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The goal of this symposium paper was to identify and quantify developmental plasticity in the onset of cardiovascular responses in the zebrafish. Developmental plasticity was induced by altering the developmental environment in one of three ways: (1) by developing zebrafish in a constant current of 5 body lengths per second, (2) by developing zebrafish at a colder temperature (20 °C), and (3) by developing zebrafish in severe hypoxia (DO = 0.8 mg/L). Early morphological development was significantly affected by each of the treatment environments with hypoxia slowing development the most and producing the highest variation in measurements. Development in constant water current did not significantly affect the timing onset of cardiovascular responses to the pharmacological agents applied. Development at 20 °C significantly delayed the onset of all cardiovascular responses measured by 2–3 days. Development in hypoxia, however, not only delayed onset of all cardiovascular responses, but also shifted the onset relative to the developmental program. Hypoxia clearly has a profound affect on the onset of cardiovascular regulation and it will take many more studies to elucidate the mechanisms by which hypoxia is having its effect. Furthermore, long term studies are also needed to assess whether the plasticity measured in this study is adaptive in the evolutionary sense.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is one of the key mechanisms underlying the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. During DNA replication, the methylation pattern of the parent strand is maintained on the replicated strand through the action of Dnmt1 (DNA Methyltransferase 1). In mammals, Dnmt1 is recruited to hemimethylated replication foci by Uhrf1 (Ubiquitin-like, Containing PHD and RING Finger Domains 1). Here we show that Uhrf1 is required for DNA methylation in vivo during zebrafish embryogenesis. Due in part to the early embryonic lethality of Dnmt1 and Uhrf1 knockout mice, roles for these proteins during lens development have yet to be reported. We show that zebrafish mutants in uhrf1 and dnmt1 have defects in lens development and maintenance. uhrf1 and dnmt1 are expressed in the lens epithelium, and in the absence of Uhrf1 or of catalytically active Dnmt1, lens epithelial cells have altered gene expression and reduced proliferation in both mutant backgrounds. This is correlated with a wave of apoptosis in the epithelial layer, which is followed by apoptosis and unraveling of secondary lens fibers. Despite these disruptions in the lens fiber region, lens fibers express appropriate differentiation markers. The results of lens transplant experiments demonstrate that Uhrf1 and Dnmt1 functions are required lens-autonomously, but perhaps not cell-autonomously, during lens development in zebrafish. These data provide the first evidence that Uhrf1 and Dnmt1 function is required for vertebrate lens development and maintenance.  相似文献   

BackgroundZinc is one of the vital micronutrients required through various developmental stages in animals. Zinc transporter-1 (ZnT1; Slc30a1) is essential in vertebrates for nutritional zinc uptake and cellular zinc extrusion. Knockout of ZnT1 is lethal in vertebrates and there are therefore few functional studies of this protein in vivo.MethodsIn the present study we characterised the embryonic development in a zebrafish Znt1a mutant (Znt1asa17) which is lacking the last 40 amino acids of Znt1a as generated by TILLING. In parallel experiments, we compared the development of a zebrafish embryo Znt1a morphant (Znt1aMO) which was generated by knockdown of Znt1a using morpholino-modified oligonucliotides.ResultsThe homozygous Znt1asa17 embryo is viable, but displays a subtle phenotype informing on the biological roles of Znt1a. The Znt1asa17 fish have delayed development, including attenuated epiboly. They further show a decrease in phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (pERK1/2), retarded yolk resorption, and impaired clearance of free Zn2+ from the vitelline fluid and its storage in hatching gland cells. All these aberrations are milder versions of those observed upon knockdown of Znt1a by morpholinos. Interestingly, the phenotype could be rescued by addition of the cell-permeable zinc chelator, N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(2-pyridinylmethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine (TPEN) to the incubation medium and was aggravated by addition of zinc(II). Thus, the Znt1asa17 mutant has a reduced ability to handle zinc and can be characterised as a hypomorph.ConclusionThis study is the first to show that the last 40 amino acids of Znt1a are of importance for its role in zinc homeostasis and ability to activate the MAPK/ERK pathway contrary to what was previously thought.  相似文献   

