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We have analyzed the relative orientation of basic amino acid side chains towards DNA in the nucleosome core particle. The electric field created by DNA phosphates has no apparent preferential orientation: no favored orientation of the arginine guanidinium group is found. Arginine may be either directly hydrogen bonded to a phosphate oxygen or stabilized in the minor groove by van der Waals contacts and the local negative electric field. On the other hand, the phosphate oxygen atoms hydrogen bonded to arginines are always found close to the plane defined by the guanidinium group. Thus it can be concluded that the interactions of arginine are strongly directional, those of phosphate are not. We also find that a highly charged fragment of histone H2B, which is placed between two DNA turns, has a very variable conformation. An increase in protein positive charge density apparently allows multiple nonspecific protein conformations when interacting with DNA.  相似文献   

Structure of the nucleosome core particle at 8 A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The x-ray crystallographic structure of the nucleosome core particle has been determined using 8 A resolution diffraction data. The particle has a mean diameter of 106 A and a maximum thickness of 65 A in the superhelical axis direction. The longest chord through the histone core measures 85 A and is in a non-axial direction. The 1.87 turn superhelix consists of B-DNA with about 78 base pairs or 7.6 helical repeats per superhelical turn. The mean DNA helical repeat contains 10.2 +/- 0.05 base pairs and spans 35 A, slightly more than standard B-DNA. The superhelix varies several Angstroms in radius and pitch, and has three distinct domains of curvature (with radii of curvature of 60, 45 and 51 A). These regions are separated by localized sharper bends +/- 10 and +/- 40 base pairs from the center of the particle, resulting in an overall radius of curvature about 43 A. Compression of superhelical DNA grooves on the inner surface and expansion on the outer surface can be seen throughout the DNA electron density. This density has been fit with a double helical ribbon model providing groove width estimates of 12 +/- 1 A inside vs. 19 +/- 1 A outside for the major groove, and 8 +/- 1 A inside vs. 13 +/- 1 A outside for the minor groove. The histone core is primarily contained within the bounds defined by the superhelical DNA, contacting the DNA where the phosphate backbone faces in toward the core. Possible extensions of density between the gyres have been located, but these are below the significance level of the electron density map. In cross-section, a tripartite organization of the histone octamer is apparent, with the tetramer occupying the central region and the dimers at the extremes. Several extensions of histone density are present which form contacts between nucleosomes in the crystal, perhaps representing flexible or "tail" histone regions. The radius of gyration of the histone portion of the electron density is calculated to be 30.4 A (in reasonable agreement with solution scattering values), and the histone core volume in the map is 93% of its theoretical volume.  相似文献   

X-ray structure of the nucleosome core particle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two monoclinic crystal forms (P2(1),C2) of chicken erythrocyte nucleosomes have been under study in this laboratory. The x-ray structure of the P2(1) crystal form has been solved to 15 A resolution. The B-DNA superhelix has a relatively uniform curvature, with only several local distortions observed in the superhelix. The individual histone domains have been localized and specific contacts between each histone and the DNA can be observed. Histone contacts to the inner surface of the DNA superhelix occur predominantly at the minor groove sites. Most of the histone core is contained within the inner surface of the superhelical DNA, except for part of H2A which extends between the DNA gyres near the terminus of the DNA. No part of H2A blocks the DNA terminus or would prevent a smooth exit of the DNA into the linker region. A similar extension of a portion of histone H4 between the DNA gyres occurs close to the dyad axis. Both unique nucleosomes in the P2(1) asymmetric unit demonstrate good dyad symmetry and are similar to each other throughout the histone core and DNA regions.  相似文献   

