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The recent sequencing of twelve insect genomes has enabled us to quantify their divergence using synteny conservation and sequence identity of single-copy orthologs. Protein identity correlates well with synteny and is about three times more conserved, an observation consistent with comparisons among vertebrates. The observed distribution of the lengths of synteny blocks follows a power law and differs from the expectations of the currently accepted random breakage model. Our results show that there is only limited selection for conservation of gene order and reveal a few hundred genes, proximity among which seems to be vital.  相似文献   

The principle of freedom of the seas remains the governing paradigm of the high seas in modern law of the sea. Although the principle, as embraced by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC), is no longer an absolute norm, it continues to present fundamental challenges for achieving effective conservation on the high seas as it stands in direct contrast to the conservation duty imposed on states by LOSC. The recent UN General Assembly resolution calling for the adoption of a further Implementing Agreement under LOSC to address conservation on the high seas, highlights the need to build a new ethos for management of the high seas, which will require states to loosen their firm grip on the Grotian doctrine. This article seeks to contribute toward shifting attitudes in relation to the principle of freedom through an examination of the nature and scope of the principle in its historic context and in contemporary law of the sea.  相似文献   

As wildlife populations are declining, conservationists are under increasing pressure to measure the effectiveness of different management strategies. Conventional conservation measures such as law enforcement and community development projects are typically designed to minimize negative human influences upon a species and its ecosystem. In contrast, we define "extreme" conservation as efforts targeted to deliberately increase positive human influences, including veterinary care and close monitoring of individual animals. Here we compare the impact of both conservation approaches upon the population growth rate of the critically endangered Virunga mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei), which increased by 50% since their nadir in 1981, from approximately 250 to nearly 400 gorillas. Using demographic data from 1967-2008, we show an annual decline of 0.7%±0.059% for unhabituated gorillas that received intensive levels of conventional conservation approaches, versus an increase 4.1%±0.088% for habituated gorillas that also received extreme conservation measures. Each group of habituated gorillas is now continuously guarded by a separate team of field staff during daylight hours and receives veterinary treatment for snares, respiratory disease, and other life-threatening conditions. These results suggest that conventional conservation efforts prevented a severe decline of the overall population, but additional extreme measures were needed to achieve positive growth. Demographic stochasticity and socioecological factors had minimal impact on variability in the growth rates. Veterinary interventions could account for up to 40% of the difference in growth rates between habituated versus unhabituated gorillas, with the remaining difference likely arising from greater protection against poachers. Thus, by increasing protection and facilitating veterinary treatment, the daily monitoring of each habituated group contributed to most of the difference in growth rates. Our results argue for wider consideration of extreme measures and offer a startling view of the enormous resources that may be needed to conserve some endangered species.  相似文献   

We introduce the basic concepts and develop a theory for nonequilibrium steady-state biochemical systems applicable to analyzing large-scale complex isothermal reaction networks. In terms of the stoichiometric matrix, we demonstrate both Kirchhoff's flux law sigma(l)J(l)=0 over a biochemical species, and potential law sigma(l) mu(l)=0 over a reaction loop. They reflect mass and energy conservation, respectively. For each reaction, its steady-state flux J can be decomposed into forward and backward one-way fluxes J = J+ - J-, with chemical potential difference deltamu = RT ln(J-/J+). The product -Jdeltamu gives the isothermal heat dissipation rate, which is necessarily non-negative according to the second law of thermodynamics. The stoichiometric network theory (SNT) embodies all of the relevant fundamental physics. Knowing J and deltamu of a biochemical reaction, a conductance can be computed which directly reflects the level of gene expression for the particular enzyme. For sufficiently small flux a linear relationship between J and deltamu can be established as the linear flux-force relation in irreversible thermodynamics, analogous to Ohm's law in electrical circuits.  相似文献   

国家公园是我国自然保护地最重要的类型之一, 属于全国主体功能区规划中的禁止开发区域, 纳入全国生态保护红线区域管控范围, 实行最严格保护。对国家公园实行最严格保护具有重要意义, 但在国家公园理论研究和具体管理实践中, 严格保护并未被准确理解。作为一种新型自然保护地类型的国家公园, 其功能定位、保护管理理念和方式区别于其他自然保护地, 对国家公园实行严格保护也要与国家公园这些特殊的功能定位和特别的保护管理理念、管理方式相结合。本文系统分析了国家公园最严格保护的提出背景和过程, 探讨了如何全面准确理解最严格保护及其重要意义, 在此基础上, 提出对国家公园实行最严格保护的实现路径, 包括理顺管理体制、健全法制保障、强化监督管理、强化协同管理、规范特许经营、完善社会参与、加强教育培训等七个方面, 包含实行中央直管、明确央地事权、落实资金保障、完善法律法规、实行综合执法等23项具体策略。  相似文献   

