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The 1.9 A resolution X-ray structure of the O2 reduction site of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in the fully reduced state indicates trigonal planar coordination of CuB by three histidine residues. One of the three histidine residues has a covalent link to a tyrosine residue to ensure retention of the tyrosine at the O2 reduction site. These moieties facilitate a four electron reduction of O2, and prevent formation of active oxygen species. The combination of a redox-coupled conformational change of an aspartate residue (Asp51) located near the intermembrane surface of the enzyme molecule and the existence of a hydrogen bond network connecting Asp51 to the matrix surface suggest that the proton-pumping process is mediated at Asp51. Mutation analyses using a gene expression system of the Asp51-containing enzyme subunit yield results in support of the proposal that Asp51 plays a critical role in the proton pumping process.  相似文献   

X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase at 1.8/1.9 A resolution in the oxidized/reduced states exhibit a redox coupled conformational change of an aspartate located near the intermembrane surface of the enzyme. The alteration of the microenvironment of the carboxyl group of this aspartate residue indicates the occurrence of deprotonation upon reduction of the enzyme. The residue is connected with the matrix surface of the enzyme by a hydrogen-bond network that includes heme a via its propionate and formyl groups. These X-ray structures provide evidence that proton pumping occurs through the hydrogen bond network and is driven by the low spin heme. The function of the aspartate is confirmed by mutation of the aspartate to asparagine. Although the amino acid residues of the hydrogen bond network and the structures of the low spin heme peripheral groups are not completely conserved amongst members of the heme-copper terminal oxidase superfamily, the existence of low spin heme and the hydrogen bond network suggests that the low spin heme provides the driving element of the proton-pumping process.  相似文献   

Oxidised cytochrome c oxidase is known to react with two molecules of hydrogen peroxide to form consecutively 607 nm 'Peroxy' and 580-nm 'Ferryl' species. These are widely used as model compounds for the equivalent P and F intermediates of the catalytic cycle. However, kinetic analysis of the reaction with H(2)O(2) in the pH range 6.0-9.0 reveals a more complex situation. In particular, as the pH is lowered, a 580-nm compound can be formed by reaction with a single H(2)O(2). This species, termed F(&z.rad;), is spectrally similar, but not identical, to F. The reactions are equivalent to those previously reported for the bo type quinol oxidase from Escherichia coli (T. Brittain, R.H. Little, C. Greenwood, N.J. Watmough, FEBS Lett. 399 (1996) 21-25) where it was proposed that F(&z.rad;) is produced directly from P. However, in the bovine oxidase F(&z.rad;) does not appear in samples of the 607-nm form, P(M), produced by CO/O(2) treatment, even at low pH, although this form is shown to be identical to the H(2)O(2)-derived P state, P(H), on the basis of spectral characteristics and kinetics of reaction with H(2)O(2). Furthermore, lowering the pH of a sample of P(M) or P(H) generated at high pH results in F(&z.rad;) formation only on a minutes time scale. It is concluded that P and F(&z.rad;) are not in a rapid, pH-dependent equilibrium, but instead are formed by distinct pathways and cannot interconvert in a simple manner, and that the crucial difference between them lies in their patterns of protonation.  相似文献   

Protonation changes accompanying conversion of oxidised (O state) cytochrome c oxidase to the 2-electron-reduced P state, and 3-electron-reduced F state at pH 8.0 have been measured. It was found that 2 and 3 protons, respectively, were taken up. The fourth proton required for the reduction of O2 to H2O must therefore be consumed in the remaining F----O portion of the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

