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The interspecific relationships between egg size and body size in butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperiidae), and between size and egg and larval development time, larval trophic specificity, foodplant structure, climate, and phenology were investigated based on a sample of more than 1180 species. The independent contrasts mediod was used to avoid taxonomy-dependent results. Egg size is allometrically related to adult wing length by a slope of 0.43. Based on a subset of species, fecundity is correlated to adult body size, and there is evidence for a compromise between egg number and egg size (relative to adult size) across species. Butterfly size increases in correlation to the mean annual temperature of me species geographic range, but decreases in relation to increased aridity (or die length of the dry season). Larger butterflies tend to have longer larval development times, use large or structurally complex host plants, and are more likely to lay their eggs in batches, irrespective of climate. Larger eggs tend to develop more slowly, and give rise to larvae with longer developmental periods that will result in larger adults. No evidence was found to support a relationship between butterfly body size and polyphagy. A complex pattern of interrelationships links body size (and egg size) to other traits, although correlations other than mat between egg size and body size are generally low. The results suggest the necessity of separating climate and seasonality into components that are relevant to insect life histories in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Aim We addressed the following questions: (1) Does tephritid body size tend to increase in species found at higher elevations, as predicted by Bergmann's rule? (2) Do tephritids conform to Rapoport's rule, so that species found at higher elevations tend to have broader altitudinal ranges? (3) More generally, how do body size and host range jointly affect the patterns of altitudinal distribution among Neotropical tephritid flies? Location The Mantiqueira mountain range, south‐eastern Brazil, at sites ranging from c. 700 to 2500 m a.s.l. Methods At each site we collected flower heads of all Asteraceae species to rear out endophagous immatures (from January to June in 1998 and 1999). We used structural equation models (SEM) to evaluate jointly the relationships between body size, host range and altitudinal distribution (range and mid‐point). Results Neotropical tephritid body size showed a negative relationship with altitudinal distribution. SE modelling showed no significant direct effect of body size on altitudinal range; however, it had significant indirect negative effects through host range and altitudinal mid‐point. The SE model was a good predictor of observed correlations and accounted for 84% of the variation in tephritid altitudinal range. Main conclusions The altitudinal range of flower‐head‐feeding tephritids is related to host range and is indirectly affected by body size via host range and altitudinal mid‐point. As predicted by Rapoport's rule, tephritids that occur at higher elevations also present wider altitudinal ranges. Bergmann's rule does not apply to Neotropical tephritids along a tropical elevational gradient, but rather its converse was found. Body size may determine host range by imposing a restriction upon large individuals using small flower heads. Host species turnover along the altitudinal gradient may be the main factor explaining the strong relationship between host range and insect elevational distribution.  相似文献   

Although a small set of external factors account for much of the spatial variation in plant and animal diversity, the search continues for general drivers of variation in parasite species richness among host species. Qualitative reviews of existing evidence suggest idiosyncrasies and inconsistent predictive power for all proposed determinants of parasite richness. Here, we provide the first quantitative synthesis of the evidence using a meta‐analysis of 62 original studies testing the relationship between parasite richness across animal, plant and fungal hosts, and each of its four most widely used presumed predictors: host body size, host geographical range size, host population density, and latitude. We uncover three universal predictors of parasite richness across host species, namely host body size, geographical range size and population density, applicable regardless of the taxa considered and independently of most aspects of study design. A proper match in the primary studies between the focal predictor and both the spatial scale of study and the level at which parasite species richness was quantified (i.e. within host populations or tallied across a host species' entire range) also affected the magnitude of effect sizes. By contrast, except for a couple of indicative trends in subsets of the full dataset, there was no strong evidence for an effect of latitude on parasite species richness; where found, this effect ran counter to the general latitude gradient in diversity, with parasite species richness tending to be higher further from the equator. Finally, the meta‐analysis also revealed a negative relationship between the magnitude of effect sizes and the year of publication of original studies (i.e. a time‐lag bias). This temporal bias may be due to the increasing use of phylogenetic correction in comparative analyses of parasite richness over time, as this correction yields more conservative effect sizes. Overall, these findings point to common underlying processes of parasite diversification fundamentally different from those controlling the diversity of free‐living organisms.  相似文献   

