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The Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna is common in shallow watersaround the Antarctic Peninsula, and has a mean density of 125individuals/m2 at Signy Island (Picken, 1980). In the australsummer 1986/87 ammonia excretion and faecal egestion were measuredas part of a programme to develop a detailed individual energybudget for this species. Ammonia production was measured in 102 individuals ranging from3 to 720 mg dry weight. For a standard limpet of 200 mg dryweight, ammonia excretion was 0.13 µg-at/hr. Comparedwith previous measures of oxygen uptake these data suggest anO:N atomic ratio of between 15 and 25. The relationship betweenammonia excretion and dry weight could be expressed by a powercurve with a weight exponent of 0.82 (SE 0.042). Faecal production was measured in limpets freshly sampled fromthe field, and placed in dean seawater for 4 days. During thistime faecal production decreased (since the limpets were notfeeding), although only data from the first 24 hours were used.Again the relationship between faecal egestion and dry weightcould be expressed by a power curve, although this time theweight exponent was 0.94 (SE 0.101). The ash content of thefaecal strings increased significantly with the size of thelimpet, possibly because larger limpets were ingesting a greaterproportion of substrate during feeding. If this is so, thenthis would also explain the weight exponent dose to 1.0, ratherthan the value of about 0.8 to be expected from metabolic measures(since larger limpets would be passing relatively more faecalmaterial). If assimilation efficiency is known, then food intake in thewild may be estimated from a measurement of faecal egestionand faecal organic content (Clarke et at., 1988). Applying typicalvalues of assimilation efficiency for limpets (40 to 60%) suggestsa daily food intake in Nacella of 2 to 3% body weight per day.This is a quite typical figure for a grazing limpet, and suggeststhere is no resource limitation for Nacella at Signy in summer.  相似文献   

Stuart  Ivor G.  McKillup  Stephen C. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):231-236
The relationship between the number of rings present in sagittal otoliths and the age of barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) [Centropomidae], was investigated by examining cross sectioned otoliths of 37 tagged fish of known age between 1 and 5 years from the Johnstone River, north Queensland. Concentric rings were clearly visible in all otolith sections and were validated as annual marks. The technique was then used to estimate the age and calculate von Bertalanffy growth parameters for 70 barramundi from the Fitzroy River, central Queensland. Growth appeared to be rapid but variable in the first year; the von Bertalanffy growth parameters for length versus age were L =690 mm, K=0.53, t 0= 0.003 years. October 1 was designated as the birth date. Whole otolith length, width and thickness were also approximated well by the von Bertalanffy equation. We suggest that examination of otoliths is a useful technique for ageing barramundi but note that further validation of the ageing method is still needed for fish older than six years.  相似文献   

The distribution of the Southern Ocean nearshore marine benthic fauna is the consequence of major geologic, oceanographic, and climatic changes during the last 50 Ma. As a result, a main biogeographic principle in the Southern Ocean is the clear distinction of the Antarctic biota. The Antarctic Polar Front (APF) represents an important barrier between Antarctica and other sub-Antarctic provinces. However, the high degree of genetic affinity between populations of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna and its sub-Antarctic relative Nacella delesserti from Marion Island stands against this tenet. Here, we performed new phylogenetic reconstructions in Nacella with special emphasis on the relationship between N. concinna and N. delesserti. Similarly, we performed population-based analyses in N. concinna and N. delesserti to further understand the genetic legacy of the Quaternary glacial cycles. Phylogenetic reconstructions recognized N. concinna and N. delesserti as two closely but distinct monophyletic entities and therefore as valid evolutionary units. The cladogenetic process separating them occurred ~0.35 Ma and is consistent with the origin of Marion Island (~0.45 Ma). Exceptional long-distance dispersal between provinces located inside and outside the APF, rather than revealing the permeability of the Antarctic Polar Front, seems to be related to latitudinal shift in the position of the APF during coldest periods of the Quaternary. Diversity indices, neutrality tests, haplotype networks, and demographic inference analysis showed that the demography of both species exhibits a clear signal of postglacial expansion.  相似文献   

