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Ooishi  S.  Illg  P. L. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):561-566
In taxonomic studies (in preparation) of the genus Botryllophilus from the eastern and western coastal waters of the Pacific and from the northern Gulf of California, we have found that the females are morphologically divided into 2 types. The 2 morpho-types in our material, which includes 10 species, are characterized by features of the urosome including anal segment and caudal rami, rostrum, antennule, antenna, mandible, maxillule, maxilla, maxilliped, 1st to 5th legs, and the apparatus at the oviducal aperture. These characters are described and the significance of the recognition of the 2 morpho-types is discussed for the purpose of solving taxonomic problems in Botryllophilus.  相似文献   

A new species of cyclopoid copepod, Ochridacyclops nipponensis is described from Japan. This is the third species of the genus. The type material was collected from small streams in the mountainous regions in Shikoku. The new species can easily be distinguished from other members of genus by its 12-segmented antennule, by the proportional length of genital double-somite relative to the length of 3 free abdominal somites, and by the shape of caudal rami. The male is unknown.  相似文献   

Troglocyclops janstocki is proposed to accommodate cyclopids from Hatchet Bay Cave, Eleuthera Island, Bahamas. The species is the most primitive member of the Halicyclopinae because of the presence of 15-segmented antennules, mandibular palp reduced to 3 setae, one of them quite long and plumose, a bisegmented maxillary endopodite, and 3 segments in the maxilliped endopodite. These copepods possess the first pediger still distinct, being partially enclosed dorsally and laterally by a carapace-like extension of the posterior margin of the dorsal cephalic shield. This latter character represents a plesiomorphic state shared with the primitive cyclopinids and, within the Cyclopidae, only with the Euryteinae. The new taxon is the only known species of Halicyclopinae having two apical spines on the terminal segment of the exopodite of legs 2 to 4, and the intercoxal sclerites of the legs 1 and 2 sexually dimorphic. The phylogenetic importance of each of these characters is discussed.  相似文献   

No species of the genus Diacyclops has been so far cited from continental Argentina. Specimens collected from a roadside pool in the province of Catamarca on a plateau at 3700 m a.s.l. turned out to belong to a new species, Diacyclops andinus, which is described and illustrated in detail for both sexes. Main diagnostic features are: spine formula of swimming legs 3, 4, 4, 4; terminal spines of the distal endopod segment of leg 4 subequal; smooth furcal rami. The new species is a member of the D. bicuspidatus group, and is probably near the base of this line.  相似文献   

Presently two species of the genus Mychophilus Hesse, 1865 are known: Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1865 and Mychophilus fallax Stock, 1967. A hitherto unknown species is described herein as Microphilus palmatus n. sp. The new species is characterized by its urosome much exceeding the cephalosome-metasome in length, the ornamentation of the labrum, the shape of the palp of the first maxilla, the ornamentation of the legs 1–4 and shape of the caudal rami. These and other features of the genus Mychophilus are compared with those from other related genera of the family Ascidicolidae Thorell, 1859.  相似文献   

Summary   Ceiba rubriflora Carv.-Sobr. & L. P. Queiroz, a new species of Malvaceae subfamily Bombacoideae from the State of Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. It is considered to be endemic to calcareous outcrops in the valley of the Rio S?o Francisco, in the western region of the state. Notes on distribution, ecology and phenology are given. Relationships with related species are discussed and an addition to the key to species of Ceiba Mill. published by Gibbs & Semir (2003) are provided.  相似文献   

Rayner  Nancy A. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):97-104
Three new species of Tropodiaptomus from southern Africa are described, Tropodiaptomus zambeziensis, T. bhangazii, and T. capriviensis. Type localities are a rice paddy on the Zambezi river delta, a coastal lake in Zululand, and temporary pools in Bushmanland and the eastern Caprivi in Namibia. Speciation of Tropodiaptomus in the warm inland waters of southern Africa is much more extensive than was formerly realised.  相似文献   

The six naupliar stages of Cyclopina yutimaete Lotufo are described and compared to other cyclopoid nauplii. They seem more similar to freshwater cyclopoid nauplii than to marine species. The hirsute aspect of the last segment of the antennule is of diagnostic value for these nauplii.  相似文献   

A new species of frogfish,Antennatus flagellatus, is described on the basis of two specimens from Kashiwajima Island, Kochi Pref., southern Japan. It is distinguished from congeneric species as follows: illicium long, more than 40% SL and about 3.6 times length of second dorsal spine; caudal peduncle present.  相似文献   

A new species, theSaussurea chabyoungsanica Im, is described from Mt. Chabyoung-san, Kangwon Province, Korea. The new species has long elliptic leaves with short petioles and a compact corymb which consists of many slender tubular heads and tiny pedicels. These characteristics are not seen in any otherSausurea species in Korea, Japan, and northeast China (Manchuria).Saussurea chabyoungsanica is an endemic species of Korea.  相似文献   

该文描述了采自浙江南部的木犀属(Osmanthus Lour.)一新种——浙南木犀(O.austrozhejiangensis Z.H.Chen,W.Y.Xie et X.Liu),并附有线描图和彩色照片。该种在具聚伞花序,叶柄、小枝、苞片、花梗被柔毛等性状上接近于毛柄木犀(O.pubipedicellatus Chia ex H.T.Chang),不同之处在于叶片倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,长(5.5~)8~10(~13)cm,宽(2.2~)3~4.5(~5)cm,先端急尖或短渐尖,叶缘具尖锐细锯齿或全缘,侧脉8~10对,花较大,花冠管长2.2~2.3 mm,裂片长2.2~3.0 mm,花丝长1.3~1.5 mm,花药长约1.2 mm。该新种的发现为研究东亚木犀属自西南向东北方向迁移与演化提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