Body size and host range in European Heteroptera   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We used data on body size and host range of phytophagous Heteroptera in central Europe, an inverse measure of specialisation, to analyse the relationship of body size vs specialisation: 1) we found a clear positive relationship between body size and host range using species as independent data points. 2) However, a nested analysis of variance shows that most of the variance in body size occurred at higher taxonomic levels whereas most of the variance in host specialisation occurred between species. This suggests different phylogenetic inertia of body size and specialisation. Nevertheless, using means of different higher taxonomic levels there is still a significant positive correlation between body size and host range. 3) With more sophisticated methods of correcting for the phylogenetic relatedness between species, the positive correlation between body size and host range still holds, despite the different assumptions of each method. Thus, the relationship between body size and host range is a very robust pattern in true bugs.  相似文献   

The numbers of intestinal helminth species (parasite richnesS) recorded from each of 488 vertebrate host species are compared using data compiled from the published literature. Associations between parasite richness, sampling effort, host size and host habitat (aquatic versus terrestrial) are assessed using a method designed to control for phylogenetic association. Parasite richness increases with the number of surveys on which each estimate of parasite richness is based (sampling effort). When the effects of sampling effort are controlled for, there remains a strong positive relationship between parasite richness and host body size. There is no tendency for aquatic hosts to harbour more parasite species than terrestrial hosts independently of differences in sampling effort and body size. The results are interpreted in the context of hosts representing habitats for parasite colonization, resource allocation between parasite species, and the age of the major mammalian radiations.  相似文献   

We studied ecological correlates of body size (abundance and niche breadth) in gamasid mites parasitic on small mammals in 28 regions of the Palearctic. We predicted that smaller species would be characterized by higher abundance than larger species, all else (e.g. host species) being equal. We also predicted that host specificity of mites would decrease (that is, number of host species they use would increase) with an increase in their body size. We focused on mites collected from host bodies that include a) species that feed solely on host’s blood (obligate exclusive haematophages), b) species that feed on both host’s blood and small arthropods (obligate non‐exclusive haematophages), and c) facultative haematophages. We expected that the relationship between body size and abundance and/or host specificity would be more pronounced in obligate exclusively haematophagous mites than for obligate non‐exclusively and facultative haematophagous mites. Across all mite species across regions, mean abundance correlated negatively with body size. The same was true for obligate haematophagous species, but not for facultative haematophages. When mite communities on the same host in a location were considered, the negative body mass–abundance relationship was found in only 3 of 44 communities. Nevertheless, a meta‐analytic (across host species) estimate of the slope of this relationship appeared to be significantly negative. No significant relationship between mite body size and host specificity was found in the analyses across all mite species as well as in obligate exclusive or obligate non‐exclusive haematophages. However, the number of hosts used by facultative haematophagous mites decreased significantly with an increase in their body size. We explain the relationships between morphological (body size) and ecological (abundance and niche breadth) properties of ectoparasites by their interactions with hosts or physical environment.  相似文献   

Body size reveals a plethora of life-history, ecological, and evolutionary information about a species. It plays a critical role in success or failure during competitive, reproductive, or predator–prey interactions. Typically, there is a negative relationship between body size and population density in natural populations and communities. I analysed this relationship within and among multiple populations of two prominent monogenean parasites (>90% prevalence) on Lepomis macrochirus in three lakes in New Jersey (USA), using multiple regression models. To elucidate the causes and benefits of this relationship, I also measured host body condition via a regression index, and reproductive output of the parasite community by measuring parasite eggs shed from the host. The relationship between body size and density of infrapopulations (parasites of a single species on a single host) was positive, and the strength of this relationship for both species depended on which lake they occupied, indicating the potential for Allee effects. This relationship persists at the infracommunity level, where there was a similar positive relationship between a community weighted mean body size and density. However, this relationship did not result in greater reproductive success as measured by infracommunity egg production per individual per 24 h or egg size. The cause of this relationship also remains elusive; it was not explained by host condition or age. The results suggest that there is either no reproductive advantage to this increase in body size or the advantage conferred was not related to these measured fitness components. These findings indicate that researchers should be cautious using body size as a proxy for fitness or reproduction, while also raising further questions about the nature of the relationship between parasites on a host and that between those parasites and the host.  相似文献   