Oystercatcher foraging behavior has been described for diverse intertidal prey such as limpets, mussels, and oysters. This paper describes foraging behavior of the American oystercatcher, Haematopous palliatus pitanay, on attached and wave-dislodged ascidians, Pyura praeputialis (prey with a restricted geographic range of 70 km) in the Bay of Antofagasta, Chile. Stabbed holes on the top of the ascidian's tunic, probing excursions, handling time, and five prey-handling sequential stages (striking, hammering, prying, cavity food searching, and swallowing) are described and measured. The need to determine ascidian profit-ability for oystercatcher species in Australia and Chile is highlighted. Received: January 19, 2000 / Accepted: July 23, 2000  相似文献   

The present work was aimed at determining the growth parameters of the garfish, Belone belone, a commercially important pelagic fish species in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea). A total of 347 garfish specimens was collected during the period January–December 1997 from purse‐seine boats operating in Izmir Bay. Fork length and total weight of the specimens ranged from 26.0 to 54.5 cm and from 16.51 to 281.73 g, respectively. Maximum age group determined was V for females and IV for males. Female : male ratio was 1 : 0.45. Most specimens belonged to age group II. The von Bertalanffy growth equations for length and weight were for both sexes.  相似文献   

An analysis of pellets regurgitated indicated adult kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus) on the South Shetland Islands consumed predominantly intertidal prey, whereas previous studies at Antarctic Peninsula sites have reported kelp gulls consuming predominantly pelagic species. The pellets collected at Nelson Island during the chick-rearing period indicated that the limpet Nacella concinna was their most frequent prey, followed by carrion, gammariids, snails and krill. Fish were scarcely represented. Also, regurgitated stomach contents of chicks showed that limpets and carrion were the most frequent food items, accounting for 70% of the mass. However, gammariids were particularly important by number. Significant differences were observed in the overall comparison of the diet as reflected by the two sampling methods. In general, the importance of pelagic prey was negligible when compared to intertidal or scavenged prey. Our results differ greatly from those reported for the Antarctic Peninsula, where chicks were almost exclusively fed with the pelagic fish Pleuragramma antarcticum. These differences could be related to the abundance of pelagic resources in southernmost latitudes, and/or to the presence of more extensive intertidal foraging areas at the South Shetland Islands. Received: 7 October 1996 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Synopsis A tentative set of growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were estimated for the red-bellied piranha,Serrasalmus nattereri, a common characid of the Amazonas and adjacent floodplains, based on length-frequency data collected by R.H. Lowe-McConnell in Guyana. These parameters and related statistics are then used, along with published data from metabolic, field and feeding experiment data to estimate the relative food consumption of a population ofS. nattereri. This is complemented with biological data assembled from the scattered literature onS. nattereri to provide a snapshot of this species.  相似文献   

To fully understand how species distributions will respond to changing environments it is essential to understand the mechanisms underlying variation in animal performance and the relative importance of different ecological and environmental factors. A performance measure that has previously been used as an indicator of thermal capacity of the Antarctic limpet (Nacella concinna) to cope with regional warming is the ability to right if removed from the substratum and turned upside down. As part of an on-going study into limpet genetics and phenotypic plasticity, we tested the temperature limits for 50% righting of limpets from 6 and 30 m depth. The 50% threshold for limpets collected from 6 m (4.7 °C) was higher than for those collected from 30 m (0.7 °C). This compares with a previously published limit of 2.2 °C for limpets collected from 12-15 m at the same location. These thermal limits positively correlated with a depth gradient in shell height to length ratio; thickness and strength. Flatter limpets, had a reduced thermal limit for righting than taller limpets which we hypothesise is related to increased energy requirements of flat limpets, which have to turn through a greater angle to right than tall limpets. Of the factors that cause morphological plasticity of gastropod shells, iceberg disturbance is the most likely cause of the sub-tidal gradient in N. concinna shell shape, and therefore the thermal limit for righting of limpets from 6 to 30 m depth, rather than environmental temperature.  相似文献   

