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An investigation of airborne pollen in northern Mexico City was carried out for one year. A total of 24 taxa were identified and classified according to the growing form in pollen of trees, weeds and grasses. Pollen grains were recorded all year round with a peak in December. The trees group showed the highest quantity of pollen as well as taxa diversity, although its peak period was in the dry season. The weeds and grasses emitted a larger quantity of pollen in the rainy season. The dominant taxa wereAlnus, Casuarina, Compositae and Gramineae. As for their relation with meteorological parameters, we found that the increase of pollen concentration was related to high temperatures, low relative humidity and high wind speed, the latter causing an increase of airborne pollen with no dilution at all. The hours with the highest pollen concentration where from 16:00 to 18:00.  相似文献   

An investigation of airborne pollen in northern Mexico City was carried out for one year. A total of 24 taxa were identified and classified according to the growing form in pollen of trees, weeds and grasses. Pollen grains were recorded all year round with a peak in December. The trees group showed the highest quantity of pollen as well as taxa diversity, although its peak period was in the dry season. The weeds and grasses emitted a larger quantity of pollen in the rainy season. The dominant taxa wereAlnus, Casuarina, Compositae and Gramineae. As for their relation with meteorological parameters, we found that the increase of pollen concentration was related to high temperatures, low relative humidity and high wind speed, the latter causing an increase of airborne pollen with no dilution at all. The hours with the highest pollen concentration where from 16:00 to 18:00.  相似文献   

Conidial types collected daily in the air above a vineyard in northwest Spain were identified and counted. A total of 26 fungal spore types were recognised; ten of which (Cladosporium, Botrytis, Fusarium-Leptosphaeria type,Torula, Puccinia, Alternaria, Uncinula, Helminthosporium type,Agrocybe andStemphylium) gave a seasonal total concentration exceeding 1000 spores. Seasonal patterns are shown for 12 of the identified taxa.  相似文献   

 The effect of an urban climate upon the spatial and temporal distribution of Deuteromycete spores was studied during 1991 using Burkard volumetric spore traps in two areas of Mexico City with different degrees of urbanization. Deuteromycete conidia formed the largest component of the total airborne fungal spore load in the atmosphere of Mexico City, contributing 52% of the spores trapped in an urban-residential area (southern area) and 65% of those in an urban-commercial area (central area). Among the most common spore types, Cladosporium and Alternaria showed a marked seasonal periodicity with significant differences in concentration (P<0.05) between the dry and wet seasons. Maximum conidial concentrations were found during the end of the wet season and the beginning of the cool, dry season (October–December). Daily mean concentrations of the predominant airborne spore types did not differ significantly between the southern and central areas. Daily mean spore concentrations were significantly correlated (P<0.05) in southern and central areas with maximum temperature (south, r = –0.35; central, r = –0.40) and relative humidity (south, r = 0.43; central, r = 0.29) from the previous day. Moreover, multiple regression analysis of spore concentrations with several meteorological factors showed significant interactions between fungal spores, relative humidity and maximum temperature in both areas. The diurnal periodicity of Cladosporium conidia characteristically showed two or three peaks in concentration during the day at 0200–0400, ∼ 1400 and 2000–2200 hours, while that of Alternaria showed only one peak (1200 to 2000 hours) in both areas. Maximum concentrations of these spores generally occurred 2–4 h earlier in the southern than in the central area. The lag in reaching maximum concentrations in the central area probably resulted from differences in the local conditions between the study areas, and from spores transported aerially into the city from distant sources. The analysis of maximum hourly concentrations of Cladosporium and Alternaria spores during 1 month of the dry season (February), and another month of the wet season (September) showed significant differences between the two study areas. Environmental factors and sources (green areas) affected diurnal changes in conidial concentration in the southern area (urbanization index, UI, 0.25), but not in the central area (UI 0.97). In general, spore concentrations were greatest in the southern area when relative humidities were low, and temperatures and wind velocities were high. It was difficult to establish effects of climatic factors on the spore concentration in the city centre. This probably results from the large amounts of air pollution, the heat island phenomenon, and from the distant origin of trapped conidia obviating aerial transport. Nevertheless, the seasonal and diurnal distributions of conidia found were similar to those reported for other tropical regions of the world. Received: 13 August 1996 / Accepted: 4 December 1996  相似文献   

In the setting of an aerobiological study of confined environments and environmental prevention of nosocomial infections, aerobiological monitoring of 22 areas in Montescano Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Pavia) was performed in three different months: February, May, and August, 1994. A Lanzoni 3000 spore trap was used for the monitoring. Examination of the results showed that, in the environments monitored, the indoor presence of fungi increased progressively over the three periods considered. The behaviour of individual genera of fungi differed. In the winter periodPenicillium andAspergillus were the most commonly encountered genera.Cladosporium was the dominant genus from the spring to the summer while the yeasts had their maximum counts in the spring morning. The use of air conditioning, combined with the low air exchange between outdoors and indoors in some of the environments certainly played a part in the low concentrations of these latter aerofungi.  相似文献   

