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Recent studies on molecular evolution using nucleotide sequence data to clarify phylogenetic relationships among humans and the African great apes, have revealed that humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than to gorillas. However, the genetic basis of human uniqueness remains unclear. This is because phylogenetic studies have merely evaluated the degree of similarity by calculating the accumulation of nucleotide substitutions that have occurred in neutral DNA regions commonly present in all the species examined. In contrast, the genome subtraction method recently developed by us has revealed dissimilarity even among the genomes of the most closely related species. Here we describe the characteristics of the DNA sequences obtained by genome subtraction between humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endogenous retroviruses contribute to the evolution of the host genome and can be associated with disease. Human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) is related to the mouse mammary tumor virus and is present in the genomes of humans, apes and cercopithecoids (Old World monkeys). It is unknown how long ago in primate evolution the full-length HERV-K proviruses that are in the human genome today were formed. RESULTS: Ten full-length HERV-K proviruses were cloned from the human genome. Using provirus-specific probes, eight of the ten were found to be present in a genetically diverse set of humans but not in other extant hominoids. Intact preintegration sites for each of these eight proviruses were present in the apes. A ninth provirus was detected in the human, chimpanzee, bonobo and gorilla genomes, but not in the orang-utan genome. The tenth was found only in humans, chimpanzees and bonobos. Complete sequencing of six of the human-specific proviruses showed that full-length open reading frames for the retroviral protein precursors Gag-Pro-Pol or Env were each present in multiple proviruses. CONCLUSIONS: At least eight full-length HERV-K genomes that are in the human germline today integrated after humans diverged from chimpanzees. All of the viral open reading frames and cis-acting sequences necessary for HERV-K replication must have been intact during the recent time when these proviruses formed. Multiple full-length open reading frames for all HERV-K proteins are present in the human genome today.  相似文献   

We have reported previously that a retroposon, containing a variable number of tandemly repeated nucleotide sequences, is present in the third intron of the human C2 gene. This element, termed SINE-R.C2, is a member of a large retroposon family derived from the endogenous retrovirus HERV-K10 and estimated to include a few thousand copies per haploid human genome. In the present study we analyzed genomic DNA from 175 humans from several ethnic groups including Americans of European and African descent, Chinese, Africans, Australians, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, and Koreans. They all contained SINE-R.C2, as indicated by Southern blotting. However, SINE-R.C2 was absent from the genome of nonhuman primates, although SINE-R-type elements were present in chimpanzees and gorillas and the HERV-K10 genome was apparently present in all primates except for New World monkeys. These results indicate that HERV-K10 was inserted into the genome after the divergence of New World monkeys; the prototype SINE-R element, after divergence of orangutans; and SINE-R.C2, after the split between humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Over the last half century, comparative genomics has increasingly contributed to the definition, resolution and interpretation of human evolution. Early comparisons demonstrated that African apes and humans were more closely related and diverged later than commonly thought. However, it was difficult to determine the branching between humans, chimpanzees and gorillas. By the 1990s, sufficient biomolecular data had accumulated to demonstrate that chimpanzees and humans shared a common ancestor after the divergence of the gorilla. Current reconstructions place the divergence of humans and chimpanzees at 6–8 million years. Comparative genomics from complete genome sequencing to chromosome painting provide a scenario for the origin of the human genome. Starting form the ancestral mammalian karyotype, we can determine the major steps over the last 90 million years leading to the formation of each human chromosome. Despite considerable technical problems, studies of ancient DNA now provide a direct genetic witness of human evolution and add a temporal dimension to reconstructions of our evolutionary history and phylogeny. Ancient DNA has shown that Neanderthals probably did not interbreed with anatomically modern humans and did not make a significant contribution to the gene pool of our species. Ancient DNA has also contributed to the studies of the colonization of the Americas and the Pacific Island, and the domestication of plants and animals. Understanding the genetic basis of the physical and behavioral traits that distinguish humans from other primates presents one of the great future challenges of science.  相似文献   

