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High-resolution Holocene pollen profiles from lakes Großer Krebssee and Felchowsee, in the Lower Oder valley, north-eastern Germany, are presented. The Großer Krebssee profile includes a Late-glacial sequence. These investigations have been carried out in the context of a programme of archaeological excavation. AMS radiocarbon dates (26 in all) based on pollen concentrates have been used to provide a chronology for the pollen records. Holocene forest history and human impact are reconstructed for contrasting landscapes, namely, the Neuenhagener Oderinsel in the Lower Oderbruch (Großer Krebssee profile) and the more fertile Uckermärker Hügelland (Felchowsee profile) that lies immediately to the north. Both landscapes were glaciated during the Pomeranian stage of the Weichselian. New information on the spread of trees, includingTilia, Fagus and Carpinus, at both regional and local level, is presented. Five major phases of intensive human activity are recognised, the most intensive activity of the prehistoric period occurring in the Neolithic (Großer Krebssee profile). Differences between the records is explained in terms of local habitat, especially edaphic conditions, settlement history and also the pollen source area, the profile from the much larger Felchowsee lake providing a record of environmental change that is more regional in character.  相似文献   

The Weichselian Late-glacial marks the transition from the Weichselian Late Pleniglacial to the warmer Holocene. During this period climate changed rapidly, as did vegetation and the abiotic landscape. For analysis of the relationship between these changes, accurate chronologies are essential. In the Netherlands, a compilation has been made of over 250 palynologically investigated sites relating to this period. A regional zonation has been constructed based on common trends in vegetation development. On palynological grounds, not only the classical Late-glacial sub-division but also minor changes can be recognized within the Allerod, Late Dryas and Early Preboreal. After a critical evaluation of the available radiocarbon dates this zonation has been attached to the14C timescale. Palynological changes which can be attributed to episodes of climatic cooling are recorded at 12 100, 11 500, 10 950 and 9950 B.P. The chronological framework made it possible to compare vegetation development with other proxy records. Climatic events recorded in oxygen-isotope records from Swiss lake sediments and the Greenland ice cores are also reflected in the regional vegetation development in the Netherlands. The regional trends in vegetation development expressed by the pollen zones are considered to be related to changes in climate, while anomalies reflect other, local environmental changes.  相似文献   

Aim To identify and interpret spatial patterns of vegetation and sedimentation during the Weichselian Late‐glacial. Location North‐eastern Germany and the adjacent fringe of north‐western Poland. Methods An inspection and comparison of palynological data from c. 150 sites. Results Open Vegetation phase I (Oldest Dryas = earlier part of the Meiendorf, 12,900–12,450 14C bp ) and the Hippophaë phase (Bølling = later part of the Meiendorf; 12,450–12,000 bp ) were rather homogeneous palynologically in the study area. Open Vegetation phase II (Older Dryas; 12,000–11,900 bp ) is strongly recorded in the northern part of the study area with relatively thick sediments (suggesting severe soil erosion), but it can hardly be traced 200 km further to the south. This is attributed to sea buckthorn (Hippophaë) shrubs persisting longer in the south due to higher temperatures, to Betula forests expanding earlier under the influence of a more humid climate or to a generally denser vegetation independent of the behaviour of Hippophaë and Betula. During the late‐glacial Betula/Pinus forest phase (Allerød; 11,900–11,000 bp ), pine (Pinus) forests dominated in the southern regions, whereas birch (Betula) forests prevailed in the north. Open Vegetation phase III (Younger Dryas; 11,000–10,000 bp ) was characterized by heathlands in the northern regions with scattered birches and with sedimentation dominated by in‐washed silicates. In the south, pine parklands occurred with sedimentation dominated by local primary production which had markedly decreased after the previous warmer vegetation phase. Main conclusions The differences in vegetation and sedimentation during the open vegetation phases are attributed to a colder climate in the north than in the south, probably related to a climatic gradient between the ice‐free continental central Europe and the decaying Scandinavian ice sheet. The vegetation patterns during the late‐glacial Betula/Pinus forest phase are attributed to edaphic differences between the predominantly till plains in the northern part of the study area and the prevailing sandy outwash plains and Urstromtäler of the southern regions.  相似文献   

