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Today, pharmacognosy is considered a valuable science in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Among herbals, Berberine is an isoquinoline alkaloid found in the Berberis species. Surprisingly, it shows antimicrobial, antiviral, antidiarrheal, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory potential. Furthermore, it diminishes drug resistance in cancer therapy and enhances tumor suppression in part through autophagy and cell cycle arrest mechanisms. In the present review, we discuss the effect of berberine on diverse cellular pathways and describe how berberine acts as an autophagy modulator to adjust physiologic and pathologic conditions and diminishes drug resistance in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The interaction of spermine with acidic phospholipids was investigated for its possible relevance to membrane fusion. Equilibrium dialysis was used to measure the binding of spermine and calcium to large unilamellar vesicles (liposomes) of phosphatidate (PA) or phosphatidylserine (PS). Spermine bound to isolated PA and PS liposomes with intrinsic association constants of approximately 2 and 0.2 M-1, respectively. Above the aggregation threshold of the liposomes, the binding of spermine increased dramatically, especially for PA. The increased binding upon aggregation of PA liposomes was interpreted as evidence for the formation of a new binding complex after aggregation. Spermine enhanced calcium binding to PA, while it inhibited calcium binding to PS, under the same conditions. This difference explained the small effect of spermine on the overall rate of calcium-induced fusion of PS liposomes as opposed to the large effect on PA liposomes. The rate increase could be modeled by a spermine-induced increase in the liposome aggregation rate. The preference for binding of spermine to PA over PS suggested a preference for accessible monoesterified phosphate groups by spermine. This preference was confirmed by the large effects of spermine on aggregation and overall fusion rates of liposomes containing phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. The large spermine effects on these liposomes compared with phosphatidate- or phosphatidylinositol-containing liposomes suggested that spermine has a strong specific interaction with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. Clearly, phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol can lead to a large change in the spermine sensitivity of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Cellular differentiation proceeds through a series of steps in which cells undergo modifications in cellular phenotype and proliferative potential. Differentiation has been extensively studied in 3T3-T mesenchymal stem cells and growth arrest, non-terminal and terminal differentiation have been identified as three distinct stages in the adipocyte differentiation of these cells. The terminal stage of differentiation is associated with irreversible loss of proliferative potential and commitment to the expression of the adipocyte phenotype. A protein has been partially purified from human plasma that can induce the transition of 3T3-T adipocytes from the non-terminal to the terminal state of differentiation. This protein, designated aproliferin, has a mol. wt of approximately 45,000 and is trypsin, acid and heat labile. Induction of terminal differentiation by aproliferin is associated with changes in the synthesis of a limited number of cellular proteins. The ability of aproliferin to induce terminal differentiation in non-terminally differentiated cells is highly specific as a wide variety of pharmacological and biochemical agents do not mimic the effects of this agent. Apoliferin may be one of an emerging class of molecules which can affect differentiation and induce irreversible changes in cell function.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to repopulate decellularized heart valve matrices with ovine mesenchymal stem cells (oMSCs) by the use of platelet gel (PG) supernatant, a storage vehicle for growth factors.


oMSCs were exposed to different concentrations of PG‐released supernatant and cell proliferation was evaluated using the MTS assay. oMSC motility and invasiveness were assayed using a Boyden chamber. A quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay was used to examine amounts of bFGF and TGF‐β1 in the PG supernatant. Repopulation of acellular heart valve matrices was stimulated by seeding matrices with oMSCs supplemented with the PG supernatant.


The most significant increase in proliferation induced by PG supernatant appeared at 1 × 105 plts/ml concentration. Higher concentrations evoked reduction of the stimulatory process. oMSC motility was most significantly stimulated at 1 × 106 plts/ml. Stimulating invasiveness of oMSCs needed the much higher concentration of 2 × 106 plts/ml. Immunoassays revealed that sheep PG supernatant contains 184.8 pg/ml bFGF and 60.5 ng/ml TGF‐β1. Moreover, repopulation of acellular heart valve matrices was significantly enhanced by PG supernatant addition and resulted in upregulation of the myofibroblast marker alpha‐smooth muscle actin.


Growth factors released from platelets had the potential to induce cell repopulation in a heart valve tissue engineering procedure, through stimulation of mesenchymal stem‐cell migration and invasion.  相似文献   

Some medicinal plants need to be cultivated commercially in order to meet the ever-increasing demand for medicinal plants for the indigenous systems of medicine as well as for the pharmaceutical industry; in this regard, it seems significant to test the important medicinal plants for their salt-tolerance capacity, with a view to exploiting the saline lands for medicinal plant cultivation. Phyllanthus amarus plants were grown in the presence of NaCl in order to study the effect of NaCl (80 mM NaCl) in the induction of oxidative stress in terms of lipid peroxidation (TBARS content), H2O2 content, osmolyte concentration, proline(PRO)-metabolizing enzymes, and antioxidant enzyme activities. Groundwater was used for irrigation of control plants. Plants were uprooted randomly on 90 days after sowing (DAS). NaCl-stressed plants showed increased TBARS, H2O2, glycine betaine (GB), and PRO contents, whereas NaCl uptake decreased proline oxidase (PROX) activity and increased gamma-glutamyl kinase (gamma-GK) activity when compared to control. The antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT) were increased under salinity.  相似文献   

