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Can plant biochemistry contribute to understanding of invasion ecology?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecologists have long searched for an explanation as to why some plant invaders become much more dominant in their naturalized range than in their native range, and, accordingly, several non-exclusive ecological hypotheses have been proposed. Recently, a biochemical explanation was proposed--the "novel weapons hypothesis"--based on findings that Centaurea diffusa and Centaurea maculosa produce bioactive compounds (weapons) that are more active against na?ve plant species in the introduced range than against co-evolved species in the native range. In this Opinion article, we revise and expand this biochemical hypothesis and discuss experimental and conceptual advances and limitations.  相似文献   

Identifying the proteins and their complex interactions that promote and/or sustain the aggressive malignant phenotype is essential for understanding key effectors of the molecular biology of prostate cancer. This is also essential for development of new clinical applications. A variety of proteomic techniques, ranging from mass spectrometry to new methods of multiplexing protein identification, have great potential for rapidly achieving these goals. However, in order to obtain meaningful results, these techniques must be applied within the context of our knowledge of the heterogeneity of prostate tissues and tumors, the impact of specimen processing on both the quality and quantity of proteins detected and a thorough understanding of prostate cell biology. Collaboration between the protein chemist and the prostate cell biologist will expedite progress in this important field.  相似文献   

Identifying the proteins and their complex interactions that promote and/or sustain the aggressive malignant phenotype is essential for understanding key effectors of the molecular biology of prostate cancer. This is also essential for development of new clinical applications. A variety of proteomic techniques, ranging from mass spectrometry to new methods of multiplexing protein identification, have great potential for rapidly achieving these goals. However, in order to obtain meaningful results, these techniques must be applied within the context of our knowledge of the heterogeneity of prostate tissues and tumors, the impact of specimen processing on both the quality and quantity of proteins detected and a thorough understanding of prostate cell biology. Collaboration between the protein chemist and the prostate cell biologist will expedite progress in this important field.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea has been found to be highly pathogenic to 'Chardonnay' and 'Pinot noir' cultivars of the grape-vine producing the characteristic grey mould symptoms within 7 days of inoculation to the vitro-plants. The yeast Pichia anomala (strain FY-102), isolated from apple skin, was found to be antagonistic to B. cinerea as it completely inhibited the appearance of the grey mould symptoms when grown together. The yeast was responsible for morphological changes such as coagulation and leakage of the cytoplasm of B. cinerea. The pathogen, when applied together with P. anomala, failed to bring about the grey mould symptoms on the grape-vine, suggesting that the yeast could control the expression of this disease. An account of the interaction between B. cinerea and P. anomala, as well as the sequences of the complete ITS region of the ribosomal DNA of the yeast are described here.  相似文献   

Few scientific achievements have received such irresistible attention from scientists, clinicians, and the general public as the ability of human embryonic stem (hES) cells to differentiate into functional cell types for regenerative medicine. The most immediate benefit of neurons, cardiomyocytes, and insulin-secreting cells derived from hES cells, however, may reside in their application in drug discovery and toxicology. The availability of renewable human cells with functional similarities to their in vivo counterparts is the first landmark for a new generation of cell-based assays. The development of cell-based assays using human cells that are physiological targets of drug activity will increase the robustness of target validation and efficacy, high-throughput screening (HTS), structure-activity relationship (SAR), and should introduce safer drugs into clinical trials and the marketplace. The pluripotency of embryonic stem cells, that is, the capacity to generate multiple cell types, is a novel path for the discovery of 'regenerative drugs', the pursuit of small molecules that promote tissue repair (neurogenesis, cardiogenesis) or proliferation of resident stem cells in different organs, thus creating drugs that work by a novel mechanism.  相似文献   

The revised edition of Paul Seabright’s The Company of Strangers is critically reviewed. Seabright aims to help non-economists participating in the cross-disciplinary study of the evolution of human sociality appreciate the potential value that can be added by economists. Though the book includes nicely constructed and vivid essays on a range of economic topics, in its main ambition it largely falls short. The most serious problem is endorsement of the so-called strong reciprocity hypothesis that has been promoted by several prominent economists, but does not pass muster with biologists.  相似文献   

The most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia is due to a deficiency of 21-hydroxylase (21OHD) activity and is caused by a mutation in the CYP21 gene. By genotyping patients, new and important information can be gained, including presence or absence of 21OHD in borderline cases, determining the severity of disease and identifying heterozygote carriers. Current management of patients with 21OHD involves administering sufficient glucocorticoids to suppress excess adrenal androgen secretion, but not so much that bone growth and mineralization are impaired. New management strategies have been proposed and include administering only substitution doses of corticosteroids and counteracting side-effects by administering an anti-androgen and aromatase inhibitor. Adrenalectomy has also been proposed. Further investigation into these approaches is necessary.  相似文献   

