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Reproductive isolation is a prerequisite to form and maintain a new species. Multiple prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolation barriers have been reported in plants. In the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana conspecific pollen tube precedence controlled by AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling has been recently reported as a major prezygotic reproductive isolation barrier. By accelerating emergence of own pollen tubes from the transmitting tract, A. thaliana ovules promote self-fertilization and thus prevent fertilization by a different species. Taking advantage of a septuple atlure1null mutant, we now report on the role of AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling for micropylar pollen tube guidance. Compared with wild-type (WT) ovules, atlure1null ovules displayed remarkably reduced micropylar pollen tube attraction efficiencies in modified semi-in vivo A. thaliana ovule targeting assays. However, when prk6 mutant pollen tubes were applied, atlure1null ovules showed micropylar attraction efficiencies comparable to that of WT ovules. These findings indicate that AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling regulates micropylar pollen tube attraction in addition to promoting emergence of own pollen tubes from the transmitting tract. Moreover, semi-in vivo ovule targeting competition assays with the same amount of pollen grains from both A. thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata showed that A. thaliana WT and xiuqiu mutant ovules are mainly targeted by own pollen tubes and that atlure1null mutant ovules are also entered to a large extent by A. lyrata pollen tubes. Taken together, we report that AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling promotes conspecific micropylar pollen tube attraction representing an additional prezygotic isolation barrier.

A modified ovule targeting assay revealed that AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling promotes micropylar guidance of Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tubes while discriminating tubes of related Arabidopsis lyrata.  相似文献   

Phytosulfokine (PSK) is a peptide growth factor that requires tyrosine sulfation carried out by tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST) for its activity. PSK is processed from precursor proteins encoded by five genes in Arabidopsis thaliana and perceived by receptor kinases encoded by two genes in Arabidopsis. pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and tpst‐1 knockout mutants displayed reduced seed production, indicative of a requirement for PSK peptide signaling in sexual plant reproduction. Expression analysis revealed PSK precursor and PSK receptor gene activity in reproductive organs with strong expression of PSK2 in pollen. In support of a role for PSK signaling in pollen, in vitro pollen tube (PT) growth was enhanced by exogenously added PSK while PTs of pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and of tpst‐1 were shorter. In planta, growth of wild‐type pollen in pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and tpst‐1 flowers appeared slower than growth in wild‐type flowers. But PTs did eventually reach the base of the style, suggesting that PT elongation rate may not be responsible for the reduced fertility. Detailed analysis of anthers, style and ovules did not reveal obvious developmental defects. By contrast, a high percentage of unfertilized ovules in pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and in tpst‐1 siliques displayed loss of funicular PT guidance, suggesting that PSK signaling is required to guide the PT from the transmitting tract to the embryo sac. Cross‐pollination experiments with wild‐type, pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and tpst‐1 male and female parents revealed that both the PT and the female sporophytic tissue and/or female gametophyte contribute to successful PT guidance via PSK signaling and to fertilization success.  相似文献   

Pollen tube guidance regulates the growth direction and ovule targeting of pollen tubes in pistils, which is crucial for the completion of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) pollen-specific receptor kinase (PRK) family members PRK3 and PRK6 are specifically tip-localized and essential for pollen tube growth and guidance. However, the mechanisms controlling the polar localization of PRKs at the pollen tube tip are unclear. The Arabidopsis P4-ATPase ALA3 helps establish the polar localization of apical phosphatidylserine (PS) in pollen tubes. Here, we discovered that loss of ALA3 function caused pollen tube defects in growth and ovule targeting and significantly affected the polar localization pattern of PRK3 and PRK6. Both PRK3 and PRK6 contain two polybasic clusters in the intracellular juxtamembrane domain, and they bound to PS in vitro. PRK3 and PRK6 with polybasic cluster mutations showed reduced or abolished binding to PS and altered polar localization patterns, and they failed to effectively complement the pollen tube-related phenotypes of prk mutants. These results suggest that ALA3 influences the precise localization of PRK3, PRK6, and other PRKs by regulating the distribution of PS, which plays a key role in regulating pollen tube growth and guidance.

AMINOPHOSPHOLIPID ATPASE3 guides pollen tubes by regulating the distribution of anionic phospholipids to affect the precise localization of certain pollen-specific receptor kinases at pollen tubes.

