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近年来,《遗传》的封面设计受到广大读者和专家的好评,每期的“封面人物”既介绍了遗传学家的生平与贡献,又回顾了那段历史,给人以启发和教益。2003年以来,陆续介绍过的国际著名遗传学家有孟德尔、摩尔根、魏斯曼、贝特森、德弗里斯、高尔顿、约翰逊、科赛尔、莱文、沃森、克里克、麦克林托克、木原均、瓦维洛夫、穆勒、莫诺、科恩伯格、杜布赞斯基、尼伦伯格、李景均、兰德斯坦纳、艾弗里、比德尔、德尔布吕克、莱德伯格、穆利斯、徐道觉、蒋有兴、桑格、伯内特、泰明、伯格等。2007年,还将陆续介绍伯格、波特、本则尔、克里斯蒂安娜、利川…  相似文献   

该文研究了十种苯丙氨酸(Phe)的对位衍生物Fp、Clp、Bp、Ip、Ap、Np、Sp、Mp、Pp、Cp对小鼠黑色素瘤细胞系B16的细胞毒性、诱导细胞凋亡作用和抑制细胞成集落作用。结果表明,它们的细胞毒性大小依次为Pp、Fp、Mp、Ip、Sp、Ap、Bp。其中Mp和Ip的毒性相近,Sp和Ap的毒性相近。它们诱导细胞凋亡的作用强弱依次为Fp、Mp、Ip。其中Mp和Ip的作用相近。它们抑制细胞成集落的作用大小依次为Pp、Fp、Ip、Mp、Sp、Bp、Np、Ap。其中Pp、Fp、Ip、Mp的作用相近,Sp、Bp、Np的作用相近。初步的细胞毒理分析表明,Fp、Mp、Ip能够诱导B16细胞凋亡和抑制B16细胞形成集落。  相似文献   

作者近年检查了番茄、辣椒、蚕豆、扁豆、大豆、赤豆、花生、西瓜、甜瓜、丝瓜、薄荷、一串红、洋葱、慈菇、蒜、韭、小麦、大麦、玉米、水稻、稗牛筋草、水杉、广玉兰、夹竹桃、女贞、珊瑚树(Viburnum odoratissimum)木槿、海桐、栀子、樱花等三十多种植物的组织细胞,发现这些植物的分生组织、分泌结构及贮藏组织的细胞线粒体一般量多,用针等适当刺激这些部位能加速植株的生长和发育,减少病虫害,提高产量。  相似文献   

金衢地区位于浙江省的中、西部,包括浦江、东阳、磐安、义乌、永康、金华、武义、兰溪、衢州、龙游、江山、常山和开化等13个市县。经调查得知该地区共有毛皮兽32种,占全省毛皮兽种数的88.9%,分隶于5目11科。其中属国家一级保护的有云豹、豹、华南虎和黑麂,二级保护的有猕猴、黑熊、水獭、豺、大灵猫、小灵猫、金猫、獐和鬣羚,其它的则有华南兔、赤腹松鼠、长吻松鼠、豹鼠、狐、貉、狼、青鼬、黄腹鼬、黄鼬、鼬獾、狗獾、猪獾、花面狸、食蟹檬、豹猫、野猪、小麂和毛冠鹿等19种。黄鼬为全区分布,但多集中在衢州以东的盆地平原区。狐、貉、狗…  相似文献   

我国是世界上植物最丰富种类最多的国家。祖国的东西、南北各地高山平原、池沼湖泊、江河海洋;祖国的每一个角落,都生长着形形色色的种类繁多的野生植物。其中有的植物的根茎、叶、花、果实、种子。可提取油脂、芳香油,作为制造油漆、油墨、肥皂、机器润滑油、照明用的灯油、原料作为提取香精,香料的原料。有的植物的根茎、鳞茎、球茎、果实、种子里含有丰富的淀粉它可以代替粮食(面粉、米等)作为酿酒,制糖提取酒精的原料。有的植物的根、茎、叶、种子上的毛含有轫性大、弹性强、纤维长的纤维  相似文献   

