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The genus Naegleria is comprised of a group of free-living ameboflagellates found in diverse habitats worldwide. Over 30 species have been isolated from soil and water but only Naegleria fowleri (N. fowleri) has been associated with human disease. Naegleria fowleri causes primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a fatal disease of the central nervous system. The pathogenesis of PAM and the role of host immunity to N. fowleri are poorly understood. Strategies for combating infection are limited because disease progression is rapid and N. fowleri has developed strategies to evade the immune system. The medical significance of these free-living ameboflagellates should not be underestimated, not only because they are agents of human disease, but also because they can serve as reservoirs of pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Amebostomes of Naegleria fowleri   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The strain of ameba, culture incubation temperature, and phase of ameba growth affected the number of amebostomes present on amebae of Naegleria fowleri. Serial passage of N. fowleri through mice decreased the average number of amebostomes. Amebostomes were shown to be functional by their ability to engulf yeast cells.  相似文献   

The strain of ameba, culture incubation temperature, and phase of ameba growth affected the number of amebostomes present on amebae of Naegleria fowleri. Serial passage of N. fowleri through mice decreased the average number of amebostomes. Amebostomes were shown to be functional by their ability to engulf yeast cells.  相似文献   

Groups of mice were placed in water containing from 10(2) to 10(6) Naegleria fowleri amebae per ml and allowed to swim for 2.5 to 20 min. Mouse mortality ranged from 0 to 70% and was dependent upon the concentration of amebae per ml and the length of swimming exposure. That swimming mice can develop fatal naeglerial infection further confirms the mouse model for studying experimental primary amebic meningoencephalitis.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of Naegleria fowleri enflagellation.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Amoebae of Naegleria fowleri nN68 became elongated flagellated cells 150 to 180 min after subculture to non-nutrient buffer. N. fowleri NF69 did not become elongated or flagellated under these conditions. Electron microscopic examination of N. fowleri confirmed that it is a typical eucaryotic protist with a distinct nuclear envelope and prominent nucleolus, numerous vacuoles and cytoplasmic inclusions, pleomorphic mitochondria, and some rough endoplasmic reticulum. During incubation in non-nutrient buffer, both strains lost ultraviolet-absorbing material to the medium, and the number of vacuoles decreased. In strain nN68, basal bodies, a rootlet, and flagella are formed quickly after an initial lag of 90 min. Initially, the rootlet is not associated with the nucleus but they become associated subsequent at the leading end of the elongated cell. In elongated cells, the rootlet lies in a furrow or groove extending the length of the nucleus. Flagella of N. fowleri nN68 exhibit the typical 9 + 2 arrangement of filaments and are surrounded by a sheath which is continuous with the plasma membrane. The enflagellation process in N. fowleri can be manipulated reproducibly.  相似文献   

Differences in the distribution of diverse cell surface coat markers were found between Naegleria fowleri and Naegleria lovaniensis. The presence of carbohydrate-containing components in the cell coat of the two species was detected by selective staining with ruthenium red and alcian blue. Using both markers, N. fowleri presented a thicker deposit than N. lovaniensis. The existence of exposed mannose or glucose residues was revealed by discriminatory agglutination with the plant lectin Concanavalin A. These sugar residues were also visualized at the cell surface of these parasites either by transmission electron microscopy or by fluorescein-tagged Concanavalin A. Using this lectin cap formation was induced only in N. fowleri. The anionic sites on the cell surface detected by means of cationized ferritin were more apparent in N. fowleri. Biotinylation assays confirmed that even though the two amoebae species have some analogous plasma membrane proteins, there is a clear difference in their composition.  相似文献   

