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To date, no histochemical data exist concerning the process of ossification of developing pedicles in deer. Four different zones of the growing pedicle (subcutaneous tissue; fibrous layer of the periosteum; cambial layer of the periosteum; women bone of the primary spongiosa) were analysed in direct correlation to their histological appearance. The level of extractable specific alkaline phosphatase in the preosseous zones of the pedicle was 4-fold higher than levels in the epiphyseal growth plate previously reported. These results reflect that rapid bone formation takes place in the growing pedicle. Highest buffer-extractable alkaline phosphatase activity was found in the cambial layer directly in front of the mineralization area of the pedicle-bone, connected with maximal values for organically bound phosphate and inorganic phosphate. Moreover, the values for buffer-extractable alkaline phosphatase, organically bound phosphate and inorganic phosphate decreased with increasing mineralization in the zone of the primary spongiosa. The present histological and biochemical findings on the process of ossification in the pedicle show similarities to typical endochondral ossification. The process of pedicle growth may serve as a new and important system for chondrogenic and osteogenic studies, including a better understanding of antler development.  相似文献   

Exotic European earthworms have expanded into worm-free forests of the United States. Concurrently, populations of the white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, have also increased. During winter, deer use hemlock stands for cover while browsing elsewhere, creating a net organic matter flux into these stands. Deer fecal pellets can provide annual inputs of 48.1 kg C, 1.4 kg N, and 1.3 kg Ca per hectare. We tested the hypothesis that these pellets were readily consumed by invading earthworms. The litter-feeding anecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris redistributed fecal pellets and accelerated mass and nutrient loss rates. These losses are likely due to the combination of enhanced fragmentation and decomposition as earthworms drag pellets into their burrows for consumption. This nutrient subsidy may be an important source of high quality “litter” input to hemlock stands, which may in turn facilitate the invasion of these stands by earthworms under high deer densities.  相似文献   

In fallow deer (Dama dama), as well as in other lek-breedingungulates, receptive females arriving at leks commonly joinmales that are defending large harems. This tendency enhancesdifferences in harem size and mating success between males.It could occur because females independendy move to the samemales, because females are attracted to males with females,or because females are attracted to each other. Using controlledexperiments with estrous female fallow deer, we show that, althoughfemales are more attracted to males with harems than to thosewithout, they are as frequently attracted to groups of femaleswithout a male as to female groups with males. We conclude thatfemale fallow deer joining leks are attracted to each otherand copy each other's movements. As yet, there is no firm evidencein fallow deer or in other lek-breeding ungulates that femalescopy each other's choice of mating partners. Key words: Damadama, fallow deer, lek breeding, mate choice, copying behavior.[Behav Ecol 4: 191–193 (1993)]  相似文献   

Serum biochemical values were determined in blood samples collected from 48 shot fallow deer from the Brijuni islands and 45 sedated fallow deer (Dama dama L.) from hunting grounds in the continental part of Croatia. The parameters were compared with regard to age, sex and habitat. Statistically significant differences were found for serum total protein concentration, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activity between young and adult island deer, as well as for total protein, triacylglyceride, cholesterol concentration and alkaline phosphatase activity between young and adult continental deer. In young animals, island males had higher albumin concentrations, while continental males had higher alkaline phosphatase values than females. In adult animals, island males had a higher blood urea nitrogen concentration, while continental males had higher albumin and cholesterol concentrations, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase activities. In this group, males exhibited lower bilirubin and triacylglyceride concentrations than females. Our results indicate that besides age, sex and sampling method, nutritional and environmental factors should be considered when evaluating serum biochemical parameters of fallow deer  相似文献   

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were nearly extirpated from the southeastern USA during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Recovery programmes, including protection of remnant native stocks and transplants from other parts of the species' range, were initiated in the early 1900's. The recovery programmes were highly successful and deer are presently numerous and continuously distributed throughout the southeastern USA. However, the impact of the recovery programmes on the present genetic structure of white-tailed deer remains to be thoroughly investigated. We used 17 microsatellite DNA loci to assess genetic differentiation and diversity for 543 white-tailed deer representing 16 populations in Mississippi and three extra-state reference populations. There was significant genetic differentiation among all populations and the majority of genetic variation (> or = 93%) was contained within populations. Patterns of genetic structure, genetic similarity and isolation by distance within Mississippi were not concordant with geographical proximity of populations or subspecies delineations. We detected evidence of past genetic bottlenecks in nine of the 19 populations examined. However, despite experiencing genetic bottlenecks or founder events, allelic diversity and heterozygosity were uniformly high in all populations. These exceeded reported values for other cervid species that experienced similar population declines within the past century. The recovery programme was successful in that deer were restored to their former range while maintaining high and uniform genetic variability. Our results seem to confirm the importance of rapid population expansion and habitat continuity in retaining genetic variation in restored populations. However, the use of diverse transplant stocks and the varied demographic histories of populations resulted in fine-scale genetic structuring.  相似文献   

