, cdc 16–116, has a cell wall composition similar to the wild type (strain 972 h-). However two other mutants, cdc 4 and cdc 7, show a higher galactomannan content and a lower -glucan content. In all the mutants tested, total glucose incorporation, protein, RNA and DNA synthesis increased similarly to wild type over 3 1/2 h. After 2–3 h of incubation at the non permissive temperature-35°C-, cell numbers remained constant although, increases in optical densities at 600 nm were observed. According to scanning electron microscopy, the mutants had aberrant shapes after 5h of incubation at 35°C. Transmission electron microscopy showed that cdc 3 is unable to complete septum formation. cdc 4 showed the most varied morphological shapes and aberrant depositions of cell wall material. cdc 8 exhibited a deranged plasma membrane and cell wall regions near of cell poles; an abnormal septum and several nuclei. cdc 7 showed elongated cells with several nuclei and with an apparently normal cell wall completely lacking in septum and septal material. cdc 16 showed more than one septum per cell.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the min system prevents division away from midcell through topological regulation of MinC, an inhibitor of Z-ring formation. The topological regulation involves oscillation of MinC between the poles of the cell under the direction of the MinDE oscillator. Since the mechanism of MinC involvement in the oscillation is unknown, we investigated the interaction of MinC with the other Min proteins. We observed that MinD dimerized in the presence of ATP and interacted with MinC. In the presence of a phospholipid bilayer, MinD bound to the bilayer and recruited MinC in an ATP-dependent manner. Addition of MinE to the MinCD-bilayer complex resulted in release of both MinC and MinD. The release of MinC did not require ATP hydrolysis, indicating that MinE could displace MinC from the MinD-bilayer complex. In contrast, MinC was unable to displace MinE bound to the MinD-bilayer complex. These results suggest that MinE induces a conformational change in MinD bound to the bilayer that results in the release of MinC. Also, it is argued that binding of MinD to the membrane activates MinC.  相似文献   

While bacterial cell division has been widely studied in rod-shaped bacteria, the mechanism of cell division in round (coccal) bacteria remains largely enigmatic. In the present study, interaction between the cell division inhibitor MinC from Neisseria gonorrhoeae (MinCNg) and the gonococcal cell division proteins MinDNg and FtsZNg are demonstrated. Protein truncation and site-directed mutagenic approaches determined which N-terminal residues were essential for cell division inhibition by MinCNg using cell morphology as an indicator of protein functionality. Truncation from or mutation at the 13th amino acid of the N terminus of MinCNg resulted in loss of protein function. Bioinformatic analyses predicted that point mutations of L35P and L68P would affect the α-helical conformation of the protein and we experimentally showed that these mutations alter the functionality of MinCNg. The bacterial two-hybrid system showed that interaction of MinCNg with FtsZNg is abrogated upon truncation of 13 N-terminal residues while MinCNg-MinDNg interaction or MinCNg homodimerization is unaffected. These data confirm interactions among gonococcal cell division proteins and determine the necessity of the 13th amino acid for MinCNg function.  相似文献   

Interactions between the MinD and MinE proteins are required for proper placement of the Escherichia coli division septum. The site within MinE that is required for interaction with MinD was mapped by studying the effects of site-directed minE mutations on MinD-MinE interactions in yeast two-hybrid and three-hybrid experiments. This confirmed that the MinE N-terminal domain is responsible for the interaction of MinE with MinD. Mutations that interfered with the interaction defined an extended surface on one face of the alpha-helical region of the MinE N-terminal domain, consistent with the idea that the MinE-MinD interaction involves formation of a coiled-coil structure by interaction with a complementary helical surface within MinD.  相似文献   