An attitudinal survey on wildlife consumption and conservation awareness was conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Kunming and Nanning of China recently. Comparison with the results from a similar survey we did in 2004, after 8 years, the proportion of respondents who had consumed wildlife was dropped slightly from 31.3 % down to 29.6 %. It showed that the rates of wildlife consumed as food and as ingredients for traditional medicines in Guangzhou and Nanning ranked in the top. The consumptions in these two cities were mostly driven by utilitarian motivation, and mainly for food. Meanwhile, the rate of consumers taking wildlife as food was declining significantly in Beijing after 8 years. The results also showed that 52.7 % agreed that wildlife should not be consumed, which was significantly increased comparison with the survey result of 42.7 % in 2004. In addition, respondents agreed that wildlife could be used significantly decline from 42.8 to 34.8 %. It’s indicated that wildlife conservation awareness was raised in China in the past years. We also founded that consumers with higher income and higher educational background were having higher wildlife consumption rate. It suggested that to strengthen the law enforcement and to promote the public awareness were keys to reduce wildlife consumption in China.  相似文献   

One of the most common health criteria--erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)--is considered in the paper. It is shown that the simple model presented, based on the generalized Stokes formula, the blood volume conservation law, and the Smoluchowski theory of particles coagulation, makes it possible, on the basis of experimentally recorded sedimentation curves, to identify quantitatively the values of the essential physical parameters of the coupled processes of erythrocyte aggregation and sedimentation. The analytical solution of Smoluchowski equation is used to evaluate the sedimentation and aggregation rate constants. The problem of determining the erythrocyte aggregation rate (EAR) is transformed to a minimization task in which only the experimental results for ESR are needed. Experimentally ESR is measured accurately enough by using an equipment set up just for the purpose. This method of identification could be used as a diagnostic test in hematological laboratories.  相似文献   

Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) recognize that “country” constitutes land and waters that have enduring cultural, social, and economic linkages for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that extend over millennia, and which are critical to sustainable Indigenous futures. Within Australia's conservation system, IPAs become part of the National Reserve System (NRS) when Indigenous peoples voluntarily announce their intention to manage “country,” in accordance with their law, custom, and culture, and consistently with national and international conservation guidelines. The NRS requirement is that land is managed “in perpetuity” which highlights a potential tension between with the conservation goals and the voluntary character of IPAs. Ecological restoration in IPAs also raises contested ideas about what is “natural,” the relevant “baseline” for restoration, and what are the objectives to be achieved—ecological or cultural sustainability? Experience from Healthy Country Planning in IPAs indicates that restoration of traditional owner decision‐making, as well as respectful use and valuing community knowledge, is central to the sustainability of outcomes. Ecological restoration is most effectively achieved by restoring governance processes that support Indigenous peoples given the inseparability of cultural, social, economic, and ecological objectives.  相似文献   

Management of private land for ecological outcomes has emerged as an important facet of biodiversity management and ecological restoration in Australia. Common law conservation contracts and conservation covenants are important tools within this framework of private land conservation. They can provide legal protections to biodiversity and natural assets on private land, as well as legal frameworks, in the form of obligations, to restoration programs. They can provide distinct qualities of binding obligation: fixed term or enduring. Conservation contracts and covenants need to be recognized as possessing both transactional and relational qualities, and these qualities should be considered and reflected in the design of agreements and in practices of conservation management and agreement‐making. Two design questions are considered in this article. Conservation agreements need to contend with dynamism in ecological and social realities and this may be accommodated in mechanisms for adjustment of obligations between or within agreements. Dispute management is a second field of practice and drafting requiring attention. Constructing disputes provisions that are adapted and appropriate to long‐term conservation actions and restoration initiatives is reflective of good faith principles and can include scope for graduated, independent, corrective, and fair arrangements, informed as necessary by expert input.  相似文献   

