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秦岭羚牛的采食行为   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
从集群、迁移、时间、方式、饮水和舔盐 6个方面报道了秦岭羚牛的采食行为。羚牛主要以集群的方式在白天采食 ,也见到羚牛单独采食及在夜间活动采食的情形。研究期间集群活动的羚牛个体数占所见羚牛总数的 95 4% ,有 5 0 %以上的羚牛是在大于 1 5只的羚牛群体中见到的。头牛在羚牛群体的采食迁移过程中起着重要的作用。它通过发出低沉的吼叫声来使牛群聚集在一起并共同采食迁移。随着食物的季节性生长变化 ,羚牛具有季节性上下垂直迁移采食的习性。羚牛采食时 ,多用上下唇扯断植物的枝 (茎 )叶 ,而不是以舌卷食 ,也用牙咬或啃食木本植物的幼枝或皮。羚牛有多种采食方式 ,一般是以常规行走的方式采食。但当食物超出正常采食方式所能获得的特殊情况下 ,羚牛会采用一些特殊的方式取食 ,包括后肢站立采食、骑树采食、压枝采食、撞击采食和跪地采食。  相似文献   

从集群、迁移、时间、方式、饮水和舔盐6个方面报道了秦岭羚牛的采食行为。羚牛主要以集群的方式在白天采食,也见到羚牛单独采食及在夜间活动采食的情形,研究期间集群活劝的羚牛个体数占所见羚牛总数的95.4%,有50%以上的羚牛是在大于15只的羚牛群体中见到的。头牛在羚牛群体的采食迁移过程中起着重要的作用。它通过发出低沉的吼叫声来使牛群聚集在一直一起并共同采食迁移。随着食物的季节性生长变化,羚牛具有季节性上下垂直迁移采食的习性。羚牛采食时,多用上下唇扯断植物的枝(茎)叶,而不是以舌卷食,也用牙咬或啃食木本植物的幼枝或皮。羚牛有多种采食方式,一般是以常规行走的方式采食。但当食物超出正常彩食方式所能获得的特殊情况下,羚牛会采用一些特殊的方式取食,包括后肢站立采食、骑树采食、压枝采食、撞击采食和跪地采食。  相似文献   

羚牛防御行为的观察   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
1995年8月到1996年8月对陕西佛坪自然保护区境内的72群次羚牛(独牛31只次, 羚牛群41次) 的防御行为进行了观察。羚牛的防御行为包括发现、警觉、示警、御敌4种方式。羚牛通过视觉、嗅觉和听觉发现异常情况, 但其听觉更为敏锐。羚牛十分警觉, 稍有异常就会进入警觉状态, 警觉行为持续的时间为18.26±18.08 s。所有的羚牛个体均能通过声音和动作向同伴进行示警, 但3龄以下的个体发出的示警行为往往不能得到重视。御敌行为包括聚集、威吓、护幼、攻击、逃跑。逃跑是羚牛躲避敌害的主要手段, 在72群次中逃跑的羚牛占95.8%。羚牛逃跑时往往进行长距离的迁移并具有分群的现象, 但仍会返回原地。群体的大小对羚牛的分群行为有影响, 群体越大, 分群逃跑的可能性也越大。羚牛具有明显的护幼行为, 当群体中有幼仔时羚牛的攻击性增大。独牛攻击人的可能性要比群牛大。  相似文献   

对成都动物园2005年和2008年出生长颈鹿幼仔在母兽哺乳情况下的1月龄内幼仔行为进行了观察和分析.发现幼长颈鹿的主要行为有卧、走、站、吃奶、跑等,其中卧和站的行为分别占全天时间的61.7%和32.3%;幼长颈鹿在10 d左右开始学习采食青草,4周龄时明显能吃到一些青草.  相似文献   

秦岭雄性羚牛的发情行为与其社会状态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年5月31日至8月31日在陕西省佛坪县国家级自然保护区,对羚牛秦岭亚种(Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)的繁殖行为及雄牛的社会状态进行了研究。研究期间每天在比较容易见到羚牛的区域内沿固定路线寻找羚牛,在不惊扰羚牛正常活动的情况下,记录牛群大小、群内个体的性别、年龄、雄性的社会状态,即是单独活动还是在繁殖群中;社会状态的变动,即每只是进入还是离开繁殖群;羚牛群中个体之间的相互关系,包括入群的独牛与群内其它雄牛之间的行为、与群内雌牛之间的行为。同时用摄像机辅助记录羚牛在群内的行为,并根据图像资料对记录的数据进行校正。研究期间累计对277 头次雄性羚牛的繁殖行为进行了观察,记录到241次繁殖行为。虽然6月初至8月下旬都可以见到羚牛的繁殖活动,但80% 以上的繁殖行为发生在6月20日至7月10日期间,其中以6月21 ~ 30日间的繁殖活动最多(105 次)。繁殖季节中雄性羚牛有两种社会状态,即在繁殖群中和单独活动(即独牛)。研究期间累计的独牛比例占成年雄性的30. 32%,其中72. 62%的独牛出现在6月10 日至7 月10 日。6 月21 ~ 30 日间独牛比例最高,占成年雄性个体的50. 67%。雄牛进出繁殖群的现象比较常见,独牛的比例与繁殖行为正相关。繁殖高峰期后,单独活动的雄牛数量迅速减少。雄牛的社会状态会随着繁殖期的不同阶段发生改变,独牛在不同繁殖群之间移动寻求更多的交配机会。我们的研究结果不支持以往认为独牛是繁殖争斗失败者的观点。  相似文献   

