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The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica harbor numerous permanently ice-covered lakes, which provide a year-round oasis for microbial life. Microbial eukaryotes in these lakes occupy a variety of trophic levels within the simple aquatic food web ranging from primary producers to tertiary predators. Here, we report the first molecular study to describe the vertical distribution of the eukaryotic community residing in the photic zone of the east lobe (ELB) and west lobe (WLB) of the chemically stratified Lake Bonney. The 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) libraries revealed vertically stratified populations dominated by photosynthetic protists, with a cryptophyte dominating shallow populations (ELB–6 m; WLB–10 m), a haptophyte occupying mid-depths (both lobes 13 m) and chlorophytes residing in the deepest layers (ELB–18 and 20 m; WLB–15 and 20 m) of the photic zone. A previously undetected stramenopile occurred throughout the water column of both lobes. Temporal variation in the eukaryotic populations was examined during the transition from Antarctic summer (24-h sunlight) to polar night (complete dark). Protist diversity was similar between the two lobes of Lake Bonney due to exchange between the photic zones of the two basins via a narrow bedrock sill. However, vertical and temporal variation in protist distribution occurred, indicating the influence of the unique water chemistry on the biology of the two dry valley watersheds.  相似文献   

1. Temporal and spatial variation in planktonic abundance, biomass and composition were determined in Lake Hoare (McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica) over two summer seasons (1996–97 and 1997–98). 2. Phototrophic nanoflagellates (PNAN) dominated planktonic biomass, with a mean monthly biomass ranging between 27.3 and 40.4 μg C L?1. The deep chlorophyll maximum was mainly composed of cryptophytes (>87% of total PNAN biomass) and varied in depth between 6 and 12 m. 3. Maximum bacterial concentration was 11.8 × 105 cells mL?1. Bacterial abundance showed relatively little temporal variation, with the exception of a drop in numbers that occurred in late November of both years studied. 4. Ciliates were the most successful heterotrophic protozoan group, with a mean monthly biomass (1.2–3.2 μg C L?1) being typically at least double that of heterotrophic nanoflagellate (HNAN) biomass (0.1–0.7 μg C L?1). 5. Microbial processes within this lake appear to be dominated by bottom up control. The relative importance of allochthonous inputs into the lake (from the ice‐cover and stream flow) and autochthonous recycling (by microzooplankton regeneration) are considered. 6. Results from a horizontal transect indicate that the permanence of the main sample hole may have enhanced planktonic biomass over a relatively small spatial scale.  相似文献   

High-latitude environments, such as the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valley lakes, are subject to seasonally segregated light–dark cycles, which have important consequences for microbial diversity and function on an annual basis. Owing largely to the logistical difficulties of sampling polar environments during the darkness of winter, little is known about planktonic microbial community responses to the cessation of photosynthetic primary production during the austral sunset, which lingers from approximately February to April. Here, we hypothesized that changes in bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic community structure, particularly shifts in favor of chemolithotrophs and mixotrophs, would manifest during the transition to polar night. Our work represents the first concurrent molecular characterization, using 454 pyrosequencing of hypervariable regions of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene, of bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic communities in permanently ice-covered lakes Fryxell and Bonney, before and during the polar night transition. We found vertically stratified populations that varied at the community and/or operational taxonomic unit-level between lakes and seasons. Network analysis based on operational taxonomic unit level interactions revealed nonrandomly structured microbial communities organized into modules (groups of taxa) containing key metabolic potential capacities, including photoheterotrophy, mixotrophy and chemolithotrophy, which are likely to be differentially favored during the transition to polar night.  相似文献   