Observatories are designed to collect data for a range of uses. The Australian Acoustic Observatory (A2O) was established to collect environmental sound, including audible species calls, from 344 recorders at 86 sites around Australia. We examine the potential of the A2O to monitor near threatened, threatened, endangered and critically endangered species, based on their vocal behaviour, geographic distributions in relation to the sites of the A2O and on some knowledge of habitat use. Using IUCN and EPBC lists of threatened and endangered species, we extracted species that vocalized in the audible range, and using conservative estimates of their geographic ranges, determined whether there was a possibility of hearing them at these sites. We found that it may be possible to detect up to 171 threatened species at sites established for the A2O, and that individual sites have the potential to detect up to 40 threatened species. All 86 sites occurred in locations where threatened species could possibly be detected, and the list of detectable species included birds, amphibians, and mammals. We have incidentally detected one mammal and four bird species in the data during other work. Threatening processes to which potentially detectable species were exposed included all but two IUCN threat categories. We concluded that with applications of technology to search the audio data from the A2O, it could serve as an important tool for monitoring threatened species.  相似文献   

Adaptive transgenerational plasticity (TGP), i.e., significantly higher fitness when maternal and offspring conditions match, might contribute to the population growth of non-native species in highly variable environments. However, comparative studies that directly test this hypothesis are lacking. Therefore, we performed a reciprocal split-brood experiment to compare TGP in response to N and water availability in single populations of two invasive (Amaranthus retroflexus, Galinsoga parviflora) and two congeneric non-invasive introduced species (Amaranthus albus, Galinsoga ciliata). We hypothesized that the transgenerational effect is adaptive: (1) in invasive species compared with non-invasive adventives, and (2) in stressful conditions compared with resource-rich environments. The phenotypic variation among offspring was generated, in large part, by our experimental treatments in the maternal generation; therefore, we demonstrated a direct TGP effect on the offspring’s adult fitness. We found evidence, for the first time, that invasive and non-invasive adventive species differ regarding the expression of TGP in the adult stage, as adaptive responses were found exclusively in the invasive species. The manifestation of TGP was more explicit under resource-rich conditions; therefore, it might contribute to the population dynamics of non-native species in resource-rich sites rather than to their ecological tolerance spectra.  相似文献   

Genetic benefits from mating with multiple males are thought to favour the evolution of polyandry. However, recent evidence suggests that non-genetic paternal effects via seminal fluid might contribute to the observed effects of polyandry on offspring performance. Here, we test this hypothesis using the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Using interference RNA, we first show that at least one seminal fluid protein is essential for embryo survival. We then show that polyandrous females mated to three different males produced embryos with higher pre-hatching viability than did monandrous females mated with the same male three times. Pseudo-polyandrous females that obtained sperm and seminal fluid from a single male and seminal fluid from two additional males had embryos with viabilities intermediate between monandrous and polyandrous females. Our results suggest either that ejaculate mediated paternal effects on embryo viability have both genetic and non-genetic components, or that seminal fluids transferred by castrated males provide only a subset of proteins contained within the normal ejaculate, and are unable to exert their full effect on embryo viability.  相似文献   

Why sex is so common remains unclear; what is certain is that the predominance of sex despite its profound costs means that it must confer major advantages. Here, we use elemental and nucleic acid assays to evaluate a key element of a novel, integrative hypothesis considering whether sex might be favoured because of differences in body composition between sexuals and asexuals. We found that asexual Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand snail, have markedly higher bodily phosphorus and nucleic acid content per unit mass than sexual counterparts. These differences coincide with and are almost certainly linked to the higher ploidy of the asexuals. Our results are the first documented body composition differences between sexual and asexual organisms, and the first detected phenotypic difference between sexual and asexual P. antipodarum, an important natural model system for the study of the maintenance of sex. These findings also verify a central component of our hypothesis that competition between diploid sexuals and polyploid asexuals could be influenced by phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

Altered metabolism is linked to the appearance of various human diseases and a better understanding of disease-associated metabolic changes may lead to the identification of novel prognostic biomarkers and the development of new therapies. Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) have been employed for studying human metabolism in a systematic manner, as well as for understanding complex human diseases. In the past decade, such metabolic models – one of the fundamental aspects of systems biology – have started contributing to the understanding of the mechanistic relationship between genotype and phenotype. In this review, we focus on the construction of the Human Metabolic Reaction database, the generation of healthy cell type- and cancer-specific GEMs using different procedures, and the potential applications of these developments in the study of human metabolism and in the identification of metabolic changes associated with various disorders. We further examine how in silico genome-scale reconstructions can be employed to simulate metabolic flux distributions and how high-throughput omics data can be analyzed in a context-dependent fashion. Insights yielded from this mechanistic modeling approach can be used for identifying new therapeutic agents and drug targets as well as for the discovery of novel biomarkers. Finally, recent advancements in genome-scale modeling and the future challenge of developing a model of whole-body metabolism are presented. The emergent contribution of GEMs to personalized and translational medicine is also discussed.  相似文献   