In the setting of an aerobiological study of confined environments and environmental prevention of nosocomial infections, aerobiological monitoring of 22 areas in Montescano Medical Rehabilitation Centre (Pavia) was performed in three different months: February, May, and August, 1994. A Lanzoni 3000 spore trap was used for the monitoring. Examination of the results showed that, in the environments monitored, the indoor presence of fungi increased progresively over the three periods considered. The behaviour of individual genera of fungi differed. In the winter periodPenicillium andAspergillus were the most commonly encountered genera,Cladosporium was the dominant genus from the spring to the summer while the yeasts had their maximum counts in the spring morning. The use of air conditioning, combined with the low air exchange between outdoors and andoors in some of the environments certainly played a part in the low concentrations of these latter aerofungi.  相似文献   

The daily and seasonal distribution of airborne fungal particles was recorded in a high altitude tropical zone. Sampling was carried out in the southern part of Mexico City. An Andersen air sampler was used over a period of six months. Ten minutes sampling for each set of plates was done at fixed schedule: 07:30, 14:00 and 19:00 hours. The sampler was placed 10 m above the ground. Daily variation was found to be associated with the season, weather and atmospheric stability. The highest value of mold counts (3195 CFU m−3) was recorded in the evening on October, a transitional month between the rainy and the dry seasons, the lowest (45 CFU m−3) at noon during the rainy season. Mold counts were significantly correlated with temperature, having negative signs both in the morning and at noon, and being positive in the evening. The abundance of only three genera was recorded.Cladosporium, was isolated more frequently, and its abundance at 14:00 h was of 38%;Alternaria represented 4.0%, at 14:00 h, andAspergillus 3.0% at 7:30 h. Fifteen species belonging to the latter genera were identified and most of them are considered as opportunistic molds of clinical significance.  相似文献   

A universal method for the complete assessment of atmospheric fungal spores does not exist, which is continuous, volumetric and non-selective, and offers at the same time reliable identification of the collected spores. To perform a survey of airborne fungal spores, a choice has to be made between a viable and non-viable method. For the study carried out in Leiden, the non-viable, continuous volumetric method has been employed, showing the results over a period of 10 years, for 10 microscopically identifiable fungal spore types. Of this selection,Cladosporium spores have by far the highest airborne quantities, with an average annual total of the daily averages of over 700 000.Botrytis, Ustilago andAlternaria follow with much lower spore concentrations of between 20 000 and 30 000 as annual totals. The spore types ofEpicoccum, Erysiphe, Entomophthora, Torula, Stemphylium, andPolythrincium are represented with annual sums lower than 10 000. A spore calendar shows the overall seasonal appearance of the 10 selected types.  相似文献   

A universal method for the complete assessment of atmospheric fungal spores does not exist, which is continuous, volumetric and non-selective, and offers at the same time reliable identification of the collected spores. To perform a survey of airborne fungal spores, a choice has to be made between a viable and non-viable method. For the study carried out in Leiden, the non-viable, continuous volumetric method has been employed, showing the results over a period of 10 years, for 10 microscopically identifiable fungal spore types. Of this selection,Cladosporium spores have by far the highest airborne quantities, with an average annual total of the daily averages of over 700 000.Botrytis, Ustilago andAlternaria follow with much lower spore concentrations of between 20 000 and 30 000 as annual totals. The spore types ofEpicoccum, Erysiphe, Entomophthora, Torula, Stemphylium, andPolythrincium are represented with annual sums lower than 10 000. A spore calendar shows the overall seasonal appearance of the 10 selected types.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen in San Carlos de Bariloche was sampled from September to March 2001–2004 with a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap placed at a height of 15 m in a city extending from the humid forests, through the mesic forests, to the steppe. The total amount of pollen recorded varied widely from year to year. The pollen index was 4,395 in the sampling period 2001/2002; 9,055 in 2002/2003 and 2,756 in 2003/2004. The main pollen period extended from October to January. In October, pollen concentration was the highest. Sixty-six pollen types were identified. Cupressaceae and Nothofagus were the major contributors. Betula, Prunus, Pinus and Populus, the most abundant ornamental taxa in the city, also contributed to the pollen record. Pollen of Maytenus and Lomatia was representative of the mesic forest, while pollen in the lower layers of the humid forest was present in trace amounts. Cupressaceae, Nothofagus and Betula prevailed during spring (September–December), and Plantago, Rumex and Poaceae during summer (December–March). The association of daily pollen concentration and meteorological variables, temperature (mean, maximum, minimum), dew point, rainfall and wind speed, was significant. Correlations showed to be negative, with the exception of that to wind speed. The total sum of fungi spores increased from 1,771 in 2001/2002; through 8,441 in 2002/2003 to 13,782 in 2003/2004. Relative concentration rose to 29%, 48% and 84% of the total number of pollen and fungal spores recorded during each sampling period.  相似文献   

