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主要考虑了一个带有自扩散和交差扩散的空间分布非均匀的年龄结构模型.基于相应的常微分模型利用Liapunov方法得到了一致稳态的全局稳定性,进而也讨论了扩散效应对于稳定态的作用.  相似文献   

Immunology of bacterial polysaccharide antigens   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Carbohydrates in the form of capsular polysaccharides and/or lipopolysaccharides are the major components on the surface of bacteria. These molecules are important virulence factors in many bacteria isolated from infected persons. Immunity against these components confers protection against the disease. However, developing vaccines based on polysaccharides is difficult and several problems have to be solved. First of all, most of the bacterial polysaccharides are T-lymphocyte independent antigens. Anti-polysaccharide immune response is characterised by lack of T-lymphocyte memory, isotype restriction and delayed ontogeny. Children below 2 years of age and elderly respond poorly to polysaccharide antigens. Secondly, the wide structural heterogeneity among the polysaccharides within and between species is also a problem. Thirdly, some bacterial polysaccharides are poor immunogens in humans due to their structural similarities with glycolipids and glycoproteins present in man. The T-lymphocyte independent nature of a polysaccharide may be overcome by conjugating the native or depolymerised polysaccharide to a protein carrier. Such neoglycoconjugates have been proven to be efficient in inducing T-lymphocyte dependent immunity and to protect both infants as well as elderly from disease. Another approach to circumvent the T-lymphocyte independent property of polysaccharides is to select peptides mimicking the immunodominant structures. Several examples of such peptides have been described.  相似文献   

“微生物学与免疫学”课程思政的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
"微生物学与免疫学"是药学、农学、生物学等生命科学相关学科的基础核心课程,也是当今世界发展最为迅猛、对人类生活影响最大的学科之一。高校为达到"立德树人"的教育根本任务,应将微生物学与免疫学课程建设成为思政教育的重要阵地。将我国科学家的突出科学贡献、教材知识点以及相应的思政内容有机整合,实现巩固知识、强化专业教学,加强思政教育,达到"立德树人"的培养目标。本文介绍了以我国科学家的案例进行微生物学与免疫学课程思政教学的探索和实践,将典型案例融入到教材知识点中有利于课程思政的建设。  相似文献   

Summary .  It is well known that optimal designs are strongly model dependent. In this article, we apply the Lagrange multiplier approach to the optimal design problem, using a recently proposed model for carryover effects. Generally, crossover designs are not recommended when carryover effects are present and when the primary goal is to obtain an unbiased estimate of the treatment effect. In some cases, baseline measurements are believed to improve design efficiency. This article examines the impact of baselines on optimal designs using two different assumptions about carryover effects during baseline periods and employing a nontraditional crossover design model. As anticipated, baseline observations improve design efficiency considerably for two-period designs, which use the data in the first period only to obtain unbiased estimates of treatment effects, while the improvement is rather modest for three- or four-period designs. Further, we find little additional benefits for measuring baselines at each treatment period as compared to measuring baselines only in the first period. Although our study of baselines did not change the results on optimal designs that are reported in the literature, the problem of strong model dependency problem is generally recognized. The advantage of using multiperiod designs is rather evident, as we found that extending two-period designs to three- or four-period designs significantly reduced variability in estimating the direct treatment effect contrast.  相似文献   

王建杰  罗文哲  董航  姜广宇  王茉琳 《生物磁学》2014,(9):1756-1758,1789
当前,人们的健康观念和生活方式发生了改变,对医疗卫生服务的需要和期望也发生了变化。然而,医学教育长期以来过分注重医学生的专业知识教育而忽视了人文素质教育,这使得医学生缺乏爱伤观念,对待病人冷漠、和不负责任,功利心较重,缺少奉献精神,从而加剧了医患关系紧张。因此,把医学生人文教育渗透到医学生专业学习的各个过程,使人文素质教育与医学专业教育完美的整合,才能培养出同时具有精湛医术和人文智慧、德才兼备的医生。医学免疫学是生命科学的前沿学科,是联系基础医学和临床医学的桥梁学科之一,也是医学本科生的一门重要的主干课程,其理论和实验技术发展迅猛。本文从医学免疫学专业理论课、实验课、考核等不同环节探讨了人文素质教育和医学免疫学专业教育的整合,进一步地寻找医学免疫学教学中人文素质教育的有效途径,为医学生的人文素质的全面提高提供有益的支持。  相似文献   

We are each the product of our development. The nature of the developmental process by which each of us was formed is described from gametogenesis to neonatality. The varied influences upon that process and their relative balance and patterns of interaction are then considered. In particular, the relative importance of epigenetic and genetic factors is discussed. It is concluded that development is a continuous process involving epigenetic/genetic interactions throughout. The contemporary emphasis on the genetic basis for human individuality is reviewed critically.  相似文献   

