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Habitat fragmentation causes negative population trends or even local extinction in many species. Understanding the role of fragmentation on behavior and space use of animals is an essential part of revealing the mechanism behind observed population declines. We studied experimentally the effects of small-scale habitat fragmentation on the distribution and movement of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in seminatural enclosures. We predicted that besides habitat structure, availability of two resources, food for both sexes, and receptive females for males, determine individual distribution. We manipulated female density (either 0, 4, or 12 per enclosure) and followed movements of radio-collared males. We also studied the effect of unequal food distribution between the fragments on vole distribution. The habitat of 0.25-ha enclosures was manipulated by forming either one large, two medium-sized, or four small habitat patches surrounded by an inhospitable matrix. Female density and distribution clearly affected male spacing behavior. Males had larger home ranges in the medium female density enclosures. Furthermore, the use of the inhospitable and risky matrix area increased with habitat fragmentation. Food supplementation improved individual condition measured as body mass but did not affect breeding success. Our experiments demonstrated that both small-scale habitat fragmentation and resource distribution affect the behavior and condition of individuals. Increased fragmentation led to increased risk taking in both mating and foraging behavior. This should have direct survival and fitness consequences, and therefore our results may be extrapolated to population-level consequences of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

By combining behavioural observations on adult resident brown trout Salmo trutta in the laboratory with radio telemetry studies in a natural stream, information on movement and space use in relation to social status was obtained. Dominant individuals moved longer distances and also tended to have larger home ranges than subordinates during the summer. In general, home ranges were larger during daytime than at night. Fish were not strictly territorial since the average overlap in interquartile range was 36% during the summer. During the spawning period, the brown trout moved to specific spawning areas resulting in an increased overlap (89%) in space use. Subordinate individuals now tended to increase both home range and interquartile range and were also less frequently observed in spawning areas relative to dominants.  相似文献   

Home range size and shape, and within home range movement patterns were determined from 10 adult graysby Cephalopholis cruentata implanted with acoustic transmitters on two reefs within the Soufriere Marine Management Area, St Lucia. The mean home range area was 2120 m2(range 1200 to 4000 m2) and non‐circular in shape. All fish demonstrated a clear preference for a specific area in their home range where, on average, 72·9% of an individuals position were located. Time spent in this favoured area was correlated with reef complexity. Fish with greater activity and displacement possessed a larger home range. Activity and displacement were higher by night than by day, and consistent with this, fish spent less time in the preferred area of their home range by night than by day. Tagged individuals demonstrated a strong tendency to avoid sand habitat present at reserve boundaries.  相似文献   

Wildlife data gathered by different monitoring techniques are often combined to estimate animal density. However, methods to check whether different types of data provide consistent information (i.e., can information from one data type be used to predict responses in the other?) before combining them are lacking. We used generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed-effects models to relate camera trap probabilities for marked animals to independent space use from telemetry relocations using 2 years of data for fishers (Pekania pennanti) as a case study. We evaluated (1) camera trap efficacy by estimating how camera detection probabilities are related to nearby telemetry relocations and (2) whether home range utilization density estimated from telemetry data adequately predicts camera detection probabilities, which would indicate consistency of the two data types. The number of telemetry relocations within 250 and 500 m from camera traps predicted detection probability well. For the same number of relocations, females were more likely to be detected during the first year. During the second year, all fishers were more likely to be detected during the fall/winter season. Models predicting camera detection probability and photo counts solely from telemetry utilization density had the best or nearly best Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), suggesting that telemetry and camera traps provide consistent information on space use. Given the same utilization density, males were more likely to be photo-captured due to larger home ranges and higher movement rates. Although methods that combine data types (spatially explicit capture–recapture) make simple assumptions about home range shapes, it is reasonable to conclude that in our case, camera trap data do reflect space use in a manner consistent with telemetry data. However, differences between the 2 years of data suggest that camera efficacy is not fully consistent across ecological conditions and make the case for integrating other sources of space-use data.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the resource allocation pattern and resistance against mammalian herbivores of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) were studied. Birch seedlings were grown through two growing seasons in closed‐top chambers exposed to four different treatments: ambient CO2 and temperature, elevated atmospheric CO2 (700 ppm) and ambient temperature, elevated temperature (+3°C above ambient) and ambient CO2, and a combination of elevated CO2 and temperature. After winter hardening of the seedlings, the growth of the seedlings was measured and the concentration of secondary compounds such as phenolics and papyriferic acid determined. The top parts of the stem were fed to hares, and the basal parts of the same stems were offered to voles. Elevated CO2 increased the height and basal diameter of the shoots, shoot biomass and total biomass of the seedlings but did not have any effect on secondary chemistry. Elevated temperature increased the height and shoot biomass, but did not have a significant effect on the total biomass of the seedlings. Elevated temperature decreased the concentration of condensed tannins and their precursor, (+)‐catechin, in the top part of the stems, but only the concentration of (+)‐catechin in the basal part of the stems. There were no significant interactive effects between CO2 and temperature on phenolics in the stems, while the concentration of papyriferic acid showed significant interaction in the top part of the stems. This indicates high accumulation of papyriferic acid in ambient CO2 under increased temperature. Consequently, elevated temperature increased the resistance of birch against hares, but did not affect the resistance of the basal parts of the same birches to voles. Our results indicate that the predicted climatic change will not necessarily lead to increased browsing damage by the mountain hare and the field vole to silver birch.  相似文献   

