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This study investigated the effects of nonylphenol (NP) on hematological and immunological parameters in both male and female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish were randomly distributed into six groups and administered with NP (10, 50 and 100 μg g-1 week-1 BW) and a single dose of 17-β estradiol (E2; 2 μg g-1 week-1 BW, positive control). The solvent controls received ethanol and coconut oil as a vehicle, while the controls were not injected. Red blood cells (RBCs) count, hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), white blood cells (WBCs), and lymphocytes demonstrated a NP dose-dependent decrease, whereas mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), monocytes, and neutrophils showed an increasing trend in both male and female fish 21 days post-treatment. Also, RBCs, Hb, MCHC, WBCs, and lymphocytes were significantly reduced (p<0.05) in E2 treated fish. Lysozyme, complement components (C3 and C4) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) were increased in fish sera subjected to 10 and 50 μg g-1 NP, while these decreased in groups administered with 100 μg g-1 NP and 2 μg g-1 E2. Except for C4 level at 10 μg g-1 NP, no significant differences were observed in hematological and immunological parameters of male and female in each treatment. Overall, a frequent exposure to NP could lead to adverse effects on fish immune-physiological functions which may cause serious ecological threats of fish natural population sustainability.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying copper hepatotoxicity was investigated in primary cultures of rainbow trout hepatocytes maintained in Leibovitz-15 media. CuSO4 treatment (0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 microM) resulted in a dose-dependent elevation in heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) expression at 24 and 48 h post-exposure. There was no effect of copper (200 microM CuSO4) on hepatotoxicity at 24 h, whereas longer exposures (48 h) resulted in increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage and apoptosis, demonstrated by fluorescence nuclear staining and DNA fragmentation. Vitamin C (1 mM), a free radical scavenger, inhibited this copper-induced apoptosis implying a role for reactive oxygen species in copper toxicity. However, no parallel inhibition of either LDH leakage or hsp70 protein expression was observed with vitamin C suggesting that at least two independent mechanisms are involved in the cellular response to copper. Also, copper exposed (24 h) cells were unable to mount an hsp70 response to a standardized heat shock (+15 degrees C for 1 h), even in the presence of vitamin C. Together, these results suggest that hepatotoxicity of copper includes impairment of hsp70 response to subsequent stressors and/or signals, which is crucial for protecting cells from proteotoxicity.  相似文献   



Newer strategies for augmenting immune responses of pharmacologically active glucans may serve to improve the medicinal potential of these biomolecules. With this aim, the present work was focused on generating targeted high molecular size glucan particles with magnified immune response activity.


Heteroglucans were conjugated with PAMAM dendrimers using a Schiff base reductive amination reaction to generate a polytethered molecule with multiple glucan motifs. The modulated construct was characterized by FTIR, TEM, 1H NMR and dynamic light scattering (DLS) methods. Effects of conjugated glucans were examined in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells as well as in S-180 murine tumor models.


Dendrimer-conjugated glucans were found to exhibit a two-fold increase in immune stimulation in comparison to unconjugated glucans. This may be corroborated by the predominant enhancement in immunological functions such as nitric oxide production, ROS generation and immune directed tumor inhibition in murine models. Immune cell surface markers (CD4, CD8, CD19, MHC-II) and cytokine levels were also found to be highly up-regulated in the splenocytes of mice subjected to particulate glucan administration. Our study also demonstrated that conjugated glucan treatment to RAW 264.7 cells strongly enhanced the phosphorylation of two downstream signalling molecules of the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPKs) family: p38 and MEK1/2 relative to single glucans thereby relating molecular mechanisms with enhanced immune stimulation.

Conclusions and general significance

The results obtained thus support that particulate format of soluble heteroglucan will thereby improve its functionality and identify leads in therapeutic competence.  相似文献   

During the Desmodesmus armatus cell cycle, 8-celled coenobia of 276-4d strain accumulated a much lower amounts of cadmium than unicells of B1-76 strain. Cadmium reduced growth and photosynthesis in the cells of strain B1-76, but not those of 276-4d strain. Cells of 276-4d strain revealed a higher activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoforms, in particular the activity and protein content of Fe-SOD. Cu/Zn-SOD was earlier and much stronger induced by cadmium in 276-4d than in B1-76 strain, whereas Fe- and Mn-SOD activity and Fe-SOD synthesis were induced only in 276-4d strain. Cadmium did not affect the heat shock protein 70 synthesis in B1-76 strain, but significantly stimulated this process in 276-4d strain. The level of glutathione increased 30-fold during cell development of Cd-exposed 276-4d strain, while in B1-76 it increased about 12 timed. Matured cells of both strains exposed to cadmium produced comparable amounts of phytochelatins and other thiol peptides, but their production in young cells of B1-76 strain was much higher than in 276-4d strain. In conclusion, a complex of internal detoxification mechanisms appeared to be more efficient in cells of 276-4d strain than B1-76 one.  相似文献   

