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The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers X75648 (Tcra-V8, N61.5) and X75647 (Tcra-V4, P2.3)  相似文献   

The products of I-region genes of the murine major histocompatibility complex (H-2) are intimately involved in the regulation of immune responses. In a number of antigen systems, suppressor T (Ts) cells and their factors (TsF) bear determinants of gene(s) that map to the I-J subregion of the H-2 complex. Suppression in one such system, poly(Glu50Tyr50)(GT), involves the interaction of multiple Ts subsets. Three monoclonal I-Jk-bearing GT-TsF have been identified that functionally differ from one another. We report the binding of these monoclonal GT-TsF to different anti-I-Jk monoclonal antibody columns. We find that these anti-I-Jk monoclonal antibodies display differing degrees of efficiency of GT-TsF binding. These data suggest a greater degree of heterogeneity of I-Jk gene products than has been proposed before.  相似文献   

We have localized and identified five rat hepatocyte plasma membrane proteins using hybridoma technology in combination with morphological and biochemical methods. Three different membrane preparations were used as immunogens: isolated hepatocytes, a preparation of plasma membrane sheets that contained all three recognizable surface domains of the intact hepatocyte (sinusoidal, lateral, and bile canalicular), and a glycoprotein subfraction of that plasma membrane preparation. We selected monoclonal IgGs that were hepatocyte specific and localized them using both immunofluorescence on 0.5-micron sections of frozen liver and immunoperoxidase at the ultrastructural level. One antigen (HA 4) was localized predominantly to the bile canalicular surface, whereas three (CE 9, HA 21, and HA 116) were localized predominantly to the lateral and sinusoidal surfaces. One antigen (HA 16) was present in all three domains. Only one antigen (HA 116) could be detected in intracellular structures both in the periphery of the cell and in the Golgi region. The antigens were all integral membrane proteins as judged by their stability to alkaline extraction and solubility in detergents. The apparent molecular weights of the antigens were established by immunoprecipitation and/or immunoblotting. In a related study (Bartles, J.R., L.T. Braiterman, and A.L. Hubbard, 1985, J. Cell. Biol., 100:1126-1138), we present biochemical confirmation of the domain-specific localizations for two of the antigens, HA 4 and CE 9, and demonstrate their suitability as endogenous domain markers for monitoring the separation of bile canalicular and sinusoidal lateral membrane on sucrose density gradients.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies that recognize the human, mouse, and rat retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR alpha) protein have been generated using synthetic peptides. Less well-characterized monoclonal antibodies were also generated against the RAR beta and RAR gamma proteins. Monoclonal antibodies of the IgG1 (R alpha 10) and IgG2a (R alpha 13) isotypes effectively and specifically recognize both the human and mouse RAR alpha protein. Preincubation of the antibodies with the synthetic RAR alpha peptide, but not with the RAR beta or RAR gamma peptides, blocked recognition of the approximately 55 kDa RAR alpha protein on western blots. These monoclonal antibodies also detected differing levels of RAR alpha in various rat tissues. These monoclonal antibodies will serve as powerful reagents to study the structure and regulation of the retinoic acid receptor protein.  相似文献   

Identification of osteoclast-specific monoclonal antibodies   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Studies on the origin, identification, and characterization of osteoclasts have been difficult. This is in part due to a lack of definitive osteoclast markers and the similarity of these cells in form and function to cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. To solve this problem, we inoculated isolated chick osteoclasts into mice to generate osteoclast-specific monoclonal antibodies. Supernatants from growth-positive hybridomas were screened by indirect immunofluorescent methods against cultured osteoclasts, monocyte-derived multinucleated giant cells, cultured monocytes, fibroblasts, and limb mesenchyme. Select hybridomas were cloned to produce 375 clones, which were analyzed as described above. Antibody from select clones was also reacted with paraffin sections of bone. In addition, two clones have been analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot analysis. Antibody binding from an osteoclast-specific clone and a clone reactive with osteoclasts, giant cells, and cultured monocytes (as determined by immunohistochemical assay) was confirmed by antibody-binding and titration curves quantitated by ELISA. The above studies demonstrate that osteoclast specific antigens exist, and that osteoclasts, giant cells, and cultured monocytes share common determinants not found on other cells screened.  相似文献   

