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本文对金丝猴与其他灵长类之间和三种金丝猴之间特征不同的56条肌作了比较研究。结果表明:三种金丝猴的肌肉系统存在一些差异。纠正了Patterson(1942)对一例川金丝猴的一些错误观察记录。在金丝猴属的肌学方面除与猴超科共有的大部分特征外,还具有与类人猿和人相似的特征。在猴类中,金丝猴的肌肉系统更多地与叶猴相似,其中一些特征较叶猴更为进化。从进化观点看,金丝猴的肌学特征似介于叶猴与类人猿之间,故它们比其他猴超科动物更为进化。  相似文献   

正川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana),旧大陆的狭鼻猴类,是我国特有的珍稀濒危灵长类,为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物。川金丝猴是典型的森林树栖灵长类,常年栖息于海拔1 500~3 000 m的森林中。图中是分布在我国陕西佛坪境内的大坪峪种群的一只成年雄性(10岁以上),在2015年新组建家庭单元(OMU)。  相似文献   

袁传照  周绮楼 《动物学报》1990,36(3):324-326
菲氏叶猴(Presbytis phayrei)为疣猴亚科,叶猴属动物。有学者在评述叶猴的分类地位时指出,叶猴在进化的历程中,虽进化的步伐很慢,但仍继续沿着其重要的演化路线发展。叶猴在旧大陆猴类中享有特殊的地位,兼有进步和原始特征。其进步特征处于旧大陆猴与长臂猿之间,而原始特征仍保留着类似其祖先的特点,它与这个祖先的亲缘关系似较其它旧大陆猴更为接近。通过对长尾叶猴(Presbytisentellus)的形态解剖,有人认为叶猴的脑髓演化水平介于猴科动物与长臂猿之间。  相似文献   

本书为我国三种金丝猴的比较解剖学专著,也是国内外对此三种动物的系统解剖的首次记载。在对我国特有的滇金丝猴、川金丝猴和黔金丝猴作系统解剖、功能形态和部分器官组织的显微形态研究的基础上,对三种金丝猴之间和金丝猴属与其它灵长类之间的形态学差异作了比较。本书重点侧重于比较形态学,从形态学角度探讨三种金丝猴的分类地位和系统演化关系。附有插图和图版  相似文献   

金丝猴解剖 川金丝猴和滇金丝猴的肤纹   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文为国内外首次报道的两种金丝猴肤纹的研究。观察的标本有6例:四川金丝猴3例,云南金丝猴也3例。分析结果表明,两种金丝猴掌面和跖面上的花纹与叶猴的相似,绝大多数为箕形纹,但与猕猴和长臂猿相比较,差别明显,指(趾)端的花纹为一般猴科所特有的原始窦状花纹,掌面都有三角1、2、5、8,而跖面都有3、9、12、13和16。然而,这两种金丝猴之间也有一定的差异。但由于观察的标本数量有限,尚不能完全代表该两种金丝猴种群所固有的肤纹特征的全貌。  相似文献   

中国第一届灵长类学术讨论会于1981年12月13-19日在昆明召开。来自全国各地45个单位的75位专家、教授和科技工作者出席了这次会议,大会收到99篇学术论文和工作报告。 会议期间,分别进行了大会和分组报告,大会宣读的《禄丰古猿与人类起源》、《中国的灵长类动物及其保护》以及我国特产金丝猴的种群结构及其生物学意义、分类地位和分布现状等,受到代表们的重视。此外还进行了关于建立灵长类中心的专题座谈。并通过幻灯放映、图片展览、资料陈列以及参观有关研究单位及其猴类饲养园地等项活动,交流和了解了国内外的最新研究情况。 一、学术交流。代表们对我国的灵长类研究工作在分类区系、资源调查、种群生态、解剖、生理、心理、行为、医学、饲养驯化、繁殖、保护,以及古猿、化石灵长类等各个方面所取得的积极成果,感到鼓舞。对我国在国际灵长类研究中所处的落后状态感到不安,表示要脚踏实地、加强规划、集中力量、相互协作,逐步缩短差距。  相似文献   

