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Life-history theory predicts that predator-induced defences should incur fitness costs. In larval amphibians, the most frequently reported cost is reduced energy intake due to lower foraging rates; however, recent reports suggest that this trade-off may be uncoupled through morphological and physiological adaptations. Metabolism is a measure of energy expenditure and plasticity in respiration may potentially offset other costs of predator-induction. The aim of this study was to measure the indirect effects of dragonfly larvae on the respiration rate of tadpoles of the Arabian toad (Bufo arabicus) over time and at different predator concentrations. We performed two experiments. In the first experiment (time–response), we exposed tadpoles either to the indirect presence of odonate larvae or predator-free conditions and measured respiration rates 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 19 and 26 days after the start of the experiment. In the second experiment (dose–response), we used three levels of predator chemicals, equivalent to 1 predator per 10, 100 or 1,000 l plus controls. The respiration rate of predator-exposed tadpoles varied initially, but was 56.3% of controls after 26 days. In the dose–response experiment, the respiration rate of all predator-exposed tadpole groups was reduced by between 19.1 and 27.2% after 21 days. The study demonstrates a mechanism by which tadpoles may be able to adjust their physiology to partially offset the costs of lower energy intake due to predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions at the edge of a species’ ecological optimum can exert great ecological or evolutionary pressure at local populations. For ectotherms like amphibians temperature is one of the most important abiotic factors of their environment as it influences directly their metabolism and sets limits to their distribution. Amphibians have evolved three ways to cope with sub-zero temperatures: freeze tolerance, freeze protection, freeze avoidance. The aim of this study was to assess which strategy common frogs at mid and high elevation use to survive and thrive in cold climates. In particular we (1) tested for the presence of physiological freeze protection, (2) evaluated autumnal activity and overwintering behaviour with respect to freeze avoidance and (3) assessed the importance of different high-elevation microhabitats for behavioural thermoregulation. Common frogs did not exhibit any signs of freeze protection when experiencing temperatures around 0 °C. Instead they retreated to open water for protection and overwintering. High elevation common frogs remained active for around the same period of time than their conspecifics at lower elevation. Our results suggest that at mid and high elevation common frogs use freeze avoidance alone to survive temperatures below 0 °C. The availability of warm microhabitats, such as rock or pasture, provides high elevation frogs with the opportunity of behavioural thermoregulation and thus allows them to remain active at temperatures at which common frogs at lower elevation cease activity.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have demonstrated phenotypic plasticity in brain size and architecture in response to environmental variation. However, our knowledge on how brain architecture is affected by commonplace ecological interactions is rudimentary. For example, while intraspecific competition and risk of predation are known to induce adaptive plastic modifications in morphology and behaviour in a wide variety of organisms, their effects on brain development have not been studied. We studied experimentally the influence of density and predation risk on brain development in common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. Tadpoles grown at low density and under predation risk developed smaller brains than tadpoles at the other treatment combinations. Further, at high densities, tadpoles developed larger optic tecta and smaller medulla oblongata than those grown at low densities. These results demonstrate that ecological interactions - like intraspecific competition and predation risk - can have strong effects on brain development in lower vertebrates.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on changes in the electrical properties of muscle membrane and lipid content of two types of myotomal fibers in the tail of tadpoles during metamorphosis. It was shown that during premetamorphosis, peripheral and inner muscle fibers do not differ with respect to their effective resistance, time constant of the membrane and lipid content; the resting membrane potential is higher in the inner fibers. During further development of the tadpoles, differentiation of muscle fibers takes place, and to the beginning of the climax the inner fibers attain lower values of the effective resistance and time constant, as well as lower content of lipids in their sarcoplasm; the difference in the level of resting membrane potential between the peripheral and inner fibers increases. The data obtained suggest that the inner fibers may be referred to as fast ones, whereas the peripheral ones--as slow. These data also reveal specific features in neurotrophic regulation of functional properties of muscle fibers in tadpoles.  相似文献   

