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The enterotoxins of Staphylococcus aureus (SE) are extremely potent activators of human and mouse T lymphocytes. In general, T cell responses to SE are MHC class II dependent (presumably reflecting the ability of SE to bind directly to MHC class II molecules) and restricted to responding cells expressing certain T cell receptor beta-chain variable (TCR V beta) domains. Recently we demonstrated that CD8+ CTL expressing appropriate TCR V beta could recognize SE presented on MHC class II-bearing target cells. We now show that MHC class II expression is not strictly required for T cell recognition of SE. Both human and mouse MHC class II negative target cells could be recognized (i.e., lysed) in a SE-dependent fashion by CD8+ mouse CTL clones and polyclonal populations, provided that the CTL expressed appropriate TCR V beta elements. SE-dependent lysis of MHC class II negative targets by CTL was inhibited by mAb directed against CD3 or LFA-1, suggesting that SE recognition was TCR and cell contact dependent. Furthermore, different SE were recognized preferentially by CTL on MHC class II+ vs MHC class II- targets. Taken together, our data raise the possibility that SE binding structures distinct from MHC class II molecules may exist.  相似文献   

The induction of class I and class II MHC-restricted CTL in response to different forms of A/JAP/57 influenza virus was compared. Splenocytes removed from influenza-immune BALB/c mice and stimulated in vitro with infected syngeneic splenocytes are mainly CD8+ (Lyt-2+) and specifically lyse infected Ia- and Ia+ target cells. To a lesser extent they also lyse non-infectious virus-pulsed Ia+ but not Ia- target cells. In contrast, syngeneic stimulators pulsed with non-infectious virus (exogenous Ag) induce effector T cells that specifically lyse both infected and non-infectious virus-pulsed Ia+ target cells. The cells present in this heterogeneous culture predominantly express the CD4 (L3T4) cell surface marker. Frequency analysis by limiting dilution of splenocytes derived directly from influenza-immune mice revealed a similar pattern of precursor induction: In vitro stimulation with infected splenocytes yielded primarily class I MHC-restricted CTL, whereas stimulation with non-infectious virus reciprocally induced primarily class II MHC-restricted CTL. Thus, the Ag form and consequently the intracellular route of viral Ag presentation profoundly influence the MHC restriction of CTL precursors induced.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the possibility that protein Ag fragments in the form of peptides could serve as the priming Ag in the generation of a MHC class I-restricted immune response. Trypsin-digested chicken ovalbumin (OVA-TD) fragments were used as the model Ag. The results demonstrate the peptides within OVA-TD, when injected into C57BL/6 mice, could prime T cells which lysed H-2b Ia-EL4 target cells in an OVA-TD-specific manner. In contrast to priming with OVA-TD, immunization of mice with intact OVA did not lead to generation of CTL against OVA-TD or OVA. Furthermore, target cells sensitized with intact OVA failed to be recognized by OVA-peptide-specific CTL indicating that the target cells serving as APC were unable to generate the relevant peptide determinants recognized by the T cells. These results support the idea that the processing pathway within APC for class I-restricted T cells may differ from that used for class II-restricted T cells. Using OVA-TD-specific CTL clones (phenotypically Thy 1+, CD8+, CD4-, Pgp-1+) isolated from primed animals to screen OVA-TD fractions separated by HPLC, two T cell peptide determinants were identified corresponding to OVA sequences 111-122 and 370-381. Both determinants were recognized by CTL clones in the context of the H-2Db molecule.  相似文献   

Ag in the extracellular fluids can be internalized, processed, and presented in association with class I MHC molecules on specialized APC in normal spleen. We examine the fate of these APC after they present Ag to a CTL. When splenocytes present exogenous OVA to CTL, their ability to subsequently present native Ag in association with both class I and class II molecules is inhibited. CTL do not inhibit the ability of splenocytes to present processing independent peptides with class I or class II molecules. Inhibition of Ag presentation is only observed in the presence of the specific Ag recognized by the CTL. This inhibition is MHC-restricted. In the presence of specific Ag, CTL inhibit the ability of APC to present unrelated Ag. However, bystander APC are not affected by activated CTL. Taken together these results indicate that when APC present exogenous Ag to CTL, they are inhibited or killed. The CTL that mediates this activity has a conventional CD4-CD8+ phenotype and utilizes a TCR-alpha beta. The potential significance of these findings and their possible relationship to phenomena associated with Ts cells are discussed.  相似文献   

