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Like other viruses, productive hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection depends on certain critical host factors. We have recently shown that an interaction between HCV nonstructural protein NS5A and a host protein, TBC1D20, is necessary for efficient HCV replication. TBC1D20 contains a TBC (Tre-2, Bub2, and Cdc16) domain present in most known Rab GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). The latter are master regulators of vesicular membrane transport, as they control the activity of membrane-associated Rab proteins. To better understand the role of the NS5A-TBC1D20 interaction in the HCV life cycle, we used a biochemical screen to identify the TBC1D20 Rab substrate. TBC1D20 was found to be the first known GAP for Rab1, which is implicated in the regulation of anterograde traffic between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex. Mutation of amino acids implicated in Rab GTPase activation by other TBC domain-containing GAPs abrogated the ability of TBC1D20 to activate Rab1 GTPase. Overexpression of TBC1D20 blocked the transport of exogenous vesicular stomatitis virus G protein from the endoplasmic reticulum, validating the involvement of TBC1D20 in this pathway. Rab1 depletion significantly decreased HCV RNA levels, suggesting a role for Rab1 in HCV replication. These results highlight a novel mechanism by which viruses can hijack host cell machinery and suggest an attractive model whereby the NS5A-TBC1D20 interaction may promote viral membrane-associated RNA replication.  相似文献   

Studies of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA replication have become possible with the development of subgenomic replicons. This system allows the functional analysis of the essential components of the viral replication complex, which so far are poorly defined. In the present study we wanted to investigate whether lethal mutations in HCV nonstructural genes can be rescued by trans-complementation. Therefore, a series of replicon RNAs carrying mutations in NS3, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B that abolish replication were transfected into Huh-7 hepatoma cells harboring autonomously replicating helper RNAs. Similar to data described for the Bovine viral diarrhea virus (C. W. Grassmann, O. Isken, N. Tautz, and S. E. Behrens, J. Virol. 75:7791-7802, 2001), we found that only NS5A mutants could be efficiently rescued. There was no evidence for RNA recombination between helper and mutant RNAs, and we did not observe reversions in the transfected mutants. Furthermore, we established a transient complementation assay based on the cotransfection of helper and mutant RNAs. Using this assay, we extended our results and demonstrated that (i) inactivating NS5A mutations affecting the amino-terminal amphipathic helix cannot be complemented in trans; (ii) replication of the helper RNA is not necessary to allow efficient trans-complementation; and (iii) the minimal sequence required for trans-complementation of lethal NS5A mutations is NS3 to -5A, whereas NS5A expressed alone does not restore RNA replication. In summary, our results provide the first insight into the functional organization of the HCV replication complex.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important cause of liver disease worldwide. Current therapies are inadequate for most patients. Using a two-hybrid screen, we isolated a novel cellular binding partner interacting with the N terminus of HCV nonstructural protein NS5A. This partner contains a TBC Rab-GAP (GTPase-activating protein) homology domain found in all known Rab-activating proteins. As the first described interaction between such a Rab-GAP and a viral protein, this finding suggests a new mechanism whereby viruses may subvert host cell machinery for mediating the endocytosis, trafficking, and sorting of their own proteins. Moreover, depleting the expression of this partner severely impairs HCV RNA replication with no obvious effect on cell viability. These results suggest that pharmacologic disruption of this NS5A-interacting partner can be contemplated as a potential new antiviral strategy against a pathogen affecting nearly 3% of the world's population.  相似文献   