Solvent binding in the nucleosome core particle containing a 147 base pair, defined-sequence DNA is characterized from the X-ray crystal structure at 1.9 Å resolution. A single-base-pair increase in DNA length over that used previously results in substantially improved clarity of the electron density and accuracy for the histone protein and DNA atomic coordinates. The reduced disorder has allowed for the first time extensive modeling of water molecules and ions.Over 3000 water molecules and 18 ions have been identified. Water molecules acting as hydrogen-bond bridges between protein and DNA are approximately equal in number to the direct hydrogen bonds between these components. Bridging water molecules have a dual role in promoting histone-DNA association not only by providing further stability to direct protein-DNA interactions, but also by enabling formation of many additional interactions between more distantly related elements. Water molecules residing in the minor groove play an important role in facilitating insertion of arginine side-chains. Water structure at the interface of the histones and DNA provides a means of accommodating intrinsic DNA conformational variation, thus limiting the sequence dependency of nucleosome positioning while enhancing mobility.Monovalent anions are bound near the N termini of histone α-helices that are not occluded by DNA phosphate groups. Their location in proximity to the DNA phosphodiester backbone suggests that they damp the electrostatic interaction between the histone proteins and the DNA. Divalent cations are bound at specific sites in the nucleosome core particle and contribute to histone-histone and histone-DNA interparticle interactions. These interactions may be relevant to nucleosome association in arrays.  相似文献   

The structural behavior of the nucleosome core particles in the range of solvent Na+ concentration from 10.45 to 0.45 mM has been studied by small-angle neutron and synchroton radiation X-ray scattering, sedimentation, atomic absorption spectroscopy, density measurements, and circular dichroism. With decreasing salt concentration, the appearance of a scattering peak that is assignable to interparticle interactions, an intraparticle structural transition, a decrease in the sedimentation velocity of the particle, and a release of bound Na+ ions from the particle are all observed concurrently when the ratio of solvent Na+ ions per particle is below approximately 1000. These observations are interpreted to indicate that a release of bound Na+ ions from the particle brings about structural rearrangements and weakens the electrostatic shielding of the particle, and this introduces long-range repulsive ordering of the particle in low-salt solution. Analyses of the scattering data indicate that the rearrangement within the core particle in low-salt solution is slight, changing the particle's shape slightly from cylindrical to a more spherical form by moving the center of the mass of the DNA somewhat inward with accompanying small decreases in the radii of gyration of both the DNA and the histones.  相似文献   

Although the crystal structure of nucleosome core particle is essentially symmetrical in the vicinity of the dyad, the linker histone binds asymmetrically in this region to select a single high-affinity site from potentially two equivalent sites. To try to resolve this apparent paradox we mapped to base-pair resolution the dyads and rotational settings of nucleosome core particles reassembled on synthetic tandemly repeating 20 bp DNA sequences. In agreement with previous observations, we observed (1) that the helical repeat on each side of the dyad cluster is 10 bp maintaining register with the sequence repeat and (2) that this register changes by 2 bp in the vicinity of the dyad. The additional 2 bp required to effect the change in the rotational settings is accommodated by an adjustment immediately adjacent to the dyad. At the dyad the hydroxyl radical cleavage is asymmetric and we suggest that the inferred structural asymmetry could direct the binding of the linker histone to a single preferred site.  相似文献   

The numbers of the arginine residues involved in strong histone-DNA interactions to fold DNA into a nucleosome core particle were determined for each of the four core histones, by kinetic studies of chemical modification of the residues in the nucleosome core particle. It was suggested that the arginines in the globular region of H3 histone make major contributions to the strong binding of the octameric histones to the core DNA.  相似文献   

An imidazole spin label has been used to study the accessibility and conformational state of tyrosines in both the nucleosome core particles and histone core extracted from chicken erythrocytes. About 40% of the tyrosyl residues in the histone core can be labeled under nondenaturing conditions. However, less than 15% of the tryosyls in the nucleosome core particle can be labeled even at 200- to 300-fold M excess of label. The effect of urea on the conformational state of the spin-labeled tyrosyls in both the nuclesome core particles and the histone core has been studied. Ionic effects on the spin-labeled nucleosome core have been investigated. Several conformational transitions are observed in the range of 1 mM NaCl to 2.5 M NaCl. Three major transitions are found at 0.1 M to 0.6 M, 0.7 M to 1.8 M and 2 M to 2.5 M NaCl, respectively. The observed changes can be interpreted as swelling and conformational change of the inner histone core, gradual separation of DNA from the histone core, and tightening of the histone core.  相似文献   