The published human genome sequence contains many thousands of endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) but all are defective, containing nonsense mutations or major deletions. Only the HERV-K(HML2) family has been active since the divergence of humans and chimpanzees; it contains many members that are human specific, as well as several that are insertionally polymorphic (an inserted element present only in some human individuals). Here we perform a genomewide survey of insertional polymorphism levels in this family by using the published human genome sequence and a diverse sample of 19 humans. We find that there are 113 human-specific HERV-K(HML2) elements in the human genome sequence, 8 of which are insertionally polymorphic (11 if we extrapolate to those within regions of the genome that were not suitable for amplification). The average rate of accumulation since the divergence with chimpanzees is thus approximately 3.8 x 10(-4) per haploid genome per generation. Furthermore, we find that the number of polymorphic elements is not significantly different from that predicted by a standard population genetic model that assumes constant activity of the family until the present. This suggests to us that the HERV-K(HML2) family may be active in present-day humans. Active (replication-competent) elements are likely to have inserted very recently and to be present at low allele frequencies, and they may be causing disease in the individuals carrying them. This view of the family from a population perspective rather than a genome perspective will inform the current debate about a possible role of HERV-K(HML2) in human disease.  相似文献   

Human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) sequences account for about 8% of the human genome. Through comparative genomics and literature mining, we identified a total of 29 human-specific HERV-K insertions. We characterized them focusing on their structure and flanking sequence. The results showed that four of the human-specific HERV-K insertions deleted human genomic sequences via non-classical insertion mechanisms. Interestingly, two of the human-specific HERV-K insertion loci contained two HERV-K internals and three LTR elements, a pattern which could be explained by LTR-LTR ectopic recombination or template switching. In addition, we conducted a polymorphic test and observed that twelve out of the 29 elements are polymorphic in the human population. In conclusion, human-specific HERV-K elements have inserted into human genome since the divergence of human and chimpanzee, causing human genomic changes. Thus, we believe that human-specific HERV-K activity has contributed to the genomic divergence between humans and chimpanzees, as well as within the human population.  相似文献   

Population geneticists often study small numbers of carefully chosen loci, but it has become possible to obtain orders of magnitude for more data from overlaps of genome sequences. Here, we generate tens of millions of base pairs of multiple sequence alignments from combinations of three western chimpanzees, three central chimpanzees, an eastern chimpanzee, a bonobo, a human, an orangutan, and a macaque. Analysis provides a more precise understanding of demographic history than was previously available. We show that bonobos and common chimpanzees were separated ~1,290,000 years ago, western and other common chimpanzees ~510,000 years ago, and eastern and central chimpanzees at least 50,000 years ago. We infer that the central chimpanzee population size increased by at least a factor of 4 since its separation from western chimpanzees, while the western chimpanzee effective population size decreased. Surprisingly, in about one percent of the genome, the genetic relationships between humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos appear to be different from the species relationships. We used PCR-based resequencing to confirm 11 regions where chimpanzees and bonobos are not most closely related. Study of such loci should provide information about the period of time 5–7 million years ago when the ancestors of humans separated from those of the chimpanzees.  相似文献   

The major cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We have been using evolutionary comparisons to trace (i) the origin(s) of HIV-1 and (ii) the origin(s) of AIDS. The closest relatives of HIV-1 are simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) infecting wild-living chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in west central Africa. Phylogenetic analyses have revealed the origins of HIV-1: chimpanzees were the original hosts of this clade of viruses; four lineages of HIV-1 have arisen by independent cross-species transmissions to humans and one or two of those transmissions may have been via gorillas. However, SIVs are primarily monkey viruses: more than 40 species of African monkeys are infected with their own, species-specific, SIV and in at least some host species, the infection seems non-pathogenic. Chimpanzees acquired from monkeys two distinct forms of SIVs that recombined to produce a virus with a unique genome structure. We have found that SIV infection causes CD4+ T-cell depletion and increases mortality in wild chimpanzees, and so the origin of AIDS is more ancient than the origin of HIV-1. Tracing the genetic changes that occurred as monkey viruses adapted to infect first chimpanzees and then humans may provide insights into the causes of the pathogenicity of these viruses.  相似文献   

