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Byrd AK  Raney KD 《Biochemistry》2005,44(39):12990-12997
Dda has been shown previously to be active as a monomer for DNA unwinding [Nanduri et al. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99, 14722] and streptavidin displacement [Byrd and Raney (2004) Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 11, 531]. However, its activity for streptavidin displacement increased as a function of the length of single-stranded DNA. We investigated whether Dda exhibited enhanced DNA unwinding of partially duplex DNA substrates as a function of increasing the length of the single-stranded overhangs. DNA substrates were prepared containing 16 base pairs and single-stranded overhangs of 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 nucleotides. Under single turnover conditions in the presence of excess enzyme, the quantity of DNA unwound increased significantly as the length of the single strand overhang increased. Increased processivity was observed when the DNA substrate contained longer single-stranded overhangs. Equilibrium binding studies indicated that Dda bound to the substrates containing the longer overhangs significantly better than the shorter overhangs. To determine whether the increased processivity for unwinding was due to multiple molecules of Dda or due to the increased binding affinity to the longer overhangs, DNA unwinding was conducted under pre-steady-state conditions, which favor binding of monomeric Dda. Under pre-steady-state conditions, the quantity of product decreased somewhat as the single-stranded length increased, from 12 to 24 nucleotides. Thus, when monomeric Dda is required to translocate longer distances prior to unwinding, processivity is lowered. Taken together, these results indicate that enhanced binding to the longer single-stranded overhangs was not responsible for enhanced processivity under conditions of excess enzyme. Rather, multiple molecules of Dda bound to the same substrate exhibit greater processivity for DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

Helicases utilize the energy of ATP hydrolysis to unwind double-stranded DNA while translocating on the DNA. Mechanisms for melting the duplex have been characterized as active or passive, depending on whether the enzyme actively separates the base pairs or simply sequesters single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that forms due to thermal fraying. Here, we show that Dda translocates unidirectionally on ssDNA at the same rate at which it unwinds double-stranded DNA in both ensemble and single-molecule experiments. Further, the unwinding rate is largely insensitive to the duplex stability and to the applied force. Thus, Dda transduces all of its translocase activity into DNA unwinding activity so that the rate of unwinding is limited by the rate of translocation and that the enzyme actively separates the duplex. Active and passive helicases have been characterized by dividing the velocity of DNA unwinding in base pairs per second (Vun) by the velocity of translocation on ssDNA in nucleotides per second (Vtrans). If the resulting fraction is 0.25, then a helicase is considered to be at the lower end of the “active” range. In the case of Dda, the average DNA unwinding velocity was 257 ± 42 bp/s, and the average translocation velocity was 267 ± 15 nt/s. The Vun/Vtrans value of 0.96 places Dda in a unique category of being an essentially “perfectly” active helicase.  相似文献   

The DNA helicase encoded by gene 4 of bacteriophage T7 assembles on single-stranded DNA as a hexamer of six identical subunits with the DNA passing through the center of the toroid. The helicase couples the hydrolysis of dTTP to unidirectional translocation on single-stranded DNA and the unwinding of duplex DNA. Phe(523), positioned in a β-hairpin loop at the subunit interface, plays a key role in coupling the hydrolysis of dTTP to DNA unwinding. Replacement of Phe(523) with alanine or valine abolishes the ability of the helicase to unwind DNA or allow T7 polymerase to mediate strand-displacement synthesis on duplex DNA. In vivo complementation studies reveal a requirement for a hydrophobic residue with long side chains at this position. In a crystal structure of T7 helicase, when a nucleotide is bound at a subunit interface, Phe(523) is buried within the interface. However, in the unbound state, it is more exposed on the outer surface of the helicase. This structural difference suggests that the β-hairpin bearing the Phe(523) may undergo a conformational change during nucleotide hydrolysis. We postulate that upon hydrolysis of dTTP, Phe(523) moves from within the subunit interface to a more exposed position where it contacts the displaced complementary strand and facilitates unwinding.  相似文献   

