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Spatial structure of genetic variation within populations is well measured by statistics based on the distribution of pairs of individual genotypes, and various such statistics have been widely used in experimental studies. However, the problem of uncharacterized correlations among statistics for different alleles has limited the applications of multiallelic, multilocus summary measures, since these had unknown sampling distributions. Usually multiple alleles and/or multiple loci are required in order to precisely measure spatial structures, and to provide precise indirect estimates of the amount of dispersal in samples of reasonable size. This article examines the correlations among pair-wise statistics, including Moran I-statistics and various measures of conditional kinship, for different alleles of a locus. First the correlations are mathematically derived for random spatial distributions, which allow averages over alleles and loci to be used as more powerful yet exact test statistics for the null hypothesis. Then extensive computer simulations are conducted to examine the correlations among values for different alleles under isolation by distance processes. For loci with more than three alleles, the results show that the correlations are remarkably and perhaps surprisingly small, establishing the principle that then alleles behave as nearly independent realizations of space-time stochastic processes. The results also show that the correlations are largely robust with respect to the degree of spatial structure, and they can be used in a straightforward manner to form confidence intervals for averages. The results allow a precise connection between observations in experimental studies and levels of dispersal in theoretical models.  相似文献   

The fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) of alpine plants is receiving increasing attention, from which seed and pollen dispersal can be inferred. However, estimation of SGS may depend strongly on the sampling strategy,including the sample size and spatial sampling scheme. Here, we examined the effects of sample size and three spatial schemes, simple-random, line-transect, and random-cluster sampling, on the estimation of SGS in Androsace tapete, an alpine cushion plant endemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Using both real data and simulated data of dominant molecular markers, we show that: (i) SGS is highly sensitive to sample strategy especially when the sample size is small (e.g., below 100); (ii) the commonly used SGS parameter (the intercept of the autocorrelogram) is more susceptible to sample error than a newly developed Sp statistic; and (iii) the random-cluster scheme is susceptible to obvious bias in parameter estimation even when the sample size is relatively large (e.g., above 200). Overall,the line-transect scheme is recommendable, in that it performs slightly better than the simple-random scheme in parameter estimation and is more efficient to encompass broad spatial scales. The consistency between simulated data and real data implies that these findings might hold true in other alpine plants and more species should be examined in future work.  相似文献   

A total of 892 individuals sampled from a wild soybean population in a natural reserve near the Yellow River estuary located in Kenli of Shandong Province (China) were investigated.Seventeen SSR (simple sequence repeat) primer pairs from cultivated soybeans were used to estimate the genetic diversity of the population and its variation pattern versus changes of the sample size (sub-samples),in addition to investigating the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within the population.The results showed relatively high genetic diversity of the population with the mean value of allele number (A) being 2.88,expected heterozygosity (He) 0.431,Shannon diversity index (/) 0.699,and percentage of polymorphic loci (P) 100%.Sub-samples of different sizes (ten groups) were randomly drawn from the population and their genetic diversity was calculated by computer simulation.The regression model of the four diversity indexes with the change of sample sizes was computed.As a result,27-52 individuals can reach 95% of total genetic variability of the population.Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that the genetic patch size of this wild soybean population is about 18 m.The study provided a scientific basis for the sampling strategy of wild soybean populations.  相似文献   

由于土壤碳通量在空间分布上具有很强的异质性,传统的采样方法难以对区域土壤碳通量进行精确估算,因此确定适当的采样策略对区域土壤碳通量的估算具有重要意义.本文提出一种逐点递增式采样的区域剖分部署策略(RDPG):设定初始采样点,使用改进的凸包插值算法构造Delaunay三角网,根据邻近已知采样点插值计算三角形各边垂直平分线的交点的离散度,选择离散度最大的点作为新增采样点.采用该方法对变异系数为0.42~0.59的仿真试验区域进行多次试验,结果表明:在相同试验条件下,RDPG布局策略能够获得比随机采样和均匀采样策略更高的区域土壤碳通量估算准确度.RDPG方法考虑了区域土壤碳通量的空间异质性,提高了区域土壤碳通量拟合精度.  相似文献   