Fisheries bycatch is a recognized threat to marine megafauna. Addressing bycatch of pelagic species however is challenging owing to the dynamic nature of marine environments and vagility of these organisms. In order to assess the potential for species to overlap with fisheries, we propose applying dynamic habitat models to determine relative probabilities of species occurrence for specific oceanographic conditions. We demonstrate this approach by modelling habitats for Laysan (Phoebastria immutabilis) and black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes) using telemetry data and relating their occurrence probabilities to observations of Hawaii-based longline fisheries in 1997-2000. We found that modelled habitat preference probabilities of black-footed albatrosses were high within some areas of the fishing range of the Hawaiian fleet and such preferences were important in explaining bycatch occurrence. Conversely, modelled habitats of Laysan albatrosses overlapped little with Hawaii-based longline fisheries and did little to explain the bycatch of this species. Estimated patterns of albatross habitat overlap with the Hawaiian fleet corresponded to bycatch observations: black-footed albatrosses were more frequently caught in this fishery despite being 10 times less abundant than Laysan albatrosses. This case study demonstrates that dynamic habitat models based on telemetry data may help to project interactions with pelagic animals relative to environmental features and that such an approach can serve as a tool to guide conservation and management decisions.  相似文献   

Harvesting can have profound impacts on the ecology and evolution of marine populations. However, little is known about the strength and direction of fisheries‐induced selection acting on multiple traits in the wild. Here, we used acoustic telemetry to directly monitor individual behavior and fate in an intensively harvested species, the European lobster (Homarus gammarus, n = 100), in southern Norway. Overall, 24% of the tracked lobsters survived the two‐month harvest season within the study area. Our results indicated that local survival was not random with respect to phenotype. We found no clear support for fisheries‐induced selection acting directly on body size. However, lobsters with large crusher claws relative to their body size, typical of socially dominant individuals, appeared at higher risk of being captured in the conventional trap fishery. We also detected a fine‐scale spatial gradient in survival. After accounting for this gradient, individuals displaying larger home ranges were more likely to survive the harvest season. Finally, we found significant repeatabilities for lobster behavior on a monthly timescale, indicating that individual behavioral attributes tended to persist and may reflect personality. Our study therefore provides empirical support for the need to consider an evolutionary enlightened approach to fisheries management that considers the influence of harvest on multiple traits of target species.  相似文献   

The ranging patterns of two male and five female spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) were studied with the use of radio telemetry in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. The average size of a spider monkey home range was 62.4 hectares; however, range size varied with sex, and, for females, with the presence of a dependent infant. The probability of encountering a radio-collared spider monkey in a three-hour search using radio telemetry (0.91) was much greater than using a visual search (0.20), and telemetric data resulted in a larger estimate of mean home range size than did observational data, when all subjects were compared. However, the difference appeared to be owing to the presence of male ranges in the telemetric, but not the observational, data. When the size of home ranges derived from radio-tracking data for adult females was compared to size of ranges for adult females derived from observations, the results were not significantly different. Adult males had larger home ranges than adult females, thus lending support to the hypothesis that males have adapted to the dispersion of females by occupying a large home range that overlaps the ranges of several adult females. The smallest home ranges were occupied by low-weight females with dependent infants, perhaps reflecting social and energetic constraints.  相似文献   