Helicase-catalyzed disruption of double-stranded nucleic acid is vital to DNA replication, recombination, and repair in all forms of life. The relative influence of specific chemical interactions between helicase and the substrate over a series of multistep catalytic events is still being defined. To this end, three modified DNA oligonucleotides were designed to serve as substrates for the bacteriophage T4 helicase, Dda. A 5'-DNA-PNA-DNA-3' chimera was synthesized, thereby, conferring both a loss of charge and altering the conformational flexibility of the oligonucleotide. The second modified oligonucleotide possessed a single methylphosphonate replacement on the phosphate backbone, creating a gap in the charge distribution of the substrate. The third modification introduced an abasic site into the oligonucleotide sequence. This abasic site retains the charge distribution of the normal DNA substrate yet alters the conformational flexibility of the oligonucleotide. The loss of a base also serves to disrupt the hydrogen-bonding lattice, the intramolecular base-stacking interactions, as well as the intermolecular base-stacking interactions between aromatic amino acid side chains and the substrate. Our results indicate that a gap in the charge distribution along the backbone of the substrate has a more pronounced effect upon helicase-catalyzed unwinding than does the loss of a single base. While all three substrates exhibited some degree of inhibition, analysis of both pre-steady-state and excess enzyme experiments places a greater value upon the electrostatic interactions between helicase and the substrate.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) is a DNA mimic in which the nucleobases are linked by an N-(2-aminoethyl) glycine backbone. Here we report that PNA can interact with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in a non-sequence-specific fashion. We observed that a 15mer PNA inhibited the ssDNA-stimulated ATPase activity of a bacteriophage T4 helicase, Dda. Surprisingly, when a fluorescein-labeled 15mer PNA was used in binding studies no interaction was observed between PNA and Dda. However, fluorescence polarization did reveal non-sequence-specific interactions between PNA and ssDNA. Thus, the inhibition of ATPase activity of Dda appears to result from depletion of the available ssDNA due to non-Watson–Crick binding of PNA to ssDNA. Inhibition of the ssDNA-stimulated ATPase activity was observed for several PNAs of varying length and sequence. To study the basis for this phenomenon, we examined self-aggregation by PNAs. The 15mer PNA readily self-aggregates to the point of precipitation. Since PNAs are hydrophobic, they aggregate more than DNA or RNA, making the study of this phenomenon essential for understanding the properties of PNA. Non-sequence-specific interactions between PNA and ssDNA were observed at moderate concentrations of PNA, suggesting that such interactions should be considered for antisense and antigene applications.  相似文献   

W T Ruyechan  J G Wetmur 《Biochemistry》1976,15(23):5057-5064
The noncooperative binding of the Escherichia coli DNA unwinding protein to single-stranded DNA oligomers has been studied by means of equilibrium dialysis. Dialyses were performed under a number of solution and temperature conditions using oligomers of varying length and base compositions. The results of these studies, which include a Scatchard analysis of the binding, have allowed us to propose a model for the cooperative binding of the protein to single-stranded DNA. The results of experiments dealing with the interaction of the protein with single-stranded RNA are also presented.  相似文献   

Semi-conservative DNA synthesis reactions catalyzed by the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase holoenzyme are initiated by a strand displacement mechanism requiring gp32, the T4 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein, to sequester the displaced strand. After initiation, DNA helicase acquisition by the nascent replication fork leads to a dramatic increase in the rate and processivity of leading strand DNA synthesis. In vitro studies have established that either of two T4-encoded DNA helicases, gp41 or dda, is capable of stimulating strand displacement synthesis. The acquisition of either helicase by the nascent replication fork is modulated by other protein components of the fork including gp32 and, in the case of the gp41 helicase, its mediator/loading protein gp59. Here, we examine the relationships between gp32 and the gp41/gp59 and dda helicase systems, respectively, during T4 replication using altered forms of gp32 defective in either protein-protein or protein-ssDNA interactions. We show that optimal stimulation of DNA synthesis by gp41/gp59 helicase requires gp32-gp59 interactions and is strongly dependent on the stability of ssDNA binding by gp32. Fluorescence assays demonstrate that gp59 binds stoichiometrically to forked DNA molecules; however, gp59-forked DNA complexes are destabilized via protein-protein interactions with the C-terminal "A-domain" fragment of gp32. These and previously published results suggest a model in which a mobile gp59-gp32 cluster bound to lagging strand ssDNA is the target for gp41 helicase assembly. In contrast, stimulation of DNA synthesis by dda helicase requires direct gp32-dda protein-protein interactions and is relatively unaffected by mutations in gp32 that destabilize its ssDNA binding activity. The latter data support a model in which protein-protein interactions with gp32 maintain dda in a proper active state for translocation at the replication fork. The relationship between dda and gp32 proteins in T4 replication appears similar to the relationship observed between the UL9 helicase and ICP8 ssDNA-binding protein in herpesvirus replication.  相似文献   