Viruses closely related to human pathogens can reveal the origins of human infectious diseases. Human herpes simplexvirus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) are hypothesized to have arisen via host-virus codivergence and cross-species transmission. We report the discovery of novel herpes simplexviruses during a large-scale screening of fecal samples from wild gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that, contrary to expectation, simplexviruses from these African apes are all more closely related to HSV-2 than to HSV-1. Molecular clock-based hypothesis testing suggests the divergence between HSV-1 and the African great ape simplexviruses likely represents a codivergence event between humans and gorillas. The simplexviruses infecting African great apes subsequently experienced multiple cross-species transmission events over the past 3 My, the most recent of which occurred between humans and bonobos around 1 Ma. These findings revise our understanding of the origins of human herpes simplexviruses and suggest that HSV-2 is one of the earliest zoonotic pathogens.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that the australopithecines are more closely related to humans than to African apes. This view is hardly compatible with the biomolecular data which place theHomo/Pan split at the beginning of the australopithecine period. Nothing in the fossil hominid morphology precludes the possibility that some australopithecines were ancestral to gorillas or chimpanzees and others to humans.  相似文献   

Nucleotide diversity in gorillas   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Yu N  Jensen-Seaman MI  Chemnick L  Ryder O  Li WH 《Genetics》2004,166(3):1375-1383
Comparison of the levels of nucleotide diversity in humans and apes may provide valuable information for inferring the demographic history of these species, the effect of social structure on genetic diversity, patterns of past migration, and signatures of past selection events. Previous DNA sequence data from both the mitochondrial and the nuclear genomes suggested a much higher level of nucleotide diversity in the African apes than in humans. Noting that the nuclear DNA data from the apes were very limited, we previously conducted a DNA polymorphism study in humans and another in chimpanzees and bonobos, using 50 DNA segments randomly chosen from the noncoding, nonrepetitive parts of the human genome. The data revealed that the nucleotide diversity (pi) in bonobos (0.077%) is actually lower than that in humans (0.087%) and that pi in chimpanzees (0.134%) is only 50% higher than that in humans. In the present study we sequenced the same 50 segments in 15 western lowland gorillas and estimated pi to be 0.158%. This is the highest value among the African apes but is only about two times higher than that in humans. Interestingly, available mtDNA sequence data also suggest a twofold higher nucleotide diversity in gorillas than in humans, but suggest a threefold higher nucleotide diversity in chimpanzees than in humans. The higher mtDNA diversity in chimpanzees might be due to the unique pattern in the evolution of chimpanzee mtDNA. From the nuclear DNA pi values, we estimated that the long-term effective population sizes of humans, bonobos, chimpanzees, and gorillas are, respectively, 10,400, 12,300, 21,300, and 25,200.  相似文献   

Changes in the copy number of nuclear genes provide the raw material for the creation of new gene functions. To better understand the mechanisms for such events, and their physiologic and evolutionary consequences, it is valuable to study a well characterized and closely related group of species such as primates. Fortuitously, most of the powerful molecular techniques and DNA probes developed for research in humans are equally applicable to non-human primates. We review what is known of copy number variation in primates and describe two informative DNA probes: pAS-1, a cDNA probe to the human urea cycle enzyme argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS), and an anonymous DNA probe, D1S1.In additon to the ASS structural locus on human chromosome 9, pAS-1 detects at least 14 dispersed, processed pseudogenes in humans. The number of pseudogene copies appears to be approximately the same in humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and baboons; less in marmosets; and least in some rodents. Chimpanzees and gorillas appear to have all of the human pseudogenes though an Xp copy may be missing from gorillas. The Y pseudogene is apparently absent from orangutans and baboons, and, finally, a comparison of humans and chimpanzees revealed that the number of nucleotide substitutions in the Y chromosome pseudogenes is approximately 1 per 100.D1S1 maps to human chromosome 3 but also detects a high homology copy on chromosome 1. Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans all appear to have only the chromosome 3 homolog suggesting that this is the ancestral sequence and that the duplication occurred after separation of humans and the great apes.Both the ASS pseudogene family and the D1S1 system provide valuable information on the evolution of nuclear gene families in primates.  相似文献   