The Min proteins are involved in determining cell division sites in bacteria and have been studied extensively in rod-shaped bacteria. We have recently shown that the gram-negative coccus Neisseria gonorrhoeae contains a min operon, and the present study investigates the role of minD from this operon. A gonococcal minD insertional mutant, CJSD1, was constructed and exhibited both grossly abnormal cell division and morphology as well as altered cell viability. Western blot analysis verified the absence of MinD from N. gonorrhoeae (MinD(Ng)) in this mutant. Hence, MinD(Ng) is required for maintaining proper cell division and growth in N. gonorrhoeae. Immunoblotting of soluble and insoluble gonococcal cell fractions revealed that MinD(Ng) is both cytosolic and associated with the insoluble membrane fraction. The joint overexpression of MinC(Ng) and MinD(Ng) from a shuttle vector resulted in a significant enlargement of gonococcal cells, while cells transformed with plasmids encoding either MinC(Ng) or MinD(Ng) alone did not display noticeable morphological changes. These studies suggest that MinD(Ng) is involved in inhibiting gonococcal cell division, likely in conjunction with MinC(Ng). The alignment of MinD sequences from various bacteria showed that the proteins are highly conserved and share several regions of identity, including a conserved ATP-binding cassette. The overexpression of MinD(Ng) in wild-type Escherichia coli led to cell filamentation, while overexpression in an E. coli minD mutant restored a wild-type morphology to the majority of cells; therefore, gonococcal MinD is functional across species. Yeast two-hybrid studies and gel-filtration and sedimentation equilibrium analyses of purified His-tagged MinD(Ng) revealed a novel MinD(Ng) self-interaction. We have also shown by yeast two-hybrid analysis that MinD from E. coli interacts with itself and with MinD(Ng). These results indicate that MinD(Ng) is required for maintaining proper cell division and growth in N. gonorrhoeae and suggests that the self-interaction of MinD may be important for cell division site selection across species.  相似文献   

Polyclonal IgG, prepared to a purified bovine cell surface sialoglycopeptide (SGP) inhibitor of cell division, was used to identify an antigenically related molecule on the surface of Swiss 3T3 cells. SDS-PAGE and Western analyses showed that the anti-SGP antibody was monospecific and primarily recognized a 66-kDA protein of 3T3 cell membranes. Treatment of intact 3T3 cells or 3T3 cell membranes with either broad and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C enzymes suggested that the antigenic material most likely existed as an integral membrane molecule, or associated as a multimeric complex, and was not anchored at the cell surface by a phospholipid. The addition of anti-SGP IgG to 3T3 cell monolayer cultures was shown to promote cell division, suggesting a regulatory function for the membrane-associated molecule.  相似文献   

By screening for the osmotically remediable phenotype, mutations in two genes (orlA and orlB) affecting the cell wall chitin content of Aspergillus nidulans were identified. Strains carrying temperature-sensitive alleles of these genes produce conidia which swell excessively and lyse when germinated at restrictive temperatures. Growth under these conditions is remedied by osmotic stabilizers and by N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). Remediation by GlcNAc suggests that the mutations affect early steps in the synthesis of chitin. Temperature and medium shift experiments indicate that the phenotype is the result of decreased synthesis rather than increased chitin degradation and that osmotic stabilizers act to stabilize a defective wall rather than to stabilize the gene product. Two genes, orlC and orlD, which affect cell wall beta-1,3-glucan content were also identified. Walls from strains carrying mutations in these genes exhibit normal amounts of alpha-1,3-glucan and chitin but reduced amounts of beta-1,3-glucan. As for the chitin-deficient mutants, orlC and orlD mutants spontaneously lyse on conventional media but are remedied by osmotic stabilizers. These results indicate that both chitin and beta-1,3-glucan are likely to contribute to the structural rigidity of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Clinical oncology heavily relies on the use of radiotherapy, which often leads to merely transient responses that are followed by local or distant relapse. The molecular mechanisms explaining radioresistance are largely elusive. Here, we identified a dual role of autophagy in the response of cancer cells to ionizing radiation. On one hand, we observed that the depletion of essential autophagy-relevant gene products, such as ATG5 and Beclin 1, increased the sensitivity of human or mouse cancer cell lines to irradiation, both in vitro (where autophagy inhibition increased radiation-induced cell death and decreased clonogenic survival) and in vivo, after transplantation of the cell lines into immunodeficient mice (where autophagy inhibition potentiated the tumour growth-inhibitory effect of radiotherapy). On the other hand, when tumour proficient or deficient for autophagy were implanted in immunocompetent mice, it turned out that defective autophagy reduced the efficacy of radiotherapy. Indeed, radiotherapy elicited an anti-cancer immune response that was dependent on autophagy-induced ATP release from stressed or dying tumour cells and was characterized by dense lymphocyte infiltration of the tumour bed. Intratumoural injection of an ecto-ATPase inhibitor restored the immune infiltration of autophagy-deficient tumours post radiotherapy and improved the growth-inhibitory effect of ionizing irradiation. Altogether, our results reveal that beyond its cytoprotective function, autophagy confers immunogenic properties to tumours, hence amplifying the efficacy of radiotherapy in an immunocompetent context. This has far-reaching implications for the development of pharmacological radiosensitizers.  相似文献   

