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Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn and Se concentrations were determined in the serum of 106 heroin addicts and were compared with the concentrations obtained in a control group formed of 186 apparently healthy individuals. Heroin addicts displayed K and Se mean concentrations lower (p < 0.05), and Na, Mg, P mean concentrations and a Cu/Zn ratio higher (p < 0.05) than those mean values observed in the control group. The Mg and P concentrations in the serum of heroin addicts tended to normalize when age increased. The heroin addicts included in the methadone maintenance treatment program had higher serum mean concentrations of K and Mg than the heroin addicts in the detoxification process. The Na, K and Mg concentrations displayed highly significant correlations, with a different behavior for the heroin addicts group and the control group. When applying factor analysis and representing the scores of the first and second factors, the heroin addicts tended to differentiation from the control group. However, methadone substitution treatment was not able to normalize these concentrations.  相似文献   

Terpenes are a diverse group of plant secondary metabolites that mediate a plethora of ecological interactions in many plant species. Despite increasing research into the genetic control of important adaptive traits in some plant species, the genetic control of terpenes in forest tree species is still relatively poorly studied. In this study, we use quantitative genetic and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis to investigate the genetic control of foliar terpenes in an ecologically and commercially important eucalypt species, Eucalyptus globulus. We show a moderate to high within-family broad-sense heritability and significant genetic basis to the variation in 14 of the 16 terpenes assayed. This is the first report of QTL for terpenes in this species. Eleven QTL influenced the terpenes overall. One QTL on linkage group 6 affected six of the seven different sesquiterpenes assayed (plus one monoterpene), which, in combination with highly significant correlations between these compounds, argues that their variation is influenced by a QTL with pleiotropic effect early in the biosynthetic pathway. We examine the homology of these QTL to those found in a closely related eucalypt, Eucalyptus nitens, and provide evidence that both common and unique QTL influence terpene levels.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium strain ORS571, which is associated with the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata, has the property of growing in the free-living state at the expense of ammonia or N2 as sole nitrogen source. Five mutants, isolated as unable to form colonies on plates under conditions of nitrogen fixation, were studied. All of them, which appear as Fix- in planta, are nif mutants. With mutant 5740, nitrogenase activity of the crude extract was restored by addition of pure Mo-Fe protein of Klebsiella pneumoniae. A 13-kb BamHI DNA fragment from the wild-type strain, which hybridized with a probe carrying the nifHDK genes of K. pneumoniae, was cloned in vector pRK290 to yield plasmid pRS1. The extent of homology between the probe and the BamHI fragment was estimated at 4 kb and hybridization with K. pneumoniae nifH, nifK, and possibly nifD was detected. The pRS1 plasmid was introduced into the sesbania rhizobium nif mutants. Genetic complementation was observed with strain 5740(pRS1) both in the free-living state and in planta. It thus appears that biochemistry and genetics of nitrogen fixation in this particular Rhizobium strain can be performed with bacteria grown under non-symbiotic conditions.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The introduction of Acacia mangium in Eucalyptus urophylla x grandis stands improves wood production on poor sandy soils of coastal plains of the Congo. We assessed the impact of A. mangium plantations in pure stands and in mixture with eucalypt trees on the physico-chemical properties of the soil after one rotation.


Bulk densities, N, C, available P and pH were determined on soil sampled in the pure acacia (100A), pure eucalypt (100E) and mixed-species (50A:50E) stands. N and P were determined in aboveground litters and in leaves, bark and wood of trees.


N and C concentrations were higher in 50A:50E than in 100A and 100E in the top soil layer. The pH was lower in 100A and higher in 100E than in 50A:50E. The available P was lower in 50A:50E than in 100A and 100E. Leaf N was lower in 50A:50E than in 100A for acacia, and higher than in 100E for eucalypt. Leaf P was similar for acacia but higher for eucalypt in 50A:50E than in 100E. In contrast to P, the amount of N in aboveground litterfall increased with the proportion of acacia in the stand.


