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Summary Hedgehog is a regulatory protein during embryonic development and its abnormal activation in adult tissues has been implicated in tumorigenesis within sites where epithelial–mesenchymal interactions take place. In the prostate, Hedgehog signaling activation was observed during advanced cancer progression and metastasis, but whether Hedgehog overexpression can initiate prostate tumorigenesis remains unknown. We introduced a Hedgehog-expressing vector by intra-prostate injection and electroporation to address the effects of Hedgehog overexpression. The manipulation caused lesions with characteristic prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia or even prostatic cancer (CaP) phenotypes within 30 days, with Hedgehog overexpression demonstrated by immunohistochemistry and Western blot detections. The tumorigenic phenotypes were confirmed by discontinuity of basal cell marker p63, mix-up of CK-8/CK-18 positive epithelial cells in the stoma as well as absence of α-SMA positive fibro-muscular sheath. Comparable Hedgehog overexpression was found in human CaP specimen. Thus, Hedgehog overexpression induced prostate tumorigenesis starting from the normal status. Furthermore, a mouse prostate cancer model induced by Hedgehog overexpression was established and may be used for testing novel therapeutical approaches targeting at Hedgehog signaling pathway.These authors have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) is expressed in a subset of prostate stromal cells and functional stromal cell AR is required for normal prostate developmental and influences the growth of prostate tumors. Although we are broadly aware of the specifics of the genomic actions of AR in prostate cancer cells, relatively little is known regarding the gene targets of functional AR in prostate stromal cells. Here, we describe a novel human prostate stromal cell model that enabled us to study the effects of AR on gene expression in these cells. The model involves a genetically manipulated variant of immortalized human WPMY-1 prostate stromal cells that overexpresses wildtype AR (WPMY-AR) at a level comparable to LNCaP cells and is responsive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) stimulation. Use of WPMY-AR cells for gene expression profiling showed that the presence of AR, even in the absence of DHT, significantly altered the gene expression pattern of the cells compared to control (WPMY-Vec) cells. Treatment of WPMY-AR cells, but not WPMY-Vec control cells, with DHT resulted in further changes that affected the expression of 141 genes by 2-fold or greater compared to vehicle treated WPMY-AR cells. Remarkably, DHT significantly downregulated more genes than were upregulated but many of these changes reversed the initial effects of AR overexpression alone on individual genes. The genes most highly effected by DHT treatment were categorized based upon their role in cancer pathways or in cell signaling pathways (transforming growth factor-β, Wnt, Hedgehog and MAP Kinase) thought to be involved in stromal-epithelial crosstalk during prostate or prostate cancer development. DHT treatment of WPMY-AR cells was also sufficient to alter their paracrine potential for prostate cancer cells as conditioned medium from DHT-treated WPMY-AR significantly increased growth of LNCaP cells compared to DHT-treated WPMY-Vec cell conditioned medium.  相似文献   

LNCaP cells are derived from a metastatic lesion of human prostate adenocarcinoma. They express the classical androgen receptor (AR) and ZIP9, a Zn2+ transporter that also binds testosterone and mediates signaling by interacting with G-proteins.Our results show that LNCaP cells respond to testosterone by mobilizing their migratory machinery. Their exposure to testosterone triggers the formation of lamellipodia, reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) at Tyr925 and of paxillin at Tyr118, expression of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), and cell migration.Silencing ZIP9 expression by means of siRNA does not affect the responsiveness of the classical AR to testosterone; however, it prevents all of the testosterone effects described above: formation of lamellipodia cannot be induced, stimulation of FAK or paxillin phosphorylation or MMP-2 expression is prevented, and cell migration does not take place in the absence of ZIP9.The data presented show that testosterone/ZIP9 interactions might have not only physiological but also pathophysiological relevance. The fact that the migratory machinery of a metastatic prostate cancer cell line is activated exclusively through testosterone/ZIP9 and not through testosterone/AR interactions suggests that targeting specific inhibition of testosterone/ZIP9-mediated events might help in developing new therapeutic strategies against androgen-induced progression of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Since androgen receptor (AR) plays an important role in prostate cancer development and progression, androgen-ablation has been the frontline therapy for treatment of advanced prostate cancer even though it is rarely curative. A curative strategy should involve functional and structural elimination of AR from prostate cancer cells. We have previously reported that apoptosis induced by medicinal proteasome-inhibitory compound celastrol is associated with a decrease in AR protein levels. However celastrol-stimulated events contributing to this AR decrease have not been elucidated. Here, we report that a variety of chemotherapeutic agents, including proteasome inhibitors, a topoisomerase inhibitor, DNA-damaging agents and docetaxel that cause cell death, decrease AR levels in LNCaP prostate cancer cells. This decrease in AR protein levels was not due to the suppression of AR mRNA expression in these cells. We observed that a proteolytic activity residing in cytosol of prostate cancer cells is responsible for AR breakdown and that this proteolytic activity was stimulated upon induction of apoptosis. Interestingly, proteasome inhibitor celastrol- and chemotherapeutic drug VP-16-stimulated AR breakdown was attenuated by calpain inhibitors calpastatin and N-acetyl-L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-methioninal. Furthermore, AR proteolytic activity pulled down by calmodulin-agarose beads from celastrol-treated PC-3 cells showed immunoreactivity to a calpain antibody. Taken together, these results demonstrate calpain involvement in proteasome inhibitor-induced AR breakdown, and suggest that AR degradation is intrinsic to the induction of apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

