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Focal adhesion (FA) signaling mediated by adhesion to extracellular matrix and growth factor receptors contributes to the regulation of the cellular stress response to external stimuli. Critical to focal adhesion assembly and signaling is the adapter protein PINCH1. To evaluate whether the prosurvival function of PINCH1 in radiation cell survival depends on cell adhesion, we examined PINCH1 fl/fl and PINCH1 −/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human cancer cell lines. Here, we found that the enhanced cellular radiosensitivity mediated by PINCH1 depletion observed under adhesion conditions is conserved when cells are irradiated under suspension conditions. This unsuspected finding could not be explained by the observed modification of adhesion and growth factor associated signaling involving FAK, Paxillin, p130CAS, Src, AKT, GSK3β and ERK1/2 under suspension and serum withdrawal relative to adhesion conditions with serum. Our data suggest that the adapter protein PINCH1 critically participates in the regulation of the cellular radiosensitivity of normal and malignant cells similarly under adhesion and suspension conditions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the underlying mechanism by which direct cell–cell contact enhances the efficiency of cell-to-cell transmission of retroviruses. Applying 4D imaging to a model retrovirus, the murine leukemia virus, we directly monitor and quantify sequential assembly, release, and transmission events for individual viral particles as they happen in living cells. We demonstrate that de novo assembly is highly polarized towards zones of cell–cell contact. Viruses assembled approximately 10-fold more frequently at zones of cell contact with no change in assembly kinetics. Gag proteins were drawn to adhesive zones formed by viral Env glycoprotein and its cognate receptor to promote virus assembly at cell–cell contact. This process was dependent on the cytoplasmic tail of viral Env. Env lacking the cytoplasmic tail while still allowing for contact formation, failed to direct virus assembly towards contact sites. Our data describe a novel role for the viral Env glycoprotein in establishing cell–cell adhesion and polarization of assembly prior to becoming a fusion protein to allow virus entry into cells.  相似文献   

The small GTPase RhoA plays a critical role in signaling pathways activated by serum-derived factors, such as lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), including the formation of stress fibers in fibroblasts and neurite retraction and rounding of soma in neuronal cells. Previously, we have shown that ectopic expression of v-Crk, an SH2/SH3 domain-containing adapter proteins, in PC12 cells potentiates nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced neurite outgrowth and promotes the survival of cells when NGF is withdrawn. In the present study we show that, when cultured in 15% serum or lysophosphatidic acid-containing medium, the majority of v-Crk-expressing PC12 cells (v-CrkPC12 cells) display a flattened phenotype with broad lamellipodia and are refractory to NGF-induced neurite outgrowth unless serum is withdrawn. v-Crk-mediated cell flattening is inhibited by treatment of cells with C3 toxin or by mutation in the Crk SH2 or SH3 domain. Transient cotransfection of 293T cells with expression plasmids for p160ROCK (Rho-associated coiled-coil-containing kinase) and v-Crk, but not SH2 or SH3 mutants of v-Crk, results in hyperactivation of p160ROCK. Moreover, the level of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate is increased in v-CrkPC12 cells compared to the levels in mutant v-Crk-expressing cells or wild-type cells, consistent with PI(4)P5 kinase being a downstream target for Rho. Expression of v-Crk in PC12 cells does not result in activation of Rac- or Cdc42-dependent kinases PAK and S6 kinase, demonstrating specificity for Rho. In contrast to native PC12 cells, in which focal adhesions and actin stress fibers are not observed, immunohistochemical analysis of v-CrkPC12 cells reveals focal adhesion complexes which are formed at the periphery of the cell and are connected to actin cables. The formation of focal adhesions correlates with a concomitant upregulation in the expression of focal adhesion proteins FAK, paxillin, α3-integrin, and a higher-molecular-weight form of β1-integrin. Our results indicate that v-Crk activates the Rho-signaling pathway and serves as a scaffolding protein during the assembly of focal adhesions in PC12 cells.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a fundamental cellular process requiring integrated activities of the cytoskeleton, membrane, and cell/extracellular matrix adhesions. Many cytoskeletal activities rely on microtubule filaments. It has been speculated that microtubules can serve as tracks to deliver proteins essential for focal adhesion turnover. Three microtubule end-binding proteins (EB1, EB2, and EB3) in mammalian cells can track the plus ends of growing microtubules. EB1 and EB3 together can regulate microtubule dynamics by promoting microtubule growth and suppressing catastrophe, whereas, in contrast, EB2 does not play a direct role in microtubule dynamic instability, and little is known about the cellular function of EB2. By quantitative proteomics, we identified mammalian HCLS1-associated protein X-1 (HAX1) as an EB2-specific interacting protein. Knockdown of HAX1 and EB2 in skin epidermal cells stabilizes focal adhesions and impairs epidermal migration in vitro and in vivo. Our results further demonstrate that cell motility and focal adhesion turnover require interaction between Hax1 and EB2. Together, our findings provide new insights for this critical cellular process, suggesting that EB2 association with Hax1 plays a significant role in focal adhesion turnover and epidermal migration.  相似文献   

