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We show that nitric oxide (NO) from applied NO-donating chemicals induces collapse of ganglion cell axonal growth cones extending from explants of tadpole retina in culture. Peroxynitrite, a neurotoxic product of NO and superoxide reaction, did not induce collapse, and oxyhemoglobin, which binds NO, blocked the highly effective collapsing activity of the NO donor S-nitrosocysteine. Membrane-permeable analogs of cyclic guanosine monophosphate had no collapsing activity. Inhibitors of NO synthase did not induce collapse. NO is a potential retrograde messenger through which postsynaptic neurons signal to their inputs to modify synaptic efficacy following NMDA receptor activation. Our results suggest a role for NO as such a messenger during development of the retinotectal projection. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an essential recycling pathway implicated in neurodegeneration either as a pro-survival or a pro-death mechanism. Its role after axonal injury is still uncertain. Axotomy of the optic nerve is a classical model of neurodegeneration. It induces retinal ganglion cell death, a process also occurring in glaucoma and other optic neuropathies. We analyzed autophagy induction and cell survival following optic nerve transection (ONT) in mice. Our results demonstrate activation of autophagy shortly after axotomy with autophagosome formation, upregulation of the autophagy regulator Atg5 and apoptotic death of 50% of the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) after 5 days. Genetic downregulation of autophagy using knockout mice for Atg4B (another regulator of autophagy) or with specific deletion of Atg5 in retinal ganglion cells, using the Atg5(flox/flox) mice reduces cell survival after ONT, whereas pharmacological induction of autophagy in vivo increases the number of surviving cells. In conclusion, our data support that autophagy has a cytoprotective role in RGCs after traumatic injury and may provide a new therapeutic strategy to ameliorate retinal diseases.  相似文献   