The introduction of acacia trees in eucalypt plantations increased C and N contents of the soil but decreased the available P content in the mixed-species stand. This may be related to a higher uptake of P needed to maintain the N:P stoichiometry in eucalypt leaves.  相似文献   

Aim This study documents the effects of multiple fires and drought on the woody structure of a north Australian savanna never grazed by domestic stock. Location The study was conducted in a 500 ha pocket of Eucalyptus‐dominated savanna surrounded by a late Quaternary lava flow. The flow is known as the Great Basalt Wall, located c. 50 km northeast of Charters Towers in semi‐arid north‐eastern Australia. This region was exposed to the largest 5‐year rainfall deficit on record between 1992 and 1996. Methods All individual woody plants were tagged within a 1.56 ha plot. Species were segregated into their habitat affinities (rain forest, ecotone, savanna) and regeneration strategy (resprouter, seeder). The survivorship of plants within these categories was analysed in relation to fire intensity from the first fire, and to each of four fires lit between 1996 and 2001. Results Before the first fire, the plot contained thirty‐one tree species including twenty‐one typical of the surrounding dry rain forest. These rain forest species were represented by small individuals and constituted <1% of the total basal area of woody plants. The basal area of savanna trees was 7.5 m2 ha?1 at the commencement of monitoring, although 31% had recently died and others had major crown damage. Further death of the drought debilitated savanna trees was substantial during the first year of monitoring and the basal area of live savanna trees declined to 1.1 m2 ha?1 after 5 years. Most species from both rain forest and savanna were classified as resprouters and are capable of regenerating from underground organs after fire. Species without this ability (rain forest seeders and ecotone seeders) were mostly eliminated after the first two consecutive fires. Among resprouters, survivorship declined as fire intensity increased and this was more pronounced for rain forest than for savanna species. Repeated burning produced a cumulative effect of decreasing survivorship for rain forest resprouters relative to savanna resprouters. Main conclusions The study provides evidence that savanna and rain forest trees differ in fire susceptibility and that recurrent fire can explain the restricted distribution of rain forest in the seasonally arid Australian tropics. The time of death of the savanna trees is consistent with the regional pattern after severe drought, and highlights the importance of medium term climate cycles for the population dynamics of savanna tree species and structure of Australian savannas.  相似文献   

以亚热带不同林龄(3、8、14、21、46年生)杉木人工林为研究对象,探索不同叶龄(当年生、1年生、2年生和3年生)叶片氮、磷养分状况和水分利用效率的差异及其相互关系.结果表明: 不同叶龄水分利用效率差异显著,总体趋势为当年生>1年生>2年生>3年生,而林龄对水分利用效率影响不显著.叶片N/P为11.4~19.6,其中,幼龄林和老龄林叶片N/P高于速生期林分叶片N/P,氮、磷浓度随叶龄的变化趋势一致,为当年生>1年生>2年生>3年生.水分利用效率随林龄变化不显著,可能是因为叶片光合速率和气孔导度同时随林龄下降.水分利用效率与叶片氮浓度相关不显著,而与叶片磷浓度呈显著正相关,与N/P呈显著负相关,表明在氮沉降增加的背景下,亚热带森林中植物磷含量逐渐成为影响水分利用效率的重要因子.  相似文献   

Plantar fascia (PF) is a heterogeneous thickness structure across plantar foot. It is important significance to investigate the biomechanical behavior of the medial, middle and lateral PF regions. To investigate the non-uniform macro/micro structures of the different PF regions, the uniaxial tensile test of PF strips were performed to assess the mechanical behavior of PF. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to visualize and measure the micro morphology of PF associated with collagen fibers. A three-dimensional foot finite element (FE) model was developed to quantify the tensile behavior of the internal PF. The elastic modulus of the lateral PF component (1560 MPa) was observed, followed by the medial (701 MPa), the central (1100 MPa) and the lateral (714 MPa) portions in the central component. Elongation of the central portion (0.192) was lower than the medial (0.223) and the lateral (0.227) portions. The corresponding SEM images showed that the fibers of the central portion were more densely packed and thicker compared to the ambilateral portions in the central component. While the FE model prediction also suggested that the greater elastic modulus of the central PF portion had lower strain (0.192) versus the ambilateral portions. Therefore, the lower elongation and greater elastic modulus at the central portion of PF would probably have a high risk of PF injury. The findings showed a relation between the mechanical tension and fibrous morphology of PF. This information would have a better understanding of the PF pathophysiology diseases related to tear and injury of PF.  相似文献   

