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To establish safe levels for physical strain in occupational repetitive lifting, it is of interest to know the specific maximal working capacity. Power output, O2 consumption, heart rate and ventilation were measured in ten experienced forestry workers during maximal squat and stoop repetitive lifting. The two modes of repetitive lifting were also compared with maximal treadmill running. In addition, electromyogram (EMG) activity in four muscles was recorded and perceived central, local low-back and thigh exertion were assessed during the lifting modes. No significant difference was found in power output between the two lifting techniques. Despite this the mean O2 consumption was significantly greater during maximal squat lifting [38.7 (SD 5.8) ml·kg–1-·min–1] than maximal stoop lifting [32.9 (SD 5.7) ml·kg–1·min–1] (P<0.001). No significant correlation was found between O2 consumption (in millilitres per kilogram per minute) during maximal treadmill running and maximal stoop lifting, while O2 consumption during maximal squat lifting correlated highly with that of maximal treadmill running (r=0.928, P<0.001) and maximal stoop lifting (r=0.808, P<0.01). While maximal heart rates were significantly different among the three types of exercise, no such differences were found in the central rated perceived exertions. Perceived low-back exertion was rated significantly lower during squat lifting than during stoop lifting. The EMG recordings showed a higher activity for the vastus lateralis muscle and lower activity for the biceps femoris muscle during squat lifting than during stoop lifting. Related to the maximal voluntary contraction, the erector spinae muscle showed the highest activity irrespective of lifting technique.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of cycle and run training on rating of perceived exertion at the lactate threshold (LT), college men completed a 40-session training program in 10 weeks (n = 6 run training, n = 5 cycle training, n = 5 controls). Pre- and post-training variables were measured during graded exercise tests on both the bicycle ergometer and treadmill. ANOVA on the pre- and post-training difference scores resulted in similar improvements in VO2max for both testing protocols, regardless of training mode. The run training group increased VO2 at the LT by 58.5% on the treadmill protocol and by 20.3% on the cycle ergometer. Cycle trainers increased VO2 LT only during cycle ergometry (+38.7%). No changes were observed in the control group. No differences for RPE at the LT were found before or after training, or between testing protocols for any group. Perception of exercise intensity at the LT ranged from "very light" to "light". The relationship between RPE and %VO2max was altered by the specific mode of training, with trained subjects having a lower RPE at a given %VO2max (no change in RPE at max.). It was concluded that RPE at the LT was not affected by training, despite the fact that after training the LT occurs at a higher work rate and was associated with higher absolute and relative metabolic and cardiorespiratory demands.  相似文献   

Fatiguing contractions of the adductor pollicis muscle were produced by intermittent supramaximal stimulation of the ulnar nerve in a set frequency pattern, in six normal subjects. At the end of an initial fatiguing contraction series, low frequency fatigue (LFF) had been induced and persisted at 15 min of recovery. Stimulated fatiguing activity was then repeated in an identical fashion to the initial series. At high frequencies, declines in force were similar for both series. At low frequencies, declines in force were greater during the second series despite similar changes in compound muscle action potential amplitude. This confirmation that LFF persists during subsequent stimulated activity, and reduces low but not high frequency fatigue resistance, suggests that the impaired endurance of fatigued muscle during voluntary activity primarily results from peripheral changes at low frequency. These findings also have implications for therapeutic electrical stimulation of muscle.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption ( O2), heart rate, ventilation and central rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in repetitive lifting while executing squat and stoop techniques were investigated in ten male forestry workers. In all five mass/frequency combinations studied, O2 was significantly higher for the squat than for the stoop technique. No differences were found in RPE between the techniques. The O2 and RPE recordings were also related to those obtained during maximal repetitive lifting (same lifting technique) and maximal treadmill running. The O2 expressed as a percentage of that obtained during maximal repetitive lifting with the same lifting technique was defined as relative aerobic intensity (% O2max, lifting). The % O2max, lifting was not significantly different between the techniques except for the lowest mass lifted (1 kg). This study therefore would support the hypothesis that RPE is more closely related to % O2max, lifting than to absolute aerobic intensity. Related to maximal treadmill running, it was demonstrated for both lifting techniques that relative RPE (percentage of the RPE during maximal running) was more accurate than relative O2 (percentage of maximal O2 during maximal running) for determining the % O2max, lifting in repetitive lifting. The study showed that the higher O2 during squat. lifting compared to stoop lifting was caused by the O2 expended in lifting and lowering the body rather than the O2 expended lifting and lowering the external mass. It was concluded that the stoop technique was not superior to the squat technique in terms of central RPE. Based on % O2max, lifting, there may be a rationale for choosing the stoop technique during repetitive lifting with light masses, but not with heavy masses.  相似文献   

