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Cultured promastigote and isolated amastigote forms of Leishmania mexicana mexicana have been surveyed for the presence of enzymes involved in purine metabolism. Quantitative but not qualitative differences between the enzymes of two forms were discovered. There were found to be significant differences between the enzyme content of L. m. mexicana and that reported for L. donovani. Extracts of both parasite forms of L. m. mexicana were found to have higher levels of adenine deaminase (EC and guanine deaminase (EC than adenosine deaminase (EC There appeared to be two distinct nucleosidases (EC, one active on nucleosides, the other on deoxynucleosides. Phosphorylase (EC could be detected only in the catabolic direction. Nucleotidases were present, but were more active on 3' (EC than 5' (EC Phosphoribosyltransferase (EC,.8 and .22) and nucleoside kinase (EC activities were detected in both forms. Nucleotide-interconverting enzymes were found to be present, with IMP dehydrogenase (EC being the most active. Cell fractionation experiments revealed that, in the promastigote, enzyme separation within the parasite may play an important part in regulating cellular purine metabolism.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) exposure in both Leishmania amazonensis life stages (promastigotes and amastigotes) and on macrophage cultures infected with the parasite. HBO treatment protocols, which can be tolerated by humans and animals, induced irreversible metabolic damage and affected parasite morphology, growth and ability to transform. The observation that the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) prevents some of these deleterious effects indicated an involvement of oxidative stress during parasite HBO exposure. In addition, HBO exposed L. amazonensis-infected macrophage cultures showed reduction of the percentage of infected cells and of the number of intracellular parasites per cell. Thus, the demonstration that HBO, a therapy used in the management of different diseases, is toxic for both L. amazonensis life stages and can alter macrophage susceptibility to the infection encourages further studies of this therapy in animal models of Leishmania infection.  相似文献   

The polypeptides of Leishmania mexicana mexicana (M379), L. m. amazonensis (LV78), L. major (LV39) and L. d. donovani (LV39) amastigotes and cultured promastigotes have been analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The polypeptide banding patterns of the promastigotes of the four species were quite similar, but distinct differences were detected between those of amastigotes. The results suggest that the various species of Leishmania are adapted differently for survival and growth in the mammalian host. The polypeptides of L. m. mexicana amastigotes were very rapidly hydrolysed unless protected by the cysteine proteinase inhibitor leupeptin.  相似文献   

Proteophosphoglycans are an expanding family of highly glycosylated Leishmania proteins with many unusual and some unique structural features. The novel protein-glycan linkage in proteophosphoglycans - phosphoglycosylation of Ser by lipophosphoglycan-like structures - emerges as a major form of protein glycosylation in Leishmania. Here, Thomas Ilg reviews the chemical structure, the ultrastructure, the genes and the potential functions of different members of this novel family of parasite glycoproteins.  相似文献   

In vitro bioassays were used to compare T-cell responses induced by the intramacrophage amastigote stage and the sandfly-borne promastigote stage of Leishmania tropica. Lymph node cells from mice immunized with sonicated promastigotes or amastigotes incorporated in Freund's complete adjuvant were assayed for their ability to proliferate and to release interleukin 2 following in vitro challenge with promastigote or amastigote antigen. The levels of the proliferative and interleukin 2 synthetic responses of cells from promastigote and amastigote immunized mice were quite distinct. Cells from mice immunized with promastigotes demonstrated a vigorous in vitro response to the homologous antigen, but a reduced response to the potentially cross-reactive amastigotes. In contrast, cells from mice immunized with amastigotes mounted a weak response to the homologous antigen, but a consistently greater response to promastigote antigen. This unusual response was similar when 8 M urea extracts were used as immunogens and test antigens. In general, interleukin 2 production by immune mice paralleled the results from the T-cell proliferation assays. These results are discussed in relation to evasion of host immunologic detection by the intramacrophage amastigote stage.  相似文献   

