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Wang S  Zhang L  Yang P  Chen G 《Proteomics》2008,8(13):2579-2582
In this report, infrared (IR) radiation was employed to enhance the efficiency of tryptic proteolysis for peptide mapping. Protein solutions containing trypsin in sealed transparent Eppendorf tubes were allowed to digest under an IR lamp at 37 degrees C. The feasibility and performance of the novel proteolysis approach were demonstrated by the digestion of BSA and myoglobin (MYO) and the digestion time was significantly reduced to 5 min. The obtained digests were identified by MALDI-TOF MS with the sequence coverages of 69% (BSA) and 90% (MYO) that were much better than those obtained by conventional in-solution tryptic digestion. The present IR-assisted proteolysis strategy is simple and efficient, offering great promise for high-throughput protein identification.  相似文献   

Wang S  Wei B  Yang P  Chen G 《Proteomics》2008,8(22):4637-4641
In this report, alternating current-assisted on-plate proteolysis has been developed for rapid peptide mapping. Protein solutions containing trypsin were allowed to digest directly on the spots of a stainless steel MALDI plate with the assistance of low-voltage alternating current electricity. Alternating current (AC) was allowed to pass through the protein solutions via the MALDI plate and a platinum disc electrode. The feasibility and performance of the novel proteolysis approach were investigated by the digestion of BSA and cytochrome c (Cyt-c). It was demonstrated that AC substantially enhanced the efficiency of proteolysis and the digestion time was significantly reduced to 5 min. The digests were identified by MALDI-TOF MS with sequence coverages of 42% (BSA) and 77% (Cyt-c) that were comparable to those obtained by using conventional in-solution tryptic digestion. The present proteolysis strategy is simple and efficient, offering great promise for MALDI-TOF MS peptide mapping.  相似文献   

The peptide mapping method described by Cleveland, et al. (1) was improved to a two-dimensional analysis applicable to minute amounts (less than 0.5 microgram) of proteins. Radioiodinated proteins for analysis were purified by electrophoretic elution of the proteins from polyacrylamide gels into buffer containing 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The proteins were digested enzymatically in the presence of 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate and an excess of nonlabeled bovine serum albumin (0.2 mg/ml) relative to labeled substrate in order to attain reproducibility by maintaining a consistent substrate concentration among different samples. The peptides of these limited proteolytic products were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing followed by SDS-gels). The resulting 2D-peptide maps of murine and bovine albumin and a murine lymphocyte membrane protein, Tp100, showed excellent resolution and reproducibility.  相似文献   

Chen Q  Liu T  Chen G 《Current Genomics》2011,12(6):380-390
Proteomics will contribute greatly to the understanding of gene functions in the post-genomic era. In proteome research, protein digestion is a key procedure prior to mass spectrometry identification. During the past decade, a variety of electromagnetic waves have been employed to accelerate proteolysis. This review focuses on the recent advances and the key strategies of these novel proteolysis approaches for digesting and identifying proteins. The subjects covered include microwave-accelerated protein digestion, infrared-assisted proteolysis, ultraviolet-enhanced protein digestion, laser-assisted proteolysis, and future prospects. It is expected that these novel proteolysis strategies accelerated by various electromagnetic waves will become powerful tools in proteome research and will find wide applications in high throughput protein digestion and identification.  相似文献   

The presenilin-type aspartic protease signal peptide peptidase (SPP) can cleave signal peptides within their transmembrane region. SPP is essential for generation of signal peptide-derived HLA-E epitopes in humans and is exploited by Hepatitis C virus for processing of the viral polyprotein. Here we analyzed requirements of substrates for intramembrane cleavage by SPP. Comparing signal peptides that are substrates with those that are not revealed that helix-breaking residues within the transmembrane region are required for cleavage, and flanking regions can affect processing. Furthermore, signal peptides have to be liberated from the precursor protein by cleavage with signal peptidase in order to become substrates for SPP. We propose that signal peptides require flexibility in the lipid bilayer to exhibit an accessible peptide bond for intramembrane proteolysis.  相似文献   

