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The aim of this study was to evaluate the daily rhythm of locomotor activity in Rhamdia quelen (R. quelen). A total of 30 fish were enrolled in the study and were equally divided in 10 groups and maintained in 100 liters tanks. The locomotor activity was measured in fish maintained under the LD 12:12 photoperiod regime; thereafter, the LD cycle was reversed to DL in order to study the resynchronization and to explore the endogenous pacemaker. Subsequently, the fish were subjected to constant conditions of light to test whether or not locomotor rhythms are regulated by the endogenous circadian clock. The effect of increasing light length and intensity was studied on daily rhythm of locomotor activity of fish. Our results showed that the R. quelen is a strictly diurnal species, the rhythm of locomotory activity resynchronized quickly after inverting the LD cycle and persist under free course LL, suggesting a circadian origin. The light showed a significant masking effect often blocking the expression of the biological rhythm. The strictly diurnal behavior is controlled directly by the photoperiod and maintained even under very dim light (30 lux).  相似文献   

Keeping and management of horses can induce changes to instinctive and innate behavioural patterns. We investigated the effect of five different management conditions in five groups of horses. All groups were housed in individual boxes under natural environmental and lighting conditions. They were fed three times a day (07:00, 12:30 and 20:00) and had free access to water. Group A was fed with 8 kg/capo/die of hay divided in the three meals. Group B was fed with 8 kg/capo/die of an unifeed divided in the three meals. Group C was fed with unifeed at 07:00 and 12:30 and with hay at 20:00. They were kept in wood-bedded boxes. Groups D and E were fed with unifeed at 07:00 and 12:30, respectively, and in the other, two meals received hay. They were kept in straw-bedded boxes. Our results showed a daily rhythm of total locomotor activity in all groups, influenced by management conditions. Group A engaged in meal patterns similar to those seen in grazing animals. Groups B and C showed the highest MESOR values due to a high searching behaviour. Group C showed a nocturnal acrophase contrary to the other groups. Groups D and E showed a total locomotor activity pattern similar to that observed in Group A probably due to an increase in straw-bedding consuming. The reduction of fibre in diet has an impact on physiology and behaviour of horses. The valuation of diet and in bedding provided to horses kept in box is useful to guarantee the maintenance of the physiological daily rhythm of total locomotor activity.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica was studied to determine the involvement of parametric and/or nonparametric entrainment. The rhythm was entrained to a skeleton photoperiod in which a 1-h first light pulse was imposed in the morning along with a second light pulse in the evening, as well as to a complete photoperiodic regime (LD 12:12). However, the timing of peak activity relative to the lights-off in the evening in the skeleton photoperiod was earlier than that in the complete photoperiod. A single daily light pulse in the evening entrained the rhythm, whereas a daily light pulse in the morning allowed free-running as in constant darkness. The free-running period (τ) of locomotor activity in constant light became longer as the light intensity increased. A Winfree's type I phase response curve of the locomotor activity rhythm was obtained using a single 1-h light pulse. The results suggest that both parametric and nonparametric entrainment are involved in the circadian rhythm of individual locomotor activity in this honeybee.  相似文献   

Field measurements of distance moved and heart rate in sole, Solea solea (L.) and bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) using ultrasonic telemetry revealed two different strategies. Heart rate in the sole increases during activity, accurately reflecting fluctuation in metabolic rate and so can be used as a measure of metabolic rate in the field. In contrast, the relatively stable value of the heart rate in bass during the whole tracking period whatever the activity level suggests that in this species heart rate in the field cannot be associated with metabolic rate determination.  相似文献   

Under natural environmental conditions, sea bass feeding rhythms are nocturnal in winter and diurnal during the rest of the year. Increasing water temperature from 22 to 28°C or decreasing it to 16°C had little effect on the dual feeding behaviour of sea bass. An 8:16 LD photoperiod with low temperature or 16:8 LD with high temperature also failed to change the diurnal/ nocturnal behaviour of sea bass. In conclusion, sea bass feeding rhythms did not follow passively the manipulated environmental factors simulating summer and winter conditions in the laboratory, which suggests an endogenous circannual control of the seasonal phase inversion.  相似文献   

