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生物合成硒蛋白机制的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为第 2 1种氨基酸 ,硒代半胱氨酸在翻译阶段由核糖体介导 ,在mRNA编码区的UGA密码子处参入多肽链。研究表明硒代半胱氨酸的参入需要一个顺式作用元件SECIS和 4个基因产物 :SelA、SelB、SelC、SelD。原核生物和真核生物的SECIS在mRNA中的位置和结构特征差异显著。在利用Escherichiacoli硒代半胱氨酸的参入机制合成硒蛋白方面 ,研究人员进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

Selenoproteins are an essential and unique group of proteins in which selenocysteine (Sec) is incorporated in response to a stop codon (UGA). Reprograming of UGA for Sec insertion in eukaryotes requires a cis-acting stem–loop structure in the 3′ untranslated region of selenoprotein mRNA and several trans-acting factors. Together these factors are sufficient for Sec incorporation in vitro, but the process is highly inefficient. An additional challenge is the synthesis of selenoprotein P (SELENOP), which uniquely contains multiple UGA codons. Full-length SELENOP expression requires processive Sec incorporation, the mechanism for which is not understood. In this study, we identify core coding region sequence determinants within the SELENOP mRNA that govern SELENOP synthesis. Using 75Se labeling in cells, we determined that the N-terminal coding sequence (upstream of the second UGA) and C-terminal coding sequence context are two independent determinants for efficient synthesis of full-length SELENOP. In addition, the distance between the first UGA and the consensus signal peptide is also critical for efficiency.  相似文献   

Decoding of the UGA codon in mRNAs for selenoproteins as selenocysteine requires interaction of the translation factor SelB with an mRNA structure, the SECIS element. A genetic analysis of this interaction was performed by selecting for intergenic suppressor mutations in selB which counteracted the detrimental effect of defined mutations in the SECIS element. Both allele-nonspecific and allele-specific mutations, as judged by readthrough of the UGA into the LacZ-encoding segment of fdhF ′-′lacZ fusions and by incorporation of selenium, were isolated. selB genes from ten suppressor mutants were sequenced and the corresponding mutations were localized to five positions within the protein. Four of the suppressors had amino acid exchanges within a 23-amino acid stretch in domain 4b of SelB, which probably represent sites of contact between the protein and the mRNA. A fifth mutation was localized in domain 4a of SelB; it promoted allele-nonspecific readthrough. Since a truncated SelB species lacking domain 4b did not show complex formation with the SECIS element, we speculate that the latter mutation affects the interaction between the tRNA-binding and the mRNA-binding domains. None of the SelB variants was able to promote UGA readthrough when major structural changes that altered the length of the helical part or enlarged the apical loop were introduced into the SECIS element. The results obtained also show that novel pairs of SelB/SECIS derivatives can be generated which may be useful for the targeted insertion of selenocysteine into proteins. Received: 29 June 1999 / Accepted: 10 July 1999  相似文献   

This study reports the intact lipids and the phylogenetic compositions of archaea from marine sediments adjacent to or within a region of methane seeps and hydrate mounds in the Mississippi Canyon (MC) Block 118 in the Gulf of Mexico. An aliquot of lyophilized sediment (~5 g) was extracted for total lipids. Fractions of the glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) were obtained through column fractionation and determined using liquid-chromatography-mass spectrometry. DNA was extracted from a different aliquot of the sample (~7 g) that was kept at ?80°C. GDGTs showed distinct patterns between non-hydrate and hydrate-impacted samples, suggesting dramatically different archaeal communities caused by the presence of gas hydrates or cold seeps. Clone libraries of 16S rRNA genes were constructed to provide a phylogenetic explanation of the archaeal populations possibly causing the variation in lipid profiles. In contrast to the non-thermophilic crenarchaeota-dominant species in the normal marine sediment, the hydrate-impacted samples showed the predominance of ANME-1 subgroups with Thermoplasmatales being secondarily abundant; both of them are known to produce tetraether lipids and may be responsible for the enhanced archaeal lipids in the hydrate samples. MC 118 is designed to be a seafloor observatory in the Gulf of Mexico and our study represents the initial efforts in characterizing archaeal populations and their role in carbon cycle at this location.  相似文献   

