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The intramembrane-cleaving protease γ-secretase catalyzes the last step in the generation of toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides and is a principal therapeutic target in Alzheimer's disease. Both preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that inhibition of γ-secretase is associated with prohibitive side effects due to suppression of Notch processing and signaling. Potentially safer are γ-secretase modulators (GSMs), which are small molecules that selectively lower generation of the highly amyloidogenic Aβ42 peptides but spare Notch processing. GSMs with nanomolar potency and favorable pharmacological properties have been described, but the molecular mechanism of GSMs remains uncertain and both the substrate amyloid precursor protein (APP) and subunits of the γ-secretase complex have been proposed as the molecular target of GSMs. We have generated a potent photo-probe based on an acidic GSM that lowers Aβ42 generation with an IC(50) of 290 nM in cellular assays. By combining in vivo photo-crosslinking with affinity purification, we demonstrated that this probe binds the N-terminal fragment of presenilin (PSEN), the catalytic subunit of the γ-secretase complex, in living cells. Labeling was not observed for APP or any of the other γ-secretase subunits. Binding was readily competed by structurally divergent acidic and non-acidic GSMs suggesting a shared mode of action. These findings indicate that potent acidic GSMs target presenilin to modulate the enzymatic activity of the γ-secretase complex.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical works showed that chemical reactions in micro- and nano-droplets, bubbles and solid particles were strongly affected by their confinement. In particular, the smallness of the systems leads to high internal pressure compared to the external pressure, which then significantly modifies the values of chemical equilibrium and kinetic constants. In addition, surface tension or surface stress, reactional dilatation and surface charge play also a major role on the chemical reactivity. As living systems are also made of very complex dispersed subsystems, i.e. organelles, it seemed obvious to illustrate our theory by some biological actual examples encountered in pulmonary alveolae, in vacuolae and in medical applications, such as dissolution of gallstones.  相似文献   

Wu C  Bowers MT  Shea JE 《Biophysical journal》2011,100(5):1316-1324
Pittsburgh compound B (PIB) is a neutral derivative of the fluorescent dye Thioflavin T (ThT), which displays enhanced hydrophobicity and binding affinity to amyloid fibrils. We present molecular dynamics simulations of binding of PIB and ThT to a common cross-β-subunit of the Alzheimer Amyloid-β peptide (Aβ). Our simulations of binding to Aβ(9-40) protofibrils show that PIB, like ThT, selectively binds to the hydrophobic or aromatic surface grooves on the β-sheet surface along the fibril axis. The lack of two methyl groups and charge in PIB not only improves its hydrophobicity but also leads to a deeper insertion of PIB compared to ThT into the surface grooves. This significantly increases the steric, aromatic, and hydrophobic interactions, and hence leads to stronger binding. Simulations on protofibrils consisting of the more-toxic Aβ(17-42) revealed an additional binding mode in which PIB and ThT insert into the channel that forms in the loop region of the protofibril, sandwiched between two sheet layers. Our simulations indicate that the rotation between the two ring parts of the dyes is significantly more restricted when the dyes are bound to the surface of the cross-β-subunits or to the channel inside the Aβ(17-42) cross-β-subunit, compared with free solution. The specific conformations of the dyes are influenced by small chemical modifications (ThT versus PIB) and by the environment in which the dye is placed.  相似文献   