Crayfish Procambarus acanthophorus is a burrower that spends long periods building deep tunnels to reach the water table during the dry season; thus, its survival entertains a close ecological relationship with the sediment. The aim of this work was to determine whether the properties of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity could be modified by the sediment availability. Experiments were conducted in both aquaria filled with sediment or filled with water, under cycles of Bright and Dim Illumination (BI:DI, 12:12 h) or under continuous DI:DI. The rhythm of locomotor activity was entrained with the photoperiod in aquaria with sediment or water; however, statistical differences between conditions were obtained comparing the period and the level of activity under free-running. These data suggest that the substrate’s sensorial perception could be encoded as a significant ecological parameter that exerts influence in the physiological mechanisms that control the temporal order in P. acanthophorus.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity rhythm was examined at various temperatures under a 16 h light : 8 h dark photoperiod (LD 16:8) or LD 12:12 using adults of the burying beetle Nicrophorus quadripunctatus. At 20°C, the locomotor activity of the beetles showed a bimodal daily pattern with two peaks around lights on and lights off under both photoperiods. This bimodal activity rhythm persisted under constant darkness; therefore, the activity of adult N. quadripunctatus is controlled by a circadian clock. Adults showed a bimodal activity pattern for temperatures ranging from 15 to 25°C. The evening peak of the daily activity was earlier at lower temperatures. These findings suggest that in the field, N. quadripunctatus shows crepuscular activity, and is active earlier in the afternoon in cooler seasons. In this species, therefore, temperature appears to play an important role in the determination of daily activity patterns.  相似文献   

Eleven polymorphic microsatellites were isolated from the sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, using a microsatellite enrichment protocol and selective hybridization with an (AC)12 probe. The loci showed different variation patterns in 21 unrelated sea bass individuals, with a mean number of alleles of 8.6 and a mean observed heterozygosity of 0.68. These microsatellite markers should be useful for population genetic analysis and biodiversity studies of sea bass.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate the daily rhythms of locomotor and feeding activity of Khajoo, Schizothorax pelzami, a candidate species for freshwater aquaculture. Using self-feeder juvenile Khajoo were exposed to a 12/12 LD cycle to determine the rhythms of locomotor and feeding activity. The effects of feeding on locomotor and feeding activity of fish were also examined. Finally, the endogenous rhythmicity under different lighting condition tested. Fish displayed a strictly diurnal feeding and locomotor activities with 98% and 84% of the total activity occurred in the photophase, respectively. In scheduled feeding, both the L-group (fed in light) and the D-group (fed in the dark) showed a diurnal locomotor activity pattern. However, the L-group had a peak of locomotor activity near the feeding time, but the D-group had a scarce locomotor activity in the scatophase with no significant change at the mealtime. Most of the individuals display free-running rhythms when exposed to different lighting condition including, constant darkness, ultradian 45:45 min LD cycle and reversed DL photo cycle. Taken together the results of this study showed that both locomotor and feeding activity have diurnal rhythms in Khajoo S. pelzami, even fish feeding had taken place at night. Additionally, the free-running locomotor activity of the fish in the absence of external light stimuli, suggests the existence of an endogenous timing mechanism in this fish species.  相似文献   

A group of the medaka,Oryzias latipes (Cyprinodontidae, orange-red variety, 25 males and 25 females), was kept in an aquarium, which was placed outdoors under natural conditions from December 1984 to January 1986. Locomotor activity at three layers (upper, middle, and lower layers) was recorded with a phototransistor system in each season. In summer, the fish showed typical diurnal activity at all three layers and the activity was greater than in other seasons. However, in autumn and winter, the fish became less active and showed relatively high activity at night at the upper or middle layer and diurnal activity at the lower layer. Nocturnal activity seemed to appear when the water temperature was decreased and the photoperiod was shortened. A free-running activity rhythm was also recorded under continuous darkness (DD) in each season; however, the fish showed clear free-running activity rhythms under DD only in summer.  相似文献   

