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The enzymes of the KsgA/Dim1 family are universally distributed throughout all phylogeny; however, structural and functional differences are known to exist. The well-characterized function of these enzymes is to dimethylate two adjacent adenosines of the small ribosomal subunit in the normal course of ribosome maturation, and the structures of KsgA from Escherichia coli and Dim1 from Homo sapiens and Plasmodium falciparum have been determined. To this point, no examples of archaeal structures have been reported. Here, we report the structure of Dim1 from the thermophilic archaeon Methanocaldococcus jannaschii. While it shares obvious similarities with the bacterial and eukaryotic orthologs, notable structural differences exist among the three members, particularly in the C-terminal domain. Previous work showed that eukaryotic and archaeal Dim1 were able to robustly complement for KsgA in E. coli. Here, we repeated similar experiments to test for complementarity of archaeal Dim1 and bacterial KsgA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, neither the bacterial nor the archaeal ortholog could complement for the eukaryotic Dim1. This might be related to the secondary, non-methyltransferase function that Dim1 is known to play in eukaryotic ribosomal maturation. To further delineate regions of the eukaryotic Dim1 critical to its function, we created and tested KsgA/Dim1 chimeras. Of the chimeras, only one constructed with the N-terminal domain from eukaryotic Dim1 and the C-terminal domain from archaeal Dim1 was able to complement, suggesting that eukaryotic-specific Dim1 function resides in the N-terminal domain also, where few structural differences are observed between members of the KsgA/Dim1 family. Future work is required to identify those determinants directly responsible for Dim1 function in ribosome biogenesis. Finally, we have conclusively established that none of the methyl groups are critically important to growth in yeast under standard conditions at a variety of temperatures.  相似文献   

Functional constraints to modifications in triterpene cyclase amino acid sequences make them good candidates for evolutionary studies on the phylogenetic relatedness of these enzymes in prokaryotes as well as in eukaryotes. In this study, we used a set of identified triterpene cyclases, a group of mainly bacterial squalene cyclases and a group of predominantly eukaryotic oxidosqualene cyclases, as seed sequences to identify 5288 putative triterpene cyclase homologues in publicly available databases. The Cluster Analysis of Sequences software was used to detect groups of sequences with increased pairwise sequence similarity. The sequences fall into two main clusters, a bacterial and a eukaryotic. The conserved, informative regions of a multiple sequence alignment of the family were used to construct a neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree using the AsaturA and maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree using the PhyML software. Both analyses showed that most of the triterpene cyclase sequences were similarly grouped to the accepted taxonomic relationships of the organism the sequences originated from, supporting the idea of vertical transfer of cyclase genes from parent to offspring as the main evolutionary driving force in this protein family. However, a small group of sequences from three bacterial species ( Stigmatella , Gemmata and Methylococcus ) grouped with an otherwise purely eukaryotic cluster of oxidosqualene cyclases, while a small group of sequences from seven fungal species and a sequence from the fern Adiantum grouped consistently with a cluster of otherwise purely bacterial squalene cyclases. This suggests that lateral gene transfer may have taken place, entailing a transfer of oxidosqualene cyclases from eukaryotes to bacteria and a transfer of squalene cyclase from bacteria to an ancestor of the group of Pezizomycotina fungi.  相似文献   