The role of fire in governing rainforest–eucalypt forest ecotone dynamics is of theoretical interest and has conservation management implications. Several eucalypt forests in the Wet Tropics of Australia have an endangered status due to extensive conversion to rainforest. Rainforest plants are known to survive occasional low intensity fires in the eucalypt forest ecotone. However, the ability of rainforest plants to survive frequent fires remains untested. The timing of rainforest expansion is also a subject of interest, and is generally considered to be delayed until fire has been absent for several years. We used 14 years of data collected across 13 plots in the Wet Tropics of north‐eastern Australia to test predictions regarding rainforest seedling recruitment and post‐fire regenerative capacity. The 13 plots received different numbers of fires, between zero and five, over the 14‐year study. The recruitment of new rainforest plants in the ecotone was most abundant in the initial year after fire. If this post‐fire pulse of recruitment is left undisturbed, it can facilitate the subsequent germination of additional rainforest species. The removal of grass cover, whether temporarily in the immediate post‐fire environment or once a developing rainforest mid strata shades out grasses, appears crucial to abundant rainforest recruitment. A variety of tropical rainforest species can persist under a frequent fire regime through resprouting. The difference in the mode of resprouting, between ground‐level coppicing rainforest plants and canopy resprouting eucalypt forest trees, is the critical mechanism that causes regular fire to maintain an open structure in eucalypt forests. The inability of rainforest species to maintain their height when fires fully scorch their crowns, temporarily resets the forest's open structure and delays the rainforest's ability to dominate through shading out grasses to transform the ecosystem into a closed forest.  相似文献   

Infertility in dairy cattle is a complex, multi-factorial problem that cannot be evaluated in isolation of other diseases and disorders. Clearly there is a role for the prevention of problems in the peri-parturient period, in particular hypocalcaemia, mastitis, lameness and retained placenta (RP), that all have a negative impact on the subsequent fertility of the cow. Minerals, trace elements and vitamins play a vital role in the prevention of these disorders at this time. Macro minerals are involved in the acid base status of the dairy cow and influence calcium metabolism. The use of anionic salts in combination with adequate calcium and magnesium supplementation may help to improve dry matter intakes and reduce negative energy balance in the post-calving period as well as prevent hypocalcaemia. Vitamin E and zinc are effective in prevention of mastitis that occurs predominantly in the first weeks of lactation, through enhanced antioxidant function and keratinisation of the teat canal. Lameness in dairy cattle also occurs mainly in lactation though most of the original insults to the hoof can occur prior to calving. Zinc and biotin are implicated in improving keratinisation of the hoof and prevention of this disease. Organic forms of zinc are retained better than inorganic sources and may provide greater benefit in disease prevention. Retained placenta can be reduced by prevention of hypocalcaemia and also adequate selenium status of the dairy cow. Selenium yeast is known to have higher retention in tissues and may play an important role in ensuring sufficient selenium is available to the cow for reduction of disease.  相似文献   

Charcoal fragments, some identified as Eucalyptus, with radiocarbon dates spanning the period 27 000–12 000 years bp , were found in a soil profile under moist tropical rainforest in north-eastern Australia. The charcoal indicates that sclerophyll forest occupied a central part of the Windsor Tableland rainforest massif during the late Pleistocene. The widespread presence of identifiable and dateable charcoal under rainforest in north Queensland provides an opportunity to examine the patterns and ecological implications of fluctuations in rainforest distribution in recent history.  相似文献   

Edge effects represent an inevitable and important consequence of habitat loss and fragmentation. These effects include changes in microclimate, solar radiation, or temperature. Such abiotic effects can, in turn, impact biotic factors. They can have a substantial impact on species, communities, and ecosystems. Here we examine clinal variations in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values for trees along an edge-interior gradient in the dry deciduous forest at Ankarafantsika National Park. We predicted that soil respiration and differences in solar irradiance would result in stratified δ(13)C values where leaves collected close to the forest floor would have lower δ(13)C values than those growing higher up in the canopy. We also anticipated that plants growing at the savannah-forest boundary would have higher δ(13)C and δ(15)N values than plants growing in the forest interior. As expected, we detected a small but significant canopy effect. Leaves growing below 2 m from the forest floor exhibit δ(13)C values that are, on average, 1.1‰ lower than those growing above this threshold. We did not, however, find any relationship between foliar δ(13)C and distance from the edge. Unpredictably, we detected a striking positive relationship between foliar δ(15)N values and increasing distance into the forest interior. Variability in physiology among species, anthropogenic influence, organic input, and rooting depth cannot adequately explain this trend. Instead, this unexpected relationship most likely reflects decreasing nutrient or water availability, or a shift in N-sources with increasing distance from the savannah. Unlike most forest communities, the trees at Ampijoroa are growing in nutrient-limited sands. In addition to being nutrient poor, these well-drained soils likely decrease the amount of soil water available to forest vegetation. Continued research on plant responses to edge effects will improve our understanding of the conservation biology of forest ecosystems in Madagascar.  相似文献   

