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SNT adaptor proteins transduce activation of fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) and neurotrophin receptors (TRKs) to common signaling targets. The SNT-1 phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain recognizes activated TRKs at a canonical NPXpY motif and, atypically, binds to nonphosphorylated FGFRs in a region lacking tyrosine or asparagine. Here, using NMR and mutational analyses, we show that the PTB domain utilizes distinct sets of amino acid residues to interact with FGFRs or TRKs in a mutually exclusive manner. The FGFR1 peptide wraps around the beta sandwich structure of the PTB domain, and its binding is possibly regulated by conformational change of a unique C-terminal beta strand in the protein. Our results suggest mechanisms by which SNTs serve as molecular switches to mediate the essential interplay between FGFR and TRK signaling during neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) substrate 2 (FRS2) family proteins function as scaffolding adapters for receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). The FRS2α proteins interact with RTKs through the phosphotyrosine‐binding (PTB) domain and transfer signals from the activated receptors to downstream effector proteins. Here, we report the nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the FRS2α PTB domain bound to phosphorylated TrkB. The structure reveals that the FRS2α‐PTB domain is comprised of two distinct but adjacent pockets for its mutually exclusive interaction with either nonphosphorylated juxtamembrane region of the FGFR, or tyrosine phosphorylated peptides TrkA and TrkB. The new structural insights suggest rational design of selective small molecules through targeting of the two conjunct pockets in the FRS2α PTB domain. Proteins 2014; 82:1534–1541. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of the nervous system is regulated by trophic signals that control cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Numb is an evolutionarily conserved protein identified by its ability to control cell fate in the nervous system of Drosophila. Mammals express four isoforms of Numb that differ in the length of a phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain and a proline-rich region (PRR). Using PC12 cells stably expressing each of the human isoforms, we show that Numb regulates sensitivity of the cells to neurotrophic factor-induced differentiation and neurotrophic factor withdrawal-induced death in an isoform-specific manner. Numb isoforms containing a short PTB domain enhance the differentiation response to NGF and enhance apoptosis upon NGF withdrawal; Numb isoforms containing a long PTB domain exhibit the same sensitivity to NGF as vector-transfected cells. These effects of Numb were found to be independent of the length of the PRR. In undifferentiated conditions, the levels of full-length TrkA and of phosphorylated p44/p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) are increased in cells expressing Numb isoforms with a short PTB domain, indicating an up-regulation of NGF signaling pathways. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the mechanism whereby short PTB domain Numb isoforms sensitize cells to trophic factor deprivation-induced apoptosis involves elevations in intracellular calcium concentrations. Our results suggest that Numb sensitizes cells to neurotrophin responses in an isoform-specific manner, an effect that may play an important role in the development and plasticity of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Disabled-1 (Dab1) plays a key role in reelin-mediated neuronal migration during brain development. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Dab1 at two YQXI and two YXVP motifs recruits multiple SH2 domains, resulting in activation of a wide range of signaling cascades. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the coordinated regulation of Dab1 downstream effectors remain poorly understood. Here, we show that alternative splicing results in inclusion of different combinations of YQXI and YXVP motifs in Dab1 isoforms during development. Dab1 variants with partial or complete loss of YQXI motifs are preferentially expressed at early developmental stages, whereas the commonly studied Dab1 is predominantly expressed at late developmental stages. Expression of Dab1 variants in 293T and Neuro2a cells reveals reduced levels or absence of tyrosine phosphorylation in variants that have lost one or both YQXI motifs. We further demonstrate that Dab1 variants differ in their abilities to activate Src and recruit distinct SH2 domains involved in specific downstream signaling pathways. We propose that coordinated expression of specific Dab1 isoforms in different populations of cells in the developing brain contributes to precise neuronal migration by modulating the activity of subsets of Dab1 downstream effectors.  相似文献   