Minerals were determined in the livers of 69 fallow deer, which were shot during routine culls in Slovenian enclosures, in the winter of 2001/2002. Analysis of minerals and trace elements was done by atomic absorption spectroscopy and analysis of phosphorus was done by spectrophotometry. Mean values recorded for liver were 0.11±0.07 g/kg for calcium, 6.38±1.10 g/kg for phosphorus, 0.65±0.24 g/kg for sodium, 1.91±0.66 g/kg for potassium, 0.14±0.03 g/kg for magnesium, 31.0±21.9 mg/kg for copper, 31.3±10.8 mg/kg for zinc, 3.8±1.7 mg/kg for manganese, and 141±65 mg/kg for iron. Lead was present in high concentrations in the liver of almost all animals (1.48±0.92 mg/kg), while cadmium occurred in relatively low concentrations (0.27±0.14 mg/kg). There were significant differences in liver sodium, copper and iron concentrations between sexes and significant differences in liver phosphorus concentration between old and young animals.  相似文献   

Abstract Good-genes hypotheses predict that development of secondary sexual characters can be an honest advertisement of heritable male quality. We explored this hypothesis using a cervid model (adult, male white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus ) to determine whether antler development could provide an honest signal of a male's genetic quality and condition to adversaries. We compared antler, morphometric, hormonal, and parasitic data collected from hunter-harvested deer to characteristics of the Mhc-DRB (Odvi) , the most widely studied gene of the major histocom-patibility complex (MHC) in Artiodactyla. We detected associations between genetic characteristics at Odvi-DRB and antler development and body mass, suggesting that antler development and body mass may be associated with pathogen resistance in deer and thus may be an honest signal of genetic quality. We also detected associations between Odvi-DRB characteristics and serum testosterone during the breeding season, suggesting that certain MHC characteristics may help deer cope with stresses related to breeding activity. In addition, we observed a negative relationship between degree of antler development and overall abundance of abomasal helminths. Our observations provide support for the hypothesis that antler development in white-tailed deer is an honest signal of quality.  相似文献   

For many plant species in eastern North America, short observed seed dispersal distances (ranging up to a few tens of meters) fail to explain rapid rates of invasion and migration. This discrepancy points to a substantial gap in our knowledge of the mechanisms by which seeds are dispersed long distances. We investigated the potential for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimm.), the dominant large herbivore in much of eastern North America, to disperse seeds via endozoochory. This is the first comprehensive study of seed dispersal by white-tailed deer, despite a vast body of research on other aspects of their ecology. More than 70 plant species germinated from deer feces collected over a 1-year period in central New York State, USA. Viable seeds included native and alien herbs, shrubs, and trees, including several invasive introduced species, from the full range of habitat types in the local flora. A mean of >30 seeds germinated per fecal pellet group, and seeds were dispersed during all months of the year. A wide variety of presumed dispersal modes were represented (endo- and exozoochory, wind, ballistic, ant, and unassisted). The majority were species with small-seeded fruits having no obvious adaptations for dispersal, underscoring the difficulty of inferring dispersal ability from diaspore morphology. Due to their broad diet, wide-ranging movements, and relatively long gut retention times, white-tailed deer have tremendous potential for effecting long-distance seed dispersal via ingestion and defecation. We conclude that white-tailed deer represent a significant and previously unappreciated vector of seed dispersal across the North American landscape, probably contributing an important long-distance component to the seed shadows of hundreds of plant species, and providing a mechanism to help explain rapid rates of plant migration.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

Nucleic acid sequences of the prion gene (PRNP) were examined and genotypes compiled for 76 white-tailed deer from northern Illinois, which previously tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD), and 120 negative animals selected to control for geographic location and age. Nine nucleotide polymorphisms, seven silent and two coding, were found in the sampled population. All observed polymorphisms except two of very low frequency were observed in both negative and positive animals, although five polymorphic loci had significantly different distributions of alleles between infected and non-infected individuals. Nucleotide base changes 60C/T, 285A/C, 286G/A, and 555C/T were observed with higher than expected frequencies in CWD negative animals suggesting disease resistance, while 153C/T was observed more than expected in positive animals, suggesting susceptibility. The two coding polymorphisms, 285A/C (Q95H) and 286G/A (G96S), have been described in white-tailed deer populations sampled in Colorado and Wisconsin. Frequency distributions of coding polymorphisms in Wisconsin and Illinois deer populations were different, an unexpected result considering the sampled areas are less than 150 km apart. The total number of polymorphisms per animal, silent or coding, was negatively correlated to disease status. The potential importance of silent polymorphisms (60C/T, 153C/T, 555C/T), either individually or cumulatively, in CWD disease status has not been previously reported.  相似文献   