The origin and subsequent spread of plastids by endosymbiosis had a major environmental impact and altered the course of a great proportion of eukaryotic biodiversity. The ancestor of dinoflagellates contained a secondary plastid that was acquired in an ancient endosymbiotic event, where a eukaryotic cell engulfed a red alga. This is known as secondary endosymbiosis and has happened several times in eukaryotic evolution. Certain dinoflagellates, however, are unique in having replaced this secondary plastid in an additional (tertiary) round of endosymbiosis. Most plastid proteins are encoded in the nucleus of the host and are targeted to the organelle. When secondary or tertiary endosymbiosis takes place, it is thought that these genes move from nucleus to nucleus, so the plastid retains the same proteome. We have conducted large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) surveys from Karlodinium micrum, a dinoflagellate with a tertiary haptophyte-derived plastid, and two haptophytes, Isochrysis galbana and Pavlova lutheri. We have identified all plastid-targeted proteins, analysed the phylogenetic origin of each protein, and compared their plastid-targeting transit peptides. Many plastid-targeted genes in the Karlodinium nucleus are indeed of haptophyte origin, but some genes were also retained from the original plastid (showing the two plastids likely co-existed in the same cell), in other cases multiple isoforms of different origins exist. We analysed plastid-targeting sequences and found the transit peptides in K.micrum are different from those found in either dinoflagellates or haptophytes, pointing to a plastid with an evolutionarily chimeric proteome, and a massive remodelling of protein trafficking during plastid replacement.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum possesses "green" plastids containing chlorophylls a and b (Chl a+b), unlike most dinoflagellate plastids with Chl a+c plus a carotenoid peridinin (peridinin-containing plastids). In the present study we determined 8 plastid-encoded genes from Lepidodinium to investigate the origin of the Chl a+b-containing dinoflagellate plastids. The plastid-encoded gene phylogeny clearly showed that Lepidodinium plastids were derived from a member of Chlorophyta, consistent with pigment composition. We also isolated three different glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) genes from Lepidodinium-one encoding the putative cytosolic "GapC" enzyme and the remaining two showing affinities to the "plastid-targeted GapC" genes. In a GAPDH phylogeny, one of the plastid-targeted GapC-like sequences robustly grouped with those of dinoflagellates bearing peridinin-containing plastids, while the other was nested in a clade of the homologues of haptophytes and dinoflagellate genera Karenia and Karlodinium bearing "haptophyte-derived" plastids. Since neither host nor plastid phylogeny suggested an evolutionary connection between Lepidodinium and Karenia/Karlodinium, a lateral transfer of a plastid-targeted GapC gene most likely took place from a haptophyte or a dinoflagellate with haptophyte-derived plastids to Lepidodinium. The plastid-targeted GapC data can be considered as an evidence for the single origin of plastids in haptophytes, cryptophytes, stramenopiles, and alveolates. However, in the light of Lepidodinium GAPDH data, we need to closely examine whether the monophyly of the plastids in the above lineages inferred from plastid-targeted GapC genes truly reflects that of the host lineages.  相似文献   

The lipocalins are a family of extracellular proteins that bind and transport small hydrophobic molecules. They are found in eubacteria and a great variety of eukaryotic cells, in which they play diverse physiological roles. We report here the detection of two new eukaryotic lipocalins and a phylogenetic analysis of 113 lipocalin family members performed with maximum-likelihood and parsimony methods on their amino acid sequences. Lipocalins segregate into 13 monophyletic clades, some of which are grouped in well-supported superclades. An examination of the G + C content of the bacterial lipocalin genes and the detection of four new conceptual lipocalins in other eubacterial species argue against a recent horizontal transfer as the origin of prokaryotic lipocalins. Therefore, we rooted our lipocalin tree using the clade containing the prokaryotic lipocalins. The topology of the rooted lipocalin tree is in general agreement with the currently accepted view of the organismal phylogeny of arthropods and chordates. The rooted tree allows us to assign polarity to character changes and suggests a plausible scenario for the evolution of important lipocalin properties. More recently evolved lipocalins tend to (1) show greater rates of amino acid substitutions, (2) have more flexible protein structures, (3) bind smaller hydrophobic ligands, and (4) increase the efficiency of their ligand-binding contacts. Finally, we found that the family of fatty-acid-binding proteins originated from the more derived lipocalins and therefore cannot be considered a sister group of the lipocalin family.  相似文献   

Plastids (the photosynthetic organelles of plants and algae) ultimately originated through an endosymbiosis between a cyanobacterium and a eukaryote. Subsequently, plastids spread to other eukaryotes by secondary endosymbioses that took place between a eukaryotic alga and a second eukaryote. Recently, evidence has mounted in favour of a single origin for plastids of apicomplexans, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, haptophytes, and heterokonts (together with their non-photosynthetic relatives, collectively termed chromalveolates). As of yet, however, no single molecular marker has been described which supports a common origin for all of these plastids. One piece of the evidence for a single origin of chromalveolate plastids came from plastid-targeted glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which originated by a gene duplication of the cytosolic form. However, no plastid GAPDH has been characterized from haptophytes, leaving an important piece of the puzzle missing. We have sequenced genes encoding cytosolic, mitochondrial-targeted, and plastid-targeted GAPDH proteins from a number of haptophytes and heterokonts, and found the haptophyte homologues to branch within the strongly supported clade of chromalveolate plastid-targeted GAPDH genes. Interestingly, plastid-targeted GAPDH genes from the haptophytes were more closely related to apicomplexan genes than was expected. Overall, the evolution of plastid-targeted GAPDH reinforces other data for a red algal ancestry of apicomplexan plastids, and raises a number of questions about the importance of plastid loss and the possibility of cryptic plastids in non-photosynthetic lineages such as ciliates.  相似文献   