Verapamil (VRP) is a calcium channel blocker that is a highly prescribed compound and commonly present in aquatic environment, but the ecotoxicological effects of this pharmaceutical in fish have not been fully documented. In this study, the toxic effects of VRP were studied in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, by acute static bioassay. In the acute test, the median lethal concentration (LC50, 2.72 mg/L) was evaluated and the behavioral changes were obviously intensified with increasing VRP concentrations. Compared to the control, oxidative stress was observed in fish tissues with different levels after short-term exposure to sublethal concentrations (0.27 and 1.35 mg/L) of VRP. Activities of SOD and GPx in fish brain were induced at 0.27 mg/L VRP, but all the antioxidant enzymes (SOD, GPx and GR) in fish brain were decreased at 1.35 mg/L VRP. When compared to the control, all the antioxidant enzymes in gill were decreased in both treated groups, but there was no significant change in muscle. Additional, muscle DNA/RNA ratio in fish exposed at 1.35 mg/L VRP was significantly lower than that in the control. Furthermore, through chemometrics of all parameters measured in fish exposed to sublethal VRP concentrations using principal component analysis, two groups with 89.8% of total accumulated variance were distinguished. In short, the physiological and biochemical responses in of fish indicated that VRP-induced environmental stress; but according to VRP residual status in the natural environment, more long-term experiments at lower concentrations will be necessary in the future.  相似文献   

F-actin plays a crucial role in fundamental cellular processes, and is extremely susceptible to peroxynitrite attack due to the high abundance of tyrosine in the peptide. Methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) B1 is a selenium-dependent enzyme (selenoprotein R) that may act as a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger. However, its function in coping with reactive nitrogen species (RNS)-mediated stress and the physiological significance remain unclear. Thus, the present study was conducted to elucidate the role and mechanism of MsrB1 in protecting human lens epithelial (hLE) cells against peroxynitrite-induced F-actin disruption. While exposure to high concentrations of peroxynitrite and gene silencing of MsrB1 by siRNA alone caused disassembly of F-actin via inactivation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in hLE cells, the latter substantially aggravated the disassembly of F-actin triggered by the former. This aggravation concurred with elevated nitration of F-actin and inactivation of ERK compared with that induced by the peroxynitrite treatment alone. In conclusion, MsrB1 protected hLE cells against the peroxynitrite-induced F-actin disruption, and the protection was mediated by inhibiting the resultant nitration of F-actin and inactivation of ERKs.  相似文献   

Eriksson JW 《FEBS letters》2007,581(19):3734-3742
The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors, and visceral adiposity is a central component that is also strongly associated with insulin resistance. Both visceral obesity and insulin resistance are important risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes. It is likely that adipose tissue, particularly in the intra-abdominal depot, is part of a complex interplay involving several tissues and that dysregulated hormonal, metabolic and neural signalling within and between organs can trigger development of metabolic disease. One attractive hypothesis is that many factors leading to insulin resistance are mediated via the generation of abnormal amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS). There is much evidence supporting that detrimental effects of glucose, fatty acids, hormones and cytokines leading to insulin resistance can be exerted via such a common pathway. This review paper mainly focuses on metabolic and other 'stress' factors that affect insulin's target cells, in particular adipocytes, and it will highlight oxidative stress as a potential unifying mechanism by which these stress factors promote insulin resistance and the development and progression of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Lye YM  Chan M  Sim TS 《FEBS letters》2006,580(26):6083-6092
The canonical mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal cascade was previously suggested to be atypical in the malaria parasite. This raises queries on the existence of alternative mediators of plasmodial MAPK pathways. This study describes, Pfnek3, a malarial protein kinase belonging to the NIMA (Never in Mitosis, Aspergillus) family. Endogenous Pfnek3 is expressed during late asexual to gametocyte stages and lacks some classical protein kinase sequence motifs. Moreover, Pfnek3 is phylogenetically distant from mammalian NIMA-kinases. Recombinant Pfnek3 was able to phosphorylate and stimulate a malarial MAPK (Pfmap2). Contrastingly, this was not observed with two other kinases, Pfmap1 and human MAPK1, suggesting that the Pfnek3-Pfmap2 interaction may be specific for Pfmap2 regulation. In summary, our data reveal a malarial NIMA-kinase with the potential to regulate a MAPK. Possessing biochemical properties divergent from classical mammalian NIMA-kinases, Pfnek3 could potentially be an attractive target for parasite-selective anti-malarials.  相似文献   

