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我国对红花籽的利用有着悠久的历史,李时珍在其著名医学巨著“本草纲目”中云:“其子五月末收,淘净捣碎煎汁入醋拌蔬菜食极肥美又可为车脂及烛”。本世纪三十  相似文献   

高光谱反射法早期快速筛选高含油量油菜种质资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含油量对提高菜油产量有十分重要的意义,传统的高含油油菜新材料筛选方法工作量大,耗时长。为找出一种快速诊断高含油油菜育种材料的新方法,本研究以3组不同含油量的9个甘蓝型油菜为材料,测定其不同生育期的高光谱反射率与叶绿素含量,分析其内在关联。研究发现,油菜高光谱反射率在可见光波段呈现出"两峰三谷"特性,幼苗期含油量越高则高光谱反射率越低。叶绿素a含量是导致总叶绿素含量差异的主要原因。在490 nm和670 nm处,幼苗期光谱反射率和叶绿素含量负相关,相关系数分别为-0. 898和-0. 783;叶绿素和含油量显著正相关,相关系数达到0. 962; 490、560、670 nm反射率和含油量之间呈负相关,相关系数分别为-0. 949、-0. 962和-0. 937。该结果表明,油菜幼苗期光谱反射率可用于预测其含油量。本研究结果可用于高含油油菜育种材料早期筛选,加快其育种进程,促进新品种选育。但样本量偏少,在后续研究中将进一步扩大样本量,提高预测准确度。  相似文献   

通过发芽试验,发现福建省霞浦县的红花(Carthamus tinctorius) BJ-26的种子在收获时具有休眠特性。  相似文献   

通过发芽试验,发现福建省霞浦县的红花(Carthamus tinctorius)BJ-26的种子在收获时具有休眠特性。  相似文献   

氮高效水稻种质资源筛选的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用在遮雨网室盆栽和不同施氮处理对1107份水稻种质资源不同生长时期的苗高、分蘖数和干物重等性状进行了研究.结果表明最高分蘖期相对干物重与不同时期相对苗高和相对分蘖数呈极显著正相关.不同时期相对苗高与相对分蘖数之间亦呈显著或极显著正相关.相对分蘖数、相对苗高和相对干物重在水稻种质资源中存在较大的变异,分蘖数可作为氮高效资源筛选的形态指标.通过比较5个时期苗高和分蘖数的相对生长量及最高分蘖期干物重的相对含量共11个指标,初步筛选出14份氮高效资源.  相似文献   

氮高效水稻种质资源筛选的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用在遮雨网室盆栽和不同施氮处理对1107份水稻种质资源不同生长时期的苗高、分蘖数和干物重等性状进行了研究。结果表明:最高分蘖期相对干物重与不同时期相对苗高和相对分蘖数呈极显正相关。不同时期相对苗高与相对分蘖数之间亦呈显或极显正相关。相对分蘖数、相对苗高和相对干物重在水稻种质资源中存在较大的变异,分蘖数可作为氮高效资源筛选的形态指标。通过比较5个时期苗高和分蘖数的相对生长量及最高分蘖期干物重的相对含量共11个指标,初步筛选出14份氮高效资源。  相似文献   

红花(Carthamus tinctorius L.)自我国西汉时期栽培至今已有两千多年历史。在我国各地,北始黑龙江,南至广东,从高海拔的青藏高原到海拔较低的福建、江苏等沿海地区均有栽培,且各自形成了丰富多采的地方类型。但长期以来都是以采花作药  相似文献   

High content cell-based genetic and small molecule library screens are powerful strategies in drug discovery and investigations of disease mechanisms. We report that primary cells derived from a transgenic mouse model expressing a fluorescence mitosis biosensor provide unambiguous phenotype readouts without the need for transfection or immunocytochemistry. Phenotype profiles of cell cycle disruption and of apoptosis are easily detectable at a single time point selected from time-lapse live fluorescence microscopy. Most importantly, this transgenic mouse model may be crossed with cancer mouse models to derive biosensor-expressing primary cancer cells for use in high content screening strategies targeting discovery of tumor-specific chemotherapeutic compounds.  相似文献   

目的:研究无溶剂体系中脂肪酶催化红花油水解反应的时间效应。方法:采用单因素实验法,确定不同反应时间时各因素的最佳水平。结果:反应1h时的最适条件为35℃、n(水)/n(油)比35p、H 7.0、缓冲液浓度0.05mol/L、添加0.2?Cl2;反应24h时,最适条件为26℃、n(水)/n(油)比60p、H 7.6,缓冲液浓度及CaCl2的影响不显著。结论:水解最佳条件随反应时间变化,应根据反应时间长短确定各因素的最佳水平。  相似文献   

用于筛选直链淀粉含量为中等的籼稻品种的分子标记   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
用PCR AccⅠ分子标记检测方法 ,检测了来自不同地区的 6 3个栽培水稻品种 (系 )蜡质基因第 1内含子剪接供体 1位碱基是G或是T。另外 ,还测定了这些水稻成熟种子的直链淀粉含量。结果显示该位置是G碱基的水稻品系成熟种子中直链淀粉含量均高于 2 0 % ,该位置是T的均低于 18%。在杂交育种过程中 ,这一分子标记可用于预测水稻植株种子的直链淀粉含量。对高直链淀粉含量的水稻亲本与中等直链淀粉含量的水稻亲本之间 5个籼型杂交组合F2 群体的分析表明 ,蜡质基因第 1内含子 1位碱基是G或是T与水稻种子中直链淀粉含量的高或低是紧密连锁 ,共同分离的。这些结果表明PCR AccⅠ分子标记检测方法可用于选育中等直链淀粉含量的籼稻新品系  相似文献   