A total of 892 individuals sampled from a wild soybean population in a natural reserve near the Yellow River estuary located in Kenli of Shandong Province (China) were investigated. Seventeen SSR (simple sequence repeat) primer pairs from cultivated soybeans were used to estimate the genetic diversity of the population and its variation pattern versus changes of the sample size (sub-samples), in addition to investigating the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within the population. The results showed relatively high genetic diversity of the population with the mean value of allele number (A) being 2.88, expected heterozygosity (He) 0.431, Shannon diversity index (I) 0.699, and percentage of polymorphic loci (P) 100%. Sub-samples of different sizes (ten groups) were randomly drawn from the population and their genetic diversity was calculated by computer simulation. The regression model of the four diversity indexes with the change of sample sizes was computed. As a result, 27–52 individuals can reach 95% of total genetic variability of the population. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that the genetic patch size of this wild soybean population is about 18 m. The study provided a scientific basis for the sampling strategy of wild soybean populations. __________ Translated from Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science), 2006, 45(3): 322–327 [译自: 复旦学报 (自然科学版)]  相似文献   

Comparative analyses of spatial genetic structure (SGS) among species, populations, or cohorts give insight into the genetic consequences of seed dispersal in plants. We analysed SGS of a weedy tree in populations with known and unknown recruitment histories to first establish patterns in populations with single vs. multiple founders, and then to infer possible recruitment scenarios in populations with unknown histories. We analysed SGS in six populations of the colonizing tree Albizia julibrissin Durazz. (Fabaceae) in Athens, Georgia. Study sites included two large populations with multiple, known founders, two small populations with a single, known founder, and two large populations with unknown recruitment histories. Eleven allozyme loci were used to genotype 1385 individuals. Insights about the effects of colonization history from the SGS analyses were obtained from correlograms and Sp statistics. Distinct differences in patterns of SGS were identified between populations with multiple founders vs. a single founder. We observed significant, positive SGS, which decayed with increasing distance in the populations with multiple colonists, but little to no SGS in populations founded by one colonist. Because relatedness among individuals is estimated relative to a local reference population, which usually consists of those individuals sampled in the study population, SGS in populations with high background relatedness, such as those with a single founder, may be obscured. We performed additional analyses using a regional reference population and, in populations with a single founder, detected significant, positive SGS at all distances, indicating that these populations consist of highly related descendants and receive little seed immigration. Subsequent analyses of SGS in size cohorts in the four large study populations showed significant SGS in both juveniles and adults, probably because of a relative lack of intraspecific demographic thinning. SGS in populations of this colonizing tree is pronounced and persistent and is determined by the number and relatedness of founding individuals and adjacent seed sources. Patterns of SGS in populations with known histories may be used to indirectly infer possible colonization scenarios for populations where it is unknown.  相似文献   

Jones FA  Hubbell SP 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(11):3205-3217
We used genotypes from six microsatellite loci and demographic data from a large mapped forest plot to study changes in spatial genetic structure across demographic stages, from seed rain to seedlings, juveniles, and adult diameter classes in the Neotropical tree, Jacaranda copaia. In pairwise comparisons of genetic differentiation among demographic classes, only seedlings were significantly differentiated from the other diameter classes; F(ST) values ranged from 0.006 to 0.009. Furthermore, only seedlings showed homozygote excess suggesting biparental inbreeding in the large diameter reproductive adults. We found very low levels of relatedness in the first distance class of trees, 1-26 cm diameter (F(ij) = 0.011). However, there was a 5- to 10-fold rise in relatedness in the smallest distance class, from the smallest to the largest tree diameter classes (F(ij) = 0.110 for individuals > 56 cm diameter). A variety of non-mutually exclusive mechanisms have been invoked perviously to explain such a pattern, including natural selection, history, or nonequilibrium population dynamics. The long-term demographic data available for this species allow us to evaluate these mechanisms. Jacaranda is a fast-growing, light-demanding species with low recruitment rates and high mortality rates in the smaller diameter classes. It successfully regenerates only in large light gaps, which occur infrequently and stochastically in space and time. These factors contribute to the nonequilibrium population dynamics and observed low genetic structure in the small size classes. We conclude that the pattern of spatial genetic transitions in Jacaranda is consistent with overlapping related generations and strong but infrequent periods of high recruitment, followed by long periods of population decline.  相似文献   