A quantitative ultrastructural analysis of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) is presented which allows both the distinction of these cells from normal T lymphocytes and permits the demonstration of ultrastructural alterations of putative CTL following interaction with target cells (TC). Alloreactive CTL were generated in C57BL/10 mice receiving intraperitoneal fibroblastic allografts and target-binding splenic lymphocytes (TBSL) were concentrated by specific immunoadsorption on fibroblast monolayers. TBSL were subjected to ultrastructural quantification either at the onset of TC interaction or following 30 or 60 min incubation at 37 degrees C. By means of simple stereological relationships it was shown that, in comparison with normal, non-cytolytic splenic T lymphocytes, TBSL were slightly larger cells, displaying around 60% more cytoplasm, a similarly-sized nucleus and approximately triple the volume of Golgi apparatus. During the first 30 min of interaction with TC, the target binding surface of the TBSL plasma membrane decreased in area. This change was accompanied by a polarization of the TBSL towards the target. Incubation of lymphocytes with TC for a further 30 min resulted in a general polarization of lymphocytic cellular constituents away from the TC. These results were only attainable by objective quantitative analysis and are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of CTL-mediated lysis.  相似文献   

The transmembrane hydrophobic domain of the type A influenza A/JAPAN/305/57 (H2N2) hemagglutinin (HA) contains an immunodominant site encompassing amino acids 523-545 (J523-545) recognized by class I MHC-restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). Class I CTL of two fine specificity subsets map to this transmembrane (TM) site. One of these CTL subpopulations is subtype specific. These T lymphocytes recognize the site generated during infection of target cells with A/JAPAN/305/57 virus (H2N2) but not target cells expressing the comparable TM site of the influenza A/PR/8/34 virus (H1N1) hemagglutinin (P527-549) after infection with this virus. The other CTL subpopulation is cross-reactive and recognizes the TM site of the A/JAPAN/305/57 HA and the A/PR/8/34 HA with similar efficiency. Analyses of the critical amino acids in the TM site necessary for CTL recognition with the use of synthetic peptides unexpectedly revealed reactivity for the A/PR/8 HA TM site by subtype-specific CTL. This reactivity was only observed with truncated peptides corresponding to a limited portion of the A/PR/8 HA TM site but also required peptide concentrations greater than 10(-7) M. These results suggested either that the endogenously processed A/PR/8 HA TM site generated during infection was larger than the site defined by the truncated cross-reactive peptides or that the concentration of endogenously processed TM site produced during infection was limiting. To distinguish between these possibilities, we expressed in target cells synthetic minigenes encoding only the portion of the A/PR/8 HA transmembrane sites defined by the synthetic peptides. Unlike the peptides, the "preprocessed" endogenous minigene products were not recognized by subtype-specific CTL. These data suggest that the level of available endogenously processed Ag rather than selectivity in the site of fragmentation of newly synthesized Ag may play a critical role in determining whether the complex of the antigenic moiety and class I MHC is efficiently presented to and recognized by class I CTL.  相似文献   

Recognition and lysis of target cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A single cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) is capable of performing the two most fundamental functions of an immune response, recognition and elimination of foreign antigens. It is now clear that in a CTL these two functions are linked via the antigen-specific, heterodimeric receptor. We review here some experimental approaches that justify this conclusion and provide the means for further examination of the mechanisms by which CTLs lyse their target cells. When antireceptor antibodies serving as antigen substitutes are attached to various cells, they trigger the lytic activity of particular CTLs, which results in lysis of the antibody-modified cell. In the process, a novel serine esterase, which is located within cytolytic granules of the CTL, is released. The presence of this enzyme and a complement-like protein, perforin, in granules of a CTL has led to the suggestion that CTLs and complement have similar cytolytic mechanisms. However, the resistance of some CTLs to lysis by other CTLs, but not to lysis by antibody-activated complement, suggests fundamental differences between cytolytic mechanisms of CTLs and complement.  相似文献   