Newly synthesized neurofilament proteins become highly phosphorylated within axons. Within 2 days after intravitreously injecting normal adult mice with [32P]orthophosphate, we observed that neurofilaments along the entire length of optic axons were radiolabeled by a soluble32P-carrier that was axonally transported faster than neurofilaments.32P-incorporation into neurofilament proteins synthesized at the time of injection was comparatively low and minimally influenced the labeling pattern along axons.32P-incorporation into axonal neurofilaments was considerably higher in the middle region of the optic axons. This characteristic non-uniform distribution of radiolabel remained nearly unchanged for at least 22 days. During this interval, less than 10% of the total32P-labeled neurofilaments redistributed from the optic nerve to the optic tract. By contrast, newly synthesized neurofilaments were selectively pulse-labeled in ganglion cell bodies by intravitreous injection of [35S]methionine and about 60% of this pool translocated by slow axoplasmic transport to the optic tract during the same time interval. These findings indicate that the steady-state or resident pool of neurofilaments in axons is not identical to the newly synthesized neurofilament pool, the major portion of which moves at the slowest rate of axoplasmic transport. Taken together with earlier studies, these results support the idea that, depending in part on their phosphorylation state, transported neurofilaments can interact for short or very long periods with a stationary but dynamic neurofilament lattice in axons.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Ochs.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the mammalian retina contains a circadian clock system that controls several retinal functions. In mammals the location of the retinal circadian clock is unknown whereas, in non-mammalian vertebrates, earlier work has demonstrated that photoreceptor cells contain the circadian clock. New experimental evidence has suggested that in mammals the retinal circadian clock may be located outside the photoreceptor cells. In this study we report that circadian rhythms in Aa-nat mRNA (in vivo) and melatonin synthesis (in vitro) are still present in the retina of rats lacking photoreceptors. The circadian pacemaker(s) controlling such rhythms is probably located in kainic acid sensitive neurons in the inner retina since kainic acid injections abolished the rhythmicity. These data are the first direct demonstration that circadian rhythmicity in the mammalian retina can be generated independently from the photoreceptors and the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Wolfberry (fruit of Lycium barbarum Linn) has been known for balancing ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ in the body, nourishing the liver and kidney, improving visual acuity for more than 2,500 years in oriental countries. The active components in wolfberry include L. barbarum polysaccharide (LBP), zeaxanthine, betaine, cerebroside and trace amounts of zinc, iron, and copper. Each of them confers distinct beneficial effects and together they help to explain widespread use of wolfberry in the eastern world. Earlier study reported the neuroprotective effects of LBP on retinal ganglion cell (RGC) in an experimental model of glaucoma and the underlying in vivo cellular mechanisms of LBP neuroprotection deserve further exploration. In this study, we adopted proteomics, functional genomics, to evaluate pharmacological effects of LBP on the neuronal survival pathways. Among the significantly changed proteins induced by LBP feeding on ocular hypertension (OH) retinas, only proteins in crystallin family were focused in this study. The proteomic results were further confirmed using the Western blotting of the retinas and immunohistochemical staining of the retinal sections. We demonstrated that neuroprotective effect of—wolfberry extract—LBP on the survival of RGCs may be mediated via direct up‐regulation of neuronal survival signal βB2‐crystallin. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 311–320, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The vertebrate circadian system that controls most biological rhythms is composed of multiple oscillators with varied hierarchies and complex levels of organization and interaction. The retina plays a key role in the regulation of daily rhythms and light is the main synchronizer of the circadian system. To date, the identity of photoreceptors/photopigments responsible for the entrainment of biological rhythms is still uncertain; however, it is known that phototransduction must occur in the eye because light entrainment is lost with eye removal. The retina is also rhythmic in physiological and metabolic activities as well as in gene expression. Retinal oscillators may act like clocks to induce changes in the visual system according to the phase of the day by predicting environmental changes. These oscillatory and photoreceptive capacities are likely to converge all together on selected retinal cells. The aim of this overview is to present the current knowledge of retinal physiology in relation to the circadian timing system.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of rat retinal ganglion cells is described. It was found that most such cells generate tonic discharges, while cells that demonstrate a phasic type of activity are less numerous. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 382–384, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The first stage of visual processing occurs in the retina, the function of which is to process the raw information obtained from the outside world. In the present study, the electrical activities of a group of retinal ganglion cells were recorded from a small functioning piece of retina, using multi-electrode array (MEA), and the action potentials were detected by applying nonlinear algorithm. By analyzing the ensemble retinal ganglion output characteristics, it is revealed that both firing rates and correlated activity between adjacent neurons in the retina contribute to visual information encoding.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors are non-spiking neurons, and their synapses mediate the continuous release of neurotransmitters under the control of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Photoreceptors express endogenous circadian oscillators that play important roles in regulating photoreceptor physiology and function. Here, we report that the L-type VGCCs in chick cone photoreceptors are under circadian control. The L-type VGCC currents are greater when measured during the subjective night than during the subjective day. Using antibodies against the VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D subunits, we found that the immunofluorescence intensities of both VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D in photoreceptors are higher during the subjective night. However, the mRNA levels of VGCCalpha1D, but not VGCCalpha1C, are rhythmic. Nocturnal increases in L-type VGCCs are blocked by manumycin A, PD98059, and KN93, which suggest that the circadian output pathway includes Ras, Erk, and calcium-calmodulin dependent kinase II. In summary, four independent lines of evidence show that the L-VGCCs in cone photoreceptors are under circadian control.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in neuroscience is how the information relevant to behavior is presented in the activity of neurons[1]. The visual system, especially the retina, offers some advantage to explore the neural code owing to its explicitly layered structure and relatively simple neuron types[2]. However, most of what we know about retinal signaling is derived from single neuron recordings[2,3]. The assumptions underlying this approach are that individual neuron acts as a unique element dedi…  相似文献   

Activity-dependent refinement of synaptic connections occurs throughout the developing nervous system, including the visual system. Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) overproduce synapses then refine them in an activity-dependent manner that segregates RGC connections into multicellular patterns, such as eye-specific regions and retinotopic maps. Ferrets additionally segregate ON and OFF retinogeniculate pathways in an activity-dependent manner. It was unknown whether differences in ON versus OFF intrinsic and spontaneous activity occur in postnatal mouse. The work reported here measured the intrinsic properties and spontaneous activity of morphologically identified postnatal mouse RGCs, and tested the hypothesis that mouse ON and OFF RGCs develop differences in spontaneous activity. We found developmental changes in resting potential, action potential threshold, depolarization to threshold, action potential width, action potential patterns, and maximal firing rates. These results are consistent with the maturation of the intrinsic properties of RGCs extending through the first three postnatal weeks. However, there were no differences among mouse ON, OFF, and multistratified RGCs in intrinsic excitability, spontaneous synaptic drive or spontaneous action potential patterns. The absence of differences between ON and OFF activity patterns is unlike the differences that arise in ferrets. In contrast to the ferret, the ON and OFF target neurons in the mouse are organized in a random pattern, not layers. This supports the hypothesis that the absence of systematic differences in activity results in the nonlayered distribution of retinogeniculate connections.  相似文献   