IN A NUTSHELL Background: In flowering plants, pollen tube guidance regulates the rapid growth and timely targeting of the pollen tube to the ovule in the pistil during sexual reproduction, when signaling between the male and female gametophytes occur. The small peptide-RLK signaling module is essential for the interaction between the male and female gametophyte. Certain members of the pollen-specific receptor kinase (PRK) family have different subcellular localization patterns in Arabidopsis pollen tubes and play critical roles in pollen tube growth and guidance. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate and maintain the polar localization of PRKs at the pollen tube tip are still unknown. Question: We were interested in exploring how Arabidopsis P4-ATPase (aminophospholipid ATPase, ALA) precisely regulates pollen tube guidance and maintains the polar localization patterns of PRK6 and PRK3. How plant ALA family members regulate pollen tube guidance has not yet been documented. Findings: The loss of ALA3 function not only caused sluggish pollen tube growth and aberrant ovule targeting but also affected the polar localization patterns of several PRKs at the pollen tube tip. Members of the PRKs family can directly interact with anionic phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine (PS), and the capacity of PRK3/6 to bind anionic phospholipids is crucial for both their polar localization and physiological functions. ALA3 establishes and maintains the polar distribution of PS, which influences secretory vesicles-mediated polar trafficking at the pollen tube tip to affect the distribution of PRK3 and PRK6. On the other hand, PS might also directly recruit PRK3 and PRK6 to the pollen tube tip and sustain their localization. Next steps: The localization of PRKs is a complex, finely regulated process. The C-termini of PRKs may also affect their polar distribution. More research is required to reveal how the C-terminus domain precisely controls the localization of PRKs.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction in plants, unlike that of animals, requires the action of multicellular haploid gametophytes. The male gametophyte (pollen tube) is guided to a female gametophyte through diploid sporophytic cells in the pistil. While interactions between the pollen tube and diploid cells have been described, little is known about the intercellular recognition systems between the pollen tube and the female gametophyte. In particular, the mechanisms that enable only one pollen tube to interact with each female gametophyte, thereby preventing polysperm, are not understood. We isolated female gametophyte mutants named magatama (maa) from Arabidopsis thaliana by screening for siliques containing half the normal number of mature seeds. In maa1 and maa3 mutants, in which the development of the female gametophyte was delayed, pollen tube guidance was affected. Pollen tubes were directed to mutant female gametophytes, but they lost their way just before entering the micropyle and elongated in random directions. Moreover, the mutant female gametophytes attracted two pollen tubes at a high frequency. To explain the interaction between gametophytes, we propose a monogamy model in which a female gametophyte emits two attractants and prevents polyspermy. This prevention process by the female gametophyte could increase a plant's inclusive fitness by facilitating the fertilization of sibling female gametophytes. In addition, repulsion between pollen tubes might help prevent polyspermy. The reproductive isolations observed in interspecific crosses in Brassicaceae are also consistent with the monogamy model.  相似文献   