X-ray structure of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in the fully oxidized state shows a peroxide bridging between Fe2+ and Cu2+ in the O2 reduction site. The bond distances for Fe-O and Cu-O are 2.52 and 2.16 A, respectively. The structure is consistent with antiferromagnetic coupling between the two metals, which has long been known and to recent redox titration results [J. Biol. Chem. 274 (1999) 33403]. The trigonal planer coordination of Cu1+ in the O2 reduction site is consistent with the very weak interaction between Cu1+ and O2 bound at Fe2+ revealed by time-resolved resonance Raman investigations. One of the three histidine imidazoles coordinated to the Cu ion in the O2 reduction site fixes a tyrosine phenol group near the O2 reduction site with the direct covalent link between the two groups. The structure suggests that the phenol group is the site for donating protons to the bound O2. Redox-coupled conformational change in an extramembrane loop indicates that an aspartate (Asp51) in the loop apart from the O2 reduction site is the site for proton pumping.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of bovine cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) shows a sodium ion (Na+) bound to the surface of subunit I. Changes in the absorption spectrum of heme a caused by calcium ions (Ca2+) are detected as small red shifts, and inhibition of enzymatic activity under low turnover conditions is observed by addition of Ca2+ in a competitive manner with Na+. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of Ca2+-bound bovine CcO in the oxidized and reduced states at 1.7 Å resolution. Although Ca2+ and Na+ bound to the same site of oxidized and reduced CcO, they led to different coordination geometries. Replacement of Na+ with Ca2+ caused a small structural change in the loop segments near the heme a propionate and formyl groups, resulting in spectral changes in heme a. Redox-coupled structural changes observed in the Ca2+-bound form were the same as those previously observed in the Na+-bound form, suggesting that binding of Ca2+ does not severely affect enzymatic function, which depends on these structural changes. The relation between the Ca2+ binding and the inhibitory effect during slow turnover, as well as the possible role of bound Ca2+ are discussed.  相似文献   

The site and mechanism of dioxygen reduction in cytochrome c oxidase from bovine heart muscle have been investigated. The rate of cytochrome c2+ oxidation by O2 is shown to be affected by several factors: 1) pH, with optima at 5.65 and 6.0, 2) temperature between 0 and 29 degrees C, with E alpha = 13 kcal mol-1, 3) D2O exchange, with a reduction in rate of 50% or more at the pH optima, and 4) the addition of ethylene glycol or glycerol, which significantly lowers the rate. The extremely narrow (delta vCO approximately 4 cm-1) infrared stretch bands at approximately 1964 and approximately 1959 cm-1 for liganded CO are only slightly affected by factors 1-4 or by changes in the oxidation state of metals other than the heme alpha 3 iron. These results indicate a stable, unusually immobile O2 reduction site well-isolated from the external medium, a characteristic expected to be important for oxidase function. Precise stereochemical positioning of hydrogen donors adjacent to O2 liganded to heme alpha 3 iron can be expected in order to achieve the optimization of the time/distance relationships required for enzyme catalysis. These findings support a novel mechanism of O2 reduction via a hydroperoxide intermediate within a reaction pocket that experiences little change in conformation during the hydrogen and electron transfer steps.  相似文献   

(1) Analysis of the data from steady-state kinetic studies shows that two reactions between cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase sufficed to describe the concave Eadie-Hofstee plots (Km ? 1 · 10?8M and Km ? 2 · 10?5M). It is not necessary to postulate a third reaction of Km ? 10?6M. (2) Change of temperature, type of detergent and type of cytochrome c affected both reactions to the same extent. The presence of only a single catalytic cytochrome c interaction site on the oxidase could explain the kinetic data. (3) Our experiments support the notion that, at least under our conditions (pH 7.8, low-ionic strength), the dissociation of ferricytochrome c from cytochrome c oxidase is the rate-limiting step in the steady-state kinetics. (4) A series of models, proposed to describe the observed steady-state kinetics, is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of ionic strength on the one-electron reduction of oxidized bovine cytochrome c oxidase by reduced bovine cytochrome c has been studied by using flavin semiquinone reductants generated in situ by laser flash photolysis. In the absence of cytochrome c, direct reduction of the heme a prosthetic group of the oxidase by the one-electron reductant 5-deazariboflavin semiquinone occurred slowly, despite a driving force of approximately +1 V. This is consistent with a sterically inaccessible heme a center. This reduction process was independent of ionic strength from 10 to 100 mM. Addition of cytochrome c resulted in a marked increase in the amount of reduced oxidase generated per laser flash. Reduction of the oxidase at the heme a site was monophasic, whereas oxidation of cytochrome c was multiphasic, the fastest phase corresponding in rate constant to the reduction of the heme a. During the fast kinetic phase, 2 equiv of cytochrome c was oxidized per heme a reduced. We presume that the second equivalent was used to reduce the Cua center, although this was not directly measured. The first-order rate-limiting process which controls electron transfer to the heme a showed a marked ionic strength effect, with a maximum rate constant occurring at mu = 110 mM (1470 s-1), whereas the rate constant obtained at mu = 10 mM was 630 s-1 and at mu = 510 mM was 45 s-1. There was no effect of "pulsing" the enzyme on this rate-limiting one-electron transfer process. These results suggest that there are structural differences in the complex(es) formed between mitochondrial cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase at very low and more physiologically relevant ionic strengths, which lead to differences in electron-transfer rate constants.  相似文献   