DNA motions in the nucleosome core particle: a reanalysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J M Schurr  R L Schurr 《Biopolymers》1985,24(10):1931-1940

F Dong  C Nelson  J Ausio 《Biochemistry》1990,29(47):10710-10716
In order to better understand the conformational changes induced in the nucleosome core particle by changes in the ionic strength of the media in the range from 0.1 to 0.6 M NaCl, we have conducted a very detailed structural analysis, combining circular dichroism, DNase I digestion, and sedimentation equilibrium. The results of such analysis indicate that the secondary structure of both DNA and histones exhibits small (approximately 5%) but noticeable changes as the salt increases within this range. In the case of DNA, the data are consistent with a trend toward a more relaxed secondary structure. The DNase I pattern of digestion is also altered by the salt and suggests a DNA relaxation around the flanking ends. From the hydrodynamic measurements, we also observe a significant change in the virial coefficients of the particle as the salt increases, which in turn are in very good agreement with the theoretically expected values. Furthermore, the preferential hydration parameter is also found to increase with the salt. We believe that the self-dependent conformational change of the nucleosome core particle is the result of the conjunction of all these subtle changes. Yet, from the present data, their exact relationship to the tertiary structure of the whole particle at the different ionic strengths cannot be exactly defined.  相似文献   

R D Kornberg  Y Lorch 《Cell》1999,98(3):285-294

A direct correlation exists between the level of histone H4 hyperacetylation induced by sodium butyrate and the extent to which nucleosomes lose their compact shape and become elongated (62.0% of the particles have a length/width ratio over 1.6; overall mean in the length/width ratio = 1.83 +/- 0.48) when bound to electron microscope specimen grids at low ionic strength (1mM EDTA, 10mM Tris, pH 8.0). A marked proportion of elongated core particles is also observed in the naturally occurring hyperacetylated chicken testis chromatin undergoing spermatogenesis when analyzed at low ionic strength (36.8% of the particles have a length/width ratio over 1.6). Core particles of elongated shape (length/width ratio over 1.6) generated under low ionic strength conditions are absent in the hypoacetylated chicken erythrocyte chromatin and represent only 2.3% of the untreated Hela S3 cell core particles containing a low proportion of hyperacetylated histones. The marked differences between control and hyperacetylated core particles are absent if the particles are bound to the carbon support film in the presence of 0.2 M NaCl, 6mM MgCl2 and 10mM Tris pH 8.0, conditions known to stabilize nucleosomes. A survey of the published work on histone hyperacetylation together with the present results indicate that histone hyperacetylation does not produce any marked disruption of the core particle 'per se', but that it decreases intranucleosomal stabilizing forces as judged by the lowered stability of the hyperacetylated core particle under conditions of shearing stress such as cationic competition by the carbon support film of the EM grid for DNA binding.  相似文献   

Histone acetylation reduces nucleosome core particle linking number change   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
V G Norton  B S Imai  P Yau  E M Bradbury 《Cell》1989,57(3):449-457
Nucleosome core particles differing in their levels of histone acetylation have been formed on a closed circular DNA that contains a tandemly repeated 207 bp nucleosome positioning sequence. The effect of acetylation on the linking number per nucleosome particle has been determined. With increasing levels of acetylation, the negative linking number change per nucleosome decreases from -1.04 +/- 0.08 for control to -0.82 +/- 0.05 for highly acetylated nucleosomes. These results indicate that histone acetylation has the ability to release negative supercoils previously constrained by nucleosomes into a closed chromatin loop and in effect function as a eukaryotic gyrase.  相似文献   