Rules for energy uptake, and subsequent utilization, form the basis of population dynamics and, therefore, explain the dynamics of the ecosystem structure in terms of changes in standing crops and size distributions of individuals. Mass fluxes are concomitant with energy flows and delineate functional aspects of ecosystems by defining the roles of individuals and populations. The assumption of homeostasis of body components, and an assumption about the general structure of energy budgets, imply that mass fluxes can be written as weighted sums of three organizing energy fluxes with the weight coefficients determined by the conservation law of mass. These energy fluxes are assimilation, maintenance and growth, and provide a theoretical underpinning of the widely applied empirical method of indirect calorimetry, which relates dissipating heat linearly to three mass fluxes: carbon dioxide production, oxygen consumption and N-waste production. A generic approach to the stoichiometry of population energetics from the perspective of the individual organism is proposed and illustrated for heterotrophic organisms. This approach indicates that mass transformations can be identified by accounting for maintenance requirements and overhead costs for the various metabolic processes at the population level. The theoretical background for coupling the dynamics of the structure of communities to nutrient cycles, including the water balance, as well as explicit expressions for the dissipating heat at the population level are obtained based on the conservation law of energy. Specifications of the general theory employ the Dynamic Energy Budget model for individuals. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2014,9(12)
Numerous protected areas (PAs) have been created in Africa to safeguard wildlife and other natural resources. However, significant threats from anthropogenic activities and decline of wildlife populations persist, while conservation efforts in most PAs are still minimal. We assessed the impact level of the most common threats to wildlife within PAs in tropical Africa and the relationship of conservation activities with threat impact level. We collated data on 98 PAs with tropical forest cover from 15 countries across West, Central and East Africa. For this, we assembled information about local threats as well as conservation activities from published and unpublished literature, and questionnaires sent to long-term field workers. We constructed general linear models to test the significance of specific conservation activities in relation to the threat impact level. Subsistence and commercial hunting were identified as the most common direct threats to wildlife and found to be most prevalent in West and Central Africa. Agriculture and logging represented the most common indirect threats, and were most prevalent in West Africa. We found that the long-term presence of conservation activities (such as law enforcement, research and tourism) was associated with lower threat impact levels. Our results highlight deficiencies in the management effectiveness of several PAs across tropical Africa, and conclude that PA management should invest more into conservation activities with long-term duration.  相似文献   

全球正在经历第六次物种大灭绝。为了应对生物多样性丧失速率日益加快的严峻挑战, 《生物多样性公约》第十届缔约方大会通过了《生物多样性战略计划》(2011-2020年)及20项爱知生物多样性目标。然而, 2019年IPBES全球评估报告表明, 大部分爱知目标可能无法在2020年实现, 因此, 自然保护需要变革性转变。中国虽然在生物多样性保护方面取得了巨大成就, 提出了系统完整的生态文明制度及建立“以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系”的目标, 并通过绿盾行动和环保督察提升了生物多样性保护的重要性, 陆地自然保护地覆盖率也已达到18%, 但仍未有效遏制生物多样性下降的趋势, 物种濒危程度持续加剧。尽管生态文明一系列改革已经做出了变革性转变, 中央层面大力推行生物多样性“主流化”的相关政策, 通过机构改革初步解决了自然保护地“九龙治水”的问题, 在国土空间规划和生态保护红线划定中强调了生物多样性保护的重要性, 但是, 生物多样性保护仍然缺乏系统性的解决策略, 需要在不同层面进一步落实“主流化”, 建立完整的法律体系和统一规范高效的保护机制, 保障保护资金, 明确生物多样性在生产、生活空间中的地位, 打通自然保护成果与经济利益的转化渠道。因此, 中国的生物多样性保护应当借助生态文明建设的历史性机遇, 在保护意识、空间布局和保护行动3个方面充分实现变革性的转变, 借助五位一体总体布局, 采用系统化的解决方法, 进一步整合法律、行政、市场、技术和社会等五方面力量, 提出具体的实现路径, 实现保护意识主流化、保护利用统筹化和保护行动全民化等三方面变革性的转变, 形成高效一体化的机制, 以实现“人与自然和谐相处”的生物多样性保护理想状态。  相似文献   