Some AGP molecules or their sugar moieties are probably related to the guidance of the pollen tube into the embryo sac, in the final part of its pathway, when arriving at the ovules. The specific labelling of the synergid cells and its filiform apparatus, which are the cells responsible for pollen tube attraction, and also the specific labelling of the micropyle and micropylar nucellus, which constitutes the pollen tube entryway into the embryo sac, are quite indicative of this role. We also discuss the possibility that AGPs in the sperm cells are probably involved in the double fertilization process.Key words: Arabidopsis, arabinogalactan proteins, AGP 6, gametic cells, pollen tube guidanceThe selective labelling obtained by us with monoclonal antibodies directed to the glycosidic parts of AGPs, in Arabidopsis and in other plant species, namely Amaranthus hypochondriacus,1 Actinidia deliciosa2 and Catharanthus roseus, shows that some AGP molecules or their sugar moieties are probably related to the guidance of the pollen tube into the embryo sac, in the final part of its pathway, when arriving at the ovules. The evaluation of the selective labelling obtained with AGP-specific monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) JIM 8, JIM 13, MAC 207 and LM 2, during Arabidopsis pollen development, led us to postulate that some AGPs, in particular those with sugar epitopes identified by JIM 8 and JIM 13, can be classified as molecular markers for generative cell differentiation and development into male gametes.Likewise, we also postulated that the AGP epitopes recognized by Mabs JIM 8 and JIM 13 are also molecular markers for the development of the embryo sac in Arabidopsis thaliana. Moreover, these AGP epitopes are also present along the pollen tube pathway, predominantly in its last stage, the micropyle, which constitutes the region of the ovule in the immediate vicinity of the pollen tube target, the embryo sac.3We have recently shown the expression of AGP genes in Arabidopsis pollen grains and pollen tubes and also the presence of AGPs along Arabidopsis pollen tube cell surface and tip region, as opposed to what had been reported earlier. We have also shown that only a subset of AGP genes is expressed in pollen grain and pollen tubes, with prevalence for Agp6 and Agp11, suggesting a specific and defined role for some AGPs in Arabidopsis sexual reproduction (Pereira et al., 2006).4Therefore we continued by using an Arabidopsis line expressing GFP under the command of the Agp6 gene promoter sequence. These plants were studied under a low-power binocular fluorescence microscope. GFP labelling was only observed in haploid cells, pollen grains (Fig. 1) and pollen tubes (Fig. 2); all other tissues clearly showed no labelling. These observations confirmed the specific expression of Agp6 in pollen grains and pollen tubes. As shown in the Figures 1 and and2,2, the labelling with GFP is present in all pollen tube extension, so probably, AGP 6 is not one of the AGPs identified by JIM 8 and JIM 13, otherwise GFP light emission would localize more specifically in the sperm cells.5 So we think that MAC 207 which labels the entire pollen tube wall (Fig. 3) may indeed be recognizing AGP6, which seems to be expressed in the vegetative cell. In other words, the specific labelling obtained for the generative cell and for the two male gametes, is probably given by AGPs that are present in very low quantities, apparently not the case for AGP 6 or AGP 11.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Low-power binocular fluorescence microscope image of an Arabidopsis flower with the AGP 6 promoter:GFP construct. The labelling is evident in pollen grains that are being released and in others that are already in the stigma papillae.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Low-power binocular fluorescence microscope image of an Arabidopsis ovary with the AGP6 promoter:GFP construct. The ovary was partially opened to show the pollen tubes growing in the septum, and into the ovules. The pollen tubes are also labelled by GFP.Open in a separate windowFigure 3Imunofluorescence image of a pollen tube growing in vitro, and labeled by MAC 207 monoclonal antibody. The labelling is evident all over the pollen tube wall.After targeting an ovule, the pollen tube growth arrests inside a synergid cell and bursts, releasing the two sperm cells. It has recently been shown that sperm cells, for long considered to be passive cargo, are involved in directing the pollen tube to its target. In Arabidopsis, HAP2 is expressed only in the haploid sperm and is required for efficient pollen tube guidance to the ovules.6 The same could be happening with the AGPs identified in the sperm cells by JIM 8 and JIM 13. We are now working on tagging these AGPs and using transgenic plants aiming to answer to such questions.Pollen tube guidance in the ovary has been shown to be in the control of signals produced by the embryo sac. When pollen tubes enter ovules bearing feronia or sirene mutations (the embryo sac is mutated), they do not stop growing and do not burst. In Zea mays a pollen tube attractant was recently identified in the egg apparatus and synergids.7 Chimeric ZmEA1 fused to green fluorescent protein (ZmEA1:GFP) was first visible within the filiform apparatus and later was localized to nucellar cell walls below the micropylar opening of the ovule. This is the same type of labelling that we have shown in Arabidopsis ovules, using Mabs JIM 8 and JIM 13. We are now involved in the identification of the specific AGPs associated with the labellings that we have been showing.  相似文献   

The phytohormone auxin is a key regulator of organogenesis in plants and is distributed asymmetrically via polar transport. However, the precise mechanisms underlying auxin-mediated organogenesis remain elusive. Here, we have analyzed the macchi-bou 2 (mab2) mutant identified in a pinoid (pid) enhancer mutant screen. Seedlings homozygous for either mab2 or pid showed only mild phenotypic effects on cotyledon positions and/or numbers. In contrast, mab2 pid double mutant seedlings completely lacked cotyledons, indicating a synergistic interaction. We found that mab2 homozygous embryos had defective patterns of cell division and showed aberrant cotyledon organogenesis. Further analysis revealed that the mab2 mutation affected auxin response but not auxin transport in the embryos, suggesting the involvement of MAB2 in auxin response during embryogenesis. MAB2 encodes an Arabidopsis ortholog of MED13, a putative regulatory module component of the Mediator complex. Mediator is a multicomponent complex that is evolutionarily conserved in eukaryotes and its regulatory module associates with Mediator to control the interaction of Mediator and RNA polymerase II. MAB2 interacts with a regulatory module component in yeast cells. Taken together, our data suggest that MAB2 plays a crucial role in embryo patterning and cotyledon organogenesis, possibly through modulating expression of specific genes such as auxin-responsive genes.  相似文献   