Many Antarctic lakes provide habitat for extensive microbial mats that respond on various timescales to environmental change. Lake Joyce contains calcifying microbialites and provides a natural laboratory to constrain how environmental changes influence microbialite development. In Lake Joyce, depth-specific distributions of calcitic microbialites, organic carbon, photosynthetic pigments and photosynthetic potential cannot be explained by current growth conditions, but are a legacy of a 7-m lake level rise between 1973 and 2009. In the well-illuminated margins of the lake, photosynthetically active benthic communities colonised surfaces submerged for just a few years. However, observed increases in accumulated organic material with depth from 5 to 20 m (2-40 mg ash-free dry weight cm(-2)) and the presence of decimetre-scale calcite microbialites at 20-22 m depth, apparently related to in situ photosynthetic growth, are inconsistent with the current distributions of irradiance, photosynthetic pigments and mat photosynthetic potential (as revealed by pulse-amplitude-modulated fluorometry). The microbialites appeared photosynthetically active in 1986 and 1997, but were outside the depth zone where significant phototrophic growth was possible and were weakly photosynthetically competent in 2009. These complex microbial structures have persisted after growth has ceased, demonstrating how fluctuating environmental conditions and the hysteresis between environmental change, biological response and microbialite development can be important factors to consider when interpreting modern, and by inference ancient, microbially mediated structures.  相似文献   

Perennial microbial mats can be the dominant autotrophic community in Antarctic lakes. Their seasonal growth results in clearly discernible annual growth layering. We examined features of live microbial mats from a range of depths in Lake Hoare, Antarctica, that are likely to be preserved in these layers to determine their potential as proxies of past growth performance. Cyanobacteria dominated the mat for all but the deepest depth sampled. Changes in areal concentrations of phycobilin pigments, organic matter and extracellular polysaccharide and in species composition did not correspond to changes in various water column properties, but showed a linear relationship with irradiance. Carbonate accumulation in the mats correlated with biomass markers and may be inferred as an index of mat performance. We examined the carbonate content of annual layers laid down from 1958–1959 to 1994–1995 in sediment cores from 12 m depth. The carbonate content in the layer showed a significant correlation with the mean summer air temperature. These data suggest a link between air temperature and microbial mat growth performance, and suggest that it is mediated via irradiance. Laminated microbial mats in Antarctic lakes have the potential to act as fine-resolution records of environmental conditions in the recent past, although interpretation is complex.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High-latitude environments show extreme seasonal variation in physical and biological variables. The classic paradigm of Arctic marine ecosystems holds that most biological processes slow down or cease during the polar night. One key process that is generally assumed to cease during winter is diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton. DVM constitutes the largest synchronized movement of biomass on the planet, and is of paramount importance for marine ecosystem function and carbon cycling. Here we present acoustic data that demonstrate a synchronized DVM behaviour of zooplankton that continues throughout the Arctic winter, in both open and ice-covered waters. We argue that even during the polar night, DVM is regulated by diel variations in solar and lunar illumination, which are at intensities far below the threshold of human perception. We also demonstrate that winter DVM is stronger in open waters compared with ice-covered waters. This suggests that the biologically mediated vertical flux of carbon will increase if there is a continued retreat of the Arctic winter sea ice cover.  相似文献   

The polar night in the Arctic is characterized by up to six months of darkness, low temperatures and limited food availability. Biological data on species composition and abundance during this period are scarce due to the logistical challenges posed when sampling these regions. Here, we characterize the plankton community composition during the polar night using water samplers and zooplankton net samples (50, 64, 200, 1500 μm), supplemented by acoustics (ADCPs, 300 kHz), to address a previously unresolved question–which species of zooplankton perform diel vertical migration during the polar night? The protist community (smallest plankton fraction) was mainly represented by ciliates (Strombidiida). In the larger zooplankton fractions (50, 64, 200 μm) the species composition was represented primarily by copepod nauplii and small copepods (e.g., Microcalanus spp., Pseudocalanus spp. and Oithona similis). In the largest zooplankton fraction (>1500 μm), the euphausiid, Thysanoessa inermis, was the most abundant species followed by the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans. Classical DVM was not observed throughout the darkest parts of the polar night (November–mid-January), although, subtle vertical migration patterns were detected in the acoustic data. With the occurrence of a more distinct day–night cycle (i.e., end of January), acoustical DVM signals were observed, paralleled by a classical DVM pattern in February in the largest fractions of zooplankton net samples. We suggest that Thysanoessa spp. are main responsible for the acoustical migration patterns throughout the polar night, although, chaetognaths and copepods may be co-responsible.  相似文献   

