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Leaf morphology, longevity, and demography were examined in Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia growing in a holm oak forest in Prades mountains (northeast Spain). Four plots (10 × 15 m) of this forest were submitted to an experimental drought during three years (soil moisture was reduced about 15 %). Leaf area, thickness and leaf mass per area ratio (LMA) were measured in sun and shade leaves of both species. Leaf longevity, the mean number of current-year shoots produced per previous-year shoot (Sn/Sn-1), the mean number of current-year leaves per previous-year shoot (Ln/Sn-1), and the percentage of previous-year shoots that developed new ones were measured once a year, just after leaf flushing. LMA and leaf thickness increased since leaf unfolding except in summer periods, when stomatal closure imposed low photosynthetic rates and leaves consumed their reserves. LMA, leaf area, and leaf thickness were higher in Q. ilex than in P. latifolia, but leaf density was higher in the latter species. Drought reduced the leaf thickness and the LMA of both species ca. 2.5 %. Drought also increased leaf shedding up to ca. 20 % in Phillyrea latifolia and decreased it up to ca. 20 % in Q. ilex. In the later species, Sn/Sn-1 decreased by 32 %, Ln/Sn-1 by 41 %, percentage of shoots developed new ones by 26 %, and leaf area by 17 %. Thus the decrease of leaf number and area was stronger in the less drought-resistant Q. ilex, which, under increasingly drier conditions, might lose its current competitive advantage in these Mediterranean holm oak forests.  相似文献   

Trees are modular organisms that adjust their within-crown morphology and physiology in response to within-crown light gradients. However, whether within-plant variation represents a strategy for optimizing light absorption has not been formally tested. We investigated the arrangement of the photosynthetic surface throughout one day and its effects on the photosynthetic process, at the most exposed and most sheltered crown layers of a wild olive tree (Olea europaea L.). Similar measurements were made for cuttings taken from this individual and grown in a greenhouse at contrasted irradiance-levels (100 and 20% full sunlight). Diurnal variations in light interception, carbon fixation and carbohydrate accumulation in sun leaves were negatively correlated with those in shade leaves under field conditions when light intensity was not limiting. Despite genetic identity, these complementary patterns were not found in plants grown in the greenhouse. The temporal disparity among crown positions derived from specialization of the photosynthetic behaviour at different functional and spatial scales: architectural structure (crown level) and carbon budget (leaf level). Our results suggest that the profitability of producing a new module may not only respond to construction costs or light availability, but also rely on its spatio-temporal integration within the productive processes at the whole-crown level.  相似文献   

The role of flavonoids in mechanisms of acclimation to high solar radiation was analysed in Ligustrum vulgare and Phillyrea latifolia, two Mediterranean shrubs that have the same flavonoid composition but differ strikingly in their leaf morpho-anatomical traits. In plants exposed to 12 or 100% solar radiation, measurements were made for surface morphology and leaf anatomy; optical properties, photosynthetic pigments, and photosystem II efficiency; antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation and phenylalanine ammonia lyase; synthesis of hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids; and the tissue-specific distribution of flavonoid aglycones and ortho-dihydroxylated B-ring flavonoid glycosides. A denser indumentum of glandular trichomes, coupled with both a thicker cuticle and a larger amount of cuticular flavonoids, allowed P. latifolia to prevent highly damaging solar wavelengths from reaching sensitive targets to a greater degree than L. vulgare. Antioxidant enzymes in P. latifolia were also more effective in countering light-induced oxidative load than those in L. vulgare. Consistently, light-induced accumulation of flavonoids in L. vulgare, particularly ortho-dihydroxylated flavonoids in the leaf mesophyll, greatly exceeded that in P. latifolia. We conclude that the accumulation of flavonoid glycosides associated with high solar radiation-induced oxidative stress and, hence, biosynthesis of flavonoids appear to be unrelated to 'tolerance' to high solar radiation in the species examined.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Ceratonia siliqua L. were grown for 1 year in the field under ambient or ambient plus supplemental UV-B radiation (corresponding to 15% ozone depletion over Patras) and received two levels of additional irrigation during the summer dry period. The experiment was started during February 1998 and two major samplings were performed, the first at the end of the dry period (September 1998) and the second at the end of the experiment (January 1999). Plants receiving additional irrigation showed significantly higher leaf number, plant height and chlorophyll content at the end of the summer, but these differences were abolished at the final harvest. Plants growing under enhanced UV-B radiation had significantly fewer leaves and less nitrogen content at the end of the dry period, but these effects were also abolished at the final harvest, during which significant UV-B induced increases in stem dry mass were observed. None of the other measured parameters (mean leaf area, leaf dry mass, leaf thickness, UV-B absorbing compounds, phenolics, tannins and photochemical efficiency of PSII) were affected by either treatment. Combined UV-B / water effects were not significant. We may conclude that although some minor responses to enhanced UV-B radiation were evident, C. siliqua is resistant against UV-B radiation damage at the level applied.  相似文献   