Global positioning system (GPS) technologies collect unprecedented volumes of animal location data, providing ever greater insight into animal behaviour. Despite a certain degree of inherent imprecision and bias in GPS locations, little synthesis regarding the predominant causes of these errors, their implications for ecological analysis or solutions exists. Terrestrial deployments report 37 per cent or less non-random data loss and location precision 30 m or less on average, with canopy closure having the predominant effect, and animal behaviour interacting with local habitat conditions to affect errors in unpredictable ways. Home-range estimates appear generally robust to contemporary levels of location imprecision and bias, whereas movement paths and inferences of habitat selection may readily become misleading. There is a critical need for greater understanding of the additive or compounding effects of location imprecision, fix-rate bias, and, in the case of resource selection, map error on ecological insights. Technological advances will help, but at present analysts have a suite of ad hoc statistical corrections and modelling approaches available—tools that vary greatly in analytical complexity and utility. The success of these solutions depends critically on understanding the error-inducing mechanisms, and the biggest gap in our current understanding involves species-specific behavioural effects on GPS performance.  相似文献   

With the aid of radio‐telemetry, bushbuck home range was investigated to determine total home range size, home range utilization and home range overlap for the summer season. Estimates of total home range size for males using minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and fixed kernels (FKs) were 33.9 and 32.1 ha, respectively. Estimates of total home range size for females using MCPs and FKs were 12.0 and 13.5 ha, respectively. A significant difference between total home range sizes for male and female was found but there was no significant difference for age (adult and subadult). Female bushbuck home range size was compared to that expected from the published allometric relationship for the scaling of home range area on body mass, where the study animals appeared to have home ranges of half of that predicted. Bushbuck typically utilized one core area within their home ranges in which 50% of their time was spent in approximately 17.0% and 11.7% of their total home range for males and females, respectively. A substantial overlap in total home range and core areas between animals was found.  相似文献   

Bubb  Damian H.  Lucas  Martyn C.  Thom  Timothy J. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,483(1-3):111-119
Radio-telemetry was used to study the late autumn and winter movements of twenty adult signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (32.9–63.8 mm carapace length) an introduced exotic crayfish species, in the upland River Wharfe, northern England. The distances moved during the study varied greatly between individuals (0–328 m). Movements were generally sporadic; crayfish would remain in one position for several weeks and make occasional movements to new locations. Total distances travelled, linear range and ranging area did not differ significantly between males and females. The distance travelled in upstream and downstream directions did not differ significantly and there was no correlation between distance travelled and crayfish size. Several high flow events occurred during the study, but these did not cause any mortality or apparent displacement of crayfish downstream, suggesting that this is not a significant factor in downstream dispersal or mortality of adults of this invasive crayfish species in winter. A marked reduction in large-scale movements occurred in mid-December which coincided with a decline in water temperature. There was a less distinct pattern in local activity which was strongly correlated with water temperature and varied before and after mid-December.  相似文献   

We studied diel and seasonal movements of 21 radio-tagged shortfinned, Anguilla australis Gray, and longfinned, A. dieffenbachii, eels in two small New Zealand streams. Movements of eels commenced at dusk, with a higher proportion of shortfinned eels moving per night than longfinned eels, and also moving greater distances. Both species often showed extensive movements immediately after tagging, but thereafter movements were limited. In the smaller stream, home ranges averaged 30 and 10m for shortfinned and longfinned eels, respectively, but not all eels were active on every night. There were no seasonal differences in mean distances moved. In both streams, eel movement was almost exclusively bankside, and seldom cross-channel; eels also showed considerable fidelity to a particular bank. Shortfinned eels were most commonly found in runs, and longfinned eels in riffles.  相似文献   