Progenitor cells isolated from early rat embryo retinas differentiate into phenotypes normally generated early in retinal development (e.g., ganglion cells), whereas progenitors isolated from postnatal retinas differentiate into later-generated retinal cell types (e.g., rod photoreceptors; Reh and Kljavin, J. Neurosci. 9:4179–4189; 1989; Adler and Hatlee, 1989; Science 243:391–393; Sparrow, Hicks, and Barnstable, 1990, Dev. Brain Res. 51:69–84). To determine whether this change in committment is intrinsic to the progenitor cells, or alternatively can be modified by interactions with their developing environment, I co-cultured mouse and rat retinal cells, from different developmental stages, and identified the resulting phenotypes with species-specific and cell class-specific antibodies. I found that the phenotypes into which mouse neuroepithelial cells differentiate depends on the phenotypes of the rat cells that surround them. Retinal precursor cells from embryonic day (E) 10–12 will adopt the rod photoreceptor phenotype only when close to cells expressing this phenotype. By contrast, when the E10–12 retinal progenitor cells are cultured with cells from the cerebral cortex, they differentiate primarily into large multipolar neurons, similar in their morphology and antigen expression to retinal ganglion cells. These results indicate that interactions among the cells of the developing retina are important in the determination of cell fate. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Advanced primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is characterized by progressive retinal ganglion cell complex (RGCC) damage that may cause subsequent disruption of the circadian rhythms. Therefore, we evaluated circadian body temperature (BT) rhythm and sleep characteristics of 115 individuals (38 men and 77 women) diagnosed with POAG. GLV (global loss volume; %), a measure of RGCC damage, was estimated by high-definition optical coherence tomography, and RGC functional ability was assessed by pattern electroretinogram amplitude (PERGA). Depending on dynamics of POAG progression criteria, two groups were formed that were distinctively different in GLV: Stable POAG group (S-POAG; GLV = 5.95 ± 1.84, n = 65) and Progressive POAG group (P-POAG; GLV = 24.27 ± 5.09, n = 50). S-POAG and P-POAG groups were not different in mean age (67.61 ± 7.56 versus 69.98 ± 8.15) or body mass index (24.66 ± 3.03 versus 24.77 ± 2.90). All subjects performed 21 around-the-clock BT self-measurements during a 72-h period and kept activity/sleep diaries. Results showed pronounced disruption of circadian physiology in POAG and its progression with increasing severity of the disease. The daily mean of BT was unusually low, compared to age-matched controls. Moreover, our results revealed distinctive features of BT circadian rhythm alterations in POAG development and POAG progression. S-POAG is associated with lowered BT circadian rhythm robustness and inter-daily phase stability compared to controls. In the P-POAG group, the mean phase of the circadian BT rhythm was delayed by about 5 h and phases were highly scattered among individual patients, which led to reduced group mean amplitude. Circadian amplitudes of individuals were not different between the groups. Altogether, these results suggest that the body clock still works in POAG patients, but its entrainment to the 24-h environment is compromised. Probably because of the internal desynchronization, bedtime is delayed, and sleep duration is accordingly shortened by about 55 min in P-POAG compared to S-POAG patients. In the entire POAG cohort (both groups), later sleep phase and shorter mean sleep duration correlate with the delayed BT phase (r = 0.215; p = 0.021 and r = 0.322; p = 0.0004, respectively). An RGCC GLV of 15% apparently constitutes a threshold above which a delay of the circadian BT rhythm and a shortening of sleep duration occur.  相似文献   

哺乳动物昼夜节律调节的神经基础——昼夜光感受器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物昼夜光感受器为一组具有直接感光功能的特殊视网膜神经节细胞 ,其基本感光色素为黑视素 .昼夜光感受器具有直接、广谱和稳定感受昼夜光变化的功能特点 .昼夜光感受器的功能是通过导引作用 ,使下丘脑视交叉上核内的昼夜节律活动与外界明 暗周期变化同步  相似文献   