Spatial genetic structure (SGS) of plants results from the nonrandom distribution of related individuals. SGS provides information on gene flow and spatial patterns of genetic diversity within populations. Seed dispersal creates the spatial template for plant distribution. Thus, in zoochorous plants, dispersal mode and disperser behaviour might have a strong impact on SGS. However, many studies only report the taxonomic group of seed dispersers, without further details. The recent increase in studies on SGS provides the opportunity to review findings and test for the influence of dispersal mode, taxonomic affiliation of dispersers and their behaviour. We compared the proportions of studies with SGS among groups and tested for differences in strength of SGS using Sp statistics. The presence of SGS differed among taxonomic groups, with reduced presence in plants dispersed by birds. Strength of SGS was instead significantly influenced by the behaviour of seed dispersal vectors, with higher SGS in plant species dispersed by animals with behavioural traits that result in short seed dispersal distances. We observed high variance in the strength of SGS in plants dispersed by animals that actively or passively accumulate seeds. Additionally, we found SGS was also affected by pollination and marker type used. Our study highlights the importance of vector behaviour on SGS even in the presence of variance created by other factors. Thus, more detailed information on the behaviour of seed dispersers would contribute to better understand which factors shape the spatial scale of gene flow in animal‐dispersed plant species.  相似文献   

江雨佳  王国英  莫路锋 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6246-6255
由于土壤碳通量的空间异质性很强,传统的随机抽样方法无法对区域土壤碳通量进行准确估算,而多点采样需耗费大量的人力及设备成本,因此确定适当的采样点数量及分布策略对于区域土壤碳通量的测算非常重要。提出一种基于湿度空间分布特征的小尺度土壤碳通量空间采样策略:首先利用无线传感网密集测量区域的土壤湿度,根据湿度数据的空间分布特征划分监测区域,通过Hammond Mc Cullagh方程计算各子区域内的最优采样点数量,最终确定整个监测区域的空间采样点部署策略。提出的方法考虑了各子区域间土壤碳通量空间分布的差异,使得采样点的部署位置与土壤碳通量的分布具有较好的相关性。研究结果证明:土壤碳通量部署策略能够获得比均匀部署策略、随机部署策略更高的区域土壤碳通量估算准确度。  相似文献   

Using Pontryagin's maximum principle, the optimal death strategy that maximizes the total reproduction of a population, which has the density dependent growth rate and the weight dependent reproduction, is investigated. As the result, it is shown that the optimal survival curve has a critical age, before which the mortality takes the highest admissible value and after which the lowest. In a population with this optimal death strategy, the change of resource level affects the length of the stage of high mortality. The switching age is explicitly calculated in a special case with a simple growth rate function and a simple weight dependence of reproduction. The average value of mortality or growth coefficient through the prereproductive stages are calculated and compared with the Le Cren's data, where trout was reared in varying resource levels.  相似文献   

We have investigated the local and regional scale genetic structure of Siberian primrose (Primula nutans) populations in Northern Europe. The genetic diversity and structure of fifteen populations sampled from the Bothnian Bay in Finland, the Barents Sea in Norway and the White Sea in Russia were assessed using eleven microsatellite markers. We investigated the distribution of genetic variation within and between populations, and studied the local genetic structure using spatial autocorrelation analysis. We found very low genetic and allelic diversity in the Bothnian Bay and Barents Sea populations, and only slightly higher in the White Sea population. The level of genetic differentiation between the regions was very high, whereas differentiation between the populations within the regions was moderate. We found no spatial structuring of populations in any region suggesting efficient dispersal on a local scale. Clonal reproduction seemed to have no effect on genetic structure.  相似文献   

