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Ca2+ channel Cch1, and its subunit Mid1, has been suggested as the protein complex responsible for mediating Ca2+ influx, which is often employed by fungal cells to maintain cell survival. The abilities of morphological switch and response to stress conditions are closely related to pathogenicity in Candida albicans. Cch1 and Mid1 activity are required for virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans and Claviceps purpurea, respectively. To investigate whether Cch1 and Mid1 also play a role in the virulence of C. albicans, we constructed cch1Δ/Δ and mid1Δ/Δ mutant strains for functional analysis of CCH1 and MID1. Although both of the mutants displayed the ability of yeast-to-hypha transition, they were defective in hyphae maintenance and invasive growth. Interestingly, deletion of CCH1 or MID1 in C. albicans led to an obvious defect phenotype in oxidative stress response. Moreover, the virulence of the mutants was reduced in a mouse model. Our results demonstrated that Cch1 and Mid1 activity are related to the virulence of C. albicans and may provide a new antifungal target.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine (PC, lecithin) has long been considered a solely eukaryotic membrane lipid. Only a minority of all bacteria is able to synthesize PC. The plant‐transforming bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens encodes two potential PC forming enzymes, a phospholipid N‐methyltransferase (PmtA) and a PC synthase (Pcs). We show that PC biosynthesis and tumour formation on Kalanchoë plants was impaired in the double mutant. The virulence defect was due to a complete lack of the type IV secretion machinery in the Agrobacterium PC mutant. Our results strongly suggest that PC in bacterial membranes is an important determinant for the establishment of host–microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a facultative plant pathogen and the causative agent of crown gall disease. The initial stage of infection involves attachment to plant tissues, and subsequently, biofilms may form at these sites. This study focuses on the periplasmic ExoR regulator, which was identified based on the severe biofilm deficiency of A. tumefaciens exoR mutants. Genome-wide expression analysis was performed to elucidate the complete ExoR regulon. Overproduction of the exopolysaccharide succinoglycan is a dramatic phenotype of exoR mutants. Comparative expression analyses revealed that the core ExoR regulon is unaffected by succinoglycan synthesis. Several findings are consistent with previous observations: genes involved in succinoglycan biosynthesis, motility, and type VI secretion are differentially expressed in the ΔexoR mutant. In addition, these studies revealed new functional categories regulated by ExoR, including genes related to virulence, conjugation of the pAtC58 megaplasmid, ABC transporters, and cell envelope architecture. To address how ExoR exerts a broad impact on gene expression from its periplasmic location, a genetic screen was performed to isolate suppressor mutants that mitigate the exoR motility phenotype and identify downstream components of the ExoR regulatory pathway. This suppression analysis identified the acid-sensing two-component system ChvG-ChvI, and the suppressor mutant phenotypes suggest that all or most of the characteristic exoR properties are mediated through ChvG-ChvI. Subsequent analysis indicates that exoR mutants are simulating a response to acidic conditions, even in neutral media. This work expands the model for ExoR regulation in A. tumefaciens and underscores the global role that this regulator plays on gene expression.  相似文献   

Exposure of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to menadione, cumene hydroperoxide, and diamide strongly induced trxA expression. The trxA mutant showed a reduction in the aerobic growth rate and plating efficiency and was cytochrome c oxidase negative. Atypically, the mutant has decreased resistance to menadione but an increased H2O2 resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