Gap junctions mediate cell–cell communication in almost all tissues, but little is known about their regulation by physiological stimuli. Using a novel single-electrode technique, together with dye coupling studies, we show that in cells expressing gap junction protein connexin43, cell–cell communication is rapidly disrupted by G protein–coupled receptor agonists, notably lysophosphatidic acid, thrombin, and neuropeptides. In the continuous presence of agonist, junctional communication fully recovers within 1–2 h of receptor stimulation. In contrast, a desensitization-defective G protein–coupled receptor mediates prolonged uncoupling, indicating that recovery of communication is controlled, at least in part, by receptor desensitization. Agonist-induced gap junction closure consistently follows inositol lipid breakdown and membrane depolarization and coincides with Rho-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling. However, we find that gap junction closure is independent of Ca2+, protein kinase C, mitogen-activated protein kinase, or membrane potential, and requires neither Rho nor Ras activation. Gap junction closure is prevented by tyrphostins, by dominant-negative c-Src, and in Src-deficient cells. Thus, G protein–coupled receptors use a Src tyrosine kinase pathway to transiently inhibit connexin43-based cell–cell communication.  相似文献   

The dynamic regulation of focal adhesions is implicated in cellular processes of proliferation, differentiation, migration, and apoptosis. The focal adhesion-associated docking protein HEF1 is cleaved by caspases during both mitosis and apoptosis. Common to both of these cellular processes is the loss of focal adhesions, transiently during mitosis and permanently during apoptosis. The proteolytic processing of HEF1 during both mitosis and apoptosis therefore posits a general role for HEF1 as a sensor of altered adhesion states. In this study, we find that HEF1 undergoes proteolytic processing specifically in response to cellular detachment, while HEF1 proteolysis is prevented by specific integrin receptor ligation and focal adhesion formation. We show that overexpression of a C-terminal caspase-derived 28-kDa HEF1 peptide causes cellular rounding that is demonstrably separable from apoptosis. Mutation of the divergent helix-loop-helix motif found in 28-kDa HEF1 significantly reduces the induction of apoptosis by this peptide, while deletion of the amino-terminal 28 amino acids of 28-kDa HEF1 completely abrogates the induction of apoptosis. Conversely, these mutations have no effect on the rounding induced by 28-kDa HEF1. Finally, we detect a novel focal adhesion targeting domain located in the C terminus of HEF1 and show that this activity is necessary for HEF1-induced cell spreading. Together, these data suggest that proteolytic and other posttranslational modifications of HEF1 in response to loss of adhesion serve to modulate the disassembly of focal adhesions.  相似文献   