T.S. Grove 《Plant and Soil》1990,126(2):265-275
The sensitivity of tissue nutrient concentrations to changes in plant age and the supply of P and N was compared between leaves and associated twigs in two forest species. In a young regrowth stand, tissues were sampled on three occasions from the mid-crown position of karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) and Bossiaea laidlawiana Tovey and Morris, a major understorey legume. Leaves and twigs were also sampled from young plants of B. laidlawiana growing in a mature eucalypt stand to which P treatments had been applied.Nitrogen application increased N concentrations in twigs of karri and B. laidlawiana, but not in leaves. Phosphorus application increased P concentrations in both leaves and twigs of karri but the average increases were proportionally greater in twigs (65%) than in leaves (36%). Over the sampling period, P concentrations in leaves declined, while those in twigs were relatively stable. In B. laidlawiana, P supply also had a larger effect on P concentrations in twigs than in leaves. Addition of 200 kg P ha–1 increased average P concentrations in twigs by 109% in the regrowth stand and by 215% in the mature stand while the corresponding increases in leaves were only 11% and 27%. Concentrations of other nutrients in both species were also affected by N and P application, the most notable being a decline in the concentrations of the minor nutrients, Zn and Cu, with increased P supply.The increased N concentrations in twigs of karri, and the increased P concentrations in tissues of both species, were associated with responses of karri to added N and P, and of B. laidlawiana to added P. This indicates that tissue concentrations of N and P were generally below critical concentrations where N and P were not applied. The results show that for these species twigs may be a better tissue than leaves for diagnosing deficiencies or predicting N and P requirements. The ratio of P concentrations in twigs to P concentrations in leaves also increased with added P. It is suggested that this ratio may be a useful index if it reduces the variability caused by sampling position within the crown or genetic differences between plants.  相似文献   

D. Lamb 《Plant and Soil》1977,47(2):495-508
Summary Relationships beween nutrient concentrations and the growth of the fast growing tropical eucalypt E. deglupta were examined at two sites in Papua New Guinea. At the Gogol Valley site a predominantly linear relationship was found between growth and foliar N over the range 0.68–2.04 per cent N. At the Kerevat site the relationship between growth and foliar nutrients was less strongly developed (foliar N varied from 1.77 to 3.36 per cent). The combined data could be described by a second degree polynomial. Height=11.05N – 2.03N2 – 3.52P – 4.46.This accounted for 72 per cent of the variation in height. Based on this relationship a tentative critical foliar N concentration (corresponding with 90 per cent of maximum height) of 2.1 per cent is proposed. re]19760128  相似文献   

Gels, microgels, and matrices were prepared based on a previously developed recombinant spidroin, 1F9, produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain; their physical, chemical, and biological properties were investigated. It was shown that microgels obtained from 2.5% hydrogel are sized in the range of 50–300 μm, with a predominance of particles of 50–150 μm in diameter. The microgel particles were stable in neutral, acidic, and alkaline media; the destruction of 50% (wt.) of the particles occurred in corrosive media (Fenton’s reagent) within three weeks. The microgel surface, which was studied by laser scanning confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, has a complex relief in which there are both nano-(250–400 nm) and microstructures (3–7 μm). It was shown that particles of both microgel and matrices are capable of adhesion and support the proliferation of 3T3 murine fibroblasts in vitro.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the association between combined concentrations of macro and trace elements and markers of oxidative stress and antioxidative defense system function together with selected cytokine levels. Based on the combined medians of the seminal plasma levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, and selenium, the study subjects (88 fertile male volunteers) were divided into the following two subgroups: the Me-L group (low level of metals) and the Me-H group (high level of metals). There was a tendency toward reduced motility in the Me-H group compared to that in the Me-L group. The total protein, albumin, and total oxidation status (TOS) levels were significantly higher in the Me-H group than in the Me-L group. The total superoxide dismutase (SOD), Mn-SOD, and CuZn-SOD, activity in spermatozoa were significantly lower in the Me-H group than in the Me-L group. In seminal plasma, the Mn-SOD activity was significantly higher in the Me-H group, whereas the CuZn-SOD activity was significantly lower. Additionally, the activity levels of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were lower in the Me-H group. The medians of IL-1β, IL-10, and IL-12 were significantly higher in the Me-H group than in the Me-L group, whereas the medians of IL-2, IL-5, and IL-13 were significantly lower. Higher levels of macro and trace elements in the seminal plasma of fertile males may be associated with decreased motility. Higher levels of the examined metals are associated with elevated oxidative stress accompanied by decreased activities of some of the antioxidant enzymes and increased pro-inflammatory cytokine levels.  相似文献   

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