Glycosomes and mitochondrial vesicles from cultured promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana mexicana have been separated using isopycnic centrifugation on linear sucrose gradients. Hexokinase (EC, glucose phosphate isomerase (EC, phosphofructokinase (EC, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC were recovered largely in association with glycosomes (density; 1.215 g/ml). Phosphoglycerate kinase (EC and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC had some small glycosomal activity, but were mostly recovered in the soluble fractions. Malate dehydrogenase (EC showed a broad peak corresponding to that of the mitochondrial marker oligomycin-sensitive ATPase (EC (density; 1.190 g/ml). Glutamate dehydrogenase (EC and alanine aminotransferase (EC both showed small mitochondrial peaks, but most of the activities were recovered elsewhere on the gradient and in the soluble fractions. The subcellular location of enzymes in L.m. mexicana amastigotes was investigated by following the release of soluble enzymes from digitonin-treated amastigotes. This revealed distinct cytosolic, mitochondrial, and glycosomal compartments. The findings give an insight into the organization and control of L.m. mexicana promastigote and amastigote energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract Nitrate induced the expression of a membrane-bound nitrate reductase in the strict anaerobe Geobacter metallireducens . A fraction from a DEAE cellulose column which showed nitrate reductase activity contained polypeptides of M r, 18, 36 and 43 K and three c type cytochromes ( M r 28, 46 and 68 K). Western and Southern blot analysis revealed no homology between the nitrate reductase from G. metallireducens and the nitrate reductases from respiratory ( Escherichia coli ) and denitrifying bacteria ( Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) which were shown to be related. These data, in addition to this organism's inability to use fumarate or formate, suggest that its nitrate reductase is novel.  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites survive despite exposure to the toxic nitrosative oxidants during phagocytosis by the host cell. In this work, the authors investigated comparatively the resistance of Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes and axenic amastigotes to a relatively strong nitrosating agent that acts as a nitric oxide (NO) donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Results demonstrate that SNP is able to decrease, in vitro, the number of L. amazonensis promastigotes and axenic amastigotes in a dose-dependent maner. Promastigotes, cultured in the presence of 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mmol L(-1) SNP for 24 h showed about 75% growth inhibition, and 97-100% when the cultures were treated with >2 mmol L(-1) SNP. In contrast, when axenic amastigotes were growing in the presence of 0.25-8 mM SNP added to the culture medium, 50% was the maximum of growth inhibition observed. Treated promastigotes presented reduced motility and became round in shape further confirming the leishmanicidal activity of SNP. On the other hand, axenic amastigotes, besides being much more resistant to SNP-mediated cytotoxicity, did not show marked morphological alteration when incubated for 24 h, until 8 mM concentrations of this nitrosating agent were used. The cytotoxicity toward L. amazonensis was attenuated by reduced glutathione (GSH), supporting the view that SNP-mediated toxicity triggered multiple oxidative mechanisms, including oxidation of thiols groups and metal-independent oxidation of biomolecules to free radical intermediates.  相似文献   

Leishmania mexicana mexicana amastigote and promastigote soluble proteinases were purified using gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. For the amastigotes, two main proteinase activity peaks were separated with both methods. These accounted for approximately 10% and 90% of the total activity. Characterization of the two activities for substrate specificity and sensitivity to inhibitors indicated that the major peak from both column methods contained enzymes with the characteristics of cysteine proteinases. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the enzyme from the major peak purified by gel filtration revealed one polypeptide with a molecular weight in the region of 31 000. In contrast, the activity of the minor peak eluted from the columns was of higher molecular weight (67 000) and was similar to metalloproteinases. Purification of the soluble proteinases in the promastigote of L. m. mexicana produced only one activity peak from both column techniques. This activity (mol. wt 67 000) corresponded to the high molecular weight proteinase of the amastigote. The purified proteinases were active on 4-nitroanilide and 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin derivatives of various small peptides. The high molecular weight proteinases of both amastigotes and promastigotes were similarly active against most of the peptides, suggesting a low specificity of the enzymes. In contrast, the low molecular weight amastigote proteinases were particularly active against two of the substrates, namely BZ-Pro-Phe-Arg-Nan and Z-Phe-Arg-MCA. These results indicate that a highly active, substrate-specific, soluble proteinase, with characteristics of a cysteine proteinase, is produced upon transformation of the L. m. mexicana promastigote to amastigote. The discovery and characterization of this enzyme offers opportunities for the development of new antileishmanial agents.  相似文献   

The natural polyamines are ubiquitous polycationic compounds that play important biological functions in cell growth and differentiation. In the case of protozoan species that are causative agents of important human diseases such as Leishmaniasis, an exogenous supply of polyamines supports parasite proliferation. In the present study, we have investigated the effect of three polyamine derivatives, (namely bis-naphthalimidopropyl putrescine (BNIPPut), spermidine (BNIPSpd) and spermine (BNIPSpm)), on the proliferative stages of Leishmania infantum, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the Mediterranean basin. A significant reduction of promastigotes and axenic amastigotes growth was observed in the presence of increasing concentrations of the drugs, although the mechanisms leading to the parasite growth arrest seems to be different. Indeed, by using a number of biochemical approaches to analyse the alterations that occurred during early stages of parasite-drug interaction (i.e. membrane phosphatidylserine exposure measured by annexin V binding, DNA fragmentation, deoxynucleotidyltranferase-mediated dUTP end labelin (TUNEL), mitochondrial transmembrane potential loss), we showed that the drugs had the capacity to induce the death of promastigotes by a mechanism that shares many features with metazoan apoptosis. Surprisingly, the amastigotes did not behave in a similar way to promastigotes. The drug inhibitory effect on amastigotes growth and the absence of propidium iodide labelling may suggest that the compounds are acting as cytostatic substances. Although, the mechanisms of action of these compounds have yet to be elucidated, the above data show for the first time that polyamine derivatives may act differentially on the Leishmania parasite stages. Further chemical modifications are needed to make the polyamine derivatives as well as other analogues able to target the amastigote stage of the parasite.  相似文献   