Kinases that catalyze phosphorylation of sugars, called here sugar kinases, can be divided into at least three distinct nonhomologous families. The first is the hexokinase family, which contains many prokaryotic and eukaryotic sugar kinases with diverse specificities, including a new member, rhamnokinase from Salmonella typhimurium. The three-dimensional structure of hexokinase is known and can be used to build models of functionally important regions of other kinases in this family. The second is the ribokinase family, of unknown three-dimensional structure, and comprises pro- and eukaryotic ribokinases, bacterial fructokinases, the minor 6-phosphofructokinase 2 from Escherichia coli, 6-phosphotagatokinase, 1-phosphofructokinase, and, possibly, inosine-guanosine kinase. The third family, also of unknown three-dimensional structure, contains several bacterial and yeast galactokinases and eukaryotic mevalonate and phosphomevalonate kinases and may have a substrate binding region in common with homoserine kinases. Each of the three families of sugar kinases appears to have a distinct three-dimensional fold, since conserved sequence patterns are strikingly different for the three families. Yet each catalyzes chemically equivalent reactions on similar or identical substrates. The enzymatic function of sugar phosphorylation appears to have evolved independently on the three distinct structural frameworks, by convergent evolution. In addition, evolutionary trees reveal that (1) fructokinase specificity has evolved independently in both the hexokinase and ribokinase families and (2) glucose specificity has evolved independently in different branches of the hexokinase family. These are examples of independent Darwinian adaptation of a structure to the same substrate at different evolutionary times. The flexible combination of active sites and three-dimensional folds observed in nature can be exploited by protein engineers in designing and optimizing enzymatic function.  相似文献   

Contrasting evolutionary histories of chloroplast thioredoxins f and m   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fourteen thioredoxin sequences were used to construct a minimal phylogenetic tree by using parsimony. The bacterial thioredoxins clustered into three groups: one containing the photosynthetic purple bacteria, Escherichia and Corynebacterium; a second containing the photosynthetic green bacterium, Chlorobium; and a third containing cyanobacteria. These groupings are similar to those generated from earlier 16s RNA analyses. Animal thioredoxins formed a fourth group. The two thioredoxins of chloroplasts (f and m) showed contrasting phylogenetic patterns. As predicted from prior studies, spinach chloroplast thioredoxin m grouped with its counterparts from cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae, but, unexpectedly, thioredoxin f grouped with the animal thioredoxins. The results indicate that, during evolution, thioredoxin m of contemporary photosynthetic eukaryotic cells was derived from a prokaryotic symbiont, whereas thioredoxin f descended from an ancestral eukaryote common to plants and animals. The findings illustrate the potential of thioredoxin as a phylogenetic marker and suggest a relationship between the animal and f-type thioredoxins.   相似文献   

We analyzed length differences of eukaryotic, bacterial and archaeal proteins in relation to function, conservation and environmental factors. Comparing Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes, we found that the greater length of eukaryotic proteins is pervasive over all functional categories and involves the vast majority of protein families. The magnitude of these differences suggests that the evolution of eukaryotic proteins was influenced by processes of fusion of single-function proteins into extended multi-functional and multi-domain proteins. Comparing Bacteria and Archaea, we determined that the small but significant length difference observed between their proteins results from a combination of three factors: (i) bacterial proteomes include a greater proportion than archaeal proteomes of longer proteins involved in metabolism or cellular processes, (ii) within most functional classes, protein families unique to Bacteria are generally longer than protein families unique to Archaea and (iii) within the same protein family, homologs from Bacteria tend to be longer than the corresponding homologs from Archaea. These differences are interpreted with respect to evolutionary trends and prevailing environmental conditions within the two prokaryotic groups.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans CLK-1 was identified from long-lived mutant worms, and is believed to be involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis. The protein belongs to the eukaryotic CLK-1/Coq7p family, which is also similar to the bacterial Coq7 family, that hydroxylates demethoxyubiquinone, resulting in the formation of hydroxyubiquinone, a precursor of ubiquinone. In Escherichia coli, the corresponding reaction is catalyzed by UbiF, a member of a distinct class of hydroxylase. Although previous studies suggested that the eukaryotic CLK-1/Coq7 family is a hydroxylase of demethoxyubiquinone, there was no direct evidence to show the enzymatic activity of the eukaryotic CLK-1/Coq7 family. Here we show that the plasmid encoding C. elegans CLK-1 supported aerobic respiration on a non-fermentable carbon source of E. coli ubiF mutant strain and rescued the ability to synthesize ubiquinone, suggesting that the eukaryotic CLK-1/Coq7p family could function as bacterial UbiF.  相似文献   

