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In vitro experiments with C3H 10T(1/2) mouse cells were performed to determine whether Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) modulated radiofrequency (RF) radiations induce changes in gene expression. After the cells were exposed to either modulation for 24 h at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 5 W/ kg, RNA was extracted from both exposed and sham-exposed cells for gene expression analysis. As a positive control, cells were exposed to 0.68 Gy of X rays and gene expression was evaluated 4 h after exposure. Gene expression was evaluated using the Affymetrix U74Av2 GeneChip to detect changes in mRNA levels. Each exposure condition was repeated three times. The GeneChip data were analyzed using a two-tailed t test, and the expected number of false positives was estimated from t tests on 20 permutations of the six sham RF-field-exposed samples. For the X-ray-treated samples, there were more than 90 probe sets with expression changes greater than 1.3-fold beyond the number of expected false positives. Approximately one-third of these genes had previously been reported in the literature as being responsive to radiation. In contrast, for both CDMA and FDMA radiation, the number of probe sets with an expression change greater than 1.3-fold was less than or equal to the expected number of false positives. Thus the 24-h exposures to FDMA or CDMA RF radiation at 5 W/kg had no statistically significant effect on gene expression.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether chronic exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cellular phones increased the incidence of spontaneous tumors in F344 rats. Eighty male and 80 female rats were randomly placed in each of three irradiation groups. The sham group received no irradiation; the Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) group was exposed to 835.62 MHz FDMA RF radiation; and the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) group was exposed to 847.74 MHz CDMA RF radiation. Rats were irradiated 4 h per day, 5 days per week over 2 years. The nominal time-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) in the brain for the irradiated animals was 0.85 +/- 0.34 W/kg (mean +/- SD) per time-averaged watt of antenna power. Antennas were driven with a time-averaged power of 1.50 +/- 0.25 W (range). That is, the nominal time-averaged brain SAR was 1.3 +/- 0.5 W/kg (mean +/- SD). This number was an average from several measurement locations inside the brain, and it takes into account changes in animal weight and head position during irradiation. All major organs were evaluated grossly and histologically. The number of tumors, tumor types and incidence of hyperplasia for each organ were recorded. There were no significant differences among final body weights or survival days for either males or females in any group. No significant differences were found between treated and sham-exposed animals for any tumor in any organ. We conclude that chronic exposure to 835.62 MHz FDMA or 847.74 MHz CDMA RF radiation had no significant effect on the incidence of spontaneous tumors in F344 rats.  相似文献   

Disruption of communication between transformed cells and normal cells is involved in tumor promotion. We have tested the hypothesis that exposures to radiofrequency (RF) fields using a form of digital modulation (TDMA) and a chemical tumor promoter, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), are copromoters that enhance focus formation of transformed cells in coculture with parental C3H/10T1/2 murine fibroblasts. RF field exposures did not influence TPA's dose-dependent promotion of focus formation in coculture. Cell cultures were exposed to an 836.55 MHz TDMA-modulated field in TEM transmission line chambers, with incident energies that simulated field intensities at a user's head. Specific absorption rates (SARs) of 0.15, 1.5, and 15 μW/g were used during each digital packet, and the packet frequency was 50/s. The TEM chambers were placed in a commercial incubator at 37 °C and 95% humidity/5% CO2. The RF field exposures were in a repeating cycle, 20 min on, 20 min off, 24 h/day for 28 days. At 1.5 μW/g, TPA-induced focus formation (at 10, 30, and 50 ng/ml) was not significantly different in RF-exposed cultures compared to parallel sham-exposed cultures in ten independent experiments in terms of the number, density, and area of foci. Similarly, at 0.15 and 15.0 μW/g, in two and four experiments, respectively, RF exposure did not alter TPA-induced focus formation. The findings support a conclusion that repeated exposures to this RF field do not influence tumor promotion in vitro, based on the RF field's inability to enhance TPA-induced focus formation. Bioelectromagnetics 18:237–243, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two phenomena of importance at low doses that have an impact on the shape of the dose-response relationship. First, there is the bystander effect, the term used to describe the biological effects observed in cells that are not themselves traversed by a charged particle, but are neighbors of cells that are; this exaggerates the effect of small doses of radiation. Second, there is the adaptive response, whereby exposure to a low level of DNA stress renders cells resistant to a subsequent exposure; this reduces the effect of low doses of radiation. The present work was undertaken to assess the relative importance of the adaptive response and the bystander effect induced by radiation in C3H 10T(1/2) cells in culture. When the single-cell microbeam delivered from 1 to 12 alpha particles through the nuclei of 10% of C3H 10T(1/2) cells, more cells were inactivated than were actually traversed by alpha particles. The magnitude of this bystander effect increased with the number of particles per cell. An adaptive dose of 2 cGy of gamma rays, delivered 6 h beforehand, canceled out about half of the bystander effect produced by the alpha particles.  相似文献   