Annual forest loss in the Brazilian Amazon had in 2012 declined to less than 5,000 sqkm, from over 27,000 in 2004. Mounting empirical evidence suggests that changes in Brazilian law enforcement strategy and the related governance system may account for a large share of the overall success in curbing deforestation rates. At the same time, Brazil is experimenting with alternative approaches to compensate farmers for conservation actions through economic incentives, such as payments for environmental services, at various administrative levels. We develop a spatially explicit simulation model for deforestation decisions in response to policy incentives and disincentives. The model builds on elements of optimal enforcement theory and introduces the notion of imperfect payment contract enforcement in the context of avoided deforestation. We implement the simulations using official deforestation statistics and data collected from field-based forest law enforcement operations in the Amazon region. We show that a large-scale integration of payments with the existing regulatory enforcement strategy involves a tradeoff between the cost-effectiveness of forest conservation and landholder incomes. Introducing payments as a complementary policy measure increases policy implementation cost, reduces income losses for those hit hardest by law enforcement, and can provide additional income to some land users. The magnitude of the tradeoff varies in space, depending on deforestation patterns, conservation opportunity and enforcement costs. Enforcement effectiveness becomes a key determinant of efficiency in the overall policy mix.  相似文献   

A partial differential equation for the propagated action potential is derived using symmetry, charge conservation, and Ohm's law. Charge conservation analysis explicitly includes the gating charge when applied in the laboratory frame. When applied in the system of reference in which capacitive currents are zero, it yields a relation between orthogonal components of the ionic current allowing us to express the nonlinear ionic current in terms of the voltage-dependent membrane capacitance C(V) and the axial current that satisfies Ohm's law. The ionic current is shown to behave as C(V)V[C(V)V2]' at the foot of the action potential while the gating current behaves as C(V)V[Cg(V)V]' where Cg(V) is the capacitance associated with gating. Improved knowledge of the nonlinear current makes it possible to describe the propagated action potential in an approximated way with quasilinear partial differential equations. These equations have analytical solutions that travel with constant velocity, retain their shape, and account for other properties of the action potential. Furthermore, the quasilinear approximation is shown to be equivalent to the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation without recovery making apparent its physical content.  相似文献   

Population models arising in ecology, epidemiology and mathematical biology may involve a conservation law, i.e. the total population is constant. In addition to these cases, other situations may occur for which the total population, asymptotically in time, approach a constant value. Since it is rarely the situation that the equations of motion can be analytically solved to obtain exact solutions, it follows that numerical techniques are needed to provide solutions. However, numerical procedures are only valid if they can reproduce fundamental properties of the differential equations modeling the phenomena of interest. We show that for population models, involving a dynamical conservation law the use of nonstandard finite difference (NSFD) methods allows the construction of discretization schemes such that they are dynamically consistent (DC) with the original differential equations. The paper will briefly discuss the NSFD methodology, the concept of DC, and illustrate their application to specific problems for population models.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of a deterministic finite-sized network of synaptically coupled spiking neurons and present a formalism for computing the network statistics in a perturbative expansion. The small parameter for the expansion is the inverse number of neurons in the network. The network dynamics are fully characterized by a neuron population density that obeys a conservation law analogous to the Klimontovich equation in the kinetic theory of plasmas. The Klimontovich equation does not possess well-behaved solutions but can be recast in terms of a coupled system of well-behaved moment equations, known as a moment hierarchy. The moment hierarchy is impossible to solve but in the mean field limit of an infinite number of neurons, it reduces to a single well-behaved conservation law for the mean neuron density. For a large but finite system, the moment hierarchy can be truncated perturbatively with the inverse system size as a small parameter but the resulting set of reduced moment equations that are still very difficult to solve. However, the entire moment hierarchy can also be re-expressed in terms of a functional probability distribution of the neuron density. The moments can then be computed perturbatively using methods from statistical field theory. Here we derive the complete mean field theory and the lowest order second moment corrections for physiologically relevant quantities. Although we focus on finite-size corrections, our method can be used to compute perturbative expansions in any parameter.  相似文献   

The objective of the present paper is to provide a holistic framework to delineate “territories of opportunity” where agrarian communities can manage areas to enhance the conservation of large vertebrates. The study was conducted Mexico, which is sociologically, culturally and ecologically complex, similar to other “megadiverse” countries. We conducted ensemble niche modeling of endangered top predators to define a set of large vertebrate species. Environmental attributes were used to perform three distance-based and two artificial intelligence-based algorithms. Socio-cultural attributes were included to depict agricultural communities with strong social government schemes and clear evidence of well-managed natural resources. Other socio-economic attributes such as land acquisition cost, human agglomeration and anthropogenic land use were included in the analysis. Scenarios were computed and displayed cartographically with the aid of a geographic information system. Results showed that the largest concentration of biodiversity converges on regions with large land cover persistence and high local governance, defined as potential willingness to engage in conservation actions. The cartographic areas identified overlapped with current Mexican protected areas in only 2.7% of the country. Thus, conservation law enforcement in most of the country seems to be ineffective. Here we show that, in a number of territories, agrarian communities that have coexisted for millennia with umbrella species can be regarded as allies in biodiversity conservation. Results are discussed in the light of their relevance for future niche modeling, environmental policy design and implications for climate change.  相似文献   