Two previously undetected domains were identified in a variety of RNA-binding proteins, particularly RNA-modifying enzymes, using methods for sequence profile analysis. A small domain consisting of 60–65 amino acid residues was detected in the ribosomal protein S4, two families of pseudouridine synthases, a novel family of predicted RNA methylases, a yeast protein containing a pseudouridine synthetase and a deaminase domain, bacterial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases, and a number of uncharacterized, small proteins that may be involved in translation regulation. Another novel domain, designated PUA domain, after PseudoUridine synthase and Archaeosine transglycosylase, was detected in archaeal and eukaryotic pseudouridine synthases, archaeal archaeosine synthases, a family of predicted ATPases that may be involved in RNA modification, a family of predicted archaeal and bacterial rRNA methylases. Additionally, the PUA domain was detected in a family of eukaryotic proteins that also contain a domain homologous to the translation initiation factor eIF1/SUI1; these proteins may comprise a novel type of translation factors. Unexpectedly, the PUA domain was detected also in bacterial and yeast glutamate kinases; this is compatible with the demonstrated role of these enzymes in the regulation of the expression of other genes. We propose that the S4 domain and the PUA domain bind RNA molecules with complex folded structures, adding to the growing collection of nucleic acid-binding domains associated with DNA and RNA modification enzymes. The evolution of the translation machinery components containing the S4, PUA, and SUI1 domains must have included several events of lateral gene transfer and gene loss as well as lineage-specific domain fusions. Received: 15 May 1998 / Accepted: 20 July 1998  相似文献   

She4p/Dim1p, a member of the UNC-45/CRO1/She4p (UCS) domain-containing protein family, is required for endocytosis, polarization of actin cytoskeleton, and polarization of ASH1 mRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show herein that She4p/Dim1p is involved in endocytosis and actin polarization through interactions with the type I myosins Myo3p and Myo5p. Two-hybrid and biochemical experiments showed that She4p/Dim1p interacts with the motor domain of Myo3/5p through its UCS domain. She4p/Dim1p was required for Myo5p localization to cortical patch-like structures. Using random mutagenesis of the motor region of MYO5, we identified four independent dominant point mutations that suppress the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of the she4/dim1 null mutant. All of the amino acid substitutions caused by these mutations, V164I, N168I, N209S, and K377M, could suppress the defects of endocytosis and actin polarization of the she4/dim1 mutant as well. She4p/Dim1p also showed two-hybrid interactions with the motor domain of a type II myosin Myo1p and type V myosins Myo2p and Myo4p, and was required for proper localization of Myo4p, which regulates polarization of ASH1 mRNA. Our results suggest that She4p/Dim1p is required for structural integrity or regulation of the motor domain of unconventional myosins.  相似文献   

Chlorarachniophytes are cercozoan amoeboflagellates that acquired photosynthesis by enslaving a green alga, which has retained a highly reduced nucleus called a nucleomorph. The nucleomorph lacks many genes necessary for its own maintenance and expression, suggesting that some genes have been moved to the host nucleus and their products are now targeted back to the periplastid compartment (PPC), the reduced eukaryotic cytoplasm of the endosymbiont. Protein trafficking in chlorarachniophytes is therefore complex, including nucleus-encoded plastid-targeted proteins, nucleomorph-encoded plastid-targeted proteins, and nucleus-encoded periplastid-targeted proteins. A major gap in our understanding of this system is the PPC-targeted proteins because none have been described in any chlorarachniophytes. Here we describe the first such protein, the GTPase EFL. EFL was characterized from 7 chlorarachniophytes, and 2 distinct types were found. One is related to foraminiferan EFL and lacks an amino-terminal extension. The second, distantly related, type encodes an amino-terminal extension consisting of a signal peptide followed by sequence sharing many characteristics with transit peptides from nucleus-encoded plastid-targeted proteins and which we conclude is most likely PPC targeted. Western blotting with antibodies specific to putative host and PPC-targeted EFL from the chlorarachniophytes Bigelowiella natans and Gymnochlora stellata is consistent with posttranslational cleavage of the leaders from PPC-targeted proteins. Immunolocalization of both proteins in B. natans confirmed the cytosolic location of the leaderless EFL and a distinct localization pattern for the PPC-targeted protein but could not rule out a plastid location (albeit very unlikely). We sought other proteins with a similar leader and identified a eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 encoding a bipartite extension with the same properties. Transit peptide sequences were characterized from all 3 classes of targeted protein by comparing all examples of each class from expressed sequence tag surveys of B. natans and G. stellata. No recognizable difference between plastid- and PPC-targeted proteins was observed, but nucleomorph-encoded transit peptides differ, likely reflecting high AT content of nucleomorph genomes. Taken together, the data suggest that the system that directs proteins to the PPC in chlorarachniophytes uses a bipartite targeting sequence, as does the PPC-targeting system that evolved independently in cryptomonads.  相似文献   