手的动脉弓是适应于手在局部受压迫时保证血流畅通的结构,它使血液均匀分布于手指,并与局部温度调节有密切关系。此项研究对于了解灵长类手的动脉弓演化以及对外科解剖学的研究将提供一定的理论依据。本文首次报导金丝猴手的动脉弓。在解剖过的三种金丝猴的10只手中,6只手存在掌浅弓,而掌浅弓是恒定存在的。由此看来,金丝猴的动脉弓似更接近于类人猿,而不同于其它旧大陆猴。文中还与猴科以上的灵长类有关代表种类做了比较。  相似文献   

金丝猴长骨的异速生长研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章利用14副成年金丝猴骨架(包括滇金丝猴Rhinopithecus bieti;黔金丝猴R.brelichi)对其长骨与体重间的异速生长进行了分析研究。结果表明,在金丝猴的生长发育过程中,前肢的生长速度大于后肢。这种形态特征与金丝猴在运动过程中攀爬垂直支撑物相联系。从肢间指数和生长系数看,金丝猴的前后肢与其它灵长类相比较,相对于体重来说比较短。这是在树上攀缘过程中使重心更接近支撑攀物和使身体稳定的一种适应。对躯干长(STL),肱骨、桡骨、股骨和胫骨经多维变量分析说明了金丝猴的长骨与体重之间的关系,长骨的结构特征与狮尾狒(Theropithecus)、狒狒(Papio)、叶猴(Presbytis)、猕猴(Mcaaca)及长鼻猴(Nasalis)更为接近。在金丝猴的运动特征上,我们据此推测,它们有一部分时间在地上活动,但休息、睡觉、寻食及逃避敌害等时在树上。因此,在运动中,跳跃、臂摆荡和悬吊不是它们的主要运动方式。  相似文献   

金丝猴的呼吸系统包括鼻、喉、气管、支气管和肺,在已知的疣猴科或亚科文献中(Ayer,1948;Hill,1952,1954; Polak,1908,Loo,1973等),从未见过报道。本文着重描述三种金丝猴呼吸系统各器官的主要特征及其相互间的差异,在讨论中适当地与其他灵长类的相应器官作了比较。这将为比较形态学和分类学研究提供重要的基本资料和依据。  相似文献   

手的动脉弓是适应于手在局部受压迫时保证血流畅通的结构,它使血液均匀分布于手指,并与局部温度调节有密切关系。此项研究对于了解灵长类手的动脉弓演化以及对外科解剖学的研究将提供一定的理论依据。本文首次报导金丝猴手的动脉弓。在解剖过的三种金猴的10只手中,6只手存在掌浅弓,而掌深弓是恒定存在的。由此看来,金丝猴手的动脉弓似更接近于类人猿,而不同于其它旧大陆猴。文中还与猴科以上的灵长类有关代表种类作了比较。  相似文献   

Schmitz J  Ohme M  Zischler H 《Genetics》2001,157(2):777-784
Transpositions of Alu sequences, representing the most abundant primate short interspersed elements (SINE), were evaluated as molecular cladistic markers to analyze the phylogenetic affiliations among the primate infraorders. Altogether 118 human loci, containing intronic Alu elements, were PCR analyzed for the presence of Alu sequences at orthologous sites in each of two strepsirhine, New World and Old World monkey species, Tarsius bancanus, and a nonprimate outgroup. Fourteen size-polymorphic amplification patterns exhibited longer fragments for the anthropoids (New World and Old World monkeys) and T. bancanus whereas shorter fragments were detected for the strepsirhines and the outgroup. From these, subsequent sequence analyses revealed three Alu transpositions, which can be regarded as shared derived molecular characters linking tarsiers and anthropoid primates. Concerning the other loci, scenarios are represented in which different SINE transpositions occurred independently in the same intron on the lineages leading both to the common ancestor of anthropoids and to T. bancanus, albeit at different nucleotide positions. Our results demonstrate the efficiency and possible pitfalls of SINE transpositions used as molecular cladistic markers in tracing back a divergence point in primate evolution over 40 million years old. The three Alu insertions characterized underpin the monophyly of haplorhine primates (Anthropoidea and Tarsioidea) from a novel perspective.  相似文献   