The Vibrio cholerae type II secretion (T2S) machinery is a multiprotein complex that spans the cell envelope. When the T2S system is inactivated, cholera toxin and other exoproteins accumulate in the periplasmic compartment. Additionally, loss of secretion via the T2S system leads to a reduced growth rate, compromised outer membrane integrity, and induction of the extracytoplasmic stress factor RpoE (A. E. Sikora, S. R. Lybarger, and M. Sandkvist, J. Bacteriol. 189:8484-8495, 2007). In this study, gene expression profiling reveals that inactivation of the T2S system alters the expression of genes encoding cell envelope components and proteins involved in central metabolism, chemotaxis, motility, oxidative stress, and iron storage and acquisition. Consistent with the gene expression data, molecular and biochemical analyses indicate that the T2S mutants suffer from internal oxidative stress and increased levels of intracellular ferrous iron. By using a tolA mutant of V. cholerae that shares a similar compromised membrane phenotype but maintains a functional T2S machinery, we show that the formation of radical oxygen species, induction of oxidative stress, and changes in iron physiology are likely general responses to cell envelope damage and are not unique to T2S mutants. Finally, we demonstrate that disruption of the V. cholerae cell envelope by chemical treatment with polymyxin B similarly results in induction of the RpoE-mediated stress response, increased sensitivity to oxidants, and a change in iron metabolism. We propose that many types of extracytoplasmic stresses, caused either by genetic alterations of outer membrane constituents or by chemical or physical damage to the cell envelope, induce common signaling pathways that ultimately lead to internal oxidative stress and misregulation of iron homeostasis.Vibrio cholerae, a rod-shaped, highly motile, gram-negative bacterium, is the causative agent of the life threatening diarrheal disease cholera (59). The type II secretion (T2S) system plays an important role in the pathogenesis of V. cholerae by secreting cholera toxin (63), which is largely responsible for the symptoms of the disease (33). The T2S system is widespread and well conserved in gram-negative bacteria inhabiting a variety of ecological niches and likely contributes to environmental survival as well as to virulence (11, 21). In V. cholerae, secretion via the T2S machinery is supported by a transenvelope complex of 12 Eps proteins (EpsC to EpsN) and the type 4 prepilin peptidase PilD (VcpD) (25, 44, 63). Transport of exoproteins by the T2S system occurs via a two-step process. The first step, which is either Sec or Tat dependent, requires recognition of the N-terminal signal peptide of the exoproteins and translocation through the inner membrane to the periplasm. Then the folded proteins engage the T2S machinery and are subsequently exported across the outer membrane to the extracellular milieu (23, 29).Besides periplasmic accumulation of exoproteins, additional phenotypes of T2S mutants are reported for an increasing number of species, possibly indicating involvement of the T2S system in other important cellular processes. For example, alterations in outer membrane protein composition have been described for T2S mutants of V. cholerae, Aeromonas hydrophila, marine Vibrio sp. strain 60, and Shewanella oneidensis (30, 32, 63, 64). The levels of outer membrane porins OmpU, OmpT, and OmpS are decreased in T2S mutants of V. cholerae (63, 65), and likewise, disruption of T2S genes in A. hydrophila leads to diminished quantities of OmpF and OmpS (30). Similarly, the amounts of the c-type cytochromes MtrC and OmcA in the outer membranes of S. oneidensis T2S mutants are reduced (64). Furthermore, we have shown that inactivation of the T2S system in V. cholerae results in a reduced growth rate, compromised outer membrane integrity, and, as a consequence, induction of RpoE activity. In addition, our studies showed that V. cholerae T2S mutants are unable to survive the passage through the infant mouse gastrointestinal tract (65). Growth defects at low temperatures under laboratory conditions as well as in tap water and amoebae were also observed for T2S mutants of Legionella pneumophila (68).Interestingly, differential abundance of proteins involved in phosphate metabolism and iron uptake has been revealed by proteomic analysis of culture supernatants isolated from wild-type and T2S mutant strains of Pseudoaltermonas tunicata (22). Based on these results, it has been suggested that the T2S system might be involved in iron acquisition. Similarly, certain T2S mutants of Erwinia chrysanthemi exhibit defects indicative of changes in iron homeostasis (17). It has also been noted that the level of aconitate hydratase, an iron-sulfur cluster-containing enzyme, is reduced in L. pneumophila T2S mutants (16).In this study, in an attempt to explain the phenotypes associated with loss of T2S, we performed microarray gene expression profiling of wild-type and T2S-deficient strains. Our data revealed that inactivation of the T2S machinery results in a metabolic feedback loop leading to oxidative stress and changes in iron metabolism. By analyzing another V. cholerae mutant that shares a similar cell envelope phenotype while remaining competent for T2S, we show that the changes in iron homeostasis and oxidative stress are linked to cell envelope damage and extracytoplasmic stress.  相似文献   