In this study foliar sclerophyll indexes, N %, P % and K % concentrations and correlations between sclerophyll index and these parameters were investigated in Quercus cerris L. var. cerris and Phillyrea latifolia L. In addition to this soil samples were collected and some physical and chemical analysis were carried out in these samples. Finally it has been determined that sclerophyll index was correlated with leaf N % concentrations in Q. cerris var. cerris and P. latifolia and leaf K % concentration in Q. cerris var. cerris.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative variability in floral scent of 98 specimens of the dioecious species Silene latifolia belonging to 15 European and 19 North American populations was determined. Floral scent was collected from single flowers using dynamic headspace methods, and analysed by Micro-SPE and GC-MS methods. The flowers showed a nocturnal rhythm, and scent was emitted only at night. The amount of emitted volatiles varied greatly during the season, from 400 ng/flower/2 min in June to 50 ng/flower/2 min in August and September. The qualitative variability in the floral scent was high and different chemotypes, characterised by specific scent compounds, were found. Female and male flowers emitted the same type and amount of volatiles. The differences in floral scent composition between European and North American populations were small. Typical compounds were isoprenoids like lilac aldehyde isomers, or trans-beta-ocimene, and benzenoids like benzaldehyde, phenyl acetaldehyde, or veratrole. Some of these compounds are known to attract nocturnal Lepidoptera species. The high qualitative variability is discussed in relation to the pollination biology of S. latifolia, and the results are compared with other studies investigating intraspecific variability of flower scent.  相似文献   

Aims Our purpose was to explore the effects of nitrogen addition on foliar nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and N:P stoichiometry and to assess their differences among different species and functional groups.
Methods N addition experiment has been conducted in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Mount Wuyi, Fujian Province since 2011. Foliar concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus were measured and foliar stoichiometry was estimated in tree, shrub, herb, fern and moss species following the N addition treatments from 2013 to 2015.
Important findings Generally, foliar N increased for almost all species and herbaceous plants are much more sensitive than trees and shrubs under N addition. Foliar N of Castanopsis carlesii, Amomum villosum, Woodwardia japonica increased significantly under N addition. Foliar P for most species was sensitive to the N addition. Foliar P of herbaceous plants increased significantly but foliar P of Leucobryum chlorophyllosum decreased significantly. The results showed the subtropical evergreen forest in Mount Wuyi was mainly limited by P and mean foliar N:P ratios enhanced from 18.67 to 19.72 under N addition, indicating that the strength of P limitation was enhanced by N addition. N:P ratios of the dominant arboreal species in the communities tended to be stable, while N:P ratios of herbaceous plants and shrubs increased. The changes in N:P ratios were mainly determined by P dynamics instead of N dynamics under N addition, and our results confirmed that increasing N availability can affect P cycling.  相似文献   

该文以福建武夷山亚热带常绿阔叶林为研究对象, 通过设置3个氮(N)添加梯度的野外实验, 研究了群落内乔木植物、灌木植物、草本植物、蕨类植物和苔藓植物叶片N、磷(P)化学计量特征对N沉降的响应, 以及不同功能群和物种化学计量特征对N沉降响应的差异。在已开展5年人工N添加的样地内, 3年的监测结果表明: N添加整体上提高了植物叶片N含量, 草本层植物叶片N含量对N添加的响应比乔木层和灌木层植物更加敏感, 优势种米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、草本植物砂仁(Amomum villosum)、蕨类植物狗脊(Woodwardia japonica)的叶片N含量显著增加。N添加整体上增加了植物叶片P含量, 乔木层植物和灌木层植物叶片P含量没有显著变化, 草本层植物叶片P含量显著增加, 而苔藓植物叶片P含量显著减少。N添加促使武夷山亚热带常绿阔叶林植物叶片N:P由18.67上升至19.72, 加剧了植物生长的P限制; 乔木物种N:P的变化较灌木和草本物种更加稳定。N添加条件下, 植物叶片N:P的变化主要受到叶片P含量而非N含量变化的影响, N添加对生态系统P循环的影响显著。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Apple (Malus) fruit peduncles are highly modified stems with limited secondary growth because fruit ripening lasts only one season. They must reliably connect rather heavy fruits to the branch and cope with increasing fruit weight, which induces dynamic stresses under oscillating wind loads. This study focuses on tissue modification of these small, exposed structures during fruit development.