Spatial genetic structure (SGS) within populations was analyzed for the ling-lived understory perennial herb Trillium camschatcense using allozyme loci. We used Sp statistics to compare SGS between 2 life-history stages, juveniles (J) and reproductives (R), as well as between 2 populations, continuous and fragmented, with different habitat conditions. In the continuous population, significant SGS was detected in both stages but the extent was greatly reduced with the progress of the stage (J, Sp = 0.0475; R, Sp = 0.0053). We inferred that limited seed dispersal and subsequent random loss of individuals from the family patches are responsible for the J and R stage structures, respectively. The fragmented population differed in the patterns of SGS; significant structure was detected in the R stage, but not in the J stage (J, Sp = 0.0021; R, Sp = 0.0165) despite significant positive inbreeding coefficients (J, F(IS) = 0.251). The observed differences in the J-stage structures between populations may be explained by habitat fragmentation effects because reduced recruitment in the fragmented population prevents the development of maternal sibling cohort. Such comparative analysis between populations and life-history stages can be useful to understand the different underlying causes of SGS.  相似文献   

Abstract The fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) of alpine plants is receiving increasing attention, from which seed and pollen dispersal can be inferred. However, estimation of SGS may depend strongly on the sampling strategy, including the sample size and spatial sampling scheme. Here, we examined the effects of sample size and three spatial schemes, simple‐random, line‐transect, and random‐cluster sampling, on the estimation of SGS in Androsace tapete, an alpine cushion plant endemic to Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. Using both real data and simulated data of dominant molecular markers, we show that: (i) SGS is highly sensitive to sample strategy especially when the sample size is small (e.g., below 100); (ii) the commonly used SGS parameter (the intercept of the autocorrelogram) is more susceptible to sample error than a newly developed Sp statistic; and (iii) the random‐cluster scheme is susceptible to obvious bias in parameter estimation even when the sample size is relatively large (e.g., above 200). Overall, the line‐transect scheme is recommendable, in that it performs slightly better than the simple‐random scheme in parameter estimation and is more efficient to encompass broad spatial scales. The consistency between simulated data and real data implies that these findings might hold true in other alpine plants and more species should be examined in future work.  相似文献   

In continuous populations, fine-scale genetic structure tends to be stronger in species with restricted pollen and seed dispersal. However, habitat fragmentation and disturbances can affect genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure due to disruption in ecological processes, such as plant reproduction and seed dispersal. In this study, we compared the genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) in two populations of Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae) in a pristine savanna Reserve (ESECAE) and in a fragmented disturbed savanna area (PABE), both in Cerrado biome in Central Brazil. The analyses were based on the polymorphism at 10 microsatellite loci. Our working hypothesis was that SGS is stronger and genetic diversity is lower in population at fragmented area (PABE) than at pristine area (ESECAE). Both populations presented high levels of polymorphism and genetic diversity and showed no sign of bottleneck for both Wilcoxon sign-rank test for heterozygosity excess (p > 0.05) and coalescent analyses (growth parameter g not different from zero), but population at fragmented area showed higher fixation index and stronger SGS. Besides, populations are significantly differentiated (F ST = 0.239, R ST = 0.483, p < 0.001 for both). Coalescent analyses showed high historical effective population sizes for both populations, high gene flow between ESECAE and PABE and recent time to most recent common ancestor (~37 k year BP). Our results suggest that despite the high genetic diversity, fragmentation and disturbance may have been affecting populations of this species increasing mating between closely related individuals leading to high fixation index and strong SGS.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of populations   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1. Studies of the spatio-temporal dynamics and structure of populations have identified many categories of population type. However, recognized categories intergrade, making it difficult to assign empirical population systems to single categories.
2. We suggest that most population categories can be arranged along two axes that combine per capita birth (B), death (D), emigration (E) and immigration (I) rates. The 'Compensation Axis' describes the source-sink component of population structure, with source populations exporting individuals (B > D, E > I) and sinks and pseudosinks consuming individuals (B < D, E < I). The 'Mobility Axis' describes the involvement of a local population in regional (I + E) rather than local (B + D) processes, running from separate populations, through metapopulations, to patchy populations.
3. Each sample area within a spatially structured population system can potentially be assigned to a position along each of these axes, with individual sample areas weighted by local population size. The positions of these sample areas and their relative weightings allow the relative importance of different types of process to be judged. A worked exampled is provided, using the butterfly Hesperia comma . This approach shifts the emphasis from pattern (categories that real population systems do not fit) onto process.
4. In many systems, continuous variation in habitat quality and demographic parameters make clear distinctions between 'habitat' and 'non-habitat' difficult to sustain. In such cases, we advocate the use of a spatial grid system, with effects of patch size and isolation combined into a single, weighted distance function (neighbourhood).
5. The relative importance of different processes depends on the spatial scale at which the system is observed. This again emphasizes the value of a process-based approach.  相似文献   