Phosphospecific proteolysis for mapping sites of protein phosphorylation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Protein phosphorylation is a dominant mechanism of information transfer in cells, and a major goal of current proteomic efforts is to generate a system-level map describing all the sites of protein phosphorylation. Recent efforts have focused on developing technologies for enriching and quantifying phosphopeptides. Identification of the sites of phosphorylation typically relies on tandem mass spectrometry to sequence individual peptides. Here we describe an approach for phosphopeptide mapping that makes it possible to interrogate a protein sequence directly with a protease that recognizes sites of phosphorylation. The key to this approach is the selective chemical transformation of phosphoserine and phosphothreonine residues into lysine analogs (aminoethylcysteine and beta-methylaminoethylcysteine, respectively). Aminoethylcysteine-modified peptides are then cleaved with a lysine-specific protease to map sites of phosphorylation. A blocking step enables single-site cleavage, and adaptation of this reaction to the solid phase facilitates phosphopeptide enrichment and modification in one step.  相似文献   

During development of CGP56901, a monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for a unique epitope on human IgE, the protein A‐purified IgG from one of the candidate production cell lines, showed an additional minor heavy chain (H‐chain) band with a molecular weight slightly lower than that of the principal H‐chain band on SDS‐PAGE. The N‐terminal amino acid sequence of this minor H‐chain species indicated that at least the first 30 amino acids were identical to those of the antibody light‐chain (L‐chain) variable domain. More detailed studies using peptide mapping and amino acid sequencing analysis confirmed a crossover event between the V genes of the antibody. The position is between Arg108 of the L chain and Ala124 of the H chain. This crossover resulted in a variant H chain, which had 16 fewer amino acid residues than the normal CGP56901 H chain. These results show that peptide mapping is a useful “first‐line” analytical tool in the characterization of the quality of the monoclonal antibody. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 62: 485–488, 1999.  相似文献   

Lyme borreliosis is a multisystem disorder caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi that is transmitted to humans by the tick Ixodes dammini. The immune response against the 31 kDa OspA, which is one of the most abundant B. burgdorferi proteins, appears to be critical in preventing infection and tissue inflammation. Detailed knowledge of the immunological and molecular characteristics of the OspA protein is important for the development of reliable diagnostic assays. In this study, we characterized a new conformational epitope present within the middle part of B. burgdorferi OspA. Our approach used enzymatic proteolyses of the immune complex followed by mass spectrometric identification of the peptides bound to the antibody. It appears to be one of the first reports on the characterization of a discontinuous epitope using mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to rapidly identify the antigenic determinant for an antibody using in situ proteolysis of an immobilized antigen-antibody complex followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF). A mouse anti-bombesin monoclonal antibody was immobilized to agarose beads and then the antigen, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), was allowed to bind. Direct analysis of the immobilized antigen-antibody complex by MALDI/TOF is demonstrated and allows identification of ca. 1 pmol of the bound GRP. To identify the epitope, the immobilized antigen-antibody complex was subjected to proteolysis with trypsin, chymotrypsin, thermolysin, and aminopeptidase M. Following proteolysis, the part of the antigen in contact with the antibody and protected from proteolysis was identified directly by MALDI/TOF. Subsequently, the epitope was eluted from the immobilized antibody with 0.1 M glycine buffer (pH 2.3), separated by reversed-phase HPLC, and its identity confirmed by MALDI/TOF. Using this approach, the epitope for the anti-bombesin monoclonal antibody was shown to comprise the last 7-8 residues (HWAVGHLM-NH2) of GRP.  相似文献   

Positional cloning continues to be an essential method for gene identification and characterisation. The introduction of PCR-based techniques such as Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Simple Sequence Length Polymorphisms (SSLP) and Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) has greatly increased the efficiency of gene mapping in arabidopsis. To develop the CAPS marker approach further, we have altered several critical mapping parameters. Efficiency was improved by using a small volume of dry seed for DNA extraction instead of the commonly used vegetative tissue. Reproducibility of PCR reactions was enhanced by faster and reduced protocols for PCR and restriction enzyme digestion and optimisation of PCR conditions for over 50 CAPS primer pairs. Finally, the density of genetic markers was increased by providing polymorphic information for all CAPS markers in arabidopsis ecotypes Wassilewskija (Ws), Columbia (Col) and Cape Verde Islands (Cvi).  相似文献   