目前, 对丙型肝炎病毒( HCV) 感染的患者主要采用以Ⅰ型干扰素为主的治疗方案, 但干扰素抑制病毒的具体机制仍然不详。本研究通过实时聚合酶链反应( PCR) 检测HCV的RNA 水平, 蛋白免疫印迹法检测HCV 非结构蛋白的表达, 以及膜飘浮实验检测非结构蛋白与脂筏的关联性, 探讨干扰素诱导蛋白Viperin 抑制HCV 复制的机制。结果显示, 在体外HCV 亚基因复制子( replicon) 及感染细胞模型中过量表达Viperin 可显著降低细胞内HCV 非结构蛋白的表达及RNA 的水平。膜漂浮实验发现, 过量表达的Viperin 可通过干扰HCV 非结构蛋白NS3、NS5A 与细胞内脂筏膜的关联, 使其对非离子去污剂敏感。进一步研究发现, 与脂筏膜结构组成相关的法尼基合成酶( FPPS) 可通过与Viperin 相互作用, 部分反转Viperin 的抗HCV 复制效应。以上结果提出了一种新的干扰素抗HCV 机制, 即干扰素诱导蛋白Viperin 可通过影响非结构蛋白与脂筏的关联, 干扰HCV 复制复合体的稳定性, 从而抑制HCV 的复制。  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5A has been reported to be important for the establishment of replication by adaptive mutations or localization, although its role in viral replication remains unclear. It was previously reported that NS5A interacts with NS5B via two regions of NS5A in the isolate JK-1 and modulates the activity of NS5B RdRp (Y. Shirota et al., J. Biol. Chem., 277:11149-11155, 2002), but the biological significance of this interaction has not been determined. In this study, we addressed the effect of this interaction on HCV RNA replication with an HCV replicon system derived from the isolate M1LE (H. Kishine et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 293:993-999, 2002). We constructed three internal deletion mutants, M1LE/5Adel-1 and M1LE/5Adel-2, each encoding NS5A which cannot bind NS5B, and M1LE/5Adel-3, encoding NS5A that can bind NS5B. After transfection into Huh-7 cells, M1LE/5Adel-3 was replication competent, but both M1LE/5Adel-1 and M1LE/5Adel-2 were not. Next we prepared 20 alanine-substituted clustered mutants within both NS5B-binding regions and examined the effect of these mutants on HCV RNA replication. Only 5 of the 20 mutants were replication competent. Subsequently, we introduced a point mutation, S225P, a deletion of S229, or S232I into NS5A and prepared cured Huh-7 cells that were cured of RNA replication by alpha interferon. Finally, with these point mutations and cured cells, we established a highly improved replicon system. In this system, only the same five mutants were replication competent. These results strongly suggest that the interaction between NS5A and NS5B is critical for HCV RNA replication in the HCV replicon system.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) sets up a persistent infection in patients that likely involves a complex virus-host interaction. We previously found that the HCV nonstructural 5A (NS5A) protein interacts with growth factor receptor-binding protein 2 (Grb2) adaptor protein and inhibits the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) by epidermal growth factor (EGF). In the present study, we extended this analysis and investigated the specificity of the Grb2-NS5A interaction and whether the subversion of mitogenic signaling involves additional pathways. NS5A containing mutations within the C-terminal proline-rich motif neither bound Grb2 nor inhibited ERK1/2 activation by EGF, demonstrating that NS5A-Grb2 binding and downstream effects were due to direct interactions. Interestingly, NS5A could also form a complex with the Grb2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) protein in an EGF treatment-dependent manner. However, the NS5A-Gab1 association, which appeared indirect, was not mediated by direct NS5A-Grb2 interaction but was likely dependent on direct NS5A interaction with the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K). The in vivo association of NS5A with p85 PI3K required the N-terminal, but not the C-terminal, region of NS5A. The downstream effects of the NS5A-p85 PI3K interaction included increased tyrosine phosphorylation of p85 PI3K in response to EGF. Consistent with this observation and the antiapoptotic properties of NS5A, we also detected enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of the downstream AKT protein kinase and increased serine phosphorylation of BAD, a proapoptotic factor and an AKT substrate, in the presence of NS5A. These results collectively suggest a model in which NS5A interacts with Grb2 to inhibit mitogenic signaling while simultaneously promoting the PI3K-AKT cell survival pathway by interaction with p85 PI3K, which may represent a crucial step in HCV persistence and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicates its genome in a membrane-associated replication complex, composed of viral proteins, replicating RNA and altered cellular membranes. We describe here HCV replicons that allow the direct visualization of functional HCV replication complexes. Viable replicons selected from a library of Tn7-mediated random insertions in the coding sequence of nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) allowed the identification of two sites near the NS5A C terminus that tolerated insertion of heterologous sequences. Replicons encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) at these locations were only moderately impaired for HCV RNA replication. Expression of the NS5A-GFP fusion protein could be demonstrated by immunoblot, indicating that the GFP was retained during RNA replication and did not interfere with HCV polyprotein processing. More importantly, expression levels were robust enough to allow direct visualization of the fusion protein by fluorescence microscopy. NS5A-GFP appeared as brightly fluorescing dot-like structures in the cytoplasm. By confocal laser scanning microscopy, NS5A-GFP colocalized with other HCV nonstructural proteins and nascent viral RNA, indicating that the dot-like structures, identified as membranous webs by electron microscopy, represent functional HCV replication complexes. These findings reveal an unexpected flexibility of the C-terminal domain of NS5A and provide tools for studying the formation and turnover of HCV replication complexes in living cells.  