A new behavioural bioassay for determining the locomotor response by fish to chemical cues is described. The assay combines a behavioural trough, capable of delivering up to 10 discrete plumes of treated water, together with a digital method for quantifying the movements of single fish. Sample responses of two whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis , one to an attractant (a food extract) and one to a repellant (quinine monohydrochloride), are provided. Their locomotor responses are analyzed in terms of such parameters as total distance travelled, average velocity, number of turns, average excursion distance, and the number of times specific boundaries are crossed. The assay's sensitivity is demonstrated through concentration-response curves by Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus , to the bile acid, taurocholic acid, and the amino acids, L-serine and L-alanine. Behavioural response threshold concentrations for these three substances were estimated to be 10−15, 10−n, and 10−9 m, respectively.  相似文献   

Chronic stress often affects growth and development negatively, and these effects are often mediated via glucocorticoid hormones, which elevate during stress. We investigated latitudinal variation in corticosterone (CORT) response to chronic predator stress in Rana temporaria tadpoles along a 1500‐km latitudinal cline in Sweden tadpoles, in a laboratory experiment. We hypothesized that more time‐constrained high‐latitude populations have evolved a lower CORT response to chronic stress to maintain higher growth under stressful conditions. Southern tadpoles had higher CORT content in response to predators after 1 day of exposure, whereas there was no increase in CORT in the northern populations. Two weeks later, there were no predator‐induced CORT elevations. Artificially elevated CORT levels strongly decreased growth, development and survival in both northern and southern tadpoles. We suggest that the lower CORT response in high‐latitude populations can be connected with avoidance of CORT‐mediated reduction in growth and development, but also discuss other possible explanations.  相似文献   

When confronted by signals of predators presence, many aquatic organisms modify their phenotype (e.g., behaviour or morphology) to reduce their risk of predation. A principal means by which organisms assess predation risk is through chemical cues produced by the predators and/or prey during predation events. Such responses to predation risk can directly affect prey fitness and indirectly affect the fitness of species with which the prey interacts. Accurate assessment of the cue will affect the adaptive nature, and hence evolution, of the phenotypic response. It is therefore, important to understand factors affecting the assessment of chemical cues. Here I examined the effect of the age of chemical cues arising from an invertebrate predator, a larval dragonfly (Anax junius), which was fed bullfrog tadpoles, on the behavioural response (activity level and position) of bullfrog tadpoles. The bullfrog response to chemical cues declined as a function of chemical cue age, indicating the degradation of the chemical cue was on the order of 2–4 days. Further, the decay occurred more rapidly when the chemical cue was placed in pond water rather than well water. These results indicate a limitation of the tadpoles to interpret factors that affect the magnitude of the chemical cue and hence accurately assess predation risk. These findings also have implications for experimental design and the adaptation of phenotypic responses to chemical cues of predation risk.  相似文献   

The ability to distinguish among chemical cues from multiple predators is of key adaptive value for many prey fish. We examined the attractiveness and repulsiveness of chemical stimuli from different coexisting fish species fed on different diets on the behaviour of hatchery reared Arctic charr young in a Y-maze fluviarum, where the charr could choose between two sides either with control water or stimulus water with fish odour. We used stimuli from (1) matching sized conspecifics, large (2) Arctic charr, (3) salmon, (4) brown trout and (5) brown trout fed on Arctic charr fry. Other salmonids were given pellet food. Additional fish odour treatments included piscivorous (6) pike and (7) burbot. In the control trials both sides received control water. Arctic charr young were expected to respond adaptively to the stimuli from coexisting piscivorous fish. The charr most strongly preferred water with the odour of their matching sized conspecifics, which was the only fish odour they were familiar with before the experiments. They also showed significant preference for other salmonid odours, even though these fish are potential predators on small charr. Chemical stimuli from pike and burbot, on the contrary, were strongly avoided, and burbot odour even prevented the charr to swim and enter the lateral halves of the fluviarum. Moreover, odour from brown trout fed on Arctic charr fry was avoided when compared to stimuli from trout fed on pellets. Although the Arctic charr young were completely naive regarding piscivores, the fact that they could distinguish between different predator taxa and diets on the basis of chemical cues only reflects the long coevolutionary history of these fish populations.  相似文献   