In the present report, using vibrational spectroscopy we have probed the ligand-protein interactions for full agonists (glutamate and alpha-amino-5-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA)) and a partial agonist (kainate) in the isolated ligand-binding domain of the GluR2 subunit of the glutamate receptor. These studies indicate differences in the strength of the interactions of the alpha-carboxylates for the various agonists, with kainate having the strongest interactions and glutamate having the weakest. Additionally, the interactions at the alpha-amine group of the agonists have also been probed by studying the environment of the non-disulfide-bonded Cys-425, which is in close proximity to the alpha-amine group. These investigations suggest that the interactions at the alpha-amine group are stronger for full agonists such as glutamate and AMPA as evidenced by the increase in the hydrogen bond strength at Cys-425. Partial agonists such as kainate do not change the environment of Cys-425 relative to the apo form, suggesting weak interactions at the alpha-amine group of kainate. In addition to probing the ligand environment, we have also investigated the changes in the secondary structure of the protein. Results clearly indicate that full agonists such as glutamate and AMPA induce similar secondary structural changes that are different from those of the partial agonist kainate; thus, a spectroscopic signature is provided for identifying the functional consequences of a specific ligand binding to this protein.  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domains of the adaptor proteins Doks (downstream of tyrosine kinases) play an important role in regulating signal transduction of cell-surface receptors in cell growth, proliferation and differentiation; however, ligand specificity of the Dok PTB domains has until now remained elusive. In this study, we have investigated the molecular basis of specific association between the Dok1 PTB domain and the tyrosine-phosphorylated EGFR. Using yeast two-hybrid and biochemical binding assays, we show that only the PTB domain from Dok1 but not Dok4 or Dok5 can selectively bind to two known tyrosine phosphorylation sites at Y1086 and Y1148 in EGFR. Our structure-based mutational analyses define the molecular determinants for the two distinct Dok1 PTB domain/EGFR interactions and provide the structural understanding of the specific interactions between EGFR and PTB domains in the divergent Dok homologues.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that polypyrimidine tract binding protein 1 (PTB) binds and activates the Apaf-1 internal ribosome entry segment (IRES) when the protein upstream of N-ras (unr) is prebound. Here we show that the Apaf-1 IRES is highly active in neuronal-derived cell lines due to the presence of the neuronal-enhanced version of PTB, nPTB. The unr and PTB/nPTB binding sites have been located on the Apaf-1 IRES RNA, and a structural model for the IRES bound to these proteins has been derived. The ribosome landing site has been located to a single-stranded region, and this is generated by the binding of the nPTB and unr to the RNA. These data suggest that unr and nPTB act as RNA chaperones by changing the structure of the IRES into one that permits translation initiation.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Ma H 《The New phytologist》2012,195(1):248-263
? Plants and animals possess very different developmental processes, yet share conserved epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, such as histone modifications. One of the most important forms of histone modification is methylation on lysine residues of the tails, carried out by members of the SET protein family, which are widespread in eukaryotes. ? We analyzed molecular evolution by comparative genomics and phylogenetics of the SET genes from plant and animal genomes, grouping SET genes into several subfamilies and uncovering numerous gene duplications, particularly in the Suv, Ash, Trx and E(z) subfamilies. ? Domain organizations differ between different subfamilies and between plant and animal SET proteins in some subfamilies, and support the grouping of SET genes into seven main subfamilies, suggesting that SET proteins have acquired distinctive regulatory interactions during evolution. We detected evidence for independent evolution of domain organization in different lineages, including recruitment of new domains following some duplications. ? More recent duplications in both vertebrates and land plants are probably the result of whole-genome or segmental duplications. The evolution of the SET gene family shows that gene duplications caused by segmental duplications and other mechanisms have probably contributed to the complexity of epigenetic regulation, providing insights into the evolution of the regulation of chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Hrs-2, via interactions with SNAP-25, plays a regulatory role on the exocytic machinery. We now show that Hrs-2 physically interacts with Eps15, a protein required for receptor-mediated endocytosis. The Hrs-2/Eps15 interaction is calcium dependent, inhibited by SNAP-25 and alpha-adaptin, and results in the inhibition of receptor-mediated endocytosis. Immunoelectron microscopy reveals Hrs-2 localization on the limiting membrane of multivesicular bodies, organelles in the endosomal pathway. These data show that Hrs-2 regulates endocytosis, delineate a biochemical pathway (Hrs-2-Eps15-AP2) in which Hrs-2 functions, and suggest that Hrs-2 acts to provide communication between endo- and exocytic processes.  相似文献   