MICA是主要组织相容性复合体I类分子链相关基因(MHC class I chain-related Gene,MIC)家族的功能性基因之一,具有较高的多态性。MICA蛋白在多数正常组织中并不表达,只在正常的胃肠道上皮和大多数上皮性肿瘤细胞表达。MICA可与C型凝集素样活化性受体NKG2D结合,从而影响多种免疫效应细胞的功能,在肿瘤免疫中发挥着重要作用。本文就MICA基因与肿瘤免疫关系的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Summary The self-sterility ofHalocynthia roretzi from Mutsu Bay, Japan, was examined. This sterility is strict and not a single egg can be fertilized in self-sterile animals. Less than 2% of the animals were self-fertile (with 100% cross-fertility). All heterologous sperm can fertilize all eggs, although there are pairs of individuals in which the coelomocytes recognize each other as self. Eggs deprived of follicle cells cannot be fertilized by either autologous or heterologous spermatozoa. Detached autologous or heterologous follicle cells can reattach to the chorion in calcium-enriched sea water and the reconstituted eggs recover their ability to be fertilized. A mosaic egg can therefore be obtained, which consists of oocyte, test cells and chorion originating from one individual and follicle cells from another. The mosaic egg was used to determine the site of recognition of self and non-self. The results indicate that the recognition resides in the chorion and/or test cells, probably the chorion. The relationship between somatic alloreactivity, previously found in coelomocytes ofH. roretzi, and gamete reactivity is discussed.  相似文献   

The term ‘colonial mentality’ is popularly used among many Filipinos to refer to a tendency to compare themselves negatively to Amerikanos. This paper explores the everyday form such deprecating self/other constructions take on the island of Siquijor in the Central Visayas region of the archipelago. It sheds light on how these constructions are socially situated, deployed and reproduced, their limits and their effects. It shows that comparisons between categories of Filipino and Amerikano must be understood in relation to local hierarchies. On Siquijor, local imaginings of Amerikano lifestyles and bodies not only serve as reference points for ideals of affluence and beauty, but act as markers of prestige in competitions for status between neighbours and kin, sustaining a sense of Amerikano superordinancy. While, on Siquijor, superordinancy presumes neither innate nor moral superiority (and, indeed, there exists ambivalence towards the relative moral status of Amerikanos and Filipinos), there is a strong presumption specifically that the ‘failure’ of the Philippines to achieve similar levels of affluence to the US is due to moral deficiencies of the Filipino self. Thus, outward-looking desire is contained by inward-looking discontent, the latter keeping the former from spilling over into demands for change to a global status quo.  相似文献   

由于乙肝疫苗普遍接种,乙型肝炎的流行已经下降,但慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)仍是严重的全球性公共卫生问题。超螺旋共价闭合环状DNA(cccDNA)作为原始转录模板,逃避机体免疫及抗病毒药物清除,在HBV持续感染中发挥重要作用。基于调节患者对HBV的免疫功能研究新的治疗策略以清除细胞核内cccDNA可能成为根除HBV持续感染的途径。  相似文献   

Human body has developed a holistic defence system, which mission is either to recognize and destroy the aggressive invaders or to evolve mechanisms permitting to minimize or restore the consequences of harmful actions. The host immune system keeps the capital role to preserve the microbial intestinal balance via the barrier effect. Specifically, pathogenic invaders such as, bacteria, parasites, viruses and other xenobiotic invaders are rejected out of the body via barriers formed by the skin, mucosa and intestinal flora. In case physical barriers are breached, the immune system with its many components comes into action in order to fence infection. The intestine itself is considered as an “active organ” due to its abundant bacterial flora and to its large metabolic activity. The variation among different species or even among different strains within a species reflects the complexity of the genetic polymorphism which regulates the immune system functions. Additionally factors such as, gender, particular habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, religion, age, gender, precedent infections and vaccinations must be involved. Hormonal profile and stress seems to be associated to the integrity microbiota and inducing immune system alterations. Which bacterial species are needed for inducing a proper barrier effect is not known, but it is generally accepted that this barrier function can be strongly supported by providing benefic alimentary supplements called functional foods. In this vein it is stressed the fact that early intestinal colonization with organisms such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria and possibly subsequent protection from many different types of diseases. Moreover, this benefic microflora dominated but Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli support the concept of their ability to modify the gut microbiota by reducing the risk of cancer following their capacity to decrease β-glucoronidase and carcinogen levels. Because of their beneficial roles in the human gastrointestinal tract, LAB are referred to as “probiotics”, and efforts are underway to employ them in modern nutrition habits with so-called functional foods. Members of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera are normal residents of the microbiota in the human gastrointestinal tract, in which they developed soon after birth. But, whether such probiotic strains derived from the human gut should be commercially employed in the so-called functional foods is a matter of debate between scientists and the industrial world. Within a few hours from birth the newborn develops its normal bacterial flora. Indeed human milk frequently contains low amounts of non-pathogenic bacteria like Streptococcus, Micrococcus, Lactobacillus, Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium and Bifidobacterium. In general, bacteria start to appear in feces within a few hours after birth. Colonization by Bifidobacterium occurs generally within 4 days of life. Claims have been made for positive effects of Bifidobacterium on infant growth and health. The effect of certain bacteria having a benefic action on the intestinal ecosystem is largely discussed during the last years by many authors. Bifidobacterium is reported to be a probiotic bacterium, exercising a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. An antagonism has been reported between B. bifidum and C. perfringens in the intestine of newborns delivered by cesarian section. The aim of the probiotic approach is to repair the deficiencies in the gut flora and restore the protective effect. However, the possible ways in which the gut microbiota is being influenced by probiotics is yet unknown.  相似文献   