Our understanding of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in cervids has been limited mostly to its effects on antler development in red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), fallow deer (Dama dama), and pudu (Pudu puda). Although IGF-I has been found to play a critical role in reproductive function of other mammals, its role in reproduction of deer is unknown. The objectives of the present study were to determine if serum levels of IGF-I change during the breeding season, assess whether age influences serum IGF-I, compare levels of IGF-I measured during and following the breeding season, and determine if IGF-I is associated with body and antler characteristics in free-ranging adult, male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). We collected serum and morphometric data from hunter-harvested and captured white-tailed deer to investigate these objectives. Mean level of serum IGF-I during the breeding season was 63.6 ng/ml and was greatest in deer between 2.5 and 5.5 years old (57.4-79.9 ng/ml). Levels of serum IGF-I decreased by approximately 40% as the breeding season progressed, but levels were less in deer following the breeding season (34.6 ng/ml). Both body and antler size were associated positively with IGF-I when controlling for age. Serum testosterone was also associated positively with IGF-I. Levels of serum testosterone during the breeding season generally increased with age from 4.82 (1.5 years old) to 18.79 ng/dl (5.5 years old), but decreased thereafter. These data suggest that IGF-I may be an important hormone in breeding, male white-tailed deer.  相似文献   

To measure the effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory on seeds, seedlings, and young saplings of Quercus buckleyi on the eastern Edwards Plateau of central Texas, USA, experimental fenced deer exclosures were constructed. Acorns or small Q. buckleyi transplants were placed in each exclosure and in each unfenced control plot. Deer did not significantly affect acorn survival and germination, but did significantly reduce transplant survival and growth rates. The results support the hypothesis that deer are responsible for the failure of recruitment into adult size classes in Q. buckleyi populations in this region. Without adult recruitment of Q. buckleyi, the species composition and possibly even the physiognomy of woodlands on the eastern Edwards Plateau will change markedly. The results of this experiment also indicate that, although juniper (Juniperus ashei) and Q. buckleyi presumably compete for water, light, and nutrients, in the presence of deer junipers can have a positive effect on seedlings and saplings of Q. buckleyi, a case of facilitation. In the presence of deer the transplants increased in height significantly more slowly away from juniper saplings than they did beneath juniper saplings, probably due to the physical protection from browsing that junipers provided to the transplants.  相似文献   

Control of the white-tailed doe's reproductive cycle is not well documented. The objective was to determine the effects of giving equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) at progesterone device removal on fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) pregnancy rates in white-tailed does. All does (n = 74) were synchronized with a vaginal progesterone implant (CIDR; 0.3 g progesterone), inserted on Day 0 (without regard to stage of estrous cycle), removed 14 days later, and subjected to FTAI, on average, 60 h post-CIDR removal. Of these, 34 were given 200 IU (im) of eCG at CIDR removal. Overall, FTAI pregnancy rate was 50% across 2 yrs (effect of year, P = 0.35). Administration of eCG at CIDR removal did not affect (P = 0.16) pregnancy rate (eCG = 59%; no eCG = 43%). Pregnancy rates were not affected by vulva score or doe disposition. Does that were ≤ 4 yrs old were more likely (P = 0.01) to become pregnant than does > 4 yrs of age. Does inseminated ≥ 60.5 h after CIDR removal were 22 times more likely (P = 0.002) to become pregnant to FTAI than does inseminated < 60.5 h. When frozen-thawed semen was deposited in the cervix or uterus, does were 17 times more likely (P = 0.005) to become pregnant compared with those receiving intravaginal insemination. Fecundity was not different (P = 0.73) across treatment groups (1.6 ± 0.11; no eCG vs. 1.7 ± 0.10; eCG). Furthermore, fecundity of does pregnant to FTAI was not different (P = 0.72) compared with does pregnant to clean-up bucks (1.7 ± 0.08; AI does vs. 1.7 ± 0.09; clean-up bucks). In summary, white-tailed does were successfully inseminated using a 14 days FTAI protocol, eCG may not be essential for acceptable pregnancy rates, and increased pregnancy rates may result when FTAI is done ≥ 60.5 h after progesterone device removal.  相似文献   

Thirty allozyme loci and 35 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction sites were examined in 24 white-tailed deer and 46 mule deer from a hybrid zone in West Texas. A common mtDNA genotype is shared by all of the mule deer with 67% of the white-tailed deer. At the albumin locus, 13% of the white-tailed deer and 24% of the mule deer are heterozygous, sharing alleles that are otherwise species-specific in allopatric populations; 7% of the mule deer are homozygous for the allele that is characteristic of allopatric white-tailed deer. Gene flow appears to have been bidirectional, with greater genetic introgression into mule deer. The mtDNA data suggest that matings between white-tailed and mule deer have occurred in the past. Despite evidence of genetic introgression, analysis of multilocus genotypes indicates that none of the deer examined is an F1 hybrid. Production of such hybrids appears to be generally uncommon in North American deer; management plans that assume otherwise should be reconsidered.This work was supported by an NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Program Development and Expanded Research Awards, the Caesar Kleberg Research Program in Wildlife Ecology, and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Operating Grant.  相似文献   

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