FTIR difference spectroscopy is used to reveal changes in the internal structure and amino acid protonation states of bovine cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) that occur upon photolysis of the CO adduct of the two-electron reduced (mixed valence, MV) and four-electron reduced (fully reduced, FR) forms of the enzyme. FTIR difference spectra were obtained in D(2)O (pH 6-9.3) between the MV-CO adduct (heme a(3) and Cu(B) reduced; heme a and Cu(A) oxidized) and a photostationary state in which the MV-CO enzyme is photodissociated under constant illumination. In the photostationary state, part of the enzyme population has heme a(3) oxidized and heme a reduced. In MV-CO, the frequency of the stretch mode of CO bound to ferrous heme a(3) decreases from 1965.3 cm(-1) at pH* 相似文献   

Cytochrome a was suggested as the key redox center in the proton pumping process of bovine cytochrome c oxidase (CcO). Recent studies showed that both the structure of heme a and its immediate vicinity are sensitive to the ligation and the redox state of the distant catalytic center composed of iron of cytochrome a3 (Fea3) and copper (CuB). Here, the influence of the ligation at the oxidized Fea33+–CuB2+ center on the electron–proton coupling at heme a was examined in the wide pH range (6.5-11). The strength of the coupling was evaluated by the determination of pH dependence of the midpoint potential of heme a (Em(a)) for the cyanide (the low-spin Fea33+) and the formate-ligated CcO (the high-spin Fea33+). The measurements were performed under experimental conditions when other three redox centers of CcO are oxidized. Two slightly differing linear pH dependencies of Em(a) were found for the CN– and the formate–ligated CcO with slopes of −13 mV/pH unit and −23 mV/pH unit, respectively. These linear dependencies indicate only a weak and unspecific electron–proton coupling at cytochrome a in both forms of CcO. The lack of the strong electron–proton coupling at the physiological pH values is also substantiated by the UV–Vis absorption and electron–paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy investigations of the cyanide–ligated oxidized CcO. It is shown that the ligand exchange at Fea3+ between His–Fea3+–His and His–Fea3+–OH occurs only at pH above 9.5 with the estimated pK >11.0.  相似文献   

