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In species with variant genetic codes, one or two stop codons encode amino acid residues and are not recognized by the intrinsic class I translation termination factor (eRF1). Ciliata include a large number of species with variant genetic codes. The stop codon specificity of the Blepharisma japonicum translation termination factor eRF1 was determined in an in vitro eukaryotic translation system and in an in vivo assay (a dual reporter system). It was shown that eRF1 of B. japonicum retained specificity to all three stop codons, although the efficiency of peptydyl-tRNA hydrolysis in the presence of UGA was reduced in the in vitro assay. Since Heterotrichea (including B. japonicum) are the earliest diverged lineage in the phylogenetic tree of ciliates, B. japonicum probably possesses a universal genetic code similar to the putative ciliate ancestor group.  相似文献   

Fabczak H  Sobierajska K  Fabczak S 《Protist》2004,155(2):181-192
Examination of ciliate Blepharisma japonicum whole cell lysates with an antibody against phosphoserine and in vivo labeling of cells with radioactive phosphate revealed that the photophobic response in the ciliate is accompanied by a rapid dephosphorylation of a 28 kDa protein and an enhanced phosphorylation of a 46 kDa protein. Analysis with antibodies raised against rat phosducin or human phosducin-like proteins, identified one major protein of a molecular weight of 28 kDa, and two protein bands of 40 kDa and 93 kDa. While the identified ciliate phosducin is phosphorylated in a light-dependent manner, both phosducin-like proteins exhibit no detectable dependence of phosphorylation upon illumination. An immunoprecipitation assay also showed that the ciliate phosducin is indeed phosphorylated on a serine residue and exists in a phosphorylated form in darkness and that its dephosphorylation occurs in light. Immunocytochemical experiments showed that protozoan phosducin and phosducin-like proteins are localized almost uniformly within the cytoplasm of cells adapted to darkness. Cell exposure to light caused a pronounced displacement of the cell phosducin to the vicinity of the plasma membrane; however, no translocation of phosducin-like proteins was observed upon cell illumination. The obtained results are the first demonstration of the presence and morphological localization of a possible phosducin and phosducin-like proteins in ciliate protists. Phosducin and phosducin-like proteins were found to bind and sequester the betagamma-subunits of G-proteins with implications for regulation of G-protein-mediated signaling pathways in various eukaryotic cells. The findings presented in this study suggest that the identified phosphoproteins in photosensitive Blepharisma japonicum may also participate in the regulation of the efficiency of sensory transduction, resulting in the motile photophobic response in this cell.  相似文献   

We report here the presence of N6-methyladenine (MeAde) in the macronuclear DNA (maDNA) of Blepharisma japonicum vegetative cells. We have further investigated the relationship between DNA methylation and cell union in cells activated for conjugation. Such activation was induced by treating cells of mating type I with complementary gamone 2. We found a reduction of about 24% of MeAde content in gamone-treated cells ready for cell union. First indications of the presence and reduction of MeAde content came from electrophoresis of maDNA digested by appropriate restriction endonucleases. Chromatographic determination of the amount of methylated base by HPLC substantiated these observations. In vegetative cells, 1.576 ± 0.02% of total adenine was found to be methylated as opposed to 1.193 ± 0.04% in activated cells. The HPLC analysis of maDNA also revealed a peak with a retention time corresponding to that of 5-hydroxymethyluracil, already found in some species of dinoflagellates. In that gamone treatment is correlated with a differential gene expression (indicated by a differential RNA and protein synthesis), our results suggest that there is a relationship between macronuclear genome activation and demethylation of maDNA. This is the first report of a correlation between gene activation and adenine demethylation in a eukaryotic organism.  相似文献   