Several anti-leishmanial drugs of choice are of plant origin. Many of the available drugs against the disease are toxic and in certain cases parasite drug resistance is developed. The development of new compounds is urgently required.Aims of the studyTo determine the leishmanicidal activity of the Nuphar lutea plant extract against Leishmania major in vitro.Materials and methodsThe leishmanicidal activity of methanolic plant extract against L. major free living promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes was evaluated, using microscopic examinations and the enzymatic XTT assay.ResultsMethanolic extract of N. lutea was highly effective against both Leishmania promastigotes and L. amastigotes (IC50=2±0.12 μg/ml; ID50=0.65±0.023 μg/ml; LD50=2.1±0.096 μg/ml, STI=3.23). The extract at 1.25 μg/ml totally eliminated the intracellular parasites within 3 days of treatment. Also, a synergistic anti-leishmanial activity was demonstrated with N. lutea extract combined with the anti-leishmanial drug – paromomycin. The partially purified N. lutea active component was found to be a thermo-stable alkaloid(s) with no electrical charge and is resistant to boiling and to methanol, dichloromethane and xylene treatment.ConclusionsThe present study suggests that N. lutea might be a potential source of anti-leishmanial compounds.  相似文献   

The density and distribution of intramembranous particles was analyzed in freeze fracture replicas of the plasma membrane of amastigotes, and infective as well as noninfective promastigotes of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. The density of intramembranous particles on both protoplasmic and extracellular faces was higher in infective than in noninfective promastigotes and it was lower in amastigotes than in promastigotes. Amastigotes purified immediately after tissue homogenization were surrounded by a membrane which corresponded to the membrane which lined the endocytic vacuoles where the parasites were located within the tissue macrophages. Aggregation of the particles was seen in the flagellar membrane at the point of emergence of the flagellum from the flagellar pocket. Differences in the organization of the particles were seen in the membrane which lined the flagellar pocket of amastigotes and promastigotes. The polyene antibiotic, filipin, was used as a probe for the detection of sterols in the plasma membrane of L. m. amazonensis. The effect of filipin in the parasite's structure was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and by transmission electron microscopy of thin sections and freeze fracture replicas. Filipin sterol complexes were distributed throughout the membrane which lined the cell body, the flagellar pocket, and the flagellum. No filipin sterol complexes were seen in the cell body-flagellar adhesion zone. The density of filipin sterol complexes was lower in the membrane lining the flagellum than in that lining the cell body of promastigotes.  相似文献   

Amastigotes of Leishmania mexicana pifanoi were cultivated by serial transfers in cell-free medium UM-54 at 33 and 35 C. Electron microscopy was used to analyze the structural relationships among promastigotes, axenically cultured amastigotes, and amastigotes in footpads of infected hamsters. These studies revealed very close structural similarities between culture and hamster derived amastigotes. However, both of these amastigotes differed from the promastigotes in the following aspects. The flagellum of promastigotes contained a paraxial rod originating at the axosome level within the flagellar pocket, whereas the flagellum of amastigotes lacks this structure. The flagellar pocket of promastigotes was usually small whereas amastigotes had a distended reservoir. Subpellicular microtubules of promastigotes terminated at the posterior end, whereas those of amastigotes ended subterminally. Membrane bounded vesicles were present only in amastigotes. These results along with the biologic and antigenic comparisons indicate that amastigotes obtained from axenic cultures are related very closely to amastigotes from infected hamster footpads and that their relationship to promastigotes is far more distant.  相似文献   