The Hfq protein mediates gene regulation by small RNAs (sRNAs) in about 50% of all bacteria. Depending on the species, phenotypic defects of an hfq mutant range from mild to severe. Here, we document that the purified Hfq protein of the plant pathogen and natural genetic engineer Agrobacterium tumefaciens binds to the previously described sRNA AbcR1 and its target mRNA atu2422, which codes for the substrate binding protein of an ABC transporter taking up proline and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Several other ABC transporter components were overproduced in an hfq mutant compared to their levels in the parental strain, suggesting that Hfq plays a major role in controlling the uptake systems and metabolic versatility of A. tumefaciens. The hfq mutant showed delayed growth, altered cell morphology, and reduced motility. Although the DNA-transferring type IV secretion system was produced, tumor formation by the mutant strain was attenuated, demonstrating an important contribution of Hfq to plant transformation by A. tumefaciens.  相似文献   

ChvE is a chromosomally encoded protein in Agrobacterium tumefaciens that mediates a sugar-induced increase in virulence (vir) gene expression through the activities of the VirA/VirG two-component system and has also been suggested to be involved in sugar utilization. The ChvE protein has homology to several bacterial periplasmic sugar-binding proteins, such as the ribose-binding protein and the galactose/glucose-binding protein of Escherichia coli. In this study, we provide direct evidence that ChvE specifically binds the vir gene-inducing sugar d-glucose with high affinity. Furthermore, ChvE mutations resulting in altered vir gene expression phenotypes have been isolated and characterized. Three distinct categories of mutants have been identified. Strains expressing the first class are defective in both virulence and d-glucose utilization as a result of mutations to residues lining the sugar-binding cleft. Strains expressing a second class of mutants are not adversely affected in sugar binding but are defective in virulence, presumably due to impaired interactions with the sensor kinase VirA. A subset of this second class of mutants includes variants of ChvE that also result in defective sugar utilization. We propose that these mutations affect not only interactions with VirA but also interactions with a sugar transport system. Examination of a homology model of ChvE shows that the mutated residues associated with the latter two phenotypes lie in two overlapping solvent-exposed sites adjacent to the sugar-binding cleft where conformational changes associated with the binding of sugar might have a maximal effect on ChvE''s interactions with its distinct protein partners.Virulent strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens contain the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid that carries virulence (vir) operons. Products of vir operons are involved in infecting wound sites of dicotyledonous plants and initiating tumor formation. The expression of vir genes in A. tumefaciens is activated by plant-released signals, namely, phenolic derivatives, acidic pH, and monosaccharides (for a review, see reference 6), via the combined activities of the periplasmic protein ChvE and the VirA/VirG two-component regulatory system. Upon perception of these plant signals, autophosphorylated VirA, a transmembrane histidine kinase, transfers a phosphoryl group to VirG, a response regulator, and then the phosphorylated VirG activates the expression of vir genes by binding vir boxes in their promoters (8, 19, 24, 31, 52).Perception and transduction of the sugar signals is crucial to the virulence of A. tumefaciens: strains lacking ChvE, a chromosomally encoded putative sugar-binding protein, are significantly less virulent than wild-type strains (17, 18). Previous studies have shown that, in fact, sugar signaling is neither sufficient for nor absolutely required for vir gene expression. Rather, sugars vastly increase both the sensitivity of VirA to phenol derivatives, such as acetosyringone (AS), and the maximal levels of vir gene expression observed at saturating levels of such compounds (for a review, see reference 26). The periplasmic domain of VirA is required for transduction of the sugar and pH signals (7, 8, 16, 41), whereas the so-called “linker” domain, located in the cytoplasm between the second transmembrane domain and the kinase domain, is required for perception and transduction of the phenolic signals (8, 46, 47).A working model for the ChvE/sugar/VirA signaling pathway suggests that monosaccharide-bound ChvE interacts with the periplasmic domain of VirA to relieve periplasmic repression, resulting in maximal sensitivity of VirA to phenolic signals (7, 11, 32, 41). However, limited evidence has been presented to reveal how ChvE recognizes monosaccharides and how it interacts with the periplasmic domain of VirA. Shimoda et al. (41) identified a mutant chvE allele [chvE(T211M)] that is able to suppress a sugar-insensitive virA allele [virA(E210V)], thereby restoring the sugar-sensing ability. The suppressing effect of chvE(T211M) was then proposed to be the result of the specific restoration of the capacity of VirAE210V to bind ChvET211M. However, ChvET211M also activated wild-type VirA in the absence of sugars (32), suggesting that this mutant may not be a site-specific suppressor of VirAE210V. Based on a homology model of ChvE, a recent study (16) does predict, though, that the residue T211 is located on the surface of the ChvE protein, consistent with the model that T211 is in a position to interact with the periplasmic domain of VirA.Based on sequence similarity, ChvE is a member of the periplasmic sugar-binding protein (PSBP) family. The structures of some PSBPs, including two ChvE homologues in Escherichia coli, ribose-binding protein (RBP) and glucose/galactose-binding protein (GBP), have been solved. The family of PSBPs shares very similar structural features, and each of them contains two similar but distinct globular domains connected by a flexible hinge (38). A sugar-binding site is located at the cleft between the two domains. PSBPs play an important role in active sugar transport, and some of them also serve as an initial receptor for sugar chemotaxis (45). A wealth of evidence has demonstrated that some specialized regions located on the surfaces of PSBPs are important for transport and chemotactic functions. In the case of RBP, four distinct regions spanning the N-terminal and C-terminal domains are involved in interaction with its permease (a transport partner), its chemotransducer (a chemotactic partner), or both (5, 15). In GBP, one residue was identified as being specifically involved in chemotaxis but not transport (36, 49). For maltose-binding protein (MBP), which is also a member of the PSBP family, two well-defined regions located on each domain of the protein are involved in interaction with its chemotransducer (54). These regions partially overlap with the regions involved in interaction with its permease (25, 54). Structural analysis indicates that both domains of MBP have direct interactions with its transport partners (35).ChvE also appears to be a highly versatile protein: not only does it play an important role in virulence, but as in the case of the PSPBs described above, it has been indicated to be a primary receptor for transport of and chemotaxis toward some sugars (7). This raises important biological/biochemical questions. How can ChvE interact with three presumably different periplasmic components of systems that are respectively involved in virulence, sugar utilization, and chemotaxis? How are the interactions of ChvE with these periplasmic components structurally segregated: do the interactions occur on the same or different regions of ChvE? To address these issues, we employed genetic and biophysical approaches to identify the residues of ChvE involved in sugar utilization versus the residues involved in virulence. The residues of both groups were mapped onto a homology model of ChvE based on a high-resolution crystal structure of E. coli GBP (PDB ID, 2ipn). Our results identify an extended surface spanning both the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of ChvE that is essential for interacting with VirA and that partially overlaps the surface responsible for the interaction of ChvE with a putative ABC sugar transport protein.  相似文献   