1. Understanding which factors regulate population dynamics may help us to understand how a population would respond to environmental change, and why some populations are declining.
2. In southern Finland, vole abundance shows a three-phased cycle of low, increase and decrease phases, but these have been fading out in recent years. During five such cycles (1981–1995), all tawny owls Strix aluco were censused in a 250-km2 study area, and their reproduction and survival were monitored.
3. Males and females showed similar dynamics, but experienced breeders recruited more offspring and had higher survival than first breeders. Offspring recruitment, but not survival of breeding individuals varied in accordance with vole abundance.
4. The population's numerical response to prey abundance was primarily due to first-breeding individuals entering the population in the increase phase when immigration was the highest. First-breeding birds were younger, but experienced breeders were older in more favourable vole years.
5. A stage-specific matrix population model integrating survival and fecundity showed that, despite obvious variation in fecundity between vole cycle phases, this variation had limited importance for overall tawny owl population dynamics, but that the survival of experienced breeders during the low phase is most important for population growth.
6. Model and data agreed that the vole cycle drives the dynamics of this avian predator by limiting the recruitment of new breeders during the low phase. Population dynamics hence differ not only from the classic example of the species in a more temperate region in the UK where the number of territories is stable across years, but also from the dynamics of other avian vole predators in Fennoscandia where the recurring crash in vole abundance drastically lowers adult survival thereby creating vacancies.  相似文献   

The Northern Ireland Hare Survey documented the distribution of the Irish Hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus). Historical game bag records and other, more contemporary, records of hare distribution were examined. These data indicate how numbers of L. t. hibernicus may have changed over the last 140 years. The results of the Northern Ireland Hare Survey suggested that L. t. hibernicus was widespread throughout Northern Ireland. Current average densities are no more than 0.65 hares/km2. Game bag records indicate that hare densities may have been much higher in the past, with a maximum of 138 hares/km2 recorded on Crom Estate, Co. Fermanagh, in 1864. Evidence from hare distribution recorded during the Northern Ireland Rabbit Survey indicates that hare numbers declined between 1984 and 1994. Evidence from all sources suggests that L. t. hibernicus has declined in abundance substantially, with present total population estimates for Northern Ireland ranging from 8250 to 21 000 individuals. Flushing data indicate that rushes and hedgerows are important diurnal resting areas for hares. While the principal reason for the decline in numbers of L. t. hibernicus in Northern Ireland is not clear, more species‐rich pasture and provision of areas of cover, such as rushes, may arrest further declines, or indeed promote numbers of hares, particularly in lowland areas.  相似文献   

Despite more than 50 years of effort, the causes and mechanisms of small rodent population fluctuations remain unknown. The two major questions are as follows: (1) what is the cause of population decline and (2) what is the cause of cyclicity and its geographical variation? At present, no hypothesis can provide answers to both these questions. Recently, progress has been made by Boonstra (1994), who proposed the senescence hypothesis to explain the cause of cyclic decline in population numbers. Here, we tested the main prediction that voles in decline are older than in other phases of the cycle, by analysing changes in age structure in a fluctuating population of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). The results generally support this prediction; however, the differences in absolute age seem to be too small to explain the occurrence of senescent animals exclusively in declines. We propose a new model to explain changes in age structure and the mechanisms behind the decline and geographic variation in cyclicity. It is based on the idea that voles are oldest in declines, developed independently of Boonstra. However, it differs in three respects: (1) it is more general and thereby applicable to the whole cycle; (2) density-dependent changes in age structure are based on the bimodality in a female's age at first reproduction; and (3) it stresses developmental rather than physiological changes in the quality of decline of animals as being relevant to the rate of senescence. We propose that seasonality of the environment is a principal candidate to explain geographical variation in cyclicity. We present substantial theoretical and empirical evidence to indicate that in more seasonal environments with shortened vegetation periods, population dynamics is inevitably less stable due to increased variation in two critical parameters – age at first reproduction and the length of the breeding season – which determine population growth rates. Any external perturbation may then easily destabilize population numbers. The general applicability of the seasonality-senescence hypothesis to other mammalian species decreases with declining r and increasing life span. The hypothesis is falsifiable, and testable predictions are provided.  相似文献   

1. While the effect on animals of handling them and fitting them with radio tags has been investigated, little work has been reported testing the effect of the presence of a human observer tracking an animal. 2. The activity of wood mice fitted with radio collars and confined to a semifield pen was measured in the presence and the absence of a human observer. Free‐ranging wood mice were radio tracked by using two protocols: ‘fixes’ taken periodically, and periods of continuous tracking. 3. There was no significant difference in any quantified aspect of the animals’ behaviour. This suggests that the presence of a human tracker has a negligible effect on the behaviour of wood mice.  相似文献   

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