We have identified the site encompassing residues 126-145 on the A/Japan/57 influenza hemagglutinin molecule that is recognized in association with HLA-DRw11 by a clonal population of human, influenza specific, CD4+ cytolytic T lymphocytes. The critical core sequence of the T cell determinant spans hemagglutinin residues 129-140 and overlaps a putative antibody binding site. Hemagglutinins of influenza field strains that are not recognized by the T cell clones contain sequence alterations within the 129-140 target site of the CD4+ T cells. Functional analyses, with synthetic peptides, of the contribution of each of the residues within the sequence toward the capacity of the antigenic fragment to associate with both the restriction element and the TCR revealed a continuous linear array of residues necessary for MHC binding and/or Ag receptor engagement. At least one residue, the lysine at position 134, was shown to be critical for both DRw11 association and TCR recognition. The significance of these findings for recognition of glycoproteins by human CD4+ T cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The exquisite immunological specificity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes-target cell (CTL-TC) conjugation and lysis is overridden in the presence of certain plant lectins. The role of concanavalin A (Con A) in lectin-dependent, CTL-mediated cytolysis (LDCC) has been investigated. Papain-treated TC are refractory to LDCC, but regain susceptibility following a 3-hr incubation without the enzyme. Papain-treated TC allowed to recover in the presence of tunicamycin (TM; an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation), are totally refractory to LDCC. Refractoriness of TM-treated TC to LDCC is not due to an overall resistance to lysis or to lack of Con A binding, as these cells can be lysed by specifically sensitized CTL or by H-2 antibody and complement and display a sufficiently high Con A-binding capacity, indistinguishable from intact TC, probably through O-linked, cell-surface glycosyl residues. The finding that TC (TM-treated) capable of binding normal Con A quantities cannot, however, engage in lectin-dependent CTL-TC conjugation and lysis indicates that Con A must react selectively with a specific TC-surface component(s), thereby rendering the TC recognizable by effector CTL, rather than by simply bridging ("glueing") CTL and TC. Affinity absorption and elution from Sepharose-Con A beads as well as specific immunoprecipitations by antibodies against cell surface determinants, have shown effective Con A binding to TC surface components of molecular weights corresponding to 45-kDa product of the H-2K and D MHC genes and, possibly, to a 30-kDa component. Antibodies against MHC proteins but not against non-MHC surface proteins of the TC have produced effective inhibition of LDCC. This and previous investigations show that in nonspecific LDCC as in specific CTL-mediated lysis, TC-MHC determinants are involved in signaling TC recognition and lysis.  相似文献   

The cytochalasins are known secretogogues. Their function as such is examined in light of the granule exocytosis model for lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity. Cytochalasin B is found to enhance target cell lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes when antibody-coated polystyrene beads are used to bridge the cells. The pattern of lysis is found to be biphasic in its dependence on cytochalasin B. Secretion of the enzyme BLT-esterase from the effector cells parallels the cytochalasin concentration-dependent pattern of lysis. Cytochalasin D is also able to enhance lysis but at concentrations less than cytochalasin B. Cytochalasin B does not inhibit binding of breads to the effector cell. This is shown by the ability of fluorescent beads coated with antibody to bind with an appropriate specificity to cells. These studies indicate that cytochalasin B is not strictly inhibitory for the induction of target cell lysis but can enhance lymphocyte-mediated lysis at low drug concentrations. These results are compatible with the interpretation that target cell lysis is mediated through a secretion process from cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The original polarity of lysis experiments suggested that CTL are themselves sensitive to whatever mechanism it is that CTL use to lyse their targets. This concept has placed certain limitations on possible mechanisms of lysis by CTL. Recently, we found in studies with cloned CTL as targets that cloned CTL are in fact highly resistant to lysis by other CTL, as well as to their cytotoxic granule proteins. We show here that although cloned CTL are extremely resistant to lysis by primary and cloned CTL, they are readily inactivated functionally by all primary CTL and by at least one CTL clone. Moreover, cloned CTL are also functionally inactivated by cytotoxic granule proteins. The activation of CTL, which we call inhibitin, is Ca2+ insensitive and distinct from hemolytic activity, and is, thus, unlikely to be perforin. These experiments suggest a possible alternative interpretation of the original polarity of lysis experiments.  相似文献   