This study investigated neuromuscular activations of thigh muscles during concentric cycling (CONcycling) and eccentric cycling (ECCcycling). Eleven untrained men completed 30 s of CONcycling and ECCcycling each at 5 power outputs of 100–300 W (every 50-W interval). During cycling, root mean square of surface electromyographic signals (RMS-EMG) were obtained from the proximal and distal regions of the rectus femoris (RFp and RFd), vastus lateralis (VL), and biceps femoris (BF). The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was evaluated using the 6–20 Borg Scale. The RMS-EMG of VL and BF were 21.6%–67.6% higher (P < 0.05) during CONcycling than ECCcycling at all power outputs, while those of RFp and RFd at 100–200 W were 29.6%–40.4% lower during CONcycling than ECCcycling. The RPE was similar between CONcycling at 150 W (10 ± 2) and ECC at 250 W (10 ± 2). There were no significant differences in the RMS-EMG for VL or BF between CONcycling at 150 W and ECCcycling at 250 W; however, the RF RMS-EMG was greater during ECCcycling as compared with CONcycling. There were no regional differences in RF activations. These results demonstrated the unique neuromuscular activation of RF as compared to those of other thigh muscles during CONcycling and ECCcycling.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to physical work were assessed for 29 female industrial sewing-machine operators during an 8-h working day under ordinary working conditions. During sewing-machine work, the average (left and right) static load in the trapezius muscle was 9% of the maximal electromyogram (EMG) amplitude (% EMGmax), while the average mean load was 15% EMGmax, and the average peak load was 23% EMGmax. The static load level was unrelated to the muscle strength of the sewing-machine operators, which for the group as a whole was within the normal range. The load levels remained unchanged during the working day, while changes in the EMG mean power frequency and zero crossing frequency rate occurred, both indicating the development of muscle fatigue in left and right trapezius muscle during the working day. In line with this, the rating of perceived exertion in the shoulder and neck region increased during. the working day. Dividing the group of sewing-machine operators into two groups, those with the highest frequency and those with the lowest frequency of shoulder/neck troubles showed that the former group had significantly lower muscle strength, despite the fact that no differences in the surface EMG during sewing were found between the two groups. It was concluded that industrial sewing-machine work involves a pattern of shoulder muscle activity which induces fatiguing processes in the shoulder and neck regions. Furthermore, since the static shoulder muscle load was independent of muscle strength, factors other than working posture may be of significance for the static shoulder muscle load.  相似文献   

Occupational stress and stress-related performance impairment is a common feature among hospital nurses engaged in rotating shift work, particularly night work. This cross-sectional survey determined workplace stress and cognitive efficiency of nursing staff engaged in rotating shift work. One hundred twenty-two full-time staff nurses in three different government hospitals in West Bengal, India, were the participants. Perceived exertion, alertness, sleep duration and various performance tests were performed. Sleep duration was least between repeated night shifts in comparison with the other shifts. Though alertness and performance of the staff nurses varied on different shifts, the late portion of the night shift as well as the early portion of the morning shift was most prone to impairment of work efficiency.  相似文献   