Preconjugant interactions between complementary mating-type cells in ciliates occur before sexual reproduction. The interactions include retardation of swimming behaviour, courtship dancing, chemoattraction, nuclear activation, cell division, or cell agglutination, depending on ciliate species. In Blepharisma japonicum, chemoattraction of mating-type I by mating-type II has been reported previously. It has been shown that chemoattraction here is caused by a conjugation-inducing substance called gamone 2 secreted by mating-type II cells. In this study, we show that mating-type II cells accumulate near the site where gamone 1 secreted by mating-type I cells is present at a high concentration. We also show that the behaviour of individual cells changes when exposed to the complementary mating-type gamone; cells begin to rotate and swim slowly, thus shortening their minimum path length (final displacement of a cell from its origin). These results suggest that gamones 1 and 2 induce behavioural changes in type II and I cells, respectively, and that gamone-stimulated cells may accumulate at the site with the highest activity of the complementary gamone, after repetition of swimming changes in the gradient of gamone concentration. This reciprocal induction of the changes in behaviour may increase the probability of sexual encounters for conjugation.  相似文献   

Blepharismone (gamone 2) is a mating-inducing pheromone of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum. N-Pyrenylbutyryl-blepharismone and N-biphenylacetyl-blepharismone, which are fluorescent derivatives of blepharismone, were synthesized as molecular probes for the gamone 2 receptor. Further, we proved that they have inhibitory activities against the blepharismone-induced monotypic pairing of B. japonicum.  相似文献   

It is known from experiments with bacteria and eukaryotic viruses that readthrough of termination codons located within the open reading frame (ORF) of mRNAs depends on the availability of suppressor tRNA(s) and the efficiency of termination in cells. Consequently, the yield of readthrough products can be used as a measure of the activity of polypeptide chain release factor(s) (RF), key components of the translation termination machinery. Readthrough of the UAG codon located at the end of the ORF encoding the coat protein of beet necrotic yellow vein furovirus is required for virus replication. Constructs harbouring this suppressible UAG codon and derivatives containing a UGA or UAA codon in place of the UAG codon have been used in translation experiments in vitro in the absence or presence of human suppressor tRNAs. Readthrough can be virtually abolished by addition of bacterially-expressed eukaryotic RF1 (eRF1). Thus, eRF1 is functional towards all three termination codons located in a natural mRNA and efficiently competes in vitro with endogenous and exogenous suppressor tRNA(s) at the ribosomal A site. These results are consistent with a crucial role of eRF1 in translation termination and forms the essence of an in vitro assay for RF activity based on the abolishment of readthrough by eRF1.  相似文献   

Recent studies on endogenous SsrA-tagged proteins have revealed that the tagging could occur at a position corresponding to the normal termination codon. During the study of SsrA-mediated Lacl tagging (Abo et al., EMBO J, 2000 19:3762-3769), we found that a variant Lacl (Lacl deltaC1) lacking the last C-terminal amino acid residue is efficiently tagged in a stop codon-dependent manner. SsrA tagging of Lacl deltaC1 occurred efficiently without Lacl binding to the lac operators at any one of three stop codons. The C-terminal (R)LESG peptide of Lacl deltaC1 was shown to trigger the SsrA tagging of an unrelated protein (CRP) when fused to its C terminus. Mass spectrometry analysis of the purified fusion proteins revealed that SsrA tagging occurs at a position corresponding to the termination codon. The alteration of the amino acid sequence but not the nucleotide sequence of the C-terminal portion eliminated the tagging. We also showed that the tagging-provoking sequences cause an efficient translational readthrough at UGA but not UAA codons. In addition, we found that C-terminal dipeptides known to induce an efficient translation readthrough could cause an efficient tagging at stop codons. We conclude that the amino acid sequence of nascent polypeptide prior to stop codons is a major determinant for the SsrA tagging at all three stop codons.  相似文献   

The Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay (NMD) pathway mediates the rapid degradation of mRNAs that contain premature stop mutations in eukaryotic organisms. It was recently shown that mutations in three yeast genes that encode proteins involved in the NMD process, UPF1, UPF2, and UPF3, also reduce the efficiency of translation termination. In the current study, we compared the efficiency of translation termination in a upf1Delta strain and a [PSI(+)] strain using a collection of translation termination reporter constructs. The [PSI(+)] state is caused by a prion form of the polypeptide chain release factor eRF3 that limits its availability to participate in translation termination. In contrast, the mechanism by which Upf1p influences translation termination is poorly understood. The efficiency of translation termination is primarily determined by a tetranucleotide termination signal consisting of the stop codon and the first nucleotide immediately 3' of the stop codon. We found that the upf1Delta mutation, like the [PSI(+)] state, decreases the efficiency of translation termination over a broad range of tetranucleotide termination signals in a unique, context-dependent manner. These results suggest that Upf1p may associate with the termination complex prior to polypeptide chain release. We also found that the increase in readthrough observed in a [PSI(+)]/upf1Delta strain was larger than the readthrough observed in strains carrying either defect alone, indicating that the upf1Delta mutation and the [PSI(+)] state influence the termination process in distinct ways. Finally, our analysis revealed that the mRNA destabilization associated with NMD could be separated into two distinct forms that correlated with the extent the premature stop codon was suppressed. The minor component of NMD was a 25% decrease in mRNA levels observed when readthrough was >/=0.5%, while the major component was represented by a larger decrease in mRNA abundance that was observed only when readthrough was 相似文献   

Summary The published translation termination sequences have been compiled and analysed to aid the interpretation of experiments on termination codon usage in the Xenopus oocyte (Bienz et al. 1981). There are significant differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes concerning the usage of the three termination codons and of tandem stops. In addition viruses show termination strategies that differ from those of their hosts. Preferred context sequences flanking termination codons are described. Contexts vary within the last codon according to the nature of the termination codon, but are uniform within the first triplet following the terminators.  相似文献   

The three major glutamine tRNAs of Tetrahymena thermophila were isolated and their nucleotide sequences determined by post-labeling techniques. Two of these tRNAsGln show unusual codon recognition: a previously isolated tRNAGlnUmUA and a second species with CUA in the anticodon (tRNAGlnCUA). These two tRNAs recognize two of the three termination codons on natural mRNAs in a reticulocyte system. tRNAGlnUmUA reads the UAA codon of α-globin mRNA and the UAG codon of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA, whereas tRNAGlnCUA recognizes only UAG. This indicates that Tetrahymena uses UAA and UAG as glutamine codons and that UGA may be the only functional termination codon. A notable feature of these two tRNAsGln is their unusually strong readthrough efficiency, e.g. purified tRNAGlnCUA achieves complete readthrough over the UAG stop codon of TMV RNA. The third major tRNAGln of Tetrahymena has a UmUG anticodon and presumably reads the two normal glutamine codons CAA and CAG. The sequence homology between tRNAGlnUmUG and tRNAGlnUmUA is 81%, whereas that between tRNAGlnCUA and tRNAGlnUmUA is 95%, indicating that the two unusual tRNAsGln evolved from the normal tRNAGln early in ciliate evolution. Possible events leading to an altered genetic code in ciliates are discussed.  相似文献   



It has been long thought that the stop codon in a gene is followed by another stop codon that acts as a backup if the real one is read through by a near-cognate tRNA. The existence of such 'tandem stop codons', however, remains elusive.  相似文献   

The polypeptide release factor gene, eRF1, of Blepharisma japonicum (Bj-eRF1) was cloned and sequenced. Its coding region was 1314 base pairs and encodes a protein of 437 amino acids. The cloned gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant Bj-eRF1 polypeptide was purified by Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose and Superose12 chromatography. Pull-down analysis showed that the recombinant Bj-eRF1 interacts with the heterologously-expressed release factor, eRF3C, of Euplotes octocarinatus.  相似文献   