圈养林麝母幼关系的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文研究圈养林麝(Moschusmoshiferusberezovskii)的母幼关系。林麝的母幼关系属于典型的隐蔽者(hider)类型。母幼分开躺卧,相距20.37±11.06m。吮乳时间、母幼联系时间、母幼联系时间/幼麝活动总时间随周龄的增加均呈明显的下降。4周龄前,幼麝躺卧居多,母麝以叫声主动联系幼麝,5周龄开始幼麝独立程度逐渐提高。听觉和视觉通讯是母幼远距离通讯的主要方式。  相似文献   

就体外和体内护幼行为,介绍10种鱼类的护幼生态现象.  相似文献   

夏秋两季饲养条件下扬子鳄的行为谱和活动节律初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2003年夏秋两季(7-11月间),采用扫描取样法和目标动物取样法,对饲养条件下扬子鳄的个体行为和活动 节律进行了研究。结果表明:夏秋两季饲养条件下扬子鳄的个体行为主要包括休息行为(水中休息、陆地休息、晒 太阳、挠痒、打哈欠、伸懒腰);运动行为(游泳、潜水、爬行、摆尾);摄食行为(摄食、漱口);冲突行为(打斗、对视);嬉 戏行为(嬉戏、堆积);吼叫行为;排泄行为等。 夏季,扬子鳄休息行为的时间最多,日变化规律显示:早晨6:00-7:00为休息高峰期;下午12:30-13:30为潜 水高峰期。秋季,用于晒太阳的时间最多,秋季早晨6:00-7:30为潜水高峰期,且一天中扬于鳄晒太阳活动出现三 次高峰即10:30-11:00,13:30-14:00,16:30-17:00。统计结果表明,夏秋两季潜水、晒太阳和休息3种个体行为差 异性较为显著。在30℃-36℃之间,扬子鳄潜水时间和温度之间呈线性关系。研究结果同时表明,长期人工饲养 对扬子鳄的某些弹性行为如摄食行为等产生了较大影响。在行为描述的基础上,对扬子鳄的有关行为机制进行了 探讨。而影响扬子鳄行为表达的生物因素主要包括年龄和食物资源;非生物因素主要包括空间和生境等。  相似文献   

人工饲养环境下长江江豚的行为谱的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对行为的定义和描述是定量开展行为学研究的前提与基础。通过对人工饲养环境下长江江豚行为的观察、记录和分析,定义和描述了长江江豚近40种行为。在此基础上,初步构建了人工饲养环境下长江江豚行为学研究所必需的行为谱,由活跃的水面行为、玩耍、索食、社群行为、性行为、休息、摩擦、杂类八个类别组成。文中对某些行为可能具有的生物学意义进行了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

2005年6~9月,采用扫描取样法在浙江省长兴扬子鳄自然繁育中心,对人工繁殖的成年扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)行为的发生频率和活动规律进行了研究,并对其行为体温调节进行了分析。结果表明,扬子鳄日常活动行为主要包括巡游、头出水、头背出水、贴地闭嘴趴伏、张嘴趴伏和抬头闭嘴趴伏6种行为。扬子鳄在水中活动更多,占62.1%,头出水是最主要的行为状态,占52.3%,而张嘴的频次最少,占1.8%。扬子鳄表现出有规律的水陆活动,6:00~8:00和18:00~20:00时分别是一天中扬子鳄大量入水和上岸的时段。水温和气温的差异是影响扬子鳄水陆活动的最重要因素。根据扬子鳄的水陆活动规律,发现扬子鳄主动选择不超过(31±1)℃的热环境。  相似文献   