The β-strand-α-helix-β-strand unit consists of two parallel, but not necessarily adjacent, β-strands which lie in a β-pleated sheet and are connected by one or more α-helices. This unit, which occurs in 17 functionally different globular proteins, may adopt a right- or a left-handed conformation. An analysis of the distribution shows that 57 out of the 58 units are right-handed. If the unit had no right-handed preference, the probability of observing such a distribution by chance is 10?16. This may be explained in terms of the twist of the β-sheet which is shown to favour a right-handed unit, as otherwise steric hindrance occurs in the loop regions. We show that the right-handed strand-helix-strand unit determines the sense of the super-secondary structure found in the dehydrogenases and of related folds found in other structures. The evolutionary relationships between proteins containing this unit are re-evaluated in terms of this preference. The high probability that the unit will fold with a right-handed conformation has implications for the prediction of tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Summary A brief review is presented of the Vester-Ulbricht -decay Bremsstrahlen hypothesis for the origin of optical activity, and of subsequent experiments designed to test it. Certain of our experiments along these lines, begun in 1974 and involving the irradiation of racemic and optically active amino acids in a 61.7 KCi90Sr–90Y Bremsstrahlen source, have now been completed and are described. After 10.89 years of irradiation with a total Bremsstrahlen dose of 2.5×109 rads, crystallinedl-leucine, norleucine, and norvaline suffered 47.2, 33.6, and 27.4% radiolysis, respectively, but showed no evidence whatsoever of asymmetric degradation.d- andl-Leucine underwent about 48% radiolysis and showed 2.4–2.9% radioracemization. Other samples in solution were too severely degraded to analyze. Probable intrinsic reasons for the failure of the Vester-Ulbricht mechanism to afford asymmetric radiolysis in the present and related experiments involving -decay Bremsstrahlen are enumerated.A portion of this material was presented at the 7th International Conference on the Origins of Life, Mainz, FRG, July 10–15, 1983  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) populations from Lewis rats were generated by combined immunization in vivo and restimulation in vitro with lymphoid cells from Fischer 344 donors. This strain combination is phenotypically identical at the MHC (Ag-B) by serologic, MLC, and GVH criteria, and thus, it is to be expected that CTL raised in this combination would show MHC restricted cytolysis against the existing minor alloantigenic differences. Previous studies demonstrated instead that CTL are effective against target cells from a variety of strains, regardless ofMHC haplotype, and that these cytotoxic T cell defined target antigens (CT antigens) are controlled by genes which map with the MHC. The present studies show that the CT antigens defined by LF CTL are unlike gene products expected for eitherSD-like orLD-like region genes, and it is therefore concluded that they mark a novel subregion of the rat MHC or are specified by a locus (loci) linked to, but outside MHC.Supported by U.S.P.H. Grants CA-15822, CA-09140, and AI-10961  相似文献   

Geographic origin of the Y Chromosomes in “old” inbred strains of mice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Six distinct Y Chromosomes (Chr) were identified among 39 standard inbred strains of mice with five probes that identified Y Chr-specific restriction fragments on Southern blots. Three Y Chr types, distributed among 31 strains, were of Asian Mus musculus origin. The remaining three Y Chr types, distributed among eight strains, were of M. domesticus origin. The Asian source of the M. musculus Y Chr was confirmed by determining the DNA sequence of 221 bp from an open reading frame within the Sry (sex determining region Y) gene (Gubbay et al., Nature 346 245–250, 1990) in three inbred strains (C57BL/6J, AKR/J, and SWR/J) and comparing the sequence to the homologous sequences derived from wild caught European and Asian M. musculus males. These data indicate that a minimum of six male mice contributed to the formation of the old inbred strains.  相似文献   

Synchronised activity, differing in phase in different populations of neurons, plays an important role in existing theories on the function of brain oscillations (e.g., temporal correlation hypothesis). A prerequisite for this synchronisation is that stimuli are capable of affecting (resetting) the phase of brain oscillations. Such a change in the phase of brain waves is also assumed to underlie the Berger effect: when observers open their eyes, the amplitude of EEG oscillations in the alpha band (8–13 Hz) decreases significantly. This finding is usually thought to involve a desynchronisation of activity in different neurons. For functional interpretations of brain oscillations in the visual system, it therefore seems to be crucial to find out whether or not the phase of brain oscillations can be affected by visual stimuli. To answer this question, we investigated whether alpha waves are generated by a linear or a nonlinear mechanism. If the mechanism is linear – in contrast to nonlinear ones – phases cannot be reset by a stimulus. It is shown that alpha-wave activity in the EEG comprises both linear and nonlinear components. The generation of alpha waves basically is a linear process and flash-evoked potentials are superimposed on ongoing alpha waves without resetting their phase. One nonlinear component is due to light adaptation, which contributes to the Berger effect. The results call into question theories about brain-wave function based on temporal correlation or event-related desynchronisation.Electronic Supplementary Material: Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Occurrences of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in two springs of a karstic system (NW France) providing drinking water were determined to study the role of aquifers in the dissemination of the resistance genes. Water samples were collected during wet and dry periods and after a heavy rainfall event to investigate E. coli density, antibiotic resistance patterns, and occurrences of class 1, 2, and 3 integrons. By observing patterns of the resistant isolates (i.e. number and type of resistances) and their occurrences, we were able to define two resistant subpopulations, introduced in the aquifer via surface water: (1) R1-2, characterized by one or two resistance(s), essentially to chloramphenicol and/or tetracycline (96.5%), was always found during the heavy rainfall event; (2) R3-10, characterized by three or more resistances, mostly resistant to tetracycline (94.1%) and beta-lactams (86%), was found transiently. Class 1 and 2 integrons were detected, mostly in the R3-10 subpopulation for class 1 integrons. The characteristics of these two subpopulations strongly suggest that the contamination originates from pasture runoff for the R1-2 subpopulation and from wastewater treatment plant effluents for the R3-10 subpopulation. These two subpopulations of E. coli could be used as biological indicators to determine the origin of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