2011年6月28日是广东省生态学会成立三十周年纪念日.三十年来,学会的生态环境不断改善,为自然、社会、经济的可持续发展,为和谐社会建设,作出了积极的贡献.在此,让我们怀着崇敬的心情,深切怀念已故的生态学家和关注生态学事业的领导.他们是:蒲蛰龙、刘田夫、陈封怀、李沛文、庞雄飞、何绍颐、邹仁林、邹国础、伍尚忠、莫熙穆、毕志树、黄中强、金烈、胡怀默、贾云飞、曾天勋、沈汝锋、刘集汉、高佩章等同志.他们的敬业精神,值得我们继承和发扬.同时,我们对为学会事业作出突出贡献的学会工作者表示衷心感谢.他们是:张宏达、彭少麟、万洪富、骆世明、王伯荪、段舜山、龚峥、王绍仪、许炼烽、余金照、陈桂珠、何国梁、张金泉、赵成武、 薛加林、陸玲等同志.他们的奉献精神是我们学习的榜样.  相似文献   

对人类有益的真菌一般分为食用真菌和药用真菌。我国主要的食用菌大约有360多种,但是被广泛食用的只有25种,如:双孢蘑菇、香菇、平菇、草菇、黑木耳、银耳、松菇、滑菇、凤尾菇、朴菇、口蘑、猴头、竹荪、羊肚菌、鸡(土从)、鸡油菌、牛肝菌等。茯芩、猪苓、灵芝、雷丸、马勃、冬虫夏草、密环菌、麦角菌等则列为药用菌。食用菌的绝大多数有医疗价值,药用菌的大多数都能食用,两类并无严格的区别。  相似文献   

魏稼 《生物磁学》2001,(3):40-40,36
无创痛穴疗学是研究各种器物施于体表经穴且无创无痛以防病治病的一门临床医学。它涵盖了古代的锃针、圆针、温灸、拔罐、指按以及药品器具的压、敷、涂、贴、刮、捶等经穴疗法;也包括现代的超声波、音频电、激光、红外线、紫外线、红光、电按、电兴奋、超短波、微波、药物离子导人、电、磁、冷、热等穴疗成果。工具取材遍及物理、化学、生物诸领域。  相似文献   

1993年1月,阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、加拿大、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛,爱尔兰、意大利、日本、卢森堡、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、英国、美国等25个国家及欧洲共同体委员会在澳大利亚组成澳大利亚集团,其任务是积极推动《禁止化学武器公约》的尽早生效、《禁止生物和毒素武器公约》的遵守、确保该集团国家的出口控制,以有效地实现防止化生武器扩散的目的。该集团至今已召开了三次会议,提出了化学及生物两个方面的出口控制清单。生物方面的有植物病原体、动物病原体、生物剂  相似文献   

桑粉虱形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究描述了容易与杨梅粉虱混淆的重要害虫桑粉虱Pealius mori(Takahashi)成虫、卵、1~4龄若虫及蛹的形状、分类特征,包括成虫的体长、体色、触角、单眼、复眼、口器、翅、足及雌雄外生殖器;卵的形状、大小、卵色及卵柄;1~4龄若虫及蛹的形状、大小、体色、体周的刚毛、触角、口器、足、管状孔、盖瓣、舌状器及腹沟等。并比较桑粉虱与杨梅粉虱的主要分类特征。  相似文献   

Recombination between snowhoe hare and La Crosse bunyaviruses.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We have previously reported heterologous genetic recombination resulting from crosses involving temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of La Crosse (LAC) group II and snowshoe hare (SSH) group I ts mutants (J. Gentsch, L. R. Wynne, J. P. Clewley, R. E. Shope, and D. H. L. Bishop, J. Virol. 24:893-902, 1977). From those crosses two reassortant viruses having the large/medium/small viral RNA segment genotypes of SSH/LAC/SSH and SSH/LAC/LAC were obtained. In this study it has been found that the reciprocal cross (SSH group II x LAC group I ts mutants) has not yielded the expected LAC/SSH/SSH or LAC/SSH/LAC reassortant viruses. The backcross of a SSH/LAC/SSH group II ts mutant with a LAC group I ts mutant has produced a new reassortant virus, LAC/LAC/SSH, whereas the backcross of SSH/LAC/LAC group I ts mutants with SSH group II ts mutants gave another reassortant, SSH/SSH/LAC. Backcross analyses of LAC/LAC/SSH group I ts mutants with Group II ts mutants of SSH have not yielded the expected LAC/SSH/SSH reassortant virus, nor have backcrosses of SSH/SSH/LAC group II ts mutants with group I ts mutants of LAC virus yielded the expected LAC/SSH/LAC reassortant. Possible reasons why certain reassortant viruses are not produced are discussed. A procedure to screen SSH-LAC reassortant viruses which differ in their virion N polypeptides is described.  相似文献   