The female gametophyte plays a central role in the sexual reproduction of angiosperms. We previously isolated the maa3 (magatama3) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, defective in development of the female gametophyte, micropylar pollen tube guidance, and preventing the attraction of multiple pollen tubes. We here observed that the nucleolus of polar nuclei is small, and that the fusion of polar nuclei often did not occur at the time of pollination. The MAA3 gene encodes a homolog of yeast Sen1 helicase, required for RNA metabolism. It is suggested that MAA3 may regulate RNA molecules responsible for nucleolar organization and pollen tube guidance.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, sperm cells develop in the pollen cytoplasm and are transported through floral tissues to an ovule by a pollen tube, a highly polarized cellular extension. After targeting an ovule, the pollen tube bursts, releasing two sperm that fertilize an egg and a central cell. Here, we identified the gene encoding Arabidopsis HAP2, demonstrating that it is allelic to GCS1. HAP2 is expressed only in the haploid sperm and is required for efficient pollen tube guidance to ovules. We identified an insertion (hap2-1) that disrupts the C-terminal portion of the protein and tags mutant pollen grains with the beta-glucuronidase reporter. By monitoring reporter expression, we showed that hap2-1 does not diminish pollen tube length in vitro or in the pistil, but it reduces ovule targeting by twofold. In addition, we show that the hap2 sperm that are delivered to ovules fail to initiate fertilization. HAP2 is predicted to encode a protein with an N-terminal secretion signal, a single transmembrane domain and a C-terminal histidine-rich domain. These results point to a dual role for HAP2, functioning in both pollen tube guidance and in fertilization. Moreover, our findings suggest that sperm, long considered to be passive cargo, are involved in directing the pollen tube to its target.  相似文献   

Extracellular regulation of growth factor signaling is a key event for embryonic patterning. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) are among the molecules that regulate this signaling during embryonic development. Here we study the function of syndecan1 (Syn1), a cell-surface HSPG expressed in the non-neural ectoderm during early development of Xenopus embryos. Overexpression of Xenopus Syn1 (xSyn1) mRNA is sufficient to reduce BMP signaling, induce chordin expression and rescue dorso-ventral patterning in ventralized embryos. Experiments using chordin morpholinos established that xSyn1 mRNA can inhibit BMP signaling in the absence of chordin. Knockdown of xSyn1 resulted in a reduction of BMP signaling and expansion of the neural plate with the concomitant reduction of the non-neural ectoderm. Overexpression of xSyn1 mRNA in xSyn1 morphant embryos resulted in a biphasic effect, with BMP being inhibited at high concentrations and activated at low concentrations of xSyn1. Interestingly, the function of xSyn1 on dorso-ventral patterning and BMP signaling is specific for this HSPG. In summary, we report that xSyn1 regulates dorso-ventral patterning of the ectoderm through modulation of BMP signaling.  相似文献   

Vertebrate organisms are characterized by dorsal-ventral and left-right asymmetry. The process that establishes left-right asymmetry during vertebrate development involves bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-dependent signaling, but the molecular details of this signaling pathway remain poorly defined. This study tests the role of the BMP type I receptor ACVRI in establishing left-right asymmetry in chimeric mouse embryos. Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with a homozygous deletion at Acvr1 were used to generate chimeric embryos. Chimeric embryos were rescued from the gastrulation defect of Acvr1 null embryos but exhibited abnormal heart looping and embryonic turning. High mutant contribution chimeras expressed left-side markers such as nodal bilaterally in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), indicating that loss of ACVRI signaling leads to left isomerism. Expression of lefty1 was absent in the midline of chimeric embryos, but shh, a midline marker, was expressed normally, suggesting that, despite formation of midline, its barrier function was abolished. High-contribution chimeras also lacked asymmetric expression of nodal in the node. These data suggest that ACVRI signaling negatively regulates left-side determinants such as nodal and positively regulates lefty1. These functions maintain the midline, restrict expression of left-side markers, and are required for left-right pattern formation during embryogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   

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