The forelimbs of 12 genera of New World monkeys, two genera of Old World monkeys, and a gibbon were dissected. Of the 54 muscles examined, 19 exhibited significant intergeneric variation. We present arguments for which morphologies are primitive and which are derived within platyrrhines and within anthropoids. We conclude that the forelimbs of Cebus apella and Callicebus moloch represent good models of the ancestral anthropoid morphology. Thus among living anthropoids they are most appropriate for comparisons with early fossil anthropoids. They are also useful for determining whether myological anomalies of human aneuploids are atavistic. Wagner tree analyses were conducted to assess the value of these myological characters in phylogenetic studies of platyrrhines. In most respects the Wagner trees were consonant with phylogenies previously proposed, although some hypothesized trees are less parsimonious than others in explaining our data. There is an unexpected number of derived features shared by Aotus and the Atelines. There are marked dissimilarities in forelimb musculature between Aotus and Callicebus.  相似文献   

For practical purposes two classes of blood groups of Old World monkeys can be distinguished: human-type and simian-type, depending on the kind of reagents used for testing. Of the human-type blood groups, only the A-B-O groups, defined by saliva inhibition and serum tests, are polymorphic in some, but not all, monkey species. The distributions of those groups show wide differences not only among monkey species but also among troops of one and the same species. The tests for other human-type antigens give with the monkey red cells either uniformly positive or uniformly negative results. Thus, the human-type blood groups seem to be of limited use as taxonomic tools in the systematics of the Old World monkeys.On the other hand, the simian-type blood groups, defined by isoor crossimmune monkey sera, display highly polymorphic patterns in most species of Old World monkeys, and the capability of the antisera to react with combining groups on the red cells of monkeys of closely related species seems to reflect the taxonomic closeness of two or more species. The fact that some of the simian-type specificities, notably those belonging to the rhesus Drh graded blood group system, are shared by many species of Old World monkeys, indicates that they were introduced into genotypes during early stages of evolution of the Cercopithecidae.  相似文献   

对不同地区川金丝猴食物组成的比较有助于了解其对不同生境食物供应的适应性。本研究通过对陕西川金丝猴猴群食谱的长期记录,并汇集了国内对四川-甘肃和湖北的川金丝猴食性研究结果,集成了这三个地理种群川金丝猴各自的地域性食谱,共计有136 种植物(隶属35 科)被该物种作为采食对象。对来自这三个不同区域(陕西、四川-甘肃、湖北)的川金丝猴食谱组成的比较,发现有近半数的植物是三个地理种群共同的采食对象,但其食谱组成差异明显。这可能源于各地植物本身的多样性差异,及不同地理种群对各种食物采食偏好的不同所致。对其相关聚类分析结果显示,陕西和湖北的猴群在食谱组成上相近,但四川-甘肃的猴群与前两个地区猴群的食谱组成差异极大。然而湖北和四川-甘肃种群在食物的选择上采用了近乎相同的偏好倾向,而陕西的猴群与它们明显不同。我们初步分析认为造成食谱组成和采食偏好差异的原因可能是各地理种群活动地海拔带重叠度不同、森林类型不同、它们在不同林型中活动的时间分配不一。很明显,就我们目前所掌握的有关川金丝猴食谱组成来看,该物种不应该仅仅被认为是一个叶食性灵长类动物,而应该是一个泛化采食者。  相似文献   

The primate superfamily Cercopithecoidea (or Old World monkeys) is characterized by a widespread lack of the maxillary sinus, a paranasal pneumatic space found in most other eutherian mammals. Previous discussions of the distribution of pneumatization in the group, however, have been ambiguous and contradictory, and have been further complicated by discussion of a poorly defined structure named the "lateral recess," linked implicitly to the maxillary sinus. Computed tomography (CT) was applied to dry crania of all cercopithecoid genera to evaluate the morphological relevance of the term "lateral recess." Results suggest that the "lateral recess" is a structural consequence of changes in skull form unrelated to pneumatization. Thus, the term should be abandoned. All Old World monkeys (except the genus Macaca) are found to lack the maxillary sinus, but a previously undescribed bulla, only separated from the nasal cavity anteriorly, was discovered in the Chinese golden monkey Rhinopithecus. If this bulla is related to the paranasal sinuses, it suggests that the initial change in cercopithecoid cranial evolution was a suppression of pneumatic development, which may have been subsequently reversed twice in the history of the group, in Macaca and Rhinopithecus.  相似文献   