A pathogenic free-living amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis to human and experimental animals. This infection is rare, but the mortality is very high. Nowadays, drug treatment or active immunization of human or mice are being tried with partial effectiveness. This study shows passive immunization effect by transfer of immunized spleen cells, serum, or milk from immunized mother in mouse experimental model. Young BALB/c mice were immunized intraperitoneally with 2-3 X 10(6) trophozoites of N. fowleri, and spleen cells and sera were collected for injection to recipient mice. There were seven transfer groups, i.e., immunized mouse serum, spleen cells, serum and spleen cells, normal mouse serum, spleen cells, serum and spleen cells, and control group. Three days later, BALB/c mice were inoculated with 1 x 10(4) trophozoites of N. fowleri intranasally. After infection, decreased mortality and prolonged survival time of mice were noted in immunized groups compared with non-immunized control group. The groups injected with immunized spleen cells or normal serum showed lower mortality than that of controls but showed no changes of serum IgG level. The groups injected with immunized serum or normal spleen cells showed increased serum IgG level after immunization but hundred percent mortality was observed. Mother mice were immunized intraperitoneally with 2-3 X 10(6) trophozoites of N. fowleri at the end of pregnancy and weaning period. Soon after the delivery, litters born of non-immunized mother were matched with immunized mother for feeding immune milk. After three weeks, the litters were infected with 1 X 10(4) trophozoites of N. fowleri or sacrificed for serum collection to measure the IgG levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Naegleria fowleri strains HB-1 and KUL, pathogenic for humans, Naegleria gruberi strain 1518/1e, and 3 strains (Vm1, LvH1, and LvH2) of Naegleria isolated from a body of water polluted with thermal effluents were compared in an attempt at specific identifications of the latter strains. The 3 environmental isolates were morphologically almost identical with N. fowleri and had almost the same temperature tolerance, although at 37 and 42 C the growth rates of LvH1 and LvH2 were higher than those of the human pathogen, N. fowleri, and of isolate Vm1, which was pathogenic for mice. Serologic examinations by indirect fluorescent antibody method revealed a very close relationship of the new isolates with the human pathogens. While Vm1 was indistinguishable from N. fowleri, LvH1 and LvH2 were not, when cross-absorbed antisera were used. Of all the strains examined, only the 2 LvH isolates were not inhibited by amphotericin B, while only N. gruberi was not inhibited by fumagillin. The cytopathic effect in Vero cell cultures suggested that the LvH strains could have a certain degree of virulence, although this was not confirmed by intranasal and intracerebral inoculations of mice. The cytopathic effects of the human pathogens and of the isolate pathogenic for mice were related to their virulence for mice. It is concluded that there exists an intermediate form between N. gruberi and N. fowleri, with a strong relationship to the latter species. We refer to such strains as nonpathogenic variants of N. fowleri. Further research is needed to reveal their place in the taxonomy.  相似文献   

Microfilaments in Naegleria fowleri amoebae.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Examination by electron microscopy has revealed 2 types of microfilament in the cytoplasm of 3 strains of axenically grown Naegleria fowleri amoebae. Thin, actin-like microfilaments 5-7 nm in diameter are randomly oriented in the nonmotile amoebae, and are concentrated near the plasma membrane. In the actively motile amoebae these microfilaments aggregate to form colateral bundles in close proximity to the plasma membrane. Thick, myosin-like microfilaments 17-19 nm in diameter also occur in the amoebae cytoplasm. The significance of these 2 kinds of microfilament in amoeboid motion is discussed.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis by Naegleria fowleri for bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Naegleria fowleri amebae demonstrated a chemotactic and chemokinetic response toward live cells and extracts of Escherichia coli and other bacterial species when experiments were performed using a blind-well chemotaxis chamber. The peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine acted as a chemokinetic rather than a chemotactic factor for N. fowleri amebae. Competition experiments in which nerve cell extracts or bacteria were placed on either side of the filter in chemotaxis chambers resulted in increased movement towards bacteria. A scanning electron microscopy study of the interaction of N. fowleri with different bacterial species confirmed that when the amebae were near ingestible bacteria they moved toward the bacteria by pseudopod formation. Naegleria fowleri appeared to respond to bacteria by three interrelated but distinct processes: chemokinesis, chemotaxis, and formation of food cups.  相似文献   

An avidin-biotin horseradish peroxidase method was used to detect antibodies to Naegleria fowleri and N. lovaniensis in human serum samples. Antibodies were detected in 101 specimens from 115 hospital patients ranging in age from 15 to 98 years. Class-specific anti-immunoglobulins identified antibodies as IgG and IgM. IgG antibody titers to both species ranged from 1:20 to 1:640. Seven of 15 serum samples collected from newborn infants also demonstrated IgG antibodies to these organisms with a titer range of 1:20 to 1:80. The immunoperoxidase test and Western blot analysis of selected serum samples demonstrated a close similarity in serological results between N. fowleri and N. lovaniensis.  相似文献   

Intranasal immunization of mice against Naegleria fowleri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this research was to determine whether mice could be protected from lethal challenge with Naegleria fowleri by prior intranasal exposure to pathogenic and nonpathogenic Naegleria. Mortality ranged from 0 to 100% for mice inoculated intranasally (i.n.) with 5 x 10(3) amebae of 13 human isolates of N. fowleri. Mice were immunized and challenged i.n. using live amebae of strains of low, medium, and high virulence. The greatest protection against lethal challenge was afforded by three immunizing doses of 10(3) amebae per dose of the strain of medium virulence. Nonpathogenic N. gruberi also was used to immunize mice i.n. against lethal challenge with N. fowleri. Protection was greater following immunization with N. gruberi than it was after immunization with N. fowleri, suggesting that nonpathogenic N. gruberi may be a better immunogen in protecting mice against lethal naeglerial challenge.  相似文献   