In this study we compared population structure, genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) in four Bignoniaceae tree species, Handroanthus chrysotrichus, H. impetiginosus, Tabebuia roseoalba and H. serratifolius in a remnant of seasonally dry tropical forest in Central-West Brazil, based on polymorphisms at six microsatellite loci. All species, except T. roseoalba, presented the inverted ‘J’ population structure indicating recruitment of juveniles. Juveniles presented a clumped distribution suggesting limitation in dispersal or patchy distribution of suitable microhabitat for recruitment. All species showed high levels of polymorphism and genetic diversity but without a clear pattern of distribution among life stages. The SGS was significant for all species, except T. roseoalba, but the pattern and strength of the spatial genetic structure differed among species. Handroanthus serratifolius had stronger SGS with significant kinship until 77 m. For H. impetiginosus and H. chrysotrichus, kinship was significant just until 23 and 6 m, respectively. Despite the high genetic diversity, all species showed low number of adults and high fixation indices suggesting that habitat fragmentation and disturbance have been affecting these populations in Central-West Brazil.  相似文献   

Non-invasive genetic sampling (NGS) is being increasingly applied in wildlife monitoring and population genetic research. This study was designed to evaluate the use of NGS for reconstructing the spatial structure of populations of large felids. We developed a procedure for reliably genotyping individuals of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from samples obtained through a hair-trapping scheme based on a network of lynx scent-marking sites. The spatial locations of the identified genotypes were matched with the home ranges distribution of radio-tracked individuals, thus cross-checking the accuracy of the two methods. We analyzed DNA extracted from 170 hair samples and 11 blood samples from live-trapped lynx collected in 2004–2009 in the Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, Poland. We obtained PCR products in 96 (67%) hair samples; 82 (85%) of them were reliably genotyped at 12 autosomal microsatellite loci following a multiple-tubes protocol and stringent quality-controls of the data set. The sample included 29 distinct genotypes; 18 were found only in hair samples, five were determined only in live-trapped animals, and six in both hair and blood samples. Based on linkage disequilibrium we estimated an effective population size Ne = 20.3 (90% CI = 15–28). The total population size estimated with Capwire was Nc = 32 (95% CI = 25–37) in close agreement with the observed number of genotypes. The genotypes obtained from hair samples were re-sampled on average 3.9 times and 50% of them were recorded for more than one year. The spatial distribution of six hair-genotypes was consistent with their home ranges obtained by radio-tracking in the same period. The distribution ranges of hair-trapped genotypes overlapped on average in 86.4% (mode 100%) with home ranges of the corresponding individuals. Hair-trapping and molecular identification is a reliable method for reconstructing the spatial organization of lynx population. It is likely to be also efficiently used in other rare and endangered species of felids in combination with data from other monitoring techniques, such as radio- and snow-tracking and photo-trapping.  相似文献   

We developed genetic markers for three microsatellite loci in the tropical tree Symphonia globulifera and used them to examine the demographic genetic consequences of forest fragmentation. High levels of genetic variation were revealed in samples of adults, saplings, and seedlings. The more-variable loci exhibited less stability in allelic composition across sites and stages. The number of alleles per hectare (ha) of forest was similar when continuous forest plots were compared to plots from fragmented forest for all three stages. This pattern also held for the number of unique multilocus adult and sapling genotypes, but the number of unique seedling genotypes per ha of fragmented forest greatly exceeded expectations based on continuous forest data, probably due to the concentration of seeds into remnant forest patches by foraging bats. Significant inbreeding and genetic differentiation were most often associated with the fragmented forest and the seedlings. Finally, principal component analysis reaffirmed that a bottleneck, acting in concert with pre-existing genetic structure in the adults, had led to enhanced and rapid divergence in the seedlings following deforestation, a result that is of central interest for landscape management.  相似文献   

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