Helicases unwind dsDNA during replication, repair and recombination in an ATP-dependent reaction. The mechanism for helicase activity can be studied using oligonucleotide substrates to measure formation of single-stranded (ss) DNA from double-stranded (ds) DNA. This assay provides an 'all-or-nothing' readout because partially unwound intermediates are not detected. We have determined conditions under which an intermediate in the reaction cycle of Dda helicase can be detected by trapping a partially unwound substrate. The appearance of this intermediate supports a model in which each ssDNA product interacts with the helicase after unwinding has occurred. Kinetic analysis indicates that the intermediate appears during a slow step in the reaction cycle that is flanked by faster steps for unwinding. These observations demonstrate a complex mechanism containing nonuniform steps for a monomeric helicase. The potential biological significance of such a mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Characterization of the bacteriophage T4 gene 41 DNA helicase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The T4 gene 41 protein and the gene 61 protein function together as a primase-helicase within the seven protein bacteriophage T4 multienzyme complex that replicates duplex DNA in vitro. We have previously shown that the 41 protein is a 5' to 3' helicase that requires a single-stranded region on the 5' side of the duplex to be unwound and is stimulated by the 61 protein (Venkatesan, M., Silver L. L., and Nossal, N. G. (1982) J. biol. Chem. 257, 12426-12434). The 41 protein, in turn, is required for pentamer primer synthesis by the 61 protein. We now show that the 41 protein helicase unwinds a partially duplex DNA molecule containing a performed fork more efficiently than a DNA molecule without a fork. Optimal helicase activity requires greater than 29 nucleotides of single-stranded DNA on the 3' side of the duplex (analogous to the leading strand template). This result suggests the 41 protein helicase interacts with the leading strand template as well as the lagging strand template as it unwinds the duplex region at the replication fork. As the single-stranded DNA on the 3' side of a short duplex (51 base pairs) is lengthened, the stimulation of the 41 protein helicase by the 61 protein is diminished. However, both the 61 protein and a preformed fork are essential for efficient unwinding of longer duplex regions (650 base pairs). These findings suggest that the 61 protein promotes both the initial unwinding of the duplex to form a fork and subsequent unwinding of longer duplexes by the 41 protein. A stable protein-DNA complex, detected by a gel mobility shift of phi X174 single-stranded DNA, requires both the 41 and 61 proteins and a rNTP (preferably rATP or rGTP, the nucleotides with the greatest effect on the helicase activity). In the accompanying paper, we report the altered properties of a proteolytic fragment of the 41 protein helicase and its effect on in vitro DNA synthesis in the T4 multienzyme replication system.  相似文献   