A combination of microscopic, static and dynamic mechanical tests, as well as Raman spectroscopy, was used to study structure–function relationships in peduncles of one cultivar and 12 wild species, representatively chosen from all sections of the genus Malus. Tissue differentiation and ontogenetic changes in mechanical properties of Malus peduncles were observed throughout one growing season and after successive removal of tissues.

Key Results

Unlike in regular stems, the vascular cambium produces mainly phloem during secondary growth. Hence, in addition to a reduced xylem, all species developed a centrally arranged sclerenchyma ring composed of fibres and brachysclereids. Based on differences in cell-wall thickness, and proportions and arrangement of sclereids, two types of peduncle construction could be distinguished. Fibres provide an increased maximum tensile strength and contribute most to the overall axial rigidity of the peduncles. Sclereids contribute insignificantly to peduncle strength; however, despite being shown to have a lower elastic modulus than fibres, they are the most effective tissue in stiffening peduncles against bending.


The experimental data revealed that sclereids originating from cortical parenchyma act as ‘accessory’ cells to enhance proportions of sclerenchyma during secondary growth in peduncles. The mechanism can be interpreted as an adaptation to continuously increasing fruit loads. Under oscillating longitudinal stresses, sclereids may be regarded as regulating elements between maintenance of stiffness and viscous damping, the latter property being attributed to the cortical parenchyma.  相似文献   

Plants have the ability to dampen the effects of variability in water resources. Various mechanisms contribute to these properties: reduction of leaf area, increased rooting depth and stomatal conductance. To evaluate the differential roles and interactions of these mechanisms, we have built a model and simulated flows of water in Mediterranean evergreen scrub. The essential concept of this model is that the water status of the canopy is governed by the water lost by transpiration, the availability of soil water and the hydraulic resistances to water flow in soil and plant. The amount of water supplied by the roots is related to changes in water potential between the soil and the leaf. The amount of water lost to the atmosphere is regulated by an interaction between atmospheric demand and canopy water potential. Water uptake by plant is assumed equal to plant water loss. Leaf area appears to affect largely the annual water balance. The critical leaf water potential required to reduce the maximum stomatal conductance by half has a dominant effect on annual leaf water potential. Reducing rooting depth induces a new functional equilibrium for the plant. This new equilibrium is reached by decreasing leaf area and the critical leaf water potential. Our results show the complexity of interactions of these mechanisms and highlight the importance of the coordination between them. Finally, we suggest a reconsideration of these mechanisms in a context of the survival and long-term persistence of the plant.  相似文献   

Rocky littoral communities of the Azores are dominated by macroalgae where turf formations represent the main life form as on many subtropical and tropical shores. The present study aimed at describing and classifying benthic intertidal biotopes of the Azores using clear quantification and data analysis methodologies to be used in similar studies for spatial and/or temporal comparison. This numerical approach intends to have management and conservation applicability. Thirty study locations along the coast of São Miguel island were characterised by substratum type (cobbles, boulders or bedrock – different stability levels) and exposure to wave action (high, medium or low exposure), from June to August 2002. Algae, sessile and sedentary invertebrates were recorded along transects, and the more conspicuous taxa quantified. Community structure is mainly shaped by substratum stability – unstable cobble communities are separate from those of more stable boulders and bedrock. Boulders present an intermediate community composition between cobbles and bedrock. Exposure to wave action induces smaller variation in community composition. Sixteen biotopes have been recognised. Ultimately the present paper provides an objective set of biotope definition tools for a broad public whose interest focuses on spatial and temporal comparison of coastal communities and associated habitats.  相似文献   