ATP as a presynaptic modulator   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Cunha RA  Ribeiro JA 《Life sciences》2000,68(2):119-137
There is considerable evidence that ATP acts as a fast transmitter or co-transmitter in autonomic and sensory nerves mostly through activation of ionotropic P2X receptors but also through metabotropic P2Y receptors. By analogy, the observations that ATP is released from stimulated central nervous system (CNS) nerve terminals and that responses to exogenously added ATP can be recorded in central neurons, lead to the proposal that ATP might also be a fast transmitter in the CNS. However, in spite of the robust expression of P2 receptor mRNA and binding to P2 receptors in the CNS, the demonstration of central purinergic transmission has mostly remained elusive. We now review evidence to suggest that ATP may also act presynaptically rather than solely postsynaptically in the nervous system.  相似文献   

In macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy), a morphological hallmark is the formation of double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes that sequester and deliver cytoplasmic components to the lysosome/vacuole for degradation. This process begins with an initial sequestering compartment, the phagophore, which expands into the mature autophagosome. A tremendous amount of work has been carried out to elucidate the mechanism of how the autophagosome is formed. However, an important missing piece in this puzzle is where the membrane comes from. Independent lines of evidence have shown that preexisting organelles may continuously supply lipids to support autophagosome formation. In our analysis, we identified several components of the late stage secretory pathway that may redirect Golgi-derived membrane to autophagosome formation in response to starvation conditions.Key words: lysosome, membrane biogenesis, protein targeting, secretory pathway, stress, vacuole, yeast  相似文献   

In macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy), a morphological hallmark is the formation of double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes that sequester and deliver cytoplasmic components to the lysosome/vacuole for degradation. This process begins with an initial sequestering compartment, the phagophore, which expands into the mature autophagosome. A tremendous amount of work has been carried out to elucidate the mechanism of how the autophagosome is formed. However, an important missing piece in this puzzle is where the membrane comes from. Independent lines of evidence have shown that pre-existing organelles may continuously supply lipids to support autophagosome formation. In our analysis, we identified several components of the late stage secretory pathway that may redirect Golgi-derived membrane to autophagosome formation in response to starvation conditions.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a prevalent disease and a major cause of mortality in the world. Several factors including population aging, poor dietary habits, obesity, insufficient physical activity, and smoking can explain its increased prevalence. CRC is a heterogeneous disease both histopathologically and in term of its molecular and genetic aspects. Melatonin a derivative of tryptophan, is synthesized and released from pineal gland but it is also found in numerous extrapineal tissues including retina, testes, lymphocytes, Harderian gland, gastrointestinal tract, etc. This molecule has several tasks which enhance physiological functions such as antioxidant, antiaging, immunomodulatory, and tumor inhibition. Multiple immunocytochemical studies reported melatonin in the intestinal mucosa where its concentration is greater than in the blood. These findings suggest that melatonin may have a potential inhibitory role in CRC progression. The purpose of this review is to examine the effects of melatonin in molecular pathogenesis and signaling pathways of CRC.  相似文献   

A simplified model of the membrane of horizontal cells of the L-type is designed to reflect two principal features of these cells previously studied experimentally: 1) their hyperpolarization response to light is the result of a decrease in the EPSP that is kept constant in darkness; 2) the resistance of their nonsynaptic membrane is reduced during hyperpolarization within physiological limits (from 0 to−70 mV). The model also reproduces properties of the horizontal cells such as the low membrane potential in darkness, reversal of the response to light during depolarization beyond the zero level, mutual amplification of color signals, saturation of the response to bright light, steady-state volt-ampere characteristics in darkness and light, and the amplitude characteristic curve which often has a steep part within a certain range of membrane potentials. The presence of hysteresis loops of the volt-ampere and amplitude characteristic curves of the horizontal cells predicted by the model was confirmed experimentally on the fish retina. Analysis of the model and results obtained with it show that the nonsynaptic membrane of the horizontal cells can actively amplify slow graded potentials.  相似文献   

