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Som Nath  Bhakat 《Journal of Zoology》1987,212(3):419-428
Each of stadia II-VII and adults (stadia VIII) of Streptogonopus phipsoni (Pocock) can be distinguished by segment numbers, length, breadth and paired legs. Sexes are separate from stadium IV and sex ratios in immature stages were more or less 50% throughout the year, but high proportions of adult females are noted from June to September. High ratios of immature to adult were related to the breeding periods, from May to October, and in other months adults increased in proportion as a result of heavy mortality of immatures.
Adults were aggregated in distribution from April to October while solitary individuals were common in other months of the year.
Population density of S. phipsoni varied from 0.25 to 98 m-2 on the soil surface and 1 to 11.75 m-2 in the lower layer (0–7 cm deep). Biomass ranged from 12.25 to 2253 mg-2 on the surface and 50.75 to 424.75 mg-2 in the lower layer (0–7 cm deep).
A positive and significant correlation was found between mean monthly population density and mean monthly rainfall.
Streptogonopus phipsoni appears to complete its life cycle in one or two years  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess the tolerance and behaviour of the southern African spirostreptid millipede Alloporus uncinates (Attems) to moisture and temperature stress. Rates of water loss in dry air were 0–026 mg H20 cm-2 hour-1 for females and 0021 for males and remained relatively constant with an increase in temperature from 20 to 30°C but at higher temperatures there was a rapid increase in water loss, especially for females. In dry laboratory conditions at 30°C all individuals died within 30 days, whilst at 20°C at least 90% of individuals survived this period. Aggregation appeared to have no significant effect on survivorship but small body size conferred a survivorship advantage. Females burrowed earlier and to a greater depth than males, and initial moisture content of soil had a significant effect on mean burrow depth. Alloporus uncinatus , like other spirostreptid millipedes, appears to have considerable tolerance to dry conditions but the wide geographic and habitat range of this species may mean that the intensity of selection for tolerance to moisture stress may vary.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa presents three types of motilities: swimming, twitching and swarming. The latter is characterized by rapid and coordinated group movement over a semisolid surface resulting from morphological differentiation and intercellular interactions. A striking feature of P. aeruginosa swarming motility is the formation of migrating tendrils producing colonies with complex fractal-like patterns. Previous studies have shown that normal swarming motility is intimately related to the production of extracellular surface-active molecules: rhamnolipids (RLs), composed of monorhamnolipids (mono-RLs) and dirhamnolipids (di-RLs), and 3-(3-hydroxyalkanoyloxy) alkanoic acids (HAAs). Here, we report that (i) di-RLs attract active swarming cells while HAAs behave as strong repellents, (ii) di-RLs promote and HAAs inhibit tendril formation and migration, (iii) di-RLs and HAAs display different diffusion kinetics on a surface as di-RLs spread faster than HAAs in agar, (iv) di-RLs and HAAs have no effect on swimming cells, suggesting that swarming cells are different from swimming cells not only in morphology but also at the regulatory level and (v) mono-RLs act as wetting agents. We propose a model explaining how HAAs and di-RLs together modulate the behaviour of swarming migrating cells by acting as self-produced negative and positive chemotactic-like stimuli.  相似文献   

1. Exposure to chemical cues released by fish induced a tendency to form and maintain aggregations in two Daphnia clones originating from habitats inhabited by fish (and invertebrate predators), while Daphnia from a clone originating from a fishless habitat did not aggregate in response to fish cues.
2. Daphnia from one of the two clones responsive to fish cues, also aggregated in response to chemical cues released by invertebrate predators or to a substance released from homogenized Daphnia .
3. Chemical cues released by predators and the substance released from homogenized conspecifics induced a significant decrease in Daphnia' s swimming speed and an increased readiness to perform a somersaulting escape behaviour, especially in response to light cues.  相似文献   

The millipede Ommatoiulus moreleti (Lucas), (Julidae) originates in the south-west Iberian Peninsula, and has successfully invaded parts of southern Australia with hot, dry summers. The species is inactive in the field during summer but is active in autumn, particularly following rains, and in spring. There is some activity in winter. In this paper, the temperature and humidity determinants of seasonal behaviour are analysed, in particular the conditions causing summer quiescence.
Experiments using a millipede treadmill apparatus at different temperatures at 95% RH showed an almost linear response of locomotor activity with temperature between 3 and 21°C, but when the temperature was increased to 28°C, the millipedes became quiescent. Activity could he restored by reducing the temperature.
When the millipedes were exposed to 45% RH there was comparatively little activity at any temperature. Field evidence indicates ii rapid breaking of quiescence with surface moisture
The success of O. moreleti in invading the surface-litter habitat in South Australia can he explained by its ability to avoid desiccation; its adaptations include its quiescent behaviour during summer and its ability to moult from a winter (reproductive) to B summer (non-reproductive) form.  相似文献   