为揭示盐肤木(Rhus chinensis)锰积累特征与耐受机制,该研究通过盆栽试验方法,分析0(CK)、1、5、10和20 mmol·L-1Mn2+胁迫对半年生盐肤木幼苗生长、生理生化特征及其锰富集特征的影响。结果表明:(1)盐肤木在Mn2+浓度为0~10 mmol·L-1条件下生长发育状况良好,且在5 mmol·L-1Mn2+处理下叶片舒展,叶片颜色较深,生长最佳,而在20 mmol·L-1Mn2+条件下部分叶片出现褐色斑点、萎蔫卷边的现象;随着Mn2+浓度的升高,盐肤木幼苗的生物量呈先升高后下降的趋势,并在5 mmol·L-1Mn2+胁迫时最高。(2)随着Mn2+浓度的升高,盐肤木叶片中光合色素含量呈先升后降的趋势,且在Mn2+浓度为5 mmol·L-1时达到峰值。(3)随着M...  相似文献   

In Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the balance between acquiring enough iron and avoiding iron-induced toxicity is regulated in part by Fur (ferric uptake regulator). A fur mutant was constructed to address the physiological role of the regulator. Atypically, the mutant did not show alterations in the levels of siderophore biosynthesis and the expression of iron transport genes. However, the fur mutant was more sensitive than the wild type to an iron chelator, 2,2'-dipyridyl, and was also more resistant to an iron-activated antibiotic, streptonigrin, suggesting that Fur has a role in regulating iron concentrations. A. tumefaciens sitA, the periplasmic binding protein of a putative ABC-type iron and manganese transport system (sitABCD), was strongly repressed by Mn(2+) and, to a lesser extent, by Fe(2+), and this regulation was Fur dependent. Moreover, the fur mutant was more sensitive to manganese than the wild type. This was consistent with the fact that the fur mutant showed constitutive up-expression of the manganese uptake sit operon. Fur(At) showed a regulatory role under iron-limiting conditions. Furthermore, Fur has a role in determining oxidative resistance levels. The fur mutant was hypersensitive to hydrogen peroxide and had reduced catalase activity. The virulence assay showed that the fur mutant had a reduced ability to cause tumors on tobacco leaves compared to wild-type NTL4.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 grown on acidic medium containing glucose and solidified with bacteriological agar expressed a virB::lacZ fusion. No expression of this fusion was observed on a similar medium which was solidified with purified agarose. The fraction from bacteriological agar which was responsible for vir gene induction was extracted with methanol and partially purified by preparative thin-layer chromatography.  相似文献   