The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of a range of neutron energies relative to 250-kVp X rays has been determined for oncogenic transformation and cell survival in the mouse C3H 10T 1/2 cell line. Monoenergetic neutrons at 0.23, 0.35, 0.45, 0.70, 0.96, 1.96, 5.90, and 13.7 MeV were generated at the Radiological Research Accelerator Facility of the Radiological Research Laboratories, Columbia University, and were used to irradiate asynchronous cells at low absorbed doses from 0.05 to 1.47 Gy. X irradiations covered the range 0.5 to 8 Gy. Over the more than 2-year period of this study, the 31 experiments provided comprehensive information, indicating minimal variability in control material, assuring the validity of comparisons over time. For both survival and transformation, a curvilinear dose response for X rays was contrasted with linear or nearly linear dose responses for the various neutron energies. RBE increased as dose decreased for both end points. Maximal RBE values for transformation ranged from 13 for cells exposed to 5.9-MeV neutrons to 35 for 0.35-MeV neutrons. This study clearly shows that over the range of neutron energies typically seen by nuclear power plant workers and individuals exposed to the atomic bombs in Japan, a wide range of RBE values needs to be considered when evaluating the neutron component of the effective dose. These results are in concordance with the recent proposals in ICRU 40 both to change upward and to vary the quality factor for neutron irradiations.  相似文献   

The mode and extent of interaction between bleomycin and radiation were assessed in contact-inhibited cultures of C3H 10T1/2 cells, which in confluent monolayers display a low turnover rate and behave more like late-responding normal tissues in vivo with respect to response to fractionated radiotherapy (i.e., having a low alpha/beta value). Plateau-phase C3H 10T1/2 cultures were exposed to gamma rays delivered in 1, 2, 5, or 10 fractions. The radiation doses administered ranged from 2 Gy in one exposure to 26 Gy in 10 fractions. Half of the cultures were also treated with 1 micrograms/ml of bleomycin for 5 days during which radiation was also given. It was found that 1 micrograms/ml of bleomycin sterilized approximately 40% of the C3H 10T1/2 cells in the cultures. The radiation dose-survival curves of various fractionation schedules (1, 2, 5, and 10 fractions) plus bleomycin were displaced downward (i.e., to lower survival levels) but not modified in shape. The alpha/beta ratios, parameters of the linear-quadratic model of cell survival, were 2.6 (2.2-3.1) and 2.4 (1.8-3.1) Gy for radiation only and radiation plus bleomycin, respectively. This observation indicates that the effect of combining irradiation and bleomycin on C3H 10T1/2 cells in monolayers was additive.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) in C3H10T1/2 cells, on S phase entry and early gene activation events associated with cell cycle progression. We find that EGF and TGF alpha, which both utilize the EGF receptor for signal generation, are able to stimulate DNA synthesis in these cells with nearly superimposable kinetics; however, the stimulation by TGF alpha was slightly greater at nearly all time points assayed. This report is the first showing that TGF alpha, like EGF, vigorously induces c-myc and c-fos gene expression in these cells. A significant stimulation of c-myc and c-fos mRNA levels is observed with both TGF alpha and EGF; c-myc mRNA levels show an 8-fold induction with both mitogens, while c-fos inductions were on the order of 12 to 14-fold at maximum. However, the induction of c-myc mRNA by TGF alpha has slower kinetics than by EGF.  相似文献   