Cepharanthine (CEP), a biscoclaurine alkaloid, has been reported to induce cell death, however, the molecular mechanism of this phenomenon remains unclear. We herein report that CEP induced apoptosis in HuH-7 cells through nuclear fragmentation, DNA ladder formation, cytochrome c release, caspase-3 activation and poly-(ADP-ribose)-polymerase cleavage. CEP triggered the generation of reactive oxygen intermediates, the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38, JNK1/2 and p44/42, and the downregulation of protein kinase B/Akt. Antioxidants and SP600125, an inhibitor of JNK1/2, but not inhibitors of p38 MAPK and MEK1/2, significantly prevented cell death, thus implying that reactive oxygen species and JNK1/2 play crucial roles in the CEP-induced apoptosis of HuH-7 cells.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) catalyzes formation and isomerization of disulfide bridges and has chaperone activity. Currently, increasing evidence suggests the significance of PDI in immune and stress responses. To clarify the role of PDIs in the innate immunity of shrimp, two PDI genes were isolated and identified from Fenneropenaeus chinensis (fleshy prawn). FcPDI1 is 1878bp in length and encodes a protein of 383 amino acids. It has 18-amino acid signal peptide, 3 thioredoxin domains with 3 active sites of CGHC, and KEDL retention signal at its C-end. FcPDI1 is an atypical PDI. The open reading frame of FcPDI2 encodes a 497-amino acid protein and shows the classical domain organization a-b-b'-a'. Phylogenic analysis and multiple alignments show that FcPDI1 is similar to PDI that contains 3 thioredoxin domains from other species including invertebrates and vertebrates. FcPDI2, LvPDI, and insect PDIs are grouped into one cluster and are similar to PDIs having a-b-b'-a' domain organization. Tissue distribution shows that FcPDI1 and FcPDI2 were expressed in all detected tissues at the mRNA level. Changes in FcPDI1 and FcPDI2 expression at the mRNA level in hemocytes, hepatopancreas, gills, and ovaries upon Vibrio or white spot syndrome virus challenge were also analyzed. The results suggest that FcPDI1 and FcPDI2 might have roles in the innate immunity of shrimp. FcPDI1 was also successfully expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant FcPDI1 showed insulin reductase activity. Results show that FcPDI might play an important role in the innate immunity of shrimp.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of long-term exposure to CBZ on the antioxidant system in brain tissue of rainbow trout. Fish were exposed to sublethal concentrations of CBZ (1.0 μg/L, 0.2 mg/L or 2.0 mg/L) for 7, 21, and 42 days. Oxidative stress indices (LPO and CP) and activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, GPx and GR) in fish brain were measured. In addition, non-enzymatic antioxidant (GSH) was determined after 42 days exposure. Carbamazepine exposure at 0.2 mg/L led to significant increases (p < 0.05) of LPO and CP after 42 days and, at 2.0 mg/L, after 21 days. Activities of the antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT, and GPx in CBZ-treated groups slightly increased during the first period (7 days). However, activities of all measured antioxidant enzymes were significantly inhibited (p < 0.05) at 0.2 mg/L exposure after 42 days and after 21 days at 2.0 mg/L. After 42 days, the content of GSH in fish brain was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in groups exposed to CBZ at 0.2 mg/L and 2.0 mg/L than in other groups. Prolonged exposure to CBZ resulted in excess reactive oxygen species formation, finally resulting in oxidative damage to lipids and proteins and inhibited antioxidant capacities in fish brain. In short, a low level of oxidative stress could induce the adaptive responses of antioxidant enzymes, but long-term exposure to CBZ could lead to serious oxidative damage in fish brain.  相似文献   