Opportunistic parasite species, capable of exploiting several different host species, do not achieve the same abundance on all these hosts. Parasites achieve maximum abundance on their principal host species, and lower abundances on their auxiliary host species. Taxonomic relatedness between the principal and auxiliary host species may determine what abundance a parasite can achieve on its auxiliary hosts, as relatedness should reflect similarities among host species in ecological, physiological and/or immunological characters. We tested this hypothesis with fleas (Siphonaptera) parasitic on small Holarctic mammals. We determined whether the abundance of a flea in its auxiliary hosts decreases with increasing taxonomic distance of these hosts from the principal host. Using data on 106 flea species from 23 regions, for a total of 194 flea-locality combinations, we found consistent support for this relationship, both within and across regions, and even after controlling for the potentially confounding effect of flea phylogeny. These results are most likely explained by a decrease in the efficiency of the parasite's evasive mechanisms against the host's behavioural and immune defences with increasing taxonomic distance from the principal host. Our findings suggest that host switching over evolutionary time may be severely constrained by the coupling of parasite success with the relatedness between new hosts and the original host.  相似文献   

Life history correlations: why are hymenopteran parasitoids an exception?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compares the life histories of five hymenopteran species (genus Leptopilina ), and aims to identify reasons why developmental time and life span are not correlated in parasitic Hymenoptera, a relationship that is present in many other taxa. Developmental time, life span, body size, and related traits were measured in female parasitoids that eclosed either from hosts of a standard species or from the host species that are naturally used. Phylogenetic controlled tests revealed that body size was positively correlated with fat reserves, starvation time, and egg load. Developmental time was neither correlated with life span nor correlated to host developmental time. We suggest two mechanisms that affect a potential relationship between developmental time and life span in Leptopilina : (i) delayed emergence in species that live in a stochastic environment (fungi), and (ii) host species related plasticity for growth rates. Additionally, variable adult feeding conditions have large effects on life span measures.  相似文献   

Tetraphyllidean cestodes are cosmopolitan, remarkably host specific, and form the most speciose and diverse group of helminths infecting elasmobranchs (sharks, skates and rays). They show substantial interspecific variation in a variety of morphological traits, including body size. Tetraphyllideans represent therefore, an ideal group in which to examine the relationship between parasite body size and abundance. The individual and combined effects of host size, environmental temperature, host habitat, host environment, host physiology, and host type (all likely correlates of parasite body size) on parasite length were assessed using general linear model analyses using data from 515 tetraphyllidean cestode species (182 species were included in analyses). The relationships between tetraphyllidean cestode length and intensity and abundance of infection were assessed using simple linear regression analyses. Due to the contrasting morphologies between shark and batoid hosts, and contrasting physiologies between sharks of the Lamnidae family and other sharks, analyses were repeated in different subsets based on host morphology and physiologies (“sharks” vs. batoids) to determine the influence of these variables on adult tetraphyllidean tapeworm body size. Results presented herein indicate that host body size, environmental temperature and host habitat are relatively important variables in models explaining interspecific variations in tetraphyllidean tapeworm length. In addition, a negative relationship between tetraphyllidean body size and intensity of infection was apparent. These results suggest that space constraints and ambient temperature, via their effects on metabolism and growth, determine adult tetraphyllidean cestode size. Consequently, a trade-off between size and numbers is possibly imposed by external forces influencing host size, hence limiting physical space or other resources available to the parasites.  相似文献   