Interactions between helicases and the tracking strand of a DNA substrate are well-characterized; however, the role of the displaced strand is a less understood characteristic of DNA unwinding. Dda helicase exhibited greater processivity when unwinding a DNA fork compared to a ss/ds DNA junction substrate. The lag phase in the unwinding progress curve was reduced for the forked DNA compared to the ss/ds junction. Fewer kinetic steps were required to unwind the fork compared to the ss/ds junction, suggesting that binding to the fork leads to disruption of the duplex. DNA footprinting confirmed that interaction of Dda with a fork leads to two base pairs being disrupted whereas no disruption of base pairing was observed with the ss/ds junction. Neutralization of the phosphodiester backbone resulted in a DNA-footprinting pattern similar to that observed with the ss/ds junction, consistent with disruption of the interaction between Dda and the displaced strand. Several basic residues in the 1A domain which were previously proposed to bind to the incoming duplex DNA were replaced with alanines, resulting in apparent loss of interaction with the duplex. Taken together, these results suggest that Dda interaction with the tracking strand, displaced strand and duplex coordinates DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage T4-induced type II DNA topoisomerase has been shown previously to make a reversible double strand break in DNA double helices. In addition, this enzyme is shown here to bind tightly and to cleave single-stranded DNA molecules. The evidence that the single-stranded DNA cleavage activity is intrinsic to the topoisomerase includes: 1) protein linkage to the 5' ends of the newly cleaved DNA; 2) coelution of essentially homogeneous topoisomerase and the DNA cleavage activity; 3) inhibition of both single-stranded DNA cleavage and double-stranded DNA relaxation by oxolinic acid; and 4) inhibition of duplex DNA relaxation by single-stranded DNA. The major cleavage sites on phi X174 viral DNA substrates have been mapped, and several cleavage sites analyzed to determine the exact nucleotide position of cleavage. Major cleavage sites are found very near the base of predicted hairpin helices in the single-stranded DNA substrates, suggesting that DNA secondary structure recognition is important in the cleavage reaction. On the other hand, there are also many weaker cleavage sites with no obvious sequence requirements. Many of the properties of the single-stranded DNA cleavage reaction examined here differ from those of the oxolinic acid-dependent, double-stranded DNA cleavage reaction catalyzed by the same enzyme.  相似文献   

The gene 4 protein of bacteriophage T7 is a multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes (i) the hydrolysis of nucleoside 5'-triphosphates, (ii) the synthesis of tetraribonucleotide primers at specific recognition sequences on a DNA template, and (iii) the unwinding of duplex DNA. All three activities depend on binding of gene 4 protein to single-stranded DNA followed by unidirectional 5' to 3' translocation of the protein (Tabor, S., and Richardson, C. C. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 205-209). Binding of gene 4 protein to single-stranded DNA, assayed by retention of DNA-protein complexes on nitrocellulose filters, is random with regard to DNA sequence. Although gene 4 protein does not bind to duplex DNAs, the presence of a 240-nucleotide-long single-stranded tail on a 7200-base pair duplex DNA molecule is sufficient for gene 4 protein to cause retention of the DNA on a filter. The binding reaction requires, in addition to MgCl2, the presence of a nucleoside 5'-triphosphate, but binding is not dependent on hydrolysis; nucleoside 5'-diphosphate will substitute for nucleoside 5'-triphosphate. Of the eight common nucleoside triphosphates, dTTP promotes optimal binding. The half-life of the gene 4 protein-DNA complex depends on both the secondary structure of the DNA and on whether or not the nucleoside 5'-triphosphate cofactor can be hydrolyzed. Using the nonhydrolyzable nucleoside 5'-triphosphate analog, beta,gamma-methylene dTTP, the half-life of the gene 4 protein-DNA complex is greater than 80 min. In the presence of the hydrolyzable nucleoside 5'-triphosphate, dTTP, the half-life of the gene 4 protein-DNA complex using circular M13 DNA is at least 4 times longer than that observed using linear M13 DNA.  相似文献   