Pollen profiles, based cores taken in Lake Kahala and from the adjoining mire, were used to establish general vegetation history and to reconstruct the extent and types of land-use over most of the Holocene. Modern pollen deposition was studied using moss polsters and the results were used in the interpretation of the fossil pollen data in terms of former land-use practices. The modern-day samples are from settlements, hay meadow and pasture, and overgrown pasture. Indications of human activity can be traced back to the Stone Age. At ca. 6400 cal. B.C., the first indications of possible woodland utilisation by humans are recorded. This may have involved grazing within the forests. From 4200 cal. B.C. onwards, animal husbandry with changing intensity was practised. Arable farming, involving cereals, was introduced to the area at ca. 1800 cal. B.C., but it was only at ca. 500 cal. B.C. that it assumed an important role in the farming economy.Secale cereale (rye) was introduced during the Roman Iron Age, intensive rye cultivation started at the end of the Iron Age, at ca. cal. A.D. 800. Ever increasing farming pressures triggered the formation of openalvars. Open landscape similar to that of today has persisted, with minor forest regeneration phases, since at least 500 cal. B.C.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary vegetation history of the Western Isles of Scotland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Aim To present radiocarbon dated early Holocene pollen analytical data from two sites on the northern plain of the Isle of Man and to discuss the implications of the vegetation history in relation to severance of the island from the British Isles and to identify further evidence for divergent biogeographical development previously exemplified by the survival and apparent dwarfism of late glacial Megaloceros giganteus (Giant Deer). Location The Isle of Man, British Isles. Methods Pollen analysis and AMS radiocarbon dating of late glacial to early Holocene lake sequences at Pollies and Curragh‐y‐Cowle on the northern plain of the Isle of Man. Results The pollen data indicate a prolonged period of pre‐woodland vegetation after the late Glacial/Holocene transition, which lasted for most of the first post‐glacial millennium. This persistence of pre‐forest environments meant that the expansion of Betula woodland occurred later in this part of the Isle of Man than in adjacent areas of Britain and Ireland. Conclusions The Isle of Man, in the northern Irish Sea, was isolated from Britain during the late Glacial period perhaps explaining the delayed arrival of tree species. Delayed rise of the Holocene forest compared with surrounding regions probably reflects severance of the land‐bridge with Cumbria, but also could be a function of climate changes during the early Holocene and local environmental conditions. Late survival and the dwarfism of the Megaloceros giganteus (Giant Deer) fauna is another example of biogeographical divergence during the early Holocene/late Glacial of the Isle of Man. The delayed afforestation and absence of human hunters in the Manx early Holocene offers a permissive environmental context for the as yet unproven survival of Megaloceros into the early Holocene.  相似文献   

The Lomond Hills of Fife, an isolated upland area rising to over 500 m, provide an opportunity to investigate the effect of altitude on vegetation and climate in an area otherwise dominated by lower-lying land. The West Lomond site contains sediments of the Devensian Late-glacial period; they reveal a well-defined sequence of Bolling-Older Dryas-Allerod-Younger Dryas events, commencing ca. 12 190 radiocarbon years B.P. and a probable Amphi-Atlantic Oscillation between ca. 11 040 and 10 800 B.P. The Holocene record is constrained by low sediment input but does reveal a woodland presence at this altitude, dominated byBetula andCorylus. Size statistics forBetula pollen are presented and the implications of the vegetational and climatic record are discussed. The traditional view of a smooth progress towards more temperate conditions following the Younger Dryas is not supported; between 10 180 and 9120 B.P., three cooler periods are inferred, the earliest of which may belong to a terminal phase of the Younger Dryas. Comparative pollen ‘influx’ data strongly suggest thatQuercus,Ulmus andAlnus were not present locally. As a working hypothesis, it is suggested that the demise of woodland, from ca. 5950 B.P., was a result of exposure. Pollen indicative of human impact was probably derived from areas of lowland agricultural activity from ca. 5330 B.P. onwards.  相似文献   