While the potential for intermittent hydrostatic pressure to promote cartilaginous matrix synthesis is well established, its potential to influence chondroinduction remains poorly understood. This study examined the effects of relatively short- and long-duration cyclic hydrostatic compression on the chondroinduction of C3H/10T1/2 murine embryonic fibroblasts by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2). Cells were seeded at high density into round bottom wells of a 96-well plate and supplemented with 25 ng/ml rhBMP-2. Experimental cultures were subjected to either 1,800 cycles/day or 7,200 cycles/day of 1 Hz sinusoidal hydrostatic compression to 5 MPa (applied 10 min on/10 min off) for 3 days. Non-pressurized control and experimental cultures were maintained in static culture for an additional 5 days. Cultures were then analyzed for alcian blue staining intensity, DNA and sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) content, and for the rate of collagen synthesis. Whereas cultures subjected to 1,800 pressure cycles exhibited no significant differences (statistical or qualitative) compared to controls, those subjected to 7,200 cycles stained more intensely with alcian blue, contained nearly twice as much sGAG, and displayed twice the rate of collagen synthesis as non-pressurized controls. This study demonstrates the potential for cyclic hydrostatic compression to stimulate chondrogenic differentiation of the C3H/10T1/2 cell line in a duration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

C3H 10T1/2 cells were synchronized by a modified mitotic shake-off procedure. X irradiation of cells at various intervals after mitotic harvest indicated a single narrow window (about 2 h) of sensitivity to the induction of oncogenic transformation. It is not possible to delineate precisely the time in the cycle at which this sensitivity is expressed. The most likely candidate is G2 phase, though we cannot eliminate the possibility that the sensitive period begins in late S phase. In the same synchronized cells, cell lethality showed the conventional pattern, i.e., sensitivity in mitosis and resistance in late S and in G1 phase.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood samples collected from four healthy nonsmoking human volunteers were diluted with tissue culture medium and exposed in vitro for 24 h to 847.74 MHz radiofrequency (RF) radiation (continuous wave), a frequency employed for cellular telephone communications. A code division multiple access (CDMA) technology was used with a nominal net forward power of 75 W and a nominal power density of 950 W/m(2) (95 mW/cm(2)). The mean specific absorption rate (SAR) was 4.9 or 5.5 W/kg. Blood aliquots that were sham-exposed or exposed in vitro to an acute dose of 1.5 Gy of gamma radiation were included in the study as controls. The temperatures of the medium during RF-radiation and sham exposures in the Radial Transmission Line facility were controlled at 37 +/- 0.3 degrees C. Immediately after the exposures, lymphocytes were cultured at 37 +/- 1 degrees C for 48 or 72 h. The extent of genetic damage was assessed from the incidence of chromosome aberrations and micronuclei. The kinetics of cell proliferation was determined from the mitotic indices in 48-h cultures and from the incidence of binucleate cells in 72-h cultures. The data indicated no significant differences between RF-radiation-exposed and sham-exposed lymphocytes with respect to mitotic indices, frequencies of exchange aberrations, excess fragments, binucleate cells, and micronuclei. The response of gamma-irradiated lymphocytes was significantly different from that of both RF-radiation-exposed and sham-exposed cells for all of these indices. Thus there was no evidence for induction of chromosome aberrations and micronuclei in human blood lymphocytes exposed in vitro for 24 h to 847.74 MHz RF radiation (CDMA) at SARs of 4.9 or 5.5 W/kg.  相似文献   