A chemically defined medium using commercially available alpha-MEM supplemented with hemin, HEPES, L-glutamine, D-glucose, folic acid, D-biotin and adenine supports the luxuriant growth and propagation of Leishmania donovani promastigotes. A peak parasite population of about 7.0 x 10(7)/ml at stationary phase and a population doubling time of 11.4 h for high-subpassage promastigotes were obtained. The medium was suitable for transformation of isolated amastigotes from infected hamster spleen. Promastigotes could be detected by culturing kala-azar patients' bone-marrow aspirate or spleen puncture material in this medium. Four out of six freshly transformed isolates gradually adapted and grew well in this medium. Macroscopic colonies appeared on agar plates prepared with the medium within 16-20 days after inoculation. The cloning efficiency was increased about five-fold by glycerol supplementation.  相似文献   

Leishmania species are dimorphic protozoan parasites that live and replicate in the gut of sand flies as promastigotes or in mammalian hosts as amastigotes. Different immune cells, including DCs, and receptors differ in their involvement in phagocytosis of promastigotes and amastigotes and in recognition of different Leishmania species. In the case of L. mexicana, differences in phagocytosis of promastigotes and amastigotes by DCs and participation of C‐type lectin receptors (CLRs) have not been established. In the present study, flow cytometry and confocal microscopy were used to investigate the phagocytosis by monocyte‐derived dendritic cells (moDCs) of L. mexicana promastigotes and amastigotes in the presence or absence of immune serum during various periods of time. Blocking antibodies against mannose receptors and DC‐SIGN were used to explore the participation of these receptors in the phagocytosis of L. mexicana by moDC. The major differences in interactions of L. mexicana promastigotes and amastigotes with moDC were found to occur within the first 3 hr, during which phagocytosis of promastigotes predominated as compared with opsonization of promastigotes and amastigotes. However, after 6 hr of incubation, opsonized promastigotes were preferentially phagocytosed as compared with unopsonized promastigotes and amastigotes and after 24 hr of incubation there were no differences in the phagocytosis of promastigotes and amastigotes. Finally, after 3 hr incubation, DC‐SIGN was involved in the phagocytosis of promastigotes, but not of amastigotes.  相似文献   

A major difference between the metabolism of Leishmania species amastigotes and cultured promastigotes was found in the area of CO2 fixation and phosphoenolpyruvate metabolism. Malate dehydrogenase (EC and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC were at much higher activities in amastigotes than promastigotes of both L. m. mexicana and L. donovani, whereas the reverse was true of pyruvate kinase (EC Pyruvate carboxylase (EC and malic enzyme (carboxylating) (EC could not be detected in L. m. mexicana amastigotes. Promastigotes of L. m. mexicana had a high NAD-linked glutamate dehydrogenase activity in comparison to amastigotes, whereas NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase activity was detected only in amastigotes. Leishmania m. mexicana culture promastigotes were killed in vitro by the trivalent antimonial Triostam (LD50, 20 micrograms/ml) and the trivalent arsenical melarsen oxide (LD50, 20 micrograms/ml), but they were unaffected by Pentostam. Neither antimonial drug significantly inhibited leishmanial hexokinase (EC, phosphofructokinase (EC, pyruvate kinase, malate dehydrogenase or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, whereas melarsen oxide was a potent inhibitor of all the enzymes tested except phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase.  相似文献   

The effects of pentamidine isethionate (reference drug) and N,N'-diphenyl-4-methoxy-benzamidine (test compound) on NO. production by Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes and axenic amastigotes were investigated by measuring nitrite, a by-product of nitric oxide released into culture supernatants. The NO. production by infective promastigotes was inhibited by OCH(3)-amidine in about 23.53% and by pentamidine in only 3.78%. In axenic amastigotes, the inhibition of NO. production by OCH(3)-amidine was significantly higher (52.94%; p=0.01) than that by pentamidine, which inhibited this radical production nonsignificantly (25.29%; p=0.1). The mechanism of amidine derivatives, as an antimicrobial agent, is unknown. However, other amidines, such as a diamidine (pentamidine), contain chemical structures shared by the guanidino group of the nitric oxide synthase substrate L-arginine, suggesting the possibility of an interaction with this enzyme or electronic factors (substituent constant) that alter physical and chemical properties significant for biological activity.  相似文献   

Three acidic phospholipases A2 from Indian cobra (Naja naja naja) venom inhibited platelet aggregation in platelet rich plasma induced separately by ADP, collagen and epinephrine with different potencies. The order of inhibition was epinephrine > collagen > ADP. They did not inhibit platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid (10 M). The inhibition was dependent on concentration of the protein and the time of incubation of the phospholipases A2 with platelet rich plasma. Parabromophenacyl bromide modified PLA2 enzymes lost their enzymatic activity as well as platelet aggregation inhibition activity suggesting the involvement of catalytic function in platelet aggregation inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

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