课程思政是高校思想政治理论课改革创新的重要举措,因其德育与智育协同的优势,逐渐成为高校课程改革的方向.为探究新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,简称“新冠”病毒肺炎)疫情下“病原生物学与医学免疫学”课程思政教学模式及其实施效果,以成都中医药大学2018级中医学(5+3一体化)的2个班级学生为教学对象,其中1班采用传统教...  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情暴发以来,全国各级各类学校延期开学,但停课不停教、停课不停学。各学校教师利用各种网络资源开展在线教学,也为深入挖掘"互联网+教育"教学新模式带来了契机。本文以《免疫学基础与病原生物学》移动交互式数字教材(云教材)应用为例,介绍如何应用移动交互式数字教材创设合理的学习情境,从而实现交互式学习,提升线上学习教学效果。  相似文献   

中医药在防治新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称"新冠"肺炎)上发挥了重要作用,与西医形成优势互补,促进了中医药创新发展,也是中医药人才培养的创新模式.为探索融入防治"新冠"肺炎中医药技术的医学免疫学中西医融合教学的设计及实施效果,以包头医学院2019级中医学专业一个班为研究对象,融合《医学免疫学》教材内容、中医药防治新型冠状病毒肺...  相似文献   

The place of Yao and other ethnic minorities in official museums and histories in China, Thailand, and Vietnam shows the state’s involvement in identity politics. The museumizing of minority identities tends to endorse particular markers of difference, and simultaneously conceal both the state’s role in sanctioning particular identities and the state’s suppression of the cultural and agricultural practices that previously reproduced social difference. The discursive framework of modern nation-states contrasts with the explicit exclusion of upland populations by pre-modern polities in the region, and I argue that this apparent othering was only partly about the nonstate peoples and had as much to do with tensions among levels of the state. The Yao case suggests various entanglements of ‘tribal’ identities and the state’s projects, and indicates how anthropological theorizing about ‘peoples’ systemically failed to observe the historical role of the state in bifurcating the social and natural landscape.  相似文献   

李远婷  安登第 《微生物学通报》2019,46(12):3491-3496
翻转课堂教学模式将知识传递的过程放在课前,因此在课堂上学生可以通过完成多种多样的交互活动实现对知识的内化。之前我们以"玩课网"平台对免疫学知识在课前传递进行了实践,已确保学生能高质量完成课前自学任务,本文主要研究免疫学课堂活动的设计、实施及评价。这种"教师为主导,学生为主体"的教学模式,不仅培养了学生的自主学习能力,而且实现了教育目标从识记、理解等初级阶段到应用、分析、评价、创造等高级阶段的转化。  相似文献   

花器官决定的ABC模型和四因子模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
简要介绍了花器官决定的同源异型基因作用模型--ABC模型的产生和发展过程.从早期ABC模型发展到经典ABC模型,然后到ABCD模型,最后到A-E模型.花器官发育遗传学的创立和发展是ABC模型产生的基础,ABC模型的建立促进了花器官发育遗传学的发展,而后者进一步发展的结果又促使前者更加完善,从而进一步发展为四因子模型.  相似文献   

简要介绍了花器官决定的同源异型基因作用模型——ABC模型的产生和发展过程。从早期ABC模型发展到经典ABC模型,然后到ABCD模型,最后到A-E模型。花器官发育遗传学的创立和发展是ABC模型产生的基础,ABC模型的建立促进了花器官发育遗传学的发展,而后者进一步发展的结果又促使前者更加完善,从而进一步发展为四因子模型。  相似文献   


Alterations in self-experience are increasingly attended to as relevant and important aspects of schizophrenia, and psychosis more broadly, through a burgeoning self-disorders (SD) literature. At the same time, issues of self, subject, and subjectivity within schizophrenia-spectrum illnesses have also gained attention from researchers across the social sciences and humanities, and from ethnographic research especially. This paper examines the subjective experience of disruptions in self-identity within a cohort of first episode psychosis (FEP) service users, critically engaging with the SD literature and bringing it into conversation with social sciences and humanities scholarship on self and schizophrenia. Drawing findings from an ongoing ethnographic study of young peoples’ experiences with psychosis, we explore meanings of mental distress relating to psychotic episodes and attend to issues of self, identity, and subjectivity. We critique the division between “normal” and “pathological” self-experience that is endorsed within the SD literature, arguing against the notion that fragmentation of self-experience in schizophrenia-spectrum illnesses is indicative of psychopathology. We highlight how experiences categorized as psychosis are also important and complete aspects of one’s social world and inner life and explore the ways in which at least some aspects of disruptions of self-identity stem from clinical situations themselves—in particular, from asymmetries of power within the mental health system. Relating our findings to feminist, postcolonial, and disability studies’ approaches to the “self,” we emphasize the complex interplay between interpersonal, cultural, and structural aspects of self-experience within FEP.


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