1. This article compares generalist (parasite species found on two or more host species) and specialist (found on only one host species) monogenean parasite species of fish. The reduction of the host range – that is an increase in host specificity – may correspond with a better adaptation of the parasite to a more predictable host environment. A more predictable environment may allow the parasite species to develop specific adaptations.
2. We assume that the more predictable host environment can be evaluated by host body size, since numerous life-traits, such as longevity, are positively correlated with size.
3. We found that specialist parasites parasitize larger hosts species than generalist parasites. We also found a good relationship between host body size and parasite body size for specialist parasite species.
4. An adaptation to the mechanical problems encountered in the host's gill chamber may lead to an increase in parasite body size. The infection of a larger part of the host population in order to decrease the chances of local extinction due to fluctuations of host abundance may be another adaptive mechanism.
5. We found a negative correlation between parasite body size and prevalence for generalist parasite species. This relationship disappeared when using the comparative method controlling for phylogeny, which proved that it was a phylogenetic effect.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have suggested a general relationship between the degree of host specialization and body size in herbivorous animals. In insects, smaller species are usually shown to be more specialized than larger‐bodied ones. Various hypotheses have attempted to explain this pattern but rigorous proof of the body size–diet breadth relationship has been lacking, primarily because the scarceness of reliable phylogenetic information has precluded formal comparative analyses. Explicitly using phylogenetic information for a group of herbivores (geometrid moths) and their host plant range, we perform a comparative analysis to study the body size–diet breadth relationship. Considering several alternative measures of body size and diet breadth, our results convincingly demonstrate without previous methodological issues—a first for any taxon—a positive association between these traits, which has implications for evaluating various central aspects of the evolutionary ecology of herbivorous insects. We additionally demonstrate how the methods used in this study can be applied in assessing hypotheses to explain the body size–diet breadth relationship. By analyzing the relationship in tree‐feeders alone and finding that the positive relationship remains, the result suggests that the body size–diet breadth relationship is not solely driven by the type of host plant that species feed on.  相似文献   

繁育寄主对三种赤眼蜂个体大小及抱卵量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静  张斌  张帆  李元喜 《昆虫学报》2015,58(10):1098-1107
【目的】繁育寄主及成蜂日龄均会影响赤眼蜂体内的抱卵量,为了解繁育寄主及育出赤眼蜂个体大小与赤眼蜂抱卵量的关系,我们在室内研究了米蛾 Corcyra cephalonica(Stainton)卵和亚洲玉米螟 Ostrinia furnacalis (Güenée)卵作为繁育寄主对3种赤眼蜂雌蜂大小、抱卵量的影响。【方法】在光周期14L:10D、温度25±1℃的室内条件下,以米蛾卵、亚洲玉米螟卵作为繁育寄主,解剖不同日龄(羽化后12-72 h)松毛虫赤眼蜂 Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura、玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen以及稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead,观察雌蜂抱卵量,测量成蜂的大小,分析雌蜂抱卵量与其日龄、个体大小以及繁育寄主的关系【结果】在羽化后48 h以内,3种蜂的抱卵量随雌蜂日龄的增长而增加。羽化后72 h,除米蛾卵繁育的玉米螟赤眼蜂及玉米螟卵繁育的松毛虫赤眼蜂的抱卵量比羽化后48 h时略高外,其他组合均出现下降。以亚洲玉米螟卵为繁育寄主时的玉米螟赤眼蜂的抱卵量显著高于对应日龄的以米蛾卵为繁育寄主时的抱卵量,而松毛虫赤眼蜂(除羽化后12和24 h外)和稻螟赤眼蜂则相反;以米蛾卵为繁育寄主时,相同日龄的赤眼蜂中,松毛虫赤眼蜂抱卵量最高,稻螟赤眼蜂的抱卵量最低;以亚洲玉米螟卵为繁育寄主时,玉米螟赤眼蜂抱卵量最高,稻螟赤眼蜂抱卵量最低。雌蜂抱卵量与雌蜂个体大小呈线性正相关,相关程度随雌蜂日龄增加而更加明显。【结论】后足胫节长度可以作为评价松毛虫赤眼蜂、玉米螟赤眼蜂和稻螟赤眼蜂质量的指标。赤眼蜂抱卵量受繁育寄主、赤眼蜂蜂种及雌蜂日龄的显著影响,寄主的适合性也会影响育出赤眼蜂的大小,筛选合适的繁育寄主有助于提高赤眼蜂的质量。  相似文献   