Summary The Southern Kelp GullLarus dominicanus derives about 45% of the mass of its marine diet from the limpetNacella delesserti at sub-Antarctic Marion Island. It selectively feeds on the largest limpets (35–65 mm) —a pattern most obvious in adult gulls — and eliminates about 19.6% of these limpets per year in the intertidal zone and in shallow waters, thus accounting for about 50% of the known annual mortality of limpets of this size. The gulls cannot forage for limpets in water more than 40 cm deep, and in the intertidal zone boulder-fields provide the limpets a refuge against the gulls. The gulls are also selective in feeding most often on limpets with pale shells. This alters the colour composition of limpet populations in habitats where predation is most intense.Larus dominicanus seldom feeds on limpets on the mainland of South Africa, and only on small limpets, probably because a greater range of food is available, but possibly also because the limpet species that occur on South African shores attach with forces that are three to six times those ofN. delesserti.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics were studied by monthly monitoring of biological and environmental variables in permanent quadrats in two contrasting intertidal seagrass beds in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, from February 1991 to January 1992. Datasets were analysed with canonical correlation analysis for correlations between environmental and biological variables. Considerable variation in biomass, production and plant tissue nutrient contents in a monospecific seagrass bed of Enhalus acoroides, growing on a coastal terrigenous mudbank (Gusung Tallang), was assumed to be related to riverine influences of the nearby Tallo River. The variation in seagrass variables at this site could, however, not be significantly correlated to seasonal patterns in rainfall, salinity, tides, nutrient availability, water motion or turbidity. A seasonal cycle in biomass, production and nutrient contents in a mixed seagrass bed of Thalassia hemprichii and E. acoroides, growing on carbonate sand on the reef flat of an offshore coral island (Barang Lompo), was found to be largely determined by tidal exposure and water motion. Exposure of the intertidal seagrass bed during hours of low water during spring tides showed a gradual shift from exposure during the night (January-June) to exposure during daylight (July-December). Daylight exposure resulted in a significant loss of above-ground plant biomass through desiccation and burning of leaves. The observed seasonal dynamics of the seagrass bed on reef sediment contrast with reports from the Caribbean, where the effect of tidal exposure on comparable shallow-water seagrass communities is relatively insignificant due to a small tidal amplitude.  相似文献   

Many theories of consumer control of communities have come from studies conducted in relatively benign, temperate zone rocky intertidal systems. Here, we examine gastropod grazing and the maintenance of bare space on a dry, wind-swept rocky shore of Patagonia, Argentina. Two limpet species are the primary intertidal grazers. Siphonaria lessoni dominates mid and high intertidal zones, while Nacella magellanica dominates the lower zone. In all zones, limpet densities are positively correlated with bare space and the occurrence of cracks. Tethering experiments revealed that: (1) physical stress sets the upper distribution limit of both limpets, (2) predators, such as oyster catchers, regulate Nacella populations and may restrict them to cracks and vertical surfaces, and (3) desiccation stress appears to drive similar crack distribution patterns of Siphonaria in the upper intertidal. Experimental removal of limpets in each intertidal zone indicated that limpets have: (1) no detectable effect in the high intertidal where physical forces dominate community organization, (2) weak impacts at mid-elevations as grazing only limited the abundance of fleshy algae with physical forces again dominating community structure, and (3) relatively stronger, but still weak impacts in the low zone. These results suggest that grazing impacts on Argentine rocky shores are weak in comparison to the physical stresses (e.g. high winds, low humidity) that largely determine structure in this system. The dominance of physical forcing in this system occurs despite having similar grazer densities to other temperate, but comparatively wet, rocky shorelines (e.g. British Isles) where top-down control is strong.  相似文献   

Summary A model of two-dimensional random walk was developed to allow statistical tests for the presence of homing behaviour in intertidal populations of the limpetCellana tramoserica. Not all limpets return to a home-site after feeding excursions. Some move around at random. The latter pattern of movement was tested to justify the assumptions of the model. Limpets can stop homing and begin to move at random; moving limpets can become homers. Thus, random movement and consistent homing behaviour are not discrete patterns of behaviour in a population.Controlled field experiments showed that the proportion of animals which home is not affected by the height on the shore, force of wave action, the cover of macroalga, nor the irregularity of the substratum. Small limpets, however, home more than large ones.Close proximity to other homing limpets causes individuals to stop homing and move away. Alterations of density demonstrated thatCellana shows density-dependent dispersal. More limpets emigrate from areas of increased density and more immigrate into areas of decreased density, when compared with control areas. Less animals immigrate into, and remain in, areas from which microalgal food was experimentally removed. More animals emigrate from these areas.These experiments support the hypothesis that homing behaviour is an adaptation which regulates local density and dispersion to maximize utilization of food resources and, thus, to reduce intraspecific competition for food at high densities of limpets.  相似文献   