Light and temperature entrainment of a locomotor rhythm in honeybees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The circadian locomotor (walking) rhythms of forager honeybees (Apis mellifera ligustica L.) were entrained to eight different 24 h light-dark cycles. The phases of activity onset, peak activity, and offset were correlated with the lights-off transition, suggesting lights-off as the primary zeitgeber for the rhythm. Further support for this hypothesis was provided by LD 1:23 experiments, in which entrainment occurred when the light pulse was situated at the end, but not at the beginning, of the subjective photophase. Steady-state entrainment of the locomotor rhythm was achieved with square-wave temperature cycles of 10oC amplitude under constant dark: most of the activity occurred within the early thermophase. Smaller amplitude temperature cycles yielded relative coordination of the rhythm. Interactions of temperature and light-dark cycles resulted in entrainment patterns different from those elicited in response to either cycle alone or those formed by a simple combination of the two separate responses. Furthermore, temperature cycles having amplitudes insufficient for entrainment of the rhythm nevertheless modified the pattern of entrainment to light - dark cycles, suggesting a synergism of light and temperature effects on the underlying circadian clock system.  相似文献   

We provide details of five microsatellite loci screened in 163 individual sea bass. Large numbers of alleles were observed at three loci (20–25) and heterozygosities ranged from 0.52 to 0.86. These loci should prove useful for population genetic studies and for the pedigree analysis and genetic management of this species in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Summary In insect parasitoids, the mating structure of the population depends on the emergence pattern of adults and on their behaviour after emergence. In order to study some aspects of these characteristics in four species of egg parasitoid of the genusTrichogramma, laboratory experiments using automatic video analysis are performed. Adult emergence is concentrated in the morning, with an earlier time for males. The variability of the time of emergence is under genetic control. The relationships between the emergence pattern and the locomotor activity are considered by measuring individually: first, the delay between the emergence and the first locomotion which is significantly greater in females than in males and, second, the activity of newly emerged males, which is maximum at the time of the emergence of females. The locomotor activity is influenced by mating; mated females are much more active than virgin ones, mated males are less active than virgin ones. The adaptive values of the rhythmicity of emergence and of protandry are discussed together with their relationship with the patterns of locomotor activity. The results are also considered with respect to mating strategies in insect parasitoids; they actually support the hypothesis of mating occurring principally among individuals native to the same host patch inTrichogramma species.  相似文献   

Early ionocytes have been studied in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) embryos. Structural and functional aspects were analyzed and compared with those observed in the same conditions (38 ppt) in post hatching stages. Immunolocalization of Na+/K+‐ATPase (NKA) in embryos revealed the presence of ionocytes on the yolk sac membrane from a stage 12 pair of somites (S), and an original cluster around the first gill slits from stage 14S. Histological investigations suggested that from these cells, close to the future gill chambers, originate the ionocytes observed on gill arches and gill filaments after hatching. Triple immunocytochemical staining, including NKA, various Na+/K+/2Cl? cotransporters (NKCCs) and the chloride channel “cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator” (CFTR), point to the occurrence of immature and mature ionocytes in early and late embryonic stages at different sites. These observations were completed with transmission electronic microscopy. The degree of functionality of ionocytes is discussed according to these results. Yolk sac membrane ionocytes and enteric ionocytes seem to have an early role in embryonic osmoregulation, whereas gill slits tegumentary ionocytes are presumed to be fully efficient after hatching.  相似文献   