Attempts are presented of an analogue modelling of Daphnia responses to various influences and stimuli, as distribution of food and of predators. An aim of the study is to examine to what extent a statistical-mechanical approach may be useful as a tool in modelling of Daphnia swarms behaviour. In the modelling we follow a line close to test particle studies in physical sciences. A generalized kinetic equation of what we shall call daphnicles is derived. The modelling incorporates individual characteristics of daphnicles, as position, velocity, degree of food saturation and responses daphnicles have to outside influences. Each daphnicle we assume responds to some stimuli in ordered ways and to others in stochastic ways, and the degree or strength of reactions depends on the density of all daphnicles, the density of food available, the saturation level of daphnicles and the threat level in the environment, or background, the daphnicles are living on. Some fluid equations of daphnicle swarms are subsequently derived from the basic equation, and solutions are given of the model-equations, including a food distribution equation, in some particular cases that show peculiarities in reactions of daphnicles to food, degree of saturation and to threat, when these are acting alone, and in combination. The modelling results may be compared to results of laboratory experiments of Daphnia behaviour that soon will be performed.  相似文献   


Larvae of 46 species of caddisfly from 14 of the 15 families present in New Zealand are described. A key to the families is included, and where possible there is a key to the spccies in each family. Information on larval habits and habitats, pupation, distribution, and life cycles is given. The classification of Trichoptera is discussed with particular reference to the New Zealand fauna. The origins of the New Zealand caddisflies are discussed, and the possibilities of Indo-Malaysian, Australian, and trans-Antarctic influences are considered. The distribution of some of the species is discussed in relation to paleogeography and present-day climatic features. Larvae described: HYDROPSYCHIDAEOrthopsyche fimbriata, O. thomasi, Aoteapsyche colonica, A. tepoka, A. raruraru, Diplectrona zealandensis; POLYCENTROPODIDAEPolyplectropus puerilis, Plectrocnemia maclachlani; PSYCHOMYIIDAEEcnomina zealandica; Philopotamidae — Dolophilodes (Hydrobiosella) stenocerca, D. (H.) mixta; Hydroptilidae — Oxyethira albiceps, Paroxyethira hendersoni; Kokiriidae — Kokiria miharo; Oeconesidae — Oeconesus maori, O. similis, Zelandopsyche ingens; Pycnocentrellidae — Pycnocentrella eruensis; Sericostomatidae — Pycnocentria funerea, P. evecta, P. sylvestris, Beraeoptera roria, Pycnocentrodes aeris, P. aureola, P. modesta, Confluens hamiltoni, Conuxia gunni, Olinga feredayi, O. jeanae; HELICOPHIDAEZelolessica cheira, Z. sp., Alloecentrella magnicornis; Chathamiidae — Philanisus plebeius; PHILORHEITHRIDAEPhilorheithrus agilis; Helicopsychidae — Helicopsyche zealandica, H. albescens, H. poutini, Rakiura vernale; LEPTOCERIDAETriplectides cephalotes, T. obsoleta, T. oreolimnetes, Hudsonema amabilis, H. aliena, Oecetis unicolor, O. iti.  相似文献   

Although reproductive and behavioural studies have been conducted on captive tree weta, there have been very few ecological field studies of any of the weta species involving free-ranging, marked individuals. The mountain stone weta (Hemideina maori) is a tree weta that lives on rock tors in the alpine region of the South Island of New Zealand. Over three seasons each of 480 adults and 789 juveniles was individually marked on four large and 14 small tors to gather baseline information on aspects of H. maori’s life cycle and life history. Seasonal patterns were seen in the appearance of the smallest nymphs, moulting, and in the survival and recruitment of adults. Some marked juveniles were recaptured after 10 or more months, with a maximum interval of 14.1 months, indicating that instar intervals can be exceptionally long. Adult males and females had similar survival rates and often lived for 2 or 3 breeding seasons. Relatively high recapture rates (~60–70%) and long life spans make adult H. maori amenable to modern mark-recapture analyses using the programme MARK. We believe this research will be a useful template for further mark-recapture studies such as those to verify life history characteristics of endangered species of weta or the effects of secondary poisoning on invertebrates.  相似文献   

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