Ulva lactuca L., at Veraval (20° 54N and 70° 22E) on the western coast of India, grows in the intertidal belt from June to late February. During the summer months of March, April and May, the species dries up, leaving rhizoidal fragments for perennation. High values of density, phytomass, frequency, weight, and volume have been recorded during September and January. Accumulation of phytomass appears to be chiefly density dependent. High dissolved oxygen content and low temperatures of the surface sea water favoured enhanced growth and, consequently, more phytomass.  相似文献   

Magni  Paolo  Montani  Shigeru 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):9-23
From April 1994 to April 1996, we carried out monthly surveys on the physical and chemical variability of ebbing water at two intertidal stations near the emerged tidal flat and surface water at a nearby subtidal station, in a tidal estuary of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The fresh water runoff was a major source of new nitrogen (nitrate+nitrite = –2.1 × salinity + 74.3, r 2 = 0.76, p < 0.001, at the inner intertidal station). In contrast, the absence or weak correlation of ammonium, phosphate and silicate with salinity in ebbing water highlighted the importance of in situ biologically-mediated processes, including the excretory activity of intertidal dominant bivalves (Ruditapes philippinarum and Musculista senhousia) and primary producer nutrient uptake. Among suspended particulate matter (SPM), the negative correlation of Chl a with salinity (p< 0.001) suggested that an upper intertidal zone, where high microphytobenthic assemblages occur, may represent a considerable source of microalgal biomass. Whereas, a stronger correlation of POC with pheo-pigments (r 2 0.92) than with Chl a (r 2 0.44), a low fraction of living phyto-Carbon (ca. 5%) and a high pheo-pigment/Chl a ratio (ca. 3) indicated a high portion of refractory algal material and a close water–sediment coupling on the flat, in which abundant macrozoobenthos is likely to play an important role. In spite of the strong variability of this ecosystems, this study also demonstrated that highly significant seasonal patterns can be recognized in our study area. However, patterns varied depending on the different nutrient species, SPM and sites. In ebbing water, ammonium concentrations were significantly higher in the cold period (i.e. November–April: water temperature 10.0 ± 4.4 °C), when primary producer biomass decreases, while Chl a and pheo-pigment content were 4.3 and 4.8 higher in the warm period (May–October: water temperature 23.5 ± 4.2 °C), respectively. At the subtidal site, nutrients were 1.9 (silicate)–2.9 (phosphate) and SPM was 1.8 (POC)–2.1 (pheo-pigments) times higher in the warm period. On an annual basis, mean pheo-pigment and POC content was 12–25 times and 4–8 times higher on the intertidal zone than on the subtidal zone, respectively, while nutrient concentrations were within the same order of magnitude. Such a qualitative difference (i.e. nutrients vs. SPM) between sites suggests that particle deposition and/or removal is likely to occur along the estuary, resulting in a limited SPM content at the surface layer of the subtidal site, while nutrients are more directly transported into the surface layer of the subtidal zone by lower salinity water mass intrusion from the intertidal zone, most importantly during the warm period.  相似文献   

Daily food intake of adult burbot, Lota lota, fed on vendace, Coregonus albula, were estimated experimentally at four different water temperatures (2.4, 5.1, 10.8 and 23.4°C). Mean daily food intake (MDI; g d–1) and relative daily food intake (RDI; g g–1 d–1) increased with temperature from 2.4 to 10.8°C and decreased at 23.4°C. Temperatures of maximum daily food intake values were 13.6°C for MDI and 14.4°C for RDI. No correlation between food intake values and burbot weight was observed. RDI values were used to estimate annual food consumption of burbot population. Annual food consumption estimates were 9.7kg ha–1 and 24.3kg ha–1 when burbot biomass was 2.0 or 5.0kg ha–1, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The Schizasteridae includes a high proportion of brooding species. The brooding cycle of Abatus cordatus (a species endemic to Kerguelen) at an intertidal site in the Golfe du Morbihan is annual and lasts 8.5 months, from the end of March until the beginning of December. This cycle is reproducible among years. It is synchronous inside the Golfe between two intertidal sites. A displacement of about six months occurs at a deeper site (-50 m). The delay of the cycle and depth does not seem to be related because an open-sea intertidal site has a similar displacement of the brooding cycle. It depends on the gonadal cycle which itself depends on the availability of trophic resources. On this basis and samples taken in January annual brooding cycles are hypothetized to occur in 3 Antarctic species of Schizasteridae from Terre-Adélie in relation to the annual sea ice cover and restricted summer period of primary production.  相似文献   