The type I transmembrane protein crumbs (Crb) plays critical roles in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarities in diverse tissues. As such, mutations of Crb can cause different forms of cancers. The cell intrinsic role of Crb in cell polarity is governed by its conserved, 37-residue cytoplasmic tail (Crb-CT) via binding to moesin and protein associated with Lin7–1 (PALS1). However, the detailed mechanism governing the Crb·moesin interaction and the balance of Crb in binding to moesin and PALS1 are not well understood. Here we report the 1.5 Å resolution crystal structure of the moesin protein 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin (FERM)·Crb-CT complex, revealing that both the canonical FERM binding motif and the postsynaptic density protein-95/Disc large-1/Zonula occludens-1 (PDZ) binding motif of Crb contribute to the Crb·moesin interaction. We further demonstrate that phosphorylation of Crb-CT by atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) disrupts the Crb·moesin association but has no impact on the Crb·PALS1 interaction. The above results indicate that, upon the establishment of the apical-basal polarity in epithelia, apical-localized aPKC can actively prevent the Crb·moesin complex formation and thereby shift Crb to form complex with PALS1 at apical junctions. Therefore, Crb may serve as an aPKC-mediated sensor in coordinating contact-dependent cell growth inhibition in epithelial tissues.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cell division is effected by a large assembly of proteins called the divisome, of which a subcomplex consisting of three bitopic inner membrane proteins, FtsQ, FtsB, and FtsL, is an essential part. These three proteins, hypothesized to link cytoplasmic to periplasmic events during cell division, contain large periplasmic domains that are of major importance for function and complex formation. The essential nature of this subcomplex, its low abundance, and its multiple interactions with key divisome components in the relatively accessible periplasm make it an attractive target for the development of protein-protein interaction inhibitors. Although the crystal structure of the periplasmic domain of FtsQ has been solved, the structure of the FtsQBL complex is unknown, with only very crude indications of the interactions in this complex. In this study, we used in vivo site-specific photo cross-linking to probe the surface of the FtsQ periplasmic domain for its interaction interfaces with FtsB and FtsL. An interaction hot spot for FtsB was identified around residue Ser-250 in the C-terminal region of FtsQ and a membrane-proximal interaction region for both proteins around residue Lys-59. Sequence alignment revealed a consensus motif overlapping with the C-terminal interaction hot spot, underlining the importance of this region in FtsQ. The identification of contact sites in the FtsQBL complex will guide future development of interaction inhibitors that block cell division.  相似文献   

Chloroplast-nucleus interactions were examined in cells of Euglenagracilis Z synchronized under photoautotrophic conditions. Thechloroplasts were localized near the cell periphery. At an earlystage of the cell cycle, however, some chloroplasts were transientlylocated in the inner space close to the nucleus. Electron microscopyusing serial cell sections revealed that the chloroplast formedprotrusions at several sites, which became associated with thenucleus. The outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope wasin contact, or at least continuous in part, with the outer membraneof the nuclear envelope at the sites of association, and densematerial was present in the chloroplast membrane. A chromosomewas close to each site of the association between these twoorganelles. Most of the chloroplasts including those in associationwith the nucleus were connected by fine bridges. The 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stainednucleoids in the chloroplast associated with the nucleus appearedto have a thread-like shape. There was another type of chloroplast-nucleusconnection, in which an intervening membranous body was in contactwith the outer part of the nuclear envelope on one side andwith the chloroplast envelope on the other side. 1 This work was reported at the 48th Annual Meeting of the BotanicalSociety of Japan, Kyoto, October, 1983. (Received June 5, 1984; Accepted November 20, 1984)  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrix is a complex process involving protrusive activity driven by the actin cytoskeleton, engagement of specific receptors, followed by signaling and cytoskeletal organization. Thereafter, contractile and endocytic/recycling activities may facilitate migration and adhesion turnover. Focal adhesions, or focal contacts, are widespread organelles at the cell-matrix interface. They arise as a result of receptor interactions with matrix ligands, together with clustering. Recent analysis shows that focal adhesions contain a very large number of protein components in their intracellular compartment. Among these are tyrosine kinases, which have received a great deal of attention, whereas the serine/threonine kinase protein kinase C has received much less. Here the status of protein kinase C in focal adhesions and cell migration is reviewed, together with discussion of its roles and potential substrates.  相似文献   