A novel single step assay approach to screen a library of photdynamic therapy (PDT) compounds was developed. Utilizing high content analysis (HCA) technologies several robust cellular parameters were identified, which can be used to determine the phototoxic effects of porphyrin compounds which have been developed as potential anticancer agents directed against esophageal carcinoma. To demonstrate the proof of principle of this approach a small detailed study on five porphyrin based compounds was performed utilizing two relevant esophageal cancer cell lines (OE21 and SKGT-4). The measurable outputs from these early studies were then evaluated by performing a pilot screen using a set of 22 compounds. These data were evaluated and validated by performing comparative studies using a traditional colorimetric assay (MTT). The studies demonstrated that the HCS assay offers significant advantages over and above the currently used methods (directly related to the intracellular presence of the compounds by analysis of their integrated intensity and area within the cells). A high correlation was found between the high content screening (HCS) and MTT data. However, the HCS approach provides additional information that allows a better understanding of the behavior of these compounds when interacting at the cellular level. This is the first step towards an automated high-throughput screening of photosensitizer drug candidates and the beginnings of an integrated and comprehensive quantitative structure action relationship (QSAR) study for photosensitizer libraries.  相似文献   

Inducing beta-cell mass expansion in diabetic patients with the aim to restore glucose homeostasis is a promising therapeutic strategy. Although several in vitro studies have been carried out to identify modulators of beta-cell mass expansion, restoring endogenous beta-cell mass in vivo has yet to be achieved. To identify potential stimulators of beta-cell replication in vivo, we established transgenic zebrafish lines that monitor and allow the quantification of cell proliferation by using the fluorescent ubiquitylation-based cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) technology. Using these new reagents, we performed an unbiased chemical screen, and identified 20 small molecules that markedly increased beta-cell proliferation in vivo. Importantly, these structurally distinct molecules, which include clinically-approved drugs, modulate three specific signaling pathways: serotonin, retinoic acid and glucocorticoids, showing the high sensitivity and robustness of our screen. Notably, two drug classes, retinoic acid and glucocorticoids, also promoted beta-cell regeneration after beta-cell ablation. Thus, this study establishes a proof of principle for a high-throughput small molecule-screen for beta-cell proliferation in vivo, and identified compounds that stimulate beta-cell proliferation and regeneration.  相似文献   

油菜是世界上重要油料作物之一,是世界食用植物油的重要来源。近十年来,随着其种植面积的不断扩大,目前已成为世界第二大植物油来源,因此提高油菜种子含油量具有重大的经济利用价值。近年来,基因工程技术的飞速发展带来了优化油菜品种资源的新方法。三酰甘油对种子油脂的形成十分重要,它是油菜种子最主要的储藏脂类。将三酰甘油合成代谢途径中的关键酶基因及一些转录因子转入到油菜组基因中,一方面增加种子中关键酶基因的表达;另一方面增加转录因子表达以增强糖酵解和三酰甘油形成的相关基因表达,增加底物浓度和三酰甘油合成的速度,期待获得高含油量的转基因油菜。本文综述了国内外关于油菜油酯代谢关键酶基因及调控基因的研究进展,并展望了未来提高油菜含油量的发展思路。  相似文献   

玉米茎秆高糖种质资源筛选与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以151个玉米自交系为材料,对玉米茎秆高糖种质资源进行了筛选与评价。结果表明,自交系茎秆含糖量(B rix)变化范围为3.5%~16.9%,能为茎秆高糖玉米新品种选育所利用的自交系(B rix≥10%)种质资源比较丰富,约占测定自交系总数43.1%。通过聚类分析,151个玉米自交系按茎秆含糖量差异可分为3大类,第3类属于茎秆高糖类型(12.3%~16.9%),共有22个自交系,这一类群种质可能是培育茎秆高糖玉米新品种的重要亲本材料,其中78599-1-550、78599-2、YXD053-646、Y53-245、预CY509等5个自交系尤其适合作为茎秆高糖玉米育种亲本。  相似文献   

BioSig3D is a computational platform for high-content screening of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models that are imaged in full 3D volume. It provides an end-to-end solution for designing high content screening assays, based on colony organization that is derived from segmentation of nuclei in each colony. BioSig3D also enables visualization of raw and processed 3D volumetric data for quality control, and integrates advanced bioinformatics analysis. The system consists of multiple computational and annotation modules that are coupled together with a strong use of controlled vocabularies to reduce ambiguities between different users. It is a web-based system that allows users to: design an experiment by defining experimental variables, upload a large set of volumetric images into the system, analyze and visualize the dataset, and either display computed indices as a heatmap, or phenotypic subtypes for heterogeneity analysis, or download computed indices for statistical analysis or integrative biology. BioSig3D has been used to profile baseline colony formations with two experiments: (i) morphogenesis of a panel of human mammary epithelial cell lines (HMEC), and (ii) heterogeneity in colony formation using an immortalized non-transformed cell line. These experiments reveal intrinsic growth properties of well-characterized cell lines that are routinely used for biological studies. BioSig3D is being released with seed datasets and video-based documentation.  相似文献   

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