Sex differences other than the simple dimorphism in size were documented for the metapodials of two primate species. Lengths of metacarpals and metatarsals were obtained from the skeletons of 64 gorillas and 42 chimpanzees. Length ratios were constructed for all possible pairings of the five bones in each individual hand and foot. For both species, several of these length ratios exhibited substantial differences between the sexes. Body size was not the basis for these sex differences; when specimens of similar size were compared, the sex differences remained. In humans, length ratios for the fingers and toes also have previously been demonstrated to exhibit sex differences, and the length ratio for the index and ring fingers (the 2D:4D ratio) has been shown to correlate with various medical conditions. Various facts suggest that length ratios in human digits are associated with androgen exposure, probably during prenatal development. For gorillas, the metacarpal length ratio showing the largest sex difference was 4Mc:5Mc in both hands, and the metatarsal length ratio showing the largest sex difference was 1Mt:2Mt in the left foot. Sex differences in length ratios also existed for chimpanzees, but they were generally smaller than for gorillas. Apparently, both gorillas and chimpanzees are affected by developmental mechanisms, possibly androgenic mechanisms, similar to those in humans. Analyses of previous measurements [Susman, R.L., 1979 Comparative and functional morphology of hominoid fingers. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 50, 215-236] revealed that all components of the rays are not affected equally by whatever mechanisms are responsible for the sex differences in length ratios.  相似文献   

By amplification and sequencing of RH gene intron 4 of various primates we demonstrate that an Alu-Sx-like element has been inserted in the RH gene of the common ancestor of humans, apes, Old World monkeys, and New World monkeys. The study of mouse and lemur intron 4 sequences allowed us to precisely define the insertion point of the Alu-Sx element in intron 4 of the RH gene ancestor common to Anthropoidea. Like humans, chimpanzees and gorillas possess two types of RH intron 4, characterized by the presence (human RHCE and ape RHCE-like genes) or absence (human RHD and ape RHD-like genes) of the Alu-Sx element. This led us to conclude that in the RH common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas, a duplication of the common ancestor gene gave rise to two genes, one differing from the other by a 654-bp deletion encompassing an Alu-Sx element. Moreover, most of chimpanzees and some gorillas posses two types of RHD-like intron 4. The introns 4 of type 1 have a length similar to that of human RHD intron 4, whereas introns 4 of type 2 display an insertion of 12 bp. The latest insertion was not found in the human genome (72 individuals tested). The study of RH intron 3 length polymorphism confirmed that, like humans, chimpanzees and gorillas possess two types of intron 3, with the RHD-type intron 3 being 289 bases shorter than the RHCE intron 3. By amplification and sequencing of regions encompassing introns 3 and 4, we demonstrated that chimpanzee and gorilla RH-like genes displayed associations of introns 3 and 4 distinct to those found in man. Altogether, the results demonstrate that, as in humans, chimpanzee and gorilla RH genes experienced intergenic exchanges.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections are widely distributed in humans, infecting approximately one third of the world's population. HBV variants have also been detected and genetically characterised from Old World apes; Gorilla gorilla (gorilla), Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee), Pongo pygmaeus (orang-utan), Nomascus nastusus and Hylobates pileatus (gibbons) and from the New World monkey, Lagothrix lagotricha (woolly monkey). To investigate species-specificity and potential for cross species transmission of HBV between sympatric species of apes (such as gorillas and chimpanzees in Central Africa) or between humans and chimpanzees or gorillas, variants of HBV infecting captive wild-born non-human primates were genetically characterised. 9 of 62 chimpanzees (11.3%) and two from 11 gorillas (18%) were HBV-infected (15% combined frequency), while other Old world monkey species were negative. Complete genome sequences were obtained from six of the infected chimpanzee and both gorillas; those from P. t .ellioti grouped with previously characterised variants from this subspecies. However, variants recovered from P. t. troglodytes HBV variants also grouped within this clade, indicative of transmission between sub-species, forming a paraphyletic clade. The two gorilla viruses were phylogenetically distinct from chimpanzee and human variants although one showed evidence for a recombination event with a P.t.e.-derived HBV variant in the partial X and core gene region. Both of these observations provide evidence for circulation of HBV between different species and sub-species of non-human primates, a conclusion that differs from the hypothesis if of strict host specificity of HBV genotypes.  相似文献   