The diet of the kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), its foraging behaviour and the consumption rates on the Antarctic limpet (Nacella concinna) were studied during austral spring and summer 1992/1993 and 1993/1994 at Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Prey information was obtained by collecting 237 pellets, foraging behaviour was observed by focal and instantaneous scan samplings, and consumption rate was estimated by means of weekly sampling of limpets found in 5 nests and their respective middens. Limpets were the most important prey followed by scavenged prey (penguin and seal carcasses), amphipods, snails, fish and euphausiids. Foraging gulls spent 51% of the time searching for limpets, 10% moving between foraging areas, 9% in catching effort and 15% handling prey. The number of gulls observed searching for limpets was inversely correlated with the tidal height. In the diet limpets provide 102.3, 159.4 and 188.1 kJ gull−1 day−1 during incubation, hatching and brooding respectively; these values range between 15 and 27%, with a maximum of 40%, of the basic daily energy requirements of kelp gulls. Total consumption rate estimations for the whole population of gulls at Potter Peninsula reached between 3400 and 4800 limpets day−1, which represents approximately 10–14% of the total annual limpet mortality. Received: 25 March 1996 / Accepted: 26 August 1996  相似文献   

Age and growth were studied for Gerres oyena (Forsskål, 1775) on Okinawa Island, southern Japan from November 2002 to November 2005. A total of 408 samples was collected ranging from 5.85 to 19.65 cm standard length (LSL). Male fish age was estimated at up to 6+ years, whereas females reached 8+ years as estimated by sectioned otoliths. The length–weight relationships and the von Bertalanffy growth curve were described for all individuals as: and Lt = 20.54{1 − e−0.1807(t+2.8462)}, respectively. Opaque rings were formed from April to August during the spring–summer seasons.  相似文献   

  • 1 Shell growth in the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, was investigated. Three non‐linear growth models (i.e. power, logistic and von Bertalanffy) were fitted to Scottish length‐at‐age data sets and compared.
  • 2 Overall, the von Bertalanffy model outperformed the other two approaches, generating the smallest residuals in eight out of 11 samples (the logistic model provided slightly better fits to the other three). It was concluded that individual M. margaritifera appear to grow in an approximately asymptotic fashion and that the von Bertalanffy equation is an appropriate growth model to fit to freshwater pearl mussel length‐at‐age data.
  • 3 The ranges in von Bertalanffy parameter estimates observed (k = 0.023–0.075 year‐1, L = 77–158 mm, to = ‐3.93–4.33 years) are typical of those reported in northern European populations.
  • 4 Most of the populations investigated had relatively low k‐values and high maximum age (Amax) estimates. This feature, which suggests high long‐term productivity and less vulnerability to decline (i.e. larger, longer‐living mussels produce more offspring), may be a reason why these populations have survived until now. The population which appears to be the most vulnerable (i.e. which has the highest k and lowest Amax) is probably not recruiting adequately at present.
  • 5 An index of absolute growth (mean shell length‐at‐age) was also used for comparing different populations. Observed between‐ and within‐river differences in mussel growth patterns may be associated with a number of environmental factors, particularly water temperature and productivity.
  • 6 A significant positive relationship between river length and mean mussel length‐at‐age was observed. In general, mussels grow large in large, cold rivers and vice versa, although there are exceptions which suggest that additional factors may be involved.

Life history of the salema, Sarpa salpa, off the Canarian archipelago was studied from samples collected between January 1998 and December 1999. Fish ranged from 119 to 452 mm in total length and from 24.9 to 1491.7 g in weight. The species was characterized by a protandric hermaphroditism. The overall sex ratio was unbalanced in favour of males (1 : 0.41). The reproductive season extends from September to March, with a peak in spawning activity in December–January. Males reached maturity at a smaller length (226 mm, 2 years old) than females (294 mm, 3 years old). Males, females and all fish showed an isometric growth. The morphometric relationship between length and mass for the whole population was described by the parameters: a = 0.0000134 and b = 3.01. A concentric pattern of opaque and translucent zones was readily distinguishable on the otoliths. Two rings, one opaque and one translucent, were laid down each year on the otoliths; the opaque zone was formed during the summer months, and the translucent zone during the winter months. Individuals aged 0 to 11 years were found. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation for all individuals were: L = 479 mm, k = 0.212 year–1, and t0 = –1.08 year.  相似文献   

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