Moy FJ  Glasfeld E  Mosyak L  Powers R 《Biochemistry》2000,39(31):9146-9156
ZipA, an essential component of cell division in Escherichia coli, interacts with the FtsZ protein at the midcell in one of the initial steps of septum formation. The high-resolution solution structure of the 144-residue C-terminal domain of E. coli ZipA (ZipA(185)(-)(328)) has been determined by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR. A total of 30 structures were calculated by means of hybrid distance geometry-simulated annealing using a total of 2758 experimental NMR restraints. The atomic root means square distribution about the mean coordinate positions for residues 6-142 for the 30 structures is 0.37 +/- 0.04 A for the backbone atoms, 0. 78 +/- 0.05 A for all atoms, and 0.45 +/- 0.04 A for all atoms excluding disordered side chains. The NMR solution structure of ZipA(185)(-)(328) is composed of three alpha-helices and a beta-sheet consisting of six antiparallel beta-strands where the alpha-helices and the beta-sheet form surfaces directly opposite each other. A C-terminal peptide from FtsZ has been shown to bind ZipA(185)(-)(328) in a hydrophobic channel formed by the beta-sheet providing insight into the ZipA-FtsZ interaction. An unexpected similarity between the ZipA(185)(-)(328) fold and the split beta-alpha-beta fold observed in many RNA binding proteins may further our understanding of the critical ZipA-FtsZ interaction.  相似文献   

The synthesis and turnover of peptidoglycan in Agmenellum quadruplicatum was investigated using D-[U-14C]alanine followed by proteolytic digestion. The rate of turnover of alanine in the peptide portion of the peptidoglycan was measured in strain BG-1 and in two division mutants of this strain: one was blocked in cell separation; and the other was a low-temperature, conditional cell division mutant. The peptide portion of peptidoglycan turned over in all three strains tested, but no correlation was observed between septum formation or cell separation and the rate of turnover. Peptidoglycan synthesis was measured during induced division in snake forms of strain SN-29. A stimulation of peptidoglycan synthesis was observed during the period of cross-wall formation, even in the absence of new protein synthesis. Thus in A. quadruplicatum, cross-wall synthesis is accompanied by a stimulation of peptidoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   

During meiotic prophase homologous chromosomes find each other and pair. Then they synapse, as the linear protein core (axial element or lateral element) of each homologous chromosome is joined together by a transverse central element, forming the tripartite synaptonemal complex (SC). Ten uncloned Zea mays mutants in our collection were surveyed by transmission electron microscopy by making silver-stained spreads of SCs to identify mutants with non-homologous synapsis or improper synapsis. To analyse the mutants further, zyp1, the maize orthologue of the Arabidopsis central element component ZYP1 was cloned and an antibody was made against it. Using antibodies against ZYP1 and the lateral element components AFD1 and ASY1, it was found that most mutants form normal SCs but are defective in pairing. The large number of non-homologous synapsis mutants defective in pairing illustrates that synapsis and pairing can be uncoupled. Of the ten mutants studied, only dsy2 undergoes normal homologous chromosome recognition needed for homologous pairing. The dsy2 mutation fails to maintain the SC. ZYP1 elongation is blocked at zygotene, and only dots of ZYP1 are seen at prophase I. Another mutant, mei*N2415 showed incomplete but homologous synapsis and ASY1 and AFD1 have a normal distribution. Although installation of ZYP1 is initiated at zygotene, its progression is slowed down and not completed by pachytene in some cells and ZYP1 is not retained on pachytene chromosomes. The mutants described here are now available through the Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center (http://maizecoop.cropsci.uiuc.edu/).  相似文献   

Hybrid cell lines have been prepared between 3T3, a line highly sensitive to contact inhibition of division, and cl 1-D, an L cell derivative which is not sensitive. A number of hybrid clones isolated were found to be quite sensitive, indicating that in this respect the 3T3 behavior is the more fully expressed in the hybrid. On serial subculture, the hybrid lines gave rise to variants less sensitive to contact inhibition.  相似文献   

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