Wild-type recombinants were obtained at high frequency from coinfections of BHK cells involving temperature-sensitive, conditional-lethal mutants of snowshoe hare (SSH) and La Crosse (LAC) bunyaviruses. Analyses of two of the recombinants indicated that they have the genome compositions SSH/LAC/SSH and SSH/LAC/LAC for their respective L, M, and S virion RNA species. This evidence, together with that for the genetic stability of the recombinants, indicates that they were derived by segment reassortment of the competent genome pieces of the parental viruses. The SSH/LAC/SSH recombinant appears, from polypeptide analysis, to have the SSH type of nucleocapsid protein (N), whereas the SSH/LAC/LAC recombinant has the LAC nucleocapsid protein, suggesting that the viral S RNA codes for the N protein.  相似文献   

The article presents results of valuation for B. anthracis-specificity and usefulness for its identification obtained for different chromosomal markers. In the second part of the study markers SSH241, SSH196, SSH163, SSH133 as well as a fragment of the house-keeping gene rpoB were analyzed. For the investigation MSSCP and multiplex-PCR assays were used. There were also tested different techniques of electrophoresis. The results gave an information about specificity of tested markers and their usefulness for B. anthracis identification.  相似文献   

Cofilin, an essential regulator of actin filament dynamics, is inactivated by phosphorylation at Ser-3 and reactivated by dephosphorylation. Although cofilin undergoes dephosphorylation in response to extracellular stimuli that elevate intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, signaling mechanisms mediating Ca2+-induced cofilin dephosphorylation have remained unknown. We investigated the role of Slingshot (SSH) 1L, a member of a SSH family of protein phosphatases, in mediating Ca2+-induced cofilin dephosphorylation. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and Ca2+-mobilizing agonists, ATP and histamine, induced SSH1L activation and cofilin dephosphorylation in cultured cells. A23187- or histamine-induced SSH1L activation and cofilin dephosphorylation were blocked by calcineurin inhibitors or a dominant-negative form of calcineurin, indicating that calcineurin mediates Ca2+-induced SSH1L activation and cofilin dephosphorylation. Importantly, knockdown of SSH1L expression by RNA interference abolished A23187- or calcineurin-induced cofilin dephosphorylation. Furthermore, calcineurin dephosphorylated SSH1L and increased the cofilin-phosphatase activity of SSH1L in cell-free assays. Based on these findings, we suggest that Ca2+-induced cofilin dephosphorylation is mediated by calcineurin-dependent activation of SSH1L.  相似文献   

Slingshot-1 (SSH1), a member of a dual-specificity protein phosphatase family, regulates actin dynamics by dephosphorylating and reactivating cofilin, an actin-depolymerizing factor. SSH1 has the SSH family-specific, N-terminal, noncatalytic (SSH-N) domain, consisting of the A and B subdomains. SSH1 is activated by binding to actin filaments. In this study, we examined the mechanisms of SSH1 substrate recognition of phospho-cofilin (P-cofilin) and SSH1 activation by F-actin. We found that P-cofilin binds to a phosphatase-inactive mutant, SSH1(CS), in which the catalytic Cys-393 is replaced by Ser. Using a series of deletion mutants, we provided evidence that both the phosphatase (P) domain and the adjacent B domain are indispensable for P-cofilin binding of SSH1(CS) and cofilin-phosphatase activity of SSH1. In contrast, the A domain is required for the F-actin-mediated activation of SSH1, but not for P-cofilin binding or basal cofilin-phosphatase activity. The P domain alone is sufficient for the phosphatase activity toward p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP), indicating that the SSH-N domain is not essential for the basal phosphatase activity of SSH1. Addition of F-actin increased the cofilin-phosphatase activity of SSH1 more than 1200-fold, but the pNPP-phosphatase activity only 2.2-fold, which suggests that F-actin principally affects the cofilin-specific phosphatase activity of SSH1. When expressed in cultured cells, SSH1, but not its mutant deleted of SSH-N, accumulated in the rear of the lamellipodium. Together, these findings suggest that the conserved SSH-N domain plays critical roles in P-cofilin recognition, F-actin-mediated activation, and subcellular localization of SSH1.  相似文献   