The physical basis for the natural evolution of a primitive decoding system is presented using the concepts of molecular interactions. Oligoribonucleotides of five residues havingU at the 5-end, a purine at the 3-end and any combination of three bases in the middle is taken as a primitive tRNA (PIT). From conformational considerations PIT is expected to haveU-turn conformation wherein, N3–H3 of baseU hydrogen-bonds with phosphate, three residues ahead leaving triplet bases called primitive anticodons (PAC) into a helical conformation, and this creates a cleft betweenU and PAC. An amino acid can be comfortably nestled into the cleft with the amide hydrogens and carboxyl oxygen hydrogen-bonded to the last purine and the first uridine, while the side-chain can interact with the cleft side of PAC. The other side of PAC is free to base-pair with triplet codons on a longer RNA. Also two PACs can recognize consecutive triplet codons, and this leads to a dynamic interaction in which the amino and carboxyl ends are brought into proximity, making the formation of peptide bond feasible.The cleft formed by different anticodon triplets, broadly speaking, shows preferences for the corresponding amino acids of the presently known codon assignment.Thus the nucleicacid-directed protein synthesis, which is a unique feature of all living organisms is shown to be a natural consequence of a particular way of favourable interaction between nucleic acids and amino acids, and our model provides the missing link between the chemical evolution of small organic molecules and biological evolution through the process of mutations in nucleicacids and nucleicacid-directed protein synthesis.Contribution No. 507 from this department.  相似文献   

Summary The differential staining methods for chromosomes have led to the demonstration of more chromosomal polymorphisms. Not rarely, these polymorphisms allow in autosomal trisomies the detection of parental origin of the supernumerary chromosome. In addition, the malsegregation may be ascribed to 1st or 2nd meiotic division in informative families.This approach of analyzing possible causes of trisomies is subject to a considerable bias. Trisomic phenotypes are twice as frequent for 2nd meiotic errors than for 1st meiotic errors. Also, rare chromosome variants seldom occur in matings where malsegregation in 1st meiotic division can be detected. In the present paper this bias is analyzed mathematically on the family as well as on the population level.From this mathematical analysis and from the data in the literature we conclude that Down's syndrome as a whole is caused about 5–10 times more often by a malsegregation in 1st meiotic than by an error in 2nd meiotic division.Mainly from experimental studies in rodents, causes for errors in 1st and 2nd meiotic division are becoming apparent. They are summarized in the context of the results of the present paper.Human population cytogenetics, a subject originated by Court Brown, has not, as yet, required mathematics at all unless we include—as I think we may correctly—the exact study of such variables as parental age and chromosomal measurements. L. S. Penrose (1970)We dedicate this paper to Professor Emeritus P. E. Becker, M.D., with our best wishes for his retirement.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs have been identified and analyzed in various model species, but an investigation of miRNAs in nonmodel species is required for a more complete understanding of miRNA evolution. In this study, we investigated the miRNAs of the nonmodel species Triops cancriformis (tadpole shrimp), a “living fossil,” whose morphological form has not changed in almost 200 million years. Dramatic ontogenetic changes occur during its development. To clarify the evolution of miRNAs, we comparatively analyzed its miRNAs and the components of its RNAi machinery. We used deep sequencing to analyze small RNA libraries from the six different developmental stages of T. cancriformis (egg, first–fourth instars, and adult), and also analyzed its genomic DNA with deep sequencing. We identified 180 miRNAs (87 conserved miRNAs and 93 novel candidate miRNAs), and deduced the components of its RNAi machinery: the DICER1, AGO1–3, PIWI, and AUB proteins. A comparative miRNA analysis of T. cancriformis and Drosophila melanogaster showed inconsistencies in the expression patterns of four conserved miRNAs. This suggests that although the miRNA sequences of the two species are very similar, their roles differ across the species. An miRNA conservation analysis revealed that most of the conserved T. cancriformis miRNAs share sequence similarities with those of arthropods, although T. cancriformis is called a “living fossil.” However, we found that let-7 and DICER1 of T. cancriformis are more similar to those of the vertebrates than to those of the arthropods. These results suggest that miRNA systems of T. cancriformis have evolved in a unique fashion.  相似文献   