In this study it is established by calculation which regular conformations single-stranded DNA and RNA can adopt in the complex with the single-stranded DNA binding protein GP32 of bacteriophage T4. In order to do so, information from previous experiments about base orientations and the length and diameter of the complexes is used together with knowledge about bond lengths and valence angles between chemical bonds. It turns out that there is only a limited set of similar conformations which are in agreement with experimental data. The arrangement of neighboring bases is such that there is ample space for aromatic residues of the protein to partly intercalate between the bases, which is in agreement with a previously proposed model for the binding domain of the protein [Prigodich, R. V., Shamoo, Y., Williams, K. R., Chase, J. W., Konigsberg, W. H., & Coleman, J. E. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3666-3671]. Both C2'endo and C3'endo sugar conformations lead to calculated DNA conformations that are consistent with experimental data. The orientation of the O2' atoms of the sugars in RNA can explain why the binding affinity of GP32 for polyribonucleotides is lower than for polydeoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gene 59 protein greatly stimulates the loading of the T4 gene 41 helicase in vitro and is required for recombination and recombination-dependent DNA replication in vivo. 59 protein binds preferentially to forked DNA and interacts directly with the T4 41 helicase and gene 32 single-stranded DNA-binding protein. The helicase loader is an almost completely alpha-helical, two-domain protein, whose N-terminal domain has strong structural similarity to the DNA-binding domains of high mobility group proteins. We have previously speculated that this high mobility group-like region may bind the duplex ahead of the fork, with the C-terminal domain providing separate binding sites for the fork arms and at least part of the docking area for the helicase and 32 protein. Here, we characterize several mutants of 59 protein in an initial effort to test this model. We find that the I87A mutation, at the position where the fork arms would separate in the model, is defective in binding fork DNA. As a consequence, it is defective in stimulating both unwinding by the helicase and replication by the T4 system. 59 protein with a deletion of the two C-terminal residues, Lys(216) and Tyr(217), binds fork DNA normally. In contrast to the wild type, the deletion protein fails to promote binding of 32 protein on short fork DNA. However, it binds 32 protein in the absence of DNA. The deletion is also somewhat defective in stimulating unwinding of fork DNA by the helicase and replication by the T4 system. We suggest that the absence of the two terminal residues may alter the configuration of the lagging strand fork arm on the surface of the C-terminal domain, so that it is a poorer docking site for the helicase and 32 protein.  相似文献   

The active form of many helicases is oligomeric, possibly because oligomerization provides multiple DNA binding sites needed for unwinding of DNA. In order to understand the mechanism of the bacteriophage T4 Dda helicase, the potential requirement for oligomerization was investigated. Chemical cross-linking and high pressure gel filtration chromatography provided little evidence for the formation of an oligomeric species. The specific activity for ssDNA stimulated ATPase activity was independent of Dda concentration. Dda was mutated to produce an ATPase-deficient protein (K38A Dda) by altering a residue within a conserved, nucleotide binding loop. The helicase activity of K38A Dda was inactivated, although DNA binding properties were similar to Dda. In the presence of limiting DNA substrate, the rate of unwinding by Dda was not changed; however, the amplitude of product formation was reduced in the presence of increasing concentrations of K38A Dda. The reduction was between that expected for a monomeric or dimeric helicase based on simple competition for substrate binding. When unwinding of DNA was measured in the presence of excess DNA substrate, addition of K38A Dda caused no reduction in the observed rate for strand separation. Taken together, these results indicate that oligomerization of Dda is not required for DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

Johnson DS  Bai L  Smith BY  Patel SS  Wang MD 《Cell》2007,129(7):1299-1309
Helicases are molecular motors that separate DNA strands for efficient replication of genomes. We probed the kinetics of individual ring-shaped T7 helicase molecules as they unwound double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) or translocated on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). A distinctive DNA sequence dependence was observed in the unwinding rate that correlated with the local DNA unzipping energy landscape. The unwinding rate increased approximately 10-fold (approaching the ssDNA translocation rate) when a destabilizing force on the DNA fork junction was increased from 5 to 11 pN. These observations reveal a fundamental difference between the mechanisms of ring-shaped and nonring-shaped helicases. The observed force-velocity and sequence dependence are not consistent with a simple passive unwinding model. However, an active unwinding model fully supports the data even though the helicase on its own does not unwind at its optimal rate. This work offers insights into possible ways helicase activity is enhanced by associated proteins.  相似文献   

Denatured Bacteriophage T4D DNA is able to stimulate aminoacid incorporation into TCA-precipitable material in an in vitro protein synthesis system according to base DNA sequences. Newly synthesized polypeptides remain associated with ribosomes and have a molecular weight in range of 15,000 to 45,000 Daltons.  相似文献   

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