The kinetics of T cell killing are analyzed with the assumption that encounters between killer and target cells occur at random. The application of Poisson statistics leads to a number of theoretical predictions which were then tested experimentally. Good agreement between data and theory was found.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of short-term incubation of cloned and in vivo-produced cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) with phorbol esters on their lytic activity against weak and nonspecific targets. These experiments demonstrate that 4 beta-phorbol-12-myristate, 13-acetate (PMA), 4 beta-phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate, and 4 beta-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate, but not the 4 alpha-phorbol-12,13 didecanoate esters stimulate the lytic apparatus. The stimulation is specific for the CTL rather than the target and appears to be nearly instantaneous in action. This rapid stimulation of the CTL lytic process is consistent with previously reported effects of phorbol esters associated with T cell activation in other functional assays.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that CTL-induced target cell (TC) death is partially due to processes that follow the DNA damage in target cells and include the activation of poly-ADP-ribose transferase (PADPRT) by DNA strand breaks. According to this model, the activated PADPRT is expected to deplete NAD, ATP, and to contribute to the TC death. We used inhibitors of PADPRT and a PADPRT-deficient cell mutant, as well as other nucleated TC and SRBC to test the role of PADPRT in CTL-induced cytotoxicity. It is found that inhibitors of PADPRT (3-aminobenzamide, benzamide (aromatic amides)) and nicotinamide all inhibit the CTL-mediated lysis of both Ag-specific TC and of Ag-nonbearing TC. The effect of PADPRT inhibitors was not due to inhibition of the lethal hit delivery by CTL, because in parallel control experiments, the same inhibitors did not interfere with CTL-induced lysis of SRBC, cells that are devoid of nuclei and PADPRT. Moreover, the effect of inhibitors of PADPRT did not affect earlier stages of lethal hit delivery because 3-aminobenzamide and benzamide did not interfere with CTL-induced DNA fragmentation in TC at concentration which protected TC lysis. Importantly, a PADPRT-deficient cell line was also much more resistant to CTL-induced lysis as tested in retargeting (4 and 8 h) assays; this was expected if activation of PADPRT is indeed involved in TC death. Control experiments reveal that the relative resistance of the PADPRT-deficient cell mutant to CTL-induced lysis was not related to its impaired ability to form conjugates and to trigger CTL (as tested in granule exocytosis assay). In addition, PADPRT-deficient cells were as susceptible to CTL-induced DNA fragmentation as were the control cells; yet, they were resistant to CTL-induced 51Cr-release. Control cells and PADPRT-deficient mutant were equally susceptible to antibody+C'-mediated lysis. Our data support the view that the activation of PADPRT can contribute to the CTL-induced cytolysis of some TC, but is not involved in lysis of other TC, as evidenced by the ability of CTL to efficiently lyse SRBC. These data suggest that there could be multiple molecular pathways of TC death in CTL-mediated cytotoxicity and the relative contribution of PADPRT and/or other enzymes will reflect the individual make-up of a particular TC.  相似文献   

Acid-sensitive liposomes have been developed for cytosolic delivery of encapsulated substances. We now demonstrate delivery of liposome-encapsulated Ag into the class I MHC Ag processing pathway in peritoneal macrophages in vitro using several types of acid-sensitive liposomes, including those composed of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE)/palmitoylhomocysteine, DOPE/cholesterol hemisuccinate, DOPE/dioleoylsuccinylglycerol, and DOPE/dipalmitoylsuccinylglycerol. Our previous studies showed that acid-resistant liposomes (dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/dioleoylphosphatidylserine) did not engender class I-mediated presentation in vitro. However, in vivo immunization with OVA encapsulated in acid-resistant as well as acid-sensitive liposomes generated class I MHC-restricted T cell responses, as determined by subsequent in vitro cytotoxicity assays using OVA-transfected target cells. Target lysis by these cells was OVA- and class I MHC (Kb)-specific. This response was not generated by immunization with equivalent amounts of soluble OVA. Thus, a pathway for in vivo class I processing of Ag encapsulated in acid-resistant liposomes has been missed in vitro, perhaps because it is dependent on specific populations of APC or interactions between cells that have not been reconstituted in vitro. This pathway may explain the ability of many exogenous particulate Ag (liposomes, bacteria, parasites, and mammalian cells) to generate class I MHC-restricted T cell responses.  相似文献   