Summary The effect is modeled of a positive relationship between clutch size and offspring fitness on the optimal investment in offspring. In species which meet the assumptions of the model, the model predicts a positive correlation between maternal resource level and offspring size. If larger mothers are able to allocate more resources to offspring, then the model would also predict a positive correlation between maternal size and offspring size when the assumptions of the model are met. Thus, this model may help explain both among and within individual variation in offspring size. When offspring are produced in groups and the number of offspring killed per clutch is limited by predator satiation, offspring in larger clutches may experience a higher probability of survival. Such a life style may be found in animals such as sea turtles. Offspring size is positively correlated with maternal size in some members of this group.  相似文献   

Given a trade-off between offspring size and number, all mothers are predicted to produce the same optimal-sized offspring in a given environment. In many species, however, larger and/or older mothers produce bigger offspring. There are several hypotheses to explain this but they lack strong empirical support. In organisms with indeterminate growth, there is the additional problem that maternal size and age are positively correlated, so what are their relative roles in determining offspring size? To investigate this, we measured the natural relationship between maternal and offspring size in a wild population of Gambusia holbrooki (eastern mosquitofish), and experimentally disentangled the effects of maternal age and size on offspring size in the laboratory. In combination, our data indicate that the relationship between maternal and offspring size is nonlinear. Small mothers seem to produce larger than average offspring due to integer effects associated with very small broods. For extremely large mothers, which were only sampled in our wild data, these larger than average offspring may result from greater maternal resources or age effects. However, maternal age had no effect on offspring size or number in the laboratory experiment. Our results highlight the importance of sampling the full size–range of mothers when investigating maternal effects on offspring size. They also point to the difficulty of experimentally manipulating maternal size, because any change in size is invariably associated with a change in at least one factor affecting growth (be it temperature, food availability, or density) that might also have an indirect effect on offspring size.  相似文献   

Summary Differences in maternal investment and initial offspring size can have important consequences for offspring growth and development. To examine the effects of initial size variability in the frogBombina orientalis, we reared larvae (N=360) in one of two treatments representing different levels of environmental quality. We used snout-vent length at the feeding stage (stage 25, Gosner 1960) as a measure of maternal investment. In a “low quality” treatment, larvae were reared with two conspecific tadpoles and food was limited, whereas in a “high quality” treatment, larvae were reared individually and were fed ad libitum. Among tadpoles reared in the low quality treatment, individuals that were initially small had smaller body sizes through metamorphosis and longer larval periods than individuals that were initially large. Among tadpoles reared in the high quality treatment, initial size had only a weak influence on later larval size, and did not significantly affect metamorphic size of the duration of the larval period. This interaction between maternal investment and rearing conditions suggests that production of initially small offspring could be advantageous if these offspring develop in relatively benign environments, but disadvantageous if environments are more severe. These findings are discussed in light of previous studies that have demonstrated such interactions in organisms with complex life cycles.  相似文献   

The last-hatched chick, or B-offspring, of American white pelicanstypically survives only as "insurance" when its elder siblingfails. Life-history theory suggests that parents should investrelatively less in these disadvantaged insurance offspring.For an insurance strategy to be effective, however, reducedinvestment may be constrained by the need to maintain potentialinsurance offspring in a viable condition until at least 3–6days of age, after which they are rarely needed. In agreementwith the life-history prediction, egg size, resultant hatchingmass, and growth rates at two-chick nests were significantlylower for B-offspring. When hatched in the laboratory, B-eggswere also slightly but significantly less efficient at convertingegg size into hatching mass. Despite these differences, B-chicksthat were reared as singles, free from sibling competition fromhatching onward, showed no decrement in survival or growth rate.When A-chicks were removed from nests with underweight 3- or6-day-old B-chicks, a minority (21%) of B-chicks failed to recover,but mean growth rates of survivors increased rapidly to controllevels. Results suggest that although parental investment inB-offspring is reduced, it is usually adequate to produce andmaintain potential insurance offspring in viable condition duringthe time that they are most likely to be needed as replacementsfor failed elder siblings.  相似文献   

边疆晖  吴雁  刘季科 《动物学报》2004,50(4):675-680
母体应激效应是母体在妊娠期经历的环境变化对子代发育、繁殖及存活等特征的影响(MousseauandFox ,1 998;Bernado ,1 996 )。该效应不仅能使子代生活史特征产生迟滞性效应(Beckermanetal.,2 0 0 2 ) ,而且在密度制约过程中,导致对种群的迟滞性密度制约(Delayeddensitydependenc  相似文献   