Patterns and likely processes connected with evolution of host specificity in congeneric monogeneans parasitizing fish species of the Cyprinidae were investigated. A total of 51 Dactylogyrus species was included. We investigated (1) the link between host specificity and parasite phylogeny; (2) the morphometric correlates of host specificity, parasite body size, and variables of attachment organs important for host specificity; (3) the evolution of morphological adaptation, that is, attachment organ; (4) the determinants of host specificity following the hypothesis of specialization on more predictable resources considering maximal body size, maximal longevity, and abundance as measures of host predictability; and (5) the potential link between host specificity and parasite diversification. Host specificity, expressed as an index of host specificity including phylogenetic and taxonomic relatedness of hosts, was partially associated with parasite phylogeny, but no significant contribution of host phylogeny was found. The mapping of host specificity into the phylogenetic tree suggests that being specialist is not a derived condition for Dactylogyrus species. The different morphometric traits of the attachment apparatus seem to be selected in connection with specialization of specialist parasites and other traits favored as adaptations in generalist parasites. Parasites widespread on several host species reach higher abundance within hosts, which supports the hypothesis of ecological specialization. When separating specialists and generalists, we confirmed the hypothesis of specialization on a predictable resource; that is, specialists with larger anchors tend to live on fish species with larger body size and greater longevity, which could be also interpreted as a mechanism for optimizing morphological adaptation. We demonstrated that ecology of host species could also be recognized as an important determinant of host specificity. The mapping of morphological characters of the attachment organ onto the parasite phylogenetic tree reveals that morphological evolution of the attachment organ is connected with host specificity in the context of fish relatedness, especially at the level of host subfamilies. Finally, we did not find that host specificity leads to parasite diversification in congeneric monogeneans.  相似文献   

The use of measures of host infestation as a reliable indicator of a flea population size to be used in interspecific comparisons was considered. The abundance of fleas collected from host bodies and collected from host burrows was compared among 55 flea species, controlling for the effect of flea phylogeny. The mean number of fleas on host bodies correlated positively with the mean number of fleas in host burrows/nests both when the entire data pool was analysed and for separate subsets of data on 'fur' fleas and 'nest' fleas. This was also true for a within-host (Microtus californicus) between-flea comparison. The results of this study demonstrate that, in general, the index of host body infestation by fleas can be used reliably as an indicator of the entire population size.  相似文献   

Venturia canescens (Grav.) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) is a solitary larval koinobiont endoparasitoid, ovipositing in several larval instars of different pyralid moth species that are pests of stored food products. After oviposition, the host larva continues to feed and grow for at least several days, the precise time doing so depending on the stage attacked. We examined the relationship between host stage and body mass on parasitoid development in late second to fifth instars of two hosts with highly variable growth potential: the wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L) and the flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). G. mellonella is the largest known host of V. canescens, with healthy larvae occasionally exceeding 400mg at pupation, whereas those of A. kuehniella rarely exceed 40 mg at the same stage. Parasitoid survival was generally higher in early instars of G. mellonella than in later instars. By contrast, percentage adult emergence in A. kuehniella was highest in late fifth instar and lowest in late second instar. A. kuehniella was the more suitable host species, with over 45% adult emergence in all instars, whereas in G. mellonella we found less than 35% adult emergence in all instars. Adult parasitoid size increased and egg-to-adult development time decreased in a host size- and instar-specific manner from A. kuehniella. The relationship between host size and stage and these fitness correlates was less clear in G. mellonella. Although both host species were parasitized over a similar range of fresh weights, the suitability weight-range of A. kuehniella was considerably wider than G. mellonella for the successful development of V. canescens. However, in hosts of similar weight under 5 mg when parasitized, larger wasps emerged from G. mellonella than from A. kuehniella. Parasitoid growth and development is clearly affected by host species, and we argue that patterns of host utilization and resource acquisition by parasitoids have evolved in accordance with host growth potential and the nutritional requirements of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

Interspecific variation in parasite species richness among host species has generated much empirical research. As in comparisons among geographical areas, controlling for variation in host body size is crucial because host size determines resource availability. Recent developments in the use of species–area relationships (SARs) to detect hotspots of biodiversity provide a powerful way to control for host body size, and to identify ‘hot’ and ‘cold hosts’ of parasite diversity, i.e. hosts with more or fewer parasites than expected from their size. Applying SAR modelling to six large datasets on parasite species richness in vertebrates, we search for hot and cold hosts and assess the effect of other ecological variables on the probability that a host species is hot/cold taking body size (and sampling effort) into account. Five non‐sigmoid SAR models were fitted to the data by optimisation; their relative likelihood was evaluated using the Bayesian information criterion, before deriving an averaged SAR function. Overall, the fit between the five SAR models and the actual data was poor; there was substantial uncertainty surrounding the fitted models, and the best model differed among the six datasets. These results show that host body size is not a strong or consistent determinant of parasite species richness across taxa. Hotspots were defined as host species lying above the upper limit of the 80% confidence interval of the averaged SAR, and coldspots as species lying below its lower limit. Our analyses revealed (1) no apparent effect of specific ecological factors (i.e. water temperature, mean depth range, latitude or population density) on the likelihood of a host species being a hot or coldspot; (2) evidence of phylogenetic clustering, i.e. hosts from certain families are more likely to be hotspots (or coldspots) than other species, independently of body size. These findings suggest that host phylogeny may sometimes outweigh specific host ecological traits as a predictor of whether or not a host species harbours more (or fewer) parasite species than expected for its size.  相似文献   