The contractile properties of muscle are usually investigated by analysing the force signal recorded during electrically elicited contractions. The electrically stimulated muscle shows surface oscillations that can be detected by an accelerometer; the acceleration signal is termed the surface mechanomyogram (MMG). In the study described here we compared, in the human tibialis anterior muscle, changes in the MMG and force signal characteristics before, and immediately after fatigue, as well as during 6 min of recovery, when changes in the contractile properties of muscle occur. Fatigue was induced by sustained electrical stimulation. The final aim was to evaluate the reliability of the MMG as a tool to follow the changes in the mechanical properties of muscle caused by fatigue. Because of fatigue, the parameters of the force peak, the peak rate of force production and the peak of the acceleration of force production (d2F/dt2) decreased, while the contraction time and the half-relaxation time (1/2-RT) increased. The MMG peak-to-peak (p-p) also decreased. The attenuation rate of the force oscillation amplitude and MMG p-p at increasing stimulation frequency was greater after fatigue. With the exception of 1/2-RT, all of the force and MMG parameters were restored within 2 min of recovery. A high correlation was found between MMG and d2F/dt2 in un-fatigued muscle and during recovery. In conclusion, the MMG reflects specific aspects of muscle mechanics and can be used to follow the changes in the contractile properties of muscle caused by localised muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to quantify the electromyographic activities (EMG) of finger muscles during prolonged, low-forces, and repetitive typing with an ergonomically designed VDT workstation, as well as to analyze the occurrence and the possible mechanisms of muscular fatigue in touched typists. Thirty healthy female typists were recruited to type consecutively for 2 h. The surface EMG of extensor digitorum communis (EDC) and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) of both hands was recorded throughout the entire test. Electrical activity (EA) and median frequency (MDF) were calculated, and then regressed against the time courses to obtain the slopes of progress. Further analysis of the EMG parameters was done by the joint analysis of spectra and amplitudes (JASA). The results indicated that maximum voluntary electrical activation (MVE) decreased after 2-h typing, and did not recover to the initial values even after a 10-min break. Besides, there was a trend of decrement in frequency throughout the entire trail, and the MDF reduced by 25% in comparison with the initial values. With the JASA plot, 74% of the muscles manifested fatigue after 2-h typing activity. Furthermore, we observed that the EDC muscles were more susceptible to muscular fatigue than the FDS muscles. In conclusion, prolonged consecutive typing may induce muscular fatigue in the healthy typists even in an ergonomic typing environment.  相似文献   

Upper extremity muscle fatigue is challenging to identify during industrial tasks and places changing demands on the shoulder complex that are not fully understood. The purpose of this investigation was to examine adaptation strategies in response to isolated anterior deltoid muscle fatigue while performing simulated repetitive work. Participants completed two blocks of simulated repetitive work separated by an anterior deltoid fatigue protocol; the first block had 20 work cycles and the post-fatigue block had 60 cycles. Each work cycle was 60 s in duration and included 4 tasks: handle pull, cap rotation, drill press and handle push. Surface EMG of 14 muscles and upper body kinematics were recorded. Immediately following fatigue, glenohumeral flexion strength was reduced, rating of perceived exertion scores increased and signs of muscle fatigue (increased EMG amplitude, decreased EMG frequency) were present in anterior and posterior deltoids, latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior. Along with other kinematic and muscle activity changes, scapular reorientation occurred in all of the simulated tasks and generally served to increase the width of the subacromial space. These findings suggest that immediately following fatigue people adapt by repositioning joints to maintain task performance and may also prioritize maintaining subacromial space width.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the endurance of the soleus muscle, and to examine the joint position at which it is most active, while simultaneously suppressing the activity of the gastrocnemius. Ten young males performed maximum isometric contraction of the triceps surae for 100 s, and the endurance and plantar flexion torque of this muscle were measured at various angles of the knee and ankle joints. The electromyogram was measured simultaneously and subsequently converted into integrated electromyogram (IEMG) values. With the knee flexed at 130 degrees, the rate of change in IEMG values for the soleus (0.454% x s(-1)) with the ankle in a neutral position was significantly higher than that for the medial and lateral gastrocnemius. Both with the ankle dorsiflexed at 10 degrees and in the neutral position, the rate of change in IEMG for the soleus was significantly higher with the knee flexed at 90 degrees and 130 degrees than with the knee fully extended. With the knee flexed at 90 degrees and 130 degrees, the IEMG activity of the soleus during the initial (5-10 s) and final 5 s tended to be higher than those for the medial and lateral gastrocnemius, regardless of the ankle joint position. We conclude that the position in which the soleus acts most selectively during a sustained maximum isometric contraction of the triceps surae is with the ankle in a neutral position and the knee flexed at 130 degrees.  相似文献   

Localized muscle fatigue (LMF) during a repetitive task can be influenced by several aspects such as the level and duration of exertions. Among these aspects, though, the influence of cycle time remains unclear. Here, the effect of cycle time on LMF and performance was examined for a simple biomechanical system during repetitive static efforts. Participants performed 1-h trials of intermittent isometric index finger abduction with a duty cycle of 50% in all combinations of two cycle times (30 and 60 s) and two exertion levels (15% and 25% of maximum voluntary capacity). Measures of discomfort, performance (force fluctuations), and muscle capacity (voluntary strength and low-frequency twitch responses) were obtained, all of which demonstrated a beneficial effect of the 30 s cycle time. Specifically, the shorter cycle time led to lower rates of increase in perceived discomfort, lower rates of increase in force fluctuations, lower rates of decrease in voluntary capacity, and smaller changes in twitch responses. These benefits, reflecting less LMF development in the shorter cycle time, were quite consistent between genders and the two levels of effort. Results of this study can be used to modify current models predicting work–rest allowance and/or LMF, helping to enhance performance and reduce the risk of adverse musculoskeletal outcomes.  相似文献   