Selenocysteine (Sec) incorporation is an essential process required for the production of at least 25 human selenoproteins. This unique amino acid is co-translationally incorporated at specific UGA codons that normally serve as termination signals. Recoding from stop to Sec involves a cis-acting Sec insertion sequence element in the 3′ untranslated region of selenoprotein mRNAs as well as Sec insertion sequence binding protein 2, Sec-tRNASec, and the Sec-specific elongation factor, eEFSec. The interplay between recoding and termination at Sec codons has served as a focal point in researching the mechanism of Sec insertion, but the role of translation initiation has not been addressed. In this report, we show that the cricket paralysis virus intergenic internal ribosome entry site is able to support Sec incorporation, thus providing evidence that the canonical functions of translation initiation factors are not required. Additionally, we show that neither a 5′ cap nor a 3′ poly(A) tail enhances Sec incorporation. Interestingly, however, the presence of the internal ribosome entry site significantly decreases Sec incorporation efficiency, suggesting a role for translation initiation in regulating the efficiency of UGA recoding.  相似文献   

Selenoproteins are a family of proteins that share the common feature of containing selenocysteine, the “twenty-first” amino acid. Selenocysteine incorporation occurs during translation of selenoprotein messages by redefinition of UGA codons, which normally specify termination of translation. Studies of the eukaryotic selenocysteine incorporation mechanism suggest that selenocysteine insertion is inefficient compared with termination. Nevertheless, selenoprotein P and several other selenoproteins are known to contain multiple selenocysteines. The production of full-length (FL) protein from these messages would seem to demand highly efficient selenocysteine incorporation due to the compounding effect of termination at each UGA codon. We present data demonstrating that efficient incorporation of multiple selenocysteines can be reconstituted in rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation reactions. Selenocysteine incorporation at the first UGA codon is inefficient but increases by approximately 10-fold at subsequent downstream UGA codons. We found that ribosomes in the “processive” phase of selenocysteine incorporation (i.e., after decoding the first UGA codon as selenocysteine) are fully competent to terminate translation at UAG and UAA codons, that ribosomes become less efficient at selenocysteine incorporation as the distance between UGA codons is increased, and that efficient selenocysteine incorporation is not dependent on cis-acting elements unique to selenoprotein P. Furthermore, we found that the percentage of ribosomes decoding a UGA codon as selenocysteine rather than termination can be increased by 3- to 5-fold by placing the murine leukemia virus UAG read-through element upstream of the first UGA codon or by providing a competing messenger RNA in trans. The mechanisms of selenocysteine incorporation and selenoprotein synthesis are discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

Dietary selenium restriction in mammals causes bodily selenium to be preferentially retained in the brain relative to other organs. Almost all the known selenoproteins are found in brain, where expression is facilitated by selenocysteine (Sec)-laden selenoprotein P. The brain also expresses selenocysteine lyase (Scly), an enzyme that putatively salvages Sec and recycles the selenium for selenoprotein translation. We compared mice with a genetic deletion of Scly to selenoprotein P (Sepp1) knockout mice for similarity of neurological impairments and whether dietary selenium modulates these parameters. We report that Scly knockout mice do not display neurological dysfunction comparable to Sepp1 knockout mice. Feeding a low-selenium diet to Scly knockout mice revealed a mild spatial learning deficit without disrupting motor coordination. Additionally, we report that the neurological phenotype caused by the absence of Sepp1 is exacerbated in male vs. female mice. These findings indicate that Sec recycling via Scly becomes limiting under selenium deficiency and suggest the presence of a complementary mechanism for processing Sec. Our studies illuminate the interaction between Sepp1 and Scly in the distribution and turnover of body and brain selenium and emphasize the consideration of sex differences when studying selenium and selenoproteins in vertebrate biology.  相似文献   