Ward  B. B.  Priscu  J. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):57-68
Denitrifying bacterial strains were isolated from Lake Bonney,apermanently ice-covered and chemically stratified lake in theMcMurdo dry valley region of Antarctica, using complex mediaat4 °C. Three strains, identified as denitrifiers bytheirability to produce nitrous oxide using nitrate or nitrite as arespiratory substrate, were characterized as to theirtemperatureand salinity optima for aerobic growth in batch culture; allthreewere psychrophilic and moderately halophilic. Maximum growthratesof near 0.024 h–1 were measured for all three strains.Growthrates projected to occur at in situ temperature andsalinityimply generation times on the order of 100 h. Species specificpolyclonal antisera were prepared against two of the strains,ELB17 (from the east lobe of the lake at 17 m) and WLB20 (fromthewest lobe at 20 m). Both strains were subsequently detectedandenumerated in the lake using the antisera. ELB17 was presentinboth lobes below the chemocline, while WLB20 was present inthewest lobe below the chemocline but only in surface waters oftheeast lobe. These distributions are related to the observedchemicaldistributions which imply the occurrence of denitrification inthewest lobe of the lake and not in the east lobe.  相似文献   

Arctic microalgae experience long periods of continuous darkness during the polar night, when they are unable to photosynthesize. Despite numerous studies on overwintering strategies, such as utilization of stored energy products, formation of resting stages, reduction of metabolic rates and heterotrophic lifestyles, there have been few attempts to assess the in situ physiological state and restoration of the photosynthetic apparatus upon re‐illumination. In this study, we found diverse and active marine phytoplankton communities during the polar night at 78°N. Furthermore, we observed rapid changes (≤20 min) in the efficiency of photosynthetic electron transport upon re‐illumination. High photosynthetic capacity and net primary production were established after 24 h of re‐illumination. Our results suggest that some Arctic autotrophs maintain fully functional photosystem II and downstream electron acceptors during the polar night even though the low in situ net primary production levels measured in January prove that light was not sufficient to support any measurable primary production. Due to low temperatures resulting in low respiratory rates as well as the absence of photodamage during the polar night, maintenance of basic photosynthetic machinery may actually pose relatively low metabolic costs for algal cells. This could allow Arctic microalgae to endure the polar night without the formation of dormant stages, enabling them to recover and take advantage of light immediately upon the suns return during the winter–spring transition.  相似文献   

Diversity of RuBisCO and ATP citrate lyase genes in soda lake sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediments from six soda lakes of the Kulunda Steppe (Altai, Russia) and from hypersaline alkaline lakes of Wadi Natrun (Egypt) were analyzed for the presence of cbb and aclB genes encoding key enzymes Ci assimilation (RuBisCO in Calvin-Benson and ATP citrate lyase in rTCA cycles, respectively). The cbbL gene (RuBisCO form I) was found in all samples and was most diverse, while the cbbM (RuBisCO form II) and aclB were detected only in few samples and with a much lower diversity. The cbbL libraries from hypersaline lakes were dominated by members of the extremely haloalkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing Ectothiorhodospiraceae, i.e. the chemolithotrophic Thioalkalivibrio and the phototrophic Halorhodospira. In the less saline soda lakes from the Kulunda Steppe, the cbbL gene comprised up to ten phylotypes with a domination of members of a novel phototrophic Chromatiales lineage. The cbbM clone libraries consisted of two major unidentified lineages probably belonging to chemotrophic sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria. One of them, dominating in the haloalkaline lakes from Wadi Natrun, was related to a cbbM phylotype detected previously in a hypersaline lake with a neutral pH, and another, dominating in lakes from the Kulunda Steppe, was only distantly related to the Thiomicrospira cluster. The aclB sequences detected in two samples from the Kulunda Steppe formed a single, deep branch in the Epsilonproteobacteria, distantly related to Arcobacter sulfidicus.  相似文献   