Quality control is paramount to reproducibly achieving oligonucleotide therapeutics and diagnostics of superior value. However, incomplete deprotection of nucleoside reactive groups after the automated chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides would result in diminished antisense activity and in erroneous array analysis of gene expression. Mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis are used to detect aborted sequences of oligonucleotides, but not to identify and quantify incompletely deprotected oligonucleotides. To address this problem, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), ELISA, and dot-blot assays were developed for the specific identification and quantification of the commonly used nucleic acid base- and sugar-protecting groups: benzoyl, isobutyryl, isopropylphenoxyacetyl, and dimethoxytrityl. Each MAb was capable of reproducibly detecting 8-32 pmol of the respectively protected nucleoside in an intact DNA or RNA sample composed of 320-640 nmol of the deprotected nucleoside. In a direct comparison, HPLC nucleoside composition analysis of enzyme-hydrolyzed DNA was limited to the detection of 2-5 nmol of protected nucleoside. Using the MAb dot-blot assay, 5 of 16 commercial DNA products obtained from eight different companies were found to have 1.0-5.2% of the benzoyl and isopropylphenoxyacetyl protecting groups remaining. Thus, MAbs selectively identify and quantify picomoles of remaining protecting groups on antisense therapeutics and oligonucleotide diagnostics.  相似文献   

Panels of monoclonal antibodies to three vasoactive peptide-producing enzymes: tissue kallikrein, tonin and arginine esterase A were developed, characterized and used as probes for identification of tissue-specific expression. In addition, immunoblot analyses were performed, using monospecific monoclonal antibodies which did not show cross-reactivity to related-purified enzymes in enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), and radioimmunoassay. We obtained the following results. In rat submandibular gland extract, the expression of 38 kDa kallikrein, 32 kDa tonin, and 18 kDa heavy chain of esterase A was identified by monoclonal antibodies to kallikrein (V4D11), tonin (1F11), and esterase A (5A10, 6C11, and 4B12), respectively. In the prostate gland, a 32 kDa kallikrein-like protein was identified by monoclonal antibodies to esterase A (5A10, 6C11 and 4B12) and by antibodies recognizing both tonin and esterase A (5A5), but not by antibody to kallikrein (V4D11) or to tonin (1F11, 1G6) in Western blot analysis. The esterase A-like enzyme in the prostate gland was found within the cytoplasm of ductal epithelial cells by using monoclonal anti-esterase A antibody (5A10) but not by employing anti-tonin antibody (1F11). These results indicate that tissue kallikrein, tonin, and esterase A are all expressed in the submandibular gland, while only esterase A or an esterase A-like enzyme is expressed in the prostate gland. The specific monoclonal antibodies can be used as probes for the identification and expression of the kallikrein gene-family enzymes.  相似文献   

Actin-based gels were prepared from clarified high-salt extracts of human platelets by dialysis against physiological salt buffers. The gel was partially solubilized with 0.3 M KCl. Mice were immunized with the 0.3 M KCl extract of the actin gel, and hybridomas were produced by fusion of spleen cells with myeloma cells. Three hybridomas were generated that secrete antibodies against an 80-kD protein. These monoclonal antibodies stained stress fibers in cultured cells and cross-reacted with proteins in several tissue types, including smooth muscle. The cross-reacting protein in chicken gizzard smooth muscle had an apparent molecular weight of 140,000 and was demonstrated to be caldesmon, a calmodulin and actin-binding protein (Sobue, K., Y. Muramoto, M. Fujita, and S. Kakiuchi, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 78:5652-5655). No proteins of molecular weight greater than 80 kD were detectable in platelets by immunoblotting using the monoclonal antibodies. The 80-kD protein is heat stable and was purified using modifications of the procedure reported by Bretscher for the rapid purification of smooth muscle caldesmon (Bretscher, A., 1985, J. Biol. Chem., 259:12873-12880). The 80-kD protein bound to calmodulin-Sepharose in a Ca++-dependent manner and sedimented with actin filaments, but did not greatly increase the viscosity of F-actin solutions. The actin-binding activity was inhibited by calmodulin in the presence of calcium. Except for the molecular weight difference, the 80-kD platelet protein appears functionally similar to 140-kD smooth muscle caldesmon. We propose that the 80-kD protein is platelet caldesmon.  相似文献   