The endemic Hawaiian moth genus Hyposmocoma includes 348 described species and perhaps twice as many that remain undescribed. The genus is unusual within Lepidoptera in that its larvae create distinctive silk cases in which they perambulate while protected and camouflaged. An extraordinary diversity of case types exists, and to date more than ten different types have been identified, each corresponding roughly to a separate evolutionary lineage. In this study, we describe three new species of Hyposmocoma: Hyposmocoma ipohapuusp. n. from Big Island, Hyposmocoma makawaosp. n. from Makawao Forest Reserve in Mauiand Hyposmocoma tantalasp. n. from Mt. Tantalus, Oahu, all of which produce tubular purse cases during their larval stage. We also describe the female of Hyposmocoma inversella Walsingham, which was previously undescribed, and re-describe two closely related species, Hyposmocoma auropurpurea Walsingham and Hyposmocoma nebulifera Walsingham, neither which have been formally described in recent years. We present for the first time, primer sequences for a 705 bp fragment of CAD, designed for Hyposmocoma and relatives. The molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial and nuclear loci demonstrates that all are distinct species. The discovery of a new, endemic species from Mt. Tantalus, an area with many invasive species, suggests that even relatively degraded areas in Hawaii would be worthy of active conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Asterchusanensis is described and illustrated, and compared with its most closely related species,A. pseudoglehni andA. spathulifolius. This new species differs markedly from the latter two by its unequal inner and outer phyllaries, pubescent stem, leaves, and corolla tube, and ray florets partly in two series.  相似文献   

Reid  Janet W. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):429-434
Yansacyclops ferrarii, new genus, new species (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) is described from the plankton of Rios Guamá and Acará Grande near Belém, State of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

H. tageae sp. n. and Halicyclops ytororoma sp. n. are described from the intertidal interstitial water of Brazilian beaches. H. tageae is distinguished from all congeneric species by the number of setae on legs 1–4 endopodite 2 (1, 1, 2, 2) and by possessing a reduced inner spine on the leg 5 exopodite. It shares with H. brevispinosus, H. pusillus and H. canui the spine formula 2, 3, 3, 3 on exopodite 3 of swimming legs 1–4. H. ytororoma closely resembles H. gauldi and differs from this species by having 4 setae on leg 1 endopodite 3; H. gauldi has 3 setae on this segment.This is the first record of Halicyclops from marine interstitial water in Brazil.  相似文献   

Il-Hoi Kim 《Hydrobiologia》2001,452(1-3):217-223
A new species of the genus Clausia associated with the polychaete Arenicola brasilliensis Nonata is described from intertidal sands in Korea. The new species, as a primitive member of the genus, has a large, non-transformed body and fully segmented rami on legs 1–4. This is the second record of Clausiidae in the Far Eastern seas. The genus Doviella Rocha, originally placed in the Clausidiidae, is synonymized with the genus Clausia in the Clausiidae.  相似文献   

Summary  The new species Cibirhiza spiculata Thulin & Goyder, from Acacia-Commiphora bushland on sand in the Somali National Regional State (Ogaden) of Ethiopia, is described and illustrated. Its conservation status has been assessed. A molecular phylogenetic analysis confirms its placement in the tribe Fockeeae and indicates a position of the new species as sister to C. albersiana. The almost obsolete anther appendages, the outer corona with spreading lobes, as well as the pollinia with apparently single pollen grains, also support its placement in Cibirhiza. However, C. spiculata differs markedly from both previously known species of this genus (C. dhofarensis in Oman and Yemen and C. albersiana in Tanzania and Zambia) by its narrowly linear, subsessile leaves and by the inner corona lobes that are curved inwards over the gynostegium and each ending in a spinulose head.  相似文献   

Trichiurus australis, a new trichiurid fish, is described on the basis of four specimens collected off Burnett River mouth, Pialba and Thursday Island, Queensland, Australia. The new species strongly resembles Trichiurus brevis Wang and You, 1992 (distributed in the South China Sea), T. russelli Dutt and Thankam, 1967 (the northwestern Bay of Bengal and the northern Gulf of Thailand), and T. nickolensis Burhanuddin and Iwatsuki, 2003 (northwestern Australia) in having the highest point of the supraoccipital crest situated directly above the posterior margin of the eye and being relatively small in size (less than ca. 700mm in total length: TL). It differs from those three species in having spinescent gill rakers almost with 2 equally long cusps [vs. (1, rarely 2 but 1 of them clearly shorter than another)], posterior caudal peduncle vertebrae bearing neural spines (vs. neural spines absent), longer caudal peduncle length (mean 16% TL vs. 6% in T. brevis, 8% in T. nickolensis, and 8% in T. russelli), and shorter precaudal length (83% vs. 93%, 91%, and 91%), preanal length (26% vs. 33%, 31%, and 35%), and head length (9% vs. 12%, 11%, and 13%). We have tentatively classified this new species under the Trichiurus russelli complex because the foregoing diagnostic characters are identical to this species complex except for the presence of neural spines in the posterior caudal vertebrae.  相似文献   

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