Many recent evidences indicate that androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells have a lower malignant phenotype that is in particular characterized by a reduced migration and invasion. We previously demonstrated that expression of androgen receptor (AR) by transfection of the androgen-independent prostate cancer cell line PC3 decreases invasion and adhesion of these cells (PC3-AR) through modulation of alpha6beta4 integrin expression. The treatment with the synthetic androgen R1881 further reduced invasion of the cells without, however, modifying alpha6beta4 expression on the cell surface, suggesting an interference with the invasion process in response to EGF. We investigated whether the presence of the AR could affect EGF receptor (EGFR)-mediated signaling in response to EGF by evaluating autotransphosphorylation of the receptor as well as activation of downstream signalling pathways. Immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated a reduction of EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR in PC3-AR cells. In addition, EGF-stimulated PI3K activity, a key signalling pathway for invasion of these cells, was decreased in PC3-AR cells and further reduced by treatment with R1881, indicating decreased functionality of EGFR. An interaction between EGFR and AR has been demonstrated by immunoconfocal and co-immunoprecipitation analysis in PC3-AR cells, suggesting a possible interference of AR on EGFR signalling by interaction of the two proteins. In conclusion, our results suggest that the expression of AR by transfection in PC3 cells confers a less malignant phenotype by interfering with EGFR autophosphorylation and signalling in response to EGF leading to invasion through a mechanism involving an interaction between AR and EGFR.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is dependent on circulating testosterone in its early stages and is treatable with radiation and surgery. However, recurrent prostate tumors advance to an androgen-independent state in which they progress in the absence of circulating testosterone, leading to metastasis and death. During the development of androgen independence, prostate cancer cells are known to increase intracellular testosterone synthesis, which maintains cancer cell growth in the absence of significant amounts of circulating testosterone. Overexpression of the androgen receptor (AR) occurs in androgen-independent prostate cancer and has been proposed as another mechanism promoting the development of androgen independence. The LNCaP-AR cell line is engineered to overexpress AR but is otherwise similar to the widely studied LNCaP cell line. We have previously shown that pomegranate extracts inhibit both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer cell growth. In this study, we examined the effects of pomegranate polyphenols, ellagitannin-rich extract and whole juice extract on the expression of genes for key androgen-synthesizing enzymes and the AR. We measured expression of the HSD3B2 (3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2), AKR1C3 (aldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3) and SRD5A1 (steroid 5alpha reductase type 1) genes for the respective androgen-synthesizing enzymes in LNCaP, LNCaP-AR and DU-145 human prostate cancer cells. A twofold suppression of gene expression was considered statistically significant. Pomegranate polyphenols inhibited gene expression and AR most consistently in the LNCaP-AR cell line (P=.05). Therefore, inhibition by pomegranate polyphenols of gene expression involved in androgen-synthesizing enzymes and the AR may be of particular importance in androgen-independent prostate cancer cells and the subset of human prostate cancers where AR is up-regulated.  相似文献   