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) possesses multiple and diverse functions in RNA replication, interferon resistance, and viral pathogenesis. Recent studies suggest that NS5A is involved in the assembly and maturation of infectious viral particles; however, precisely how NS5A participates in virus production has not been fully elucidated. In the present study, we demonstrate that NS5A is a prerequisite for HCV particle production as a result of its interaction with the viral capsid protein (core protein). The efficiency of virus production correlated well with the levels of interaction between NS5A and the core protein. Alanine substitutions for the C-terminal serine cluster in domain III of NS5A (amino acids 2428, 2430, and 2433) impaired NS5A basal phosphorylation, leading to a marked decrease in NS5A-core interaction, disturbance of the subcellular localization of NS5A, and disruption of virion production. Replacing the same serine cluster with glutamic acid, which mimics the presence of phosphoserines, partially preserved the NS5A-core interaction and virion production, suggesting that phosphorylation of these serine residues is important for virion production. In addition, we found that the alanine substitutions in the serine cluster suppressed the association of the core protein with viral genome RNA, possibly resulting in the inhibition of nucleocapsid assembly. These results suggest that NS5A plays a key role in regulating the early phase of HCV particle formation by interacting with core protein and that its C-terminal serine cluster is a determinant of the NS5A-core interaction.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein, NS5A, is a phosphoprotein produced from the processing of the viral polyprotein precursor. NS5A associates with several cellular proteins in mammalian cells, and the biological consequences of this interaction are currently unknown. To this end, five stable NS5A-expressing murine and human cell lines were established. Tetracycline-regulated NIH3T3 cells and rat liver epithelial cells as well as the constitutive, NS5A-expressing, human Chang liver, HeLa, and NIH3T3 cells all exhibited cell growth retardation compared with the control cells. Cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry indicated that the NS5A-expressing human epitheloid tumor cells had a reduced S phase and an increase in the G(2)/M phase, which could be explained by a p53-dependent induction of p21(Waf1/Cip1) protein and mRNA levels. NS5A interacts with Cdk1 in vivo and in vitro, and a significant portion of the p21(Waf1/Cip1) was found to be in a complex with Cdk2 in the NS5A-expressing human hepatic cell line. Cdk1 and cyclin B1 proteins were also reduced in human Chang liver cells consistent with the increase in G(2)/M phase. Our results suggest that the NS5A protein causes growth inhibition and cell cycle perturbations by targeting the Cdk1/2-cyclin complexes.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin A (CyPA) and its peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) activity play an essential role in hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication, and mounting evidence indicates that nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) is the major target of CyPA. However, neither a consensus CyPA-binding motif nor specific proline substrates that regulate CyPA dependence and sensitivity to cyclophilin inhibitors (CPIs) have been defined to date. We systematically characterized all proline residues in NS5A domain II, low-complexity sequence II (LCS-II), and domain III with both biochemical binding and functional replication assays. A tandem cyclophilin-binding site spanning domain II and LCS-II was identified. The first site contains a consensus sequence motif of AØPXW (where Ø is a hydrophobic residue) that is highly conserved in the majority of the genotypes of HCV (six of seven; the remaining genotype has VØPXW). The second tandem site contains a similar motif, and the ØP sequence is again conserved in six of the seven genotypes. Consistent with the similarity of their sequences, peptides representing the two binding motifs competed for CyPA binding in a spot-binding assay and induced similar chemical shifts when bound to the active site of CyPA. The two prolines (P310 and P341 of Japanese fulminant hepatitis 1 [JFH-1]) contained in these motifs, as well as a conserved tryptophan in the spacer region, were required for CyPA binding, HCV replication, and CPI resistance. Together, these data provide a high-resolution mapping of proline residues important for CyPA binding and identify critical amino acids modulating HCV susceptibility to the clinical CPI Alisporivir.  