This study examined indoor air quality within schools in Kansas City, Spokane, Santa Fe, and Orlando. Air sampling was undertaken with both Andersen Single Stage Samplers and Burkard Personal Air Samplers. The data show a wide range of indoor exposures ranging from less than 100 colony forming units (CFU/m3) for viable fungi and 100 spores/m3 for total spores in Spokane and Santa Fe to concentrations over 6000 CFU/m3 for viable fungi and 15 000 spores/m3 for total fungi in Orlando and Kansas City, respectively. In the majority of sites the indoor airspora reflected the outdoor taxa withCladosporium the most abundant genus identified; however, several indoor locations had elevated levels ofPenicillium andAspergillus indicating possible sources of indoor contamination. Airborne basidiospores and smut spores were also fairly abundant in the schools and were among the top five taxa identified. The data also indicated that the airborne concentrations vary significantly during the day and between classrooms within each school. Continued studies in schools are needed to fully assess both the exposure levels and the clinical significance to atopic children allergic to these spores.  相似文献   

Gene frequencies and admixture estimates in a Mexico City population   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Five hundred and ten students of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México were tested to determine the distribution of ABO, MN, Rr-Hr blood groups, and serum haptoglobin, albumin, and Factor Bf types. Based on the results we found that the proportion of Indian and White genes are of 56.16 and 43.84%, respectively in the dihybrid model and 2.93, 56.22, and 40.85% for Blacks, Indians, and Whites in the trihybrid one. The present study reveals a higher proportion of Indian genes in the Mexico City population than estimated in previous publications. Reasons why the present results apply to a much larger group of Mexico City mestizos than the previous ones are given.  相似文献   

 Photochemical pollutants such as ozone and peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) could adversely affect human health, especially with relation to effects on lung function. For a realistic assessment of ambient concentrations, both outdoor and indoor measurements of ozone and PAN are required, because people stay indoors for most of the time. Indoor/outdoor concentration ratios, indoor half-life times and indoor chemistry including physicochemical reactions on surfaces are quite well known for ozone, but not for PAN. While ozone is removed very rapidly mainly by heterogeneous reactions on surfaces or by gasphase reactions with e.g. carpet emissions, no such processes are known for PAN at present. The main removal process for PAN is thermal decay. Indoor concentrations of ozone and PAN can be a significant fraction of those outdoors highly depending on the ventilation pattern. Our measurements in various kinds of non-air-conditioned rooms show maximal indoor concentrations between 80 and 100% of those outdoors for ozone and PAN, respectively. Average indoor/outdoor ratios were calculated of 0.5 for ozone and between 0.7 and 0.9 for PAN. The half-life times ranged between only a few minutes for ozone and 0.5 to 1 h for PAN. Received: 11 December 1996 / Accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

The protein associated with airborne particles was measured during 1991 as an indicator of airborne biological material in different outdoor urban environments. Fifty air samples were collected simultaneously at three sampling sites, located in the north, south and downtown Mexico City, using a PM10 high-volume sampler (particles<10 μm). The air filters were weighed and protein extracted using a phosphate buffer. Protein concentrations were determined by Lowry assay. The extracts were also analysed by SDS electrophoresis and IEF using a Phastsystem. High concentrations of airborne particles were recorded at the sampling sites with a geometric mean of 70.2 μg/m3 in the south (residential area), 95.5 μg/m3 in the center (urban-commercial area), and with the highest value of 108.9 μg/m3 in the north (urban-industrial area). No statistically significant difference (P>0.05) was observed among the protein concentrations from the sampling sites and the concentrations ranged from non-detectable to 2.54 μg/m3. However, the protein concentrations presented significant difference (P<0.05) with respect to rainy and dry seasons. The Spearman correlation coefficient between protein concentration and airborne particles concentration was statistically significant (r=0.50). The molecular weights (MW) and isoelectric points (pI) for the proteins present in some of the extracts were determined. The values ranged from approximately 8000 to 106 000 Da and the pI values from nearly 4.0 to 5.85. This is important because the major allergens from inhalants are mostly acidic proteins with molecular weights in the range of 20 000–40 000 Da.  相似文献   