In previous papers (Barrett, 1977b, 1980), the concept of chemical paramemetric excitation was applied to a number of diverse chemical phenomena and contrasted with the concept of chemical resonance, which is a special case of parametric excitation. In the present paper, its status as the fundamental concept of energy transfer and molecular switching is indicated, providing a mechanically sound explanation of nerve excitation at a basic level.The mechanism addressed by the parametric excitation concept is intermediate between macroscopic models of membrane assymetry and molecular models. No assumptions are made concerning the related macroscopic processes, but a systematic approach to organizational aspects of the processes involved in energy transfer is proposed.The chemical analog of the Manley-Rowe relations, which are the power conservation relations for parametrically excited electrical networks, is also derived. The demonstration of such Manley-Rowe relations for chemical systems indicates, for the first time, an explanation for the directionality of flow of power, and thus designates a pumping role. The generalized Manley-Rowe relations translated into flow, reaction, as well as oscillatory system terms, are suggested to be a universal law. Non-linearity is due to the coupling of three systems—each separately describable by Onsager linear relations—by the generalized Manley-Rowe conditions relating flows/reactions/oscillations.All phenomena considered are treated in accordance with a principle of power transfer optimization (Odum & Pinkerton, 1955). Parametric excitation involves three-body interaction, with one system as energy donor, the pump, another as energy receiving, the idler, and a third as mediator of this energy flow, the signal. A conservation law is mandatory for flows/reactions/oscillations, ωi so that ωpump= ωidler±ωsignal. The macroscopic structure, which sets up the conditions for this law to be in operation, may be of diverse kinds, e.g. membrane-bounded compartments, macromolecules capable of multiple conformations and bound cations, etc. All are non-linear.  相似文献   

Marine nature reserves (MNRs) play an important role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration, which are valuable for marine resource protection in China. Many stakeholders are involved in MNRs. The interactions between MNR managers and other stakeholders affect the effectiveness of MNR management. This work divided MNR stakeholders into three categories and applied the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to identify the key stakeholders. The game model was set up to analyze the strategies of MNR staff and stakeholders. The situation of key stakeholders and management was studied in two MNRs in Guangdong Province through field research and questionnaires. The results showed that fishermen were the main stakeholders in the two cases. The strategies adopted by MNR staff to improve the efficiency of law enforcement and decrease the probability of illegal activities of fishermen are to increase penalties, improve the arrest rate of illegal activities, and reduce the cost of law enforcement per patrol. We suggested that the fishermen’s negative impacts could be minimized by establishing a market management system to reduce illegal earnings, a record-keeping system to share additional benefits only with the fishermen who comply with the law, and an association mechanism in the coastal province to control illegal fishing across provincial boundaries. Identifying key stakeholders and analyzing their relationships could be helpful to find out the best strategy for different MNRs. Building a community of shared interests among various stakeholders could be a promising way to resolve conflicts and improve management effectiveness in MNRs.  相似文献   

Richness, rarity, endemism and complementarity of indicator taxon species are often used to select conservation areas, which are then assumed to represent most regional biodiversity. Assessments of the degree to which these indicator conservation areas coincide across different taxa have been conducted on a variety of vertebrate, invertebrate and plant groups at a national scale in Britain, Canada, USA and South Africa and at a regional scale in Cameroon, Uganda and the USA. A low degree of spatial overlap among and within these selected indicator conservation areas has been demonstrated. These results tend to suggest that indicator conservation areas display little congruence across different taxa. However, some of these studies demonstrate that many conservation areas for indicator taxa capture a high proportion of non-target species. Thus it appears that indicator conservation areas might sample overall biodiversity efficiently. These indicator conservation areas may, however, exclude species essential for effective conservation, e.g. rare, endemic or endangered species. The present study investigated the value of indicator taxa as biodiversity surrogates using spatial congruence and representativeness of different indicator priority conservation areas. The conservation status of species excluded by the indicator approaches is also assessed. Indicator priority conservation areas demonstrate high land area requirements in order to fully represent non-target species. These results suggest that efficient priority area selection techniques must reach a compromise between maximizing non-target species gains and minimizing land-use requirements. Reserve selection procedures using indicator-based complementarity appear to be approaches which best satisfy this trade-off.  相似文献   

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