We have characterized Tdr1, a family of Tc1-like transposable elements found in the genome of zebrafish (Danio rerio). The copy number and distribution of the sequence in the zebrafish genome have been determined, and by these criteria Tdr1 can be classified as a moderately repetitive, interspersed element. Examination of the sequences and structures of several copies of Tdr1 revealed that a particular deletion derivative, 1250 by long, of the transposon has been amplified to become the dominant form of Tdr1. The deletion in these elements encompasses sequences encoding the N-terminal portion of the putative Tdr1 transposase. Sequences corresponding to the deleted region were also detected, and thus allowed prediction of the nucleotide sequence of a hypothetical full-length element. Well conserved segments of Tc1-like transposons were found in the flanking regions of known fish genes, suggesting that these elements have a long evolutionary history in piscine genomes. Tdr1 elements have long, 208 by inverted repeats, with a short DNA motif repeated four times at the termini of the inverted repeats. Although different from that of the prototype C. elegans transposon Tc1, this inverted repeat structure is shared by transposable elements from salmonid fish species and two Drosophila species. We propose that these transposons form a subgroup within the Tc1-like family. Comparison of Tc1-like transposons supports the hypothesis that the transposase genes and their flanking sequences have been shaped by independent evolutionary constraints. Although Tc1-like sequences are present in the genomes of several strains of zebrafish and in salmonid fishes, these sequences are not conserved in the genus Danio, thus raising the possibility that these elements can be exploited for gene tagging and genome mapping.  相似文献   

The essential trace element zinc is involved in multiple biological processes including development and metabolism, while its role in melanocyte formation is still unclear. Slc30a1a and Slc30a1b are zinc exporters in zebrafish. Here, we found that melanocytes were increased in slc30a1a and slc30a1b double mutant zebrafish. SMART-seq data revealed that genes involved in the melanoma pathway and the gene mt2, which encodes zinc-binding protein, were significantly upregulated in the mutants. In addition, the expression of mt2 was specifically increased in mutant melanocytes, as detected by in situ hybridization, suggesting an essential role of this gene in the tissue. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that elevated zinc levels resulting from Slc30a1 deficiency promoted melanocyte proliferation and that mt2 played a protective role in the process of Slc30a1/zinc-mediated melanocyte hyperplasia. This study uncovered the critical function of Slc30a1-mediated zinc homeostasis in melanocyte development and suggests that accumulated zinc in melanocytes would be a risk for inducing melanoma and that mt2 is a potential target for controlling diseases related to abnormal melanocyte development.  相似文献   

Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) are cytosolic phosphoproteins that are functionally important during vertebrate development. We have generated a zebrafish gene trap line that produces fluorescently tagged Crmp1 protein, which can be dynamically tracked in living fish at subcellular resolution. The results show that Crmp1 is expressed in numerous sites in the developing nervous system. Early expression is apparent in the forebrain, epiphysis, optic tectum and the developing spinal cord. In the larval brain, Crmp1 is expressed in several distinct brain regions, such as the telencephalon, habenula and cerebellum. In addition, it is expressed in the spinal cord in a manner that persists in the larva. The results suggest that this Crmp1 protein trap line offers a powerful tool to track selected neuronal populations at high resolution.  相似文献   

Alpha1-tubulin expression occurs in a neural-specific, temporally regulated, and regeneration-inducible fashion in zebrafish. A GFP reporter driven by the alpha1-tubulin promoter in transgenic zebrafish acts as a stable, in vivo molecular tag that follows neuronal development from birth/specification through postmitotic differentiation to axonal outgrowth and synaptogenesis. We exploited this transgenic system in a reporter expression-dependent (morphology-independent) mutagenesis screen to identify disruptions in genetic loci essential for neuronogenesis and axon elaboration, which would manifest as visually appreciable perturbations in GFP fluorescence. Thirty-two such recessive mutations were obtained, a subset of which was screened through a secondary RNA quantification-based assay to eliminate housekeeping gene defects. Three representative loci, when characterized in detail, were found to exhibit missteps in discrete, sequential stages of embryonic neuronal development. Mutation in sookshma panneurally diminishes the neural precursor pool by affecting cell proliferation in the developing embryo while patterning along the neuraxis remains unperturbed. Disruption of drishti on the other hand ameliorates the mitotic neural population by affecting cell cycle exit of progenitors and stalling their progression to the postmitotic neuronal stage, without impairing subsequent cell fate determination or differentiation. Finally, dhruva is required during neuronal differentiation for axonal branching and terminal innervation in spinal motoaxons and the retinotectal projection. Molecular identification of these loci and analysis of the remaining mutational repertoire will offer unique insights into the genetic inputs that go on to make a mature, differentiated neuron.  相似文献   