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) is a membrane-associated essential component of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex. An N-terminal amphipathic alpha helix mediates in-plane membrane association of HCV NS5A and at the same time is likely involved in specific protein-protein interactions required for the assembly of a functional replication complex. The aim of this study was to identify the determinants for membrane association of NS5A from the related GB viruses and pestiviruses. Although primary amino acid sequences differed considerably, putative membrane anchor domains with amphipathic features were predicted in the N-terminal domains of NS5A proteins from these viruses. Confocal laser scanning microscopy, as well as membrane flotation analyses, demonstrated that NS5As from GB virus B (GBV-B), GBV-C, and bovine viral diarrhea virus, the prototype pestivirus, display membrane association characteristics very similar to those of HCV NS5A. The N-terminal 27 to 33 amino acid residues of these NS5A proteins were sufficient for membrane association. Circular dichroism analyses confirmed the capacity of these segments to fold into alpha helices upon association with lipid-like molecules. Despite structural conservation, only very limited exchanges with sequences from related viruses were tolerated in the context of functional HCV RNA replication, suggesting virus-specific interactions of these segments. In conclusion, membrane association of NS5A by an N-terminal amphipathic alpha helix is a feature shared by HCV and related members of the family Flaviviridae. This observation points to conserved roles of the N-terminal amphipathic alpha helices of NS5A in replication complex formation.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein (NS) 5A is a phosphoprotein that associates with various cellular proteins and participates in the replication of the HCV genome. Human vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein (VAP) subtype A (VAP-A) is known to be a host factor essential for HCV replication by binding to both NS5A and NS5B. To obtain more information on the NS5A protein in HCV replication, we screened human brain and liver libraries by a yeast two-hybrid system using NS5A as bait and identified VAP-B as an NS5A-binding protein. Immunoprecipitation and mutation analyses revealed that VAP-B binds to both NS5A and NS5B in mammalian cells and forms homo- and heterodimers with VAP-A. VAP-A interacts with VAP-B through the transmembrane domain. NS5A interacts with the coiled-coil domain of VAP-B via 70 residues in the N-terminal and 341 to 344 amino acids in the C-terminal polyproline cluster region. NS5A was colocalized with VAP-B in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. The specific antibody to VAP-B suppressed HCV RNA replication in a cell-free assay. Overexpression of VAP-B, but not of a mutant lacking its transmembrane domain, enhanced the expression of NS5A and NS5B and the replication of HCV RNA in Huh-7 cells harboring a subgenomic replicon. In the HCV replicon cells, the knockdown of endogenous VAP-B by small interfering RNA decreased expression of NS5B, but not of NS5A. These results suggest that VAP-B, in addition to VAP-A, plays an important role in the replication of the HCV genome.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) is a membrane-associated, essential component of the viral replication complex. Here, we report the three-dimensional structure of the membrane anchor domain of NS5A as determined by NMR spectroscopy. An alpha-helix extending from amino acid residue 5 to 25 was observed in the presence of different membrane mimetic media. This helix exhibited a hydrophobic, Trprich side embedded in detergent micelles, while the polar, charged side was exposed to the solvent. Thus, the NS5A membrane anchor domain forms an in-plane amphipathic alpha-helix embedded in the cytosolic leaflet of the membrane bilayer. Interestingly, mutations affecting the positioning of fully conserved residues located at the cytosolic surface of the helix impaired HCV RNA replication without interfering with the membrane association of NS5A. In conclusion, the NS5A membrane anchor domain constitutes a unique platform that is likely involved in specific interactions essential for the assembly of the HCV replication complex and that may represent a novel target for antiviral intervention.  相似文献   