By using the Ca2+-sensitive dye indo-1, an antigen-specific increase in intracellular Ca2+ in cloned cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) was measured under conditions that were permissive for T cell-mediated cytolysis. To synchronize lethal hit delivery in a suspension of effector and target cells, a modification of the cation pulse method in which Ca2+ is added to preformed conjugates of CTL and target cells was used. Conjugate formation was unaffected by the absence of extracellular Ca2+ under these conditions. Lytic activity of these cloned CTL was markedly reduced in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ and was restored upon Ca2+ repletion. When indo-1-loaded CTL were preincubated with target cells in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, a marked antigen-specific increase in indo-1 fluorescence, indicative of an increase in intracellular Ca2+, was observed after repletion of extracellular Ca2+. This increase in intracellular Ca2+ was shown to be due solely to changes in the CTL and not the target cell within the time course of the experiment, and results from the influx of extracellular Ca2+. Antibody to the T cell receptor for antigen also evokes a similar increase in intracellular Ca2+ in CTL under these conditions. This method provides a means for the direct examination of the response of CTL to cellular antigen as well as soluble antibody and is a versatile and valuable tool for the study of CTL function.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) substituted in 12 to 15 amino groups with 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (Tnp-BSA) or carbobenzoxy (Cbz-BSA) or acetyl (Ac-BSA) groups was tested as inhibitor of the reaction in which anti-Tnp cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) lysed syngeneic 51Cr-labeled Tnp-modified spleen cells [concanavalin A (Con A) blasts]. Inhibition was observed with some consistency only with Tnp-BSA at extremely high concentration (50 mg/ml). To explore the significance of this observation, inhibition of anti-Tnp CTLs was also tested with Tnp-modified cells on which products of the major histocompatibility loci H-2K and H-2D were lacking or different from those on the stimulator cells used to elicit the CTLs. Only those Tnp cells with the same H-2 products as the stimulators were inhibitory, even though all the Tnp cells tested had essentially the same surface density of Tnp (ca 1 × 108 groups/cell). It is concluded that effective specific inhibitors of anti-Tnp CTLs have both Tnp groups and the correct H-2 products on the same particle and that the specific inhibitory activity of soluble Tnp-BSA was probably due to its adsorption onto cells in the suspensions used to assay cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

In a previous study of the mechanism of specific target cell lysis by alloimmune cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL), we established that the target cell becomes irreversibly programmed to lyse within a few minutes after contact with the CTL. We here show that at each point in time, the level of specific release of the potassium analog, 86Rb equals the percentage of target cells which have been programmed to lyse. It is also shown that specific release of 86Rb is more rapid than that of a small metabolite of similar weight, 14C-nicotinamide, which in turn is specifically released more rapidly than 51Cr. Thus, an electrolyte-permeable lesion is produced in the target cell membrane within minutes of contact with the CTL. Since measurements of 86Rb release, unlike measurements of programming for lysis, do not involve exposure of the cells to EDTA and vigorous shearing forces, the present observations corroborate and extend, by an independent and gentler method, our previous conclusion that the CTL effects crucial and irreversible changes in the target cell within minutes after contact. The present results are consistent with the possibility that the first, and perhaps the only damage administered directly by the CTL is a membrane lesion permeable to electrolytes and possibly to small molecules.  相似文献   

We studied the susceptibility of autologous and allogeneic tumors to lysis by human tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) after pre-incubation of the tumors with human rIFN-gamma and human rTNF-alpha. Preincubation of the tumor lines with IFN-gamma or TNF enhanced susceptibility to lysis significantly; the combination of both cytokines was more effective than either alone. Pretreatment for at least 24 h was required to enhance lytic susceptibility and maximal lysis was observed after pretreatment for 48 to 72 h. Highly specific TIL lysed only their autologous tumor targets and failed to lyse cytokine pretreated allogeneic tumor cells. In TIL populations with varying specificity, cytokine pretreatment of targets enhanced autologous lysis as well as allogeneic lysis. This cytokine-mediated effect could also be observed in a lectin-dependent cytotoxicity assay and did not correlate directly with enhanced expression of MHC class I Ag or the adhesion molecules LFA-3 and ICAM-1. These results suggest that enhancement of lysis may occur at a postbinding stage by making the target cell more sensitive to the cytotoxic factors delivered by the killer cell. The fact that lysis of cytokine treated targets by cells with LAK activity was not enhanced suggests that cells with lymphokine-activated killer activity and tumor-derived T cells kill tumor targets via different mechanisms.  相似文献   

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