A growing number of inconsistencies have accumulated within the genetically deterministic paradigm of the origin of cancer. Among them the most important are the nonspecific nature of cancer mutations and the non-cell-autonomous factors of cancer initiation and progression. Epigenetic aspects of cancer and cancer systems biology represent novel approaches to cancer aetiology and converge in the notion that cancer is characterized by a nonspecific progressive destabilization of multiple molecular pathways. The coherent behaviour of certain cellular subsystems has been theoretically predicted for a long time to have a general role in coordinating biological processes. However, it has only recently gained major scientific interest when it was measured on photosynthetic complexes at physiological temperatures and confirmed to have a direct effect over the dynamics of the energy transfer. Several theoretical and experimental considerations suggest that cancer might be associated with the absence or impairment of the proper coherent dynamics in certain biological structures, most notably in the microtubules. We review those models and suggest that impaired coherence might largely contribute to the progressive destabilization of the molecular and gene regulatory networks, thus connecting different non-genetic aspects of cancer.  相似文献   

We study a system of ODE's modelling the interaction of one predator and one prey dx/dt = xg(x) - yp(x), dy/dt = gamma y[- delta - nu y - alpha y2 + h(x)]. This system defines a two-species community which incorporates competition among prey in the absence of any predators as well as a density-dependent predator specific death rate. This system is investigated under ecologically natural regularity conditions and assumptions on g, p and h to ensure the existence and uniqueness of limit cycles. The proof uses the standard Hopf-Andronov bifurcation theory and the technique of Liénard's equation.  相似文献   

Phytochemistry Reviews - The aim of this paper is to illustrate the origin and composition of a collection of 192 plant drugs, based on archival documents from 1932 to 1940. This unique collection...  相似文献   

We critically review the use of the term “life history theory” in recent publications on evolutionary psychology, focusing on how the idea of a fast-slow continuum is deployed in that literature. We raise four issues:First, concerning plasticity, should we expect the effects of plasticity on the developmental response of a trait to mirror the effects of selection on the mean of that trait? We conclude that we should not. Do only plastic responses to harsh or unpredictable environments accelerate maturation, or are there plausible alternatives, such as nutrition? In many situations better nutrition is a plausible alternative.Second, how should we conceive of the harshness of an environment? It has several important dimensions. It could mean an increase in the mean mortality rate, a decrease in the mean growth rate or fertility rate, or increases in the variances of any of those rates. Our judgement of harshness will also be affected by the distribution of such effects across patches in space and through generations in time. The combination and distribution of effects make important differences to predictions.Third, where did the fast-slow idea come from, and how much does it explain? It was initially detected in comparisons across higher taxonomic levels, whose relevance to variation among individuals is unclear and where it fails to explain much of the variation.Fourth, what sorts of processes could generate the fast-slow pattern? Here we expand on insights mentioned earlier in passing to make clear how spatial population structure and class effects generate alternative predictions.We conclude with some thoughts on the nature of theories and research strategies and on how one might respond to empirical puzzles.  相似文献   

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