The NS5A nonstructural protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been shown to inhibit the cellular interferon (IFN)-induced protein kinase R (PKR). PKR mediates the host IFN-induced antiviral response at least in part by inhibiting mRNA translation initiation through phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha). We thus examined the effect of NS5A inhibition of PKR on mRNA translation within the context of virus infection by using a recombinant vaccinia virus (VV)-based assay. The VV E3L protein is a potent inhibitor of PKR. Accordingly, infection of IFN-pretreated HeLa S3 cells with an E3L-deficient VV (VVDeltaE3L) resulted in increased phosphorylation levels of both PKR and eIF2alpha. IFN-pretreated cells infected with VV in which the E3L locus was replaced with the NS5A gene (VVNS5A) displayed diminished phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2alpha in a transient manner. We also observed an increase in activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in IFN-pretreated cells infected with VVDeltaE3L, consistent with reports that p38 lies downstream of the PKR pathway. Furthermore, these cells exhibited increased phosphorylation of the cap-binding initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), which is downstream of the p38 pathway. Importantly, these effects were reduced in cells infected with VVNS5A. NS5A was also found to inhibit activation of the p38-eIF4E pathway in epidermal growth factor-treated cells stably expressing NS5A. NS5A-induced inhibition of eIF2alpha and eIF4E phosphorylation may exert counteracting effects on mRNA translation. Indeed, IFN-pretreated cells infected with VVNS5A exhibited a partial and transient restoration of cellular and viral mRNA translation compared with IFN-pretreated cells infected with VVDeltaE3L. Taken together, these results support the role of NS5A as a PKR inhibitor and suggest a potential mechanism by which HCV might maintain global mRNA translation rate during early virus infection while favoring cap-independent translation of HCV mRNA during late infection.  相似文献   

Persistent infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major risk factor for the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. With an estimated about 3% of the world population infected with this virus, the lack of a prophylactic vaccine and a selective therapy, chronic hepatitis C currently is a main indication for liver transplantation. The establishment of cell-based replication and virus production systems has led to first insights into the functions of HCV proteins. However, the role of nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) in the viral replication cycle is so far not known. NS5A is a membrane-associated RNA-binding protein assumed to be involved in HCV RNA replication. Its numerous interactions with the host cell suggest that NS5A is also an important determinant for pathogenesis and persistence. In this study we show that NS5A is a key factor for the assembly of infectious HCV particles. We specifically identify the C-terminal domain III as the primary determinant in NS5A for particle formation. We show that both core and NS5A colocalize on the surface of lipid droplets, a proposed site for HCV particle assembly. Deletions in domain III of NS5A disrupting this colocalization abrogate infectious particle formation and lead to an enhanced accumulation of core protein on the surface of lipid droplets. Finally, we show that mutations in NS5A causing an assembly defect can be rescued by trans-complementation. These data provide novel insights into the production of infectious HCV and identify NS5A as a major determinant for HCV assembly. Since domain III of NS5A is one of the most variable regions in the HCV genome, the results suggest that viral isolates may differ in their level of virion production and thus in their level of fitness and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a positive-strand RNA virus responsible for chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). RacGTPase-activating protein 1 (RacGAP1) plays an important role during GTP hydrolysis to GDP in Rac1 and CDC42 protein and has been demonstrated to be upregulated in several cancers, including HCC. However, the molecular mechanism leading to the upregulation of RacGAP1 remains poorly understood. Here, we showed that RacGAP1 levels were enhanced in HCV cell-culture-derived (HCVcc) infection. More importantly, we illustrated that RacGAP1 interacts with the viral protein NS5B in mammalian cells. The small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of RacGAP1 in human hepatoma cell lines inhibited replication of HCV RNA, protein, and production of infectious particles of HCV genotype 2a strain JFH1. Conversely, these were reversed by the expression of a siRNA-resistant RacGAP1 recombinant protein. In addition, viral protein NS5B polymerase activity was significantly reduced by silencing RacGAP1 and, vice versa, was increased by overexpression of RacGAP1 in a cell-based reporter assay. Our results suggest that RacGAP1 plays a crucial role in HCV replication by affecting viral protein NS5B polymerase activity and holds importance for antiviral drug development.  相似文献   