Delehanty JB  Jones RM  Bishop TC  Blake DA 《Biochemistry》2003,42(48):14173-14183
The molecular characterization of antibodies directed against metal-chelate complexes will provide important insights into the design and development of radiotherapeutic and radioimaging reagents. In this study, two monoclonal antibodies directed against different metal-chelate complexes were expressed as recombinant Fab fragments. Covalent modification and site-directed mutagenesis were employed to ascertain those residues important in antigen recognition. Antibody 5B2 was raised to a Pb(II)-loaded isothiocyanatobenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-protein conjugate. The native antibody bound to complexes of Pb(II)-p-aminobenzyl-DTPA with an affinity of 4.6 x 10(-9) M. A monovalent Fab fragment prepared from the native protein and a bivalent recombinant fragment exhibited comparable affinities for the same Pb(II)-chelate complex, approximately 6-fold lower than that of the intact antibody. Covalent modification and molecular modeling predicted that Lys(58) in the heavy chain contacted the Pb(II)-chelate ligand. Mutational analysis supported a role for Lys(58) in ion pair or hydrogen bond formation with the carboxylate groups on the chelate. Antibody E5 was directed toward an isothiocyanatobenzyl-ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)-protein conjugate loaded with ionic Cd(II). The native immunoglobulin recognized Cd(II)-p-aminobenzyl-EDTA with an affinity of 8.2 x 10(-12) M. A proteolytically derived fragment and a bivalent recombinant fragment bound to the same Cd(II)-chelate complex with affinities that were comparable to that of the native antibody. Homology modeling and mutagenesis identified three residues (Trp(52) and His(96) in the heavy chain and Arg(96) in the light chain) that were important for Cd(II)-chelate recognition. His(96) likely mediates a direct ligation to the Cd(II) ion and Trp(52) appears to be involved in hydrophobic stacking with the benzyl moiety of the chelator. Arg(96) appeared to mediate an electrostatic or hydrogen bond to the chelate portion of the complex. These studies demonstrate that antibody recognition of metal-chelate haptens occurs through a limited number of molecular contacts and that these molecular interactions involve both direct ligation between the antibody and the metal ion and interactions between the antibody and the chelator.  相似文献   

Oxidation of methionine residues and deamidation of asparagine residues are the major causes of chemical degradation of biological pharmaceuticals. The mechanism of these non-enzymatic chemical reactions has been studied in great detail. However, the identification and quantification of oxidation and deamidation sites in a given protein still remains a challenge. In this study, we identified and characterized several oxidation and deamidation sites in a rat/mouse hybrid antibody. We evaluated the effects of the sample preparation on oxidation and deamidation levels and optimized the peptide mapping method to minimize oxidation and deamidation artifacts. Out of a total number of 18 methionine residues, we identified six methionine residues most susceptible to oxidation. We determined the oxidation rate of the six methionine residues using 0.05% H2O2 at different temperatures. Methionine residue 256 of the mouse heavy chain showed the fastest rate of oxidation under those conditions with a half life of approximately 200 min at 4 °C and 27 min at 37 °C. We identified five asparagine residues prone to deamidation under accelerated conditions of pH 8.6 at 37 °C. Kinetic characterization of the deamidation sites showed that asparagine residue 218 of the rat heavy chain exhibited the fastest rate of deamidation with a half live of 1.5 days at pH 8.6 and 37 °C. Analysis of antibody isoforms using free flow electrophoresis showed that deamidation is the major cause of the charged variants of this rat/mouse hybrid antibody.  相似文献   

Identification of mutans streptococci with monoclonal antibodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutans streptococci have been correlated with dental caries. The identification of the species within this group is still a problem. The characterization of a monoclonal antibody (Mab) OMVU10 against S. sobrinus as well as the isolation and characterization of Mabs against S. mutans (OMVU30 and OMVU31), S. cricetus (OMVU40) and mutans streptococci (OMVU2) is described. The epitope specificity for OMVU10 and OMVU31 was cell-wall antigen B in both cases although both Mabs recognized different species-specific epitopes. OMVU40 was cross reactive with Steptococcus sanguis taxon 3. All other Mabs were specific for one species. Using these Mabs, a key to the identification of mutans streptococci is developed. This key was tested for 85 wild type isolates of mutans streptococci and proved to be highly reliable and easy to perform.  相似文献   

The hepatocyte plasma membrane consists of three morphologically and functionally distinct domains, the sinusoidal, the lateral and the canalicular. To study the distribution of antigenic determinants among these domains, we prepared monoclonal antibodies by immunizing mice with a crude, plasma membrane-enriched liver fraction. Four monoclonal antibodies were obtained that recognized various parts of the rat hepatocyte plasma membrane when tested by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase assay performed on formaldehyde-fixed liver tissue. Each antibody gave a different staining pattern when analyzed by light and electron microscopy. A59 exclusively labelled the part of the sinusoidal membrane facing the sinusoids. A39 mainly labelled the sinusoidal membrane. B1 mainly labelled the lateral membrane, while the labelling by B10 was almost completely limited to the canalicular membrane. Immunoblotting showed that the antibody B1 recognized an antigen of approximately 100 kilodaltons and that B10 recognized an antigen of approximately 125 to 130 kilodaltons. These antibodies allow us to distinguish the three domains of the hepatocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody and affinity-purified polyclonal antiserum against a 10 KD protein isolated from rat pulmonary lavage, we have localized the protein within Clara cells by a post-embedment protein A-gold technique. The gold particles were localized over the secretory granules of rat Clara cells. Ultrastructural immunolocalization was abolished when the primary antibodies were previously absorbed with purified 10 KD protein. Other pulmonary cells, including type II pneumocytes and ciliated cells, were negative with this technique. These results demonstrate the presence of the 10 KD protein in the secretory granules of the Clara cell and support the concept that this protein constitutes a specific and unique secretory product of Clara cells.  相似文献   