The number of completely sequenced archaeal genomes has been sufficient for a large-scale bioinformatic study.We have conducted analyses for each coding region from 36 archaeal genomes using the original CGS algorithm by calculating the total GC content(G+C),GC content in first,second and third codon positions as well as in fourfold and twofold degenerated sites from third codon positions,levels of arginine codon usage(Arg2:AGA/G;Arg4:CGX),levels of amino acid usage and the entropy of amino acid content distribution.In archaeal genomes with strong GC pressure,arginine is coded preferably by GC-rich Arg4 codons,whereas in most of archaeal genomes with G+C0.6,arginine is coded preferably by AT-rich Arg2 codons.In the genome of Haloquadratum walsbyi,which is closely related to GC-rich archaea,GC content has decreased mostly in third codon positions,while Arg4Arg2 bias still persists.Proteomes of archaeal species carry characteristic amino acid biases:levels of isoleucine and lysine are elevated,while levels of alanine,histidine,glutamine and cytosine are relatively decreased.Numerous genomic and proteomic biases observed can be explained by the hypothesis of previously existed strong mutational AT pressure in the common predecessor of all archaea.  相似文献   

Selenoprotein is biosynthesized by the incorporation of selenocysteine into proteins, where the TGA codon in the open reading frame does not act as a stop signal but is translated into selenocysteine. The dual functions of TGA result in mis-annotation or lack of selenoproteins in the sequenced genomes of many species. Available computational tools fail to correctly predict selenoproteins. Thus, we developed a new method to identify selenoproteins from the genome of Anopheles gambiae computationally.Based on released genomic information, several programs were edited with PERL language to identify selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element, the coding potential of TGA codons, and cysteine-containing homologs of selenoprotein genes. Our results showed that 11365 genes were terminated with TGA codons, 918 of which contained SECIS elements. Similarity search revealed that 58genes contained Sec/Cys pairs and similar flanking regions around in-frame TGA codons. Finally, 7genes were found to fully meet requirements for selenoproteins, although they have not been annotated as selenoproteins in NCBI databases. Deduced from their basic properties, the newly found selenoproteins in the genome of Anopheles gambiae are possibly related to in vivo oxidation tolerance and protein regulation in order to interfere with anopheles' vectorial capacity of Plasmodium. This study may also provide theoretical bases for the prevention of malaria from anopheles transmission.  相似文献   

Selenoprotein is biosynthesized by the incorporation of selenocysteine into proteins,where the TGA codon in the open reading frame does not act as a stop signal but is translated into selenocysteine.The dual functions of TGA result in mis-annotation or lack of selenoproteins in the sequenced genomes of many species.Available computational tools fail to correctly predict selenoproteins.Thus,we devel-oped a new method to identify selenoproteins from the genome of Anopheles gambiae computationally.Based on released genomic information,several programs were edited with PERL language to identify selenocysteine insertion sequence(SECIS)element,the coding potential of TGA codons,and cys-teine-containing homologs of selenoprotein genes.Our results showed that 11365 genes were termi-nated with TGA codons,918 of which contained SECIS elements.Similarity search revealed that 58 genes contained Sec/Cys pairs and similar flanking regions around in-frame TGA codons.Finally,7 genes were found to fully meet requirements for selenoproteins,although they have not been anno-tated as selenoproteins in NCBI databases.Deduced from their basic properties,the newly found se-lenoproteins in the genome of Anopheles gambiae are possibly related to in vivo oxidation tolerance and protein regulation in order to interfere with anopheles' vectorial capacity of Plasmodium.This study may also provide theoretical bases for the prevention of malaria from anopheles transmission.  相似文献   

翻译起始位点(TIS,即基因5’端)的精确定位是原核生物基因预测的一个关键问题,而基因组GC含量和翻译起始机制的多样性是影响当前TIS预测水平的重要因素.结合基因组结构的复杂信息(包括GC含量、TIS邻近序列及上游调控信号、序列编码潜能、操纵子结构等),发展刻画翻译起始机制的数学统计模型,据此设计TIS预测的新算法MED.StartPlus.并将MED.StartPlus与同类方法RBSfinder、GS.Finder、MED-Start、TiCo和Hon-yaku等进行系统地比较和评价.测试针对两种数据集进行:当前14个已知的TIS被确认的基因数据集,以及300个物种中功能已知的基因数据集.测试结果表明,MED-StartPlus的预测精度在总体上超过同类方法.尤其是对高GC含量基因组以及具有复杂翻译起始机制的基因组,MED-StartPlus具有明显的优势.  相似文献   