Telomeric position effect: From the yeast paradigm to human pathologies?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Alteration of the epigenome is associated with a wide range of human diseases. Therefore, deciphering the pathways that regulate the epigenetic modulation of gene expression is a major milestone for the understanding of diverse biological mechanisms and subsequently human pathologies. Although often evoked, little is known on the implication of telomeric position effect, a silencing mechanism combining telomere architecture and classical heterochromatin features, in human cells. Nevertheless, this particular silencing mechanism has been investigated in different organisms and several ingredients are likely conserved during evolution. Subtelomeres are highly dynamic regions near the end of the chromosomes that are prone to recombination and may buffer or facilitate the spreading of silencing that emanates from the telomere. Therefore, the composition and integrity of these regions also concur to the propensity of telomeres to regulate the expression, replication and recombination of adjacent regions. Here we describe the similarities and disparities that exist among the different species at chromosome ends with regard to telomeric silencing regulation with a special accent on its implication in numerous human pathologies.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the soil seed bank resemble the former early successional stages of a dune slack system more than the established later successional vegetation? Does it have the potential to contribute to the conservation of a highly endangered habitat? Location: Dune slacks at Newborough Warren, UK. Methods: The composition of the soil seed bank in two depth layers was determined using the seedling emergence method between March 2004 and April 2005. Long-term monitoring data on the floristic composition of the established vegetation were obtained from the national conservation agency, and additional monitoring was undertaken in 2003. Floristic composition, seed weights, seed longevity of component species and Ellenberg indicator values were used to compare the seed bank and established vegetation. Results: The soil seed bank was diverse and contained typical dune slack species, species of early successional stages and species of conservation interest. A comparison between the composition of the seed bank and historical data on the composition of the established vegetation showed that the seed bank reflects earlier successional stages more closely than the current aboveground vegetation. This study increases the scarce information currently available on the seed bank ecology of several species, including two orchid species. Conclusions: The soil seed bank can be expected to contribute to vegetation change after disturbance. Stimulation of germination from the seed bank through management may contribute to the conservation of both characteristic and threatened species typical of dune slacks.  相似文献   


Wetlands are among the most diverse environments on the planet and are strongly threatened by human activities. Their restoration and/or mitigation of human impacts, therefore, relies on information that can aid to the management of impacted wetlands so that they return to a (semi-) natural state. We investigate in this study the relationship between dormant stages of zooplankton and clay removal in areas subjected to mining. We evaluate whether a gradual increase in topsoil addition from donor natural wetlands to the sediment of mined wetlands influenced the zooplankton community. Eight wetlands were sampled in the Sinos River floodplain, four natural and four mined. In the laboratory, four field sediment samples were incubated for zooplankton hatching in five treatments comprising sediments from: mined wetlands, natural wetlands, and three treatments containing mined sediments added with low (5%), medium (20%) and high (40%) quantities of sediment from natural wetlands. Hatching consisted of 61 individuals distributed across eight zooplankton taxa. Copepod nauplii were the most abundant (31.1%) followed by Epiphanes sp. (29.5%) and Ovalona glabra (16.4%). While natural wetlands provided 42.6% of the hatched zooplankton, mined wetlands had just 6.5%. Zooplankton richness and abundance were higher in natural wetland sediments compared with mined and added sediment wetlands. To some degree, the sediment soil donation from natural to mined wetlands was considered viable. As long as prior studies are performed to test the size and quality of the dormant banks present in the sediment of candidate donor wetlands, sediment from donor wetlands may aid in the establishment of a more diverse community in disturbed systems.


Gabor G. Kovacs 《朊病毒》2016,10(5):369-376
Recent studies on iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) raised concerns that one of the hallmark lesions of Alzheimer disease (AD), amyloid-β (Aβ), may be transmitted from human-to-human. The neuropathology of AD-related lesions is complex. Therefore, many aspects need to be considered in deciding on this issue. Observations of recent studies can be summarized as follows: 1) The frequency of iatrogenic CJD cases with parencyhmal and vascular Aβ deposits is statistically higher than expected; 2) The morphology and distribution of Aβ deposition may show distinct features; 3) The pituitary and the dura mater themselves may serve as potential sources of Aβ seeds; 4) Cadaveric dura mater from 2 examined cases shows Aβ deposition; and 5) There is a lack of evidence that the clinical phenotype of AD appears following the application of cadaveric pituitary hormone or dura mater transplantation. These studies support the notion that neurodegenerative diseases have common features regarding propagation of disease-associated proteins as seeds. However, until further evidence emerges, prions of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are the only neurodegenerative disease-related proteins proven to propagate clinicopathological phenotypes.  相似文献   

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