A Rhodobacter sphaeroides ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RubisCO) deletion strain was constructed that was complemented by plasmids containing either the form I or form II CO2 fixation gene cluster. This strain was also complemented by genes encoding foreign RubisCO enzymes expressed from a Rhodospirillum rubrum RubisCO promoter. In R. sphaeroides, the R. rubrum promoter was regulated, resulting in variable levels of disparate RubisCO molecules under different growth conditions. Photosynthetic growth of the R. sphaeroides deletion strain complemented with cyanobacterial RubisCO revealed physiological properties reflective of the unique cellular environment of the cyanobacterial enzyme. The R. sphaeroides RubisCO deletion strain and R. rubrum promoter system may be used to assess the properties of mutagenized proteins in vivo, as well as provide a potential means to select for altered RubisCO molecules after random mutagenesis of entire genes or gene regions encoding RubisCO enzymes.  相似文献   

Diversity and biogeography of the Antarctic flora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim To establish how well the terrestrial flora of the Antarctic has been sampled, how well the flora is known, and to determine the major patterns in diversity and biogeography. Location Antarctica south of 60° S, together with the South Sandwich Islands, but excluding South Georgia, Bouvetøya and the periantarctic islands. Methods Plant occurrence data were collated from herbarium specimens and literature records, and assembled into the Antarctic Plant Database. Distributional patterns were analysed using a geographic information system. Biogeographical patterns were determined with a variety of multivariate statistics. Results Plants have been recorded from throughout the Antarctic, including all latitudes between 60° S and 86° S. Species richness declines with latitude along the Antarctic Peninsula, but there was no evidence for a similar cline in Victoria Land and the Transantarctic mountains. Multi‐dimensional scaling ordinations showed that the species compositions of the South Orkney, South Shetland Islands and the north‐western Antarctic Peninsula are very similar to each other, as are the floras of different regions in continental Antarctica. They also suggest, however, that the eastern Antarctic Peninsula flora is more similar to the flora of the southern Antarctic Peninsula than to the continental flora (with which it has traditionally been linked). The South Sandwich Islands have a flora that is very dissimilar to that in all Antarctic regions, probably because of their isolation and volcanic nature. Main conclusions The Antarctic flora has been reasonably well sampled, but certain areas require further floristic surveys. Available data do, however, allow for a number of robust conclusions. A diversity gradient exists along the Antarctic Peninsula, with fewer species (but not fewer higher taxa) at higher latitudes. Multi‐dimensional scaling ordination suggests three major floral provinces within Antarctica: northern maritime, southern maritime, and continental. Patterns of endemism suggest that a proportion of the lichen flora may have an ancient vicariant distribution, while most bryophytes are more recent colonists.  相似文献   

D. Pearce  H. Butler 《Polar Biology》2002,25(7):479-487
. Spatial and temporal changes in the microbial community structure in a maritime Antarctic freshwater lake were investigated over a single day/night cycle in December 1999. The community structure of key microbial planktonic groups varied with depth and this was related to both physical and chemical stratification. However, in most cases, the community structure observed at specific depths did not change over the time period studied. These results suggested short-term stability in community structure, with only some minor effects of the diel changes in irradiance on the vertical distribution of planktonic organisms. This is in marked contrast to medium- and long-term studies, which show significant changes in microbial community structure with both time and depth.  相似文献   

Research since 2009 has shown that despite almost total darkness during the Arctic polar night, there is much more biological activity than previously assumed, both at the sea surface, water column and sea floor. Here, we describe in situ monitoring of the bioluminescent fraction of the zooplankton community (dinoflagellates, copepods, krill and ctenophores) as a function of time and space. In order to examine the relative contribution of each selected taxon and any diurnal patterns in the relative signals, a time series platform capable of detecting in situ bioluminescent flashes was established in Kongsfjord, Svalbard, during the polar night in January 2013. Combined with laboratory-controlled measurements of animals collected next to the time series platform, we present both taxon-specific and community characteristics of the bioluminescence signal from a location at 79°N and from the middle of the polar night. Based on this 51-h time series, we conclude that the bioluminescent fraction of the zooplankton does not maintain a diurnal signal. Rather, the frequency of bioluminescence flashes from the entire bioluminescent community remained steady throughout the sampling period. Furthermore, we conclude that bioluminescence flash kinetic characteristics have a strong potential for in situ taxa recognition of zooplankton.  相似文献   

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