基因组功能预测的进化印记方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
改善基因组功能预测方案是目前功能基因组学的迫切问题,生物进化历程会在分子序列上留下相应进化印记-直系同源簇的特异模体,在这一生物学事实的基础上,提出了一个新的基因缚功能预测方法,首先利用进化分析方法构建直系同源簇,再找到各直系同源簇的功能模体,这样可以形成特异的功能模体库,未知基因的功能预测可望通过搜索该功能模体库而得以高效,准确地完成,对5个家族的检验初步证实该方案是可行的。  相似文献   

细菌基因组上存在着大量的重叠基因,这不但缩减基因组尺寸,增加对遗传信息的有效利用,而且参与转录及转录后水平的调控。目前重叠基因的形成原因尚不清楚,缺少预测重叠基因是否存在的特征信息,不利于对 重叠基因的注释。本研究通过机器学习中的卷积神经网络算法对基因相关区域进行扫描,发现基因编码区前54 bp的区域可以作为判定重叠基因的标记信息,并采用支持向量机算法确证以上预测结果的准确性。通过对卷积神经网络模型的训练与优化,成功构建卷积神经网络模型,并用于大肠杆菌基因组中重叠基因的注释,对重叠基因的研究有重要意义。已训练好的模型和使用方法已经发布于GitHub,具体内容参看以下网址:https://github.com/breadpot/Convolutional_Neural_Network_Bacteria_overlapping_genes_prediction。  相似文献   

硒蛋白的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
已有35种硒蛋白被分离和表征,但许多硒蛋白及其功能仍未完全阐明.硒半胱氨酸(Sec)作为参入蛋白质的第21种氨基酸,由硒蛋白mRNA上的UGA编码.在原核生物,Sec参入硒蛋白的复杂机制已经较为明确,需要四种基因产物(SELA、SELB、SELC和SELD)和一个存在于硒蛋白mRNA上的被称为Sec插入序列(SECIS)的茎环(stem loop)样二级结构.在真核生物,硒蛋白生物合成途径可能在SECIS的结构和位置、特异的延伸因子及其他RNA-RNA或RNA-蛋白质因子之间的相互作用等方面与原核生物不同.另外,哺乳动物硒蛋白mRNA上的UGA翻译为Sec的过程低效,特定位点的UGA密码子不同功能(终止密码和Sec密码)的调控可能是硒蛋白表达低效的关键.  相似文献   

The plasticity of macrophages is evident in helminthic parasite infections, providing protection from inflammation. Previously we demonstrated that the micronutrient selenium induces a phenotypic switch in macrophage activation from a classically activated (pro-inflammatory; M1/CAM) toward an alternatively activated (anti-inflammatory; M2/AAM) phenotype, where cyclooxygenase (COX)-dependent cyclopentenone prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) plays a key role. Here, we hypothesize that dietary selenium modulates macrophage polarization toward an AAM phenotype to assist in the increasing clearance of adult Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, a gastrointestinal nematode parasite. Mice on a selenium-adequate (0.08 ppm) diet significantly augmented intestinal AAM presence while decreasing adult worms and fecal egg production when compared with infection of mice on selenium-deficient (<0.01 ppm) diet. Further increase in dietary selenium to supraphysiological levels (0.4 ppm) had very little or no impact on worm expulsion. Normal adult worm clearance and enhanced AAM marker expression were observed in the selenium-supplemented Trspfl/flCreWT mice that express selenoproteins driven by tRNASec (Trsp), whereas N. brasiliensis-infected Trspfl/flCreLysM selenium-supplemented mice showed a decreased clearance, with lowered intestinal expression of several AAM markers. Inhibition of the COX pathway with indomethacin resulted in delayed worm expulsion in selenium-adequate mice. This was rescued with 15d-PGJ2, which partially recapitulated the effect of selenium supplementation on fecal egg output in addition to increasing markers of AAMs in the small intestine. Antagonism of PPARγ blocked the effect of selenium. These results suggest that optimal expression of selenoproteins and selenium-dependent production of COX-derived endogenous prostanoids, such as Δ12-PGJ2 and 15d-PGJ2, may regulate AAM activation to enhance anti-helminthic parasite responses.  相似文献   

