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Acetylated amino sugars, normally used in the biosynthesis of cell walls and cell membranes, were found to play a role as corepressors for catabolite repression of the lac operon in Escherichia coli. This conclusion was derived from studies conducted on mutants of E. coli that were able to assimilate an exogenous source of N-acetylglucosamine (AcGN) but were unable to dissimilate or grow on this compound. At concentrations less than 10(-4)m, AcGN caused severe catabolite repression of beta-galactosidase synthesis in cultures grown under either nonrepressed or partially repressed conditions. This repression occurred in the absence of any effect of AcGN on either the carbon and energy metabolism or the growth of the organism. In addition, this repression by AcGN occurred in a mutant strain that is constitutive for beta-galactosidase production, demonstrating that the AcGN effect does not involve the uptake of inducer. This model for the corepressor system of catabolite repression is discussed in relation to the existing theories on repression of the lac operon.  相似文献   

In Bacillus subtilis, CcpA-dependent carbon catabolite repression (CCR) mediated at several cis-acting carbon repression elements (cre) requires the seryl-phosphorylated form of both the HPr (ptsH) and Crh (crh) proteins. During growth in minimal medium, the ptsH1 mutation, which prevents seryl phosphorylation of HPr, partially relieves CCR of several genes regulated by CCR. Examination of the CCR of the histidine utilization (hut) enzymes in cells grown in minimal medium showed that neither the ptsH1 nor the crh mutation individually had any affect on hut CCR but that hut CCR was abolished in a ptsH1 crh double mutant. In contrast, the ptsH1 mutation completely relieved hut CCR in cells grown in Luria-Bertani medium. The ptsH1 crh double mutant exhibited several growth defects in glucose minimal medium, including reduced rates of growth and growth inhibition by high levels of glycerol or histidine. CCR is partially relieved in B. subtilis mutants which synthesize low levels of active glutamine synthetase (glnA). In addition, these glnA mutants grow more slowly than wild-type cells in glucose minimal medium. The defects in growth and CCR seen in these mutants are suppressed by mutational inactivation of TnrA, a global nitrogen regulatory protein. The inappropriate expression of TnrA-regulated genes in this class of glnA mutants may deplete intracellular pools of carbon metabolites and thereby result in the reduction of the growth rate and partial relief of CCR.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were devised to show whether the point mutations L8 and L29 in the lac promoter alleviate transient repression. 2. Several recombinants were picked from matings between a single F(-)p(+) strain and Hfr strains carrying mutations L8 and L29. All of the 19 p(-) recombinants tested proved to suffer no transient repression, whereas all of the eight p(+) recombinants tested suffered prolonged transient repression. 3. A diploid strain was constructed in which more than 90% of the thiogalactoside transacetylase is synthesized from the episome with a wild-type lac promoter, whereas 100% of the beta-galactosidase is synthesized from the chromosome with a promoter carrying mutation L8. In this diploid the synthesis of thiogalactoside transacetylase suffered transient repression but the synthesis of beta-galactosidase did not. 4. Exactly similar results were obtained with a diploid strain in which the chromosomal promoter carried mutation L29. 5. The same diploid strains were used in experiments to show whether mutations L8 and L29 alleviate the severe catabolite repression caused by growth in glucose plus gluconate. In both strains glucose+gluconate repressed the synthesis of beta-galactosidase much less than the synthesis of thiogalactoside transacetylase. 6. These and previously reported results can be explained by assuming (a) that both mutations L8 and L29 render the lac promoter partially, but not completely, insensitive to catabolite repression, and (b) that transient repression is an exceptionally severe form of catabolite repression.  相似文献   

A Bacillus subtilis ribose transport operon (rbs) was shown to be subject to AbrB-mediated control through direct AbrB-DNA binding interactions in the vicinity of the promoter. Overproduction of AbrB was shown to relieve catabolite repression of rbs during growth in the presence of poorer carbon sources such as arabinose but had much less effect when cells were grown in the presence of glucose, a rapidly metabolizable carbon source. A ccpA mutation relieved catabolite repression of rbs under all conditions tested. One of the AbrB-binding sites on the rbs promoter contains the putative site of action for the B. subtilis catabolite repressor protein CcpA, suggesting that competition for binding to this site could be at least partly responsible for modulating rbs expression during carbon-limited growth.  相似文献   