目的:探讨产前应激对雄性子代大鼠大脑中动脉缺血/再灌注后星形胶质细胞的影响。方法:SD孕鼠随机分为有产前应激处理(妊娠第15到21天每日3次限制活动)和无产前应激处理,并对其雄性子代大鼠采用线栓法制备大脑中动脉闭塞(MCAO)模型,共分为产前应激+假手术组、MCAO模型组、产前应激+MCAO组(n=10),于再灌注后第5天检测脑梗死体积,免疫荧光双标染色检测缺血灶边缘区星形胶质细胞形态及促红细胞生成素肝细胞受体A4(EphA4)和胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)的共表达情况,并采用Western blot检测EphA4、GFAP和神经蛋白聚糖(Neurocan)蛋白表达。结果:产前应激+MCAO组子代大鼠脑梗死体积百分比、EphA4、GFAP和Neurocan蛋白表达均较MCAO组显著增加(P均<0.05),且GFAP阳性细胞形态学改变及EphA4/GFAP共表达也较MCAO组明显。结论:产前应激可能改变子代大鼠脑缺血/再灌注后星形胶质细胞上EphA4受体的表达,促进星形胶质细胞活化,产生神经蛋白聚糖。  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of offspring and maternal inbreeding on maternal and offspring traits associated with early offspring fitness in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, we manipulated maternal inbreeding only (keeping offspring outbred) by generating mothers that were outbred, moderately inbred or highly inbred. Meanwhile, in the second experiment, we manipulated offspring inbreeding only (keeping females outbred) by generating offspring that were outbred, moderately inbred or highly inbred. In both experiments, we monitored subsequent effects on breeding success (number of larvae), maternal traits (clutch size, delay until laying, laying skew, laying spread and egg size) and offspring traits (hatching success, larval survival, duration of larval development and average larval mass). Maternal inbreeding reduced breeding success, and this effect was mediated through lower hatching success and greater larval mortality. Furthermore, inbred mothers produced clutches where egg laying was less skewed towards the early part of laying than outbred females. This reduction in the skew in egg laying is beneficial for larval survival, suggesting that inbred females adjusted their laying patterns facultatively, thereby partially compensating for the detrimental effects of maternal inbreeding on offspring. Finally, we found evidence of a nonlinear effect of offspring inbreeding coefficient on number of larvae dispersing. Offspring inbreeding affected larval survival and larval development time but also unexpectedly affected maternal traits (clutch size and delay until laying), suggesting that females adjust clutch size and the delay until laying in response to being related to their mate.  相似文献   

圈养獐分娩的初步观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年的5~7月,在浙江省嵊州市河麂种源繁育基地对34只獐(Hydropotes inermis)的分娩活动进行了观察。结果表明,母獐通常选择安全的地点进行分娩。獐集中分娩的时间为6月3日到6月19日,占分娩母獐总数的73.53%(n=34),并且分娩多在白天进行。产程(从胎膜露出到胎盘娩出)平均为(302.20±15.27)min(n=15)。胎儿娩出的姿势多为前躯前置(前足、头先露出),占83.78%;少数为后躯前置(后足先露出),占16.22%。幼仔首次吮乳时间在单胎和多胎间无显著差异,平均为出生后(44.97±2.73)min(n=35)。幼仔出生后首次平均站立时间在双胞胎、三胞胎和四胞胎分别为(32.25±2.49)min(n=16)(、29.42±2.52)min(n=12)和(65.00±7.39)min(n=6)。每胎幼仔数越多,初生幼仔的平均体重越轻。  相似文献   

Optimal allocation of parental resources is an important life history trait. However, it has been rarely investigated empirically. We tested aspects of optimal allocation theory in a digger wasp, the European beewolf. Investment allocation theory assumes (1) a trade‐off between investment per offspring and offspring number and (2) a convex relationship between investment per offspring and fitness returns. From mis relationship an optimum amount of investment per offspring can be derived and parents are predicted to provide each offspring with this optimum amount of investment. We used the number of bees in a brood cell as a measure of parental investment. Offspring fitness was quantified as both survival until emergence and success as adults. There is evidence for a trade‐off between current and future reproduction, suggesting that the first assumption is met. In contradiction to the second assumption, one mortality factor, parasitism, increased proportionally with the number of bees in a brood cell. However, overall mortality until emergence significantly decreased with the number of bees in a brood cell as assumed by the theory. The determination of the optimum amount of investment per offspring is complicated because the sexes possibly differ in their relationship between amount of investment and fitness. Individual males received considerably fewer bees (2.2 ± 0.8) than females (3.8 ± 0.5). Two independent estimates of the investment specific survival suggested that sons with two bees had the highest fitness returns per single bee and, consistent with the prediction, most sons were provisioned with two bees. For daughters, four bees is probably the optimum amount and most daughters were provisioned with this number. In both sexes the variation of investment per offspring was less than expected by a Poisson distribution with the same mean. These findings support the view that parental investment is allocated in a way that optimizes the trade‐off between offspring number and investment per offspring. However, variation contradicting the hypothesis still occurred. This might be explained either by adaptive variation in the amount of investment per offspring, constraints in the adjustment of the optimum amount of investment, or problems in measuring parental investment.  相似文献   

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