We have evaluated radiosensitivity parameters for cellular transformation from published experimental data on neoplastic transformations induced in C3H10T1/2 cells by BEVALAC ions. The measured RBE values are well reproduced by a track theory calculation using sets of m-target parameters with either m = 2 or m = 3, suggesting a quadratic or cubic extrapolation to low doses of gamma rays. Using track theory one is thus able to predict transformation frequencies in those cells after an arbitrary radiation field, under known or assumed conditions of exposure, in a manner shown earlier for cellular survival. Extension of these calculations to interpret cancer incidence in vivo is also discussed.  相似文献   

Although radiation-induced heritable damage in mammalian cells was thought to result from the direct interaction of radiation with DNA, it is now accepted that biological effects may occur in cells that were not themselves traversed by ionizing radiation but are close to those that were. However, little is known about the mechanism underlying such a bystander effect, although cell-to-cell communication is thought to be of importance. Previous work using the Columbia microbeam demonstrated a significant bystander effect for clonogenic survival and oncogenic transformation in C3H 10T(1/2) cells. The present study was undertaken to assess the importance of the degree of cell-to-cell contact at the time of irradiation on the magnitude of this bystander effect by varying the cell density. When 10% of cells were exposed to a range of 2-12 alpha particles, a significantly greater number of cells (P < 0.0001) were inactivated when cells were irradiated at high density (>90% in contact with neighbors) than at low density (<10% in contact). In addition, the oncogenic transformation frequency was significantly higher in high-density cultures (P < 0.0004). These results suggest that when a cell is hit by radiation, the transmission of the bystander signal through cell-to-cell contact is an important mediator of the effect, implicating the involvement of intracellular communication through gap junctions.  相似文献   

In the first paper of this series (Radiat. Res. 110, 396-412 (1987], using V79 cells, we reported that the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of ultrasoft X rays was found to increase with decreasing energy, and the oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) was found to decrease with decreasing energy. In this report, we present RBE and OER results for 10T1/2 cells that are known to grow uniformly flat and are considerably thinner than V79 cells. Thus the variation in dose across the cell nucleus is considerably reduced. The OER results agree well with our earlier V79 results. However, the RBE values for 10T1/2 cells compared to V79 cells are systematically less for all soft X rays and especially for 0.28 keV carbon-K (1.3 compared to 3.4 for V79 cells). Some plausible explanations are presented to reconcile the apparent discrepancy between V79 and 10T1/2 results.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity of C3H/10T1/2 cells reflects their response to conflicting actions of many tumor promoters and tumor suppressors. In cultured C3H/10T1/2 cells, addition of vanadate (50 nM) increased ODC activity. Over the range 0.05-5 microM, vanadate increased ODC levels in a dose dependent manner to 11 times control levels. The presence of retinoic acid (5 microM) or the absence of fetal calf serum blocked the stimulation by vanadate.  相似文献   

The findings of Hill et al. (1984) on the greatly enhanced transformation frequencies at very low dose rates of fission neutrons induced us to perform an analogous study with alpha-particles at comparable dose rates. Transformation frequencies were determined with gamma-rays at high dose rate (0.5 Gy/min), and with alpha-particles at high (0.2 Gy/min) and at low dose rates (0.83-2.5 mGy/min) in the C3H 10T1/2 cell system. alpha-particles were substantially more effective than gamma-rays, both for cell inactivation and for neoplastic transformation at high and low dose rates. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for cell inactivation and for neoplastic transformation was of similar magnitude, and ranged from about 3 at an alpha-particle dose of 2 Gy to values of the order of 10 at 0.25 Gy. In contrast to the experiments of Hill et al. (1984) with fission neutrons, no increased transformation frequencies were observed when the alpha-particle dose was protracted over several hours.  相似文献   

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