Oocytes from Xenopus laevis were injected with purified amber (UAG), ochre (UAA), and opal (UGA) suppressor tRNAs from yeasts. The radioactively labeled proteins translated from the endogenous mRNAs were then separated on two-dimensional gels. All three termination codons are used in a single cell, the Xenopus laevis oocyte. But a surprisingly low number of readthrough polypeptides were observed from the 600 mRNAs studied in comparison to uninjected oocytes. The experimental data are compared with the conclusions obtained from the compilation of all available termination sequences on eukaryotic and prokaryotic mRNAs. This comparison indicates that the apparent resistance of natural termination codons against readthrough, as observed by the microinjection experiments, cannot be explained by tandem or very close second stop codons. Instead it suggests that specific context sequences around the termination codons may play a role in the efficiency of translation termination.  相似文献   

Stop codons are used to signal the ribosome to terminate the decoding of an mRNA template. Recent studies on translation termination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have not only enabled the identification of the key components of the termination machinery, but have also revealed several regulatory mechanisms that might enable the controlled synthesis of C-terminally extended polypeptides via stop-codon readthrough. These include both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Rather than being a translation 'error', stop-codon readthrough can have important effects on other cellular processes such as mRNA degradation and, in some cases, can confer a beneficial phenotype to the cell.  相似文献   

Role of premature stop codons in bacterial evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the stop codons TGA, TAA, and TAG are found in the second and third reading frames of a protein-encoding gene, they are considered premature stop codons (PSC). Deinococcus radiodurans disproportionately favored TGA more than the other two triplets as a PSC. The TGA triplet was also found more often in noncoding regions and as a stop codon, though the bias was less pronounced. We investigated this phenomenon in 72 bacterial species with widely differing chromosomal GC contents. Although TGA and TAG were compositionally similar, we found a great variation in use of TGA but a very limited range of use of TAG. The frequency of use of TGA in the gene sequences generally increased with the GC content of the chromosome, while the frequency of use of TAG, like that of TAA, was inversely proportional to the GC content of the chromosome. The patterns of use of TAA, TGA and TAG as real stop codons were less biased and less influenced by the GC content of the chromosome. Bacteria with higher chromosomal GC contents often contained fewer PSC trimers in their genes. Phylogenetically related bacteria often exhibited similar PSC ratios. In addition, metabolically versatile bacteria have significantly fewer PSC trimers in their genes. The bias toward TGA but against TAG as a PSC could not be explained either by the preferential usage of specific codons or by the GC contents of individual chromosomes. We proposed that the quantity and the quality of the PSC in the genome might be important in bacterial evolution.  相似文献   

The defense function of pigment granules in the red ciliate Blepharisma japonicum against two predatory protists, Amoeba proteus and Climacostomum virens, was investigated by (1) comparing normally-pigmented and albino mutant cells of B. japonicum as the prey of these predators and (2) comparing resistance of the predators to blepharismin, the toxic pigment contained in the pigment granules of B. japonicum. Normally pigmented cells which contained more blepharismin than albino cells were less vulnerable to A. proteus than albino cells, but not to C. virens. C. virens was more resistant than A. proteus to the lethal effect of blepharismin. The results indicate that pigment granules of B. japonicum function as defense organelles against A. proteus but not against C. virens and suggest that successful defense against a predator depends on the susceptibility of the predator to blepharismin.  相似文献   

Abstract The macronuclear chromatin of the ciliate Blepharisma japonicum was studied by electrophoretic and immunological techniques as well as by micrococcal nuclease digestion and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Under these experimental conditions the macronuclear chromatin of B. japonicum was compared to that of Tetrahymena pyriformis . Data obtained through this analysis showed that the macronuclear chromatin of B. japonicum is structurally more relaxed than that of T. pyriformis . A perchloric acid soluble polypeptide, referred to as P3, is the only polypeptide of B. japonicum chromatin to appear immunologically related to the H1 histone of T. pyriformis . It is suggested that this P3 polypeptide in B. japonicum should be considered functionally equivalent to the T. pyriformis H1 histone, even though it differed from it both in terms of molecular mass and relative concentration.  相似文献   

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