This communication describes experiments showing that safranine, at the concentrations usually employed as a probe of mitochondrial membrane potential, causes significant undesirable side effects on Ca2+ transport by liver mitochondria. The major observations are: (i) safranine potentiates the spontaneous Ca2+ release from liver mitochondria induced by phosphate or acetoacetate. This is paralelled by potentiation of the release of state-4 respiration and of the rate of mitochondrial swelling, indicating a generalized effect of the dye on the mitochondrial membrane; (ii) the efflux of mitochondrial Ca2+ stimulated by hydroperoxide is irreversible in the presence of safranine even if membrane stabilizers such as Mg2+ and ATP are present. It is concluded that the use of safranine to monitor the changes in membrane potential during Ca2+ transport by mitochondria should be avoided or special care be taken.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte membrane potential can be estimated by measuring the transmembrane concentration (activity) distribution of a membrane-permeable ion. We present here the study of difluorophosphate (DFP) as a 19F NMR probe of membrane potential. This bicarbonate and phosphate analogue has a pKa of 3.7±0.2 (SD, n = 4) and therefore exists almost entirely as a monovalent anion at physiological pH. When it is incorporated into red cell suspensions, it gives two well resolved resonances that arise from the intra- and extracellular populations; the intracellular resonance is shifted 130 Hz to higher frequency from that of the extracellular resonance. Hence the transmembrane distribution of DFP is readily assessed from a single 19F NMR spectrum and the membrane potential can be calculated using the Nernst equation. The membrane potential was independent of, DFP concentration in the range 4 to 59 mM, and haematocrit of the cell suspensions of 31.0 to 61.4%. The membrane potential determined by using DFP was 0.94±0.26 of that estimated from the transmembrane pH difference. The distribution ratios of intracellular/extracellular DFP were similar to those of the membrane potential probes, hypophosphite and trifluoroacetate. DFP was found to be transported across the membranes predominantly via the electrically-silent pathway mediated by capnophorin. Using magnetization transfer techniques, the membrane influx permeability-coefficient of cells suspended in physiological medium was determined to be 7.2±2.5 × 10–6 cm s–1 (SD, n=4). Offprint requests to: P. W Kuchel  相似文献   

The influence of ACTH (200 micrograms/kg), corticosterone (20 mg/kg) and cortexolone (20 mg/kg) on the anxiolytic activity of diazepam was studied. ACTH partly and corticosterone completely blocked the action of diazepam. Cortexolone injection 30 min before the administration of diazepam induced a 100% anxiolytic effect of diazepam in the range of doses from 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg (ED50 of anxiolytic diazepam effect is 0.2 mg/kg). The role of stress hormones in the regulation of psychotropic drug activity is discussed.  相似文献   

M Reers  T W Smith  L B Chen 《Biochemistry》1991,30(18):4480-4486
The spectral properties of a novel membrane potential sensitive probe (JC-1) were characterized in aqueous buffers and in isolated cardiac mitochondria. JC-1 is a carbocyanine with a delocalized positive charge. It formed under favorable conditions a concentration-dependent fluorescent nematic phase consisting of J-aggregates. When excited at 490 nm, the monomers exhibited an emission maximum at 527 nm and J-aggregates at 590 nm. Increasing concentrations of JC-1 above a certain concentration caused a linear rise in the J-aggregate fluorescence, while the monomer fluorescence remained constant. The membrane potential of energized mitochondria (negative inside) promoted a directional uptake of JC-1 into the matrix, also with subsequent formation of J-aggregates. The J-aggregate fluorescence was sensitive to transient membrane potential changes induced by ADP and to metabolic inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation. The J-aggregate fluorescence was found to be pH independent within the physiological pH range of 7.15-8.0 and could be linearly calibrated with valinomycin-induced K+ diffusion potentials. The advantage of JC-1 over rhodamines and other carbocyanines is that its color altered reversibly from green to red with increasing membrane potentials. This can be exploited for imaging live mitochondria on the stage of a microscope.  相似文献   

Proven cases (28) of glomerulonephritis (GN) were evaluated for clinico-biochemical profile, bleeding time, platelet count, platelet aggregation and platelet serotonergic mechanisms. Inordinate increase in platelet aggregation and altered platelet serotonergic mechanisms (reduced 5-HT, uptake, reduced intraplatelet 5-HT and increased plasma 5-HT) were demonstrated in some histopathological types of GN. The mechanisms and importance of these alterations have been discussed.  相似文献   

Outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 is an isoform of microsomal membrane cytochrome b5. In rat testes the outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 is present in both mitochondria and microsomes, whereas microsomal membrane cytochrome b5 is undetectable. Outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 present in the testis was localized in Leydig cells with cytochrome P-45017alpha, which catalyzes androgenesis therein. We therefore analyzed the functions of outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 in rat testis microsomes by using a proteoliposome system. In a low but physiological concentration of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and excess amount of progesterone, outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 stimulated the cytochrome P-45017alpha-catalyzed reactions, 17alpha-hydroxylation and C17-C20 bond cleavage. The effects were different from those by microsomal membrane cytochrome b5 as follows: preferential elevation of the 17alpha-hydroxylase activity by outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 in an amount-dependent manner versus that of the lyase activity by microsomal membrane cytochrome b5 at the low concentration, and the inhibition of both activities at the high concentration. At a low concentration of progesterone reflecting a physiological cholesterol supply, outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 elevated primarily the production of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and then facilitated the conversion of the released intermediate to androstenedione. Thus, we demonstrated that outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5 and not microsomal membrane cytochrome b5 functions as an activator for androgenesis in rat Leydig cells.  相似文献   

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