The androgen signaling pathway, mediated through the androgen receptor (AR), is critical in prostate tumorigenesis. However, the precise role of AR in prostate cancer development and progression still remains largely unknown. Specifically, it is unclear whether overexpression of AR is sufficient to induce prostate tumor formation in vivo. Here, we inserted the human AR transgene with a LoxP-stop-loxP (LSL) cassette into the mouse ROSA26 locus, permitting "conditionally" activated AR transgene expression through Cre recombinase-mediated removal of the LSL cassette. By crossing this AR floxed strain with Osr1-Cre (odd skipped related) mice, in which the Osr1 promoter activates at embryonic day 11.5 in urogenital sinus epithelium, we generated a conditional transgenic line, R26hAR(loxP):Osr1-Cre+. Expression of transgenic AR was detected in both prostatic luminal and basal epithelial cells and is resistant to castration. Approximately one-half of the transgenic mice displayed mouse prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mPIN) lesions. Intriguingly, four mice (10%) developed prostatic adenocarcinomas, with two demonstrating invasive diseases. Positive immunostaining of transgenic AR protein was observed in the majority of atypical and tumor cells in the mPIN and prostatic adenocarcinomas, providing a link between transgenic AR expression and oncogenic transformation. An increase in Ki67-positive cells appeared in all mPIN and prostatic adenocarcinoma lesions of the mice. Thus, we demonstrated for the first time that conditional activation of transgenic AR expression by Osr1 promoter induces prostate tumor formation in mice. This new AR transgenic mouse line mimics the human disease and can be used for study of prostate tumorigenesis and drug development.  相似文献   

Alterations of androgen receptor in prostate cancer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The significance of androgens in the development of prostate cancer has been known for more than half century. During the last decade, a lot of effort has been put to study the significance of the specific nuclear receptor of the hormone, androgen receptor (AR). It has been suggested that polymorphisms, especially the length of CAG repeat in exon 1 of the gene, are associated with the risk of prostate cancer. However, not all studies have confirmed the association. Most surprisingly, it has now become clear that prostate carcinomas emerging during the androgen withdrawal therapy (i.e. hormone-refractory tumors) are capable of reactivating the AR-mediated signalling despite of the low levels of androgens. In addition, it has been shown that AR gene itself is genetically targeted. One-third of the hormone-refractory prostate carcinomas contains amplification of the gene. In addition, 10-30% of prostate carcinomas treated by antiandrogens acquire point mutation in the AR gene. The genetic alterations in AR indicate that receptor should be considered as putative treatment target. Evidently, the currently available antiandrogens are not capable to abolish the AR-mediated signalling efficiently enough.  相似文献   

Although inactivation of the androgen receptor (AR) by androgen-ablation or anti-androgen treatment has been frontline therapy for disseminated prostate cancer for over 60 years, it is not curative because castration-resistant prostate cancer cells retain AR activity. Therefore, curative strategy should include targeted elimination of AR protein. Since AR binds to calmodulin (CaM), and since CaM-binding proteins are targets of calpain (Cpn)-mediated proteolysis, we studied the role of CaM and Cpn in AR breakdown in prostate cancer cells. Whereas the treatment of prostate cancer cells individually with anti-CaM drug or calcimycin, which increases intracellular Ca(++) and activates Cpn, led to minimal AR breakdown, combined treatment led to a precipitous decrease in AR protein levels. This decrease in AR protein occurred without noticeable changes in AR mRNA levels, suggesting an increase in AR protein turnover rather than inhibition of AR mRNA expression. Thus, CaM inactivation seems to sensitize AR to Cpn-mediated breakdown in prostate cancer cells. Consistent with this possibility, purified recombinant human AR (rhAR) underwent proteolysis in the presence of purified Cpn, and the addition of purified CaM to the incubation blocked rhAR proteolysis. Together, these observations demonstrate that AR is a Cpn target and AR-bound CaM plays an important role in protecting AR from Cpn-mediated breakdown in prostate cancer cells. These observations raise an intriguing possibility that anti-CaM drugs in combination with Cpn-activating agents may offer a curative strategy for the treatment of prostate cancer, which relies on AR for growth and survival.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that sensitization of the androgen receptor (AR) signaling pathway contributes to the failure of androgen ablation therapy for prostate cancer, and that direct targeting of the AR may be a useful therapeutic approach. To better understand how AR function could be abrogated in prostate cancer cells, we have developed a series of putative dominant-negative variants of the human AR, containing deletions or mutations in activation functions AF-1, AF-5, and/or AF-2. One construct, AR inhibitor (ARi)-410, containing a deletion of AF-1 and part of AF-5 of the AR, had no intrinsic transactivation activity but inhibited wild-type AR (wtAR) in a ligand-dependent manner by at least 95% when transfected at a 4:1 molar ratio. ARi-410 was an equally potent inhibitor of gain-of-function AR variants. Ectopic expression of ARi-410 inhibited the proliferation of AR-positive LNCaP cells, but not AR-negative PC-3 cells. Whereas ARi-410 also marginally inhibited progesterone receptor activity, this was far less pronounced than the effect on AR (50% vs. 95% maximal inhibition, respectively), and there was no inhibition of either vitamin D or estrogen receptor activity. In the presence of ligand, ARi-410 interacted with wtAR, and both receptors translocated into the nucleus. Whereas the amino-carboxy terminal interaction was not necessary for optimal dominant-negative activity, disruption of dimerization through the ligand binding domain reduced the efficacy of ARi-410. In addition, although inhibition of AR function by ARi-410 was not dependent on DNA binding, the DNA binding domain was required for dominant-negative activity. Taken together, our results suggest that interaction between ARi-410 and the endogenous AR in prostate cancer cells, potentially through the DNA binding and ligand binding domains, results in a functionally significant reduction in AR signaling and AR-dependent cell growth.  相似文献   