Maximal isometric force and electromyograph (EMG) activity of biceps brachii muscle during bilateral sustained elbow flexion were followed in 25 right-handed oarsmen. The percentage decline in force was greater for the left than for the right arm. Also, the mean power frequency (MPF) and the root mean square (rms) value of the EMG amplitude decreased more for the left than for the right arm. It was hypothesized that a common drive would indicate that the two forces curves would be highly correlated during the nonfatigued period, but the level of cross-correlation would decline during muscle fatigue. For the first 4 s of the contraction, the cross-correlation between the right and left force was high (r = 0.99), but thereafter it declined rapidly to a constant level. The decline of the cross-correlation was accompanied by a similar decrease in the correlation between the right and left EMG activations (MPF and rms). Thus, the decline in the cross-correlation level of force accompanied by a similar decrease in the correlation level of EMG would suggest a fatigue-induced neural derangement of the common drive.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of unilateral and bilateral resistance exercise (RE) on maximal voluntary strength, total volume of load lifted (TVLL), rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and blood lactate concentration of resistance-trained males. Twelve healthy men were assessed for the leg extension one-repetition maximum (1RM) strength using bilateral and unilateral contractions. Following this assessment, an RE session (3 sets of repetitions to failure) was conducted with bilateral and unilateral (both limbs) contractions using a load of 50% 1RM. The TVLL was calculated by the product of the number of repetitions and the load lifted per repetition. RPE and blood lactate were measured before, during and after each set. Session RPE was measured 30 minutes after RE sessions. There was a significant difference in the bilateral (120.0±11.9) and unilateral (135.0±20.2 kg) 1RM strength (p < 0.05). The TVLL was similar between both RE sessions. Although the repetitions decreased with each successive set, the total number of repetitions completed in the bilateral protocol (48) was superior to the unilateral (40) protocol (p < 0.05). In both bouts, RPE increased with each subsequent set whilst blood lactate increased after set 1 and thereafter remained stable (p < 0.05). The RPE and lactate responses were not significantly different between both sessions. In conclusion, a bilateral deficit in leg extension strength was confirmed, but the TVLL was similar between both RE sessions when exercising to voluntary fatigue. This outcome could be attributed to the number of repetitions completed in the unilateral RE bout. The equal TVLL would also explain the similar perceptual and metabolic responses across each RE session.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that fatigue at different locations impacts joint angles, angular variability, and coordination variability differently. However, the neuromuscular control aspects underlying these kinematic changes have never been demonstrated. Seventeen young adults (8 males) were recruited. Electromyographic electrodes were placed on: upper trapezius, pectoralis major, anterior and middle deltoid, biceps and triceps brachii, and left and right erector spinae. Subjects performed the repetitive pointing task (RPT) at 1 Hz for 30 s before and after localized fatigue tasks, which consisted of one shoulder, one elbow and one lower back isometric fatiguing protocols until exhaustion in randomized order. Electromyographic amplitude (RMS), variability (SD) and mean power frequency (MnPF) were calculated for each of the pre-fatigue and post-fatigue RPT trials. There were sex × fatigue location interaction effects on upper trapezius RMS (p = 0.038) with males’ values increasing the most after shoulder fatigue. Females’ triceps brachii RMS was greater compared to males after shoulder, elbow, and trunk fatigue (p = 0.003, p = 0.001 and p = 0.007 respectively). There were sex × fatigue location effects on left erector spinae MnPF (p = 0.011) with males and females’ values decreasing the most after trunk fatigue, but more so in males. Results demonstrate that males and females compensate differently during a repetitive pointing task when their elbows, shoulders and trunks are locally fatigued, which could have implications on sex-specific workplace injury risks. See Table 1 for acronyms.  相似文献   