A foliar morphometric approach to the study of salicaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An assemblage of leaves of four species of willows (Salix viminalis, S. alba, S. fragilis, andS. caprea), two of their hybrids (S. alba ×fragilis andS. caprea ×viminalis), two species of poplars (Populus alba andP. tremula), and two “external” species (Elaeagnus angustifolia andPyrus salicifolia) was analyzed. The study was designed to determine whether leaves that are very close in shape but belong to different species, particularly the elongated leaves ofS. viminalis, S. alba, S. fragilis, E. angustifolia, andP. salicifolia, could be discriminated by continuous foliar characters (that is, vegetative characters), despite both the great foliar polymorphism met in Salicaceae (especially in the genusPopulus) and hybridization problems. Our results show that multivariate analyses (principal component analysis [PCA] and cluster analysis) of an appropriate character set enable leaves to be classified in their own species at more than 98 %, even in these difficult conditions. It can be seen from this work that PCA is a good tool when it keeps a maximum of total variability; that is, when there are few taxa; on the other hand, cluster analysis is more appropriate with many taxa. One can then envisage the application of this morphometric approach to fossil-imprint determination, in which even fragmentary paleobotanical remains could be included. This would give access to real biodiversity of tertiary flora and to intraspecific variability.
Résumé  Un assemblage de feuilles de quatre espèces de saules (Salix viminalis, S. alba, S. fragilis, etS. caprea), deux de leurs hybrides (S. alba ×fragilis etS. caprea ×viminalis), ainsi que deux espèces de peupliers (Populus alba etP. tremula), et deux espèces “externes” (Elaeagnus angustifolia etPyrus salicifolia) a été étudié. Le but était de savoir si des feuilles de forme très proche mais d’espèces différentes (en particulier les feuilles allongées deS. viminalis, S. alba, S. fragilis, E. angustifolia, etP. salicifolia) pouvaient être discriminées par des caractères foliaires (donc végétatifs) continus, et ce malgré le très grand polymorphisme foliaire existant chez les Salicacées (surtout chez le genrePopulus), et les problèmes d’hybridation. Il en a résulté que les analyses multivariées (ACP et analyse agrégative) associées à un jeu de caractères approprié, permettent à plus de 98% le classement des feuilles dans leur propre espèce, même dans ces conditions difficiles. Il ressort de ce travail que l’ACP n’est un bon outil que lorsqu’ elle conserve un maximum de la variabilité totale, c’est-à-dire ici, quand les taxa sont peu nombreux; en revanche, l’analyse agrégative exprime le maximum de ses capacités en présence d’un grand nombre de taxa. On peut alors envisager l’application de cette approche morphométrique à la détermination d’empreintes fossiles, dans le but d’inclure même les restes fragmentaires dans les études paléobotaniques, ce qui donnerait accès à la réelle biodiversité des flores tertiaires et à la variabilité existant au sein des espèces.

A new technique is described for taphonomic investigation of fossil vertebrates with a high degree of skeletal articulation and completeness, and applied to analysis of the taphonomy of Archaeopteryx. The known skeletal remains of Archaeopteryx can be assigned to two preservational types: (A) well-articulated and almost complete skeletons, and (B) less complete and more disarticulated skeletons, but with some well-articulated sub-units. Differences between these categories are most likely a function of time elapsed between death and burial, and these groups are interpreted as samples of a larger possible range of taphonomic variation. The specimens represent parts of a decay spectrum rather than a decay sequence, and there is no evidence for a regional drift pattern. Digital crossover in the hands of Archaeopteryx , previously considered an anatomical condition, is interpreted as a post-mortem artefact.  相似文献   

为理解氮沉降对华西雨屏区天然常绿阔叶林凋落物分解过程的影响,采用立地控制实验和凋落物分解袋法,研究了低氮沉降(L,50 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))、中氮沉降(M,150 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))和高氮沉降(H,300 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))对华西雨屏区天然常绿阔叶林凋落叶分解过程中基质质量的影响。结果表明:N沉降抑制了凋落叶的分解,并随着N沉降量的增加,抑制作用增强。N沉降遏制了凋落叶的C、N释放和纤维素降解,促进了P释放。N沉降提高了凋落叶的C/P比,中氮和高氮处理提高了凋落叶C/N比。N沉降显著增加了凋落叶N、木质素和纤维素的含量,分解1年后,各N沉降处理的木质素/N和纤维素/N均显著高于对照。N沉降提高了质量残留率与C/N、木质素/N和纤维素/N的相关性,降低了与C/P的相关性。可见,模拟N沉降显著影响了华西雨屏区天然常绿阔叶林凋落叶分解过程中的基质质量,进而影响了凋落叶的分解过程。  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of SO2, CO2, NO x , and CO on non-enzymatic foliar defense mechanism around oil refineries, the present study was undertaken in Batman, Turkey during the periods February–April–June 2002. For this purpose, the four common evergreen plants at all sites, Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Halmboe, Ligustrum vulgare L., Thuja orientalis L., and Nerium oleander L. were selected as test plants. Four study sites were selected at the Batman Refinery area (AR). Four control sites were also selected at a distance of about 5 km from the refinery (OR). Responses to oil refinery pollution of plants, heavy metals, chlorophyll (chl), proline, carotenoids, lipid peroxidation, SH-compounds, and ascorbic acid were measured. In addition, ambient pollutant gas concentrations were measured. The pollutant gas concentrations were high in the immediate vicinity of oil refinery. The levels of total chl, SH-compounds, ascorbic acid, and chla/chlb ratio were found to decrease, and the amount of proline, carotenoids, lipid peroxidation, and reduced ascorbate/oxidized ascorbate ratio were found to increase in comparison to plants growing at the control sites. A comparison of four evergreen plant species indicated that L. vulgare was the most resistance to refinery induced air pollution and the magnitude of foliar injury symptoms was greatest in P. nigra and T. orientalis.  相似文献   