Among the X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), reported thus far, the highest resolution is 1.8?. CcO includes 13 different protein subunits, 7 species of phospholipids, 7 species of triglycerides, 4 redox-active metal sites (Cu(A), heme a (Fe(a)), Cu(B), heme a(3) (Fe(a3))) and 3 redox-inactive metal sites (Mg(2+), Zn(2+) and Na(+)). The effects of various O(2) analogs on the X-ray structure suggest that O(2) molecules are transiently trapped at the Cu(B) site before binding to Fe(a3)(2+) to provide O(2)(-). This provides three possible electron transfer pathways from Cu(B), Fe(a3) and Tyr244 via a water molecule. These pathways facilitate non-sequential 3 electron reduction of the bound O(2)(-) to break the OO bond without releasing active oxygen species. Bovine heart CcO has a proton conducting pathway that includes a hydrogen-bond network and a water-channel which, in tandem, connect the positive side phase with the negative side phase. The hydrogen-bond network forms two additional hydrogen-bonds with the formyl and propionate groups of heme a. Thus, upon oxidation of heme a, the positive charge created on Fe(a) is readily delocalized to the heme peripheral groups to drive proton-transport through the hydrogen-bond network. A peptide bond in the hydrogen-bond network and a redox-coupled conformational change in the water channel are expected to effectively block reverse proton transfer through the H-pathway. These functions of the pathway have been confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis of bovine CcO expressed in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Preparation and properties of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytochrome c oxidase is isolated from bovine heart by a procedure that involves differential precipitation, fractionation with ammonium sulfate in 0.5% cholate, and removal of residual cholate by molecular sieve chromatography. The oxidase is highly active and is unusually soluble in phosphate buffer without added detergent; solutions with several millimolar concentrations, yet low viscosities, are readily prepared. The preparation contains ca. 20% lipid with a Cu to Fe ratio of 1:1. Intensities of visible and Soret bands in oxidized and reduced states are ca. 25% lower than in the presence of detergent (0.75% Tween 20). Oxidized cytochrome c inhibits and binds more tightly than does the reduced species (KI, 18 μM; KM, 25 μM) as noted in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Control of proteoliposomal cytochrome c oxidase: the partial reactions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The steady-state spectroscopic behaviour and the turnover of cytochrome c oxidase incorporated into proteoliposomes have been investigated as functions of membrane potential and pH gradient. The respiration rate is almost linearly dependent on [cytochrome c2+] at high flux, but while the cytochrome a redox state is always dependent on the [cytochrome c2+] steady state, it reaches a maximum reduction level less than 100% in each case. The maximal aerobic steady-state reduction level of cytochrome a is highest in the presence of valinomycin and lowest in the presence of nigericin. The proportion of [cytochrome c2+] required to achieve 50% of maximal reduction of cytochrome a varies with the added ionophores; the apparent redox potential of cytochrome a is most positive in the fully decontrolled system (plus valinomycin and nigericin). At low levels of cytochrome a reduction, the rate of respiration is no longer a linear function of [cytochrome c2+], but is dependent upon the redox state of both cytochromes a and c. That is, proteoliposomal oxidase does not follow Smith-Conrad kinetics at low cytochrome c reduction levels, especially in the controlled states. The control of cytochrome oxidase turnover by delta pH and by delta psi can be explained either by an allosteric model or by a model with reversed electron transfer between the binuclear centre and cytochrome a. Other evidence suggests that the reversed electron transfer model may be the correct one.  相似文献   

The steady-state oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by cytochrome oxidase monitored spectrophotometrically showed that: (1) the kinetics were strictly biphasic with purified enzyme, while mitochondrial membrane-bound enzyme exhibited multiphasic kinetics with extended low affinity phases; (2) the TNmax for the highest affinity phase was as slow as 5-10 electron X s-1 for both preparations, while for the low affinity phases it was about 45 electron X s-1 for the purified enzyme and 150 electron X s-1 for the mitochondrial membrane-bound enzyme; (3) reconstitution of purified enzyme into acidic phospholipid vesicles partially repleted the extended low affinity phases, while reconstitution into uncharged vesicles had no effect.  相似文献   

The lipid-soluble peroxides, tert-butyl hydroperoxide and peroxidized cardiolipin, each react with bovine cytochrome c oxidase and cause a loss of electron-transport activity. Coinciding with loss of activity is oxidation of Trp19 and Trp48 within subunits VIIc and IV, and partial dissociation of subunits VIa and VIIa. tert-Butyl hydroperoxide initiates these structural and functional changes of cytochrome c oxidase by three mechanisms: (1) radical generation at the binuclear center; (2) direct oxidation of Trp19 and Trp48; and (3) peroxidation of bound cardiolipin. All three mechanisms contribute to inactivation since blocking a single mechanism only partially prevents oxidative damage. The first mechanism is similar to that described for hydrogen peroxide [Biochemistry43:1003-1009; 2004], while the second and third mechanism are unique to organic hydroperoxides. Peroxidized cardiolipin inactivates cytochrome c oxidase in the absence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide and oxidizes the same tryptophans within the nuclear-encoded subunits. Peroxidized cardiolipin also inactivates cardiolipin-free cytochrome c oxidase rather than restoring full activity. Cardiolipin-free cytochrome c oxidase, although it does not contain cardiolipin, is still inactivated by tert-butyl hydroperoxide, indicating that the other oxidation products contribute to the inactivation of cytochrome c oxidase. We conclude that both peroxidized cardiolipin and tert-butyl hydroperoxide react with and triggers a cascade of structural alterations within cytochrome c oxidase. The summation of these events leads to cytochrome c oxidase inactivation.  相似文献   

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