Density, body mass and parasite species richness of terrestrial mammals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We investigated the relationships between helminth species richness and body mass and density of terrestrial mammals. Cross-species analysis and the phylogenetically independent contrast method produced different results. A non-phylogenetic approach (cross-species comparisons) led to the conclusion that parasite richness is linked to host body size. However, an analysis using phylogenetically independent contrasts showed no relationship between host body size and parasite richness. Conversely, a non-phylogenetic approach generated a negative relationship between parasite richness and host density, whereas the independent contrast method showed the opposite trend – that is, parasite richness is positively correlated with host density. From an evolutionary perspective, our results suggest that opportunities for parasite colonization depend more closely on how many hosts are available in a given area than on how large the hosts are. From an epidemiological point of view, our results confirm theoretical models which assume that host density is linked to the opportunity of a parasite to invade a population of hosts. Our findings also suggest that parasitism may be a cost associated with host density. Finally, we provide some support for the non-linear allometry between density and mammal body mass (Silva and Downing, 1995), and explain why host density and host body mass do not relate equally to parasite species richness.  相似文献   

We describe the allometry of body mass and body size as measured by hind-tibia length in males of Monoctonus paulensis (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae), a solitary parasitoid of aphids. To assess the influence of host quality on allometric relationships, we reared parasitoids on second and fourth nymphal instars of four different aphid species, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), Macrosiphum creelii Davis, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Sitobion avenae (F.), under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Dry mass was positively correlated with hind-tibia length, and could be predicted from it, in unparasitized aphids, in aphid mummies containing parasitoid pupae, and in the parasitoid. The reduced-major-axis scaling exponents for the regression of dry mass on hind-tibia length were species-specific in aphids, reflecting differences in volume and shape between species. In mummified aphids, the stage at death influenced the size/mass relationship. In males of M. paulensis, the allometric exponent varied between parasitoids developing in different kinds of host. Individuals developing in pea aphid were absolutely larger in dry mass as well as proportionately larger relative to their hind-tibia length. We discuss the allometry of body size and body mass in relation to parasitoid fitness.  相似文献   

Secure attachment to host tissues is essential for survival and reproduction in parasitic organisms. The production of elaborate attachment structures must be costly, however, and investments in attachment should be approximately proportional to the likelihood that a parasite will be dislodged. In the present study, relative investments in attachment as a function of body size and the type of host used were examined across 138 species of acanthocephalans. These worms live anchored to the intestinal wall of a vertebrate host by inserting their hooked proboscis into host tissues. Taking proboscis volume into account, there is a negative interspecific relationship between the number of hooks borne on the proboscis and their mean length, reflecting a trade‐off between hook number and hook length. This supports the assumption that hooks are costly to produce, because any given species cannot simultaneously maximize both the relative number and relative length of the hooks it produces. There is a positive relationship between total worm size and total hook length, but it is weak, with a slope indicating that, as total body volume increases, total hook length also increases but at a slower rate. Indeed, relative investments in attachment, measured as hook length per unit body volume, decrease as worm size increases. Independently of total body size, investments in hook production are higher in species exploiting endothermic hosts, especially birds, than in those living in ectothermic hosts. Given the greater amounts of food passing through the gut of endotherms, and the richer and denser communities of intestinal parasites that they harbour, they are likely to select for greater investments in attachment. These results support the prediction that investments in attachment are influenced by the probability of being dislodged, and allow comparisons with other groups of intestinal parasites such as cestodes or trematodes. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 637–645.  相似文献   

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