Functional domain structure of calcineurin A: mapping by limited proteolysis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
M J Hubbard  C B Klee 《Biochemistry》1989,28(4):1868-1874
Limited proteolysis of calcineurin, the Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated protein phosphatase, with clostripain is sequential and defines four functional domains in calcineurin A (61 kDa). In the presence of calmodulin, an inhibitory domain located at the carboxyl terminus is rapidly degraded, yielding an Mr 57,000 fragment which retains the ability to bind calmodulin but whose p-nitrophenylphosphatase is fully active in the absence of Ca2+ and no longer stimulated by calmodulin. Subsequent cleavage(s), near the amino terminus, yield(s) an Mr 55,000 fragment which has lost more than 80% of the enzymatic activity. A third, slower, proteolytic cleavage in the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein converts the Mr 55,000 fragment to an Mr 42,000 polypeptide which contains the calcineurin B binding domain and an Mr 14,000 fragment which binds calmodulin in a Ca2+-dependent manner with high affinity. In the absence of calmodulin, clostripain rapidly severs both the calmodulin-binding and the inhibitory domains. The catalytic domain is preserved, and the activity of the proteolyzed 43-kDa enzyme is increased 10-fold in the absence of Ca2+ and 40-fold in its presence. The calcineurin B binding domain and calcineurin B appear unaffected by proteolysis both in the presence and in the absence of calmodulin. Thus, calcineurin A is organized into functionally distinct domains connected by proteolytically sensitive hinge regions. The catalytic, inhibitory, and calmodulin-binding domains are readily removed from the protease-resistant core, which contains the calcineurin B binding domain. Calmodulin stimulation of calcineurin is dependent on intact inhibitory and calmodulin-binding domains, but the degraded enzyme lacking these domains is still regulated by Ca2+.  相似文献   

Sun L  Rush J  Ghosh I  Maunus JR  Xu MQ 《BioTechniques》2004,37(3):430-6, 438, 440 passim
Peptide arrays are increasingly used to define antibody epitopes and substrate specificities of protein kinases. Their use is hampered, however, by ineffective and variable binding efficiency of peptides, which often results in low sensitivity and inconsistent results. To overcome these limitations, we have developed a novel method for making arrays of synthetic peptides on various membranes after ligating the peptide substrates to an intein-generated carrier protein. We have conducted screening for optimal carrier proteins by immunoreactivity and direct assessment of binding using a peptide derivatized at a lysine sidechain with fluorescein, CDPEK(fluorescein)DS. Ligation of a synthetic peptide antigen to a carrier protein, HhaI methylase, resulted in an improved retention of peptides and an increased sensitivity of up to 10(4)-fold in immunoassay- and epitope-scanning experiments. Denaturing the ligation products with 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or an organic solvent (20% methanol) prior to arraying did not significantly affect the immunoreactivity of the HhaI methylase-peptide product. Because the carrier protein dominates the binding of ligation products and contains one peptide reactive site, the amount of peptide arrayed onto the membranes can be effectively normalized. This technique was utilized in the alanine scanning of hemagglutinin (HA) antigen using two monoclonal antibodies, resulting in distinguishing the different antigen epitope profiles. Furthermore, we show that this method can be used to characterize the antibodies that recognize phosphorylated peptides. This novel approach allows for synthetic peptides to be uniformly arrayed onto membranes, compatible with a variety of applications.  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis of three forms of rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, α-chymotrypsin, or papain in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate produces peptide fragments having a unique molecular weight distribution for each cytochrome. These differences are observed for the major cytochrome P-450 induced by phenobarbital and two forms induced by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Our results indicate that the primary structures of these three cytochromes are substantially different. In addition, the characteristic pattern of peptide fragments produced from each cytochrome facilitates the identification of the cytochromes in microsomal preparations when peptide mapping is utilized in conjunction with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Using this methodology, the occurrence and induction of the cytochromes in tissue preparations can be monitored.  相似文献   