Sexual differentiation was studied at the histological level using a mixture of 30 families of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax . Most of the fish (93%) differentiated into males as usually observed in farmed populations. All testes were differentiated when the males reached 12 cm and no more undifferentiated fish were found from 419 days post-fertilization (p.f.). In 28% of the males, among the biggest, sexual differentiation had already begun at 168 days p.f. (8.3–9.5 cm) and these fish started spermatogenesis in their first year of life. The other males differentiated later and remained immature at the end of their first year of life. Ovaries could be identified at the histological level from the age of 168 days p.f. (7.9–9.0 cm) and the females became significantly longer than the males from the age of 191 days p.f., i.e. during the process of ovarian differentiation. In the studied group, 62% of the males developed intratesticular oocytes. Such intersexuality had no consequence on growth rate. Intratesticular oocytes were also recorded in testes of wild males originating from Atlantic (Britain and Gulf of Gascogne) and West Mediterranean showing that juvenile intersexuality is not restricted to farmed populations but is a widespread phenomenon in sea bass.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Individual worker ants isolated in an actograph exhibit circadian rhythms of locomotor activity. Entrainment occurs more readily in LD 18:6 h than in LD 12:12 h. The ants are either light-active or dark-active. Phase angle and duration of activity is influenced by photoperiod.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the potential causal link between the rhythm of activity and body temperature, we simultaneously recorded rectal temperature and total locomotor activity in five clinically healthy female rabbits (blue Vienna breed), 12 week old and mean body weight 2.7 ± 0.3. Animals were housed in individual cages (90?×?50?×?35 cm) under natural 12/12 light/dark cycle. Total locomotor activity was monitored for 15 days by an activity data logger. On day 1, 5, 10, and 15 rectal temperature was recorded every 2 h for a 24-h period. Application of single cosinor method showed a nocturnal daily rhythm of rectal temperature with a range of oscillation of about 1 °C, acrophase after dusk and low robustness value. The daily rhythm of locomotor activity showed its acrophase in the middle of the scotophase and a high robustness value. This information improves the knowledge available on the circadian biology of rabbits useful in the evaluation of physiology of this species.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the contribution of both genetic and environmental effects on cultured European sea bass shape. We used the progeny of five populations of sea bass, in a partly diallel design, to investigate the genetics of shape (estimated with geometric morphometrics) in European sea bass. This was done using a common garden experiment with microsatellite markers assignment to parents and populations to avoid confusion between genetic and environmental effects. Additionally, one of the populations was studied over four different aquaculture facilities to investigate the effects of environment on shape. For the first time in this species, shape‐related traits were linked with genetic variation. The first relative warp analysis axis clearly differentiated rearing sites, demonstrating that the main shape/weight effects are related to culturing conditions, thereby accounting for ecomorphologically related differences. The second axis strongly differentiated groups by parental origins; there was a good correlation between shape differences and geographic distances between broodstock sampling locations. High heritabilities of axes scores (0.40–0.55) showed high genetic variation for shape within populations. This study shows that variation in shape has a high genetic component in sea bass, both at the population level and within populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 427–436.  相似文献   


Locomotor activity (LA) and food intake (FI) were recorded in 12 adult male and 8 female guinea pigs of the inbred strain 2 kept initially under social conditions and later separated. The groups consisted of two, and in one case, of 4 animals. Some animals were regrouped again after separation. In addition, four individual and 4 grouped animals were kept in continuous darkness (DD).

The day‐night ratio, the averaged daily patterns and the chi‐square periodogram showed significant differences between the grouped and separated animals as well as the overall amount of LA and FI. Grouped animals displayed 37% of their LA during the light, decreasing to 7% during separation. FT showed lower day‐night differences than LA overall and smaller differences between grouping and separation (FI during light in grouped: x = 48%, separated: x = 31%). Both patterns were relatively consistent for each housing condition. Under the conditions of DD, regular circadian rhythms with period lengths of less then 24 hours were established, but the patterns seen were different from those under LD. Separated animals showed a more or less bimodal and grouped animals trimodal patterns, both resulting in ultradian components of about 7h 45min.

The results are discussed in terms of a masking by light, being most effective in individually kept animals in the present physical environment. This can be explained by the guinea pig's simultaneous needs for retreat and close social contact.  相似文献   

The mean final weight of juvenile greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina fed a single daily meal during the scotophase was lower than that of groups fed continuously or fed twelve, six, three or one meal during the photophase. Final weight did not differ among the latter five groups. Size variation in all groups of fish decreased during the course of the trial over 120 days. Groups assigned to a higher frequency (and hence a longer total daily meal duration) of daily meals were less active during mealtime. A distinct food anticipatory effect was observed in the groups of fish receiving a single daily meal during either photophase or scotophase, and also developed before at least one meal in the group of fish fed three meals per day.  相似文献   

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