Studies of rain-wash effects on pollen have shown that flower structures can protect susceptible pollen from rain. It remains unclear, however, how a thin corolla can withstand external force and perform its protective function. The sclereids in petals of several species of Camellia (Theaceae) were anatomically investigated to determine their mechanical properties. To examine the effects of changing physical environment on the occurrence of sclereids in petals, sclereid density in petals of six species, including wild samples from different rainfall zones and samples from a greenhouse under mild conditions without wind and rain, were examined and statistically analysed. The results showed that the occurrence of sclereids in petals varied with physical environment. The number of sclereids in the same species increased with the increasing rainfall. There were abundant sclereids in petals of the wild species, but few or no sclereids in species cultivated in the greenhouse. Moreover, the anatomical features of sclereids, especially the unique distribution pattern that has not hitherto been described, were correlated with external environmental pressures. Our observations reveal a novel mechanical system in the corolla and provide further evidence for the hypothesis that flower structures may protect rain-susceptible pollen.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere and plant nutrition: a quantitative approach   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Darrah  P. R. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):1-20
The role of the rhizosphere in relation to mineral nutrition is discussed within a quantitative framework using the Barber-Cushman model as a starting point. The uptake or release of nutrients by roots growing in soil leads to concentration gradients forming in the soil: the zone so affected is termed the rhizosphere. The nature of these gradients depends on three factors: the rate of uptake/release; the mobility of the nutrient in soil; and the rate of conversion between available and unavailable forms. The interplay between these factors determines the amount of mineral nutrients acquired by the plant and it is the complexity of the interplay which demands the use of mathematical models in order to understand which factors most limit uptake. Despite extensive experimental evidence of root-mediated changes to the physical, chemical and biological status of rhizosphere soil, the quantitative significance of these changes for mineral nutrition has not been assessed. The problems of making this quantitative transition are reviewed.  相似文献   

Vertical seed dispersal by earthworms: a quantitative approach   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Earthworms are supposed to play an important role in the dynamics of the soil seed bank, however, experimental evidence and quantitative data are scarce To evaluate the impact of the earthworm species Lumbricus terrains L on the vertical transport of seeds in the soil, laboratory experiments have been earned out Moreover, the worm casts produced and their seed content have been quantified in two chalk grassland sites during one year
The experiment on seed transport has been earned out in cylinders with controlled numbers of worms and seeds at different depths in stenlized soil Seeds used in this experiment proved to be eaten by the earthworms in preceding palatability tests A significant translocation of the seeds in the cylinders with earthworms was recorded after an eight-week period In spring earthworm activity was mainly found m the upper soil layers in the cylinders, whereas in summer the activity was spread over a larger vertical distance The amount of worm casts collected on permanently marked plots in two different chalk grasslands was very high a minimal quantity of c 750 g nr2 of worm casts were produced yearly The number of germinative seeds brought to the soil surface by worm casts was at least 60-100 nr2 each year This means that earthworm activity has a substantial impact on the soil seed bank dynamics and hence on the possibility of plant recruitment in this species-nch ecosystem  相似文献   

The effect of natural brood size variation on offspring quality was studied in a blue tit ( Parus caeruleus ) population on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Offspring quality, measured as nestling body mass at day 13 post-hatch, declined significantly with increasing brood size, as did offspring structural body size (tarsus length). A quantitative genetic analysis revealed a high heritability of tarsus length, but also that the shorter tarsi of young from larger broods represented a negative environmental deviation from the genotypic values of their parents. Similarly, positive environmental deviations in tarsus length were found in small broods. Nestling mortality increased with increasing brood size, and smaller and lighter nestlings suffered higher mortality between day 13 and 20 post-hatch. These findings, together with those of previous studies showing that the survival prospects of malnutritioned passerine young are greatly reduced, provide evidence for a trade-off between the quantity and quality of young under non-manipulative conditions.  相似文献   

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