Aim This study aims to separate regional and local controls on Holocene vegetation development and examine how well pollen records reflect climate change in a semi‐arid region. The relative importance of climate and human activity as agents of vegetation change in the Sahel during the late Holocene is also considered. Location Jikariya Lake, an inter‐dune depression in the Manga Grasslands of north‐eastern Nigeria. Methods Pollen and charcoal were used to provide a record of Holocene vegetation history. Palaeoclimate and hydrological changes were reconstructed from sedimentary and geochemical data. Regional and local influences were separated by comparing the evidence obtained from Jikariya Lake with previously published data from the Manga Grasslands. Results The Manga Grasslands experienced a prolonged wet period during the early and mid‐Holocene, during which swamp forest vegetation with Guinean affinities (Alchornea, Syzygium, Uapaca) occupied the inter‐dune depressions. However, variation in the pollen records between sites suggests that their establishment was dependent on conditions being locally favourable, rather than being directly coupled to regional climate. The pollen records from the Manga Grasslands are more consistent in suggesting the colonization of the dunefields by trees associated with Sudanian savanna (Combretaceae, Detarium) c. 8700 cal. yr bp . The Jikariya Lake pollen data are in accordance with the sedimentological and geochemical data from the region in indicating that the onset of arid conditions occurred progressively during the late Holocene (from c. 4700 cal. yr bp ). Abrupt changes in pollen stratigraphy, recorded at other Manga Grasslands sites 3500 cal. yr bp , appear to be the product of the local passing of ecological thresholds. The dunefield vegetation (Sahelian savanna) appears to have been resilient to (or at least palynologically silent regarding) to the climatic variability of the late Holocene. Main conclusions While climate appears to have been the primary control on vegetation development in the Manga Grasslands during the Holocene, local conditions (particularly depression size and sand influx) had a strong influence on the timing of pollen stratigraphic changes. Anthropogenic influences are difficult to detect, even during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Islebe  Gerald  Sánchez  Odilon 《Plant Ecology》2002,160(2):187-192
A pollen record of a Late Holocene sediment core from the Mexican Caribbean coast (Quintana Roo) shows the development and changes of a mangrove system. Humid conditions seem to have persisted for the period approximately 2500–1500 14C yr BP (pollen zone I), and mangrove Rhizophora mangle dominated with a good representation of elements from the nearby semi-evergreen tropical forest. During the period approximately 1500–1200 14C yr BP (pollen zone II) the mangrove Conocarpus erecta dominated. R. mangle almost disappeared and other taxa appeared, suggesting drier climatic conditions and generally more open vegetation. This dry period coincided with the period of the Maya cultural decline. The following period (pollen zone III, approximately 1200–1000 14C yr BP) was characterized by the recovery of R. mangle, indicating more humid conditions than in the preceding pollen zone. Pollen zone IV (approximately 1000 14C yr BP till present) suggests a drier period reoccuring with C. erecta; this marks the transition to present day conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper we present and discuss palynological results based on a composite profile from Birkat Ram crater lake (Northern Golan, Near East) in order to reconstruct the environmental history, including human impact, of the last 6500 years. Furthermore we apply a newly-developed botanical climatological transfer function to reconstruct climate variations in the northern Golan Heights based on this pollen data-set. The Birkat Ram record is strongly influenced by anthropogenic indicators in the pollen diagram with high quantities during the Chalcolithic period/Early Bronze Age, during the Hellenistic-Roman-Byzantine periods, during the Crusader period and finally during modern times. The palaeoclimate reconstruction method used is based on a Bayesian approach and is robust in avoiding the influence of these strong anthropogenic signals on the reconstruction results. The area has always had Mediterranean climate conditions and no distinctive climate changes can be identified during the past 6500 years. Because of the orography of the Mt. Hermon region the particular geographical position of the northern Golan Heights is obviously capable of buffering large-scale fluctuations in precipitation, which have otherwise been documented for several regions in the Near East. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Abstract A discontinuous record of vegetation over the past 7500 years was obtained through pollen analysis of pond sediments from an extensive treeless plain on the relatively dry Central Plateau of Tasmania. The results demonstrate continuity of treeless conditions, which probably persisted from the Pleistocene throughout the Holocene, up to the present day. Some changes to the structure of the grassland were observed, especially over the past 200 years. Analysis of carbonized particles showed that fires had been infrequent over the period examined. It seems that this area, close to the altitudinal tree limit, has remained a natural grassland, and the hypothesis of Jackson (1973), that unreliable summer conditions may be a major factor in maintaining open conditions, is supported. Parts of the Central Plateau may thus preserve plant communities with some of the floristic elements and structure of widespread Bassian grasslands of the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from the Ahlequellmoor in the Solling area shows the history of vegetation and settlement over the last 7,800 years. In the early Atlantic period mixed deciduous forest with mainly Tilia together with Ulmus and Quercus grew in the area. In the late Atlantic period Quercus became most abundant. Fagus spread in the Sub-boreal period at about 2700 B.C. Since ca. 900 B.C. the Solling was covered by beech forests with some oak. In prehistoric times woodland grazing is indicated. Only in Medieval times are two settlements in the vicinity of the Ahlequellmoor reflected in the pollen diagram. The earlier one is dated to about A.D. 750–1020, and may be connected with the former Monastery of Hethis, which is thought to have existed close to the fen from A.D. 815 to 822. The second Medieval settlement dates to the 11th–12th century. The large-scale woodland destruction of late Medieval and modern times is not clearly visible. The silvicultural measures of the last 200 years are reflected by increasing values of spruce and grassland taxa.  相似文献   