Androgen receptor (AR) and its variants play vital roles in development and progression of prostate cancer. To clarify the mechanisms involved in the enhancement of their actions would be crucial for understanding the process in prostate cancer and castration-resistant prostate cancer transformation. Here, we provided the evidence to show that pre-mRNA processing factor 6 (PRPF6) acts as a key regulator for action of both AR full length (AR-FL) and AR variant 7 (AR-V7), thereby participating in the enhancement of AR-FL and AR-V7-induced transactivation in prostate cancer. In addition, PRPF6 is recruited to cis-regulatory elements in AR target genes and associates with JMJD1A to enhance AR-induced transactivation. PRPF6 also promotes expression of AR-FL and AR-V7. Moreover, PRPF6 depletion reduces tumor growth in prostate cancer-derived cell lines and results in significant suppression of xenograft tumors even under castration condition in mouse model. Furthermore, PRPF6 is obviously highly expressed in human prostate cancer samples. Collectively, our results suggest PRPF6 is involved in enhancement of oncogenic AR signaling, which support a previously unknown role of PRPF6 during progression of prostate cancer and castration-resistant prostate cancers.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) is a member of the nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily that mediates the effects of androgens on target tissues. Over the last decade, it has become apparent that NRs require accessory factors for optimal activation of target gene expression. Numerous NR coregulators have been identified, with diverse structures and potential mechanisms of coregulation, creating an increasingly complicated picture of NR action. Due to the expanding complexity of the coregulator field, this review will focus on the AR ligand-binding domain (LBD) and N-terminal interacting proteins identified by our lab. The LBD-interacting proteins ARA70, ARA55 and ARA54 were first characterized and ARA70 was found to have a relatively higher specificity for the AR in human prostate cancer DU145 cells. Characterization of the functional relationship between the AR and these coregulators indicated that ARA70 and ARA55 could enhance the androgenic effects of 17beta-estradiol (E2) and hydroxyflutamide (HF), an antiandrogen commonly used in the treatment of prostate cancer. ARA160, an AR N-terminal interacting protein also known as TATA element modulatory factor (TMF), was subsequently shown to cooperate with ARA70 in enhancing AR activity. Another AR N-terminal interacting protein, ARA24, interacted with the poly-Q tract, a region within the N-terminus of the AR linked to Kennedy's disease (X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy). More recently, our lab has identified ARA267, a SET domain containing protein, and supervillin, an F-actin binding protein, as AR coregulators. Collectively, the data from these studies indicate that these coregulators are necessary for optimal AR transactivation. Interruption of the interaction between AR and these proteins may serve as a new therapeutic target in the treatment of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The progression of prostate cancer from an organ-confined, androgen-sensitive disease to a metastatic one is associated with dysregulation of androgen receptor (AR)-regulated target genes and with a decrease in insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF1R) expression. DNA methylation of CpG islands is an epigenetic mechanism associated with gene silencing. Recent studies have demonstrated that methylation occurs early in prostate carcinogenesis and, furthermore, may contribute to androgen independence. The methylation status of the AR and IGF1R genes was evaluated in a series of prostate cancer cell lines corresponding to early (benign) and advanced (metastatic) stages of the disease. Results of 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-Aza) experiments, methylation-specific PCR, and sodium bisulfite-direct DNA sequencing revealed that the AR promoter is hypermethylated in metastatic M12, but not in benign P69, cells. On the other hand, no methylation was seen in the IGF1R promoter at any stage of the disease. We show, however, that 5-Aza treatment, which caused demethylation of the AR promoter, led to a significant increase in IGF1R mRNA levels, whereas addition of the AR inhibitor flutamide decreased the IGF1R mRNA levels to basal values measured prior to the 5-Aza treatment. Given that the IGF1R gene has been identified as a downstream target for AR action, our data is consistent with a model in which the AR gene undergoes methylation during progression of the disease, leading to dysregulation of AR targets, including the IGF1R gene, at advanced metastatic stages.  相似文献   

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