Human fibrosarcoma cells, HT-1080, feature extensive adherens junctions, lack mature desmosomes, and express a single known desmosomal protein, Desmoglein 2 (Dsg2). Transfection of these cells with bovine Desmocollin 1a (Dsc1a) caused dramatic changes in the subcellular distribution of endogenous Dsg2. Both cadherins clustered in the areas of the adherens junctions, whereas only a minor portion of Dsg2 was seen in these areas in the parental cells. Deletion mapping showed that intact extracellular cadherin-like repeats of Dsc1a (Arg1-Thr170) are required for the translocation of Dsg2. Deletion of the intracellular C-domain that mediates the interaction of Dsc1a with plakoglobin, or the CSI region that is involved in the binding to desmoplakin, had no effect. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments of cell lysates stably expressing Dsc1a with anti-Dsc or -Dsg antibodies demonstrate that the desmosomal cadherins, Dsg2 and Dsc1a, are involved in a direct Ca2+-dependent interaction. This conclusion was further supported by the results of solid phase binding experiments. These showed that the Dsc1a fragment containing cadherin-like repeats 1 and 2 binds directly to the extracellular portion of Dsg in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The contribution of the Dsg/ Dsc interaction to cell–cell adhesion was tested by coculturing HT-1080 cells expressing Dsc1a with HT-1080 cells lacking Dsc but expressing myc-tagged plakoglobin (MPg). In the latter cells, MPg and the endogenous Dsg form stable complexes. The observed specific coimmunoprecipitation of MPg by anti-Dsc antibodies in coculture indicates that an intercellular interaction between Dsc1 and Dsg is involved in cell–cell adhesion.  相似文献   



There has been much interest in targeting intracellular redox pathways as a therapeutic approach for cancer. Given recent data to suggest that the redox status of extracellular protein thiol groups (i.e. exofacial thiols) effects cell behavior, we hypothesized that redox active anti-cancer agents would modulate exofacial protein thiols.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To test this hypothesis, we used the sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide, a known anti-cancer agent. Using flow cytometry, and western blotting to label free thiols with Alexa Fluor 633 C5 maleimide dye and N-(biotinoyl)-N-(iodoacetyl) ethylendiamine (BIAM), respectively, we show that parthenolide decreases the level of free exofacial thiols on Granta mantle lymphoma cells. In addition, we used immuno-precipitation techniques to identify the central redox regulator thioredoxin, as one of the surface protein thiol targets modified by parthenolide. To examine the functional role of parthenolide induced surface protein thiol modification, we pretreated Granta cells with cell impermeable glutathione (GSH), prior to exposure to parthenolide, and showed that GSH pretreatment; (a) inhibited the interaction of parthenolide with exofacial thiols; (b) inhibited parthenolide mediated activation of JNK and inhibition of NFκB, two well established mechanisms of parthenolide activity and; (c) blocked the cytotoxic activity of parthenolide. That GSH had no effect on the parthenolide induced generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species supports the fact that GSH had no effect on intracellular redox. Together these data support the likelihood that GSH inhibits the effect of parthenolide on JNK, NFκB and cell death through its direct inhibition of parthenolide''s modulation of exofacial thiols.


Based on these data, we postulate that one component of parthenolide''s anti-lymphoma activity derives from its ability to modify the redox state of critical exofacial thiols. Further, we propose that cancer cell exofacial thiols may be important and novel targets for therapy.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The cell adhesion molecule L1 has been implicated in adhesion and migration of cells, in axon growth, guidance, and fasciculation, in myelination and synaptic plasticity. The cytoplasmic domain of neuronal L1 is highly conserved between species and has been shown to be phosphorylated at serine and tyrosine residues. 2. To investigate the significance of L1 serine phosphorylation, mutants of L1 were generated in which ser-1152, ser-1181, ser-1204, and ser-1248 were exchanged for leucine and rat B35 neuroblastoma cells were stably transfected with the L1-cDNA constructs. 3. Neurite outgrowth on poly-l-lysine (PLL) as substrate was determined either with or without differentiation into a neuronal phenotype with dbcAMP. In addition, antibody-induced endocytosis and cell migration were examined. 4. Our observations indicate that phosphorylation of single serine residues of the cytoplasmic domain of L1 contributes to neurite outgrowth through different mechanisms. Neurite growth is increased when ser-1152 or ser-1181 is replaced by a non-phosphorylatable leucine and decreased when ser-1204 or ser-1248 is mutated to leucine. Furthermore, mutation of ser-1181 to leucine results in strongly enhanced antibody-induced endocytosis of L1 and also in enhanced cell migration.  相似文献   