Chromosomal virulence (chv) mutants of Agrobacterium tumefaciens have been reported to be deficient in binding to cells of zinnia, tobacco, and bamboo. The mutants are nonpathogenic on stems of Kalanchoë, sunflower, tomato, Jerusalem artichoke, and tobacco, but they cause tumors on tubers of Solanum tuberosum. We used a root cap cell binding assay to test ability of cells from individual plants of 13 different plant species to bind parent or chv mutant bacteria. The same plants were then inoculated to test for disease response. Cells from nine of the plant species were grossly deficient in their abilities to bind mutant bacteria, and the plants inoculated with mutant bacteria failed to form tumors. In contrast, root cap cells as well as root hairs and root surfaces of S. tuberosum, S. okadae, and S. hougasii bound chv mutant bacteria as well as wild type. Nevertheless, S. tuberosum roots inoculated with mutant bacteria did not develop tumors. Although S. okadae plants inoculated with mutant bacteria formed a few tumors, and S. hougasii developed as many tumors in response to chv mutants as in response to the parent strain, the tumors induced by mutant bacteria were smaller.  相似文献   

LaeA and VeA coordinate secondary metabolism and differentiation in response to light signals in Aspergillus spp. Their orthologs, ChLae1 and ChVel1, were identified in the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, known to produce a wealth of secondary metabolites, including the host selective toxin, T-toxin. Produced by race T, T-toxin promotes high virulence to maize carrying Texas male sterile cytoplasm (T-cms). T-toxin production is significantly increased in the dark in wild type (WT), whereas Chvel1 and Chlae1 mutant toxin levels are much reduced in the dark compared to WT. Correspondingly, expression of T-toxin biosynthetic genes (Tox1) is up-regulated in the dark in WT, while dark-induced expression is much reduced/minimal in Chvel1 and Chlae1 mutants. Toxin production and Tox1 gene expression are increased in ChVEL1 overexpression (OE) strains grown in the dark and in ChLAE1 strains grown in either light or dark, compared to WT. These observations establish ChLae1 and ChVel1 as the first factors known to regulate host selective toxin production. Virulence of Chlae1 and Chvel1 mutants and OE strains is altered on both T-cms and normal cytoplasm maize, indicating that both T-toxin mediated super virulence and basic pathogenic ability are affected. Deletion of ChLAE1 or ChVEL1 reduces tolerance to H2O2. Expression of CAT3, one of the three catalase genes, is reduced in the Chvel1 mutant. Chlae1 and Chvel1 mutants also show decreased aerial hyphal growth, increased asexual sporulation and female sterility. ChLAE1 OE strains are female sterile, while ChVEL1 OE strains are more fertile than WT. ChLae1 and ChVel1 repress expression of 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) melanin biosynthesis genes, and, accordingly, melanization is enhanced in Chlae1 and Chvel1 mutants, and reduced in OE strains. Thus, ChLae1 and ChVel1 positively regulate T-toxin biosynthesis, pathogenicity and super virulence, oxidative stress responses, sexual development, and aerial hyphal growth, and negatively control melanin biosynthesis and asexual differentiation.  相似文献   

植物铁蛋白是植物体重要的铁调节蛋白。许多研究表明植物铁蛋白与氧化胁迫抗性之间具有较强关联。植物铁蛋白不仅能抵御高铁产生的氧化毒性,在很多氧化胁迫及环境胁迫抗性中也发挥作用。对植物铁蛋白在氧化及逆境胁迫中的应激加以综述,为铁蛋白在生物工程领域的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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