Two proteins, a 56-kDa protein (p56) and a 58-kDa protein (p58), are produced from the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural region 5A (NS5A). Recently, we found that both proteins are phosphorylated at serine residues and that p58 is a hyperphosphorylated form of p56. Furthermore, hyper-phosphorylation depends on the production of an intact form of the HCV NS4A protein. To clarify the nature of NS5A phosphorylation, pulse-chase analysis was performed with a transient protein production system in cultured cells. The study indicated that basal and hyperphosphorylation of NS5A occurred after proteolytic production of NS5A was complete. In an attempt to identify the location of the hyperphosphorylation sites in p58, proteins with sequential deletions from the C-terminal region of NS5A and with mutations of possible phosphorylated serine residues to a neutral amino acid, alanine, were constructed. The deleted or mutated proteins were then tested for hyperphosphorylation in the presence of the NS4A product. Here, we report that serine residues 2197, 2201, and/or 2204 are important for hyper-phosphorylation. Important sites for basal phosphorylation were identified in the region from residues 2200 to 2250 and in the C-terminal region of the NS5A product. A subcellular localization study showed that most of the NS5A products were localized in the nuclear periplasmic membrane fraction.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Ye H  Kang CB  Yoon HS 《Biochemistry》2007,46(41):11550-11558
Nonstructural protein 5A protein (NS5A) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) plays an important role in the regulation of viral replication, interferon resistance, and apoptosis. HCV NS5A comprises three domains. Recently the structure of domain 1 has been determined, revealing a structural scaffold with a novel zinc-binding motif and a disulfide bond. At present, the structures of domains 2 and 3 remain undefined. Domain 2 of HCV NS5A (NS5A-D2) is important for functions of NS5A and involved in molecular interactions with its own NS5B and PKR, a cellular interferon-inducible serine/threonine specific protein kinase. In this study we performed structural analysis of domain 2 by multinuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The analysis of the backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances, 3JHNalpha coupling constants ,and 3D NOE data indicates that NS5A-D2 lacks secondary structural elements and reveals characteristics of unfolded proteins. NMR relaxation parameters confirmed the lack of rigid structure in the domain. The absence of an ordered conformation and the observation of a highly dynamic behavior of NS5A-D2 may provide an underlying molecular basis on its physiological function to allow NS5A-D2 to interact with a variety of biological partners.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) regulates viral replication through its interaction with host and other viral proteins. We have previously shown that FK506-binding protein 8 (FKBP8) binds to NS5A and recruits Hsp90 to form a complex that participates in the replication of HCV. In this study, we examined the biochemical characteristics of the interaction and the intracellular localization of NS5A and FKBP8. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed that the dissociation constant of the interaction between the purified FKBP8 and NS5A expressed in bacteria was 82 nM. Mutational analyses of NS5A revealed that a single amino acid residue of Val or Ile at position 121, which is well conserved among all genotypes of HCV, is critical for the specific interaction with FKBP8. Substitution of the Val(121) to Ala drastically impaired the replication of HCV replicon cells, and the drug-resistant replicon cells emerging after drug selection were shown to have reverted to the original arrangement by replacing Ala(121) with Val. Examination of individual fields of the replicon cells by both fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy (the correlative fluorescence microscopy-electron microscopy technique) revealed that FKBP8 is partially colocalized with NS5A in the cytoplasmic structure known as the membranous web. These results suggest that specific interaction of NS5A with FKBP8 in the cytoplasmic compartment plays a crucial role in the replication of HCV.  相似文献   

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