Clusterin (CLU) plays numerous roles in mammalian cells after stress. A review of the recent literature strongly suggests potential roles for CLU proteins in low dose ionizing radiation (IR)-inducible adaptive responses, bystander effects, and delayed death and genomic instability. Its most striking and evident feature is the inducibility of the CLU promoter after low, as well as high, doses of IR. Two major forms of CLU, secreted (sCLU) and nuclear (nCLU), possess opposite functions in cellular responses to IR: sCLU is cytoprotective, whereas nCLU (a byproduct of alternative splicing) is a pro-death factor. Recent studies from our laboratory and others demonstrated that down-regulation of sCLU by specific siRNA increased cytotoxic responses to chemotherapy and IR. sCLU was induced after low non-toxic doses of IR (0.02-0.5 Gy) in human cultured cells and in mice in vivo. The low dose inducibility of this survival protein suggests a possible role for sCLU in radiation adaptive responses, characterized by increased cell radioresistance after exposure to low adapting IR doses. Although it is still unclear whether the adaptive response is beneficial or not to cells, survival of damaged cells after IR may lead to genomic instability in the descendants of surviving cells. Recent studies indicate a link between sCLU accumulation and cancer incidence, as well as aging, supporting involvement of the protein in the development of genomic instability. Secreted after IR, sCLU may also alter intracellular communication due to its ability to bind cell surface receptors, such as the TGF-beta receptors (types I and II). This interference with signaling pathways may contribute to IR-induced bystander effects. We hypothesize that activation of the TGF-beta signaling pathway, which often occurs after IR exposure, can in turn activate the CLU promoter. TGF-beta and IR-inducible de novo synthesized sCLU may then bind the TGF-beta receptors and suppress downstream growth arrest signaling. This complicated negative feedback regulation most certainly depends on the cellular microenvironment, but undoubtedly represents a potential link between IR-induced adaptive responses, genomic instability and bystander effects. Further elucidation of clusterin protein functions in IR responses are clearly warranted.  相似文献   

RB24 (NSC 741279), a 3-methyltriazene termed “combi-molecule” designed to possess mixed epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) targeting and DNA methylating properties showed over a 100-fold greater antiproliferative activity than Temodal® (TEM), a 4-fold greater potency than gefitinib and a 5-fold stronger activity than an equi-effective combination of gefitinib + TEM against the O6-alkylguanine transferase (AGT)-proficient DU145 cell line that co-expresses EGFR. Investigation of the mechanisms underlying the unique potency of RB24 revealed that cell exposure to TEM was accompanied by activation of p38MAPK and concomitant elevation of the levels of X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 (XRCC1) protein. Levels of phospho-p38MAPK and XRCC1 were increased by 2-fold in EGF-stimulated cells. In contrast, EGF-stimulation did not alter the status of these proteins in RB24-treated cells and this translated into a 2-fold lower level of XRCC1 when compared with those exposed to TEM + EGF. These effects correlated with significantly delayed DNA repair activity in combi-molecule-treated cells when compared with TEM-exposed ones. Further analysis demonstrated that in contrast to TEM, RB24 could block Bad phosphorylation at serine 136 in a dose-dependent manner and induced significantly higher levels of apoptosis than the former molecule. Tandem depletion of XRCC1 and Bad activation through alternative pathways using the MEK1 inhibitor, PD98059, led to substantial levels of apoptosis in RB24-treated cells. The results in toto indicate that the superior activity of the combi-molecule may be attributed to its ability to down-regulate DNA repair proteins such as XRCC1 and to alleviate anti-apoptotic signaling through blockade of EGFR-mediated signaling while inflicting high levels of DNA lesions to the cells.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is known to produce tissue injury and to activate various signaling pathways. To investigate the molecular events linked to acute oxidative stress in mouse liver, we injected a toxic dose of paraquat. Liver necrosis was first observed, followed by histological marks of cell proliferation. Concomitantly, activation of the MAP kinase pathway and increased levels of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-XL were observed. Gene expression profiles revealed that the differentially expressed genes were potentially involved in cell proliferation. These data suggest that paraquat-induced acute oxidative stress triggers the activation of regeneration-related events in the liver.  相似文献   

The condition of oxidative stress arises when oxidant production exceeds antioxidant activity in cells and plasma. The overabundance of oxidants is mechanistically connected to the multifactorial etiology of insulin resistance, primarily in skeletal muscle tissue, and the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes. Two important mechanisms for this oxidant excess are (1) the mitochondrial overproduction of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide ion under conditions of energy surplus and (2) the enhanced activation of cellular NADPH oxidase via angiotensin II receptors. Several recent studies are reviewed that support the concept that direct exposure of mammalian skeletal muscle to an oxidant stress (including hydrogen peroxide) results in stimulation of the serine kinase p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), and that the engagement of this stress-activated p38 MAPK signaling is mechanistically associated with diminished insulin-dependent stimulation of insulin signaling elements and glucose transport activity. The beneficial interactions between the antioxidant α-lipoic acid and the advanced glycation end-product inhibitor pyridoxamine that ameliorate oxidant stress-associated defects in whole-body and skeletal-muscle insulin action in the obese Zucker rat, a model of prediabetes, are also addressed. Overall, this review highlights the importance of oxidative stress in the development of insulin resistance in mammalian skeletal muscle tissue, at least in part via a p38-MAPK-dependent mechanism, and indicates that interventions that reduce this oxidative stress and oxidative damage can improve insulin action in insulin-resistant animal models. Strategies to prevent and ameliorate oxidative stress remain important in the overall treatment of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

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