During development neural progenitor cells migrate with extraordinary precision to inhabit tissues and organs far from their initial position. Little is known about the cellular basis for directional guidance by tyrosine kinase receptors (RTKs). RET is a RTK with important functions in guiding the migration of neuronal cells, and RET dysregulation leads to clinical disease such as agangliosis of the colon. We show here that RET migration in neuroepitheliomal and non-neuronal cells is elicited by the activation of specific signaling pathways initiated by the competitive recruitment of the FRS2 adaptor molecule to tyrosine 1062 (Y1062) in RET. FRS2 selectively recruited RET to focal complexes and led to activation of SRC family kinases and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Activation of SRC depended on its direct interaction with RET at a different intracellular tyrosine (Y981) and activation of molecular signaling from these two separate sites in concert regulated migration. Our data suggest that an important function for FRS2 is to concentrate RET in membrane foci, leading to an engagement of specific signaling complexes localized in these membrane domains.  相似文献   

Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) is a regulatory splicing repressor. Raver1 acts as a PTB corepressor for splicing of alpha-tropomyosin (Tpm1) exon 3. Here we define a minimal region of Raver1 that acts as a repressor domain when recruited to RNA. A conserved [S/G][I/L]LGxxP motif is essential for splicing repressor activity and sufficient for interaction with PTB. An adjacent proline-rich region is also essential for repressor activity but not for PTB interaction. NMR analysis shows that LLGxxP peptides interact with a hydrophobic groove on the dorsal surface of the RRM2 domain of PTB, which constitutes part of the minimal repressor region of PTB. The requirement for the PTB-Raver1 interaction that we have characterized may serve to bring the additional repressor regions of both proteins into a configuration that allows them to synergistically effect exon skipping.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factors (Arfs) play key roles in controlling membrane traffic and organelle structures. The activation of Arfs from GDP to GTP binding form is triggered by the guanine exchange factors (GEFs). There are six families of Arf-GEFs with a common guanine exchange catalytic domain (Sec7 domain) and various mechanisms of guanine exchange activity regulation. A loop region (loop>J motif) just following the helix J of Sec7 domain was found conserved and important for the catalytic activity regulation of Arf-GEFs. However, the molecular detail of the role the loop>J motif plays has been yet unclear. Here, we studied the catalytic domain of Sec7p, a yeast trans-Golgi network membrane localized Arf-GEFs, and found that the loop>J motif is indispensible for its GEF catalytic activity. Crystallographic, NMR spectrum and mutagenesis studies suggested that the loop>J motif with a key conserved residue Ile1010 modulates the fine conformation of Sec7 domain and thereby regulates its guanine exchange activity.  相似文献   

The EGFR-mediated signaling pathway regulates multiple biological processes such as cell proliferation, survival and differentiation. Previously APPL1 (adaptor protein containing PH domain, PTB domain and leucine zipper 1) has been reported to function as a downstream effector of EGF-initiated signaling. Here we demonstrate that APPL1 regulates EGFR protein levels in response to EGF stimulation. Overexpression of APPL1 enhances EGFR stabilization while APPL1 depletion by siRNA reduces EGFR protein levels. APPL1 depletion accelerates EGFR internalization and movement of EGF/EGFR from cell surface to the perinuclear region in response to EGF treatment. Conversely, overexpression of APPL1 decelerates EGFR internalization and translocation of EGF/EGFR to the perinuclear region. Furthermore, APPL1 depletion enhances the activity of Rab5 which is involved in internalization and trafficking of EGFR and inhibition of Rab5 in APPL1-depleted cells restored EGFR levels. Consistently, APPL1 depletion reduced activation of Akt, the downstream signaling effector of EGFR and this is restored by inhibition of Rab5. These findings suggest that APPL1 is required for EGFR signaling by regulation of EGFR stabilities through inhibition of Rab5.  相似文献   