Some differences between the muscular system of three species of golden monkeys were shown. The major features of the myology in these animals, besides that ofCercopithecoidea, are similar to the anthropoid apes and humans. Although most of the features between taxa of golden monkeys are largely homologous, there are also some differences. Our results differ slightly from thosePatterson (1942) obtained inR. roxellanae. Some conclusions reported by Patterson were obviously incorrect, since the specimen he used did not have a head. Many mylogical characters are similar to other species ofCercopithecoidea while some resemble those of apes. Many are similar to those of the leaf monkey, though some of them show much more development. The golden monkey is more advanced than any other species ofCercopithecoidea. We hypothesize that in terms of the myological characters the golden monkeys seem to occupy a position between the leaf monkeys and the apes.  相似文献   

The study of the genetic variance/covariance matrix (G-matrix) is a recent and fruitful approach in evolutionary biology, providing a window of investigating for the evolution of complex characters. Although G-matrix studies were originally conducted for microevolutionary timescales, they could be extrapolated to macroevolution as long as the G-matrix remains relatively constant, or proportional, along the period of interest. A promising approach to investigating the constancy of G-matrices is to compare their phenotypic counterparts (P-matrices) in a large group of related species; if significant similarity is found among several taxa, it is very likely that the underlying G-matrices are also equivalent. Here we study the similarity of covariance and correlation structure in a broad sample of Old World monkeys and apes (Catarrhini). We made phylogenetically structured comparisons of correlation and covariance matrices derived from 39 skull traits, ranging from between species to the superfamily level. We also compared the overall magnitude of integration between skull traits (r2) for all Catarrhini genera. Our results show that P-matrices were not strictly constant among catarrhines, but the amount of divergence observed among taxa was generally low. There was significant and positive correlation between the amount of divergence in correlation and covariance patterns among the 30 genera and their phylogenetic distances derived from a recently proposed phylogenetic hypothesis. Our data demonstrate that the P-matrices remained relatively similar along the evolutionary history of catarrhines, and comparisons with the G-matrix available for a New World monkey genus (Saguinus) suggests that the same holds for all anthropoids. The magnitude of integration, in contrast, varied considerably among genera, indicating that evolution of the magnitude, rather than the pattern of inter-trait correlations, might have played an important role in the diversification of the catarrhine skull.  相似文献   

The relationship between body size and feeding ecology is well established for primates. It is argued that the evolutionary history of modern New World monkeys and, in particular, the path to attainment of current body size is significant in understanding the similarities and differences between dietary strategies and other ecological parameters of similar-sized monkeys. Current interpretations of New World monkey evolutionary relationships are reviewed. Based on a synthesis of available body weights and the assumption that the earliest New World monkeys weighed close to 1 kg, similar to modern Aotus and Callicebus, predicted patterns of body size change in each lineage are given. Restrictions on directions of body size change in primates are discussed, and it is shown that "Stanley's Rule" offers a good explanation for differing body size ranges in New and Old World anthropoids. Predicted ecological correlates to body size drawn from the mammalian literature are offered and tested using data on New World monkeys, which show some concurrence and several interesting departures from predicted patterns. Sexual dimorphism in body weight of New World monkey species is reviewed, based on the new summary of body weight data given.  相似文献   

The masticatory apparatus for two endemic species of golden monkey in China, Rhinopithecus bieti and Rhinopithecus roxellana, were compared with those of macaques, Macaca and leaf monkeys, Presbytis. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that the two golden monkey species are distinct. Interspecies allometric analyses revealed that golden monkeys differ in their masticatory apparatus from both macaques and leaf monkeys. The prominent symphysial fusion, corpus, and sagittal condylar dimension of R. roxellana may produce efficient biting force on the incisal and posterior canine teeth, with the heavy reaction force born on the temporomandibular joint. However, the well-developed bizygamatic width and mandibular height in R. bieti suggest that posterior canine function is similarly prominent in R. roxellana, while incisal function is not. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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