Human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) is distinctive among the retroviruses in the human genome in that many HERV-K proviruses were inserted into the human germline after the human and chimpanzee lineages evolutionarily diverged [1, 2]. However, all full-length endogenous retroviruses described to date in humans are sufficiently old that all humans examined were homozygous for their presence [1]. Moreover, none are intact; all have lethal mutations [1, 3, 4]. Here, we describe the first endogenous retroviruses in humans for which both the full-length provirus and the preintegration site alleles are shown to be present in the human population today. One provirus, called HERV-K113, was present in about 30% of tested individuals, while a second, called HERV-K115, was found in about 15%. HERV-K113 has full-length open reading frames (ORFs) for all viral proteins and lacks any nonsynonymous substitutions in amino acid motifs that are well conserved among retroviruses. This is the first such endogenous retrovirus identified in humans. These findings indicate that HERV-K remained capable of reinfecting humans through very recent evolutionary times and that HERV-K113 is an excellent candidate for an endogenous retrovirus that is capable of reinfecting humans today.  相似文献   

Hypermutation of an ancient human retrovirus by APOBEC3G   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) comprise approximately 8% of the human genome, but all are remnants of ancient retroviral infections and harbor inactivating mutations that render them replication defective. Nevertheless, as viral “fossils,” HERVs may provide insights into ancient retrovirus-host interactions and their evolution. Indeed, one endogenous retrovirus [HERV-K(HML-2)], which has replicated in humans for the past few million years but is now thought to be extinct, was recently reconstituted in a functional form, and infection assays based on it have been established. Here, we show that several human APOBEC3 proteins are intrinsically capable of mutating and inhibiting infection by HERV-K(HML-2) in cell culture. We also present striking evidence that two HERV-K(HML-2) proviruses that are fixed in the modern human genome (HERV-K60 and HERV-KI) were subjected to hypermutation by a cytidine deaminase. Inspection of the spectrum of mutations that are found in HERV-K proviruses in the human genome and HERV-K DNA generated during in vitro replication in the presence of each of the human APOBEC3 proteins unequivocally identifies APOBEC3G as the cytidine deaminase responsible for hypermutation of HERV-K60 and HERV-KI. This is a rare example of the antiretroviral effects of APOBEC3G in the setting of natural human infection, whose consequences have been fossilized in human DNA, and a striking example of inactivation of ancient retroviruses in humans through enzymatic cytidine deamination.  相似文献   

We have analysed 136 newly identified human Y-chromosomal microsatellites in five (sub)species of nonhuman primates. We identified 83 male-specific loci for central chimpanzees, 82 for western chimpanzees, 67 for gorillas, 45 for orangutans and 19 loci for mandrills. Polymorphism was detected at 56 loci in central chimpanzees, 29 in western chimpanzees, 24 in western gorillas, 17 in orangutans and at three in mandrills. Success in male-specific amplification of human Y-chromosomal microsatellites in nonhuman primates was significantly negatively correlated with divergence time from the human lineage. We observed significantly more Y-chromosomal microsatellite diversity in central chimpanzees than in western chimpanzees. There were significantly more male-specific loci with longer alleles in humans than with longer alleles in the nonhuman primates; however, this significant difference disappeared when only the loci which are polymorphic in nonhuman primates were analysed, suggesting that ascertainment bias is responsible. This study provides primatologists with a large number of polymorphic, male-specific microsatellite markers that will be valuable for investigating relevant questions in behavioural ecology such as male reproductive strategies, kin-based cooperation among males and male-specific dispersal patterns in wild groups of nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Mayer J  Meese EU 《Genomics》2002,80(3):331-343
A substantial amount of the human genome is composed of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs). Manifold HERV families have been identified, among them several so-called HERV-K(HML) families. Although the HERV-K(HML-2) family has been studied in detail, other HERV-K families are not as well characterized. We describe here the HERV-K HML-3 family in more detail. We estimate that there are about 140 proviral loci or remains of such per haploid genome. Most loci are severely mutated. Proviruses displaying larger deletions in gag and pol are common. A multiple alignment of 73 HERV-K(HML-3) sequences displays several potentially important differences compared with the HERVK9I sequence in Repbase. A consensus sequence with open reading frames for all retroviral genes was generated, for which intact dUTPase motifs and env gene variants with different coding capacities are observed. Phylogenetic analysis shows near-monophyly with distinction of two closely related subgroups. Proviruses formed about 36 million years ago. However, no continuous activity through primate evolution is indicated.  相似文献   

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