Binding of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) to the FGF receptor (FGFR) tyrosine kinase leads to receptor tyrosine autophosphorylation as well as phosphorylation of multiple downstream signaling molecules that are recruited to the receptor either by direct binding or through adaptor proteins. The FGFR substrate 2 (FRS2) family consists of two members, FRS2alpha and FRS2beta, and has been shown to recruit multiple signaling molecules, including Grb2 and Shp2, to FGFR1. To better understand how FRS2 interacted with FGFR1, in vivo binding assays with coexpressed FGFR1 and FRS2 recombinant proteins in mammalian cells were carried out. The results showed that the interaction of full-length FRS2alpha, but not FRS2beta, with FGFR1 was enhanced by activation of the receptor kinase. The truncated FRS2alpha mutant that was comprised only of the phosphotyrosine-binding domain (PTB) bound FGFR1 constitutively, suggesting that the C-terminal sequence downstream the PTB domain inhibited the PTB-FGFR1 binding. Inactivation of the FGFR1 kinase and substitutions of tyrosine phosphorylation sites of FGFR1, but not FRS2alpha, reduced binding of FGFR1 with FRS2alpha. The results suggest that although the tyrosine autophosphorylation sites of FGFR1 did not constitute the binding sites for FRS2alpha, phosphorylation of these residues was essential for optimal interaction with FRS2alpha. In addition, it was demonstrated that the Grb2-binding sites of FRS2alpha are essential for mediating signals of FGFR1 to activate the FiRE enhancer of the mouse syndecan 1 gene. The results, for the first time, demonstrate the specific signals mediated by the Grb2-binding sites and further our understanding of FGF signal transmission at the adaptor level.  相似文献   

Systematic analysis of structural changes induced by activating mutations has been frequently utilized to study activation mechanisms of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In the thyrotropin receptor and the lutropin receptor (LHR), a large number of naturally occurring mutations leading to constitutive receptor activation were identified. Saturating mutagenesis studies of a highly conserved Asp in the junction of the third intracellular loop and transmembrane domain 6 suggested a participation of this anionic residue in a salt bridge stabilizing the inactive receptor conformation. However, substitution of all conserved cationic residues at the cytoplasmic receptor surface did not support this hypothesis. Asp/Glu residues are a common motif at the N-terminal ends of alpha-helices terminating and stabilizing the helical structure (helix capping). Since Asp/Glu residues in the third intracellular loop/transmembrane domain 6 junction are not only preserved in glycoprotein hormone receptors but also in other GPCRs we speculated that this residue probably participates in an N-terminal helix-capping structure. Poly-Ala stretches are known to form and stabilize alpha-helices. Herein, we show that the function of the highly conserved Asp can be mimicked by poly-Ala substitutions in the LHR and thyrotropin receptor. CD and NMR studies of peptides derived from the juxtamembrane portion of the LHR confirmed the helix extension by the poly-Ala substitution and provided further evidence for an involvement of Asp in a helix-capping structure. Our data implicate that in addition to well established interhelical interactions the inactive conformation of GPCRs is also stabilized by specific intrahelical structures.  相似文献   

Janus kinases are essential for signal transduction by a variety of cytokine receptors and when inappropriately activated can cause hematopoietic disorders and oncogenesis. Consequently, it can be predicted that the interaction of the kinases with receptors and the events required for activation are highly controlled. In a screen to identify phosphorylation events regulating Jak2 activity in EpoR signaling, we identified a mutant (Jak2-Y613E) which has the property of being constitutively activated, as well as an inactivating mutation (Y766E). Although no evidence was obtained to indicate that either site is phosphorylated in signaling, the consequences of the Y613E mutation are similar to those observed with recently described activating mutations in Jak2 (Jak2-V617F and Jak2-L611S). However, unlike the V617F or L611S mutant, the Y613E mutant requires the presence of the receptor but not Epo stimulation for activation and downstream signaling. The properties of the Jak2-Y613E mutant suggest that under normal conditions, Jak2 that is not associated with a receptor is locked into an inactive state and receptor binding through the FERM domain relieves steric constraints, allowing the potential to be activated with receptor engagement.  相似文献   

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