The Burkard 7-day spore trap with standard orifice is commonly used by researchers in sampling outdoor air. The alternate orifice is reported to have higher efficiency in collecting small airborne fungal spores; however, no previous studies compared Burkard samplers with different orifices. This study was conducted to study the effect of the alternate orifice on the concentration of airborne fungal spores. Air samples were collected from July to October 2005 with two Burkard spore traps, one had the standard orifice and the second had the alternate orifice. The two spore traps were located on the roof of a building (12 m height) at the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Burkard daily slides were analyzed for airborne spores by light microscopy. The data from the two samplers were statistically analyzed using t-tests. The results indicated that the alternate orifice had significantly higher concentrations of Penicillium/Aspergillus-type spores and basidiospores than the standard orifice. By contrast, the standard orifice had significantly higher concentrations of Alternaria, ascospores, and other spores than the alternate orifice. The alternate orifice can be used to increase the efficiency of trapping small spores, which can be underestimated by using the standard orifice. However, additional comparison in other months of the year is recommended.  相似文献   

Meteorological effects on variation of airborne algae in Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen species of algae were collected from 73.8 m3 of air. Eleven were obtained in Minatitlán and eleven in México City. The data show that similar diversity occurred between the two localities, in spite of the difference in altitude. This suggests that cosmopolitan airborne microorganisms might have been released from different sources. Three major algal divisions (Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Chrysophyta) formed the airborne algal group. Also, a large concentration of 2220 algae m–3 was found near sea-level, while lower amounts were recorded at the high altitude of México City. The generaScenedesmus, Chlorella andChlorococcum dominated. Striking relationships were noted between the concentration of airborne green and blue-green algae, and meteorological conditions such as rain, vapour pressure, temperature and winds for different altitudes. In Minatitlán a linear relationship was established between concentration of algae and both vapour pressure (mbar) and temperature (° C), while in México City the wind (m s–1) was associated with variations in the algal count.  相似文献   

Few social-psychological theories of intraurban residential mobility have been offered, despite a number of empirical studies of personal motives. A complete explanation of residential mobility would interrelate macroscopic economic factors with household preferences. A cross-cultural socio-psychological model is presented as a step toward a comprehensive theory. Data from an exploratory study of middle-class Mexico City residents are used to test the model. Results suggest that middle-class Mexicans decide to move because of space needs accompanying life-cycle changes, desire for home ownership, and environmental reasons. Home selection was primarily a function of availability, cost, and terms. Unlike North Americans, suburban Mexicans were uninterested in community activities and maintained close contact with relatives; central-city respondents enjoyed living in the city despite dissatisfaction with residence or neighborhood. Most would avoid the suburbs because of communication problems and distance from relatives. Results support the model and justify further testing and development.I am grateful to the University of Alabama Research Grants Committee and Center for International Studies for financial support to carry out this study.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Society in New York, August 1976.  相似文献   

The concentration of fungal spores in the atmosphere of Madrid was recorded and analyzed for the year 2003. Airborne spores were sampled continuously with a Hirst-type spore trap located on the roof of a building of the School of Pharmacy, at about 8 m above ground level. Correlation between the mean daily spore concentrations and meteorological variables were explored by means of Spearman’s correlation analyses. Seventy spore types were identified, of which the most numerous were Cladosporium, Aspergillaceae (conidia), Coprinus, Agaricales (basidiospores), Ustilago (teliospores) and Pleospora (ascospores). These six types of spores represented more than 70% of the total. Cladosporium represented 41% of the total fungal spores, while Ustilago spores, the concentrations of which in May and June exceeded 47% of the monthly total spore count, constituted the second most important group. Spores reached their highest concentrations in the spring months, and in the autumn, mainly in October. A␣positive significant correlation was found between airborne spore counts and temperature and relative humidity. The results provide a picture of the spectrum of airborne fungal spores present in the atmosphere of Madrid and of the `peak' periods of their presence. Future studies will provide more detailed information on the seasonal dynamics of the spores most frequently found in the air as well as on the extent to which atmospheric conditions influence their release, dispersion and sedimentation processes.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative studies of atmospheric fungal spores at a chloralkali factory, Jayashree Chemicals. were made during 1993 employing culture plate and rotorod methods. A total of 57 sporulating fungal types, including three sterile mycelial forms, were recorded by the culture plate method and 51 spore types, including the hyphal fragments and unidentified spores, were recorded by the rotorod method. As to the seasonal variation, winter was found to be the greatest contributor of fungal spores as compared to the summer and rainy season. Instead, when considering the hour of the day, the peak number of fungal propagules was recorded at noon (12.00 h) followed by evening and morning values, an exception being recorded in winter months, when maximum CFUs ofCladosporium were monitored in the morning. The seasonal variation in fungal concentration and composition was found to be influenced by temperature, rainfall and relative humidity, whereas diurnal incidence was the effect of varying temperature and relative humidity during day time only. Moderate temperature and relative humidity favoured the maximum fungal spore load in the atmosphere.Cladosporium, Nigrospora, Alternaria, Lasiodiplodia, Drechslera, Pestalotia, Curvularia, Epicoccum, Aspergillus, Penicillium andChaetomium were the commonest fungal spores in the factory area.  相似文献   

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