Accessory genes are variably present among members of a species and are a reservoir of adaptive functions. In bacteria, differences in gene distributions among individuals largely result from mobile elements that acquire and disperse accessory genes as cargo. In contrast, the impact of cargo-carrying elements on eukaryotic evolution remains largely unknown. Here, we show that variation in genome content within multiple fungal species is facilitated by Starships, a newly discovered group of massive mobile elements that are 110 kb long on average, share conserved components, and carry diverse arrays of accessory genes. We identified hundreds of Starship-like regions across every major class of filamentous Ascomycetes, including 28 distinct Starships that range from 27 to 393 kb and last shared a common ancestor ca. 400 Ma. Using new long-read assemblies of the plant pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina, we characterize four additional Starships whose activities contribute to standing variation in genome structure and content. One of these elements, Voyager, inserts into 5S rDNA and contains a candidate virulence factor whose increasing copy number has contrasting associations with pathogenic and saprophytic growth, suggesting Voyager’s activity underlies an ecological trade-off. We propose that Starships are eukaryotic analogs of bacterial integrative and conjugative elements based on parallels between their conserved components and may therefore represent the first dedicated agents of active gene transfer in eukaryotes. Our results suggest that Starships have shaped the content and structure of fungal genomes for millions of years and reveal a new concerted route for evolution throughout an entire eukaryotic phylum.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3):228-235

Gastrointestinal glutathione peroxidase (GI-GPx, GPx2) is a selenium-dependent enzyme and regarded as the first line of defense against oxidative stress caused by ingested pro-oxidants or gut microbes. As the essential part of the catalytic site of GPx2, selenocysteine (Sec) is encoded by an in-frame UGA stop codon, which makes the expression of human GPx2 (hGPx2) using traditional recombinant DNA technology difficult. In order to produce bioactive recombinant hGPx2, the gene of hGPx2 was designed with the conversion of the codons for four cysteine (Cys) residues to the codons for serine (Ser) residues and the codon for Sec-40 was changed to the codon for Cys. This recombinant seleno-hGPx2 mutant was obtained using a single protein production system in a cysteine (Cys) auxotrophic strain, in which Sec was introduced into the protein via tRNACys misleading. The activity of this mutant was in the same order of magnitude as that of hGPx4, but about one order of magnitude lower than that of hGPx1 and hGPx3. Further study showed that the mutant exhibited pH and temperature optima of 7.4 and 25°C, respectively. The results obtained from the kinetic analysis demonstrated that it followed a typical ping-pong mechanism similar to native GPx. As there was no report on the activity of purified GPx2, this research was valuable in recognizing native GPx2. In addition, a three-dimensional structure of seleno-hGPx2 mutant was constructed, which could facilitate further analysis of the role and the catalytic mechanism of native GPx2.  相似文献   

In mammals, most of the selenium contained in the body is present as an unusual amino acid, selenocysteine (Sec), whose codon is UGA. Because the UGA codon is typically recognized as a translation stop signal, it is intriguing how a cell recognizes and distinguishes a UGA Sec codon from a UGA stop codon. For eukaryotic selenoprotein mRNAs, it has been proposed that a conserved stem-loop structure designated the Sec insertion sequence (SECIS) in the 3'-untranslated (3'-UTR) region is required for recognition of UGA as a Sec codon. Some proteins which bind to SECIS (SBP) have been reported. However, it is not clear how the SECIS element in the 3'-UTR can mediate Sec insertion far at the in-frame UGA Sec codons. The idea that there must be a signal near the UGA Sec codon is still considered. Therefore, we searched for a protein which binds to an RNA sequence surrounding the UGA Sec codon on human glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mRNA. We found a protein which strongly bound to the RNA fragment upstream of the UGA Sec codon. However, this protein did not bind to the RNA sequence downstream of the UGA codon. This protein also bound to the SECIS sequence in the 3'-UTR of human GPx, and this binding to SECIS was competed with the RNA fragment upstream of the UGA Sec codon. Comparison of the RNA fragment with the SECIS fragment identified the conserved regions, which appeared in the region upstream of the in-frame UGA Sec codon of Se-protein mRNAs. Thus, this study proposes a novel model to understand the mechanisms of Sec incorporation at the UGA Sec codon, especially the regions upstream of the UGA codon of mRNAs of mammalian selenoproteins. This model explains that the stem-loop structure covering the UGA codon is recognized by SBP and how the UGA Sec codon escapes from attack by eRF of the peptide releasing factor.  相似文献   

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