Low back disorders are a frequent medical problem. Altered neuromuscular control of the spine has been associated with low back pain, and may contribute to its occurrence. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of lumbar extensor fatigue on reflex delay and amplitude in the paraspinal muscles. Ten healthy males (20–22 years of age) were subjected to an anteriorly-directed perturbation applied at the inferior margin of the scapulae while standing quietly before and after a lumbar extensor fatiguing protocol. The fatiguing protocol consisted of multiple sets of back extensions and intermittent isometric maximum voluntary contraction on a Roman chair for 14 min until 60% of unfatigued lumbar extensor MVC was reached. Reflexes were recorded from the paraspinal muscles at the level of L4. Results indicated the mean reflex delay was 60 ± 18 ms and was not affected by fatigue (p = 0.278). Reflex amplitude increased 36 ± 32% with fatigue (p = 0.017). The increase in reflex amplitude may reflect an attempt to compensate for losses in muscle force capacity with fatigue in order to maintain sufficient spinal stability. However, additional studies are necessary to investigate the mechanisms of this fatigue-related change in paraspinal reflex.  相似文献   

Muscle fatigue may be a precursor to workplace musculoskeletal disorders, with the low back resulting in the most frequently injured body part. Work/rest ratios have an effect on fatigue due to the amount of rest allowance provided following muscle contraction. This study explored various work/rest ratios by electrically stimulating rat medial longissimus muscles. A 3 V stimulus with 0.2 ms pulse duration was applied at a frequency of 30 Hz. There were four stimulation groups consisting of the following duty cycles (DC) and cycle times (CT): DC25%:CT20s, DC25%:CT280s, DC75%:CT20s, and DC75%:CT180s. Muscle fatigue was measured as a decrease in M-wave amplitude and area, and an increase in M-wave duration. The results indicated that fatigue occurred immediately in each of the groups. The higher duty cycle and shorter cycle time group resulted in significantly greater fatigue than the lower duty cycle and longer cycle time group, as measured by increased M-wave amplitude and area. A longer M-wave duration was observed in the high duty cycle long cycle time group. This suggests that the combination of low duty cycle and long cycle times leads to less fatigue. In high duty cycle scenarios, short cycle times result in less fatigue.  相似文献   

ObjectiveVibration conditioning has been adopted as a tool to improve muscle force and reduce fatigue onset in various rehabilitation settings. This study was designed to asses if high frequency vibration can induce some conditioning effects detectable in surface EMG (sEMG) signal; and whether these effects are central or peripheral in origin.Design300 Hz vibration was applied for 30 min during 5 consecutive days, to the right biceps brachii muscle of 10 healthy males aged from 25 to 50 years. sEMG was recorded with a 16 electrode linear array placed on the skin overlying the vibrated muscle. The test protocol consisted of 30% and 60% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) as well as involuntary (electrically elicited) contractions before and after treatment.ResultsNo statistically significant differences were found between PRE and POST vibration conditioning when involuntary stimulus-evoked contraction and 30% MVC were used. Significant differences in the initial values and rates of change of muscle fibre conduction velocity were found only at 60% MVC.Conclusions300 Hz vibration did not induce any peripheral changes as demonstrated by the lack of differences when fatigue was electrically induced. Differences were found only when the muscle was voluntarily fatigued at 60% MVC suggesting a modification in the centrally driven motor unit recruitment order, and interpreted as an adaptive response to the reiteration of the vibratory conditioning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of low, moderate and high wet bulb globe temperatures (T wbg) on cardiovascular variables and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during moderately prolonged, high-intensity exercise. Six subjects [four men and two women; mean (SD) age, 22.0 (1.2) years; maximum oxygen consumption ({ie519-1}), 51.0 (8.4) ml · kg–1 · min–1] completed 30 min of exercise (80% {ie519-2}) on a cycle ergometer at low [14.7 (2.1)°C], moderate [21.0 (1.5)° C], and high [27.4 (2.3)° C]T wbg. Two additional subjects completed 20 min of exercise in the high temperature condition, but completed 30 min in the moderate and lowT wbg. Heart rate (f c), blood pressure, blood lactate (La), mean skin temperature ( sk), , and RPE were measured at 10, 20 and 30 min. Results showed thatf c, rate pressure product, RPE, pulmonary ventilation and ventilatory equivalent for oxygen increased (P < 0.05) across time for all conditions, while decreased across time. sk andf c were significantly greater across time in the high condition [35.9 (0.65)° C; 176 (12.6) beats · min–1] compared to the moderate [34.6 (1.5)° C; 170 (17.2) beats · min–1] and the low condition [31.7 (1.5)° C; 164 (17.1) beats-min–1]. However, there were no differences throughout exercise in RPE [high,.16.2 (2.0); moderate, 16.4 (2.2); low, 16.3 (1.9)] and across the conditions. These data suggest that RPE is closely related to metabolic intensity but is not a valid indicator of cardiovascular strain during exercise in highT wbg conditions.  相似文献   

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