Current knowledge about the effects of vanadium compounds on erythropoiesis is still reduced and even contradictory. The aim of this work was to evaluate the in vivo effects of a single dose of sodium orthovanadate (OV, 33 mg/kg i.p.) on CF-1 mice in a time course study (0-8 days). Murine erythropoiesis was assessed through a combinatory of experimental approaches. Classical peripheral and bone marrow (BM) hematological parameters were determined. Erythroid maturation in blood stream and hemopoietic tissues (59Fe uptake assays), BM erythroid progenitor frequency (clonogenic assays) and erythroid crucial protein expressions for commitment and survival: GATA-1, erythropoietin receptor (Epo-R) and Bcl-xL (immunoblottings) were evaluated. Neither BM cellularities nor BM viabilities changed noticeably during the study. Peripheral reticulocytes showed a biphasic increment on days 2 and 8 post-OV. hematocrits enhanced transiently between days 2 and 4. 59Fe uptake percentages enhanced in peripheral blood nearly two-fold over control values between 4 and 8 days (p<0.01) without changes in BM and spleen. Additionally, mature erythroid BM compartments: polychromatophilic erythroblasts and orthochromatic normoblasts increased by the eighth day. BFU-E colonies remained near basal values during the whole experience, whilst CFU-E colonies raised 60% over control at 8 days post-OV (p<0.05). GATA-1 and Epo-R were significantly over-expressed from the third until the end of the experimental protocol (p<0.01). Surprisingly, Bcl-xL showed a constitutive expression pattern without changes during the experience. Experimental data let us suggest that OV does not to cause bone marrow cytotoxicity and that it accelerates maturation of BM committed erythroid precursors. Moreover, there are significant correlations among erythroid-related protein expressions: GATA-1 and Epo-R and the frequency of CFU-E. In addition, Bcl-xL expression invariance during the time course study would indicate that the stimulatory effect of OV treatment on erythropoiesis was mainly exerted on the maturation of red cell precursors rather than on the antiapoptosis of erythroid terminal progenitors.  相似文献   

The histone demethylase Jmjd3 plays a critical role in cell lineage specification and differentiation at various stages of development. However, its function during normal myeloid development remains poorly understood. Here, we carried out a systematic in vivo screen of epigenetic factors for their function in hematopoiesis and identified Jmjd3 as a new epigenetic factor that regulates myelopoiesis in zebrafish. We demonstrated that jmjd3 was essential for zebrafish primitive and definitive myelopoiesis, knockdown of jmjd3 suppressed the myeloid commitment and enhanced the erythroid commitment. Only overexpression of spi1 but not the other myeloid regulators rescued the myeloid development in jmjd3 morphants. Furthermore, preliminary mechanistic studies demonstrated that Jmjd3 could directly bind to the spi1 regulatory region to alleviate the repressive H3K27me3 modification and activate spi1 expression. Thus, our studies highlight that Jmjd3 is indispensable for early zebrafish myeloid development by promoting spi1 expression.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of the embryo places severe demands on the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to cells. To meet this need, erythroid progenitors rapidly expand in the fetal liver microenvironment such that by E14.5, erythropoiesis predominates in the fetal liver. In this report we show that the BMP4/Smad5 dependent stress erythropoiesis pathway plays a key role in the expansion of erythroid progenitors in the fetal liver. These data show that the fetal liver contains two populations of erythroid progenitors. One population resembles the steady state erythroid progenitors found in the adult bone marrow. While the second population exhibits the properties of stress erythroid progenitors found in adult spleen. Here we demonstrate that defects in BMP4/Smad5 signaling preferentially affect the expansion of the stress erythroid progenitors in the fetal liver leading to fetal anemia. These data suggest that steady state erythropoiesis is unable to generate sufficient erythrocytes to maintain the rapid growth of the embryo leading to the induction of the BMP4 dependent stress erythropoiesis pathway. These observations underscore the similarities between fetal erythropoiesis and stress erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

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