Y Miwa  Y Fujita 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(23):7049-7053
The mechanism underlying catabolite repression in Bacillus species remains unsolved. The gluconate (gnt) operon of Bacillus subtilis is one of the catabolic operons which is under catabolite repression. To identify the cis sequence involved in catabolite repression of the gnt operon, we performed deletion analysis of a DNA fragment carrying the gnt promoter and the gntR gene, which had been cloned into the promoter probe vector, pWP19. Deletion of the region upstream of the gnt promoter did not affect catabolite repression. Further deletion analysis of the gnt promoter and gntR coding region was carried out after restoration of promoter activity through the insertion of internal constitutive promoters of the gnt operon before the gntR gene (P2 and P3). These deletions revealed that the cis sequence involved in catabolite repression of the gnt operon is located between nucleotide positions +137 and +148. This DNA segment contains a sequence, ATTGAAAG, which may be implicated as a consensus sequence involved in catabolite repression in the genus Bacillus.  相似文献   

Two independent mutants resistant to l-arabinose inhibition only in the presence of d-glucose were isolated from an l-arabinose-sensitive strain containing the araD139 mutation. Preliminary mapping studies indicate that these mutations are closely linked to the araIOC region. Addition of d-glucose to growing cultures of these mutants results in a 95 to 98% repression of ara operon expression, as compared to a 50% repression of the parental control. Since cultures of both mutant and parental strains undergo a 50% repression of lac operon expression upon addition of glucose, the hypersensitivity to catabolite repression exhibited by these mutants is specific for the ara operon. Addition of cyclic adenosine monophosphate reverses the catabolite repression of the ara operon in both mutant and parent strains to 70 to 80% of the control. It is suggested that in these mutants the affinity of the ara operon initiator region for the cAMP-catabolite-activator protein complex may have been altered.  相似文献   

A bicistronic reporter consisting of the promoterless genes aacC1 (conferring gentamycin resistance) and lacZ fused to the catabolic promoter of the phenol degradation genes was used to identify and analyse mutants of Pseudomonas putida with altered carbon catabolite repression (CR) of phenol degradation. Out of approximately 2500 mini-Tn5 mutants analysed so far, 12 mutants that were resistant to gentamycin during growth on succinate were identified. In eight of these mutants mini-Tn5 was inserted into one of the genes of the cyo operon. The cyo operon encodes the cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase, the terminal oxidase of the cyanide-sensitive branch of the respiratory chain. In these mutants the activity of the PphlA promoter was significantly increased during growth on succinate and reached 15-20% of that found during growth with the non-repressing carbon source pyruvate. During growth on glucose the reduction of CR was less obvious, during growth on lactate CR was unchanged. The possible significance of the cyo operon for the generation of signal(s) for carbon catabolite repression is discussed.  相似文献   

Polypeptides encoded by the mer operon.   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
HgCl2-induced polypeptides synthesized by Escherichia coli minicells containing recombinant or natural HgR plasmids were labeled with [35S]methionine and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All plasmids examined encoded two heavily labeled, HgCl2-inducible polypeptides of 69,000 and 12,000 daltons. Most plasmids also encoded two additional HgCl2-inducible proteins in the 14,000- to 17,000-dalton range. Antiserum prepared against a purified mercuric ion reductase reacts with the 69,000-dalton polypeptide and a minor 66,000-dalton protein seen in several different HgR minicells. Recombinant plasmids constructed from portions of mer DNA from the IncFII plasmid NR1 were also analyzed in the minicell system. Five HgCl2-inducible polypeptides (69,000, 66,000, 15,100, 14,000, and 12,000 daltons) were synthesized in minicells carrying pRR130, a recombinant derivative containing the EcoRI-H and EcoRI-I restriction fragments of NR1. The EcoRI-H fragment of NR1 encodes the three small mer proteins of 15,100, 14,000, and 12,000 daltons and the amino-terminal 40,000 daltons of the mercuric ion reductase monomer.  相似文献   

The araCi protein differs in stability from araC+ protein and alters the concentration of cyclic adenosine-3', 5'-monophosphate required to maximally stimulate L-arabinose isomerase synthesis in an in vitro protein-synthesizing system.  相似文献   

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