C. P. Cummins 《Oecologia》1986,69(2):248-252
Summary Rana temporaria tadpoles were raised to metamorphosis at 6 levels of pH (pH 3.6–6.5) and 2 levels of aluminium (800 and 1,600 g l-1) at pH 4.4. Treatments involved both chronic and acute exposure to depressed pH. Decreasing pH reduced maximum body size and delayed metamorphosis. Growth was depressed and metamorphosis delayed by 800 g l-1 Al, and several tadpoles died at foreleg emergence. At 1,600 g l-1 Al, small tadpoles suffered arrested growth and development and eventually died, while larger tadpoles metamorphosed without delay, though at a very small size. There was no mortality among controls. The levels of pH and inorganic monomeric aluminium measured in the experiments were similar to field levels at a site in Scotland, and it is concluded that individual tadpoles will, in certain types of water body, be adversely affected by both acidity and aluminium. The impact of these factors on populations remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Matsuba C  Merilä J 《Hereditas》2006,143(2006):155-158
Genome size variation in the common frog (Rana temporaria) was investigated with flow cytometry in three latitudinally separated populations in Sweden to see whether it could provide a useful tool for sex-identification in this species. Depending on the sex and population, per cell DNA content (2C value) varied from 8.823 to 11.266 pg with a mean (+/- SE) 2C value of 9.961+/-0.083 pg. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in genome size among populations and between sexes. Females had ca 3% larger genomes (x=10.133+/-0.068 pg) than males (x=9.832+/-0.068 pg) in all of the populations (sex x population interaction: P>0.10). Individuals from the southern-most population had significantly (x=9.330+/-0.081 pg) smaller genomes than those from the more northern populations (x=10.032+/-0.085 and x=10.584+/-0.085 pg, respectively). These results are in line with the interpretation that males in the common frog are the heterogametic sex, and that there exists large (up to 12%) geographic variation in genome size in this species. However, the sex differences in the genome size are too small to be useful in individual sex identification.  相似文献   

The relative importance of genetic, environmental, and maternal effects as determinants of geographical variation in vertebrate life-histories has not often been explored. We examined the role of genetic and maternal effects as determinants of population divergence in survival and three important larval life-history traits (growth rate, age, and size at metamorphosis) using reciprocal crosses between two latitudinally separated populations of the common frog ( Rana temporaria Linnaeus). Genetic effects were important in all three traits as indicated by the significant effect of male origin, but there was also evidence for nonadditive genetic contributions on metamorphic size and growth rate. Likewise, maternal effect contributions to population divergence were large, partially environment dependent, and apparently acting primarily through egg size in two of three traits. These results suggest that both genetic and maternal effects are important determinants of geographical variation in amphibian life-histories, and that much of the differentiation resulting from maternal effects is mediated through variation in egg size. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 61–70.  相似文献   

Adaptive genetic differentiation along a climatic gradient as a response to natural selection is not necessarily expressed at phenotypic level if environmental effects on population mean phenotypes oppose the genotypic effects. This form of cryptic evolution--called countergradient variation--has seldom been explicitly demonstrated for terrestrial vertebrates. We investigated the patterns of phenotypic and genotypic differentiation in developmental rates of common frogs (Rana temporaria) along a ca. 1600 km latitudinal gradient across Scandinavia. Developmental rates in the field were not latitudinally ordered, but displayed large variation even among different ponds within a given latitudinal area. In contrast, development rates assessed in the laboratory increased strongly and linearly with increasing latitude, suggesting a genetic capacity for faster development in the northern than the southern larvae. Experiments further revealed that environmental effects (temperature and food) could easily override the genetic effects on developmental rates, providing a possible mechanistic explanation as to why the genetic differentiation was not seen in the samples collected from the wild. Our results suggest that the higher developmental rates of the northern larvae are likely to be related to selection stemming from seasonal time constrains, rather than from selection dictated by low ambient temperatures per se. All in all, the results provide a demonstration of environmental effects concealing substantial latitudinally ordered genetic differentiation understandable in terms of adaptation to clinal variation in time constrains.  相似文献   

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