Xiao L  Jing W  Liang PJ 《生理学报》2011,63(5):423-430
在脊椎动物的视觉系统中,信息的初级处理发生在视网膜.随着多电极记录技术的发展,视网膜神经节细胞的协同活动在不同物种中被广泛地观察到.然而,协同活动在视觉信息处理中的作用还不清楚,并且存在一定的争议.本文回顾了近些年关于视网膜神经节细胞协同活动的相关研究,对协同活动的分类、检测以及生理功能进行讨论.  相似文献   

During early postnatal development, dendrites of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) extend and branch in the inner plexiform layer to establish the adult level of stratification, pattern of branching, and coverage. Many studies have described the branching patterns, transient features, and regulatory factors of stratification of the RGCs. The rate of RGC dendritic field (DF) expansion relative to the growing retina has not been systematically investigated. In this study, we used two methods to examine the relative expansion of RGC DFs. First, we measured the size of RGC DFs and the diameters of the eyeballs at several postnatal stages. We compared the measurements with the RGC DF sizes calculated from difference of the eyeball sizes based on a linear expansion assumption. Second, we used the number of cholinergic amacrine cells (SACs) circumscribed by the DFs of RGCs at corresponding time points as an internal ruler to assess the size of DFs. We found most RGCs exhibit a phase of faster expansion relative to the retina between postnatal day 8 (P8) and P13, followed by a phase of retraction between P13 and adulthood. The morphological α cells showed the faster growing phase but not the retraction phase, whereas the morphological ON–OFF direction selective ganglion cells expanded in the same pace as the growing retina. These findings indicate different RGCs show different modes of growth, whereas most subtypes exhibit a fast expansion followed by a retraction phase to reach the adult size. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 397–407, 2010  相似文献   

Due to their high energy demands and characteristic morphology, retinal photoreceptor cells require a specialized lipid metabolism for survival and function. Accordingly, dysregulation of lipid metabolism leads to the photoreceptor cell death and retinal degeneration. Mice bearing a frameshift mutation in the gene encoding lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 (Lpcat1), which produces saturated phosphatidylcholine (PC) composed of two saturated fatty acids, has been reported to cause spontaneous retinal degeneration in mice; however, the mechanism by which this mutation affects degeneration is unclear. In this study, we performed a detailed characterization of LPCAT1 in the retina and found that genetic deletion of Lpcat1 induces light-independent and photoreceptor-specific apoptosis in mice. Lipidomic analyses of the retina and isolated photoreceptor outer segment (OS) suggested that loss of Lpcat1 not only decreased saturated PC production but also affected membrane lipid composition, presumably by altering saturated fatty acyl-CoA availability. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Lpcat1 deletion led to increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species levels in photoreceptor cells, but not in other retinal cells, and did not affect the OS structure or trafficking of OS-localized proteins. These results suggest that the LPCAT1-dependent production of saturated PC plays critical roles in photoreceptor maturation. Our findings highlight the therapeutic potential of saturated fatty acid metabolism in photoreceptor cell degeneration–related retinal diseases.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in phase‐shifting of circadian neuronal activities in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and circadian behavior activity rhythms. In the retina, NO production is increased in a light‐dependent manner. While endogenous circadian oscillators in retinal photoreceptors regulate their physiological states, it is not clear whether NO also participates in the circadian regulation of photoreceptors. In this study, we demonstrate that NO is involved in the circadian phase‐dependent regulation of L‐type voltage‐gated calcium channels (L‐VGCCs). In chick cone photoreceptors, the L‐VGCCα1 subunit expression and the maximal L‐VGCC currents are higher at night, and both Ras‐mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK)‐extracellular signal‐regulated kinase (Erk) and Ras‐phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K)‐protein kinase B (Akt) are part of the circadian output pathways regulating L‐VGCCs. The NO‐cGMP‐protein kinase G (PKG) pathway decreases L‐VGCCα1 subunit expression and L‐VGCC currents at night, but not during the day, and exogenous NO donor or cGMP decreases the phosphorylation of Erk and Akt at night. The protein expression of neural NO synthase (nNOS) is also under circadian control, with both nNOS and NO production being higher during the day. Taken together, NO/cGMP/PKG signaling is involved as part of the circadian output pathway to regulate L‐VGCCs in cone photoreceptors.


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