This paper presents further investigation of the properties of carbohydrate II in the cell adhesion molecule, contact site A, fromDictyostelium discoideum.A purified contact site A was digested withAchromobacterprotease I to produce a 31-kDa fragment to which carbohydrate II was mainly bound and a 21-kDa fragment containing the NH2terminus of contact site A, which was identified as Ala-Pro-Thr-Ile-Thr-Ala. The NH2terminus of the 31-kDa fragment was Thr-Glu-Ala-Thr-Thr-Ser. It was estimated from the cDNA sequence data of contact site A that more than 20 Ser/Thr residues exist as target sites for the O-linked oligosaccharides in the 31-kDa fragment, but not for the N-linked oligosaccharides. These results suggest that carbohydrate II exists as clustered O-linked oligosaccharides in the COOH terminus of contact site A. The results of two-dimensional electrophoresis confirm that oligosaccharides of contact site A contain sialic acids. Immunoelectron microscopy was carried out to define the organelle in which O-glycosylation by carbohydrate II occurs and how carbohydrate II antigens are distributed on the cell surface. The results show that O-glycosylation can occur in the Golgi apparatus inD. discoideumas observed in other cells, although this O-glycosylation was inhibited by tunicamycin. Furthermore, gold particles were densely concentrated in cell–cell contact regions but sparsely distributed in noncontact regions.  相似文献   

At an early stage in the cell cycle of Euglena gracilis Z, synchronizedunder 10-h light : 14-h dark alternations in an organic medium,the conjoined chloroplasts that formed made up a single giantbody that came close to the nucleus, covering most of the nuclearperiphery. Three different types of association between thesetwo organelles were observed. In one the outer membrane of thenuclear envelope was in contact, in some narrow regions, withthe chloroplast membrane, the site of contact being filled withdense material. A chromosome in the unfolded, fibrillar structurewas very close to the site of contact, the extreme end of thefibril touching the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope.When cells from the culture used above were stained with DAPIand examined under a fluorescence microscope, chloroplast nucleoidsin the giant body appeared to form, at least in part, a threadwith branchings, and some tips of the branchings came closeto the site of contact with the nucleus. In the second type of association, which was rare, part of thenuclear envelope protruded into the chloroplast, and the siteof contact was filled with dense material. A chromosome wasnear the site of this protrusion. In the third type of chloroplast-nucleusassociation the ER was continuous with the outer membrane ofthe nuclear envelope at one end and in contact with the chloroplastmembrane, at the other end. 1This work was reported at the 48th Annual Meeting of the BotanicalSociety of Japan in Kyoto, October, 1983. (Received March 14, 1984; Accepted June 27, 1984)  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis cell wall–associated receptor-like kinase (WAK) gene family contains five highly related members whose products are suited for exchanging signals between the intracellular and extracellular compartments. WAK members are expressed in specific organs and regulated differentially by various biotic and abiotic factors. To gain further insight into how WAKs function during development, we used a glucocorticoid-inducible system to express ectopically the WAK4 antisense gene. The induced expression of the WAK4 antisense gene resulted in a significant decrease of WAK proteins. Ninety-six hours after the induction of WAK4 antisense expression, WAK proteins became undetectable. Cell elongation was impaired, and lateral root development was blocked. The level of WAK protein could be controlled by the concentration of the applied inducer, dexamethasone, and was correlated with the severity of the cell elongation inhibition phenotype. These results suggest that the WAKs serve a vital role in cell elongation and are required for plant development.  相似文献   

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