The effects of sodium chloride concentration on the structure of chicken erythrocyte nucleosome core particles have been studied by the use of fluorescently labelled histones. Histone H3 was modified with two sulfhydryl-specific dyes and reconstituted into core nucleosomes. Between 10?4 m and 0.6 M-NaCl four different states were observed by the fluorescent techniques of collisional quenching, polarization and energy transfer. Below 5 × 10?4 m-NaCl the nucleosome is flexible, with the single cysteine residues of the two H3 species about 48 Å apart and somewhat exposed. Between 5 × 10?3 m and 10?1 m-NaCl the nucleosome is rigid and non-spherical. The cysteine residues are close together and buried. Between 10?1 m and 4 × 10?1 m-NaCl, the cysteines become slightly more exposed but remain close together. At 6 × 10?1 m-NaCl the nucleosome is very flexible. The cysteines are more than 70 Å apart and are quite exposed. The dramatic structural changes that are observed in core nucleosomes are consistent with the variety of functions in which they must participate in the cell.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is a pathogenic unicellular eukaryotic parasite that causes giardiasis. Its genome encodes the canonical histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, which share low amino acid sequence identity with their human orthologues. We determined the structure of the G. lamblia nucleosome core particle (NCP) at 3.6 Å resolution by cryo-electron microscopy. G. lamblia histones form a characteristic NCP, in which the visible 125 base-pair region of the DNA is wrapped in a left-handed supercoil. The acidic patch on the G. lamblia octamer is deeper, due to an insertion extending the H2B α1 helix and L1 loop, and thus cannot bind the LANA acidic patch binding peptide. The DNA and histone regions near the DNA entry-exit sites could not be assigned, suggesting that these regions are asymmetrically flexible in the G. lamblia NCP. Characterization by thermal unfolding in solution revealed that both the H2A–H2B and DNA association with the G. lamblia H3–H4 were weaker than those for human H3–H4. These results demonstrate the uniformity of the histone octamer as the organizing platform for eukaryotic chromatin, but also illustrate the unrecognized capability for large scale sequence variations that enable the adaptability of histone octamer surfaces and confer internal stability.  相似文献   

Crystals of a nucleosome core particle containing defined sequence DNA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nucleosome core particles were reconstituted from a DNA restriction fragment and histone octamers, crystallized, and the crystals examined by X-ray diffraction. A DNA fragment was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis to obtain a 146 base-pair sequence that takes up a symmetrical arrangement in the core particle. The resulting DNA sequence was cloned in multiple copies into pUC9 and excised as monomer via EcoRV to produce it in milligram quantities. Nucleosome core particles incorporating the DNA were reconstituted by salt gradient dialysis and purified by anion-exchange high-pressure liquid chromatography. DNase I digestion was used to demonstrate that the termini of the restriction fragment are located 73 base-pairs from the molecular dyad axis of the particle. The diffraction limits of crystals of defined sequence core particles extend along the principal direction to a approximately equal to 4 A, b approximately equal to 5 A and c approximately equal to 3 A, giving about a twofold increase in the number of measurable X-ray reflections over previous crystals containing mixed sequence DNA. The methods developed here should be useful in the study of other large protein-DNA complexes.  相似文献   

Dot1p modulates silencing in yeast by methylation of the nucleosome core   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
DOT1 was originally identified as a gene affecting telomeric silencing in S. cerevisiae. We now find that Dot1p methylates histone H3 on lysine 79, which maps to the top and bottom of the nucleosome core. Methylation occurs only when histone H3 is assembled in chromatin. In vivo, Dot1p is solely responsible for this methylation and methylates approximately 90% of histone H3. In dot1delta cells, silencing is compromised and silencing proteins become redistributed at the expense of normally silenced loci. We suggest that methylation of histone H3 lysine 79 limits silencing to discrete loci by preventing the binding of Sir proteins elsewhere along the genome. Because Dot1p and histone H3 are conserved, similar mechanisms are likely at work in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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