Cofilin plays an essential role in cell migration and morphogenesis by enhancing actin filament dynamics via its actin filament-severing activity. Slingshot-1 (SSH1) is a protein phosphatase that plays a crucial role in regulating actin dynamics by dephosphorylating and reactivating cofilin. In this study, we identified insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-4 as a novel SSH1-binding protein. Co-precipitation assays revealed the direct endogenous binding of IRS4 to SSH1. IRS4, but not IRS1 or IRS2, was bound to SSH1. IRS4 was bound to SSH1 mainly through the unique region (amino acids 335–400) adjacent to the C terminus of the phosphotyrosine-binding domain of IRS4. The N-terminal A, B, and phosphatase domains of SSH1 were bound to IRS4 independently. Whereas in vitro phosphatase assays revealed that IRS4 does not directly affect the cofilin phosphatase activity of SSH1, knockdown of IRS4 increased cofilin phosphorylation in cultured cells. Knockdown of IRS4 decreased phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity, and treatment with an inhibitor of PI3K increased cofilin phosphorylation. Akt preferentially phosphorylated SSH1 at Thr-826, but expression of a non-phosphorylatable T826A mutant of SSH1 did not affect insulin-induced cofilin dephosphorylation, and an inhibitor of Akt did not increase cofilin phosphorylation. These results suggest that IRS4 promotes cofilin dephosphorylation through sequential activation of PI3K and SSH1 but not through Akt. In addition, IRS4 co-localized with SSH1 in F-actin-rich membrane protrusions in insulin-stimulated cells, which suggests that the association of IRS4 with SSH1 contributes to localized activation of cofilin in membrane protrusions.  相似文献   

Tryptic peptide digests of the two viral glycoproteins (G1 and G2) of snowshow hare (SSH) virus, La Crosse, La Crosse (LAC) virus, and an SSH/LAC recombinant virus which has a large (L)/medium (M)/small (S) RNA segment genome composition of SSH/LAC/SSH were analyzed by ion-exchange column chromatography. The analyses prove that the M RNA species of bunyaviruses codes for the two viral glycoproteins.  相似文献   

抑制消减杂交技术(SSH)及其在植物基因克隆上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了抑制消减杂交技术(SSH)的主要原理、基本方法、优越性及主要缺陷,并就其在植物基因克隆上的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

Suppression subtracted hybridization (SSH) and dot blotting were used to identify differential gene expression in the mesocarp and kernel of oil palm nuts. The different types of nut tissue show differences in fatty acid anabolism and the synthesis of other important compounds. In total, 302 clones from forward SSH libraries and 238 clones from reverse SSH libraries were identified following differential screening, respectively. Among these, 120 clones from the forward SSH library and 81 clones from the reverse SSH library, showed tenfold or more differential expression levels, and were sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed that 76 clones (28 from the forward SSH library and 48 from the reverse SSH library) represent non-redundant cDNA inserts. The differential expression of 39 subset genes in the two different tissues was further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Functionally annotated blasting against the GenBank non-redundant protein database classified all 76 candidate genes into six categories, according to their putative functions. Interestingly, our results show that a group of significantly differentially expressed genes are involved in processes associated with oil palm nut maturation, such as the synthesis of medium-chain saturated fatty acids and phytic acid, nut development, and stress/defense responses. This study describes some relationships between gene expression and metabolic pathways in mature oil palm nuts, and contributes to our understanding of oil palm nut ESTs.  相似文献   

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