We present a pollen record from a fen at the eastern shore of Brazo Sur south of Lago Argentino, Argentina (core BRS 1/06, 50°34′54″S, 72°54′52″W, 198 m a.s.l.). The coring site is located in the transition zone from humid grass steppe to Andean Nothofagus forest. With the exception of a mid-Holocene sand layer, the record covers the interval between 13,350 and 1,700 cal b.p., indicating that there could have been no recurrence of Late-glacial conditions in Brazo Sur, as has been suggested in the literature as having been contemporary with the Younger Dryas interval in the northern hemisphere. The Late-glacial and early Holocene periods at Brazo Sur are characterized by fluctuations between humid grass-dominated steppe associations and drier ones dominated by Asteraceae and Ericaceae. At the start of the Holocene, the pollen influx increased. Nothofagus dominance began by 7,700 cal b.p. probably due to increasing moisture. Present-day closed Nothofagus forest developed around 2,500 cal b.p., related to a further increase in moisture.  相似文献   

The islands of Torres Strait occupy a shallow area of submerged continental shelf narrowly separating Cape York Peninsula, Australia, from New Guinea. The human history of Torres Strait is unique with respect to mainland northern Australia. Island vegetation, however, exhibits a strong affinity with the environments of the western lowlands regions of Cape York Peninsula and with the vegetation of seasonal tropical Australia in general. Cape York Peninsula is both climatically and biologically diverse, yet few pollen studies have been carried out in its seasonally tropical environments. A summary presentation of palynological results, tracing the nature of vegetation change in Torres Strait, offers a possible framework for vegetation changes in similar environments on mainland Australia and also provides an opportunity to explore the relationship between Quaternary change in humid-tropical Australian environments and their seasonal-tropical counterparts.Six pollen records from Torres Strait provide evidence of vegetation change and fire history over approximately the last 8000 years. Near-shore sediments reveal a Holocene succession in vegetation incorporating lower-tidal mangrove, upper-tidal mangrove, saltmarsh and freshwater swamp communities. Extensive stable mangrove communities dominated coastal Torres Strait between approximately 6000 and 3000 radiocarbon years before present (yr BP). Inland, the strongest Myrtaceae-forest and rainforest representation occurs around the mid-Holocene only to be replaced by open sclerophyll woodlands, as tree density and diversity decline in the last 3000 years. The development of continuous island freshwater swamp conditions, at the coast and inland, is similarly restricted to the late Holocene (c. 2600 yr BP) and fire, as a prominent feature in the Torres Strait environment, is also a relatively recent phenomenon. Comparisons with regional mainland Australian palynological records reveal a degree of consistency in results from Torres Strait suggesting a similarity in late Quaternary trends through Australian humid and seasonally tropical environments. A number of differences, however, are also apparent, highlighting a degree of diversity which warrants further attention.  相似文献   

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