Cytolytic activity of Naegleria fowleri cell-free extract   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cytotoxic activity of a cell-free extract of Naegleria fowleri amebae on B103 rat nerve cells in culture was investigated. The cell-free extract was prepared by subjecting lysed amebae to centrifugation at 100,000 g for 1 h, precipitation of the supernatant fluid with 30-60% saturated ammonium sulfate, and desalting by group exclusion chromatography utilizing Sephadex G-25. The supernatant fluid recovered from this procedure was termed the soluble fraction. The Naegleria cytotoxic activity present in the soluble fraction was assayed by 51Cr released from labeled B103 cells. The Naegleria soluble fraction, when added to nerve cells, elicited blebs on the B103 target cell surface within 5 min after exposure to the fraction. Later, holes were observed in the B103 cell plasma membrane. These alterations were never observed on untreated B103 cells. Phospholipase A, phospholipase C, and protease activities were associated with the desalted ammonium sulfate-precipitable cytotoxic activity of N. fowleri cell-free lysate. The cytotoxic activity was impaired by ethylenediamine-tetraacetate (EDTA), phospholipase A inhibitor (Rosenthal's reagent), heating at 50 degrees C for 15 min, or incubation at pH 10 for 60 min. Repeated freeze-thawing and inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes had no effect on the cytotoxic activity. Small amounts of ethanol (5% v/v) enhanced cytotoxic activity of the fraction. Phospholipases A and C, as well as other as yet unidentified cytolytic factors may be responsible for producing 51Cr release from target cells by the soluble fraction of N. fowleri extracts.  相似文献   

Protective effects of monoclonal antibodies against N. fowleri were comparatively studied. BALB/c mice were treated with two types of monoclonal antibodies, Nf 2 and Nf 154, before and after the infection with N. fowleri. The mortality and mean survival times were then compared. Also, direct effect of the monoclonal antibodies on the N. fowleri trophozoites in vitro were observed. In vitro protective effects of the monoclonal antibodies were also studied in cells infected with N. fowleri. The observed results are summarized as follows: 1. Among mice pretreated twice before the infection with monoclonal antibody Nf 2(McAb Nf 2), only 15.8% were killed, and the mean survival time was 17.7 days. This was not much different from the mice pretreated once, as the mortality and mean survival time were 16.7% and 17 days. Those effects were compatible with monoclonal antibody Nf 154(McAb Nf 154). The above findings contrast with the mortality and mean survival time of the control mice, which were 22.7% and 14.6 days respectively. 2. Mice which received twice the McAb Nf 2 following N. fowleri infection incurred a 19.4% mortality rate with 13.6 days survival time; 17.9% and 15.8 days with on time administration, in contrast to the 25% and 14.6 days in the control group. 3. Marked agglutination effect of McAb Nf 2 or McAb Nf 154 were observed on N. fowleri trophozoites. 4. When N. fowleri trophozoites were treated with McAb Nf 2 or McAb Nf 154 combined with comments, the proliferation rate was more significantly suppressed than in that the control. 5. N. fowleri trophozoites treated with McAb Nf 2 or McAb Nf 154 showed an increased number of swollen mitochondria, disfigured cisternae, lipid droplets, and osmiophilic granules in the cytoplasm. 6. A remarkable protective effect of monoclonal antibodies was noticed in CHO cells infected with N. fowleri. More than 90.6% of the infected CHO cells survived, contrasted with 27% of untreated cells. The overall results in this study suggest that N. fowleri treated with monoclonal antibodies against N. fowleri reduce the mortality and prolong the survival time of the mice when the antibodies are administered before the infection. The protective effect of the monoclonal antibodies is surmised being caused by agglutination of the trophozoites.  相似文献   

Trophozoites of the free-living amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, were isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of meningoencephalitis patient. The infecting agent was identified as N. fowleri based on morphologic, serologic and molecular techniques carried out on the isolated organisms.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution of hydrolases in Naegleria fowleri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence and particle association of various hydrolytic enzymes in Naegleria fowleri has been studied in whole cell extracts of trophozoites in an effort to establish authentic markers for surface membrane and lysosomal components. Evidence from the experiments reported here indicates that in N. fowleri a) acid proteinase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, and acid phosphatase are associated with cytoplasmic granules closely resembling lysosomes; b) 5'-nucleotidase is associated with the surface membrane, probably on the external surface; c) aspartate aminotransferase is associated with mitochondria; d) alpha-D-glucosidase and an aminopeptidase have bimodal distributions, activity being associated with both the surface membrane and lysosomal particles.  相似文献   

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