ApaG proteins are found in a wide variety of bacterial genomes but their function is as yet unknown. Some eukaryotic proteins involved in protein-protein interactions, such as the human polymerase delta-interacting protein (PDIP38) and the F Box A (FBA) proteins, contain ApaG homology domains. We have used NMR to determine the solution structure of ApaG protein from the plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (ApaG(Xac)) with the aim to shed some light on its molecular function. ApaG(Xac) is characterized by seven antiparallel beta strands forming two beta sheets, one containing three strands (ABE) and the other four strands (GFCC'). Relaxation measurements indicate that the protein has a quite rigid structure. In spite of the presence of a putative GXGXXG pyrophosphate binding motif ApaG(Xac) does not bind ATP or GTP, in vitro. On the other hand, ApaG(Xac) adopts a fibronectin type III (Fn3) fold, which is consistent with the hypothesis that it is involved in mediating protein-protein interactions. The fact that the proteins of ApaG family do not display significant sequence similarity with the Fn3 domains found in other eukaryotic or bacterial proteins suggests that Fn3 domain may have arisen earlier in evolution than previously estimated.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are ubiquitous across all realms of life. Dogma suggests that bacterial ABC transporters include both importers and exporters, whilst eukaryotic members of this family are solely exporters, implying that ABC import function was lost during evolution. This view is being challenged, for example energy-coupling factor (ECF)-type ABC importers appear to fulfil important roles in both algae and plants where they form the ABCI sub-family. Herein we discuss whether bacterial Type I and Type II ABC importers also made the transition into extant eukaryotes. Various studies suggest that Type I importers exist in algae and the liverwort family of primitive non-vascular plants, but not in higher plants. The existence of eukaryotic Type II importers is also supported: a transmembrane protein homologous to vitamin B12 import system transmembrane protein (BtuC), hemin transport system transmembrane protein (HmuU) and high-affinity zinc uptake system membrane protein (ZnuB) is present in the Cyanophora paradoxa genome. This protein has homologs within the genomes of red algae. Furthermore, its candidate nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) shows closest similarity to other bacterial Type II importer NBDs such as BtuD. Functional studies suggest that Type I importers have roles in maintaining sulphate levels in the chloroplast, whilst Type II importers probably act as importers of Mn2+ or Zn2+, as inferred by comparisons with bacterial homologs. Possible explanations for the presence of these transporters in simple plants, but not in other eukaryotic organisms, are considered. In order to utilise the existing nomenclature for eukaryotic ABC proteins, we propose that eukaryotic Type I and II importers be classified as ABCJ and ABCK transporters, respectively.  相似文献   

The evolution of light stress proteins in photosynthetic organisms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Elip (early light-inducible protein) family in pro- and eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms consists of more than 100 different stress proteins. These proteins accumulate in photosynthetic membranes in response to light stress and have photoprotective functions. At the amino acid level, members of the Elip family are closely related to light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding (Cab) antenna proteins of photosystem I and II, present in higher plants and some algae. Based on their predicted secondary structure, members of the Elip family are divided into three groups: (a) one-helix Hlips (high light-induced proteins), also called Scps (small Cab-like proteins) or Ohps (one-helix proteins); (b) two-helix Seps (stress-enhanced proteins); and (c) three-helix Elips and related proteins. Despite having different physiological functions it is believed that eukaryotic three-helix Cab proteins evolved from the prokaryotic Hlips through a series of duplications and fusions. In this review we analyse the occurrence of Elip family members in various photosynthetic prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and discuss their evolutionary relationship with Cab proteins.  相似文献   

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