A rapid and convenient method for peptide mapping of proteins has been developed. The technique, which is especially suitable for analysis of proteins that have been isolated from gels containg sodium dodecyl sulfate, involves partial enzymatic proteolysis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and analysis of the cleavage products by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The pattern of peptide fragments produced is characteristic of the protein substrate and the proteolytic enzyme and is highly reproducible. Several common proteases have been used including chymotrypsin, Staphylococcus aureus protease, and papain.  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to determine the therapeutic potential of variably sized (50 μm or 500 μm wide, 14 mm tall) parallel microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) alone and in combination with a novel anti-angiogenic peptide, anginex, in mouse mammary carcinomas (4T1)--a moderately hypoxic and radioresistant tumor with propensity to metastasize. The fraction of total tumor volume that was directly irradiated was approximately 25% in each case, but the distance between segments irradiated by the planar microbeams (width of valley dose region) varied by an order of magnitude from 150-1500 μm corresponding to 200 μm and 2000 μm center-to-center inter-microbeam distances, respectively. We found that MRT administered in 50 μm beams at 150 Gy was most effective in delaying tumor growth. Furthermore, tumor growth delay induced by 50 μm beams at 150 Gy was virtually indistinguishable from the 500 μm beams at 150 Gy. Fifty-micrometer beams at the lower peak dose of 75 Gy induced growth delay intermediate between 150 Gy and untreated tumors, while 500 μm beams at 75 Gy were unable to alter tumor growth compared to untreated tumors. However, the addition of anginex treatment increased the relative tumor growth delay after 500 μm beams at 75 Gy most substantially out of the conditions tested. Anginex treatment of animals whose tumors received the 50 μm beams at 150 Gy also led to an improvement in growth delay from that induced by the comparable MRT alone. Immunohistochemical staining for CD31 (endothelial cells) and αSMA (smooth muscle pericyte-associated blood vessels as a measure of vessel normalization) indicated that vessel density was significantly decreased in all irradiated groups and pericyte staining was significantly increased in the irradiated groups on day 14 after irradiation. The addition of anginex treatment further decreased the mean vascular density in all combination treatment groups and further increased the amount of pericyte staining in these tumors. Finally, evidence of tumor hypoxia was found to decrease in tumors analyzed at 1-14 days after MRT in the groups receiving 150 Gy peak dose, but not 75 Gy peak dose. Our results suggest that tumor vascular damage induced by MRT at these potentially clinically acceptable peak entrance doses may provoke vascular normalization and may be exploited to improve tumor control using agents targeting angiogenesis.  相似文献   

A membrane-specific tubulin-like protein, found in preparations of synaptic plasma membranes and brain mitochondria, was analyzed by chemical and proteolytic peptide mapping to determine which part of the molecule was different from cytoplasmic tubulin. The membrane polypeptide was identical to alpha tubulin in the first two-thirds of the molecule containing the amino terminal, as found by peptide mapping. However, some differences were observed in the peptide maps of the carboxy terminal one third of the molecule which includes a domain that is important in the regulation of tubulin self-assembly.  相似文献   

The primary structures of similar proteins are frequently compared by assessing the homology of peptides cleaved from the proteins by enzymic or chemical means. Several methods have been described to adapt peptide mapping procedures to microgram quantities of protein, and some of these were tested. The radioiodine method of Bray and Brownlee ((1973) Anal. Biochem.55, 213) was studied in detail. Several modifications of this method are described; these include enzymic oxidation, iodination prior to electrophoresis, and an improved procedure for the recovery of proteins from polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

A method to obtain peptide maps of basic proteins on acetic acid/urea (AU) -polyacrylamide minislab gels is presented. Basic proteins such as the histones are digested with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease in the stacking gel (pH 4) of an AU-polyacrylamide minislab gel. As the peptides are resolved in the AU minislab gel on the basis of charge and size, it is possible to separate peptides containing modified amino acids from the unmodified, parent peptide. The peptide(s) containing the modified residue may be identified following electrophoresis on a second-dimension sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide minislab gel. This procedure will be useful for comparing histone variants and for the study of histone modifications.  相似文献   

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