Paramecium aurelia mitochondrial (mt) DNA fragments carrying the coding regions for two proteins, P1 (in the region adjacent to the origin of replication) and COII (subunit II of cytochrome oxidase), were used to study mt gene expression. The sequence for the portion of mtDNA containing P1 has already been described [Pritchard et al., Gene 44 (1986) 243-253]. The complete nucleotide sequence of the portion containing the COII gene is presented here. An 18.5-kDa protein was produced in maxicells when a fragment containing a major portion of the sequence coding for P1 was used. This fragment and a fragment carrying the COII gene were cloned into the expression vector pTRPLE', and antibodies were raised against the resulting fusion proteins in an Escherichia coli lysate. Western blots of Paramecium mt extracts identified two proteins, one 21 kDa (COII) and the other 23.5 kDa (P1). The size of the P1 protein is in agreement with the size of the open reading frame in that region of mitochondrial DNA. Based on extensive amino acid homology to the Paramecium gene and limited homology to COII genes from other organisms, the COII gene in another ciliate, Tetrahymena pyriformis, was identified just upstream of the small subunit rDNA in previously published sequences (Schnare et al., 1986). The size of the COII gene and the homology with the COII gene from Tetrahymena suggest that ATC, ATT, GTG and GTC could be used as translational initiators in Paramecium mitochondria.  相似文献   

We have used monoclonal antibodies to study the mobility and distribution of three different antigens on the cell surface of rat spermatozoa. We classified two of the antigens (designated 2B1 and 2D6) as 'mobile', since when detected by indirect immunofluorescence they were situated over the entire sperm flagellum and were susceptible to antibody-induced patching. Patching was critically dependent upon antibody concentrations and was much reduced at 4 degrees C. Patching of the 2B1 antigen was not induced by the 2B1 monoclonal antibody alone. Thus, 2B1 antibody labelled directly with fluorescein bound with a uniform distribution over the sperm flagellum, but this uniform fluorescence was made patchy on subsequent incubation in an unlabelled second antibody layer of anti-mouse IgG anti-serum. By 'Western blotting', the 2B1 antigen was found to be located to a 40 kD molecular weight polypeptide. The remaining 'fixed' antigen (designated 1B6) was not susceptible to antibody-induced patching, and was restricted to a discrete domain on the post-acrosomal region of the sperm surface. We discuss the relationship between mobility of sperm surface antigens and their segregation to discrete domains on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We report here a relatively easy and highly sensitive assay for detecting monoclonal antibodies to the product of virtually any cloned gene. The protocol, termed labeled antigen capture assay (LACA), is a solid-phase type radioimmunoassay which uses a bacteriophage T7 expression system to generate exclusively radiolabeled antigen. Thus, to generate radiolabeled antigen for screening, the gene encoding the protein of interest need only be subcloned downstream of a T7 promoter, and the new construct transformed into an Escherichia coli strain harboring a compatible plasmid which encodes a thermal inducible copy of the T7 RNA polymerase. Expression of the T7-promoted gene in the presence of rifampicin and [35S]cysteine (or methionine) yields labeled antigen, which is then "captured" by specific monoclonal antibody and detected by autoradiography. Our results indicate that as little as 30 ng of specific monoclonal antibody can be detected using the LACA protocol. The protocol is applicable to the product of any cloned gene but is particularly useful in the case where the biochemical properties of the gene product of interest are unavailable. In this report we use the LACA protocol to screen a hybridoma library for monoclonal antibodies to the STb heat-stable enterotoxin (STb) of E. coli. Mice were immunized with a genetically constructed, affinity-purified Protein A-STb hybrid protein, and following spleen cell fusion and HAT selection, hybridomas were screened by the described LACA protocol for production of STb-specific monoclonal antibody. Of over 1500 hybridomas tested 138 were positive, by primary LACA screening, for STb-specific IgG monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

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